| | |  | Angelina Jolie News & Gossip
| Angelina Jolie & Shiloh got a new pet at their local Petco: kitten or bunny? | Added 6 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 In this coming week?s Gossip With Celebitchy podcast, I admitted something dreadful: if I could ?borrow? any celebrity?s style, I realistically would borrow Angelina Jolie?s style vibes. This is not an endorsement of her entire closet or every single thing she?s ever worn. It?s just that Angelina wears a lot of black and she likes a good trouser or regular pair of pants. She likes a simple blouse and a well-cut coat. She keeps it really simple, and I appreciate that. My vibe is pretty simple too, but Angelina?s vibe is better. It?s goth-lite, with sack dresses and a vague ?70s feel. These photos made me think of our podcast conversation!
Angelina stepped out this weekend with Shiloh. They went to Petco and of course they wound up buying a pet. The pet container looks too small for a puppy and too big for something like a hamster or gerbil. My guess is that they got a rabbit or a kitten. And before everybody climbs up Angie?s butt about ?buying an animal? rather than adopting one from a shelter? my local Petco has an arrangement with the shelters, so they bring in a supply of shelter kitties and puppies and you can buy them there, in-store. And you?re paying for their shots and spay/neuter. My guess is that Angelina?s local Petco has a similar arrangement, at least with cats and dogs. But, as I said, this box is rabbit-sized too. Shiloh seems like the kind of kid who wants a rabbit, right? I imagine her practicing magic tricks and a rabbit would definitely be part of her act.
As I said, I like Angelina?s whole style vibe here the black blouse is really cute, and I like that she?s sprinkled with some very delicate-looking jewelry simple rings, a thin bracelet, small earrings and a long pendant necklace of some variety. The boots are my favorite part!
PS It just occurred to me that this could be a snake or a lizard or something? But do they put snakes and lizards in these kinds of boxes?
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
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| Angelina Jolie still shops at malls all the time & she even brings her kids | Added 6 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I recently read a Twitter thread about the differences between Generation X, Xennials and Millennials, and now I?m thinking about it with regards to Angelina Jolie. Angelina has always been rather low-tech, hasn?t she? Angelina is Gen-X, but so many of her references feel so ?70s. She prefers a less modern approach to life. She has a iPhone of course, but I bet she still calls people on her landline. She still shops in malls, which few people do at this point, and she encourages her kids to do crafts. I bet she has a typewriter.
Anyway, these are some photos of Angelina making yet another trip to a mall. She took Knox, Zahara and an assistant-type to the Century City Westfield Mall over the weekend. She looked like any other mom, I guess. Black slacks, black boots, black coat and a simple white blouse. Zahara is such a fashionista, right? So fashion-forward. I wish Zahara would really start styling her mom.
I?ve missed seeing Angelina during the awards season, but I wonder if she?ll come out for the Oscars, as a presenter? She doesn?t have anything immediate to promote, and Brad Pitt actually produced two of the films which are likely to get some Oscar nominations (If Beale Street Could Talk and Beautiful Boy). I?d say that Brad is more likely to make a surprise appearance at the hostless Oscars, especially since he?s been doing some low-key campaigning for the films he?s produced, but you never know. I could also see Angelina stopping by.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
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| Angelina Jolie took the kids to a CBS's 'survivor' reunion event, that really happened | Added 6 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Angelina Jolie has long eschewed the more traditional Hollywood scene. Even though she seems to have made LA her homebase for the past few years while she and Brad are divorcing we rarely hear about her going to industry parties or events or even screenings. Like, I can?t even remember any time when Angelina might have taken the kids to a screening of a new film that she wasn?t involved in. If she takes the kids to a movie, they actually go to a movie theater and they buy tickets. Anyway, all of this to say? Angelina went to a party. An industry-type party. The party was forSurvivor? Oh, Angie.
Who knew Angelina Jolie was a Survivor fan? A source tells PEOPLE the actress, 43, and some of her children attended the Survivor live reunion of the show?s 37th season, David vs. Goliath, in Los Angeles on Dec. 19.
?They had a great time,? says the source. ?The kids really enjoyed it.?
Jolie?s attendance at the long-running CBS show, which has already aired, might have surprised a few but it stemmed from her friendship with writer, producer and actor Mike White, who was a contestant in the latest season as a member of the Goliath tribe. The two became friends while working on the upcoming Disney film The One and Only Ivan based on the 2012 novel by K. A. Applegate. White wrote the screenplay while Jolie stars in and serves as a producer in the film.
A second source tells PEOPLE White, 48, and a small group of friends headed to Jolie?s home for an impromptu gathering after the reunion was taped.
[From People]
Fun fact: Mike White is a prolific screenwriter and writer of episodic television, and one of his most famous screenplays was *drumroll* The Good Girl, which was one of Jennifer Aniston?s indie vehicles back in 2002. Mike White is also an actor, and he appeared in The Good Girl with Aniston, and I remember hearing about how they became friends too. And now he?s friends with Angelina. When will Angie ever stop stealing Jennifer?s men, huh??? Anyway, it makes some kind of sense that Angelina just did this because she?s friendly with Mike White, as opposed to Angelina sitting at home, becoming a major fan of Survivor and pulling strings (???) to get into the reunion party. LMAO. Fk it, maybe that is a better story alone and desperate, the Villainess Jolie becomes an avid consumer of reality TV. She stans for Survivor, Vanderpump Rules and, of course, the Real Housewives of New Jersey.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
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| Angelina Jolie on 'narrow nationalism?: 'I am a patriot but I am also an internationalist' | Added 6 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Last Friday, Angelina Jolie guest edited the BBC Radio 4 program Today. We knew she was doing it ahead of time Angelina has become more involved in the media, and even more specifically, she?s become more involved in British media. BBC Radio 4 even posted some nice photos of Angelina hard at work behind-the-scenes:
Good morning. Angelina Jolie has edited today's programme. @mishalhusainbbc and @justinonweb are presenting #r4today pic.twitter.com/pXoGV1vbB4
BBC Radio 4 Today (@BBCr4today) December 28, 2018
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| Angelina Jolie will executive-produce a BBC current affairs show for kids | Added 6 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Do you think Angelina Jolie would ever run for political office? Ten years ago, five years ago, even two years ago, I would have said no way. I would have said that Angelina feels like she can do the most good by working the system from the outside. But in the first heat of Angelina and Brad Pitt?s divorce, there were claims that Brad was disconcerted by Angelina?s gradual move to politics, and that she seemed to be moving towards a political career? in the UK. I thought that was just part of his smear campaign, just an attempt to paint Angelina as a harpy who made him unhappy in every way. But considering that 2018 was the year where women stood up and said ?fk this, I?m running for office,? I?m starting to wonder if Angelina?s long-term plan is going to focused on UK politics. She?s building a real life for herself in the UK, and now this:
Angelina Jolie has joined an upcoming BBC current affairs show for children set to land in 2019. Our World, which Jolie will executive produce, will begin as a 10-episode weekly program aimed at promoting global media literacy among children aged 7-12. According to BBC-commissioned U.K. research, seven is the age that children become aware of the news and 12.6 is the average age a U.S. child signs up for a social media account, so the time between represents a window to instill in children the value of asking questions and a chance to develop critical thinking.
?There has never been a time when it was more important to introduce the next generation to objective, impartial news and factual explanation of the events and issues shaping our world, said Jolie. Children today are exposed to a lot of opinion, but not necessarily to information that is fact-based and reliable. Jolie added: As a mother, I am very pleased that the BBC World Service is taking this step. It is also important to me that the project is global, and will help young people in different countries to be connected to each other and to have greater awareness and understanding of the news on an international basis.
This project aims to be global in scope, engaging children from Argentina to Zimbabwe. It will kick off with an English version but the BBC will seek production partners to expand programming into multiple languages.
Our World will be a multimedia project with digital and broadcast elements, including a weekly half-hour TV show. The BBC will launch a 10-week trial of the project and is in talks with a number of international digital and broadcast media organizations interested in co-production and distribution. The pilot TV programs will be distributed via the World Service?s existing TV partnerships and via other suitable broadcasters internationally.
[From The Hollywood Reporter]
Maybe I?m dating myself, but I grew up with this kind of thing in my classroom Channel One was a fixture of my public school education from, like, grades 5 through 10? It was a news broadcast for kids and used as an educational supplement, and the news was pretty international, looking back on it. This sounds like a great project for Angelina, and for kids around the world. It?s true that kids understand a lot more than we think they do, and even if they?re not able to process every single thing that?s happening in the world, it?s good to expose them to specialized programming that doesn?t talk down to them. Will Angelina need to spend more time in the UK to executive produce this show?
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
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| Angelina Jolie went Christmas shopping at the Grove with Knox, Vivienne & Shiloh | Added 6 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Angelina Jolie is the kind of person who still goes to malls and brick-and-mortar stores to shop. She probably knows that she could find everything she wants online, but I guess with six growing kids, she probably wants them to try on stuff before buying. So it happened again: Angelina got pap?d with some of her kids. Angelina took the three youngest kids Shiloh, Vivienne and Knox to the Grove in LA. They went to Crate & Barrel, Barnes & Noble and? I can?t see any other bags, but they probably went other places. The other day, I actually did some Christmas shopping in some stores too I went to Pier One (didn?t buy anything) and Barnes & Noble (bought way too much).
We still haven?t heard much about the deal Angelina and Brad agreed to, even though ?sources? claimed that Brad ?got what he wanted,? even if what he got was less than 50% custody. I?m wondering if they negotiated a deal for Christmas too does Angelina get the kids on Christmas morning, and Brad gets them on Christmas afternoon? Ah, divorced parents Christmas drama. Tensions will be high, no matter what. I predict well be unwrapping some Jolie-Pitt Christmas beef on December 27th.
The kids look fine with their mom though. Those Jolie-Pitt genes are so funny Shiloh, Knox and Vivienne all look alike. The only thing that bugs me is that everyone but Viv is covered up in warmer clothes. Maybe Vivienne just runs hot, no matter the temperature.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
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| Angelina Jolie was in London for the 'Fighting Stigma Through Film' festival | Added 6 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Before Thanksgiving, we heard that Angelina Jolie had organized some kind of two-day film festival which would focus on stories of war-zone rape. I think it was a mistake to call it or refer to it a ?film festival,? when really it was probably more of an educational, seminar-like experience featuring documentary footage and first-hand accounts from victims. Anyway, Angelina Jolie really did spend a chunk of her Thanksgiving holiday in London, doing this festival/seminar thing called Fighting Stigma Through Film, which she hosted at the British Film Institute. These photos are from Angelina exiting the BFI. Good lord, she looks beautiful. Is it just me or has she gained a little bit of weight? She looks healthier in these photos.
Angelina Jolie is continuing to fight for the victims of sexual violence in war. Speaking at the Fighting Stigma Through Film festival in London Friday, Jolie described the crime as ?an urgent international issue,? adding that ?changing attitudes and laws, and challenging stigma and impunity for sexual violence in all our societies is the work of generations. It?s all of you, it?s all of us together.?
The Fighting Stigma festival is an offshoot of the wider Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict (PSVI) campaign Jolie founded with former British foreign secretary William Hague in 2012. It features 35 movies focusing on the discrimination and social stigma faced by survivors of warzone rape and other forms of sexual violence in conflict. The filmmakers come from 14 different countries including Syria, Burma, Russia and Nigeria. Other attendees included Sophie Wessex and British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt.
?I can only imagine the kind of difficulties that many of you have faced to get to this point in your lives,? Jolie said warmly to the filmmakers gathered at the British Film Institute on London?s Southbank. Jolie continued, ?From the start, PSVI has been about bringing together survivors, civil society and legal experts with [the] government to work together to affect change; not government telling civil society or survivors what needs to be done, but listening to and supporting the voices of the people most directly involved.?
While behind the mic, Jolie will interview a number of high-profile guests about potential solutions to warzone sexual violence and the equally heart-wrenching topic of the global refugee crisis.
?I hope we will be working on this for many years to come,? Jolie told the audience at the BFI, adding that it was crucial to allow ?the voices who set the agenda to be those of the survivors themselves.?
[From People]
It would not surprise me at all if Angelina moved full-time to London once everything was settled with the divorce and custody war stuff. She?s so comfortable there, and she?s been quietly building a life for herself there, with a focus on her Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict initiative. She?s got several good friends in London now too. As for this film festival it sounds like devastating subject matter, but necessary stories to tell. I trust that Jolie and the filmmakers didn?t participate in this for any exploitative reasons. Jolie likely used her name to put this together, and to shine a light on the work of these filmmakers.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.
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| Angelina Jolie organized a film festival featuring films about war-zone rape | Added 6 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 The older I get, the less time I have for TV shows and movies which use rape as a plot device or a shorthand way to bring about some character development. Downton Abbey used rape as a plot device, and while the story was well-acted and probably true to the era, it still felt cheap. The show Shetland also used rape as a plot device, only the rape of a popular character barely had anything to do with the actual plot of the show. There are lots of other examples, and suffice to say, very few shows or films should go down the ?eh, let?s just have this character be a rape victim? plot. I was thinking about this when I read People Mag?s story about a new film festival which Angelina Jolie has put together a two-day film festival which focuses on films about rape, sexual abuse, assault and war crimes.
Angelina Jolie is bringing her humanitarian efforts to a new film festival. The 43-year-old actress is taking part in the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict?s film festival, Fighting Stigma Through Film, which will focus on helping fight discrimination and social stigma that survivors of war zone rape face, according to a press release from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in the U.K. Jolie is the co-founder of Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict which is hosting Fighting Stigma Through Film later in November.
The mother of six is leading a Q&A session with Dr. Denis Mukege, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and City of Joy Centre Director Christine Schuler Deschryver.
?Artists and human rights defenders often taking significant risks, to tell the truth about crimes committed against defenseless women, children, and men during war,? Jolie said in a statement. ?The perpetrators of war crimes often go to extreme lengths to keep the truth from being told. So I am proud to support the filmmakers taking part in the festival. Stigma compounds the suffering of survivors of war zone rape. It is an unbearable injustice on a human level, and it is a major obstacle to achieving justice for victims of these sickening acts of violence. We need to examine and change the entrenched social attitudes that treat sexual violence as an inevitable consequence of war or lesser crime ? including harmful attitudes to women,? Jolie added.
The festival will take place on Nov. 23 and 24 at the British Film Institute in London.
[From People]
I 100% understand the need to draw attention to these stories and I completely agree with what Jolie says about de-stigmatizing these stories and these subjects. But also: good lord, this film festival sounds like such a downer. It would be one thing if every film being shown is a documentary that I would understand, and I would applaud. These are victims using their voices, telling their stories on camera. But I fear that some of the films in this festival will be fictionalized accounts that don?t really educate or inform, and instead use ?rape? as a plot device, or some easy way to make a character sympathetic. So? bless Angelina for trying, but even a stan like me would avoid this film festival like the plague.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Angelina Jolie enjoys a shopping trip to Kitson with Zahara & Shiloh | Added 6 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 It?s sort of nice that no matter what?s happening in the world, no matter how apocalyptic it feels out here, we can always count on Angelina Jolie dressing like a widowed Italian grandmother. These are photos of Angelina out in LA with Zahara and Shiloh on Tuesday. They traveled by car to Robertson, and the paparazzi got these photos of the ?girls day out? as they walked into Kitson. Apparently, Angelina, Shiloh and Zahara were all in good spirits, and you can see that everyone seems light and happy.
Reportedly, Brad and Angelina?s lawyers met for some kind of custodial hearing yesterday. I waited to see if we would get any kind of information or leak out of it. I actually expecting some four-alarm TMZ headline about it. There was nothing. The lack of information could mean that the lawyers were reminded about NOT leaking sh-t to the press. It could mean that nothing was really decided, that this was just one hearing or discussion in what will be a lengthy and prolonged legal battle over custody.
But? that?s not what the press leaks were about ahead of this hearing. Team Brad made it sound like some big stuff was going to be decided this week, and it would be decided in Brad?s favor. So does the lack of information mean that gulp things didn?t really go Brad?s way? And maybe he and his lawyers need a few days to figure out a way to ?massage? whatever came out of the hearing? I?m expecting a Page Six story about Angelina being insanely jelly over Jennifer Aniston at any moment.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
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| Angelina Jolie steps out to see a movie in LA with her four youngest kids | Added 6 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some photos of Angelina Jolie out and about in LA with her four youngest kids: Knox, Vivienne, Zahara and Shiloh. Pax and Maddox were not part of this outing, but I?ve seen some photos of Maddox solo, driving around LA, so I guess Madd is at the age (driving age, aw!!) where he doesn?t want to hang with his little siblings. He?s got things to do, people to see, etc. He has a car! God, that makes me feel old.
For this outing, it seems like Angelina took the younger kids to see a movie. No one knows which one. Let me look at the releases which are in theaters now? my hope is that she took the kids to see Crazy Rich Asians, which is PG-13 and probably fine for kids of those pre-teen and teen ages. Maybe they went to see Christopher Robin, that?s a Disney film and Angelina?s working on a Disney film right now. I doubt she?s taking them to BlacKkKlansman, Mile 22 or The Meg (just because I don?t think the girls would want to see The Meg). Maybe The Incredibles 2? Ant-Man and the Wasp? The Spy Who Dumped Me? Hahah, probably not. It?s probably Christopher Robin.
Jolie has been in LA for about a week now with the kids. They?ve been getting pap?d every few days as they go to the grocery store or what have you. TMZ and Team Pitt made a BFD about how the judge ?ordered? Jolie back to LA, but considering the structured visitation order from a few months ago, it feels like Jolie had already made plans to be in LA for the August 21st hearing. What do I know, though?
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
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