| | |  | Keira Knightley News & Gossip
| Keira Knightley Premieres 'The Imitation Game' & Checks In at 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 She?s always a busy beauty and last night (November 10) Keira Knightley had a pair of promotional visits on her itinerary.
The ?Pirates of the Caribbean? cutie headed over to the DGA Theater in Los Angeles for a special screening of her new flick ?The Imitation Game? hosted by Chanel.
From there, Ms. Knightley paid a visit to ?Jimmy Kimmel Live? where she extolled the virtues of staying at the Four Seasons Hotel while in SoCal.
Keira gushed, "You sit round the pool and these people come around with trays and you get like, a frozen grape. Who knew? They're great."
Jimmy asked, "You guys don't have those in England?" to which the ?Begin Again? starlet replied, "No, it's too cold for frozen grapes in England!?
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| Keira Knightley hates fairy tales, doesn't want 'some f?king dude' to rescue her | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Keira Knightley covers the latest issue of The Edit (net-a-porter?s in-house online magazine), likely to promote The Imitation Game. Funnily enough, she doesn?t mention the film at all. Great promotion, Keira!! But it?s still a nice piece because Keira seemed to be in a funny, brassy kind of mood and she wanted to talk about feminism and Hollywood and sex. You can read the full profile here and here are some highlights:
She doesn?t believe in fairytales: ?I left them behind. Why should you be told to wait for some f***ing dude to rescue you??
Why there are so many films about white dudes: ?The people who make movies, whether it?s directors or producers or money people, look for things that they can identify with and if they?re all predominantly middle-aged white men, then what you see are things that middle-aged white men can identify with. And you don?t get anything for anybody else.?
The idea of a baby girl: ?A friend of mine just had a daughter. It?s a political thing, having a baby girl, in a way that it isn?t for a boy. You think, ?Oh, isn?t this fairy-tale lovely?? Then suddenly you worry, ?What [expectation] am I planting with that? I don?t want her to be waiting around for a man to fix her problems.? Maybe it?s a bit silly, but because [gender] equality is going so hugely the other way, I think it probably does take being silly to try and swing it back round.?
Sex & violence in film: ?I?ve turned a lot [of roles] down because of it, mostly because of really overt sex and violence that is just, in my view, not justified. I?m not saying that there can?t be really interesting stories about sex and violence, but a lot of it I just think, ?This is gratuitous for the sake of being gratuitous, and you?d never ask a dude to do this.? It?s actually a difficult question: how much flesh are you meant to bare? What are we saying is appropriate or not appropriate? We?re saying that we should be sexually liberated but then again not that sexually liberated. It?s confusing.?
Turning 30 next year, adulthood: ?I don?t know, what?s that meant to feel like? There?s a concept of how you should be and I?m not sure anybody really fits into it. I hope they don?t, because I don?t feel like I do. I?m absolutely fine about it. I had a funny 22, I didn?t like that number. But 30, I?m alright with. With me, everything before 25 wasn?t so fun, but everything post has been great.
[From The Edit]
Keira talks here and there about kids, and I appreciate the fact that she?s not doing that tried-and-true ?yes, of course I?m going to get pregnant soon, I love babies, yay!? thing that so many actresses fall into. I get the feeling that Keira does like the idea of motherhood but she wants to wait and she?s working all of it out in real time, in interviews. She?s thinking about babies and when she should or could have them, but she hasn?t really made up her mind yet. That?s my theory.
Photos courtesy of The Edit.
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| Keira Knightley: 'Being a tomboy makes me quite interested in heightened femininity' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Keira Knightley has been doing a lot of interviews lately because she?s got two films, Laggies and The Imitation Game, coming out soon. Personally, I?m enjoying this current era of Keira?s life. She seems very happy, almost silly-happy, and her interviews reflect that. Keira did a decent interview with The Guardian this weekend ? you can read the full piece here. Keira talks a lot about her evolution through her 20s (she?s only 29 now) and how she woke up on 25th birthday and decided to stop taking everything so seriously. Some highlights:
Her 25th birthday: ?Up to 25, I was pretty neurotic. It absolutely was [that sudden]. It was my 25th birthday. I remember it so clearly. I suddenly woke up at 25 and was like?? she pulls a face ? ?It?s all OK. We went bowling. We had a really silly party with karaoke, which I hate, and loads of balloons. And it was just excellent. Lots of cupcakes. Lots of booze. And suddenly there was just that dawning?And that?s what?s happened since. It was exactly the right way to go.?
She still loves Bend It Like Beckham: ?I think the great thing about Bend It Like Beckham was that it managed to be amazingly optimistic without making you feel you?ve been raped by sugar. And I?d love to find that again.?
Being critcized: ?Who gives a sh-t? My attitude now is that some people will enjoy it and some people won?t.? She shrugs. ?Just make it for the people who enjoy it.?
She disliked being part of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise: ?That period of being 17, 18, 19, 21? I just found it all very hard. And the thing is, I do love big blockbuster films. I love eating popcorn and watching, because it?s like a ride, and it can be fantastic. The Batman films are absolutely incredible. But it?s secretly always got the other side to it, which is: ?Well, they?re not really acting, and that?s sh-t, and it?s all about the CGI.? Which is completely fair enough.?
The paparazzi: She didn?t participate in the Leveson inquiry. ?And I have to say, I don?t have a problem now. They?ve completely left me alone, so I have absolutely nothing to complain about. It?s all very lovely and low key, which is the way I like it.?
She?s a tomboy? ?Ha ha! My mum had to tell me to take off my dungarees before coming here. But I also think that maybe being a tomboy makes me quite interested in heightened femininity. There?s definitely a contradiction there.?
She loves Scarlett O?Hara: ?Oh I loved Gone with the Wind. I absolutely did. But really I loved Scarlett O?Hara, because, specifically, she is a bitch. She does things her own way and everybody?s terrified of her, but she lives like a f–king survivor. And everyone wants to be that. It?s that moral ambiguity which I think is truer to life. That sometimes we can be a little bit mean.?
[From The Guardian]
She talks about her husband, James Righton, a bit too, basically saying that she?s thinking about babies but it doesn?t sound like that?s on her agenda for the next year or so. She also says they stay in most of the time, learning how to cook and reading. I didn?t really understand what she was saying about being a tomboy interested in ?heightened femininity? at all. I mean? I always think of Keira as a girly-girl. She loves clothes, she seems to love styling, hair and makeup and if you?ve seen her in interviews, she is very girly. Just because you like to wear pants, that doesn?t mean you?re a tomboy!
Oh, and this was just announced ? Keira will make her Broadway debut in a production of Therese Raquin.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Keira Knightley: Broadway Bound in 'Therese Raquin' | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Continuing the trend of Tinseltown stars who transition to stage, Keira Knightley just landed a role in the forthcoming Broadway production of ?Therese Raquin.?
Slated to begin previews on October 1st, 2015, the play is based on Emile Zola?s 1867 novel and will be produced by The Roundabout Theatre Company.
Keira will play the titular role of a woman who goes from a loveless marriage to an illicit affair that leads to tragic consequences.
And while Ms. Knightley has never appeared on Broadway before, she has gained stage experience with parts in London productions of ?The Children?s Hour? and ?The Misanthrope.?
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| Keira Knightley & Benedict Cumberbatch Team Up for 'The Imitation Game' Photocall | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Showing some love to their British fans, Keira Knightley and Benedict Cumberbatch showed up at the 58th BFI London Film Festival photocall for ?The Imitation Game? today (October 8).
The ?Love, Actually? starlet and the ?Sherlock? stud both received a warm welcome as they waved to the crowd at the Corinthia Hotel ahead of the movie?s big premiere.
Meanwhile, Keira recently confessed to Glamour magazine that while her job requires her to care about her wardrobe, she hates buying clothes.
?The truth is that I've never liked shopping that much. I'll do a bit of online shopping at Matches and Net-A-Porter, which is like crack. I do get some very good Chanel freebies. This [bag] is my particular favorite right now. It's perfect. Actually it's not perfect because it's not big enough to fit a passport in.''
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| Keira Knightley: 'I don't think you can say that beauty is a curse' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Keira Knightley covers the new issue of Glamour UK. I?m not crazy-jazzed about the photoshoot, but that?s mostly about the questionable clothes Keira?s wearing. Her face is perfection though ? if anything, I think she?s more beautiful these days than when she was younger. Her coltish, youthful beauty is being transformed into something more substantial and even more striking and enchanting. Plus, she just seems more comfortable in her own skin these days. Some highlights from the Glamour interview:
She doesn?t want her future daughter to be an actress: ?I should imagine that if she wanted to act, I wouldn?t have a choice but, no, I certainly wouldn?t recommend it. It can be completely heartbreaking for most people who do it, because the amount of rejection is enormous. And it doesn?t matter what kind of person you are, it?s impossible for that not to take a toll. Even if you?re successful, you still have to go through a s—load of rejection. So I would say to my daughter: ?Be a doctor or a lawyer ? something stable and useful.??
On her good looks: ?I don?t think you can say that they?re a curse. It would be stupid of me to say that my looks haven?t played a part in my career, because obviously they have. And obviously they have got be contracts with Chanel, but there have been as many, if not more, parts that I haven?t got because of the way I look. So I suppose it balances out.?
Being famous when she was younger: ?I reached my peak of grown-up behaviour at 20 and 21, and it?s been downhill since then. I was terribly sensible as a teenager but I?ve got far less so as I?ve grown up, which has been a huge relief for everyone ? including my parents. I?m not actually worried about turning 30. Because, honestly, my early 20s were not much fun. Then, after 25, things just got better and better. Maybe you stop caring as much about where you should be going and what other people think.?
Her wedding to James Righton: ?It was a bloody good day and a lot of fun. And yes, being married feels pretty good. You only get to choose one member of your family and I made a good choice. So well done, me!?
Her favorite style icons are Bjork & Helena Bonham Carter: ?I always think that all the people on those ?red cross? lists are the best dressed. That swan dress was my all-time favourite. I?m always telling my stylist, ?Don?t make me too proper!? If it?s perfect, I?m not interested.?
Don?t call her ?babe?: ?I don?t really notice ?love? or ?darling?, but ?babe? I do find really tricky.?
[From Glamour & The Telegraph]
I always think ?darling? is more of British thing, along with calling someone ?love.? Although, funny (and true story): my deli guy calls me ?love.? It?s the weirdest thing. I?m just trying to order ham and he?s always like, ?Can I help you, love?? He?s younger than me too. Weird, right? I think the more American terms of endearment are probably “honey” and “babe”.
And I like what Keira says about her looks ? it?s so much better than hearing an actress complain about her overwhelming beauty being a terrible hindrance. I?ve heard Keira say before that producers thought she would be ?too pretty? to play Lizzie Bennett in Pride & Prejudice and when she came in to audition, they were like, ?Oh, nevermind, you?re not that pretty.? Ha!
Photos courtesy of Glamour UK.
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| Keira Knightley Premieres 'Laggies' in Stormy Toronto | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Braving the nasty summer storm looming overhead, Keira Knightley showed up at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival on Wednesday night (September 10) to premiere her new flick ?Laggies.?
The ?Love Actually? actress got all gussied up in a Michael van der Ham dress as she headed over to Roy Thomson Hall, however the wind and rain definitely took its toll on her usually flawless presentation.
After the crowds began shouting, ?Beyonce!? in reference to the wind effect on her hair, Keira told press, ?I?m like, ?Look, I?m not Beyonce.? I?m wearing Michael van der Ham and I haven?t done him any justice! Oh, my God! The elements! The elements! I think the tent is about to collapse! This is fun right? Are we having fun??
?Laggies? also stars Chloe Moretz, Sam Rockwell and Ellie Kemper and is slated to hit theaters on October 24th. Per the synopsis, ?A woman stuck in permanent adolescence lies to her fianc about going on a retreat and spends the time hanging out with friends instead.?
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| Keira Knightley's TIFF style, Stella, Chanel & more: which is your favorite' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I was so obsessed with Benedict Cumberbatch this week that I sort of forgot to cover Keira Knightley?s fashion for the most part ? her (fug) Dolce & Gabbana dress barely got a mention the other day. But Keira was really bringing the fashion p0rn to TIFF this week, and it?s worth discussing. First off, we have this lovely navy Michael van der Ham dress that she wore last night to the (very windy) carpet for Laggies. I would like to see this dress on a less windy carpet, because I imagine it hangs beautifully. Keira likes intricate, beaded, frothy fashion, and the details on this dress are gorgeous. Great color for her too.
Two nights ago, she wore this Chanel cocktail dress to the TIFF premiere of The Imitation Game. I think this is my favorite! Lately I?ve been kind of hating Chanel stuff because it looks too overworked, but I love this. So chic.
And Keira wore this Stella McCartney dress at some point yesterday. You know how I feel about Stella McCartney?s designs. But I have to say, this isn?t flat-out terrible. I want to edit it a little bit, maybe take off that last bottom ruffle to get it to look cleaner. The belt seems to bring the look together rather well though.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Keira Knightley Nice Cow Dress At The Imitation Game press conference in Toronto | Added 10 years ago | Source: Dickism |
 Here is Keira Knightley attending The Imitation Game press conference at TIFF in Toronto.
The actress is currently in Toronto promoting two projects that couldn’t be more dissimilar: Lynn Shelton’s “Laggies” and the Alan Turing biopic (and possible awards contender) “The Imitation Game.” In “Laggies,” Knightley nails an American accent to play Megan, an aimless young woman who decides to lay low for a week after agreeing to marry her longtime boyfriend.
“The Imitation Game” finds Knightley back in familiar period mode, playing Joan Clarke, one of the mathematicians who helped Turing break the Enigma code during World War II.
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| Keira Knightley: Friendships 'don't have to be sexual to be intense love affairs' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Keira Knightley has a really lovely interview in the new issue of The Advocate. They ask her about a lot of her gay-friendly film and stage roles, and I guess I never realized how many of her films involved explicit or implicit female-on-female love. She gave the interview to promote Begin Again, the movie where she plays a rock star?s ex who begins her music career with a little help from Mark Ruffalo. You can read the full piece here and here are some highlights:
Working with Adam Levine: ?Yeah, he?s a pretty sexy dude. He?s got a good body on him. He?s also very funny, which is always the most attractive thing about anybody. He had so much energy that he was literally bouncing off the walls, so it was great fun to work with him. He had never acted before, so he was constantly going, ?Oh, I don?t know how to do this.? He was a complete natural, of course, which is a bit annoying, really. But yeah, he certainly hasn?t been left short in the looks department.?
Being drawn to projects about complicated female friendships: ?Well, female friendships are f–king extraordinary. They don?t have to be sexual to be intense love affairs. A breakup with a female friend can be more traumatic than a breakup with a lover. I?ve always been attracted to stories that look at the love-hate complexity of close female friendships. It?s ripe for drama. Did you see Frances Ha? That portrayed a female friendship I really understood.?
On her girl crush: ?I just watched The Punk Singer, the documentary about Kathleen Hanna from Bikini Kill, so I actually have to go with her. She might be my top girl crush of all time, really. I love a riot grrrl.?
On The Imitation Game & Alan Turing: ?I first read about him several years ago and I was appalled. It didn?t happen in my lifetime, but I felt quite ashamed. It?s an important story to tell. We have to look at what happened to this brilliant man because of his sexual orientation. He was destroyed, and we can?t allow that to happen again. We can?t let homophobia or bigotry take over and tear people apart. What was done to this great intellect in a court of law is an absolute travesty. As much progress as we?ve made, we must continue to fight to make people understand and value each other.?
Whether Georgiana Cavendish (Keira played her in The Duchess) was bisexual: ?I think she was in love with that particular woman, and I think she could?ve had great sexual pleasure with a woman, as many women can. Sexuality is a funny thing, and sometimes labels don?t quite cover it.?
[From The Advocate]
I love what she says about female friendships and about bisexuality and labels. In the interview, she also talks about how liberal and LGBT-friendly her parents were and growing up, she never saw the LGBT community as anything other than completely acceptable. You can tell she?s very passionate about gay rights.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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