 I?m old enough to remember when the first wave of celebrities were trying to make Idaho into ?the new out-of-the-way celebrity hot spot.? Demi Moore and other flocked to Idaho and there were numerous articles about how Idaho was practically JUST INVENTED because celebrities went there. These days, I think Wyoming is The New Idaho. Wyoming is where Kanye West made his retreat last year. Kanye holed up in Jackson Hole for more than a year, working and forcing other artists to travel there to collaborate. He set up a studio for himself and he actually threw a listening party there too. But now it seems like the Kardashian-Wests have rediscovered Idaho, the OG Random Celebrity Hot-Spot.
Kanye West and Kim Kardashian joined a growing group of celebs to flee L.A. for the calmer vibes of Idaho, joining the likes of Wayne Gretzky, Adam Levine and Harry Styles and its especially interesting given the political divide between Coeur dAlene and Hollywood. Kimye and fam holed up at a $1.85 million cabin in Coeur dAlene over the holiday an area thats recently become a hot spot for celebs.
Coeur dAlene is super conservative 66% of voters chose Trump in the 2016 general election. That same year, there were reports of KKK activity in the city. Its in stark contrast to everything about Kim and Kanye. It seems, however, celebs are left alone when they visit, regardless of their political views.
The crib Kim and Kanye rented has 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths and incredible views of the water. Not to mention, its got plenty of fun stuff for the kids including an inflatable aqua park. As for the decor its a far cry from their Hidden Hills mansion with a ton of wood, stonework and homey touches. Sources in the area tell us the Gretzkys regularly visit and Adam Levine and Harry Styles just to name a few recently vacationed there.
The Wests have really made the Rocky Mountains a second home in the last year, with a lengthy stay in Wyoming, where Kanye perfected his 5 recently released albums.
[From TMZ]
What I find remarkable sort of is that Kanye seems to be the one driving this ?let?s get out of LA? thing. Kim is an LA girl. She loves LA. That?s her home, that?s her base, that?s her blood. But she?s putting in the work to pretend to enjoy the simpler, flyover-state life. Chica even tried wakeboarding in Idaho and she snapchatted the whole thing. She?s terrible at wakeboarding, it?s sort of hilarious.
A post shared by Kim Kardashian Snapchats ? (@kimksnapchats) on Jul 4, 2018 at 8:07pm PDT
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