| | |  | Tori Spelling News & Gossip
| Tori Spelling fires back at Star, says her kids cried over the 'divorce' story | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Last week, we covered the Star story that alleged (through a rather flimsy source) that Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott were hurtling towards a $300 million divorce. The story provided details such as Tori hiring a private investigator after suspecting Dean of cheating on her with a couple of different women for at least two years. Further, Star’s source claimed that Dean often chided Tori for her weight struggles after giving birth to four children. The story also tried to make a huge deal out of Dean making a play for Candy Spelling’s money since Tori didn’t get anything from her dad after he died, but that part didn’t make much sense at all.
Even before Star appeared on newsstands, Tori got wind of the story and spoke with the Mail to categorically deny marriage troubles. Of course, the story had already gone to print and showed up in grocery store checkout lines where Tori’s kids saw it and freaked out. Tori wrote about it on her blog, and she rips Star several new ones. This is so sad:
[Y]ou might be wondering what I’m referring to while others have already seen the hateful story on the cover of this weeks Star magazine claiming that Dean and I are divorcing and many more horrible claims against my husband. Yes, the story will pass but what won’t pass is what happened in a local supermarket check out line.
My son Liam is turning 6 in a couple weeks. His proudest achievement so far in his young life is that he is learning to read. Until now, when that pride turned to sorrow thanks to Star magazine. He first spotted me on the cover, then Dad, and then a picture of himself and his 3 younger siblings. He was able to read two things out loud, the word DIVORCE (which he proudly sounded out) and the caption above his picture which read “Who will get the kids?” He became terrified. I had to hurry him and his confused 4-year-old sister Stella out of the grocery store and into our car. By the time he was fastening himself into his car seat he was asking, “Why is someone getting us?? Where are you and Dad going?” He was anxiously biting his lower lip and his big blue eyes were filled with tears. My heart sank. How would I explain to my children that what these 3 writers who have never even met us but who claim to know the ins and outs of our relationship and have proudly put their names on this article are flat out writing lies?
I’ve always had shots taken at me. It’s been almost 24 years since I became a public figure starting at age 16 with 90210. It’s the downside to this business but I’ve built up a pretty thick skin to the lies and trash talking at this point. But my children are another story. Keep them out of it! I wonder if any of those 3 writers have children? How would they feel if their child had to read something so hurtful and confusing as what mine had to read? How do they sleep at night knowing they’ve potentially emotionally scarred and if nothing else terrified innocent children.
Driving home I repeatedly told my children, “That magazine doesn’t know us. Daddy and I are very happy and in love. There will be no divorce and all of us will remain together as a family”. Stella, my literal one, just kept saying “But then why is it on the magazine? Magazines are true.” I wish that were always the case.
I’m lucky my two oldest are only 5 and 4 and couldn’t read the fine details of the article where horrific claims were made against my husband, their Dad.
Again, you want to make inaccurate low blows at someone Star? Go for me! I can handle it. I always have. But don’t do it to a man that has done nothing but loved me and our children. He has stood by me during the good times and held my hand through the darkest moments of my life. I’m so blessed to have him as my partner in life and love and he is the best father to our four children. I’m aware that all that matters is that we know our truth. It?s just sad that our actual happiness would probably be deemed boring to Star Magazine. What kind of society have we become where love stories and fairytales are dead? That others? failure is what people crave and what sells? That?s not the world I want my children growing up in.
[From Tori Spelling's blog]
Tori is absolutely correct in that the tabloids never consider how much their hypothetical “divorce” stories will upset the children, especially when the stories aren’t even true in the first place. I hope Tori and Dean are just fine, and hopefully, the kids will eventually forget about Star’s cover, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the cover is emblazoned in their impressionable minds for good. How terrible for these kids.
One more thing — if Tori had been forewarned about this awful story being splashed all over the cover of a very prominently placed tabloid magazine, don’t you think she could have left the kids at home while she hit the grocery store for her weekly shop? I’m not trying to blame Tori at all for this story upsetting her kids, but I would have left them with a sitter or with Dean until things blew over. Maybe she didn’t realize they would see it though.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet
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| Tori Spelling gave birth to her fourth child, son Finn Davey McDermott | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Wow, just days after Tori Spelling made me kind of naseous with her line about ?my now pliable pelvic bones move and crunch,? she has given birth to her fourth and possibly last child. Tori stepped out just a few days ago, and everyone was making a big deal about how she was ready to give birth at any moment. Usually when celebrities do their ?last red carpet? before giving birth, they?ve still got several weeks left ? but not Tori! She gave birth last night in LA. A little boy! He?s already got a name too:
It’s a boy for Tori Spelling! The Craft Wars host and her husband, Dean McDermott, welcomed their fourth baby, Finn Davey McDermott, on Thursday evening, Spelling confirmed on her website.
“Please join us in welcoming Finn Davey McDermott,” Spelling wrote of her 6 pound, 6 ounces bundle of joy.
The McDermott family’s new arrival joins older siblings Liam, 5, Stella, 4, and Hattie, 10 months. (McDermott also has a teenage son, Jack, from a previous marriage.)
Confirming her pregnancy in March — just five months after welcoming daughter Hattie — Spelling, 39, caught flack for expanding her brood so quickly. And while the actress joked that it was her husband’s insatiable sex drive that led to her unplanned pregnancy, McDermott said he doesn’t regret ignoring doctor’s orders to wait at least six weeks before getting intimate.
“It’s so funny how everyone blames the man,” McDermott, 45, told Celebuzz after Spelling confirmed their family was growing. “It’s like, ‘Oh my God, will you leave your wife alone?’ But it takes two to tango. She wasn’t putting up that much of a fight. But I have big shoulders. I’ll take it.”
Choosing to keep her newborn’s gender a surprise until giving birth, Spelling has said her older kids took gaining another sibling in stride. Liam and Stella were “over-the-moon and super excited” when she and her husband of six years announced they were expecting Hattie, but with their new sibling, “it was as if we had said, ‘Oh we got milk today,” Spelling confirmed. “We brought home milk today and put it in the fridge and you can go help yourself to a glass.’”
Outside of her family home, Spelling wasn’t afraid to flaunt her growing baby bump — haters be damned. “I have to say, I’m super proud of my bump. Why should I be embarrassed and cover up something that’s the greatest gift a woman can experience? A pregnant woman in any shape or size is beautiful!” Spelling — who made a habit of flaunting her figure in sexy maternity clothes, including skimpy swimwear — blogged in early August.
“I’m making a conscious choice to show my daughters that they can express themselves and be proud as a woman of their bodies,” she continued. “I don’t ever want them to think that they should be ashamed of or self-conscious of their bodies, no matter what shape it’s in.”
[From Us Weekly]
I don?t completely hate the name ?Finn Davey?. In fact, I?ve always liked the name Finn in general ? although I?ve always sort of thought it would make a better animal name, you know? Like, Finn the Puppy. Finn the kitty cat. Davey seems a bit twee ? cute enough for a baby or a child, but as an adult, I think he?ll probably dislike the Davey.
Anyway, congrats to Tori and Dean. I do hope Dean leaves his wife alone for two seconds and Tori doesn?t get knocked up straight away yet again.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Tori Spelling steps out looking mega-pregnant, claims this will be her last one | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Knocked-Up C-Listers Day continues!! These are some new photos of Tori Spelling and her family supporting ?the Lunchables Team and Club Kids to build a sport court at Boys and Girls Club of Burbank.? As you can see, Tori is ready to pop. This is her FOURTH pregnancy, y?all. She got pregnant this (current) time just six WEEKS after giving birth to her third child. Tori recently blogged about her ?bittersweet feelings? about the end of this pregnancy ? you can read the essay here. I?m going to excerpt a little just because Tori made me nauseous when she leads with a little story about her pelvic bones (seriously, I might throw up):
As my 4th pregnancy is nearing the end I have bittersweet feelings. I can’t wait to meet and hold my little man or lady, and definitely I won’t miss having to pee 4 times a night or hearing my now pliable pelvic bones move and crunch when I try to pull myself out of bed in the morning. But, there’s so much I will miss.
I’m guessing this will be my final pregnancy and that brings tears to my eyes. I love being pregnant. It’s such a special time in a woman’s life. I love looking at my enormous baby belly and knowing that I am doing the most important job of my life… Making life. I’m a human incubator and it is such an honor. I also love feeling my baby kick and play and move inside of me. After doing this 3 times before it still amazes me. I pull up my top every time I feel movement and gaze in awe as my belly ripples back and forth, and I can see what appears to be small rolling mountains of little hands and feet travel across my stomach. I love never feeling alone and I love how everyone smiles at a pregnant woman no matter what mood they are in. I love how everyone calls me ?mama? and how my husband rubs my belly and tells me I’m the sexiest woman he’s ever seen. I also have so much fun dressing my baby bump. I usually opt for vintage and make it a mission to show myself and other preggers that you can totally look stylish at any point during pregnancy.
? I live for my children. I beyond enjoy every single moment with them. I love the big moments like watching them talk and walk for the first time and even the small things like watching them discover their toes or hearing Liam say, “Mom, mom, mom” 50 times in a row. I even love when Stella says, “Mom I pooped”, and I walk into the bathroom to find her off the toilet, grasping her ankles with her naked butt in the air, awaiting a wipe.
[Via Tori?s Blog]
And just like that, I resolve myself to never, EVER get pregnant. EVER. Tori Spelling is the best birth control I will ever need. I should just save this post, right? Every time I feel a bit broody and I start imagining what an Indian-Fassbender baby would look like, I need to remember Tori Spelling?s crazy face talking about her pelvic bones. Ooooo noooo?.
Anyway, the photos are kind of nice. I think the two older kids are definitely starting to look more like Tori and Dean both. And Tori?s dress is nice ? at least we?re not staring at her crazy breast dents like the last pregnancy. And seriously, I hope this is her last pregnancy ? she?s put her body through a lot in the past few years, so at the very least I hope she takes it easy for a few years before even thinking about getting knocked up again.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Tori Spelling is already in her 2nd trimester, got pregnant 6 weeks after giving birth | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 These are photos of Tori Spelling outside of the Today Show this morning, where she seems to be showing off her baby bump. Less than two weeks ago, Tori Spelling announced her fourth pregnancy. She just gave birth to daughter Hattie back on October 10, 2011, five months ago. I assumed that Tori was announcing her pregnancy a little bit early, but NO. As it turns out, Tori is already into her second trimester. As Tori explains in a new interview with Access Hollywood, she got pregnant when Hattie was only a month and a half old. *counts on fingers*
Tori says that she was being hospitalized for a migraine and while in the hospital, the nurses made her take a pregnancy test just out of standard caution: “I had chronic migraines and I was in the emergency room getting treated for one of my migraines and when I got there they said, ‘Before we can treat you, you have to do the pee in the cup.’ And I said, ‘Oh, don’t worry I’m not pregnant. I just had a baby a month ago.’ And they (said), ‘Sorry, it’s policy at the hospital.’ So I did it, and they came back and said, ‘You’re pregnant!’ And I said, ‘That can’t be!’” When Tori and Dean learned that they were expecting again, Tori says, ?Dean and I kind of sat there in shock for a while and then we said, ‘Well, we wanted four!’ This is when our miracle wanted to come… so we’ll take it.”
You know what I keep thinking about? The huge, hideous DENT in Tori?s breast. Some claim it has to do with a ?drift? in her implant or something. I just keep thinking about Tori?s sketchy bolt-ons, the dent, breastfeeding and all of these pregnancies. I know, I know. Totally gross. But I?m fixated on it.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Tori Spelling Chats with Sarah Palin on the 'Today' Show | Added 12 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Taking care of some promotional duties, Tori Spelling was spotted hitting up the ?Today? show in New York City this morning (April 3).
The ?Beverly Hills: 90210? cutie was in the house to plug her brand new party planning book ?CelebraTORI,? and had a great chat with guest host Sarah Palin.
The former Governor of Alaska began, "You're a real good example, a good inspiration for others, Tori. Accomplishing so much and having fun; you're living life vibrantly."
Sarah continued, "It sounds cliche, but trust me, it goes by way too quickly. Our oldest turns 23 this month, our youngest turns four. We've got three girls in between and it goes by quickly."
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| Tori Spelling announces her fourth pregnancy, five months after giving birth | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Tori Spelling is knocked up! AGAIN. For the fourth time, if you can believe it. So what makes this pregnancy special? Tori and Dean McDermott?s last child, Hattie, was just born last October. And? Tori is probably three months along right now. Which means Tori got pregnant, like, as soon as the doctors told her it was okay to have sex with her husband. Remember when that happened to Britney Spears? Jaden and Sean Preston are only a year apart – and now baby Hattie and her little sister or brother will only be 11 months younger.
Well, that was fast!
Five months after giving birth, Tori Spelling has announced some big news: she’s expecting again.
“Dean, Liam, Stella, Hattie, and I are beyond thrilled to announce that another little McDermott is on the way,” she writes on her website in a blog post titled “Baby Makes 6!” “We feel truly blessed that another angel has found us. Love, Tori xoxo.”
Spelling, 38, welcomed her youngest daughter Hattie in Oct. 2011. She and husband Dean McDermott, 45, are also parents to son Liam, 5, and daughter Stella, 3.
Along with the message, Spelling posted a photo of her bare stomach, which her children are touching.
[From People]
Well, congratulations to Tori and Dean. They just keep going and going. Even you Tori-haters have to admit it – you never expected Dean to stick it out this long, did you? They might have started under funky circumstances, but? I have to say, I?ve always gotten the impression that Dean really loves her. Shocking. And they?re going to have four children (under the age of 6) to show for it.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet and Tori?s site.
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| Tori Spelling Has Still Got It | Added 13 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 I had a doll with a face like Tori Spelling’s once. Of course, it wasn’t supposed to look like that. My evil little brother had already started cooking her in the microwave for about half a minute before I was able to rescue her. Unfortunately for Tori, no one rescued her from getting plastic surgery.
Photo source: Fame Pictures
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| Tori Spelling Gives Birth to Baby Hattie Margaret! | Added 13 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Becoming a mother for a third time, Tori Spelling welcomed her baby girl into the world yesterday (October 10).
Little Hattie Margaret McDermott was born at 7:08am and both Spelling and her hubby Dean McDermott are thrilled.
Back in April, Tori announced her pregnancy and two months later she was involved in a car crash that thankfully didn?t injure the baby.
Hattie Margaret joins her big sister Stella and brother Liam, making it a trio of adorable McDermott kiddos!
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| Tori Spelling gave birth to a baby girl Hattie Margaret one week early | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 It feels like Tori Spelling was pregnant for at least two years. But I guess her third pregnancy just felt so long because she seemed to ?pop? pretty quickly and then she just stayed the same size for months and months. Anyway, Tori finally gave birth! Hurray. She and Dean welcomed another little girl. No name has been released yet.
After opting to not find out the sex of their third baby, sources confirm to Life & Style exclusively that 90210 alum Tori Spelling, 38, and husband Dean McDermott, 44, welcomed a girl into the world on Oct. 10.
“The baby wasn’t due until next week, but it was an early present!” an insider tells Life & Style.
“We’re so blessed to have one of each that it’s just…whatever we get,” Tori told Life & Style over the summer. “We just want a healthy baby.”
The couple, who married in 2006, have two children together, Liam, 4, and Stella, 3.
“We thought it would be the ultimate surprise,” Dean tells Life & Style. “How many times can you get a surprise like this?”
“[My kids] kiss the baby every day and are feeling the baby, so they’re really excited.”
A name has not yet been announced. Congratulations to the happy couple!
[From Life & Style]
I?m not expecting Tori and Dean to go all crazy on the name. It will probably be pretty normal, considering their other kids are named Liam (lovely name) and Stella (standard-issue celebrity-baby-name). My guess is that they?ll probably go for another ?-ella? name. Bella, Isabella, Arabella, Anabella, something like that. Anyway, congrats to Tori and Dean!
UPDATE: Tori’s Twitter says the girl’s name is Hattie Margaret McDermot. Congrats!
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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 Making her SoCal return, Tori Spelling was spotted arriving at LAX International Airport yesterday (June 30).
The pregnant ?Beverly Hills: 90210? actress was joined by her husband Dean McDermott and their kids Liam and Stella.
And despite recent rumors that Tori and Dean are in marital trouble, they looked to be showing a sign of solidarity by both wearing white tops and black shorts.
Last month Tori, like so many other celebrities, was the victim of prying paparazzi and ended up crashing her car into a wall by her kids? school in an attempt to shed shutterbugs from her tail.
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