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Gwen Stefani News & Gossip
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Gwen Stefani 'prayed' a lot during her divorce: 'That's how I was raised'
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Gwen Stefani 'prayed' a lot during her divorce: 'That's how I was raised'
I?ve been actively ignoring, or trying to ignore, Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton for months now. It?s not that they?re terrible people, it?s just that they were in the first flush of romance and they were being crazy-extra about it. Like, they were Tiddles-before-Tiddles. Or Tiddles was taking a page out of the Stefani-Shelton Playbook of PR Romances. But something happened in those months when I was ignoring Gwen: I actually missed her a little bit. As I was reading Gwen?s August cover interview for Harper?s Bazaar, I realized that I actually still like her and want good things for her. She?s had a terrible few years, but she seems happy now. You can read the full Bazaar piece here, and here are some highlights:

Why she?s not hiding her personal life these days: “It’s like, what’s there to hide? It’s because I have children. As a famous person, you start to think, ‘I can’t say all that because I’ll embarrass them or hurt them in some way.’ And especially now because they can see everything and hear everything? But I’ve done nothing I’m ashamed of ? Well, we all have a few things we’re ashamed of.”

She never thought she would be someone: “I’ve never been the type of person who thought I would have any impact on anyone. I just didn’t even have those kind of dreams, you know?”

Having a baby, Apollo, at the age of 44: “Yep, it was a surprise but it was also the beginning of a waking up, like, ‘Oh, my God, that’s beyond this world.’ He was kind of another beginning. And literally as soon as he was born,they called me about The Voice.” Apollo, now barely two, was “only 11 months old when everything happened? Everybody knows what happened next.”

The beginning of the end with Gavin Rossdale: “February 9. I obviously know the date. It was the beginning of hell. Like six, seven, eight months of torture, trying to figure out this big secret.”

How she got through the tough times: ?What happened was praying. That’s my childhood, that’s how I was raised. And I think I strayed from that. But you know when it gets that bad, you just get desperate? You’re on your knees. You’re like, ‘What do I do?’ You can’t even go to your parents and ask them what to do.”

Sharing custody with Gavin: “It was so insane because not only did my family break up, but then my kids are taken away like half the time, so that was really like, ‘What?! What did I do?’

The end of her marriage: ?My dreams were shattered. All I wanted my whole life was to have babies, be married, like what my parents have. Then I remember thinking, ‘There’s gotta be a reason for this.’ Of course you go through the ‘Why me?’ and feel sorry for yourself. But then I was like, ‘No, this happened to me already and I made something good out of it,’ and that was Tragic Kingdom? I had spent a lot of years not being confident about my songwriting. But I know that’s all I had left, and that was my gift. I had read somewhere if you don’t have gratitude and confidence in what you’ve been given, you’re nowhere.”

When Blake revealed his divorce: “July 7? There I was with my big secret, right? And that’s when Blake was like, ‘Everybody, before we go out there, I want to let everyone know that by the time this airs, I will be divorced.’ [I felt] exposed somehow, you know? But it was like being handed this gift of a friend who was going through the exact same thing at the exact same time? And then it was just like everything flipped. It went from horrible to, like, hopeful and, like, ‘Wow, God, you just don’t know what’s gonna happen next.’ I’m not here to talk about my personal life, but my record is my personal life, so!”

Moving forward: “I’m at a certain time in my life where I feel like I’m doing what I’m supposed to do. Every day is art, you know? Some days are really bad, and some days are so good? [With Blake,] it’s crazy the support and love I’ve felt. Life is such a weird? I mean, I can’t believe I’m number one on a country chart.?

[From Harper?s Bazaar]

I don?t begrudge her the tell-all interviews or the openness with which she shares the pain of finding out that Gavin was cheating. It must still sting, and I think Gwen always believed that she would be married forever, and that marriage was for life, regardless of infidelity and whatever else. I do think she?s the kind of woman who just can?t be alone though ? she has no idea who she is if she?s not someone?s girlfriend or wife. As for her complaints about sharing custody of her sons with Gavin? did she really think that she was going to get sole custody?

Photos courtesy of Harper?s Bazaar.

23-Jan-2025 :Gwen Stefani: ?One of the purposes of my life is to be a wife and a mothe...
12-Jan-2023 :Gwen Stefani: ?I said, ?My God, I?m Japanese and I didn?t know it.? I am...
18-Jul-2022 :Gwen Stefani?s beauty rule: ?Overdrawing of the lips works. It?s real.?
9-Dec-2021 :Blake Shelton on people saying he?s a lazy deadbeat husband: ?The truth i...
6-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani wore two custom Vera Wang gowns at her Oklahoma wedding
5-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton got married this weekend on his Oklahoma ran...
26-May-2021 :Blake Shelton kind of wants french fries & chicken tenders at his wedding
12-Jan-2021 :Gwen Stefani?s first marriage was officially annulled by the Catholic Chu...
8-Jan-2021 :Blake Shelton doesn?t have any idea what it?s like for people living on m...
8-Dec-2020 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton will get married soon, likely in his Oklahom...
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Gwen Stefani: 'I actually feel like I?m not in my own life. I?m so blessed'
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Gwen Stefani: 'I actually feel like I?m not in my own life. I?m so blessed'
In case you haven’t heard, Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are dating. The 46-year-old singer has been very vocal about how her relationship with the country crooner has saved her. In a recent interview with US Weekly, she continued to gush about her beau. If only we all could be so happy.

On her collaboration with Blake Shelton

“I’m our biggest fan!”

On the changes in her life

“I actually feel like I’m not in my own life, because I’m not. I’m in a different life all of a sudden. I’m so blessed and I feel like I believe in my path. Now there’s all these miracles around me!”

On going through a divorce and coming out the other side

“There was so much of an earthquake in my life. How did I survive that? I don’t know, but here we are and my life is full of so many blessings. I’m trying to really just be positive and grateful and look at it all like this was all supposed to happen.”

On her relationship and career

“Trust me, I still can’t believe that happened and is still happening. For whatever reason, I was chosen to be in this position, and I’m so honored and more confident. And I look at it like it always works out.”

[From US Magazine]

I know there’s been a debate around here on the veracity of this whole relationship, and I’m still kind of on the fence about it. We’ve all had that partner that we constantly had to defend because our friends didn’t think he/she was good enough for us. In some of my past relationships I’ve talked a good game mostly to convince myself to stay in a less-than-perfect arrangement. Something just doesn’t ring true here. I don’t mind being proven wrong. Despite my recent crap love life, I would love to see true love prevail here if it’s meant to be. If this relationship endures, I do hope they never sing about it again.

Also, Gwen’s really excited for her upcoming tour, although judging from the weak ticket sales, her fans might not share the excitement so much. On Friday, she posted a pic to her Instagram of her Frida Kahlo-inspired look from her “Misery” video with a message that her tour starts next month.

Prepping for tour!!! Can't believe it starts next month. ?? #ThisIsWhatTheTruthFeelsLike

A photo posted by Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani) on Jun 10, 2016 at 1:01pm PDT

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23-Jan-2025 :Gwen Stefani: ?One of the purposes of my life is to be a wife and a mothe...
12-Jan-2023 :Gwen Stefani: ?I said, ?My God, I?m Japanese and I didn?t know it.? I am...
18-Jul-2022 :Gwen Stefani?s beauty rule: ?Overdrawing of the lips works. It?s real.?
9-Dec-2021 :Blake Shelton on people saying he?s a lazy deadbeat husband: ?The truth i...
6-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani wore two custom Vera Wang gowns at her Oklahoma wedding
5-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton got married this weekend on his Oklahoma ran...
26-May-2021 :Blake Shelton kind of wants french fries & chicken tenders at his wedding
12-Jan-2021 :Gwen Stefani?s first marriage was officially annulled by the Catholic Chu...
8-Jan-2021 :Blake Shelton doesn?t have any idea what it?s like for people living on m...
8-Dec-2020 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton will get married soon, likely in his Oklahom...
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Gwen Stefani wants to get pregnant: for Blake or for publicity?
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Gwen Stefani wants to get pregnant: for Blake or for publicity?
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On the heels of Gwen Stefani supposedly turning down boyfriend Blake Shelton’s proposal because, in part, she was worried that she couldn?t have kids with him, US Weekly is now claiming that Gwen is trying to get pregnant. Really?

One of Gwen’s friends told US Weekly that the 46-year-old mother of 3 boys (from ex Gavin Rossdale) is “totally smitten and wants to have a baby with Blake.” The source adds that Gwen is “trying to get pregnant.” Apparently Blake has wanted to be a Dad and his ex-wife, Miranda Lambert, wasn’t ready, which may be a factor that led to their split. And, despite Gavin’s displeasure, Blake has been hanging out with Gwen’s sons who reportedly “love him.” Aw.

Gwen is reportedly yearning for a little girl, which may be why she is thinking about motherhood again. All in all, this just screams “bad idea” to me. First off, when will Gwen have the time to have another kid? She?s going on tour this summer, and has been trying hard to boost sales of her latest album. Motherhood is sure to derail that. Second, isn’t she moving a little fast? It’s only been 6 months. I’ve been with my boyfriend for over a year and we still haven’t met each others’ parents – let alone discussed plans for a future.

Lastly, as a woman around the same age as Gwen, isn?t menopause rapidly approaching? I certainly wouldn?t want to deal with a pregnancy this late in the game. I have gotten whacked by the metabolism fairy since I hit my mid 40s. As someone seemingly as concerned about her looks as Gwen, it may take her longer than she might think to get that pre-baby body back. Of course, this could all be another play to get in the news and maybe sell a few more CDs and concert tickets.

I have a hard time believing this whole story or this couple, but Blake just said something that sounds convincing. Blake spoke with Rolling Stone about his latest album. When asked about the attention he’s been getting from the media about his relationship he said:

It used to upset me, but it turns out it just pays really well. They can’t let go of anything I do. I literally was followed to work today. It must mean my career is doing pretty well, because my personal life’s not that exciting. I’m almost 40 years old. I don’t do that much. I’m kind of a slug. But they damn sure want pictures of it.

[From Rolling Stone]

Yes, I know he’s once again giving us some “Aww, shucks” realness (also, when asked in the interview if he likes EDM, replied, “I don’t even know who that is.”) but I can’t help but think he’s in this for the right reasons. Oh, and then there’s this story from InTouch, in which Blake reportedly asked Gwen to knock off her habit of incessant posting of pictures of the two of them together on social media, fearing it would “cheapen” their relationship. I hope that story is true. I want to believe in love. Don’t prove me wrong, Shelton.

A photo posted by Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani) on May 22, 2016 at 10:07pm PDT

23-Jan-2025 :Gwen Stefani: ?One of the purposes of my life is to be a wife and a mothe...
12-Jan-2023 :Gwen Stefani: ?I said, ?My God, I?m Japanese and I didn?t know it.? I am...
18-Jul-2022 :Gwen Stefani?s beauty rule: ?Overdrawing of the lips works. It?s real.?
9-Dec-2021 :Blake Shelton on people saying he?s a lazy deadbeat husband: ?The truth i...
6-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani wore two custom Vera Wang gowns at her Oklahoma wedding
5-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton got married this weekend on his Oklahoma ran...
26-May-2021 :Blake Shelton kind of wants french fries & chicken tenders at his wedding
12-Jan-2021 :Gwen Stefani?s first marriage was officially annulled by the Catholic Chu...
8-Jan-2021 :Blake Shelton doesn?t have any idea what it?s like for people living on m...
8-Dec-2020 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton will get married soon, likely in his Oklahom...
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Gwen Stefani in a see through turtleneck shirt and camo capris: ridiculous?
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Gwen Stefani in a see through turtleneck shirt and camo capris: ridiculous?
It’s been a big weekend for singer Gwen Stefani, as far as exposure is concerned. She exposed her (toned) abs on the red carpet for the 102.7 KIIS FM’s 2016 Wango Tango on Saturday and she also rocked the crowd and shared a makeup-free selfie on Instagram.

Gwen hit the red carpet for Wango Tango on Saturday in camo capris, gold studded heels and dip-dyed hair. She completed her look with fishnet stockings and a see-through turtleneck shirt which looked like Charlie Brown meets Donna Summer. The singer told E!, “I just can’t believe I’m here right now at Wango Tango. It just feels so exciting to have something new out there. And to have the opportunity to share my music with people. Sharing music is so spiritual you know, it’s so healing, so incredible, so I just feel honored.”

Gwen, who called her recent hit country duet with Blake Shelton “a miracle” thoughtfully posted a pic of herself sans makeup, presumably to make us all feel better about ourselves, to her Instagram. She told PEOPLE, “I was just like laying there, I just got in bed and I was like, ‘Maybe I’ll send a picture to Blake. You just start doing like fooling around with it. I had actually a new camera on my phone and I just took that picture.”

A photo posted by Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani) on May 12, 2016 at 10:36pm PDT

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23-Jan-2025 :Gwen Stefani: ?One of the purposes of my life is to be a wife and a mothe...
12-Jan-2023 :Gwen Stefani: ?I said, ?My God, I?m Japanese and I didn?t know it.? I am...
18-Jul-2022 :Gwen Stefani?s beauty rule: ?Overdrawing of the lips works. It?s real.?
9-Dec-2021 :Blake Shelton on people saying he?s a lazy deadbeat husband: ?The truth i...
6-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani wore two custom Vera Wang gowns at her Oklahoma wedding
5-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton got married this weekend on his Oklahoma ran...
26-May-2021 :Blake Shelton kind of wants french fries & chicken tenders at his wedding
12-Jan-2021 :Gwen Stefani?s first marriage was officially annulled by the Catholic Chu...
8-Jan-2021 :Blake Shelton doesn?t have any idea what it?s like for people living on m...
8-Dec-2020 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton will get married soon, likely in his Oklahom...
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Gwen Stefani in a sequin dress at Radio Disney awards: hot or unfinished?
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Gwen Stefani in a sequin dress at Radio Disney awards: hot or unfinished?
Gwen Stefani rocked the red carpet at Saturday night’s Radio Disney Music Awards in Los Angeles in a colorful Olympia Le Tan dress and simple black Louboutin pumps. I love the front of this dress, it really kind of fits well with a Disney event, and you can never go wrong with a black Louboutin pump, but the back of the dress makes me think one of two things. Either the designer got tired and couldn’t be bothered to do anything on the back, or that the whole thing was a last-minute idea. Regardless, I dig the dress and I covet that hairdo.

Gwen, who attended the ceremony with Blake Shelton, surprised fans on the red carpet by posing with her adorable 6-year-old niece Stella. Stella looked adorable in a romper and cowboy boots. The kid is no stranger from being in front of the camera, having modeled some fashions from Aunt Gwen’s kids’ line last year. Gwen kept Blake on the back burner during much of the ceremony, posing for pictures with young fans in the audience – with Blake conveniently cut out. Somehow, I think Blake was okay with this.

Gwen performed her catchy hit “Make Me Like You” at the ceremony and was presented the “Hero” award from her Voice co-star Pharrell Williams. Pharrell said “I’m proud to be here tonight to present the 2016 Ardy ‘Hero’ Award to not only someone I work with, recorded with, who I know, and what my brother, Blake Shelton, knows, truly has a heart of gold.” When Gwen came up to receive her award, Blake got the crowd to their feet for a standing “O” for his lady love. I know a lot of you are tired of Gwake, but I find that sweet. Gwen, who didn’t prepare a formal acceptance speech, was super gracious on stage. Here are some highlights from her speech:

Let’s get something straight. This [Williams] is my hero, right here, one of my biggest heroes is this guy! I love you so much! This is crazy that this is happening to me! I never thought, I mean who am I, that I would ever make a difference? I am so honored to be here, I am so honored to be making music,” she said. “I am so blessed to be making music that I can share with you and that I can receive your love back. I am so healed by you!

[From People Magazine]

Is it weird that Gwen is getting a “Hero” award so soon? I guess at 46, a “hero” award from the Disney crowd is like a lifetime achievement award at the Grammys.

This award is the latest event in what has been a busy couple of months for Gwen, and she’s showing no signs of slowing down. She’s taking her This is What the Truth Feels Like Tour on the road this summer with special guest Eve. There’s also the rumor the Gwen and Blake are going to tie the knot soon. As always, I am happy for Gwake, but I hope they take their time with the relationship and enjoy what they’ve got.

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Photo credit:, FameFlynet, Getty Images

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23-Jan-2025 :Gwen Stefani: ?One of the purposes of my life is to be a wife and a mothe...
12-Jan-2023 :Gwen Stefani: ?I said, ?My God, I?m Japanese and I didn?t know it.? I am...
18-Jul-2022 :Gwen Stefani?s beauty rule: ?Overdrawing of the lips works. It?s real.?
9-Dec-2021 :Blake Shelton on people saying he?s a lazy deadbeat husband: ?The truth i...
6-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani wore two custom Vera Wang gowns at her Oklahoma wedding
5-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton got married this weekend on his Oklahoma ran...
26-May-2021 :Blake Shelton kind of wants french fries & chicken tenders at his wedding
12-Jan-2021 :Gwen Stefani?s first marriage was officially annulled by the Catholic Chu...
8-Jan-2021 :Blake Shelton doesn?t have any idea what it?s like for people living on m...
8-Dec-2020 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton will get married soon, likely in his Oklahom...
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Gwen Stefani sports black dip-dyed hair, calls latest album 'a life-saver for me'
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Gwen Stefani sports black dip-dyed hair, calls latest album 'a life-saver for me'
Gwen Stefani, promoting her latest album, “This is What the Truth Feels Like,” mentoring on Team Blake on The Voice and dealing with the day-to-day challenges of motherhood, talked to TIME Magazine. She called the producers and songwriters she collaborated with gifts from a ?higher power? and all part of a ?master plan.? Sheesh. You’d think this was “Dark Side of the Moon,” “Sgt. Pepper” or a destined classic the way she describes it, but I guess she’s really proud of it. Here are some highlights:

On the album: ?It was really a life-saver record for me. It wasn?t until I had to go through the worst tragedy that it really opened up a channel for me to be like, ?God gave me a gift. I?m going to use it now. Because if I don?t, I?m going to die.’?

On moving on: ?I?ve really been trying to exercise my spiritual side in the last year. I scraped myself off the floor and went into the studio and tried to somehow be alive again.?

On her divorce: ?I don?t feel like I have anything to be ashamed of. I?ve done nothing wrong. I don?t feel like I have anything to protect about myself. But when you?re a mother, you have to have some boundaries.?

On the struggles she faced getting Truth recorded: ?I started going in with different people, but it felt kind of man?s world-y. Like, ?Wow, we?re excited you?re here, but we?re going to do everything.? [They weren?t] open to my ideas.?

On being a rocker in love: ?It was the first time that I really had written a record from a different point of view of being in love and being grateful and being in a really, ?Oh my God, I got saved!? kind of place.?

On what her time on The Voice meant to her: ?This newfound tabloid fame that I?ve got definitely came from being on TV ? that just takes it to a different place I?ve never been before. I?m just so grateful for that experience. To be on a show where I got to step outside of myself and coach and think about my own career really helped me find my confidence again and feel kind of reborn.?

[From TIME]

I know Gwen is an artist, but this is kind of a little much, don’t you think?

This past weekend, Gwen played proud mama to sons Kingston, 9 and Zuma, 7 as they took part in the wedding of one of Gwen’s friends. Two-year-old Apollo stayed with Mom, who dip dyed her hair black – which I don’t like, but it’s not my hair.

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photos credit: WENN, Getty and Pacific Coast News

23-Jan-2025 :Gwen Stefani: ?One of the purposes of my life is to be a wife and a mothe...
12-Jan-2023 :Gwen Stefani: ?I said, ?My God, I?m Japanese and I didn?t know it.? I am...
18-Jul-2022 :Gwen Stefani?s beauty rule: ?Overdrawing of the lips works. It?s real.?
9-Dec-2021 :Blake Shelton on people saying he?s a lazy deadbeat husband: ?The truth i...
6-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani wore two custom Vera Wang gowns at her Oklahoma wedding
5-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton got married this weekend on his Oklahoma ran...
26-May-2021 :Blake Shelton kind of wants french fries & chicken tenders at his wedding
12-Jan-2021 :Gwen Stefani?s first marriage was officially annulled by the Catholic Chu...
8-Jan-2021 :Blake Shelton doesn?t have any idea what it?s like for people living on m...
8-Dec-2020 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton will get married soon, likely in his Oklahom...
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Gwen Stefani: The relationship with Blake is 'an unexpected gift' it saved me'
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Gwen Stefani: The relationship with Blake is 'an unexpected gift' it saved me'
#priclessjapan gx

A photo posted by Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani) on Mar 15, 2016 at 3:58am PDT

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23-Jan-2025 :Gwen Stefani: ?One of the purposes of my life is to be a wife and a mothe...
12-Jan-2023 :Gwen Stefani: ?I said, ?My God, I?m Japanese and I didn?t know it.? I am...
18-Jul-2022 :Gwen Stefani?s beauty rule: ?Overdrawing of the lips works. It?s real.?
9-Dec-2021 :Blake Shelton on people saying he?s a lazy deadbeat husband: ?The truth i...
6-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani wore two custom Vera Wang gowns at her Oklahoma wedding
5-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton got married this weekend on his Oklahoma ran...
26-May-2021 :Blake Shelton kind of wants french fries & chicken tenders at his wedding
12-Jan-2021 :Gwen Stefani?s first marriage was officially annulled by the Catholic Chu...
8-Jan-2021 :Blake Shelton doesn?t have any idea what it?s like for people living on m...
8-Dec-2020 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton will get married soon, likely in his Oklahom...
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Gwen Stefani in Yanina at the VF Oscar Party: ridiculous or red hot?
Added 9 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Gwen Stefani in Yanina at the VF Oscar Party: ridiculous or red hot?
Gwen Stefani and beau Blake Shelton made quite the impression as they made their red carpet debut at Vanity Fair’s Oscar party last night. Gwen was wearing a very sheer red dress from Yanina Couture, embellished with satin petals. She was carrying a Jimmy Choo clutch and had her hair styled in subtle waves. She was also rocking her trademark red lips, which completely fit in with her ensemble. I love me some Gwen, but I am not nuts about this dress. There’s just too much skin going on here. I think it would have been nicer to fill in all of those petals on the bodice and go with a petal-covered mini dress. Right? Gwen also served as a part of the evening’s entertainment, performing hits old (“Hollaback Girl”) and new (“Make Me Love You”).It’s nice to see Blake wore his “nice jeans” for the event. Oh, Blake, I know you can clean up better than that. I get it, you’re a cowboy, but putting on a nice pair of pants once in a while wouldn’t kill you.

A video posted by Chris Salgardo (@chrissalgardo) on Feb 28, 2016 at 11:43pm PST

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23-Jan-2025 :Gwen Stefani: ?One of the purposes of my life is to be a wife and a mothe...
12-Jan-2023 :Gwen Stefani: ?I said, ?My God, I?m Japanese and I didn?t know it.? I am...
18-Jul-2022 :Gwen Stefani?s beauty rule: ?Overdrawing of the lips works. It?s real.?
9-Dec-2021 :Blake Shelton on people saying he?s a lazy deadbeat husband: ?The truth i...
6-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani wore two custom Vera Wang gowns at her Oklahoma wedding
5-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton got married this weekend on his Oklahoma ran...
26-May-2021 :Blake Shelton kind of wants french fries & chicken tenders at his wedding
12-Jan-2021 :Gwen Stefani?s first marriage was officially annulled by the Catholic Chu...
8-Jan-2021 :Blake Shelton doesn?t have any idea what it?s like for people living on m...
8-Dec-2020 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton will get married soon, likely in his Oklahom...
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Gwen Stefani is giggly as a schoolgirl when talking about Blake Shelton
Added 9 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Gwen Stefani is giggly as a schoolgirl when talking about Blake Shelton
Gwen Stefani, one of my idols of life, is on the talk show circuit, promoting her upcoming album, This Is What the Truth Feels Like. Gwen was on the Ellen show Thursday. Ellen kicked off the interview by talking to Gwen about the awesome live video for “Make Me Like You” (still on repeat on my iPod) that she shot during the Grammy ceremony. (Ellen said that a lot of people just thought it was an ad for Target.) Gwen called the video shoot a “surreal moment.” She confessed to being incredibly nervous about the shoot but concluded, “It was just something magical.” Fun fact: Ellen was supposed to be in the video as the piano player during the bar scene (and the bar was named “Blake’s” because of course it was) .

Ellen and Gwen are pals, and you can tell by their conversation. At one point, Gwen was calling Ellen “bitch,” but in the good way. So it was inevitable that the conversation would turn to Gwen’s beau, Blake Shelton. Ellen showed some pictures of the happy couple and came across a few from Clive Davis’ pre-Grammy party, where Gwen was sitting in Blake’s lap. Ellen quipped, “They didn’t have enough chairs at this event?” Good one, DeGeneres.

Gwen is no longer a judge on The Voice, the show where the pair met (which I am hoping means she’s going on tour for the new album), but she is serving as a mentor for Team Blake. Ellen tried to get a reaction from Gwen, asking, “When he popped the big question ? about you being his mentor ? how did he do that?” The question resulted in a giggle fit from Gwen, who asked, “Did you rehearse that before?” She then answered the question, stating, “I want to be on that show as much as possible. That show, it’s hard to talk without laughing…I got so much out of it…” Ellen quickly added, “You did!”, which resulted in more giggles from Gwen. Through the laughs, Gwen said, “Oh my God! You’re so good. You’re so good at your job. This show is like…I just come on and giggle and laugh, it’s so embarrassing.”

So how did Blake start this relationship, exactly? I’m thinking he may have passed her a note that said “Do you like me?” with check boxes for “yes” and “no.” New love is the best. I’m Gwen’s age and I have been dating a guy for a year now who is awesome. Have I made him CD mixes of love songs that make me think of him? Yep. Do I do an improvised “happy dance” when I’m going to see him? Yep. I think it’s adorable that Gwen is reduced to a giggling teenager when she talks about Blake. And she looks awesome. I am coveting that Pink blouse. You go, Gwen.

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Photo credit: Warner Brothers, Pacific Coast News, Getty Images

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Gwen Stefani visits Oklahoma with Blake, shops at Dollar General
Added 9 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Gwen Stefani visits Oklahoma with Blake, shops at Dollar General
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Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani as a couple are giving me some major Green Acres vibes, so I’m not overly surprised that the couple has been spending quite a bit of time in Blake’s hometown, near Tishomingo, Oklahoma. The small town with a population of a little bit over 3,000 people gives the singers the chance to take in life (and each other) at a slower pace. “Gwenton” (does that work?) have been patronizing the town’s local businesses, such as the Dairy Queen, Dollar General and the town’s Mexican restaurant. It seems this budding romance is going swimmingly, with a source telling E! News, “It’s all systems go. They are very happy together. Their relationship is solid.” It be will have to be, as Gwen and Blake will be working and playing together, with Gwen taking on mentor duties for Team Blake on the next season of The Voice. Blake’s delighted, telling People, “We know we collaborate well together as coaches, so of course I would have her as my mentor, and she’s so smart and talented!”

Gwen’s sure to be back to the hustle and bustle of Hollywood soon with her Voice duties and a new album to release. The singer has been working hard on her third solo album, “This is What the Truth Feels Like,” which is scheduled to be released on March 18. The first single off of the album, “Used to Love You”, came out back in October and her second single, “Make Me Like You,” drops on Monday after its live debut on the Grammys Monday night. Gwen recently revealed the complete track list of the album on her Instagram page. Gwen is known for writing very personal songs, so it’s pretty easy to see what was on her mind when she was writing these.

This Is What the Truth Feels Like…

A photo posted by Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani) on Feb 9, 2016 at 4:01pm PST

23-Jan-2025 :Gwen Stefani: ?One of the purposes of my life is to be a wife and a mothe...
12-Jan-2023 :Gwen Stefani: ?I said, ?My God, I?m Japanese and I didn?t know it.? I am...
18-Jul-2022 :Gwen Stefani?s beauty rule: ?Overdrawing of the lips works. It?s real.?
9-Dec-2021 :Blake Shelton on people saying he?s a lazy deadbeat husband: ?The truth i...
6-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani wore two custom Vera Wang gowns at her Oklahoma wedding
5-Jul-2021 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton got married this weekend on his Oklahoma ran...
26-May-2021 :Blake Shelton kind of wants french fries & chicken tenders at his wedding
12-Jan-2021 :Gwen Stefani?s first marriage was officially annulled by the Catholic Chu...
8-Jan-2021 :Blake Shelton doesn?t have any idea what it?s like for people living on m...
8-Dec-2020 :Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton will get married soon, likely in his Oklahom...
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