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Brad Pitt Gets Booed in Cannes
Added 13 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Brad Pitt Gets Booed in Cannes
The director of Brad Pitt’s new movie The Tree of Life didn’t even show to the film’s premiere in Cannes today, so it’s no surprise to hear that it was booed like The Situation at a Donald Trump roast. The Daily Mail says:

Brad Pitt’s art house movie The Tree of Life was greeted to a harsh chorus of boos, hisses and reluctant applause when it was unveiled at the Cannes Film Festival.

The picture’s director Terrence Malick didn’t even bother to turn up at the press conference following a screening that started at 8:30 a.m.

I’d wager that Malick’s not showing had less to do with the quality of the film and more to do with the fact that Brad Pitt was dressed like the Good Humor Man’s retarded pimp cousin. Sex industry ice cream men are naturally repellant to the art-house industry. Everybody knows that.

PHOTO SOURCE: Fame Pictures

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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Angelina Jolie has a date night with Brad & she finally names her Bosnian film
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Angelina Jolie has a date   night with Brad & she finally names her Bosnian film
These are some new photos of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie out to dinner in Cannes last night. Brad seems to be wearing a charcoal-colored suit, white shirt and no tie, with his hair slicked back into some kind of fancy mullet (praise it). Angelina seems to be wearing a fitted white v-neck dress that I would like to see more of - it looks flattering, and very much UNLIKE the sack dresses she prefers for the red carpet. I could be wrong, but I thought I also spied a classic Louis Vuitton monogram purse in her hand too. Angelina was recently shooting the LV ads with Annie Leibovitz in Cambodia, and I can?t wait for those to come out.

Later today is the big evening red carpet for Tree of Life, Brad?s film with Terrence Malick. Brad and Angelina are both expected for the red carpet, and I?ll have the pics from the Tree of Life photo call up in just a moment (just Brad, no Angie). First, I wanted to talk about the news that came out yesterday - Angelina?s Bosnian love story movie has found a distrubuter, got a release date, and most importantly, Angelina finally gave it a title. She?s calling it? In the Land of Blood and Honey. Meh.

FilmDistrict has been tapped to release Angelina Jolie?s feature directorial debut In the Land of Blood and Honey, which is now slated to open Dec. 23 in the U.S.

The pact was announced Sunday in Cannes by Graham King and his producing partner Tim Headington, together with Peter Schlessel, CEO of FilmDistrict, the new production and distribution company that GK Films launched last year.

GK Films also produced the film, which Jolie wrote as well as directed.

Land is set against the backdrop of the Bonsian Civil War in the 1990s, and Jolie said, ?The film is specific to the Bosnian War, but it?s also universal. I wanted to tell a story of how human relationships and behavior are deeply affected by living inside a war.?

It stars Zana Marjanovic (Snow), Goran Kostic and Rade Serbedzija (In the Rain). Jolie worked with a completely local cast, filming the project in both Serbo-Croation, the language spoken at the time of the war, and English. FilmDistrict will be releasing the English-language version.

?The former Yugoslavia has a rich history of dramatic arts. The cast was extraordinary. I was privileged and honored to work with them and I am very excited for everyone to see their immense talent,? Jolie added.

The project reteams Jolie with King, who produced last year?s thriller The Tourist, in which she starred with Johnny Depp.

?Working with Angelina on this film and story has been a great collaboration and I am extremely proud of this film,? said King. ?The filmmaking is impeccable, and signals the arrival of a visceral and compelling storyteller.?

GK Films has several other titles that will also be released stateside in the fall: The Rum Diary, starring Depp, will be released by FilmDistrict on Oct. 28, and Martin Scorsese?s foray into 3D, Hugo Cabret, will be distributed by Paramount on Nov. 23.

Jolie, who has been in Cannes this week to promote DreamWorks Animation?s Kung Fu Panda 2, in which she voices the character of the Tigress, directed the 2007 documentary A Place in Time before making her current move into helming a narrative feature.

UPDATED: FilmDistrict sets Dec. 23 release date for “In the Land of Blood and Honey.”

[From The Hollywood Reporter]

We talked a little bit about this film on Friday, and I came clean about my qualms regarding how bad I think this film was going to be. Some super-cool Brangeloonies then QUESTIONED MY LOYALTY to the Brangelina Brand, and even doubted my membership to the club. Look? I love some Angelina. But the skinny bitch doesn?t walk on water, and I honestly think the film is probably going to suck. It truly doesn?t sound good. That being said, I will defend her right to make any movie she wants, and I will defend her because I think her heart was in the right place. I don?t think In the Land of Blood and Honey is going to be offensive, not do I think it?s some sort of terrible story about a rape victim falling in love with her rapist. I just think it?s probably going to be a boring, somewhat preachy movie, and the worst thing I?ve heard about it thus far is that Angelina shot the entire thing in English and Bosnian (Serbo-Croatian) because she didn?t know which she wanted. Seriously, that does not bode well. She should have figured that out before she even began filming.

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.

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Brad Pitt, mullet-y in all-white; 'Tree of Life' was booed at Cannes
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Brad Pitt, mullet-y in all-white; 'Tree of Life' was booed at Cannes
Here are some photos from the Tree of Life photo call in Cannes, just hours ago, as promised. Brad did the photo call with his costar and on-screen wife, Jessica Chastain, who is currently one of the It Girls being cast in EVERYTHING. She?s 30 years old, but she seems older to me. And I dislike this shade of red on a girl with that shade of red hair. As for Brad? he took note of Jon Hamm?s all-white ensemble and raised the Hamm Dong one salt-and-pepper mullet. Brad?s Cannes ensembles are always? well, they?re always interesting. There was that one year he did a photo call in a Tom Ford ascot. That was memorable. Brad loves his fashion, and I suspect he?s a clotheshorse. So why this baggy suit and mullet? It makes him look like a low-level mob enforcer on holiday.

As for the critical response to Brad?s latest offering (which he filmed in 2008, and director Terrence Malick fiddled with for THREE YEARS), Tree of Life seems to have drawn mixed reactions. There are multiple reports of booing during one screening, although Entertainment Weekly makes it sound like it was just a couple of people:

It can be daunting to describe Terrence Malick?s The Tree of Life, but scattered audience members at its first screening in Cannes needed only one syllable: boo. The many supporters of the movie pushed back with counter-applause, but it was a shocking way for the movie to debut.

The Tree of Life is an elegiac litany of images and memory-like scenes more than a traditional narrative,. In brief, it?s the origin of time and infinity through the lens of one troubled, 1950s-era Texas family. It stars Brad Pitt and Jessica Chastain, though they share copious screen time with evolving galaxies, nebulae, and surreal, symbolic representations of the world beyond. Call it a coming of age story about the universe.

Here?s how the chaos ? on-screen and off ? unfolded today ?

The scene outside the 8:30 a.m. screening at the festival?s Grand Theatre Lumiere was a mosh pit of fearsome determination. Malick is somewhat the J.D. Salinger of filmmakers, rarely photographed, and never submitting to interviews. Though he is hardly prolific, his handful of films have been striking for their visual splendor and meditative tones: Badlands, Days of Heaven, The Thin Red Line, The New World ?

Though the movie opens for everyone May 27, audience members crushed at the entrance Monday morning, shoving and hollering to gain entrance to a film that has been eagerly anticipated at Cannes for two years. With passions so high to see it, the movie?s debut mirrored the film?s central conflict: a boy trying to live up to the high standards of his harsh father. Only in this case it was Cannes notoriously harsh community of critics and journalists.

As long-form reviews were being written there was push-back against the booing on Twitter. ?Yes, some booed at Tree of Life?s end, but a) far more clapped, b) wouldn?t a monobloc of opinion be dull? And, of course, c) jerks abound,? wrote MSN Movies? James Rocchi.

?The booing at the end of today?s Tree of Life screening was an ugly, animalistic thing that may explain why Malick doesn?t do press,? added IndieWire?s Eric Kohn.

And yes, the notoriously elusive Malick continued his long tradition of not speaking on behalf of his movies, and did not attend the press conference after the screening. His producer, Sarah Green, said he prefers to stay out of the spotlight because, ?Mr. Malick is very shy and I would say I believe his work speaks for him.?

Pitt had no problem speaking instead. ?He tells this micro story of this family in a small town in Texas and juxtaposes it with the macro of the birth of the cosmos and cells splitting,? he said. ?I find that so extraordinary. There are parallel truths in that.?

Pitt said repeatedly he could go on at length about the process Malick employed to make such an unusual film. There are few dialogue-driven scenes, and the child actors at the center of the tale were not permitted to see the script, Pitt said, instead being told roughly what to do or say. Pitt said Malick wanted everyone to follow their instincts.

?He?s like a guy with a butterfly net waiting for the truth to go by,? Pitt said.

?It was all about capturing the accident,? Chastain added, citing a for-instance: ?There?s a section where a butterfly lands on my hand. It?s not in the script, and we didn?t put anything on my hand to make it land there.?

?It?s a leap of faith, but that?s the point,? Pitt said.

Malick rented the entire neighborhood where they shot, dressed it to resemble the 1950s period, and would have the family linger together on the street, playing on swings, or working in the yard, while the capture awaited special moments.

?Then he does what he calls torpedoing a scene,? Pitt said. ?The youngest child he called The Torpedo. On the first day, [Chastain and I] were having an argument, raising our voices, and we shot that take. Then suddenly he would send in Ty, as the Torpedo, and it changed the whole dynamic of the scene.?

There was some joking about the absent director, whom Chastain said tended to steer the camera toward nearby woodpecker or something else in nature if it interrupted the scene. Instead of ruining the take, that tended to be the thing Malick would rather use.

Pitt said he had no problem with the director choosing not to speak about the movie publicly. ?You know how you have a favorite song and then you hear the band describing your favorite lyrics, and then you?re disappointed?? he asked the room of journalists, who responded with silence.

?No?? he said.

[From Entertainment Weekly]

Well, it sounds like some people really liked it and a few didn?t. Meh. I have to admit something - I know all of the film snobs are like ?Malick is a genius, he?s misunderstood, YOU JUST DON?T GET HIM? but the description of the production sounds so? weak. Self-indulgent on the director?s part. Masturbatory. You know what I appreciate? A well-written script. A director with the balls to make judgment calls in the heat of production. Someone who isn?t so precious and self-indulgent that they can edit their film in less than a year.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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Brad Pitt: 'Tree of Life' Cannes Photocall
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Brad Pitt: 'Tree of Life' Cannes Photocall
He?s been spotted all over Cannes, France as of late, and earlier today (May 16) Brad Pitt was spotted at a photo call for ?Tree of Life.?

The ?Fight Club? stud looked dapper in a beige suit with a white v-neck shirt and snazzy sunglasses as he waved to fans and press as part of the 64th Cannes International Film Festival goings on.

Last night (May 15) Brad took his leading lady Angelina Jolie out for a romantic evening on the town.

The famous couple stopped by Tetou restaurant in Golfe Juan, France only to be mobbed by fans as they hopped into their chauffeured ride.

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie's Tetou Dinner Date
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie's Tetou Dinner Date
Closing out the weekend with a romantic night on the town, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie stopped by Tetou restaurant in Golfe Juan, France on Sunday (May 15).

The Hollywood power couple both looked dapper as they were helped past a crowd of gathered paparazzi and oglers to be loaded into an awaiting chauffeured vehicle.

Brad and Angelina's dinner outing comes as Miss Jolie is fresh off of promoting her movie "Kung Fu Panda 2" at Cannes while Pitt will be boosting interest in his picture titled "The Tree of Life" at the annual French Riviera located festival this coming week.

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Angelina & Brad's child care costs: $1 million per kid, per year'
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Angelina & Brad's child care costs: $1 million per kid, per year'
This story comes on the heels of the non-story that the Jolie-Pitt children are being raised by an educating, bilingual nanny army. At the time, I thought ?meh? because we all know that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have nannies, and having high hiring standards just seems like a smart choice. Now InTouch Weekly is dialing up the Scandal-Meter by getting into specific (alleged) numbers for the cost of the Jolie-Pitts? childcare. InTouch (via The Mail) thinks that Angelina and Brad are paying about $1 million per child, per year. Let?s see the breakdown, shall we?

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie spend a staggering $10 million (6.1 million) on childcare for their brood, it was claimed today. The superstar couple rack up huge child care, travel and food bills every month looking after their six kids. As well as spending $5 million (3.1 million) on private jets, the Hollywood pair splashed out $900,000 (541,000) last year on a nanny for each of the children.

Feeding adopted Maddox, nine, Pax, seven, Zahara, six, Shiloh, four, and biological twins Knox and Vivienne, two, meanwhile costs around $36,000 (22,000 ). And having a nanny for each of them costs up to $900,000 (541,000).

A source told a US magazine In Touch: ‘They spend more than a million dollars on private tutors who travel around the world with them. They [even] once spent $500,000 (301,000) for one stay at the Waldorf [Astoria hotel in New York].?

The couple also spent an estimated several million dollars on first-class airfare and hotel bills for the youngsters. Representatives for Pitt, 47, and Jolie, 35, were not available for comment. The news comes just days after it was revealed that the couple were on the hunt for a new nanny.

The pair are apparently prepared to pay a 90,000 a year salary for the lucky applicant. They will also be required to travel between California, New Orleans and France, as well as other film locations around the world.

As well as a degree in education or child development, Brad and Angelina are demanding the nanny should speak at least two different languages, as well as the native tongues of their children.

Brad’s parents, Bill and Jane, recently moved in to the family’s Chateau Miraval estate in France to help the couple raise their large brood - meaning the nannying position may not be a lifetime role.

A source told The Sun earlier this week: ‘The whole family is going to move there as soon as the renovations are done. At the moment they have six nannies - one for each of the kids - and the plan is to get rid of the helpers and rely on Bill and Jane. The annex they will live in is an old building which used to be used as a dovecote. It’s big enough to have a sitting room, kitchen and a couple of bedrooms. It will make a lovely little cottage for them.’

[From The Mail]

Let?s see? other costs: kids? clothing, per year is allegedly $100,000. $5 million spent on private jets in a year (why not?) and $600 a day on cars. Oh, and each kid gets a $7000 birthday party. And don?t forget the high cost of gerbil maintenance. That could easily run you a cool million per year, adjusting for the requisite gerbils-of-doom cost of living adjustment. The gerbils know too much. But it?s easier to pay them off and maintain them rather than kill them off.

And no one is discussing the cost of Zahara?s empress maintenance!

Photos courtesy of Fame.

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Brad Pitt: Fighting Zombies in "World War Z"
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Brad Pitt: Fighting Zombies in
Adding yet another film to his impressive list of movies, Brad Pitt is set to star in the film version of ?World War Z.?

The movie is based on Max Brooks?s 2006 novel that details first-person accounts of a ?zombie war? that ravages the world.

Brad?s production company, Plan B, outbid Leonardo DiCaprio?s Appian Way company and landed the rights to ?World War Z? in 2007.

Mireille Enos from AMC?s ?The Killing? was most recently added to the cast and will play Pitt?s wife.

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie's Theater Night Date
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie's Theater Night Date
Treating themselves to an evening of culture, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were spotted at a performance of ?God of Carnage? last night (April 13).

The ?Fight Club? stud and the ?Changeling? chick posed for a picture backstage at Los Angeles? Ahmanson Theatre following the show.

Brad and Ang looked to have enjoyed the opening night production by the Center Theatre Group, who also did the show in New York City in 2009.

Meanwhile, Angelina has been busy with her new jewelry collection, appropriately called ?Style of Jolie.?

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Brad Pitt took his 'polite, shy' kids to an Easter egg hunt for charity
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Brad Pitt took his 'polite, shy' kids to an Easter egg hunt for charity
Yesterday, I read that Brad Pitt had taken the older kids to see that movie, Hop, where the Easter Bunny is pooping jelly beans. It sounded like a fun outing, especially for a dad (temporarily) on his own with the kids. But Brad the Dad gets even cooler than jelly-bean-poop movies! Brad the Dad took the kids to an Easter egg hunt too. And it was for charity! Apparently, the kids were all very well-behaved in public:

Easter came early for the Jolie-Pitts! Brad Pitt took Maddox, 9, Pax, 7, Zahara, 6, and Shiloh, 4, to a screening of Russell Brand’s new animated film Hop on Sunday. The family- minus Angelina Jolie and 2-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox- also indulged in some sugary treats and hunted for Easter eggs.

“The kids participated in the hunt and everyone looked like they were having a great time,” a fellow guest told the L.A. Times. “They stayed for pretty much the whole time.”

Another witness told E! Online that Shiloh et all walked away with “chocolate-covered pretzel rods, gummy butterflies, gummy cherries and jelly beans.”

“The kids were so cute, polite and shy,” another source told the website. “Brad had to help them do the ordering of what they wanted in their little goody bags. They also made sure to take home some candy sticks for their siblings who weren’t there.”

Pitt, 47, was overheard quipping, “We always need something in our family, especially sugar!”

The event raised funds for EBMRF, a skin disease affecting children, and hosts included Hop stars James Marsden and Kaley Cuoco. Pitt is on the honorary advisory board for the EBMRF medical research foundation.

[From Us Weekly]

For some reason, I don?t think Brad is one of those fathers who seems overwhelmed when Mom is away. He actually seems to enjoy his ?single dad? time with the kids, which is really sweet. Of course, he only took the four older kids - I would imagine even SuperDad would find six kids (including two toddlers) overwhelming.

Also: I wonder what treats Zahara got? Do you think she?s a Peeps kind of Empress?

Photos courtesy of Fame.

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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Brad Pitt: Health Food Nut
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Brad Pitt: Health Food Nut
Showing off that infamous smile, Brad Pitt was spotted heading out for a bite to eat in Los Angeles, CA on Monday (April 4).

The ?Fight Club? stud teased the paparazzi by playing a game of peek-a-boo before hopping into his swanky vehicle and zipping off to Akasha health food restaurant with a friend.

On Sunday, Pitt took Maddox, Pax, Zahara and Shiloh to a screening of the new animated flick ?Hop.?

Afterward, the kids were treated to an early Easter egg hunt in which they hunted for eggs and Easter candy and looked to be having the time of their lives.

6-Jun-2024 :Angelina Jolie spent her 49th birthday quietly at home, ?Zahara is home f...
6-Jun-2024 :Us Weekly: ?Upset? Brad Pitt ?still isn?t ready to give up on his childre...
5-Jun-2024 :ET: Brad Pitt ?recognizes that things have been difficult for him and the...
4-Jun-2024 :People: Brad Pitt is ?aware and upset that Shiloh dropped his last name?
25-Jul-2023 :Brad Pitt is getting drunk in pubs after he films scenes for his Formula ...
11-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt looked especially pulled & tweaked at the 2023 Golden Globes
6-Jan-2023 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon are hanging out a lot & chose to be ?officially...
21-Dec-2022 :Brad Pitt & Ines de Ramon posed for some exclusive pics for his 59th birt...
17-Nov-2022 :Brad Pitt, 58, was seen grabbing on Ines de Ramon, Paul Wesley?s 29-year-...
24-Oct-2022 :Brad Pitt went to the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin & brushed off Martin...
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