| | |  | Jennifer Aniston News & Gossip
| Jennifer Aniston in Antonio Berardi at the UK 'Bosses' premiere: cute or blah' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some photos from last night?s London premiere of Horrible Bosses 2. The principal cast made it to London ? Jason Sudeikis, Jason Bateman, Charlie Day ? plus Jennifer Aniston. Aniston is the only ?horrible boss? I see? The film?s other ?bosses? are Chris Pine, Christoph Waltz (he must have needed a paycheck) and Kevin Spacey. Blah.
So, obviously, Aniston was the most interesting person there as far as fashion. She wore this Antonio Berardi Spring 2015 which? eh. I think Jennifer is trying to work it and make it sexy/sophisticated (especially with the built-in red bustier detail), but I kind of think she looks a tad uncomfortable in it. It?s not her standard-issue little black dress and it?s not the silhouette that she?s used to, but hey? she?s sort of getting out of her comfort zone, so give her a slow clap. I kind of think her hair looks kind of dull too ? her red carpet hair is usually bouncy, tousled, with volume. It looks like she just did the flat-iron and called it a day.
Here?s something interesting: Justin Theroux came with her to London. They flew in together on Tuesday and he was seen leaving a London hotel during the day yesterday (I?m including some photos in this post). But? Justin didn?t walk the red carpet with her. He didn?t even POSE on the red carpet separately. I mean? are they still doing that? The jig is up. We know they?re together. They?ve walked red carpets together before. Why play that game? Did she make him wait in the car?!
I?m also including photos of Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis. Olivia?s black dress is Michael Kors. Now THAT looks like something Jennifer would have loved to wear. It?s okay on Olivia. Nothing special.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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| Jennifer Aniston on Justin: 'He is a beautiful equalizer, he's quite special' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I keep forgetting that Jennifer Aniston reprised her role as a sex-addicted dentist in Horrible Bosses 2. It comes out November 26th and I guess the LA press junket was this past weekend. So Jennifer did some sit-down interviews for the film, in between being ?extremely affectionate? with Justin Theroux?s eyebrows at the Governors Awards. So, Jennifer sat down with Access Hollywood for her first interview for HB2. What does Jennifer have to say? Rainbows and happiness and coming into her body and joy and wonder and Justin Theroux, of course.
At 45, Jennifer Aniston is feeling better than ever. In a new interview with Access Hollywood’s Liz Hernandez, the stunning star said she is more comfortable in her own skin at this point her life than she?s been in the past.
“Everything I’ve learned, everything? life’s wonderful gifts, roadblocks, joys, ups, downs, everything is just ? it’s true, youth is wasted on the young. There’s no doubt about it,” Jennifer told Liz at the “Horrible Bosses 2? junket in Los Angeles on Sunday. “I look at all of my girlfriends and friends, and I think we’re all growing and becoming more and more in our bodies.”
“Do you feel more confident now than ever?” Liz asked. “Yeah, for sure,” Jennifer replied, adding, “100 percent.”
Part of her confidence comes from the balance she’s been able to achieve in her personal and professional life, something Jen said her fianc, Justin Theroux, helps provide.
“He is a beautiful equalizer. He’s a really beautiful, wonderful partner, yes,” she said of Justin, whom she got engaged to in August 2012. “He’s quite special.”
With tabloids constantly reporting the couple has secretly married (or broken up ? depends on the day!), is the actress annoyed by all of the media attention on her relationship?
“I think we’re just so uninteresting, we don’t do anything, that there’s no real narrative other than that to sort of slap onto us,” she said. “Then, once we do [marry], then it’s gonna be ?well, it [already] is the babies. I mean, it’s comical!”
Between her relationship with Justin and the fun she’s having in her career with “Horrible Bosses 2? and her role in “Cake” (which is already earning award buzz), Jennifer said she?s having a great time. “It’s absolutely one of the happiest times in my life,” she said.
[From Access Hollywood]
Sigh? she?s not horrible in this interview, she hits all of her talking points without sounding like a robot and I?m happy that she didn?t try to pull some ?I?m not going to talk about my personal life? crap. But what I always say about Aniston is still true ? it?s like she never wants to own up to how much she?s participated in creating her Miss Lonelyhearts, Thinking About Babies tabloid persona.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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| Jennifer Aniston: Going without makeup for 'Cake' was 'so dreamy & empowering' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 For the past few years, there?s been a really weird dichotomy between what Jennifer Aniston?s publicist wants us to think about Aniston?s career and what?s actually happening in her career. To hear Aniston?s PR, Life of Crime was one of Jennifer?s most amazing performances ever and it would totally change the way everyone thought of her. Except that they couldn?t even get a wide theatrical release and it was quietly offered on DirectTV a few months ago. I don?t know what?s happening with She?s Funny That Way either, but I suspect it?s going to be the same kind of direct-to-cable or direct-to-DVD kind of thing.
There?s no shame in making films that don?t even get real theatrical releases (okay, it?s bad but it?s not the worst thing ever). But it?s a good thing to come to discussions of Aniston?s career with this simple fact in mind: she?s buying buzz and the purchased buzz rarely lines up with what people actually think of the films she?s making. So, now Aniston is promoting Cake. The ?buzz? says that Aniston is aiming for an Oscar nomination. Except that the film couldn?t find a distributor so a distribution arm had to be created from Cake?s production company. And now Jennifer managed to take part in Deadline?s ?The Contenders? series over the weekend? as in, contending for an Oscar.
She’s used to sitting in a make-up chair most working days of her life. But Jennifer Aniston didn’t have to wear even a smidge of lipstick in her latest indie movie, Cake – and she loved it.
‘It was so fabulous, and so dreamy and so empowering and liberating,’ the 45-year-old said at a Q&A during Deadline’s The Contenders series at the DGA Theater in Los Angeles, on Saturday. The star, best known for her turn as Rachel in long-running hit comedy Friends, said the only time she had to wear face paint for her downbeat role during the 25-day shoot in Los Angeles was when they ‘put scars on my face.’
In fact Jennifer didn’t appear to have much make-up on for the Q&A, allowing her natural beauty to shine through. The beautiful actress looked the image of casual chic in a black baggy jumper with a V-neck, blue skinny jeans and boots. Her hair has been lightened since her brunette Rachel days to a honey blonde but the style is very similar.
Jennifer was a surprise extra guest at Deadline’s event, turning up with Cake director Daniel Barnz and screenwriter Patrick Tobin.
‘It?s our little love project, she said. ‘When I read the script, I was ready to disappear.’
She plays Claire, who becomes fascinated by the suicide of a woman in her chronic pain support group. As she uncovers the details of Nina’s suicide and develops a relationship with dead woman’s husband, she is haunted by Nina’s ghost and grapples with her own personal tragedy, according to IMDB. Barnz discovered the script while judging a screenplay contest.
The Emmy and Golden Globe winner also made a plea to keep film production in California: ?This is our industry, we should be able to make our movies here.’
[From The Daily Mail]
I?m including some photos of the appearance below. She did look nice and casual. Like she was walking on the beach and just decided to drop by an Oscar-contenders Q&A session at the last minute. Don?t get me wrong, I never fault a celebrity for hustling and Jennifer has every right to promote her work. But every time I read some piece about how she?s going to be nominated for an Oscar, I roll my eyes.
#458246690 / gettyimages.com
#458246790 / gettyimages.com
Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News, Getty.
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| Jennifer Aniston allegedly pushes her 'no chemicals' agenda on co-workers | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Jennifer Aniston was a smoker for many years. I?m not sure if she still smokes cigarettes, but guessing from a few recent interviews, I?d say that she still smokes the weed. Regularly. My guess is that she?s pretty much stopped with the ciggies and now she just smokes pot. Plus, she gets weird formaldehyde-based hair treatments that end up burning off her hair. On the other side, her PR-reinforced image is that of health, yoga, salad-eating and ?being natural,? complete with contracts with SmartWater, Aveeno and Living Proof. So, Aniston is a mixed bag of chemicals and health. So would you trust Aniston?s ?advice? on how to live without chemicals?
Jennifer Aniston really, really wants her cohorts to go green. During the shoot for ?Cake?, Jennifer ?tried to persuade the cast and crew to stop using products with chemicals,? a set source tells Hot Stuff. The offending items: Listerine mouth spray, soda and cigarettes.
?She?d say everything she uses is all-natural and she knows every product?s ingredients,? adds a second insider. She even brought in licorice root ? believed to be an herbal remedy for smoking. While her rep denies the story and says, ?Jennifer is not the type to push anything on anyone,? the insider says Aniston also proposed yoga and meditation, a combo she said she practices ?five days a week with Justin Theroux!?
[From Us Weekly, print edition]
I?ve tried to use Listerine in the past, but it makes my mouth feel like it?s dying. Anyone else? Now I just use Scope products and I don?t even care about chemicals. I drink soda too. I guess that means Aniston doesn?t want to be my friend or coworker. Too bad. That being said? I kind of believe that Aniston shills her ?natural? stuff to coworkers, then she goes home, lights up a spliff and pours formaldehyde on her hair.
Two more things? Aniston?s turn in Cake still hasn?t gotten a distributor, so maybe not so much with an Oscar campaign? Ha. And Living Proof released this behind-the-scenes video of their photoshoot. Some of her outfits are cute, but am I alone in thinking her hair looks bad in this video?
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Jennifer Aniston in Sportmax at TIFF photocall for 'Cake?: lovely or bland' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Wow, this is the best Jennifer Aniston has looked in months, right? Good timing too. These are photos of Aniston at the Cake photocall at TIFF on Tuesday. Her navy and black dress is Sportmax ? much better than the LBD from the other day, but still? this Sportmax dress isn?t flat-out awesome or anything. But I?m still saying that this is the best she?s looked in a while. She?s tan not orange, she looks fit and toned, her face doesn?t look Botoxed or anything. Her hair isn?t even annoying me. Great appearance!
As for the reviews? Cake has been very well-reviewed this week. Some sites are saying that Aniston could have a place on the shortlist for a Best Actress Oscar, but I?m not seeing it. Maybe that?s my knee-jerk opinion of Aniston, or maybe it?s because after years of reading stuff from her press machine, I can see when something is being strangely overhyped. Take this People Magazine write up:
She’s been called America’s sweetheart, but Jennifer Aniston swept into the Toronto International Film Festival with a warts-and-all star turn that got her a standing ovation ? and immediate awards buzz. In Cake, Aniston, 45, plays a woman suffering from addiction, rage issues and suicidal depression after a tragic accident leaves her scarred inside and out. It’s hardly the romantic comedy she’s known for.
With greasy hair, no makeup and a fire she’s never before displayed on screen, Aniston gives a riveting performance that brought the film festival audience to its feet at its Toronto premiere Monday.
“It’s awesome and liberating to let that all go,” Aniston said of her makeunder for the role. “And see yourself looking like that on a 50-foot screen.”
Aniston ? who’s engaged to fellow actor Justin Theroux ? talked of moving stiffly and with great discomfort, aided by a back brace, to play a woman suffering from chronic pain caused by a car accident. If it looked painful, it’s because she was in pain, she says, adding, “But I’m back now ? it took a while.”
She also said she spent time with a close friend and stunt double, who became addicted to prescription drugs after a boating accident, to prepare for the part.
The film, directed by Daniel Barnz, costars Adriana Barraza, Sam Worthington and Anna Kendrick, and it was warmly received at Toronto’s historic Elgin theater.
“Oh my God, that’s so sweet,” said a visibly moved Aniston, looking radiant in a short black cocktail dress and nothing like her character, to an audience member who lauded her bravery for playing a character who is unattractive inside and out.
Barnz called her “the most courageous actress I know” for leaving her vanity behind.
[From People]
?The most courageous actress I know?? Hyperbole, how does it work? Aniston is literally the most courageous actress EVER for wearing some prosthetic scars on her face and skipping the mascara. I tend to think it?s insulting ? people act like ?Aniston without makeup? = bridge troll. She?s a perfectly attractive woman and she doesn?t look that different without makeup.
Jen also spoke to E! about how ?liberating? it was to do a less glamorous role and how she was able to wander around a Target one night with no one recognizing her because she was in her character?s clothes ? go here to read that story. No disrespect in general, because seriously, Aniston?s fans have been begging her to do this kind of serious, unglamorous role for years now. So, I say let the fans have their moment. Let them believe that Aniston will make the Oscar shortlist. Bless them. As of Wednesday night, Cake still didn?t have an American distributor. Just FYI.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
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| Jennifer Aniston Flaunts Nipples At The Cake Premiere | Added 10 years ago | Source: Dickism |
 Here is Jennifer Aniston going braless for the premiere of her new film “Cake.” The film was premiered at the Toronto Film Festival. Jen walked the red carpet in an all black outfit and unlike her usual conventional style, rocked major nipples.
She basically has to decide whether she wants to live or die,? Jennifer recently shared to Variety about her Cake character. ?The woman?s journey is so heartbreaking but so uplifting, because she?s gone through a trauma but maintains her wit, which is very endearing.?
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| Jennifer Aniston wears an LBD for the TIFF premiere of 'Cake?: cute' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I was sort of wondering if this would happen after The Brangelina Wedding happened. If you remember correctly, Jennifer Aniston was in the midst of promoting Life of Crime and a slew of other new movies (Cake, She?s Funny That Way, Horrible Bosses 2) throughout the next few months. Early promotional updates had Aniston schedules to appear at Venice, TIFF and more. But she never came to Venice. I guess she wanted to put some distance between the Brangelina stuff and her first appearance, so she went dark for a few weeks. Smart. And here she is ? she showed up to the TIFF premiere of Cake yesterday.
I can?t find the designer ID on her LBD (maybe Dior?), but she looks good. Kind of boring, but good. I mean, Aniston loves an LBD. And as far as Aniston?s LBDs go, this is one of the best ones I?ve seen. Very flattering, her legs look great and I like how it fits her body. I would have loved to see her bring something different with her hair (flat-ironing, hair-in-face thing is so ?90s). Justin Theroux came out to support her too, and her costars Anna Kendrick and Sam Worthington were also on hand.
If you remember, Cake is Aniston?s big attempt to play a gritty, dark, depressed character. She wants to break out of the rom-com hole, I guess. She plays a woman who survived some kind of terrible accident, someone with visible (and psychological) scars, who lives in chronic pain. She didn?t wear any makeup for the role, according to her director. Jennifer spoke to Variety about the film:
Jennifer Aniston says her performance in new drama ?Cake? was physically and emotionally tough, but it was ?beyond a dream role.? Aniston came to the Variety Studio Monday to chat about the film, which has its world premiere Monday at the Toronto Film Festival.
Co-starring Anna Kendrick and Sam Worthington, the indie drama finds the actress playing a character who is in massive chronic pain, who?s addicted to pills and booze and who has alienated everyone in her life.
?She basically has to decide whether she wants to live or die,? Aniston said. ?The woman?s journey is so heartbreaking but so uplifting, because she?s gone through a trauma but maintains her wit, which is very endearing.?
The project, which is looking for a U.S. distributor, came together very fast. Director Daniel Barnz and his partner, producer Ben Barnz, discovered the script in a screenwriting contest 13 months ago and met with the actress in November. Filming started April 3, the final touches were added weeks ago.
Aniston said as soon as she had finished reading the script (by first-timer Patrick Tobin), ?I knew I was going to do it,? because it was a challenge but an opportunity ?to express empathy? for the character and all those undergoing similar experiences.
Aniston allowed herself to be photographed without makeup and looking haggard (though, it should be noted, in person she looks pretty spectacular). Every movement for the character is painful, ?which was hard on my body for five weeks of shooting. I spent weekends seeing a chiropractor and getting massages and trying to maintain my sanity.?
Early word on her performance is very positive and Aniston is upbeat about ?Cake,? which she sums up as ?the little indie that could.?
[From Variety]
I rolled my eyes a little at the ?I spent weekends seeing a chiropractor and getting massages and trying to maintain my sanity? part, but otherwise? I mean, whatever. Good for her. Aniston?s fans have been wanting her to move out of her comfort zone of ?only playing cute, well-dressed characters in comedies? for a while. Will she get an Oscar nomination for this? Um, no. She won?t. But she might get an Independent Spirit Award nomination, so there you go.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/flynet.
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| Jennifer Aniston wears an LDB for the TIFF premiere of 'Cake?: cute' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I was sort of wondering if this would happen after The Brangelina Wedding happened. If you remember correctly, Jennifer Aniston was in the midst of promoting Life of Crime and a slew of other new movies (Cake, She?s Funny That Way, Horrible Bosses 2) throughout the next few months. Early promotional updates had Aniston schedules to appear at Venice, TIFF and more. But she never came to Venice. I guess she wanted to put some distance between the Brangelina stuff and her first appearance, so she went dark for a few weeks. Smart. And here she is ? she showed up to the TIFF premiere of Cake yesterday.
I can?t find the designer ID on her LBD (maybe Dior?), but she looks good. Kind of boring, but good. I mean, Aniston loves an LBD. And as far as Aniston?s LBDs go, this is one of the best ones I?ve seen. Very flattering, her legs look great and I like how it fits her body. I would have loved to see her bring something different with her hair (flat-ironing, hair-in-face thing is so ?90s). Justin Theroux came out to support her too, and her costars Anna Kendrick and Sam Worthington were also on hand.
If you remember, Cake is Aniston?s big attempt to play a gritty, dark, depressed character. She wants to break out of the rom-com hole, I guess. She plays a woman who survived some kind of terrible accident, someone with visible (and psychological) scars, who lives in chronic pain. She didn?t wear any makeup for the role, according to her director. Jennifer spoke to Variety about the film:
Jennifer Aniston says her performance in new drama ?Cake? was physically and emotionally tough, but it was ?beyond a dream role.? Aniston came to the Variety Studio Monday to chat about the film, which has its world premiere Monday at the Toronto Film Festival.
Co-starring Anna Kendrick and Sam Worthington, the indie drama finds the actress playing a character who is in massive chronic pain, who?s addicted to pills and booze and who has alienated everyone in her life.
?She basically has to decide whether she wants to live or die,? Aniston said. ?The woman?s journey is so heartbreaking but so uplifting, because she?s gone through a trauma but maintains her wit, which is very endearing.?
The project, which is looking for a U.S. distributor, came together very fast. Director Daniel Barnz and his partner, producer Ben Barnz, discovered the script in a screenwriting contest 13 months ago and met with the actress in November. Filming started April 3, the final touches were added weeks ago.
Aniston said as soon as she had finished reading the script (by first-timer Patrick Tobin), ?I knew I was going to do it,? because it was a challenge but an opportunity ?to express empathy? for the character and all those undergoing similar experiences.
Aniston allowed herself to be photographed without makeup and looking haggard (though, it should be noted, in person she looks pretty spectacular). Every movement for the character is painful, ?which was hard on my body for five weeks of shooting. I spent weekends seeing a chiropractor and getting massages and trying to maintain my sanity.?
Early word on her performance is very positive and Aniston is upbeat about ?Cake,? which she sums up as ?the little indie that could.?
[From Variety]
I rolled my eyes a little at the ?I spent weekends seeing a chiropractor and getting massages and trying to maintain my sanity? part, but otherwise? I mean, whatever. Good for her. Aniston?s fans have been wanting her to move out of her comfort zone of ?only playing cute, well-dressed characters in comedies? for a while. Will she get an Oscar nomination for this? Um, no. She won?t. But she might get an Independent Spirit Award nomination, so there you go.
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/flynet.
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| Jennifer Aniston apparently loves Kim Kardashian's skin, hair & reality show | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I sometimes go on Chris McMillan?s Instagram to see which celebrity woman he?s working with these days. He?s most famous for being Jennifer Aniston?s long-time hair stylist and friend, but McMillan has other big name clients. You know how most of us really like Kim?s current wavy, bedhead-y hair? Chris created that look for her. Chris has started styling Kim for most of her major appearances, including Kim and Kanye?s wedding. So, what happened when Chris?s two most famous clients were in the same place at the same time? Nothing but love. Apparently, Aniston is big fan of all things Kardashian??
Life & Style has exclusively learned Jennifer Aniston?s guilty pleasure: watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians! And, as it turns out, Jen has a girl crush on one Kardashian in particular.
?Jen couldn?t wait to meet Kim during a recent party,? an onlooker dishes exclusively to Life & Style. ?She told Kim that she secretly watches KUWTK.?
And the woman who turned ?The Rachel? haircut into a movement ?was gushing to Kim about how much she loves her skin and her hair,? the insider reveals.
Kim?s reaction? ?Kim was like, ?But you?re Jennifer Aniston. It?s your hair that?s famous!?? And maybe it?s a coincidence, but ?Kim and Jen now share the same hairstylist, Chris McMillan.?
[From Life & Style]
I think at this point, genuine celebrities run into Kim Kardashian and they?re nice to her. Like, no one is rolling their eyes at her like they probably did four years ago. Maybe it?s that Kim has been around long enough, maybe it?s because she married Kanye, whatever it was, Kim has been ?accepted? by more legitimate figures in Hollywood. While I doubt Jennifer was gushing to Kim, I bet they were at the same place at the same time and Jennifer was probably perfectly pleasant to her. What?s the use in being mean to Kim to her (cat)face? I mean that seriously ? what?s the point?
PS? Picture this: Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux lying in bed together, watching KUWTK and talking about whether Khloe is just rebounding with French Montana.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Jennifer Aniston & Will Forte Premiere 'Life of Crime' in Hollywood | Added 10 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Stepping out for some promotional duties, Jennifer Aniston and Will Forte showed up at the ArcLight Cinemas in Hollywood to plug their new flick ?Life of Crime? last night (August 27).
The ?Rumor Has It? actress donned a fabulous Saint Laurent dress as she hammed it up for the fans and shutterbugs while Will hid beneath a bushy beard he?s been growing for an upcoming role.
Per the synopsis, ?Two common criminals get more than they bargained for after kidnapping the wife of a corrupt real-estate developer who shows no interest in paying the $1 million dollar ransom for her safe return.?
Meanwhile, Mr. Forte chatted with press about his experience with the film, so check out the video. ?Life of Crime? hits theaters on August 29th.
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