| | |  | Katherine Heigl News & Gossip
 She has quite a range as an actress, and yesterday (July 29) the usually-glamorous Katherine Heigl was spotted looking a bit trashy on the set of a new project.
The “Grey’s Anatomy” gal donned a hair rag, purple sweater, nightgown, and furry slippers as she filmed a scene outside a silver airstream trailer.
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| Newsweek asks 'Why is Katherine Heigl so annoying?' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Katherine Heigl can’t seem to open her mouth lately without bitching about her charmed life and trashing the people who pay her millions of dollars for a few months work. The mainstream media has noticed, and Newsweek has a thoughtful editorial about how Heigl went from potential romcom sweetie to shrew in a little over a year. Heigl could have possibly become some kind of post-feminist icon, writer Sarah Ball observes, but she seems more content to just complain than to make any kind of point about how movies are too male-oriented:
In January 2008, Vanity Fair’s cover girl was Katherine Heigl. “Hollywood’s hottest blonde,” as they called her, was stunning?a soothing dollop of peach gelato poured into a column gown, brows intelligently arched, lipstick perfectly applied. Inside the magazine, she smiled regally behind the wheel of a Rolls, stretching her arms in silk opera gloves. The accompanying text told a different, less rosy story: the Grey’s Anatomystar detailed the shocking death of her older brother Jason, chatted about her Mormon childhood, and discussed her struggle to break out as an actress. She projected a kind of loose-cannon candor, blasting the film that launched her stardom, Knocked Up, as “a little bit sexist” and her character, reporter Allison Scott, as “a shrew.” Back then, it read as refreshingly daring: That Heigl! She’s a pistol.
Today, that issue looks like a yellowing relic ready for a Planet Hollywood display case. Heigl’s biggest accomplishment of the past 18 months, if you buy the blogs, has been to fully squander her prime position, dropping from a cherubic, popular new actress with a brain to a diva-like shrew…
How did Katherine Heigl fall so far and so fast in esteem? Part of it is pure sexism. Every decade has a Most Annoying Actress (not that long ago, Jennifer Love Hewitt was the object of tabloid disaffection), never an actor, and it’s a distinction doled out via a caveman’s principles. Heigl violates every archaic, unspoken rule of being America’s box-office sweetheart. A lot of actors smoke, curse, drink, and mouth off, but she gets the most grief for it. Last summer, when she was caught flicking a finished cigarette onto the sidewalk, Star magazine quickly tarred her as an environmentally unfriendly “litterbug” who inappropriately goaded a nearby police officer into letting her off without a ticket.
But more than simply daring to challenge chauvinistic mores, Heigl has shot herself in the foot with her delivery. Everybody applauded her defense of Grey’s costar T. R. Knight after costar Isaiah Washington called him a “fag.” But then Heigl kept prattling on and on, even after Washington was fired in disgrace. People started to wonder if Heigl’s comments were less about Knight and more about her. Last July, in an attempt to be noble, she removed herself from the Emmy race because, she said, she had not been “given the material this season to warrant an Emmy nomination.” The press again slammed her for the diva attitude (did she really need to issue a statement? And did she have to insult the show’s writers and producers while she was at it?). When she resubmitted herself in the race this year, Emmy voters failed to nominate her?even though she’s done her best work on the show this season as cancer-stricken Izzie. But forget about Izzie and her eroding brain. Heigl wants all the sympathy for herself. This week, she carped to David Letterman that she’d had a “seventeen- (dramatic pause) hour (dramatic pause)” workday on set, and that she was “going to keep saying this because I hope it embarrasses them [the Grey's Anatomy show runners].” Embarrass them for what? Keeping her employed? To a country nearing 10 percent unemployment, the remark was tone-deaf.
[From Newsweek]
The Ugly Truth was third at the box office on this, it’s opening weekend. It’s behind Harry Potter and a movie about talking guinea pig secret agents. It’s getting overwhelmingly negative reviews and has a 15% aggregate rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Critics say it’s a “series of cliches… off the romantic comedy checklist,” “about as subtle as a boulder rolling downhill through a crowded playground,” and “crass and contrived… the sort of comedy that requires you not only to suspend disbelief, but your sanity as well.:
If Heigl has so many problems with the negative portrayal of women in films, why is she playing such a demeaning, cardboard cutout of a female executive who falls for a condescending creep? She seems to have no issue accepting fat paychecks and then complaining about the material she’s given afterwards. Wait and see what she says about this movie.
Katherine Heigl, T.R. Knight and his boyfriend, Mark Cornelsen, are shown out in LA on 7/26/09. Credit: INFPhoto.com
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| Katherine Heigl: Hanging with the Boys | Added 15 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Making the most of the beautiful summertime sunshine, Katherine Heigl was spotted out and about in Hollywood, California yesterday afternoon (July 26).
Joined by her former “Grey’s Anatomy” costar T.R. Knight and his boyfriend Mark Cornelsen, the “27 Dresses” dame looked lovely in a white tank top with belted/cuffed jeans and brown flats.
The trio appeared to be celebrating a very successful opening weekend for Heigl’s new romantic comedy “The Ugly Truth” costarring Gerard Butler.
According to reports, Katherine’s flick brought in $27 million, just behind the Disney film “G-Force” with $32.3 million.
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| Katherine Heigl is 'scared' of getting pregnant, but might soon | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 As Katherine Heigl promotes the hell out of The Ugly Truth, she?s been forced to talk about some subjects that she?d honestly rather not. I think first up for Heigl?s worst topics is her smoking habit. Personally, I?m not a hater (about that, anyway). It?s tough to quit, and it?s even tougher to get to that place where you think ?Okay, I can quit now and really stick with it?. Think about this way - could you ?quit? caffeine? They?re similar addictions. I know some (many) think smoking is worse than illegal drugs, so whatever? agree to disagree.
The second weird topic for Heigl is the whole baby thing. The one thing I?ll never understand is why everyone is always asking Heigl about babies. She?s obviously still a smoker - she will have to quit before she gets pregnant. I guess the tabloids (and perhaps, we, as a society) look at someone like Katherine and we?re all ?she?s married now, she should have babies next!? According to In Touch Weekly, this is just what is going through Katherine?s mind too - according to their sources, Heigl has informed Grey?s Anatomy producers to prepare for a pregnancy:
According to an insider, Katherine has informed Grey?s Anatomy producers that she and her husband Josh are trying to start a family, so that her pregnancy can be written into the show?s storyline.
?They are ready for a child,? says the insider. ?She gave her TV bosses a heads-up, just in case she gets pregnant soon.?
Katherine and Josh reportedly also plan to adopt a child from Korea (where Katherine?s sister was adopted from), but Korean law requires that a couple be married for three years prior to adopting. Since they?ve only been married for a year and a half, they?re trying for a biological baby first. Says an insider, ?They are hoping for a big family.?
[From In Touch Weekly, print edition, August 3 2009]
Meh to that report. I don?t buy that Katherine?s trying to get pregnant (because she?s still smoking), but I might buy that she and Josh are considering adoption. But why does it always have to be from South Korea? Just because her sister was adopted from South Korea? That rumor has been percolating for a while, and I?m not sure if anything will come of it.
Katherine also talked about her body image, dieting and pregnancy to Star Magazine. She claims she?s ?scared? to get pregnant because she knows she?ll get fat:
Q: You are curvy, which translates as: You don?t diet yourself to death. Do you have a quick beauty fix?
KH: I stop eating! I?m not small-boned, and my bra size went from a B cup to 32DD when I was 18, so there?s only so much I can do.
Q: Are you and Josh thinking about babies?
KH: One day, sure. But pregnancy scares me. I know I?ll be one of those women who looks pregnant all over the body. I?ll get fatter and fatter from my toes up!
[From Star Magazine, print edition, August 3 2009]
So, which is it? Do you think Katherine?s trying to get pregnant, or trying to adopt? Or none of the above? I really don?t think she?s into babies right now. Her career is going at a steady clip, and she probably doesn?t want to break that rhythm for a little while longer. And besides, it?s her business, not ours.
Katherine Heigl is shown outside The Late Show on 7/20/09. Credit: WENN.com
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| Katherine Heigl calls first day back on Grey's set 'cruel and mean' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Katherine Heigl should count her lucky stars that she was asked to come back to “Grey’s Anatomy” for another season, especially after she trash-talked the show’s writing on at least two separate occasions last year. She even brashly took her name off the list of potential Emmy nominees in 2008, saying in an obnoxious statement that “I did not feel that I was given the material this season to warrant an Emmy nomination.” That wasn’t the first time Heigl dissed her employers and it won’t be the last.
In a recent interview, Heigl defended her blunt and often rude comments, saying she’s just stating her opinion and that she’s finds it “preposterous” that “I can?t be honest about how I feel about things because it?s going to piss somebody off who feels differently.”
People Magazine has the details of Heigl’s appearance on The Late Show and Monday night, and she’s predictably at it again. She calls it “cruel and mean” that she was on set for f17 hours on her first day back at Grey’s. That does sound excessive, but I’m sure she spent a significant amount of downtime in her plush trailer, along with receiving catered meals and beverages delivered by an assistant.
Katherine Heigl may be back to work on the set of Grey?s Anatomy, but according to the actress, it hasn?t been a super-happy homecoming.
?Our first day back was Wednesday and it was ? I?m going to keep saying this because I hope it embarrasses them ? a 17-hour day,? Heigl told David Letterman during a visit to the Late Show on Monday, ?which I think is cruel and mean.?
One reason for her lack of pep: her good pal T.R. Knight?s departure from the show.
?It was actually kind of really great to be back,? she said. ?All my friends are there and at this point, they?re sort of like family, but it was a little weird because [T.R.]?s not there anymore.?
As open as she is about her feelings about the show, Heigl remained tight-lipped about the fate of her character, who was last seen in an ambiguous scene after undergoing surgery for a brain tumor. ?You last saw Izzie, you know, flatlining,? she told Letterman. ?So, I won?t give it away but, you know, I?m there so I?m either there as a ghost, on the other side or I survived a disease no one survives.?
?I?m guessing if you?re working 17 hours, that means you?re not dead,? Letterman observed.
Heigl?s reply: ?What if, however, Dave, I was in a bed in a coma for 17 hours, they could do that to me.?
Despite the long days shooting the medical drama, Heigl said she hopes Grey?s Anatomy, which returns to ABC on Sept. 24, will stick around for a while.
?We have another two years, I think, at least in the contract,? she said. ?Hopefully the show goes, you know, ER time, which would be cool.?
[From People.com]
From what I understand, long hours on set are common for movies and television shows because it’s difficult to coordinate cast, crew and equipment. They try to get in as much filming time as possible once everything is set up. How is this woman scoring roles on major motion pictures with this kind of attitude? At least she’s not a drunken mess like a lot of starlets, but she seems so ungrateful and obnoxious about her charmed life. You know who regularly work 17 hour days - doctors in residency like her character on Greys. They don’t get all the perks, breaks, or a fraction of the salary that she enjoys. Their job is stressful, demanding and requires difficult decisions that people’s lives sometimes depend on. There are also plenty of menial jobs that require long, hard hours. The only person who should be embarrassed by Heigl’s latest round of bitching is herself.
Katherine Heigl is shown at the premiere of The Ugly Truth on 6/21/09. Credit: Fame Pictures
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| Katherine Heigl: 'No one wants to orgasm 35 times' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler sat down for an extensive interview recently to promote The Ugly Truth, the raunchy, R-rated comedy opening this weekend. It?s a really long, funny piece, and I?d imagine Heigl and Butler would be really cute together just as themselves, not even playing characters. Go here for the full Q & A piece (which I would totally recommend).
Heigl and Butler talked a lot about what went into some of the funnier or raunchier scenes, including a dance scene that Gerard had to get special training for. He admits: ?I took a few lessons because I had no idea what I was doing. I actually had a lesson from Julianne Hough from Dancing with the Stars and that took me a long way along the way.? It turns out Heigl is a natural dancer, and needed no training. Here?s something nice about Katherine Heigl - she seems to really enjoy being with Gerard, and even compliments him extensively throughout the interview. Seeing how Heigl is usually a Negative Nelly, I think she and Gerard must have really become quite tight. She tells him at one point: ?What was so awesome is that you nailed every joke. It came off effortless. That is just awesome. He is super fun to watch. You?re just good.? I?m just going to put up the highlights:
When you are talking to each other face to face, how tough was that and were there a lot of takes for those scenes where you have to use the R-rated language? Was it tricky?
Katherine Heigl: For me I kind of talk like that all the time anyway, so it wasn?t hard. I try to actually rein that in a bit.
Gerard Butler: The first day, playing the American accent and that kind of character, I was really nervous. I kept forgetting my lines. Every time I would turn to Katie and had to play with her hair, I was so nervous. Once I grabbed her breast. In the middle of a take I said, ?Did I just touch your breast??
Did it take 35 takes before you got the dinner scene [in which she has a huge orgasm] right?
Katherine Heigl: Hold on. It didn?t take 35 to get it right, it took 35 set ups to film the scene. Which is a different thing. I got that on take one, thank you very much. [But] it was a nightmare. And let me tell you, ladies, these were fake orgasms but? can you imagine? ?I?m very method.? [Laughing] That would have been a terrible day!
Gerard Butler: I get them all the time! I recognize that!
Katherine Heigl: ?I know you?re phoning that one in!? [Laughing] It?s really just physically exhausting. It?s so much physical movement, the legs dancing under the table, all the tensing up of the body, and by the end of the day I felt like I had done a marathon. I thought I had run 20 miles. Then I went, ?Okay, no I get why it?s called physical comedy.? Because it?s so physical and it?s exhausting. No one wants to orgasm 35 times.
Dating Rules? Should a girl call first?
Gerard Butler: Listen, this is why it?s called The Ugly Truth. There is an element of truth in that the second that you think the girl is maybe not quite as keen, there is a little more. Sometimes when it’s there right in front of you, it?s not as interesting. Is that right?
Katherine Heigl: It?s true.
Following up on the R-rated issue. You held back on the visuals. Why?
Katherine Heigl: You?re saying there were no boobies. The Jell-O Twins should have been topless.
Gerard Butler: I don?t think you needed it. I think you had it in the language. If there is one thing that is classy about the movie, it?s that. The one thing.
Katherine Heigl: [Laughing] One thing.
Gerard Butler: No, just the ideas and the values are so clever and controversial, unexpected, and surprising and hard-hitting. You don?t need to see t-ts and vag. It?s not necessary. There’s enough going on. This movie is so hilarious, it works from the guys and girls perspectives. I think in an actual fight none of this feels gratuitous. They are all ideas we react to, we love, and we hate. You have a pretty strong reaction to both sides of the coin. I think the rest would have been gratuitous.
[From About.com]
Gerard also talks a lot about his Scottish accent, and trying to be funny with an American accent. I?ve learned so much about my guy throughout this press tour, I?m so happy. He?s like Russell Crowe circa 1999, only Gerry?s got a great sense of humor. No offense to Russell, but he comes across as a morose bastard most of the time. I?m not sure what I think about all of this talk that The Ugly Truth is some sort of pioneering, dirty, Battle-of-the-Sexes comedy, but I?m still going to see it.
Katherine Heigl is shown outside The Late Show on 7/20/09. She’s also shown at the premiere of The Ugly Truth with Gerard Butler on 7/16/09. Credit: WENN.com
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| Katherine Heigl Photos from The Ugly Truth | Added 15 years ago | Source: Newstoob |
 These pictures of Katherine Heigl come to us today from the screening of her latest movie, “The Ugly Truth.” Katherine was in New York promotingthis movie that comes out later this week. And judging from thetrailers, the movielooks to be pretty good. It looks similar to “Hitch,” exceptthat thepotential dater is female, as played by Katherine Heigl, and the dating coach is once again male. And although the movie looks good, these photos of Katherine do not. I’ma big fan, but these photos and that hairDO NOT do this actress justice, especially since she was voted Most Desirable Womanof 2008. She’s still a hottie, but she needs to go back to the drawing board.
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| Katherine Heigl is 'ashamed' she's a smoker | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Last week, we got some of the first quotes from Katherine Heigl?s In Style cover interview. Dame Heigl was in her standard form, complaining about how romantic comedies today shouldn?t be ?so Snow White and Prince Charming.? More of the interview was released, and now we have some more gems. In Style asked Heigl about her smoking habit - she?s one of the those rare celebrity smokers who doesn?t seem to care how often she?s photographed with a smoke. Heigl claims that she?s ?ashamed? of her habit, and that smoking is ?stupid?. She also tries to fight back against the claim that she has a nasty habit of biting the hand that feeds her:
Katherine Heigl isn?t proud of some her habits. In an interview with In Style magazine, the ?Grey?s Anatomy? actress and star of the upcoming movie ?The Ugly Truth,? says she is ?ashamed? of herself for continuing to smoke, adding that ?it?s so stupid.?
But one thing Heigl, 30, doesn?t feel any shame for his expressing her opinions ? even when it gives her a bad reputation.
“I’ve got this moniker that I’m the foot-in-mouth gal, and I keep thinking, ‘In what way?’? she said. ?Because I said something you don’t agree with? Because I said something you don’t like? I’m just telling you my opinion. I hate the idea that I can’t be honest about how I feel about things because it’s going to piss somebody off who feels differently. That seems preposterous to me.”
[From Fox News]
Well, there?s saying something that isn?t quite politically correct, and then there?s totally alienating people that would ordinarily want to work with you. Heigl walks that knife?s edge like a champ. If she doesn?t see anything wrong with it, then more power to her. My guess is that if she doesn?t learn how to reign herself in, she won?t have much of a career in several years. Which isn?t too horrible of a prospect, although I do think Heigl is actually a somewhat gifted actress.
The Ugly Truth comes out this Friday, and the press tour just keeps on rolling. There are some funny quotes in Entertainment Weekly (story via CNN) about how Heigl, Gerard Butler and director Robert Luketic (Legally Blonde) all came together. Apparently, Heigl was the first to sign on, then the director, and then Gerard. The director ?skeptical?, saying “The guy from ‘300?? In a comedy with Katherine Heigl?? So Gerard and Luketic went to dinner, and Gerard charmed him before they even ordered. Gerard says, “I was telling jokes and long, politically incorrect stories. When I saw the script, I was like, ‘OK, this is me.?? Gerard describes the combination of himself, Heigl and Luketic, “Three alpha, outrageous people.? Luketic describes the film this way: ?There’s a lot of, shall I say, flagrant banging and swearing and climaxing and squealing.?
And for the last of the Gerard Butler/Katherine Heigl news, apparently as the two actors were doing press on Saturday at the Four Seasons, the hotel had to be evacuated because of a bomb threat. Oh my God, someone was trying to hurt my Gerard!
Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler got their own dose of Ugly Truth while promoting their new romantic comedy of the same name Saturday in Bever;y Hills, Ca.
The pair were evacuated from the swanky Four Seasons just before 2 p.m., according to reports, after a bomb threat was phoned into the celeb-fave spot.
Butler mingled with fans outside and was even spotted taking photos with Italian soccer team members from AC Milan, staying at the hotel while facing David Beckham’s LA Galaxy.
Heigl was reportedly whisked away promptly. No threat was found after a sweep of the premises.
[From Radar]
Heigl was whisked away promptly? Who is she, the president? Does she have a bulletproof Cadillac standing by at all times? You can tell a lot about a person by how they behave in a bomb threat situation - and it looks like Gerard Butler won. He kept his cool and was magnanimous even as he was awaiting the ?all clear? in the parking lot or wherever. Meh. Heigl probably called in the bomb threat because she wanted a smoke break.
Katherine Heigl is shown smoking on 2/28/08 (sunglasses on head, credit: WENN.com) and 11/12/08 (sunglasses on, credit: Fame Pictures)
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 (photo from WireImage)
Yesterday when Katherine Heigl and Gerad Butler were doing their junket for The Ugly Truth at the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills, someone called a bomb threat in to the hotel according to People. The two spent 2 hours outside with the 400 other evacuated people before a new place was found fo them to continue doing press. Police did not find anything suspicious at the hotel, but I wonder if the bomb was the movie itself and one of the reporters called it in…
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| Katherine Heigl got licked | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Mmm, tastes like bitch.
Gerard Butler and Katherine Heigl showed up at the premiere of The Ugly Truth Thursday night. Gerard thought it’d be a good idea to lick Heigl’s face. He better hope “self-entitled bitch” isn’t contagious. Not only that, there’s so much nicotine seeping through those pores than Gerard is going through withdrawal right now.
The only thing worse than licking Heigl is licking Madonna. Imagine running your tongue over a toad’s ass. Then imagine the toad’s ass was lined with razor blades. That’s what licking Madonna’s face would feel like. Disgusting and painful.
I can see why Heigl considers herself one of Hollywood’s top actresses. Proof here and here.
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