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Katie Holmes News & Gossip
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TomKat & Suri: Vancouver Family Fun
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
TomKat & Suri: Vancouver Family Fun
Getting in some all-important bonding time, Tom Cruise got an on-set visit from his wife Katie Holmes and their daughter Suri yesterday (March 3).

The ?Minority Report? stud was busy working on his new movie ?Mission: Impossible 4? when his two favorite ladies dropped by to show him some love.

In career news, Tom just got a new costar for his upcoming project ?Rock Of Ages?- ?Dancing with the Stars?hottie Julianne Hough.

Director Adam Shankman described Hough?s audition as ?jaw-droppingly good. She came in and when she left everybody stood around looking at each other with chills and said, ?We found our girl.??

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Katie Holmes sues Star for $50 million for libel: 'malicious, unethical, untrue'
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Katie Holmes sues Star for $50 million for libel:  'malicious, unethical, untrue'
Yesterday we heard the advance news that Katie Holmes (aka Tom Cruise and the butt hurt Scientology goons) were planned to sue the parent company of Star Magazine for $50 million in damages over a misleading recent cover story that suggested that Holmes had a drug problem. The story inside the magazine focused on how addicting and mind-altering Scientology “treatments” can be, and that was probably the root of Cruise’s issue with the piece. The lawsuit has happened, and Katie’s rep has issued a statement that the cover was misleading and that it was “malicious” and played “a cheap trick on the public.”

Katie Holmes is no longer sitting idly as the tabloids write lies about her. The actress has filed a libel lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages from Star magazine after the weekly published a cover story that insinuated Holmes is a drug addict.

“Of all the fabricated stories that continue to be published about me, this instance is beyond the pale. The publisher knew this outrageous story was false and printed it anyway to sell magazines,” Holmes told PopEater in a statement.

The cover photo shows Holmes looking tired and upset, with the tagline: “Addiction Nightmare: Katie Drug Shocker! The real reason she can’t leave Tom.” Inside the issue, the story does not say that Holmes uses drugs but focuses more on her use of an “e-meter” during Scientology sessions, which allegedly reflects past emotional experiences.

The lawsuit alleges that Holmes was defamed by the tabloid. According to her rep, Holmes was forced to file this lawsuit “to vindicate her reputation after American Media refused to retract its vicious lies about her.”

“Star Magazine’s malicious claims about Katie are untrue, unethical and unlawful. Not only do they cruelly defame Katie, they play a cheap trick on the public, making ridiculously false claims on the cover unsupported by anything inside. Someone should bring a class action to get all buyers their money back,” Holmes’ attorney Bert Fields said in an official statement.

In order to prove libel in U.S. courts, the plaintiff must prove defamation occurred and that injury to their reputation happened as a result.

Star Magazine is standing by their cover story, telling PopEater: “We have not been served with any papers yet, however Star fully stands behind the editorial integrity of what we have published concerning Ms. Holmes’ controversial use of the Scientology e-meter. The physical effect of the e-meter on its users is a matter of significant public concern, and we plan to vigorously defend the suit filed by Ms. Holmes. Our attorneys look forward to deposing Ms. Holmes about her experiences with Scientology and the e-meter, and expect that the case will be promptly dismissed by the court.”

Holmes and Cruise are frequently featured in the magazine with headlines suggesting that the actress is unhappy and wants out of her marriage.

Back in 2008, the actress reveled she was fed up with the tabloid lies being printed about her family. “I do know what is being said in the press. This is my family, and I do care about them. The stories are not OK. It eats away at me. Some of the crap that’s out there — it’s really frustrating the amount of s**t that’s out there!” she told Vanity Fair magazine.

[From Popeater]

This lawsuit is not going to go anywhere and Star is already pretty bold in their response to it. In Touch made much worse claims about David Beckham’s proclivity for hookers but his suit was recently thrown out because they couldn’t prove In Touch did it with malice. As I mentioned yesterday, Katie’s people (Tom’s) just want to send out a message that they don’t tolerate this and that it’s not true. What’s more is that they don’t want the tabloids using Tom and Katie’s celebrity to get the word out about how damaging Scientology can be.

Katie Holmes is shown at the MaxMara show in Milan on 2/24/11 with her mom. Credit: Fame

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14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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Katie Holmes & Suri's Kaboodle of Canadian Fun
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Katie Holmes & Suri's Kaboodle of Canadian Fun
Still situated north of the border as the family patriarch Tom Cruise tends to work duties, Katie Holmes ventured out shopping with Suri in Vancouver on Tuesday (March 1).

The "Mad Money" mommy escorted her suddenly shy little girl over to Kaboodles toy store as the pair perused the racks in search of a few goodies to keep Suri occupied.

The outing comes just as it has been reported that Miss Holmes is going forth with plans to file a libel lawsuit against American Media, Inc. for Star?s recent report that she has a drug problem.

Seeking $50 million in damages, Katie's reaction comes after the untruthful publication released a cover story with a headline reading: ?ADDICTION NIGHTMARE- Katie DRUG SHOCKER! The real reason she can?t leave Tom.?

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12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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Katie Holmes: Suing Star for $50 Million
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Katie Holmes: Suing Star for $50 Million
It?s no secret that Star magazine has a penchant for printing preposterous reports, and now Katie Holmes is set to put a $50 million squeeze on their pocketbook.

The ?Dawson?s Creek? darling is set to file a libel lawsuit against American Media, Inc. for Star?s recent report that she has a drug problem.

A cover story headline read, ?ADDICTION NIGHTMARE- Katie DRUG SHOCKER! The real reason she can?t leave Tom.?

Katie must be fed up with Star?s incessant lies about her ?marriage trouble? with Tom Cruise, and the drug story fabrication was the last straw.

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12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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Katie Holmes' Canadian Java Jumpstart
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Katie Holmes' Canadian Java Jumpstart
Enjoying her time in Vancouver, British Columbia, Katie Holmes was spotted out at Starbucks Coffeehouse on Monday (February 28).

Casually dressed in a black zip-up hoodie and sweats, the ?Don?t Be Afraid of the Dark? actress grabbed up a java boost following an intense workout session in the north of the border locale.

The previous day, Miss Holmes skipped out on the Academy Awards festivities in Tinseltown to spend quality time with daughter Suri.

The pair paid a visit to a cupcake store and a local coffee shop, with Katie just back in North America after spending some time with her mother in Italy for Milan Fashion Week.

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12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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Katie Holmes in a Max Mara jumpsuit: unflattering, cute or just boring?
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Katie Holmes in a Max Mara jumpsuit: unflattering, cute or just boring?
These are photos of Katie Holmes and her mom in Milan, at the Max Mara runway show on Thursday. I like her mom already - she looks animated and pleasant. Katie, on the other hand? goodness. Katie is wearing a brown, one-shoulder jumper/jumpsuit/thing from Max Mara. Should I start with something nice? The color is nice on her. And the fabric choice is rich-looking, especially when you consider that Katie tends to make expensive clothes look cheap. I will also say that even though Katie still looks drained, out-of-it and robotic, she is much more animated here with her mother than she ever is with Tom. Also: I love her manicure, and I love her bag. I want that bag, and Katie rarely has anything that I want. Now, for the bad stuff. This jumpsuit is made for someone really tall, really thin, with crazy long legs. Katie simply doesn?t look right in it. But she tries. Bless her heart, she tries.

You know what I think the problem is for Katie and this jumpsuit? It should have been a dress. Imagine that same one-shoulder top, in that color, with that fabric, only it?s knee-length or ankle-length dress. It would look so good on her.

Photos courtesy of Fame.

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12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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Katie Holmes is an Old Lady
Added 13 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Katie Holmes is an Old Lady
The sad thing about these pictures of Katie Holmes with her mom is that I’d rather wear what her mom’s got on than what Katie does. If that jumpsuit doesn’t have “spunky retiree wear” written all over it, I don’t know what does. All that’s missing is a kicky straw hat and the smell of ointment. And I’m not completely sure she doesn’t smell like Ben-Gay. She is, after all, married to Tom Cruise.

Taking in a fashion show at Milan Fashion Week:

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12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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Katie Holmes: Max Mara Marvelous
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Katie Holmes: Max Mara Marvelous
Making the most of her time in Italy, Katie Holmes was spotted at Milan Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 2011 today (February 24).

The ?Dawson?s Creek? darling looked fabulous as she hammed it up at the Max Mara runway show, sporting a chocolate brown silk one-shouldered jumpsuit while situated alongside her mother.

As it turns out, Katie?s attire was designed by the label of the hour, Max Mara- she explained, "It's so soft and comfortable. I love their clothes."

Additionally, Katie has been selected as the 2011 Women in Film Max Mara ?Face of the Future,? following in the line of Zoe Saldana, Emily Blunt, and Elizabeth Banks.

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12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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Katie Holmes: Vancouver Coffee Run
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Katie Holmes: Vancouver Coffee Run
Grabbing up a morning pick-me-up, Katie Holmes was spotted loading up on coffee at a Starbucks earlier today (February 18).

Dressed in leggings and a sweater, the ?Mad Money? star looked cute and casual as she hit up the coffee shop in Vancouver, Canada.

In other news, her latest film ?Don?t Be Afraid of the Dark,? has finally received a release date after a hiccup in the sale of the film?s studio.

The 2011 thriller will hit theaters on August 12.

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12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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Katie Holmes' New Flick Gets Release Date
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Katie Holmes' New Flick Gets Release Date
She worked hard to make ?Don?t Be Afraid of the Dark? a super scary film, and now Katie Holmes' horror flick has been given a release date.

Holmes? movie was shelved after Miramax was sold by Disney last year, but FilmDistrict has bought it and will release it August 12th.

Katie stars alongside Guy Pearce, who has been getting all kinds of buzz for his work in the multi-award-winning masterpiece ?The King?s Speech.?

?Don?t Be Afraid of the Dark? was premiered at Comic Con last year, and scheduled for an original release date this past January.

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12-Dec-2022 :Katie Holmes dusted off some terrible Y2K fashion for a Jingle Ball event
15-Jun-2021 :Katie Holmes wore clown pants (again) and she?s seriously not dating A-Ro...
14-May-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo, the pandemic couple, broke up a few weeks a...
22-Apr-2021 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo are ?cooling off? after about eight months o...
9-Dec-2020 :Katie Holmes thinks she could end up marrying ?traditional values? Emilio...
21-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes is ?authentically herself? & ?playing by her own rules? with...
6-Oct-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo: Clown pants, mama drama & Dairy Queen
22-Sep-2020 :Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo had a date in NY, they went ?joyriding in hi...
21-Sep-2020 :The New Afflarmas: Katie Holmes & Emilio Vitolo make out constantly in NY...
14-Sep-2020 :People: Katie Holmes? boyfriend Emilio was still with his fiancee in mid-...
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