| | |  | Sarah Jessica Parker News & Gossip
| Sarah Jessica Parker as Gloria Steinem | Added 13 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Demi Moore was too caught up in chasing young tail and smoking dubiously legal synthetic weed so producers let her go from Lovelaceand replaced her with Sarah Jessica Parker.
Here’s Parker yesterday on set in full Gloria Steinem costume. As you can see, she’s much more believable as a feminist than a sex symbol. Just don’t film her scenes in HD. I’d rather watch it in old school black and white where you have to bang the tv to get a signal.
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| Sarah Jessica Parker Lands Demi Moore's 'Lovelace' Role | Added 13 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Given her current medical crisis, Demi Moore has dropped out of ?Lovelace,? leaving a vacancy for Sarah Jessica Parker to fill.
Contrary to earlier claims by Us magazine that Mary-Louise Parker had nabbed the role, it is now being told that the "Sex and the City" star - who was spotted out in NYC earlier today (January 27) - will be playing feminist legend Gloria Steinem in the flick about porn star Linda Lovelace.
In the meantime, Demi was rushed to the hospital earlier this week after suffering from seizures and other non-disclosed issues.
An insider told press that Moore was seeking help to ?treat her exhaustion and improve her overall health. Her life is completely in crisis. She is turning 50 and has no idea who she is or what her focus should be.?
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| Sarah Jessica Parker in Pauline Trigère at the 'NYE' premiere: lovely or fug' | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some more photos from last night?s New York City premiere of New Year?s Eve. Considering the film is set in NYC, you?d think that more of the film?s ?stars? would have come out to promote it, but not so much. I already covered Jessica Biel?s fashion here. So, Sarah Jessica Parker is in this movie. And she brought her husband to the premiere – doesn?t Matthew look thrilled? Ugh. I just don?t even know what?s going on with them. Anyway, SJP?s dress is Pauline Trigre and? I really like it. I don?t care for how she styled it with the jewelry and hair, but the dress itself is really pretty and occasion-appropriate.
Abigail Breslin plays Sarah Jessica Parker?s daughter in the film. Abigail is 15 years old – is this look too much for a 15 year old? There?s some hard-posing, but she?s not all Lea Michele about it. And I like her dress a lot, and I like that she?s covered up and not showing her bits and pieces. Please keep it classy, Abigail.
Here?s Taraji P. Henson, looking gorgeous. I think she?s so pretty, and I like cocktail-business attire for a premiere.
And finally, Michelle Pfeiffer. Don?t scream at me, but I don?t even think this bitch has done anything to her face. She?s gorgeous and her face looks real – like she?s aging naturally, but she takes care of herself. Is that insane? Anyway, she looked great last night. I don?t know who did the dress, but it?s pretty.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Sarah Jessica Parker Visits "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" | Added 13 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 She?s been making the promotional rounds for ?New Year?s Eve? as of late, and Sarah Jessica Parker stopped by ?Late Night With Jimmy Fallon? on Tuesday night (December 6).
The ?Sex and the City? star wore a little black dress paired with some sexy black heels as she joined Fallon onstage for the sitdown interview.
During her chat, SJP admitted that she was the gift wrapper of the household she shares with husband Matthew Broderick, son James Wilkie and twin girls Marion and Tabitha.
The 46-year-old actress also divulged that, instead of wrapping, Matthew prefers to hide the presents inside cooking pots and placing them under the tree.
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| Sarah Jessica Parker say she's a 'realist' about what she looks like: is she' | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Sarah Jessica Parker gave a lengthy interview to The Telegraph?s weekend magazine, Stella. Over the years, I?ve kind of grown to hate SJP?s interviews, which are generally filled with SJ trying much, much too hard to seem relatable and/or super-intellectual. She?s neither. This Telegraph piece has some of that too, but this is one of the more subdued pieces I?ve read with SJP in a while. I?d like to think that she?s trying out a new shtick after I Don?t Know How She Does It bombed at the box office – the girlish, frenetic ?Look at me in this couture, buy these shoes, I don?t have a nanny, I swear but I work constantly for you!? thing has worn thin. You can read the full Telegraph piece here, and here are some highlights:
Her real life wardrobe and shopping: ?anything I can put on quickly and not embarrass my son in.? She does not share Carrie?s insatiable appetite for shoes, nor her pursuit of material possessions in general. She?s already done her Christmas shopping, yet says, ‘I cringe inside when anybody gives me something. I don?t know why. I just get embarrassed.?
Why she still works non-stop: ‘For me it has been hard to say no [to work]. I wanted a family but before I had a family I was a career person. I?ve tried to marry those two things and sometimes it is successful and sometimes it is not.?
Matthew Broderick does the food shopping: ‘He does lots in the house,? she agrees. ‘He shops for me a lot and he cooks for all of us. There are a lot of things he does better than I do, so it balances itself out. I don?t feel taken advantage of. We take care of each other.?
A real marriage: ‘We?ve been together for 20 years and you have good days, you have decent days, and you have bad days. That?s a marriage. That?s a relationship. That?s a friendship, even ? relationships outside the marriage run the same course. If you?re in it for the long haul and you want meaningful relationships you are going to go through lots of different periods.?
On her kids: Parker shudders slightly at the thought of her own children becoming difficult teenagers. She and Broderick have a son, James Wilkie, eight, and two-year-old twins, Marion Loretta Elwell and Tabitha Hodge, known as Kitty and Babe. ‘When James was born the paediatrician called him a hothouse flower,? she says, because he was so delicate. And what did she say of the twins? ‘That one of them was going to look after me and hold my hand at the end and the other one was going to arrange the funeral.?
The twins are SJP & Broderick?s biological kids: The twins were conceived using eggs that Parker had previously frozen and Broderick?s sperm, and carried by a surrogate. She says that she ‘tried and tried and tried? to get pregnant ‘but it just wasn?t meant to be in the conventional way?. Was it very different meeting her children rather than giving birth to them? ‘Yes, definitely. You don?t know them as well immediately as you do a child you?ve given birth to. But you do have an immediate love and affection for them and what is instinctual happens.?
Going from one kid to three: None the less, ‘going from one to three children is a much bigger adjustment than becoming a mother in the first place. One child in retrospect seems a cake walk compared to where I stand today.? Did it change her marriage? ‘Kids can really distract you from your relationship,? she says. ‘Maybe in good ways and bad ways. It?s important to have all eyes on all parts of the relationship. It?s something you really have to pay attention to. But you figure it out.?
Leaving the newborn twins to film SATC 2 in Morocco: ‘That was rough,? she says. ‘That was really distressing. You just hope that your children are not terrifically disrupted by the choices you make.?
Did she instantly know Broderick was the person she would marry? ‘I don?t know that I thought about that right away. I met this wonderful person and we wanted to be together. And after a while it became apparent that I wanted to be with him longer than temporarily.?
Insecurities: ‘I think insecurities change and evolve as time marches on and new concerns creep up. Children provide a whole new set of concerns. Who knows what I?ll be insecure about next week. I always have insecurities. A lot of them about work and how it will be received.?
Insecurities about aging: ‘I try to dress appropriately for my age and I?m a realist about what I look like. But if those physical things were my insecurities I?d be thrilled. What wonderful problems. My insecurities are more substantial than that. I worry first and foremost about my children and their health. My husband, and his. I worry about what work opportunities will come up. My own creative satisfaction. How will I pursue things and will the work be good??
On Botox: ‘There are women [in television and in Hollywood] who feel that Botox is necessary, but more and more I don?t think it is important for the industry. People want to make movies that are successful, and sometimes they include women and sometimes they don?t. I think it?s less and less about exterior. At least I hope so.? She smiles. ‘I?m an eternal optimist.?
[From The Telegraph]
That?s interesting that she confirmed that she?s the twins? biological mother too – I don?t think she?s ever confirmed that, right? Or maybe I just forgot about it. I kind of like how everyone keeps bringing up the fact that she left her newborn twins for months to film SATC 2 – she keeps getting questions about it, ever since she breezed by that fact in a Vogue interview, interspersed with quotes about what a hands-on mom she is. But seriously, isn?t this interview one of SJP?s better ones? She doesn?t seem so cloying and cutesy here. She seems almost real. Except for all the stuff about how she dresses her age (she doesn?t) and how she doesn?t care about getting dressed up (she cares – A LOT).
Photos courtesy of Fame.
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| Sarah Jessica Parker's Philip Treacy hat: fug satellite dish or very fashionable' | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 As we discussed yesterday, Sarah Jessica Parker is still in Australia, promoting No One Cares How She Does It. Instead of trying to set up big ?premieres? the studio has just been making SJP do solo photo calls and press conferences, which is sad because the movie is a bomb and no one cares. Still, SJP gets an A for effort, and she?s been dressing up in a series of eye-catching ensembles, trying to tempt us into caring. Here is SJP in Melbourne yesterday, today or tomorrow (I never know with Australia), wearing a Chanel dress and a Philip Treacy satellite hat. You can see more images here, at Red Carpet Fashion Awards - SJP?s arms look rough, and they have pics of the hat from a different (sketchier) angle.
Now, some of you think I have a hate-on for hats. Sometimes it is jealousy on my part - I can?t pull off hats, I don?t have the face for it, nor the appropriately-sized and shaped head. But I do enjoy a good hat or fascinator on the right girl. THIS is neither the right hat nor the right girl. This reeks of trying-too-hard. And I don?t mean this in the particularly vicious way it sounds, but why is SJP drawing so much attention to her face? If I was styling her, I would never allow her to wear something so large on her head, given her unconventional beauty (cough).
By the way, I?ve seen SJP work a hat and a fascinator before - I?m not opposed to her wearing something that flatters her and isn?t a giant satellite dish stuck to her head.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Sarah Jessica Parker in acid trip Vera Wang: fabulous or hideous? | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 These are new photos of Sarah Jessica Parker in Australia today (yesterday? Tomorrow?), in support of I Don?t Know How She Does It, the film that bombed in America and maybe made a little money in Europe. The event was basically a photo call and press conference rolled into one, and SJP wore this acid yellow-green Vera Wang dress which I have mixed feelings about. On one side, I kind of think it?s hideous and the color is unflattering, and it looks like an acid-trip road kill situation on the bodice of the dress. On the other side, I kind of think it?s an interesting dress, and I probably would have liked it more on someone else.
During the press conference, SJP was in her standard shilling mode, telling the journalists that she thinks IDKHSDI ?speaks to the experience of millions and millions of other women”, and is ”a really accurate portrait of modern parenthood?[in these] specific economic times.? A story about a wealthy, working, married woman with a husband who works too, a nanny and a house full of children? in NYC? That?s what everybody else is going through too? SJP corrected herself: ?I’m very cognizant of the fact that most working women in the world don’t have the financial resources I have. The majority of working mothers are very much in it alone and it is a heroic endeavor every day.”
SJP was also asked about her shoe love - she was asked if she had any tips for sore feet, and she replied, ?I think I’ve just destroyed my feet. I don’t think I have any feeling any more. The heel is not your friend, really.” As she wears six-inch-high Monolos.
Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.
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| Sarah Jessica Parker Covers Marie Claire UK December 2011 | Added 13 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 She's a favorite when it comes to cover girls, and Sarah Jessica Parker finds herself front and center on the December 2011 issue of Marie Claire UK.
The "Sex and the City" actress brightens up the magazine's latest installment while posing for a Tesh shot spread and chatting with the publication about topics ranging from her marriage with Matthew Broderick to not wanting to be famous.
Highlight's from SJP's interview are as follows. For more, be sure to check out Marie Claire UK!
On a New York Post report claiming she complained about being called for jury duty:
"I was outraged by the character assassination! I have served so many times. I was asked to speak at Jury Appreciation Day! I expect I should be more calloused by now, but I'm so sensitive about not living up to anybody's worst idea about an actor."
On not wanting to be famous:
"I never wanted to be a celebrity; I never wanted to be famous. And in my daily life, I work really hard to not trade on it in any way. I am so worried about anybody saying, 'She's cut in line' or 'She took our table' or 'She got out of jury duty'. The comments that are counter to who I am and the way I live are the ones that bother me. It's not like it's hard to be decent and respectful and well-behaved. I do wait in line, and I do take the subway, and I do take the kids to school. But it almost doesn't matter to a certain segment of the populace - they're projecting onto you this status and entitlement I don't have."
On not taking anything for granted:
"We didn't have a lot when I was growing up, and it's the best thing that happened to me because I appreciate everything. I have a strong work ethic and don't take anything for granted."
On claims that husband Matthew Broderick resented her spending seven weeks filming in Morocco shortly after they adopted twins:
"No, no no! Matthew is a working actor, and he knows sometimes things require some hardship. It's the same when he goes away for two or three months at a time. We're accustomed to this, and he wouldn't have wanted it any other way for me."
On her passion for acting:
"I love, love, love being an actor. It's still the hardest and scariest thing I do, outside of parenting. But I love the opportunities, and if I can manage my time, and the children are OK and we're OK, it's hard to say no to things that are challenging and enriching."
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| Sarah Jessica Parker in Narciso Rodriguez: unflattering or cute? | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Last night was the premiere of Tower Heist in NYC. I?ve gone back and forth on how this film will perform, if it will be any good, and whether I should take my mother to see it (she really wants to see it). Brett Ratner directed it, and IMO, Ratner = Self-aggrandizing BS. He?s just creepy as a person, and as a director? he?s a hack. But Tower Heist does feature an interesting ensemble including Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller, Alan Alda, Matthew Broderick and Gabourey Sidibe.
Anyway, last night?s premiere - Sarah Jessica Parker, wife of one of the stars of the film, ended up being the most photographed woman on the red carpet. What does that say about the movie? I don?t know. I do know that I hate her Narciso Rodriguez dress. I get the idea of it (I think): wear something low-key yet stylish to your husband?s premiere. I get that she didn?t want to wear a big gown (like Paz de la Huerta did? more on that in a moment), so I like that SJP was consciously like, ?This is not my night.? But then she made it all about her anyway. I just don?t think the dress is pretty or well constructed, or even flattering on Sarah Jessica?s body. James Wilke is adorable, though.
Eddie Murphy! I can?t help it, I?m looking forward to the Oscars this year because Eddie is hosting. He needs to take off those sunglasses, though.
Next up: Paz de la Huerta, trying to steal SJP?s thunder, and the thunder of every one on the red carpet. Paz isn?t even in the movie! And she still put on a gown (with a really long train) and posed like crazy on the red carpet. Ridiculous.
Here?s Ben Stiller and Christina Taylor. She looks gorgeous - look at her beautiful face. She?s ageless. Ben is meh.
And last we have Gabourey Sidibe. I like her hair here.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Sarah Jessica Parker's baggy leather capris: fug or cute' | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Jesus, it?s really dead around the gossip world today. Thus, I?m covering these new candid photos of Sarah Jessica Parker in NYC yesterday. Sidenote: do you think every outlet is just waiting for Demi and Ashton to confirm their split? Perhaps. Back on topic: SJP in leather capris. Some people are saying the jacket is leather too, but upon examination, I?m pretty sure it?s cloth. I think these leather capris might be one of the worst things I?ve ever seen, especially considering they are for a ?casual? look. ?Casual? to me implies ?comfort?. Do these look comfortable? You?re going to wear leather capris for comfort? And the cut is pretty bad too - they look like they were made from leather scraps, and of course, leather pants are ?baggy? on SJP.
As we talked about last week, SJP is still recovering from the massive box office failure of I Don?t Know How She Does It. It was a starring vehicle for SJP, although the studio tried to bill it as an ensemble when they realized that Sarah Jessica wasn?t a good enough reason for women to see the film. I wonder if various Hollywood players are sitting down and re-examining the SJP phenomenon and asking themselves, ?Has she ever really been a lead actress?? The answer is no, she hasn?t. She came close in television, but she still had the benefit of an ensemble to carry her (although she often took credit as lead and executive producer on SATC). But for films - no, she?s never been a competent and watchable lead actress. Thankfully, her next film is New Year?s Eve - where she has only a small, supporting part in a large ensemble. That?s where she belongs, honestly.
Photos courtesy of WENN and Fame.
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