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| Blake Lively is shutting down Preserve, her sad, pro-Antebellum lifestyle site | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Sad news, you guys. No more pro-Antebellum editorials from Blake Lively! Blake is shutting down her lifestyle/shopping site Preserve on October 9th. Blake teased the site for more than a year, then complained that Anna Wintour ?made? her launch the site before it was ready (to coincide with a Vogue cover). Still, Blake shilled hard for Preserve. She even claimed she was a lot better at lifestyle-siting than she was at acting (that might even be true, in which case? sad). Blake announced the death of Preserve to Vogue:
?We have an incredible team of people who do beautiful work, but we launched the site before it was ready, and it never caught up to its original mission: It?s not making a difference in people?s lives, whether superficially or in a meaningful way,? Blake Lively says, on the phone from New York. ?And that?s the whole reason I started this company, not just to fluff myself, like, ?I?m a celebrity! People will care what I have to say!? It was so never meant to be that, and that kind of became the crutch because it was already up and already running, and it?s hard to build a brand when you?re running full steam ahead?how do you catch up?? Which is why, in an attempt to do just that, all of Preserve (from objets to home decor, accessories and clothing) is currently on a very deep and very inviting sale, to prepare for its October 9th closure, so that Lively may rebuild, rebrand, and eventually reveal?on her own timeline?what her project was always meant to be. (See? Savvy.)
?It?s very exciting and it?s also incredibly scary,? says Lively of shuttering Preserve. ?I never thought I would have the bravery to actually do that, to take the site dark and to say, ?You know what? I haven?t created something that is as true and impactful as I know it can and will be. And I?m not going to continue to chase my tail and continue to put a product out there that we, as a team, are not proud of.?? While she anticipates a certain amount of backlash??Failure! Folly! We knew she couldn?t do this, too!??Lively feels ready this time around. ?I know what it?ll look like, what I?m facing publicly, that people are just going to have a heyday with this. But it?s so much worse to continue to put something out there?to ask my team to put something out there?that isn?t the best we can do. I?m going to take this hit, and the only way I can prove all the negative reactions wrong is to come back with a plan that will rock people. And I have that plan. And I?m so excited about it, and that?s what gave me the courage to do this, to say, ?You know what, I?m going to give myself one more shot at this, and I really have to do it as well as I can do it this time.? And that is the only thing that will impact people. And that?s what I?m doing. And I?m totally terrified out of my mind!? She laughs, ?I?ve asked my assistant to just play ?Shake It Off? on a loop?it feels really good to listen to it on a loop!?
[From Vogue]
There?s much more at Vogue ? Blake is already shilling her mysterious comeback project which I?m sure will just be another hipster lifestyle site, only this time with slightly fewer pro-Antebellum editorials. While I think there is something to the idea of being brave enough to publicly fail, to publicly admit that you made a bad call (or a series of bad calls), I do wonder if Blake really learned much from this experiment, considering she?s probably going to do the same thing all over again, just six months from now (or whenever).
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| Woe is Blake Lively, Anna Wintour made her launch Preserve before it was ready | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 If you remember correctly, Blake Lively launched her lifestyle site, Preserve, last summer. The collective reaction went from ambivalence to? laughter, I think. There were some defenders, but I think most of us recognized it for what it was: a hipster, artisanal-lite take on Gwyneth Paltrow?s Goop. The writing on the site was widely mocked, deservedly, because in additional to shilling hipster nonsense, Blake was also writing pro-Antebellum-South essays. Anyway, Blake?s Preserve launch coincided with her August 2014 Vogue cover story, in which she talked almost exclusively about Preserve and how unique it was and how no one ever thought of shilling hipster junk on the internet. Now, in a new Time Magazine interview, Blake is coming clean about how the launch was rushed on Anna Wintour?s orders. You can read the full Time piece here. Some highlights:
Whether she?s an actress or a businesswoman: ?I don?t see an ?or? there. I see myself as a storyteller?or at least that?s what I try to do. As an actress, I try to tell stories in the most honest way possible, and hope people will connect to that emotionally. With Preserve, I?m doing the same thing: meeting chefs, meeting artisans, designers, craftsmen. I?m moved by their stories and I?m sharing them with my friends.?
Whether Preserve has a business plan: ?I hope there?s a business plan! It?s a proper company? It?s hard to make something different. I?m lucky to have friends who are successful entrepreneurs, and their companies? valuations are very impressive and they?re up against time and money. I?ve seen such generosity that I haven?t seen in the profession of acting?it?s not that actors aren?t generous, but no one has connected me with Meryl Streep to muse about what has worked onscreen and why. In the world of entrepreneurs, I?ve been amazed to be connected with other companies? CTOs and CFOs and talk about what has worked and what didn?t.?
Anticipating the negative reaction to Preserve: ?I see what happens in the world of female entrepreneurs and I see what the media does. And that they pit women against each other and there?s an ?or??should women stick to this or this? I knew we?d probably get grilled, or celebrated for being someone they?re not already picking on. It felt like a new kid coming to school: I?ll get picked on, or liked, for being from a different place. And I?ve been to 16 schools in my life, so I?ve experienced that bullying. There is constructive criticism we?ve taken to heart. And then there?s people being mean for the sake of being mean, or when you?re trying to be light and people take you literally. It?s a nasty world. You don?t see male entrepreneurs pitted against each other, destroyed, picked apart, and every word they say served up to judge.?
Anna Wintour?s demands: ?The things that keep me up are things I look at on the site and I know could be better. I knew this was supposed to be better. Time and money, time and money. What I wanted Preserve to be at launch was not what it is at all. It?s just impossible! We found ourselves at launch and we had a Vogue cover set up, so I couldn?t call Anna Wintour and say ?I need six more months??people hacked into our site a week and a half before it was meant to launch, so the site leaked. The site?s not close to what I want it to be. I hope by the time it?s what I want it to be, my standards will be raised infinitely more.?
She never wanted to be an actress: ?I never knew I wanted to be an actor. I fell into it and was lucky to have incredible opportunities that shaped my life. There were things I planned for my life that I missed out on. Going to an Ivy League school was my dream. I wanted to be an entrepreneur and carve my own path.?
[From Time Magazine]
Poor baby, Anna Wintour forced her to launch her silly lifestyle site to coincide with a Vogue cover!! #RichWhiteWomanProblems. I feel like the whole ?bullying? section of the interview was specifically about the ?Allure of Antebellum? issue, in which she attempted to force Gawker to remove their critical coverage and they in turn published her legal threats. If she says that Preserve is not where it needs to be and that they?ve experienced 9 months of growing pains? sure, I agree. But I don?t think that gives her a free pass. She made such a big deal about how this site was going to be SO different and special and we had never seen anything like it, and now that everyone has seen that it?s a pretty mundane, poorly organized, hard-to-navigate site shilling hipster nonsense, now she wants a do-over.
PS… This interview was part of Time Magazine’s larger profile on celebrity women and their lifestyle sites. Go here to see Gwyneth’s piece.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Blake Lively signs on to Woody Allen's next film, also starring Kristen Stewart | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Am I the only one still wondering what was up with Blake Lively?s absence at the Met Gala on Monday night? Her rep said her absence was because she was filming movies ?back to back? in Asia. Which? is easily disproven, considering everyone has access to IMDB. Her IMDB lists All I See Is You as her next film, so maybe that?s filming in Asia? Maybe? But there is some good news (sort of) for Blake?s career: she did just get a legitimate job! She?s been cast in the new Woody Allen film, which will be filmed this summer:
Fresh from opening The Age Of Adaline, Blake Lively will join the ensemble cast of Woody Allen?s next film. She will join Jesse Eisenberg, Bruce Willis and Kristen Stewart, I?m told. As usual, the film is untitled and there are no plot details, but the picture is being produced by Letty Arsonson, Stephen Tenenbaum and Edward Walson, his usual collaborators.
Allen is casting the film as he prepares for the Cannes premiere of Irrational Man, which stars Emma Stone and Joaquin Phoenix and will be released by Sony Pictures Classics July 24th.
It?s a good time for Lively, as Age of Adaline has grossed $24 million so far domestically as nice counter programming against the behemoth Avengers: Age Of Ultron. Lively is next booked to star alongside Jason Clarke in the Marc Forster-directed All I See Is You. Then she will join Allen?s film. She?s repped by WME and Management 360.
[From Deadline]
The way Woody Allen almost always works is that he films for about eight to ten weeks in the summer months, cuts the film quickly and starts writing another script, which will be made the following year. So? Blake will be working this summer on a Woody Allen film. I doubt she cares about the rumors and accusations, by the way. She, like so many actors, just wants to work with Woody. I would assume the same is true of Kristen Stewart, Bruce Willis, etc. Also: Kristen and Blake in the same movie? Miss Perma-Grump and Miss Sunshine? It will be epic.
Meanwhile, Blake has a new interview with the BBC?s Newsbeat. Some assorted quotes about baby James and her post-baby body.
She?s not glamorous in real life: “We don’t have red carpets in our house. Or glam squads and people making us look awesome and making it look easy every day. What our house is like, it’s just in complete chaos. It’s lasting on no sleep and not knowing what to do because you’re a parent.”
Her post-baby body: “I’m still 15 pounds heavier so it’s nice that people think I lost my baby weight. I still haven’t lost a pretty good chunk of it, but it’s also the pressure – who cares? There’s pressure to lose it, or women are like supposed to look like they did when they were 19 right after you give birth to your child, I think it’s silly.” Blake says breastfeeding has helped, but she’s “not really obsessing” over losing any more weight right now.
[From BBC]
To my eyes, it does look like Blake has lost all of her baby weight and that her body snapped back really quickly after giving birth. That?s what being tall and leggy will do for you, people. But she?s right? who cares? She?s happy and healthy and I hate that new moms are expected to bounce back quickly. I also hate that new moms are being constantly asked about their bodies. Ugh to all of it.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
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| Blake Lively's future plans: 'I have a dream to go to Harvard Business School' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Blake Lively is still talking. She?s still promoting The Age of Adaline, which is already out in theaters. It?s made more than $15 million so far domestically. Which is not Marvel money, but it?s somewhat respectable for Blake in her first film role in years. The press around Blake would make you believe that she?s this major movie star, up for all of the big roles, battling it out with Angelina Jolie, Cate Blanchett and Scarlett Johansson for the juicy parts. The reality is? she?s an ambitious TV Girl with a great publicist. Which goes pretty far, but not Jolie/ScarJo territory. Anyway, Blake has a new interview with Stylist ? you can read the full piece here. I?ve carved out some highlights of just a some stuff I found interesting. Like, I couldn?t care less about Blake?s thoughts on e-commerce, even though she?s now an ?expert? because of Preserve. My highlights:
Motherhood surprises: ?Just realising that it is all going to be OK. I remember leaving the hospital thinking: ?I have no idea what I am doing. I have a life in my hands and I?m not equipped to do this, because I don?t have the knowledge I need to take care of the most precious, fragile thing in the world.? It felt like being a passenger on a plane and being told: ?By the way, now you are going to be piloting the plane.? But then you take her home and you figure it out. Sometimes you don?t figure it out and even that is a whole new experience.
She?s making people wait: ?It is tough because when you are looking at your child and she?s laughing, it?s hard to do anything else. And it means making people wait while you feed your baby. That sucks, because everyone thinks you are just being a diva. My parents are pretty much the nannies?They haven?t moved in, but they visit for long periods of time and then they?ll go away and make us beg them to come back.
Looking forward to aging: ?Right now I am really looking forward to getting older. The older I?ve got, the more enriched my life has become, from a great childhood with my family, to moving to New York, getting married and having a baby. But ask me in 10 years when I get my crow?s feet? or maybe two years, oh my god! I have learned that until you experience something, it?s hard to get on your soapbox and talk about it.
Whether she?s ?old-fashioned?: ?Yes I am. I only listen to old music. I love Billie Holiday, Chet Baker, Edith Piaf and Josephine Baker. I love fashion of times past, I like modern trends too, but I?m not good about keeping up with them.?
The idea of being a stay-at-home-mom: ?It is great to be a mother and a professional and a wife and a daughter, but to choose only one of those things is also incredible. I love being with my niece and baking with her; I also love it when my niece wants to get out there and take the boys down. We?ll take them down together in a game of soccer or go-kart racing. I like being a woman and everything that means for me.?
The changing landscape for women: ?Look at what is happening with Hillary Clinton, it?s something to be very proud of. It?s so uplifting. But the fact that we have to be proud of this advancement is a bit upsetting. I think whatever side you stand on, the fact that there?s never been a woman leading this country where there are women leading households and leading companies, is a bit upsetting. What makes people think a man is more equipped to do that than a woman? Nothing.
Her dream: ?I have a dream to go to Harvard Business School and one of these days I will do that? in my spare time!?
[From Stylist]
Harvard Business School? Eh, weirder things have happened. What I find funny is that before Blake launched Preserve, she teased it in many, many interviews and promised that it would be unlike anything we had ever seen, that it would be utterly unique and special. And then when she launched her site, it was just a run-of-the-mill shopping site for twee-precious-hipster stuff, interspersed with poorly written mini-essays about how quaint it was when people could still own slaves. And all of the press around Blake this month, as she promotes her film, has basically said that Preserve is just a budget version of Goop. Every single interview name-checks Goop!! It?s amazing. So yeah, maybe she needs some additional education. Or something.
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| Blake Lively on Preserve: 'I?m a lot better at this than I am at acting' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Blake Lively has a decent new interview with the Los Angeles Times. Blake has been enjoying the past week of wall-to-wall press, probably because it?s her first film press tour since 2012. She?s been doing a major (and bizarre) fashion show in New York, but I kind of think the fashion show has just been to deflect from the fact that, oh right, Blake is kind of boring in interviews. She doesn?t have a lot to say in general. So why pick up on this LAT interview? Well, she actually had her baby with her in the interview ? she was breastfeeding and she asked the LAT reporter not to describe it in the article (which the reporter does not). Blake also tells some lies about how she announced her pregnancy, because I guess she thinks we?re stupid. Some highlights:
Blake didn?t want to tell people she was pregnant? Lively hoped to conceal her pregnancy until she gave birth but shared the news at seven months because she found out that paparazzi had taken pictures of her (and her growing stomach) on vacation with Reynolds.
She didn?t think ?Gossip Girl? was about the quality of the content. “If it was about the content, they wouldn’t hand us our script pages minutes before shooting. You’re part of this machine ? this pop culture phenomenon ? but as an actor, the quality of your work is definitely compromised because of that. When I finished the last season, I didn’t feel good at it anymore. I didn’t feel stimulated. It had become muscle memory, but not good muscle memory ? like bad-habit muscle memory.”
The bad reviews of her lifestyle site, Preserve: “You feel like you’re in high school and being bullied,” Lively says of the negative reviews. James, who was bouncing on her lap, gurgled. “Excuse me! She has a lot to say on the subject. She hates bullying.”
She?s sticking with Preserve: “I’m a lot better at this than I am at acting. I always feel like I’m faking it when I’m acting. I do the best I can do to tell the story in the best way, but I always feel really lucky when I get a job. I feel confident when I’m cooking or decorating. It’s something I control beginning, middle and end. That ownership feels good.”
She wants more kids: “It’s addictive?Having a baby is just living in the constant unexpected. You never know when you’re gonna get crapped on or when you’re gonna get a big smile or when that smile immediately turns into hysterics. It might be like living with a drug addict. But you have a baby and you think, ‘I can’t imagine ever not having a baby,’ because they grow up so quickly. I’d be an 80-year-old woman with a baby if I could.”
[From The LAT]
Oh, so much here to parse. First of all? while the paparazzi might have gotten photos of Blake?s pregnant belly, let?s be real, she used her pregnancy announcement to shill the launch of Preserve. She literally posted the first ?bump photo? on Preserve as part of the launch of the site. And yes, she?s ?better? at Preserve-ing than she is at acting, although that?s setting the bar pretty low. And no, what we said about Preserve wasn?t ?bullying.? We were utterly justified in mocking the crappy functionality of the site AND the cheesy, offensive writing. Anyone remember her stupid ?Allure of Antebellum? post? Because it was so quaint and lovely in the American South when black folks were slaves, right? SO ALLURING.
And why is Blake criticizing Gossip Girl so much these days? Chica, that?s the show that made you famous. Stop biting the hand that fed you and made you a household name.
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| Blake Lively admits she sometimes thinks, 'Oh my gosh. I look like a potato.' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some more photos of Blake Lively?s fashion show through New York this week. I think all of these photos are from Tuesday, the day Blake literally changed outfits nine times. While some of you might side-eye the whole idea of going overboard on costume changes for one day of non-stop press, you?ve got to keep several things in mind. One, The Age of Adeline is Blake?s first film since 2012?s Savages. She?s been dying to do press for a film! Two, I?m sure all of these costume changes link back to Preserve in some way, or it?s all part of Blake?s scheme to become the New Martha Stewart-slash-Diane Von Furstenberg or something. Three? I think the costume changes are a psychic connection to The Age of Adeline. Like, the film is going to be BAD, but the costume p0rn will probably be pretty great. Just like the press tour for the film is boring as hell, but it?s fun to see all of Blake?s terrible clothing choices.
Meanwhile, we?ve reached the moment where a new mother starts fielding questions about how she ?got her body back after baby.? As you would guess, Blake?s secret weight loss plan involves chocolate.
She only gave birth to daughter James three months ago, but Blake Lively is already showcasing her incredible post-baby body in all its glory. So what’s her secret? Long walks, yoga, hiking… and chocolate, it has been revealed. Speaking to YOU magazine, Blake said: ‘Losing weight is not something I have spent much time focusing on. With a new baby, it?s just about eating well for her, because everything I eat goes right into her system. Your body goes through a lot after pregnancy and birth, so small, gentle workouts feel better. I hate the gym. Who doesn?t? When I?m in the gym I feel like I am missing out. I would rather rent a bike or go for a hike.’
Despite her trim figure, the cooking fanatic, who has her own blog, admits that she ‘loves’ to eat chocolate. A source revealed that she had been eating plenty of lean proteins like turkey, chicken and venison to shed the baby weight. Despite her envy-inducing figure, Blake admitted that she has insecure days just like everyone else.
She admitted: ‘Some days I look in the mirror and think, “Oh my gosh. I look like a potato.” You think that I would never feel bad about myself? I?m a human being – everybody has their insecurities. Ask Gisele [Bndchen] or Beyonc. They will tell you that some days, they don?t feel good about themselves.’
[From The Daily Mail]
When I?m NOT at the gym, I feel like I?m missing out. Like, I get antsy if I can?t zone out for a few hours every other day. But maybe I?m saying that because I don?t live in a very hiking-friendly area. Besides, I?d rather be on a treadmill, watching CNN in a climate-controlled environment rather than out there in nature. Different strokes, etc. As for Blake?s weight loss post-baby? I don?t know, I tend to believe that she hasn?t been making diet/exercise a priority and her body just naturally snapped back really quickly.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Pacific Coast News, Fame/Flynet.
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| Blake Lively Joins The MILF Club | Added 9 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 I was wondering what happened to Blake Lively — used to be we saw her all the time. Hell, I even named her my official Babe of the Year back in 2009. But then she married that Ryan Reynolds loser. And even worse, it turns out they justhad a kid. Which explains where Blake went […]
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| Blake Lively's director: she 'is a statuesque timeless beauty a la Veronica Lake' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some photos of Blake Lively at the afterparty for The Age of Adeline premiere. Yes, Blake changed out of her sad showgirl look for the afterparty. But I?m not sure that this full-length sheer-with-stars bodysuit was the correct ?second look.? I mean? even Blake knows that she can?t really sell this. It?s a terrible styling choice and it doesn?t even look like it?s party-appropriate. Did she walk around the party wearing that big coat so she wouldn?t be flashing her bits and pieces? Oh, and this look is Monique Lhuillier, just like Blake?s red showgirl premiere look. Maybe THAT is the problem. No more Lhuillier for Blake.
Meanwhile, I have some bits and bobs of Blake info/quotes/interviews for you today. The Age of Adeline comes out on Friday, so Blake is going to be saturating the media this week. While at the premiere on Sunday, Blake tried to play it like her three-year absence from film was all her doing, because she?s so choosy. She told Variety: ?I look for a movie that I can?t not do.? Variety notes that Blake was ?in the running? for Silver Linings Playbook, the part that won Jennifer Lawrence an Oscar (LOL, never stop hustling, Blake). The director of Adeline, Toland Krieger, described Blake to Variety, saying: ?She?s a bit of an old soul herself. She?d rather be baking on a Friday night than out partying. She?s a statuesque timeless beauty a la Veronica Lake.? A statuesque timeless beauty? Nope. Don?t get me wrong, I think Blake is pretty/sexy. Her prettiness is very accessible, like she?s ?the pretty girl? in your college dorm.
What else? Blake has been talking about motherhood a lot and how much she loves everything about her baby. Of course. She told You Magazine:
?Being a parent is both exhausting and all-consuming but it is the greatest gift in the world. I never feel as though I am giving up anything being a young mother – there’s no sacrifice. I feel like I’ve won the lottery. The only thing I am giving up is sleep. Whenever I’m away from the baby, even for a few hours, I miss her. Not sleeping through the night is the one thing you dread leading up to giving birth. But the thing you’re not told is that you miss your baby, or at least I do. Even when I wake up in the middle of the night and I’m tired, I see her and feel glad. I’m already mourning her going off to college and getting married!”
[From You Magazine via The Hamilton Spectator]
Blake also told the magazine that they don?t have a nanny or night nurse, but her parents have been staying and ?they do the job of 30 nannies, so we are very lucky.? Sure, I believe that. Much like Duchess Kate, I suspect Blake is very, very close to her family.
Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.
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| Blake Lively in Monique Lhuillier at 'Adeline' premiere: showgirl-chic or fug' | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Blake Lively finally got her big premiere for The Age of Adeline. She?s been shilling this movie for weeks (if not months). And I really don?t think it?s going to do well or launch Blake into super-stardom, but maybe someone out there will buy it. But the point is that Blake got to put on the biggest, frilliest, most look-at-me dress she could find and shockingly, the dress was not Marchesa. This is Monique Lhuillier, the designer famous for making gowns look like lingerie.
Thoughts? I don?t mind the red and I don?t hate the cut from the waist up. But I hate pretty much everything else about this dress. I hate the frills, the feathers and the design of the bodice. Ugh, she looks like a modest showgirl! And I guess that?s Blake deal ? she likes a showgirl look. I?ll give her some credit ? the fit is really great and if I didn?t know better, I would say it doesn?t even look like she gave birth just a few months ago. As for her sweet baby James, E! News says Ryan Reynolds stayed home last night to watch the baby.
And in case you?re wondering about the hot piece posing with Blake, that?s Dutch actor Michiel Huisman. You might know him as the second Daario in Game of Thrones. He replaced the first Daario, who looked like Fabio if Fabio was a serial killer. I actually prefer Huisman on GoT, although I?m worried about his career long-term if he?s the third-tier love interest in a Blake Lively movie. Still, hot man is hot.
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| Blake Lively's stress-relievers: cooking, knitting & working on motorcycles | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Blake Lively has a feature in the new issue of O Magazine, likely as some early promotion for her first film role in years, in The Age of Adeline. Have you seen the trailers for The Age of Adeline? I?m not impressed. But the costumes look cute. And that?s probably enough ? plus the fact that she?s now part of the Motherhood Industrial Complex – to get Blake several major magazine covers for April and May. She didn?t score the cover of O Mag (only Oprah gets the cover!!), but O Mag did do a photoshoot with Blake. I don?t understand why her mouth is open? Do we have to make SexyFace even for OPRAH?!
Anyway, in the O Magazine interview, Blake talks about eating and knitting and how of course she loves to do some work on her motorcycle. She?s sort of like The Cool Girl?s cousin, The Cool Wife. All about food and child-rearing and letting her husband ?teach? her how to do fun stuff that he likes to do. Some highlights:
Her stress-relievers: “I’ll knit or cook ? or work on a motorcycle, a skill my husband is teaching me. One of my latest projects was painting nature-inspired throw pillows.”
How she spends a day off: “Walking through New York City. It’s constantly changing. I’ll go back to an area I visited four years ago, and it’s completely different. But that’s a good thing because it means there will always be new neighborhoods to eat my way through.”
On her best childhood memory: “My mom liked to infuse my life with a lot of magic. When she read my fortune cookies, the predictions were full of princesses and castles and jewels and pirates. When I got old enough to read them, I was shocked to find out how boring they really were!”
On her favorite quick recipe: “Hot fudge sundae. But forget the fake syrupy stuff; Melt down a bar of chocolate, mix it into some warmed up whipping cream, and put it on top of ice cream. Add some sprinkles, and you’ve got a delicious treat.”
[From O Magazine, via The Daily Mail]
Well? okay. I?m going to try to be less nitpicky about Blake, so I?ll give her this: I like how she consistently talks about enjoying all kinds of food. I?m sure she eats mostly healthy food, but I also get the feeling that all of her cupcakes/cookies/sundaes talk is for real, that she will sit down and eat buttery popcorn and top it off with a small ice cream sundae, because life?s too short. And I like that about her, really. I get tired of self-appointed health-monitoring celebrities trying to convince me that kale smoothies are the height of indulgence.
Last thing: painting nature-inspired throw pillows? She totally spoiled the next Preserve essay!!!!
Photos courtesy of Guy Aroch/O Magazine & Fame/Flynet.
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