| | |  | Zoe Saldana News & Gossip
| Zoe Saldana: Being a 'self-focused' mom doesn't make you a 'selfish' mom | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 This is a little checkup with Zoe Saldana’s quest to get back in fighting shape after giving birth to twin boys. She’s invited us into the process, which is unusual and (to me) preferable than seeing her bragging on a magazine cover about how chasing kids around made her snap back. Zoe’s intense film schedule will start back up in less than two months. She’s nervous about her baby weight even though those few lingering pounds look really fantastic on her. Zoe already talked about her “frustrating, painful” struggle to get her old body back. If she wasn’t an action movie star, I wouldn’t understand her rush. But I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that movie studios are breathing down her neck. Marvel famously visited Chris Pratt at home when he was losing weight, so it’s not beyond the realm of possibility here.
Zoe’s probably being really hard on herself too. She took to her Facebook page as an update. She promised to do this last week with a “Let?s do it together. Let?s talk about it, hear each other out, and seek advice when we need it.” So Zoe’s talking it out. She’s a little upset about her busy week, but she resolves to prioritize herself:
“I made it! After a week of postponing my workout due to life & meetings & work, I prioritized it. I prioritized myself. A good friend once told me that being self-focussed doesn’t necessarily mean you are being selfish. Be self-focussed!”
[Zoe Saldana on Facebook]
There’s also a post-workout selfie video at the link (and FYI, Guardians director James Gunn “liked” this post). This is just a tiny update, yet it reveals a lot about Zoe’s state of mind. She has baby twins, a husband, and multiple movies on the way. She has a nanny to help, but Zoe is so busy. I do sense the mommy-guilt complex in her words. Zoe is correct, it’s okay to focus on yourself even as a new mom. I would argue that some “alone” time for mom is healthy for the whole family. Zoe will work it out.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN
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| Zoe Saldana reveals her 'frustrating & painful' post baby body struggle | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I’ll readily admit to pegging Zoe Saldana wrong as a celebrity mom. Perhaps it’s still too early to judge whether or not she’ll be judgy, but so far, Zoe’s been chill. Perhaps that’s because she’s so exhausted by the task of caring for twin baby boys. Zoe and Marco Perego welcomed their sons in November and waited to announce the names, Bowie and Cy, in January. Zoe looked tired but glorious at the Oscars. She was a bit curvier than usual, but the extra few pounds looked nice on her frame.
Zoe’s been having a tough time. Yesterday’s episode of GMA detailed her struggle to get back into shape. Zoe didn’t appear on the show, but her trainer (Steve Moyer) popped in for her. You can see the (autoplay) clip here, which discusses Zoe’s 70-pound weight gain during pregnancy. Moyer talks about planks (which I hate-love) and other core strength exercises to rebuild the body. The segment points towards Zoe’s weekend Facebook post, in which she reveals her ongoing health issues and a struggle to get back into fighting shape:
As you all know, we welcomed twin boys last November. Yes, by far, the most amazing experience of my life, but also a very challenging experience when it pertains to my body. I’m sure moms across the world (and dads sometimes) can identify with what I’m about to say.
Your body changes dramatically, inside and out. You grow in places you never knew you could, and you are tired beyond belief. In some cases more than others, your body experiences a kind of trauma through childbirth that is difficult to explain unless you’ve had that experience. My case was like that, everything from my thyroid to my platelets crashed. Thank God, we are all doing great now, but my body was really bent out of shape after the boys were born. Bouncing back feels impossible, but I know it is important as a woman, and now a mommy, to not give up. I am determined to get my energy back and find balance for my body before these little guys start walking, and before I go back to work ….. my clock is ticking!
2 months ago I started my journey, and its been REAL- I’m not gonna lie- it is slow …. painful … and frustrating. But it is worth it.
And that is why I’m here… I know many of you have gone through this or are going through it as we speak. Let’s do it together. Let’s talk about it, hear each other out, and seek advice when we need it. I have my friend of many years and trainer, Steve Moyer that will be guiding me and sometimes training me for the next 2 months before I go back to work. I will be sharing with you what I do, what I eat and how I feel about it in hopes that it will be of any help to you. cool?
I started in January with Moyer. I was 160lbs (at the peak of my pregnancy I reached 185lbs). I had no flexibility, weak joints, and exercising was painful. We started with just walking, I think I only walked that first month. I did however change the way I eat. I began to make better choices with my food. Moyer was instrumental at this point. he gave me great tips of what to eat, how much water to drink, he even gave me some recipes of his own sometimes. It was important for me to learn this so I can do it on my own if I have to. I want to prove to myself that if I have the right determination I can do anything.
Crap, boys are up from their naps! gotta go!
I’m looking fwd to sharing this journey with you…
[From Zoe Saldana on Facebook]
GMA talks about how Zoe’s struggle “humanizes” her, and I agree. Before she became pregnant, Zoe came off as full of herself. Now she’s going through something that many mothers have experienced. The platelet crash and thyroid problems sound particularly scary, right? I don’t think Zoe’s positioning herself as a future internet curator. She’s not out to profit directly from mom-based products and discussions. Zoe’s already got her plate full with twins and three ongoing movie franchises. She’ll be doing more Avatar and Guardians and Star Trek flicks. Her goal is to return to her butt-kicking best, and it’s a lot of pressure. I feel for her having to bounce back from twins so quickly, but … Hollywood.
Zoe also talked to Us Weekly last week about how she’s not looking forward to leaving the twins for work. She said, “I?m pretty sure that every parent — not just every mom– would [take time off] as long as your work doesn’t suffer. But we have to pay bills and at the end of the day, I think that’s the best example we can set to our children.” Zoe says that it takes three people (herself, Marco, and a nanny) to take care of twins. Sounds exhausting.
Photos courtesy of Zoe Saldana on Facebook & WENN
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| Zoe Saldana refuses to boycott D&G after their 'synthetic babies' comments | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some photos of Zoe Saldana and her husband Marco Perego at this weekend?s GLAAD Media Awards in LA. Zoe wore this red Cushnie et Ochs dress which? looks okay. She looks pretty in red. She looks sort of tired, which she probably is considering she and Marco have four-month-old twin boys at home. And I find it so refreshing that she hasn?t gotten back down to her pre-pregnancy weight. She looks great!
But enough with the nice stuff. While she was on the red carpet for this GLAAD event, Zoe was asked about Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce?s comments about gay parents, children born from IVF and Elton John?s call to boycott the designers. To recap, Gabbana said: ?The only family is the traditional one. No chemical offsprings and rented uterus: life has a natural flow, there are things that should not be changed. You are born to a mother and a father ? or at least that?s how it should be. I call children of chemistry, synthetic children. Rented uterus, semen chosen from a catalog.? Elton John?s boycott has been pretty successful on the celebrity front ? he?s got people like Madonna, Ricky Martin, Ellen DeGeneres, Victoria Beckham and many more bashing Dolce & Gabbana publicly and agreeing to a boycott. And this whole time, Dolce and Gabbana have been calling their detractors ?fascists? and ?medieval? for reacting to their statements.
So, when Zoe was asked about it at the GLAAD event, her response was? um? unusual. Especially given that she was at the GLAAD Media Awards! She chose that event to come out for saying Dolce & Gabbana?s terrible comments were no big deal. Here?s her response when asked if Dolce & Gabbana?s comments would cause her to throw out her D&G clothes:
“No! Not at all, that would be the stupidest thing if it affected my fashion choice. People are allowed to their own opinion, however, I wouldn’t have chosen to be so public about something that’s such a personal thing. Obviously it caused some sensitivity, but then again if you continue to follow the news, you see they all kinda hugged it out, so why are we making a big deal about it? I’m certainly not going to stop wearing Dolce, and I’m certainly not going to be refuting when they are adopting synthetic children, however they wanted to say it. I do think things are lost in translation. My husband [Marco Perego] is from Italy and if I judged him based on the words that he misuses in our English language he wouldn’t be here today. It’s like look people, have a drink, relax, it’s okay.”
[From E! News]
I really, really dislike her for using the ?lost in translation? card. Dolce & Gabbana aren?t even using the ?mistranslated? excuse in the half-dozen interviews they?ve done IN PERFECT ENGLISH in the past week. They said what they meant and they meant what they said. The issue isn?t that they meant to say something other than ?your baby is synthetic and gay families are an abomination.? The issue is that they really and truly believe that and they said out loud and they don?t want to face the consequences of other people reacting negatively to their opinions. But it?s no biggie to Zoe because she still gets free Dolce & Gabanna gowns, right?
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
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| Zoe Saldana Shines at the 2015 Academy Awards | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Putting her undeniable beauty on full display, Zoe Saldana looked stunning as she arrived at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood on Sunday (February 22).
The 36-year-old "Avatar" actress struck a few sexy poses on the red carpet before heading inside for the 87th Annual Academy Awards.
With the show being hosted by Neil Patrick Harris, Miss Saldana joins the likes of Jennifer Aniston, Matthew McConaughey, Nicole Kidman and Chris Pine as one of the night's many celebrity presenters.
Along with honoring the best in cinema, the highly anticipated ceremony also includes performances by top music talents including Lady Gaga, Jennifer Hudson, Anna Kedrick and Jack Black.
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| Zoe Saldana & Marco Perego named their twin boys Bowie & Cy | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Zoe Saldana gave birth on November 27 to twin boys with husband Marco Perego. We didn’t cover the story then because Zoe didn’t issue a name announcement. Plus she’d probably make a big deal out of having her privacy invaded because of “ignorant” interest in celebrities’ lives. Or something like that.
Zoe is a pill, but she kept to her own hush-hush standards for the past five weeks. She finally decided to announce the baby boys’ names. I expected Zoe to select some pretentious names for her kids, but she went spacey instead: Bowie and Cy. As in David Bowie and … I have no idea why she chose Cy. David Bowie is certainly cool, but if you’re going to name a twin after him, the other one should be named Swinton. Just a suggestion! Is Cy pronounced like Psy?
Zoe made her official name annoucement via her Instagram page: “Our boys CY and BOWIE are finally here. #marcoperego and I wanted to thank you for your beautiful wishes and for your patience.” No photos of the babies as of yet, but I bet they’re gorgeous little ones. Is she really thanking us for our patience?
Photos courtesy of Zoe Saldana on Instagram, Fame/Flynet & WENN
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| Zoe Saldana: 'Girls can some times be a little too mean with each other' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I saw these photos of Zoe Saldana out and about on Sunday and Monday, so I figured it was worth checking in with her. She’s looking super pregnant, and it’s easy to assume she’s close to her due date. But with twins, who knows. A Zoe source (she still needs to plug those holes) recently revealed that she is expecting two boys. These are nice photos of Zoe and Marco. He seems very protective of her in view of the paps. I forgot to mention thislast time I talked about Zoe: Marco’s put on a little sympathy weight. Not much, just a tiny bit, for solidarity’s sake. He looks good.
There’s a new-to-me interview that Zoe did with Queen Latifah. It’s not the freshest discussion, but I found it interesting. Zoe talks about how she always had trouble making female friends as she grew up. Mostly because of bullying:
On growing up without girlfriends: “It was really hard. Because I love women. There was for a long time in my life when I was younger, I sort of gave up on trying to find female friends. Because girls can some times be a little too mean with each other. And I don’t know where it comes from, as opposed to us uniting, we tend to pick each other apart. It was very, very difficult. I remember my mom always stood by us.”
Zoe’s mom helped her: “She would talk it through. She never uplifted us by putting some one else down. See, she would try to make us understand, look there is probably something going on in their lives, or you need to understand, as a person, nobody bullies when they’re happy.”
Zoe’s thoughts on bullies: “So the bully is the unhappiest person around you at that moment. They’re so unhappy he has to come and other somebody else. Once you know all these things, and you know he is the one that feels most scared, the bully is the one that has very little regard for himself, very poor self-esteem. Once you understand that reality about a bully, you have won already. And you stick to the people that make you feel really good about yourself. But the one person that has to feel good about yourself is you. It takes practice. It’s not easy. You wake up and, and now, are you kidding me? Nothing fits. I look in the mirror … What are you going to do? You put something on. You practice the ‘I’m beautiful. This is me. This is as good as it is going to get and it is great.”
[From The Queen Latifah Show]
That’s rough. I know Zoe can come off as a little rude, but it makes more sense to know that she had a hard time growing up. Honestly, who can’t identify with being bullied at least a little bit in school? Junior high was just a nightmare for me. Things loosened up a lot in high school. Junior high kids are some of the worst people in the world. Yeah, bullying is a topic that we hear about a lot from celebrities, but Zoe’s words on the subject soften her up in my eyes.
Anyway, I can’t wait for Zoe to give birth because you know she’s going to give these twin boys some pretentious names.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet
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| Zoe Saldana: 'We?re all ethnic in America. None of us are aboriginal people' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some photos of Zoe Saldana with Marco Perego (and his interesting ‘stache) out for lunch on Sunday. Zoe hasn’t stopped for even a moment during her pregnancy. She’s not filming, but she’s been promoting her work like crazy. Soon after birth, all of her franchises — Avatar, Star Trek & Guardians — will come calling for sequels. The workload sounds rough with twins on the way, but Marco will probably be a hands-on dad. He seems like he would be, right?
Zoe appears in an episode of AOL’s brand new web series, My Hero, and she did an interview with Popwatch to promote the appearance. Zoe’s hero is her mother, who taught her daughters how to be tough. Her mom sounds pretty rad, and I love what Zoe has to say about the film roles she chooses to pursue. I really like that part of the discussion because she expresses herself so clearly. Zoe’s abrasive, f-bomb-loving self returns when the subject changes to her distaste for the word “ethnic.” Let’s do this:
Zoe’s hero is her mom: “As a parent, she put us first–and we lost a parent, so she had to become those two anchors in our lives. She?s not perfect, but she always did her best and that?s something that?s worth recognizing. And [she] really let us find our own voice. My mom never manipulated us to become something that she wanted us to become because it was better for her. She always just told us the best advice–’I just want you happy.’ That?s also very hard to find.”
On playing badass women: “I don?t choose strong over–I choose real women. I feel like that’s different way of looking at it. In order for me to choose strong roles for women, that means that I?m noticing weakness–and it?s not the weakness that I?m noticing. It’s an inaccurate interpretation, [a] portrayal of female characters in stories that I?m naturally against. I have, like, an allergic reaction to it. The moment I read a story and I go, ‘Oh okay, well, she?s serviceable. There?s nothing special that she?s contributing to the story besides just being there to make the man comfortable, soothe him, fight for him, die for him–and he clearly doesn?t give a f— about her, because he?s trying to find his own self.’ You kind of go, ‘Eh, no I don?t want to promote that anymore.’ I want to be a part of stories where women are important. It doesn’t have to be bigger roles; it doesn?t have to be action-driven. That is a desire of mine, because I’m a very active, athletic person, and that is something I purposely go after because I enjoy it. I also know that there?s a strong message for young females… Don’t just think of yourself as a delicate petal. You can jump, you can climb, you can punch, you can throw balls. Just think of yourself as all these other things as well.”
Balancing baby with her sequels: “I know that we will work everything out. I have to say, I?m very lucky. They?ve been very understanding, especially with what?s happening in my personal life. I?ve gotten nothing but support. To know that we are getting to that place where women can have that support from male driven workforces is–I have to say, it?s very inspiring. And also, they don?t have a choice! I?m not going to rip my child off my tit to go work. Like, you just cannot do it. What kind of mother would I be? There?s no choice. It?s like, ‘What, you want me to leave my newborn so that I can work 16 hours on your set? He?s only a month old, are you out of your mind?’ And the good thing is that half of the people you work with are all parents, and they get it.”
Zoe’s tired of the word “ethnic”: “I don’t know what it would be like to grow up in a house where you heard words like ‘black,’ ‘white,’ ‘ethnic.’ You know what I’m saying? Where everything is just a ‘cultural this’ and a ‘cultural that.’ My mother knew people by name, and that was it. It always freaks me out when I see people that don’t consider themselves ethnic just use the word ‘ethnic.’ It?s going ‘oh, because ethnic people…’ What are you trying to say? You mean people not like you? What are you, then? It just doesn?t, I don’t… f— off. f— you. Like, it’s 2014, America. We?re all ethnic here in America; let’s be f—ing real. None of us are aboriginal people, okay? Did you attend your history classes in third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade, you bigot? There’s a big elephant in the room, and it’s crowding my space now. And I’m done with it.”
[From Popwatch]
I need to take a nap after the last paragraph. Zoe broke me. She’s going to town on a subject she feels passionate about. I could certainly take her more seriously without all of the profanity. I curse all the time, but there’s a time and place for it. When Zoe’s trying to make a point (and she does have one) and wants to be taken seriously … yeah, it would help if she didn’t pepper her points with f-bombs. But I’m tired of arguing. Zoe tires me out.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN
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| Zoe Saldana Dishes on Pregnancy with Channing Tatum, Diego Luna & Ellen DeGeneres | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Bringing together a trio of parents, Ellen DeGeneres hosts the stars of ?Book of Life? on Friday afternoon (October 17).
Zoe Saldana was absolutely glowing with her pregnancy charm as she chatted with the hilarious host about expecting twins.
"They're schooling me on what to expect," the ?Avatar? beauty said of Diego Luna and Channing Tatum, both fathers of young children. "It's fun, it's not so fun every day, but it's fun.?
"You hear everything and you feel like 'OK I can deal with this,'" Zoe continued. "Until I was just telling the boys I went to sit down the other day and a broke my pants from beginning to the end and I was just like, 'This is new, this is really interesting.'"
Channing jokingly chimed in, "It's OK, I did that the other day."
As for names, Zoe revealed, "My husband is very Italian and I'm very Latina so everyday we have messages from our parents, 'Oh it should be Rocko, Giovanni, Luigi, Antonio Ramon Jose.' And you're like, 'Oh my god, people chill, chill.? We're kind of hippie we want it to be like, Lavender.?
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| Zoe Saldana Checks In at 'The Late Late Show?: Just Tell Me I?m Sexy! | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 It?s almost time for her twin boys to be born, and Zoe Saldana is ready to get started in her new motherhood role.
Last night (October 15) the ?Avatar? actress headed over to ?The Late Late Show? where she chatted about her fast-approaching due date.
Host Craig Ferguson asked, ?What?s going on with you?? to which Ms. Saldana jokingly replied, ?I don?t know.?
Ferguson continued, ?Wow! It?s not long now,? referring to Zoe?s due date, and she shot back, ?No, I still have a ways to go. We have maybe eight more weeks or something. I feel great."
Furthermore, Zoe advised the audience, "The best thing a pregnant woman can hear is the word 'sexy.? It's like, 'Oh, you think I'm sexy? Yes! I'm sexy.' You know?"
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| Zoe Saldana: 'Now that I?m pregnant, I?m kind of itching for sexy compliments' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some photos of Zoe Saldana at The Book of Life premiere. She’s wearing an Altuzarra dress and enjoying it very much. This dress (and the styling) is a great maternity look. Very pretty. Zoe posed it up, waving the skirt around. Look at Marco Perego off on the side, laughing along with his wife. His artwork still makes me squicky, but I’m a fan of his personality. He’ll make a cool dad.
Zoe visited Craig Ferguson last night. She suddenly wants to talk about her pregnancy like crazy. I almost felt like I was invading her privacy by watching this interview. Whatever her reasons for talking are, Zoe is all about spilling pregnancy details. She lets us know when she’s due and all about her food cravings. Zoe also wants the world to tell her how sexy her pregnancy looks. The way she says it is so eye-rollingly pretentious:
When is she due? “I still have a ways to go. We have maybe, I don’t know, eight more weeks or something? Ten more weeks? I feel great.”
She’s ravenous: “I’m hungry all the time. I really am. [Ferguson pulls out a food tray filled with barbeque ribs.] “Oh my god! This is really good! And they’re warm! Would it be really obnoxious if I just grabbed the rib and [chowed down]? I have to say, nothing makes me happier than to see a pregnant woman eat, especially in L.A. I’m just hungry. It feels good. Food just tastes so delicious”
She used to be vegetarian: “For one season, I lost the taste of meat. So I was just having, like, lentils and quinoa. But then there was a bad night where I had a little too much to drink and I ended up at In-N-Out. You trick yourself, working in Hollywood. You trick yourself, going, ‘That burger’s disgusting. That burger’s awful.’ But now that [I'm] pregnant, [I'm] like, ‘I can eat all this together, at the same time. Like, I can have the pickle with the donut, and it would probably be life-changing.’”
Her pregnancy pasttime: “I’ve been watching a lot of crime shows. Murder mysteries. And I’m solving the case at like 2:00 in the morning. Because that’s one of the gifts of being pregnant — sometimes you just can’t sleep … My husband wakes up, and I’m just like, ‘He totally did it.’”
Tell her she’s “sexy”: “People think that they’re not supposed to compliment pregnant women. The best thing a pregnant women can hear is the word ‘sexy.’ It’s like, ‘Oh, you think I’m sexy? Yes! I’m sexy.’ Usually, I’m such an activist for women’s rights and everything. I’m like, ‘Excuse me, do not objectify me,’ or whatever. But now that I’m pregnant, I’m kind of itching for sexy comments, like compliments. Not getting picked up, because my husband will kill you. But like, you know, ‘Your wife is looking really hot.’ We like that.”
[From Us Weekly]
“Usually, I’m such an activist for women’s rights and everything…” Oh, Zoe. We know what she means. It’s okay. She can be a feminist and still enjoy compliments on her physical appearance. She feels the need to qualify her desires, which is interesting.
Somehow I like Zoe more now that she’s talking about her obsession with crime shows. I watch all those dreadful USA network reruns at the gym. Give me a murder mystery and Chris Meloni’s guns. Uh-huh.
Here’s a video clip of last night’s Craigy Ferg show. Zoe arrives at the 17 minute mark.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN
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