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Brangelina's twins live a 'charmed life' with motherly Zahara
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Brangelina's twins live a 'charmed life' with motherly Zahara
In Touch has a funny story to go along with the new fan pictures of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt?s 14-month-old twins, Knox and Vivienne. The fan pics came from an ice cream parlor outing in Jordan, and pretty much every magazine and gossip site has jacked those pictures over and over. I was thinking about that the other day - considering these are the first images of the twins we?ve seen in months, the guy who took the photos should have held on to the pictures and sold them to the highest bidder - he could be a millionaire by now. Poor guy.

Anyway, In Touch Weekly put up a surprisingly nice little story about the twins and what their lives are like. I guess the In Touch editor got tired of running ?the last straw? breakup stories and decided to make up some stuff about the kids. According to IT, after Brad and Angelina’s UNHCR trip to Syria, they made the stop in Jordan at the request of Angelina?s friend Queen Noor, the former queen of Jordan. Queen Noor ?wanted to meet the twins.? Interesting. Angelina and Queen Noor are friendly - according to reports, Angelina stayed in Noor?s palace when she traveled to Jordan in July with Maddox. Here?s more:

Although their parents fight, the twins are certainly living a charmed life.

?Knox is mellow and loves to listen to music,? a family friend says. ?Viv has Angie?s firecracker personality, but is so feminine.?

The twins are different but undeniably close. ?They always hug and sleep together in a custom-built crib,? says the friend.

They have two nannies watching their every move, who keep them on a strict schedule. ?They go to bed by 6 p.m. and are up at 6 a.m.,? and in their nursery, there?s a place to heat their bottles. Their siblings love being with them too.

?Z?s motherly, while Shi tells stories. Maddox draws pictures for them and Pax loves to make them painted macaroni necklaces.?

?Despite Brad and Angelina?s issues, they?re very devoted to their kids.?

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition, October 18 2009]

In addition to these pleasant fictions (?They always hug?? Even a Brangaloonie like me is gagging a little), In Touch has some little photo pull-outs with some added commentary that?s pretty awesome. Considering the twins reportedly sampled their parents? ice cream during the Jordan outing, the tabloids can no longer make up stories about how the twins are sickly, fussy eaters. IT?s source confirms: ?They?re very happy, healthy kids.? Also, they?re saying that ?Angie always says that Knox is a mini-Brad? and that Vivienne has ?the same features? as Angelina. Also, Viv is talking. Their source says: ?If she wants to be picked up, she says ?up-py.?? Too cute, right? Empress Zahara will teach her new words, don?t worry.

Here are several great pics, via PicApp. There cute twin pictures are via Under My Olive Tree.

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Brad Pitt Has Secret Hotel Meeting with Jennifer Aniston
Added 14 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Brad Pitt Has Secret Hotel Meeting with Jennifer Aniston
Brad Pitt reportedly arranged a clandestine meeting with ex-wife Jennifer Aniston during his trip to New York late last month. I smell a pity-fuck! The Daily Mail says

The pair, who ended their five-year marriage in 2005, met up at a hotel in the city for an hour where Brad told Aniston about his relationship problems with Angelina Jolie.

It comes amid reports that Brad and Jennifer are in regular phone contact and - if true - their latest encounter marks their second private meeting together in the Big Apple this year.

A source [said] that Jennifer agreed to visit Brad in his suite at the Essex House hotel the day after he attended a political conference with former U.S. president Bill Clinton in New York.

Asking Jennifer Aniston for relationship advice is like asking a fat person for diet tips or a Trekkie for a condom. I would just assume you were making fun of me and run away crying.

At the premiere of “Love Crappens:”

PHOTO CREDIT: Bauer-Griffin Online, Pacific Coast News

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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Vivienne and Knox Jolie-Pitt Make an Appearance
Added 14 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Vivienne and Knox Jolie-Pitt Make an Appearance
The rarely-seen Jolie-Pitt twins Knox and Vivienne were photographed with parents Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt as they stopped for ice cream during a visit to Amman, Jordan. The Daily Mail says

The couple made a surprise visit to the Licky Licious gelato store where the owner Ihab Fakhouri snapped a picture of the family that was later posted on Twitter.

It was a very rare public outing for the 14-month-old twins who, unlike their high-profile siblings, have only been seen a handful of times since their birth.

It has led to speculation about their health, with some US publications claiming they suffered allergies and were kept hidden away for safety reasons.

But the pair looked like ‘really happy kids’ according to Fakhouri, who gave them pecan, caramel, vanilla and mango ice cream to try.

They make for a lovely family, don’t they? Well, the twins and Angelina, I mean. Brad looks like he should be trip-trapping over a bridge to confront the hungry troll who passed over his two brothers.

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Brad Pitt Maddox spend boy's night out at Dave and Buster's
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Brad Pitt  Maddox spend boy's night out at Dave and Buster's
After spending Thursday at the Clinton Global Initiative panel discussion on environmentalism and architecture, Brad Pitt spent Friday with Maddox in New York. The two went to the Dave and Buster?s in Times Square, where they played games and probably ate a ton of junk food. For those of you unfamiliar with Dave and Buster?s, it?s an American chain restaurant/fun-house popular with teenagers and people who want to feel like kids. It?s got tons of games, like a really family-friendly version of Las Vegas, without the high financial stakes. Lots of bright lights, lots of noise. Just thinking about it gives me a headache. Anyway, Brad and Maddox spent several hours there, and then went to JFK where they caught a flight back to France.

Brad Pitt and his 8-year-old son Maddox were spotted making their way to Dave & Busters in Times Square on Friday evening (September 25). Maddox held a box of take-out food as his proud papa led him toward the restaurant for an evening of fun and games. A couple of hours later, the father-son duo were seen departing NYC from the JFK airport.

The 45-year-old hunky actor was in the Big Apple to attend the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting, where he was presented with an award recognizing the green credentials of his housing project in New Orleans. Pitt’s Make It Right organization built 13 homes in an area of New Orleans destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

[From Celebrity Baby Scoop]

I?m sure somebody?s got something to say about the ?Miami retirement community? outfit Brad has on. I have no explanation for it. It?s like he should have looked in the mirror before he left the hotel and taken off two articles of clothing. It?s beige overkill with the vest (or cardigan, whatever), pants, jacket and beige trim on his hat. Without the hat and the vest/cardigan, it could have been fine. Meanwhile, Maddox is wearing an expression in most of these pictures like ?I can?t wait to get back to mom, where everything?s all black?.

Brad and Maddox are shown at JFK airport on 9/25/09. Credit: CWNY/Fame Pictures and

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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Brad Pitt news

Brad Pitt and Maddox Bust Out of the Big Apple
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Brad Pitt and Maddox Bust Out of the Big Apple
Drawing an end to their trip to the Big Apple, Brad Pitt and Maddox were spotted making their way out of New York City on Friday night (September 25).

The “Fight Club” stud first took his growing son to play at Dave & Busters in Times Square, with Maddox toting a take-out box as the pair then headed of to JFK Airport to catch an outbound flight.

As previously reported by Gossip Center, Brad was in town to participate in the Clinton Global Initiative proceedings being held over the past few days.

Just last night, Pitt took the stage to give an update on his Make It Right foundation’s post-Hurricane Katrina rebuilding effort - saying that the cost of building the homes is dropping, and “by the time all 150 promised homes are completed, the cost will be comparable to standard buildings.”

“I don’t know how we build any other way anywhere else,” the 45-year-old said. “We can no longer tell ourselves that implementing this technology is too complex a problem because it’s just been proven on this little spot on the map.”

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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Brad Pitt is intelligent, passionate during Clinton Global Initiative panel
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Brad Pitt is intelligent, passionate during Clinton Global Initiative panel
Brad Pitt showed up at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in New York early Thursday evening. Before he came out on stage for the panel discussion, they showed a really great short documentary with Brad, and interviews with people from New Orleans. It was a lovely profile of Make It Right and the devastation and regeneration of the Lower Ninth Ward. Brad and the interviewees, all NOLA residents, talked about the improvements being made in the past four years since Katrina. Then President Clinton came on to introduce the Make It Right panel. Clinton was at his wonkish best, reinforcing the theme that good environmentally-friendly projects are good for the economy. He talked a lot about all of the jobs being created in New Orleans because of the all of the projects CGI had helped finance and shepherd through.

When the panel finally came out, Brad ended up sitting next to Bubba. Brad didn?t shave, but he did look like he showered, so that?s a blessing. After Bubba?s introductory speech, Brad was given the floor (sort of, they were all seated). Brad started out by thanking Bubba for creating ?a forum where we can share our ideas? since the creation of CGI, $46 billion has been committed? to projects around the world. Brad asks for a round of applause for Bubba.

After the presidential ass-kissing, Brad describes his process in starting Make It Right, saying he got ?no love? when first fundraising in 2005, and how he came to Bubba for advice. Brad says that Bubba basically told him ?calm down, it?s a good idea, just stick with it.? Brad singles out Bill and Melinda Gates, and Steve Bing as big donors. Brad?s voice sounds shaky, nervous and emotional. He says Make It Right has exceeded his expectations. His goals for the homes were about affordability, aesthetics, sustainability, and resiliency. ?We can no longer tell ourselves that this technology cannot be implemented in a larger way.? Brad also makes a plea for funding to take the Make It Right model and expanding it globally - ?we want to take this out to a wider area? we are just scratching the surface.?

The next panelist was a woman who actually lives in one of the Make It Right NOLA homes - she actually lives in one of the first home, a ?prototype? home. She was funny as she talked about skipping to the computer to pay her $50 electricity bill. She kept saying, ?this is real, I?m not an actor? which made Bubba and Brad crack up, and Bubba actually touched Brad affectionately. Christ, Bubba probably tried to get Brad to go out with him to a strip club. This woman is so sweet as she talks about her ?beautiful home? with all of these gadgets.? She described the ?awesome? lighting system, the stove and the dual-mode toilet.

After that, Brad and his partners received a pretty award made of glass. It looked totally heavy. I had to look it up to see exactly what kind of award it was - Make It Right received a US Green Building Council award, the LEED plaque for the ?biggest green neighborhood in the world.? Make It Right has built 13 LEED Platinum certified, storm-resistant homes and are planning another 150 more in the Lower 9th Ward.

This was a really great appearance by Brad, and he managed to both have star power amongst the wonks, while still giving due credit to all of his partners and all of the groups Make It Right NOLA works with. This was actually the most intelligent, passionate and interesting speech and interview I?ve ever heard from Brad - so what does that mean? Has he just been playing dumb all along? Or does he only shine when he gets to talk about environmental architecture?

Photo credit:

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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Brad Pitt's Active Big Apple Agenda
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Brad Pitt's Active Big Apple Agenda
Taking advantage of his time in the Big Apple, Brad Pitt was spotted out to dinner with some friends in New York City last night (September 24).

The “Fight Club” stud looked cool and casual in a grey button-up top with matching trousers as he gave a quick smile to the paparazzi before heading out.

Earlier in the day, Brad gave a speech at the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative at the Sheraton Hotel, updating everyone on the Make It Right Foundation’s rebuilding progress in New Orleans.

Pitt said, “I don’t know how we build any other way anywhere else. We can no longer tell ourselves that implementing this technology is too complex a problem because it’s just been proven on this little spot on the map.”

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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Brad Pitt news

Brad Pitt Wants to Build an Airport
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Brad Pitt Wants to Build an Airport
It’s no secret that Brad Pitt has plenty of money - and he loves spending it.

The stud actor is reported to be trying to buy property around his and Angelina Jolie’s French estate, Chateau Miraval, to construct an airport so the family can just fly in with no cameras or paparazzi.

The couple already spent $60 million for 1,000 acres in the South of France which includes 35 bedrooms, a vineyard, lake, forest and a moat.

“One thing he loves about the estate is the privacy it affords,” a source gushed. “Nobody can get near it. So with Angelina completing her pilot’s license, their own airstrip would give them total freedom to come and go.”

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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Brad Pitt news

Jolie-Pitt kids are missing some teeth Brad Pitt casting rumors
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jolie-Pitt kids are missing some teeth  Brad Pitt casting rumors
We don?t have access to these great new pictures, but if like seeing the Jolie-Pitt kids, you should definitely check these out. Angelina took Zahara, Pax and Shiloh out to the Toys ?R? Us in the south of France (who knew there was a Toys ?R? Us there?). People are already analyzing in great depth Shiloh?s missing front tooth - she?s 3 years old, which does seem young to start loosing teeth. Perhaps Shiloh and Empress Zahara got into a big fight, and Zahara clocked her? Or perhaps Shiloh is just knocked out her own front tooth with that epically awesome sword she?s carrying.

Zahara looks like she?s turning out to be the great beauty of the family, and she?s wearing a little purple peasant skirt and white tank. Too cute. Meanwhile, I think Shiloh decided to dress up like some kind of? pirate? She has that sword, a hat and a ?f-ck off and die? look on her face. Awesome. I love generational bitchface. Pax looks cute too - he got a haircut, and he looks like a sweetheart. He?s missing one of his front teeth too!

In one other little piece of Jolie-Pitt news, does anyone remember the weird rumor floating around last month that Brad Pitt was called in to film some emergency scenes for Guy Ritchie?s Sherlock Holmes? Within a day, the rumors were denied, but they still struck me as totally odd. First, how even starts a rumor like that if there isn?t some kind of basis? Secondly, Guy and Brad are friends, and if Guy was going to turn to anyone for a little emergency stunt-casting, it would probably be Brad. Now the rumor mill has started up again, and Brad?s name is still being thrown around? this time for a possible Sherlock Holmes sequel:

Brad Pitt has been the subject of a whirlwind of internet rumors that would mystify Sherlock Holmes himself. The “Inglourious Basterds” star was pegged for a cameo as the nefarious Moriarty, the titular master detective’s arch-nemesis, in the Guy Ritchie-directed “Sherlock Holmes,” but denials from Warner Bros. and other official parties effectively squashed that rumor.

Do you think the real Moriarty would reveal his identity so easily? No, he’d confuse his pursuers with misdirection and false leads. But just like legends, a good rumor never dies.

The Hollywood Reporter is getting in on the rumor mill by suggesting that Brad Pitt has had discussions with producers to star as Moriarty in a potential “Sherlock Holmes” sequel. The report acknowledges the previous Pitt rumors, but states that “those familiar with the script say the character [of Moriarty] is in shadow and cannot be recognized,” verifying director Ritchie’s statement that the Holmes villain is slated for an appearance — just not with any specific actor in mind.

Perhaps more important than Pitt’s potential enlistment in a “Holmes” sequel is the very existence of a sequel itself. The Robert Downey Jr.-starring action-mystery-what-have-you flick doesn’t even hit theaters until December, and there are already active plans to turn the film into a franchise.

According to THR, screenwriters Kieran and Michele Mulroney have been hired to pen “Sherlock Holmes 2? for Warners. The screenwriting pair are also mentioned as the writers behind “Justice League: Mortal,” the WB’s defunct superhero team-up project. They also wrote and directed “Paper Man,” the Jeff Daniels and Ryan Reynolds-starring dramedy about a man accompanied by an imaginary superhero pal.

So, not only is Brad Pitt maybe-possibly starring in the “Holmes” franchise after all, but a sequel is actually being fast-tracked in advance of the initial film’s release. Seems a little early to be talking about “Sherlock Holmes 2? to me, when we don’t even know if the first movie is any good or not.

[From MTV News]

Maybe I?m completely off-base, but I kind of think Brad might have done some work on this first Sherlock Holmes film, due out this Christmas. I think it was supposed to be a surprise, and it got out, and the studio tried to shut it down. I?m not saying Brad filmed a bunch of scenes or anything - but if Guy Ritchie was smart about it, Brad could have done some voice work, and maybe one scene, the ?reveal? of Prof. Moriarity.

Brad Pitt is shown at the San Sebastian Film Festival on 9/18/09 with Quentin Tarantino. Credit:

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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Brad Pitt news

Brad Pitt: San Sebastian Stud
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Brad Pitt: San Sebastian Stud
Looking snazzy in his suit, Brad Pitt steps attended a press conference and screening for his new movie, “Inglourious Basterds,” in Spain on Friday night (September 18).

Held at the Kursaal Palace, tyhe “Fight Club” stud donned a grey beard as he joined director Quentin Tarantio for a Q & A session before taking to teh red carpet and greeting his adoring fans at the San Sebastian Film Festival.

During the press conference, Pitt spoke about the excitement of working with Tarantino on the film - which saw its release in Spain today.

“It was really fun, just really fun,” he said. “When Tarantino is on set is energy. It’s really difficult to sleep on set when Tarantino is on. The set is a church and he is God, you always learn something from God.”

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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