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Jennifer Garner News & Gossip
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Jennifer Garner campaigned for Hillary, registered voters at the Univ. of Nevada
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner campaigned for Hillary, registered voters at the Univ. of Nevada
Jennifer Garner campaigned for Hillary Clinton yesterday afternoon with a rally at the University of Nevada. She helped students register to vote, you can see a short video of her interacting with students above, and she was very friendly and enthusiastic. It was fun to see. You can watch a longer video of her appearance including her speech below. Garner shows up at about 2:00 minutes in and everyone cheers and starts freaking out. The person who posted the video notes that about 100 people turned out to see her, although it looks like more in the video. After this Garner went to the local Democratic office.

Here are highlights from the speech Garner gave, which you can see around 4:00 in the video below. She emphasizes that the deadline for registering to vote in Nevada is tomorrow (which is today!) and that students should ask their friends to register as well. She’s very comfortable speaking to the crowd and is a knowledgeable advocate for Hillary.

Have you all been bugged incessantly by people begging you to come out and get the vote and make sure you’re registered and ready to go? Well count me in because I’m going to say the same thing, except this time I’m going to say the deadline is now. You’re almost done, we’re going to get to the end of this election, sorry you’re going to school in a swing state but that’s how it is. The deadline is tomorrow to register on paper. We have people here with clipboards. I am registering people so you can get in line with me. My [request] is not only you commit to registering and voting yourselves but you commit to finding two friends [to register] and make sure you get it done. We do have a say, it does matter, that’s why we’re all here bugging you.

Let’s remember what we are looking for here. We are looking for kids whose parents make less than $125,000 a year being able to go to this great institution here for free. We are for someone who is going to raise minimum wage, who is going to help you afford to raise your babies so that you can go to work, who’s going to help make sure that your kids have universal pre-K which is something you may not care about now but trust me it’s important, and that is Hillary Rodham Clinton and I’m excited and proud to be here standing up for her… I’ll take selfies up the wazoo with anyone who stands in my line [to register].

[From YouTube video]

I’m a registered Democrat and signed up to volunteer so I’ve been called quite a few times by my local office. Last night I agreed to go in to make calls the day before the election, when people are probably going to be so sick of getting calls, but we have to do it! We have to make sure everyone has a ride to the polls and that everyone gets a chance to vote. Yes Hillary will probably win in a landslide, but it’s going to be because we all did our part and didn’t get complacent. It’s important this year. Good for Garner for doing her part! This really made me warm to her.

If you haven’t registered to vote yet you can do so online at until October 18th. Time is running out and the deadline is very soon so if you’re not registered yet do it now!

Garner also emphasized that you can vote early, which I’m really considering because I’m just so nervous about this election. I want to get it over with and will feel a sense of closure once I’ve voted.

Oh and Garner was spotted out walking with Ben Affleck yesterday morning before heading to Reno and before he had The Accountant premiere. You can see those pics on JustJared.

Here’s the longer video. Her speech is at 4:00!

When Jennifer Garner hugs you and you die. She's the sweetest person ever. My life is made

— Victoria Ramos (@toeeramos) October 10, 2016

7-Mar-2025 :Jennifer Garner ?enjoys spending time? with Ben, but she knows he has a d...
30-Nov-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner looked cozy as they volunteered on Thanksgi...
1-Oct-2024 :NY Post: Prince Harry ?not yet viewed as a statesman? or a celebrity phil...
9-Sep-2024 :Jennifer Garner built a Harry Potter room for her son under the stairs
21-Aug-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner helped Violet move into her Yale dorm
30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
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Jennifer Garner tells paparazzi: I?m dating Brad Pitt, isn't that great'
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner tells paparazzi: I?m dating Brad Pitt, isn't that great'
Jennifer Garner was out with one of her workout buddies earlier this week getting coffee in their gym clothes. She was surrounded by paparazzi and was in a playful mood. At the beginning of the video above you can hear her say to a paparazzo “Brad and I are dating.” It’s unclear what question he asked but I would assume he loudly inquired whether she was was dating someone and she didn’t just volunteer that information out of nowhere.

The guy asks incredulously “You’re dating Brad Pitt?”

“Isn’t that great, yay?”

“Oh my God, that’s insane. Ben must cry himself to sleep every night.”

Then Garner rejoins her friend and they laugh about it, with her friend saying “Oh no. Make it stop.”

The two walk to their black Range Rover and the paparazzi yells “Congratulations on you and Brad.”

The rest of the video is just the two of them headed to their gym, Body by Simone, and then leaving the gym afterwards. (Sidenote: I have only done this workout once and it’s insane.)

After their workout, Garner is asked “Jennifer do you have any advice for Angelina Jolie on her breakup with Brad?” She wisely does not answer that one.

So this is getting major headlines. Is this Garner’s next move for attention after doing a couple of pap walks with Ben right after the Brangelina split or was she just harmlessly joking around? Maybe it’s a little from column A, a little from B, to steal an expression from Kaiser. I know that I’ve said things I thought were funny when out with friends and then later thought, “why did I say that?” but I get social regret often. She was just messing around and she deals with these photographers trailing her every day. It’s got to get old and she was teasing. Maybe if Garner used social media she could issue a statement that she was joking but she’s not on twitter or instagram so that’s not going to happen. She’s old school but she still knows how to get press.

Oh and Huffpo reminds me that Garner made a reference to Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston in her Vanity Fair interview. She said, in reference to her own relationship with Ben and people wanting to see them back together, “When Jen Aniston and Brad Pitt broke up I was dying to see something that said they were getting back together.” Does she hope that Brad stays with Angelina now or is she wiser about what that would entail, since she’s living it? It’s an honest question!

Supposedly these photos were taken on 10/1 (Jen is wearing the colorful pants there) and on 10/2, which is when the video was filmed. She’s wearing the same shirt though. Credit: FameFlynet

Photos credit: FameFlynet

7-Mar-2025 :Jennifer Garner ?enjoys spending time? with Ben, but she knows he has a d...
30-Nov-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner looked cozy as they volunteered on Thanksgi...
1-Oct-2024 :NY Post: Prince Harry ?not yet viewed as a statesman? or a celebrity phil...
9-Sep-2024 :Jennifer Garner built a Harry Potter room for her son under the stairs
21-Aug-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner helped Violet move into her Yale dorm
30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
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Jennifer Garner got daughter Violet her first computer: 'I am panicked about it'
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner got daughter Violet her first computer: 'I am panicked about it'
Embed from Getty Images

These are photos of Jennifer Garner holding a cute baby at an event for Huggies, where they were donating diapers to Baby2Baby. She looks very cute in that denim dress. The Today Show recently published what looks like a new interview with Garner, but I’m confused because they include a video with the story from early August when she was promoting the movie Nine Lives. (Here’s a link to that earlier Today interview, which we covered at the time.) She does reference going back to school so this interview must be new. Garner is promoting her charitable partnership with Huggies. She talked to Today about her family, about technology about being present for her children.

On teaching her kids empathy through example

“I don?t think empathy is something you can drill in someone?s head, You have to have faith that while your kids can seem to be selfish and concerned only about the word ‘mine’ sometimes, overall, they are watching you really carefully, and if you care about other people, they will too. I try to be the best version of myself and to have faith that they?re watching me as carefully when I do something right as they do when I roll through a stop sign.”

On getting Violet, 10, her first computer

“We just had back to school night, and I said afterwards, ‘Do they need a computer?’ They need some kind of device or computer to complete their homework. Our daughter doesn?t have any of those things, and she?s, like, the only kid in the class who doesn’t, apparently,” she said. “So I found an old laptop this weekend for her, and I am kind of panicked about it. She?s not on social media yet ? her school has a no social media policy until 6th grade ? but I know it’s coming soon.”

On spending time with each of her children

“I try to make bedtime sacred, to have some alone time with each kid every night, when it is possible,” she said,”… Except for the nights when it?s not possible. I work, and I have a job that means that sometimes I have to go out at night, and sometimes I need to go out at night just for me.”

[From Today]

Garner has said in the past that her kids don’t have iPads, phones or technology, so it makes sense that she would fret over getting Violet her first computer. My son was online much earlier than that and I think it’s important to use strict parental filters to make sure it’s safe for them on all devices (We use NetNanny), being around while they’re using them and also teaching them the skills and logic to navigate the internet. Oh and no social media.

Also, although Garner talked about Ben in her earlier interview with Today in August, doesn’t she sound like a single mom here? She talked about parenting as if she’s doing it all herself. Ben has said that she does most of the heavy lifting, but he does seem to be a present parent too. This makes it sound more like they’re doing everything separately, which may be the case – apart from school runs.

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photos credit: Fameflynet and Getty

7-Mar-2025 :Jennifer Garner ?enjoys spending time? with Ben, but she knows he has a d...
30-Nov-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner looked cozy as they volunteered on Thanksgi...
1-Oct-2024 :NY Post: Prince Harry ?not yet viewed as a statesman? or a celebrity phil...
9-Sep-2024 :Jennifer Garner built a Harry Potter room for her son under the stairs
21-Aug-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner helped Violet move into her Yale dorm
30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
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Jennifer Garner: 'there's no richer time in a woman's life than when having babies'
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner: 'there's no richer time in a woman's life than when having babies'
Note before we get started: Garner’s exact quote according to E! was “There’s no more rich time in a woman’s life than when you’re having babies and when you’re trying to figure out how to parent them and balance everything,” but that would not fit into our headline format.

Jennifer Garner was on the Today Show yesterday, where she was promoting a kids’ film I have barely heard of until now, Nine Lives. It’s about a business mogul whose personality gets trapped inside the body of a cat so he can reconnect with his family (trailer here) and also costars Kevin Spacey and Christopher Walken. It’s the kind of dopey family-friendly movie that Garner usually does, but Kevin Spacey must be hurting for roles. Garner’s interview covered her usual subjects: her family, kids and the paparazzi. I was struck by how much fake hair they put on her, and how Botoxy she looks in motion, but she’s been looking that way for some time. Here’s what she said and you can see the video above. She starts talking around :50.

On the message of the movie

I just love the idea of celebrating the idea that parenting is about time. You can’t buy parenting no matter what. You have to actually get down on the floor and spend some time together.

On her career

I’m really glad that I’m playing moms because there’s no more rich time in a woman’s life than when you’re having babies and when you’re trying to figure out how to parent them and balance everything, and the emotional weight of seeing your children struggle. Whatever it is, there’s so much there to draw from that it feels like I’ve aged into where I should be as far as acting goes. You know what I mean? As far as my career, I feel like I finally fit.

On Samuel hating the paparazzi

He sees them and he says ‘Mom, go out and tell them your son does not like it.’ It kills me.

On helping get privacy laws enacted

Oh my gosh, it is so much better. I really do thank all of the legislatures who saw the wisdom in not allowing paparazzi to lie in wait outside of your school, doctor’s offices, outside of your home.

“As modern families go is your family doing ok?”

We are definitely a modern family, we are doing really well.

You went to Europe recently?

Ben was working in London on Justice League and I felt like, ‘Well, the kids should have that experience.’ He and I are great friends and we just all went en masse. The kids and I had an amazing time, and he worked hard and got to join us for some. I want them to see everything’s OK.

On how they’re a team for the kids

It has to be, you don’t have a choice, it has to be.

[Quotes from video of Today Show and via E! News]

In the video excerpt I saw (the one above), Garner doesn’t say that line about how there’s no richer time in a woman’s life than when she’s having babies. I got that from E!’s recap of the interview. I don’t doubt that she said it, she said something really similar when she was promoting The Odd Life of Timothy Green. Garner said “there?s no deeper want for a woman” than to be a mother. Rereading what I wrote at the time that’s true for her maybe but it’s unfair to claim that it’s a universal experience, as is this. She could have said “for me” and either statement would have been fine though. There are so many childless women, by choice and otherwise, and so many women with children who have a really tough time for various reasons. I would not call having a baby or raising a child the “richest” time. I would call it difficult. What about all the women who have postpartum depression and anxiety? It’s a throwaway comment and to be fair she’s not one of those celebrities who always extrapolates her experiences, she very rarely does that. In these two scant times she’s done it though, it’s been about motherhood. This is what’s important to her and this is why she’s kept her family together no matter what.

Here are some photos from the Nine Lives premiere earlier this week and of Garner out recently.

Photos credit: WENN and FameFlynet

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7-Mar-2025 :Jennifer Garner ?enjoys spending time? with Ben, but she knows he has a d...
30-Nov-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner looked cozy as they volunteered on Thanksgi...
1-Oct-2024 :NY Post: Prince Harry ?not yet viewed as a statesman? or a celebrity phil...
9-Sep-2024 :Jennifer Garner built a Harry Potter room for her son under the stairs
21-Aug-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner helped Violet move into her Yale dorm
30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
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Jennifer Garner in a black strapless suit at the TCAs: cute or underdone?
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner in a black strapless suit at the TCAs: cute or underdone?
Jennifer Garner attended the Teen Choice Awards last night in a black strapless sleeveless suit (it looks like a jumpsuit at first but it’s not) with buttons down the front. She’s worn black jumpsuits several times on the red carpet and she loves a black outfit. This look is saved by her styling and jewelry. I really like her bold black and rhinestone (or maybe they’re real) mod earrings and bracelet.

Embed from Getty Images

Garner was at the TCAs with her Miracles from Heaven costar, Kiley Rogers, where they won Choice Drama Movie. (A full list of winners is here.) Garner gave a nice acceptance speech about the impact of the movie, which told the true story of a young child being saved from a digestive disorder after a fall from a tree. She ended with a message for sick kids “All the kids who are in a hospital waiting for a miracle, don’t give up hope!” You can read more of her speech on

Laverne Cox was also all in black, in a v-neck Michael Costello jumpsuit with a Chloe belt. This is another case of an decent outfit elevated with pretty styling, although I don’t know if I like her hair that long length. Laverne and her Rocky Horror costar, Victoria Justice (who was also co-hosting along with John Cena) sprayed Cena with water bottles on stage as they discussed the plot of the show. Laverne retweeted a gif of that moment. The Rocky Horror Picture Show, which is a TV film remake of the 1975 classic (it isn’t being broadcast live like so many other musical remakes), will air on October 20th.

Here’s Sarah Hyland representing Modern Familyin J Mendel. There’s something off about this dress, like it needs to be let out a little in the bodice. It also looks like it’s made with very heavy fabric, as if it’s a dress for the winter that someone cut short. Maybe I’m just being thrown off by the pleating. I do like the bright blue and red print.

Gina Rodriguez looks so different that I didn’t recognize her at first! She cut her hair short and shaved the underside for a role and then she went an ombre blonde color. She was in a Cielo black suit with a goofy polka dot tie. I think that’s actually a man’s tie which someone fashioned into a bow. Why would anyone do that to her? She’s also wearing very understated makeup. This whole look is wrong. Gina was up for Choice TV Actress: Comedy, which went to Candace Cameron Bure, for some reason.

Kat Graham was in a kicky little white dress with a fitted bodice and an allover graphic floral print. I don’t have a designer ID on this, but it vaguely looks like Dolce & Gabbana. I really like to see what Kat is wearing, this is a great summer look for this event and is bold without looking cheap.

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photos credit:, Fame and Getty

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7-Mar-2025 :Jennifer Garner ?enjoys spending time? with Ben, but she knows he has a d...
30-Nov-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner looked cozy as they volunteered on Thanksgi...
1-Oct-2024 :NY Post: Prince Harry ?not yet viewed as a statesman? or a celebrity phil...
9-Sep-2024 :Jennifer Garner built a Harry Potter room for her son under the stairs
21-Aug-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner helped Violet move into her Yale dorm
30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
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Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck's divorce off: 'a few weeks ago, things changed'
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck's divorce off: 'a few weeks ago, things changed'
US Magazine has a new article on the sidebar this week letting us know about the state of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s relationship, because we really needed another update after the sidebar on the cover of People last week. Every day I wonder how they’re doing, if they’re still a couple, if Ben is off cavorting with random women on yachts in Canada or both because you know those two things are not mutually exclusive. Jen knows it too on some level, but she may have stuffed it deep down where she keeps her knowledge of fashionable shoes because US is reporting the divorce is now off.

In fact, talk of divorce has ceased altogether, sources reveal in the new issue of Us Weekly.

?Jen mentioned that the divorce was going through very soon, and then a few weeks ago, things changed,? says a source close to Garner. ?It does not seem to be moving in that direction.?

The Justice League actor, 43, and actress, 44, are cohabiting in their $17.5 million, five-bedroom mansion, albeit in separate bedrooms. Garner revealed in the March issue of Vanity Fair that she sleeps with their oldest daughter, Violet; Affleck bunks in the guest room, according to a close source.

?Jen seems to still be in love with Ben but doesn?t allow her mind to go there,? says the Garner pal. ?She just focuses on the kids.?

The man down the hall is also having trouble letting go. ?If it was up to Ben,? adds a second insider, ?they would be together. He feels like he can?t live without Jen.?

Still, an Affleck source insists lawyers are hammering out the details of their divorce privately. ?They were never in a rush to file. This was always the plan…

?They want their kids? lives to go on as uninterrupted as possible,? says a source.

[From US Magazine]

Some people will say US is making this up, but this is consistent with People’s report last week, and as I usually mention, US had Garner’s side of the divorce along with exclusive details from their relationship and breakup vacation, where Garner figured out Affleck was sleeping with their kids’ nanny. (I would like to get an update from Ouzounian, but I bet she signed an ironclad NDA.) So Affleck wanted to get back with Garner and she’s letting him stick around until the next time he publicly embarrasses her. Maybe she figures if he keeps him on notice he’ll be faithful, at least by outside appearances.

photos credit: WENN and FameFlynet. Garner is shown int he striped shirt outside church Sunday, which she attended with Affleck’s mom

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Jennifer Garner in Versace at Paris Fashion Week: gorgeous or boring?
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner in Versace at Paris Fashion Week: gorgeous or boring?
These are photos of Jennifer Garner in Paris, where she was seen on Saturday at the Amfar dinner seated next to Donatella Versace and also at the Versace show during Paris fashion week. During the show she was in the front row next to Bradley Cooper, and they looked like they were chatting at times. Cooper was on the first and second season of Garner’s show Alias, from 2001-2003, where he played a friend of Garner’s Sydney Bristow character. (He’s described the experience as frustrating as he wasn’t getting much other acting work.) So they go way back. Incidentally, Naomi Campbell was sitting on the other side of Bradley Cooper and we’ve heard rumors about the two of them but apparently they’re just friends, too. Now I want to read tabloid stories about how Garner and Cooper have a little something happening. Not that I think it’s true, I just want to imagine it.

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Garner was in this full length Versace gown in shades of navy which has some mildly interesting features but is otherwise pretty typical for her. I like the darting around one side of the top and the slightly different shades of blue separated by a white stripe but I think the ruffles at the shoulder and at the waist are overkill. One ruffle would have been plenty. What’s striking is her styling as she just looks so pretty with actual makeup on and her hair done. We see her so often out without makeup and sometimes with wet hair so when she’s put together the difference is noticeable. That seems to be deliberate, or maybe she just can’t be bothered day-to-day.

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The Huffington Post has a little piece about how Garner has emerged somewhat triumphant in the year since she announced her separation from Ben Affleck. Of course she did that Vanity Fair interview, and outlets are still pulling her quotes from that, and she also just did events like this and The Oscars where she looked lovely and seemed happy. Plus she never talked smack and Affleck and their PR kept hammering home in the media that they were coparenting and doing things the right way for their kids. Meanwhile Affleck has seemed depressed, arguably drunk (or at least hungover) and struggling in the wake of his separation, which was only announced after it came out that he was cheating with the nanny. (Garner says they were separated at the time, but still that was a low blow.)

So Garner is the obvious winner in this scenario, and she definitely looks it. She claims that it’s been the year of wine but if that’s the case her estranged husband is probably drinking most of it while she’s showing him what he’s missing.

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7-Mar-2025 :Jennifer Garner ?enjoys spending time? with Ben, but she knows he has a d...
30-Nov-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner looked cozy as they volunteered on Thanksgi...
1-Oct-2024 :NY Post: Prince Harry ?not yet viewed as a statesman? or a celebrity phil...
9-Sep-2024 :Jennifer Garner built a Harry Potter room for her son under the stairs
21-Aug-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner helped Violet move into her Yale dorm
30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
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Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck 'making it work,' not sure if they will divorce
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck 'making it work,' not sure if they will divorce
When Ben Affleck gave his kind of slurry arguably drunk sports show interview, many of you noticed that he referred to Jennifer Garner as his “wife.” He was telling the same narrative we’ve heard from him before about how Jennifer Garner made his career possible by holding down the homefront, which is nice because it shows he doesn’t take that part of their relationship for granted. I didn’t put much stock in Affleck calling Garner his wife, but it may have meaning. ET Online has a pretty long story they’re billing as an exclusive, with quotes that they’re “making it work” and the detail that their source does not know if these two will ever file for divorce. It’s carefully worded, but it hints at a reconciliation. Three weeks ago we heard that Garner was “adamant” that she would divorce Affleck. Does this mean that he’s still holding out hope or are they back together?

It?s been almost one year since Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner announced their split, and Wednesday marks the 11th anniversary of their wedding. However, while the two are separated, they still remain legally married.

“They still have not officially filed paperwork for a divorce,” a source tells ET, adding they “don?t know if that will ever happen…”

Affleck also recently referred to Garner as ?his wife? in an interview on HBO. They?re ?making it work,? the source notes about the pair, and as the months have flown by, the estranged couple has settled into a new normal of co-parenting and ?the year of wine,? as Garner put it in a February sit-down with Vanity Fair…

Affleck didn?t travel too far following their separation. Reports swirled shortly after they pulled the plug on their longtime romance that the 43-year-old actor was still a presence at their family home. ?He still lives on the property in Brentwood, California, but in separate living quarters,? another source tells ET.

There are no boundaries between them when it comes to their kids. The proud parents have been seen out and about together as a family on countless occasions. So much so that it has sparked reconciliation rumors, especially after their family trip to Paris and London in May while Affleck filmed Justice League. But will it happen? A source close to Affleck tells ET, ?They?re in a good place and co-parenting the best they can.?

[From ET Online]]

So are these two still telling the press every up and down in their relationship or did ET ask and get this kind of non-committal answer? ET had another story a couple of weeks ago saying that they were “fine.” Whatever is going on, The tipster who sent us this story also pointed to this story in the Daily Mail in which Affleck was seen visiting a “friend’s” place in LA over the weekend. (Those photos are below.) He has wet hair so he may have been going for personal training or a massage or something.

People has a competing story that Ben doesn’t want the divorce but Jen is “adamant” about going through with it. It sounds just like their story from earlier in June. It was a year yesterday since they announced the divorce and then dealt with nannygate:

A friend of Garner’s says that “Ben still doesn’t want the divorce” but that Garner has denied reconcilation rumors to pals. She “doesn’t seem to mind at all that [the divorce] is not finalized,” but “she seems adamant about going through with it,” the friend says.

“She did have the best time in Europe with Ben and the kids,” says her friend. “She seemed to enjoy spending time with Ben again.”

“They have a lot of admiration and respect for each other,” adds a source close to the couple.

The couple are continuing to stay together at their family home when they’re both in L.A. as Affleck flies back and forth to London for filming.

Another source close to the couple told PEOPLE recently that “nothing has changed” in the relationship: “They’re still all about putting the kids first.”

[From People]

So this seems to be the new normal for them. I mean this kind of tentative relationship along with competing stories in the press about whether they’re getting back together or not. As long as we’re talking about them, right?

Radar reported that Jennifer’s mom and dad, who live in Charleston, WV where she grew up, have had their home destroyed by the devastating flooding there and are staying in a hotel. They state that Jen is planning a fundraiser to help, and she has also publicly asked for support for Save The Children, with whom she’s worked in the past and which is doing relief work on the ground. Incidentally, Radar claims to have an exclusive interview with Jen’s dad which “reveals how she won [Ben] back for good.” That’s what they write in the title, but all Mr. Garner says is that he is “awful proud” of Jen and “would prefer not to comment on her plans. Any news will come from her and not from us.”

This is Jennifer Garner outside a business meeting. Like Ben, she also has wet hair. Credit: FameFlynet

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Jennifer Garner's Miracles from Heaven did well at the box office: not surprising'
Added 9 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner's Miracles from Heaven did well at the box office: not surprising'
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Miracles from Heaven came out this weekend and it performed much better at the box office than expected. It made $15 million on a $13 million budget. Garner has been promoting the film all over the place, but more than that it has a built-in audience with the high percentage of Americans who identify as Christians, particularly the devout Christians. It’s got a certified rotten rating of 54% on Rotten Tomatoes, but Allegiant is at 10% so it could be worse, you know? People know what they’re getting with these schmaltzy religious movies and they’re willing to pay for that. I’m more into science and apocalyptic films but there are plenty of films which cater to my interests. (10 Cloverfield Lane is excellent, by the way.)

People has an interview with the family whom the film is based on. As you’ve heard the daughter, Annabel, was cured of an intestinal disorder after a fall from a tree and a near death experience, during which she claims to have gone to heaven. In a video interview on People’s site, Annabel explains that “it was very bright and it was very peaceful and there was no pain in Heaven and that’s why I wanted to stay.” She also says that she saw her “grandparents’ mom who just died recently and that’s how I knew I was in Heaven.” The mom, daughter and family seemed sincere and I can buy that their daughter was healed by whatever means. I’m not a spiritual person but I do believe that they believe.

The family also talked about how nice it was to meet Jennifer Garner and how much she worked on the role. Christy Beam, whom Jennifer portrays, said that Garner “nailed it” especially the fear and frustration she felt in being a mother to a sick child.

So Miracles from Heaven made up its budget opening weekend. Batman vs. Superman is projected to be the most expensive film made to date with a budget topping $410 million. It will probably take a bit longer to make its budget, is what I’m saying, and there’s much more riding on it. No wonder Garner is laughing and joking in interviews and Ben is coming across as worried and neurotic.

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7-Mar-2025 :Jennifer Garner ?enjoys spending time? with Ben, but she knows he has a d...
30-Nov-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner looked cozy as they volunteered on Thanksgi...
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9-Sep-2024 :Jennifer Garner built a Harry Potter room for her son under the stairs
21-Aug-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner helped Violet move into her Yale dorm
30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
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Jennifer Garner: 'Going through this in the public eye is just another facet of it'
Added 9 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner: 'Going through this in the public eye is just another facet of it'
It seems like the timing of Jennifer Garner’s new movie, Miracles from Heaven, was perfect to upstage her estranged husband’s promotion for Batman v. Superman. There’s Garner, doe-eyed and sweet, and Affleck, reticent and ashamed, as they talk to the press following their high profile split and his cheating scandal. It’s pretty clear who is calling the shots in this press blitz and I have to give it up for Garner, she’s winning this round.

Both Garner and Affleck did interviews yesterday. Garner was on The Today Show while Affleck did Ellen. The videos are below and here are some quotes from each. Affleck got his split explanation out of the way and then talked about his kids – you can tell he adores them as he got as animated as possible through the Botox. Garner touched on topics

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21-Aug-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner helped Violet move into her Yale dorm
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