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Jennifer Garner News & Gossip
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Jennifer Garner Premieres 'The Invention of Lying'
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Garner Premieres 'The Invention of Lying'
She’s always up for an enjoyable evening out, and last night (September 21) Jennifer Garner was spotted at the premiere of “The Invention of Lying.”

The “Catch and Release” actress looked lovely as she arrived at Grauman’s Chinese Theater sporting a sexy strapless black dress with a blue floral print and black heels.

Ms. Garner has been spending most of her time back east in Boston, Massachusetts where her husband Ben Affleck has been filming his latest flick “The Town.”

And last week she even paid him a surprise on-set visit after rumors of his flirting with costars Blake Lively and Rebecca Hall began to sneak out.

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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner would rather be with her kids than work with Ben Affleck
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner would rather be with her kids than work with Ben Affleck
Jennifer Garner is still on promotional duties for The Invention of Lying, so we?re still being gifted with some of her boring stories. How shall I say this kindly? I don?t hate Jennifer Garner in the least - I think she?s a very talented actress, a true professional, a good person and she seems like a great mom. But I?m getting really tired of this wholesome act she puts on - and I really do think it?s an act. I?ve said this all before - I suspect the real Jennifer Garner is really interesting. This is the woman who, within just a couple of years, dumped her husband Scott Foley for Michael Vartan, and then dumped Vartan for Ben Affleck and got knocked up within a few months. See? That?s interesting. That?s a great backstory. I would love it if people asked her about that stuff, but they don?t. Instead, we get Jennifer?s too-sweet musings on motherhood:

Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck may be among the busiest actors in Hollywood, but their first-born daughter Violet has her own ideas about what her parents do for a living.

“The older one thinks that I work in a trailer. She thinks that my work is getting hair and makeup done,” Garner, 37, told reporters at the Toronto International Film Festival press conference for her new movie Invention of Lying, costarring Rob Lowe, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill and Ricky Gervais, who directed it.

Violet, 3, also thinks mom’s job is to bow to audiences. “If you ask her what I do, she’ll say she remembers me bowing on stage when I did a show in New York, and so she’ll say, ‘My mom sometimes will bow on stage and sometimes she gets her hair and makeup done,’ ” says Garner. “It’s a great job!”

Garner has yet to bring Violet or her little sister Seraphina, 8 months, to Take Your Daughters to Work Day. “She’s never seen a set, but she will at some point. She has made it to the trailer and to craft service. She gets M&M’s when she comes.”

And can Violet expect to see her parents ? who last appeared in the same movie six years ago, in Daredevil ? onscreen together again?

“The question keeps coming up, and we have literally never spoken about it,” says Garner. “He’s a beautiful director and such a gorgeous writer but, you know, to go to work with him, I would just be like, ‘I need to go home to the kids.’ ”

[From People]

Gatecrasher had another too-sweet story about Jennifer today. Apparently, she ?pranked? Ricky Gervais on the set of their film. Did it involve saran wrap, whipped cream, a dildo, and cow-tippin?? Of course not! That would be too interesting. Jennifer?s ?prank? involved a ringing cell phone and gum. Seriously.

At a luncheon feting the flick at the Plaza yesterday, The Invention of Lying?s co-director Matthew Robinson revealed that Garner showed her comedic chops at the expense of her co-star (and the film’s other director), British comedian Ricky Gervais.

“Ricky had a few specific rules on-set,” Robinson revealed. Among his quirky (okay, complete pain-in-the-butt) tics: no gum-chewing, no cell-phone talking, no snorting and no standing in his line of vision while shooting.

But the delightfully complacent Garner didn’t argue with the rules; instead, she decided to let her inner child loose and give her co-star a little payback. On the last day of filming, the actress made an executive decision: She would break all of Ricky’s rules in one day.

Said Robinson: “In the middle of taping, Jen’s cell phone went off, and she pretended it had happened accidentally. Ricky got really annoyed. All of a sudden, Jen started chewing gum and Ricky’s going, ?What are you doing?’ And then she snorted. He didn’t catch on until the entire crew started laughing.”

[From Gatecrasher]

Here?s something else that?s interesting about this publicity tour - no one has asked Jennifer Garner about all of those Ben Affleck-Blake Lively rumors. Granted, I wouldn?t expect some rude reporter to shout ?Is Ben cheating on you with Blake Lively?? But I would think someone would ask ?Does Ben like being in Boston? Does he enjoy directing Blake Lively?? If it was another celebrity couple, the reporters would be asking questions. But since it?s sweet, wholesome Jennifer Garner, of course not. By the way, Blind Gossip put this blind item up, and pretty much everyone thinks it?s about Garner, Affleck and Lively: ?Which A-lister couple?s relationship is on the rocks? Seems he is cheating with his much younger co-star and the wife is now trying to accompany the two on set as much as possible. She heard the rumors way before we did and is now hanging around to nip this thing in the bud. Not Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise.? It does seem to fit. After promoting The Invention of Lying this week, she went straight back to Boston to keep her eye on Ben.

Here?s Jennifer Garner in Boston on Tuesday. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .

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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Ricky Gervais: Jennifer Garner's favorite curse word is 'rats'
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Ricky Gervais: Jennifer Garner's favorite curse word is 'rats'
The Invention of Lying premiered at the Toronto Film Festival last night, and its three biggest stars showed up to walk the red carpet - Ricky Gervais (who not only stars, he?s co-writer and co-director), Jennifer Garner and? Rob Lowe. I?m not a huge Rob Lowe person, so I tend to think Rob showed up to promote his smaller, supporting part in the film just because he really didn?t have anything else to do. The film is about a guy (Gervais) who lives in a world where no one ever lies, so the guy invents lying for his own gain. The film also stars Tina Fey, Jason Bateman, Jonah Hill and a slew of other comedians and character actors. It actually looks really good.

Jennifer Garner walked the red carpet for the premiere in a rather stunning, strapless, tiered, green cocktail dress. I can?t find who designed this dress to save my life - to my eye, it looks like Prada, or maybe Oscar de la Renta. Jennifer accessorized with beige and gold platform heels that kind of wash out her legs. But I love her hair when she actually puts some effort into it. She looks really cute - even stunning - when she tries.

My favorite from the red carpet was Ricky Gervais though. I love this man. I love the silly faces he?s making on the red carpet. I like that his version of dressing up is a nice pair of pants, a nice sweater and no tie or jacket. He still looks awesome though!

At the press conference before the premiere, and on the red carpet, Jennifer and Ricky were acting out, of course. Jennifer told reporters that her favorite lie about herself (told by the tabloids) was ?There was a lie, just recently, that I have had my lips done, I felt like, have you seen my mum, or my sisters?” Jennifer also gave the lie she?d like to spread around: ?I saved a family of twelve by myself as they were burning in a car. I pulled them out and saved them all.?

Rob, Ricky and Jennifer also discussed the Kanye incident, with Jennifer saying, ?that?s not honesty, that?s just bad manners. You can choose at any time whether to be civil or not civil ? what is the point of thinking it’s cool to wear your honesty on your sleeve at the expense of everyone else?” Ricky praised Jennifer as inherently good, noting ?Jen doesn’t even swear. She says things like ‘darn’ and ‘dang’. I asked her what her favourite swear word was, and she said ‘rats’.”

Ricky Gervais talked about the high-concept foundation for the film, saying ?A world without lies actually wouldn’t be a very good world?because it would be artless. There would be no white lies, no flattery ? I mean, losers don’t need to be told they’re losers every day.” In case you didn?t figure it out, Ricky identifies with ?losers? - which makes me wonder why he cast Jennifer Garner as his love interest?

Here?s the trailer for ‘The Invention of Lying’ as well as the cast at the Toronto International Film Festival premiere last night. Images thanks to .

30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner Premieres 'Invention of Lying'
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Garner Premieres 'Invention of Lying'
She’s always up to something, and last night (September 14) Jennifer Garner was spotted at the premiere of “Invention of Lying” at the 2009 Toronto International Film Festival.

The “Catch and Release” actress looked breathtaking in a sexy green dress teamed with a pair of fabulous beige and gold platform heels.

Regarding Kanye West’s vandalizing of Taylor Swift’s MTV Video Music Awards acceptance speech, Garner condemned the rapper’s actions as uncouth.

She explained, “That’s not [a fit of] honesty, that’s just bad manners… What’s the point of going through the day and thinking it’s cool to wear your ‘honesty’ on your sleeve at the expense of everyone around you?”

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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner Talks Education on Capitol Hill
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Garner Talks Education on Capitol Hill
She’s best known for her acting prowess, but yesterday (September 9) Jennifer Garner was spotted getting political in Washington D.C.

The “Catch and Release” actress was in town to join House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson as they introduced the Full Service Community Schools Act.

According to a report, “This bill aims to expand full-service community schools across the nation. These are public schools that coordinate academic and non-academic services, including health services, career counseling for parents, nutrition services, and early childhood education to give students a full support network to help them succeed.”

And Ms. Garner looked like she meant business as she strolled past the paparazzi, sporting a conservative yet cute Pink dress with beige heels.

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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner: Out with Her Little Angels
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Garner: Out with Her Little Angels
Off to spend time as a family, Jennifer Garner was spotted earlier today (September 4) in Boston, MA along with her two little girls.

The “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” actress and daughter, Violet, who’s growing up so fast, and youngest daughter, Seraphina, are there to see husband/daddy, Ben Affleck.

Mr Affleck has been filming scenes for “The Town” in Boston for the past several weeks. Co-star, Blake Lively, is there as well as they both have leading roles in the 2010 film.

And while the “Good Will Hunting” actor is busy on set, Jen has also been working hard on the Los Angeles set of her upcoming movie, “Valentine’s Day.”

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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner and Violet: Boston Babes
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Garner and Violet: Boston Babes
Enjoying all that Bean Town has to offer, Jennifer Garner and Violet Affleck were spotted out and about in Boston, Massachusetts today (September 3).

The “Catch and Release” actress got in some girl bonding time with her little one, strolling around the city and stopping into a few stores to browse.

Ms. Garner recently finished filming on the set of “Valentine’s Day” in Los Angeles where she and her daughter caught a flight earlier this week to the East Coast.

Meanwhile Jennifer’s husband/babydaddy Ben Affleck has been busy shooting “The Town” in Boston along with “Gossip Girl” actress Blake Lively and Chris Cooper.

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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner Takes Flight with Her Little Girls
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Garner Takes Flight with Her Little Girls
After finishing up work on the “Valentine’s Day” set, Jennifer Garner and her two daughters, Violet and Seraphina, were spotted catching a flight at the Los Angeles International Airport on Tuesday (September 1).

Heading off to Boston to join hubby/father Ben Affleck, the “Alias” actress got a helping hand from a nanny as the gang passed through security and boarded their departing flight.


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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner and Ashton Kutcher Get Cozy
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Garner and Ashton Kutcher Get Cozy
Spending another day hard at work on the set of “Valentine’s Day,” Jennifer Garner and Ashton Kutcher were spotted getting romantic for a scene on Friday afternoon (August 28).

The “13 Going on 30” actress and the “Punk’d” stud put their acting skills to the test as they looked very much in love and shared some kisses on a bridge at the canals in Venice, Los Angeles, CA.

In other news, Mr Kutcher took to his Twitter page to pay respects to Adam Goldstein after learning of the DJ’s death yesterday afternoon.

Ashton said, “Much love to my boy AM. Love you brother. love you brother RT @dj_am ‘New york, new york. Big city of dreams, but everything in new york aint always what it seems.’”

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Jennifer Garner and Violet: Santa Monica Shoppers
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Garner and Violet: Santa Monica Shoppers
Teaming up for a retail romp, Jennifer Garner stepped out with Violet for a trip to the mall in Santa Monica on Thursday (August 27).

Hitting up a number of shops, the mother/daughter duo spent quite a bit of their time at the popular “Build-a-Bear” workshop.

Meanwhile, Miss Garner continues to receive praise for her natural look - as she recently topped a Parade magazine poll as most natural beauty.

Getting 27% of the vote, the “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” actress was followed up by Kate Winslet and Reese Witherspoon, while Scarlett Johansson, Michelle Obama and Gwyneth Paltrow also received their fair share of votes.

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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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