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Jennifer Garner News & Gossip
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Jennifer Garner and Violet's Opera Afternoon
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Garner and Violet's Opera Afternoon
Treating her eldest daughter to a wintertime outing, Jennifer Garner and a friend took little Violet Affleck to the opera in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday afternoon (December 19).

Looking to be having a marvelous time, the trio of lovely ladies all strolled along hand-in-hand while chatting about the day’s stage show.

The sighting comes as Miss Garner’s alleged stalker, Steven Richard Burky, was arrested earlier in the week outside of Violet’s nursery school.

Burky has been charged with two counts of felony stalking and two counts of disobeying a court order, having since been placed in custody, with bail set at $150,000.

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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner and Violet: Stalker-Free in Santa Monica
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Garner and Violet: Stalker-Free in Santa Monica
Making for a welcome sight after a long day of learning, Violet Affleck was all smiles as mommy Jennifer Garner picked her up from school in Santa Monica on Tuesday (December 15).

Walking side-by-side as they hit the exits, the “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” actress’ little girl proudly showed her mom a lovely star ornament that she made during the day’s lessons while heading to the family car.

As previously reported by Gossip Center, Ms. Garner recently gained a bit of comfort knowing that her stalker, Steven Burky, was arrested yesterday for violating a court order.

According to a report, Burky was spotted near Violet Affleck’s school and was subsequently arrested and taken into custody. Garner was granted the restraining order in November of 2008.

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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner Picks Up Violet, Stalker Gets Arrested
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Garner Picks Up Violet, Stalker Gets Arrested
Playing taxi to her adorable daughter, Jennifer Garner was spotted picking Violet Affleck up from school in Santa Monica yesterday (December 14).

The “Catch and Release” actress looked cool and casual in a lilac shirt with a black vest and distressed jeans as he led her little girl to the car.


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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner's stalker arrested near her daughter's school
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner's stalker arrested near her daughter's school
Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck are parents with a predictable schedule and a ton of paparazzi who follow them everywhere. If you watch videos of them dropping their older daughter Violet off at school, they’re surrounded by photographers. No wonder they often look annoyed when they’re out together - they’re being tailed by people shouting rude things. I’m hoping that the new paparazzi law in effect in LA this January, which makes it a crime to “take and sell unauthorized photos of celebrities in ?personal or familial activity’” will help them get some relief from the constant surveillance.

To make matters worse for the Afflecks, Garner has a stalker who has been trailing and threatening her for seven years. She obtained a restraining order against the weirdo last year, but he still turned up outside her daughter’s school yesterday. Steven Burky was arrested Monday for violating that restraining order by being near Garner. Radar has his mugshot and he looks creepy as hell.

Jennifer Garner’s stalker, Steven Burky, was arrested Monday for violating a court order and stalking while violating a court order after he was found to be near Garner’s daughter Violet Affleck’s school.

Garner was granted a restraining order against Burky in November 2008. Burky was ordered to stay 100 yards away from Garner, her husband Ben Affleck and their daughter Violet, as well as being prohibited from contacting Garner in any way.

Garner claimed Burky had been stalking her since 2002, following her around the country and sending her packages and letters. At the time the order was granted Garner wrote in court papers, “This past year, Mr. Burky has resurfaced and his obsessive and harassing behavior has escalated to the point of becoming dangerous and threatening.

“He has now shown up at my private residence and has repeatedly expressed his belief that God has sent him a vision of me being persecuted in some manner that might result in my death.”

[From Radar Online]

That guy looks like a serial killer, right? I would be so scared for myself and my family. It’s to Garner’s credit that she’s handling everything with grace and just trying to maintain a sense of normalcy for her daughters. Garner and Affleck are swarmed by paparazzi in LA, but if she’s also being stalked by a potentially violent creep she does have the security that goes along with being hounded by a ton of photographers. In a recent interview in W Magazine, Garner discussed potentially moving her family out of LA to avoid the media circus. “We talked forever about leaving Los Angeles, but anywhere you go some dodo is going to buy a camera and start following you.” Or there could be one really scary guy and no one else around to help.

Maybe it’s time that the Afflecks hired a bodyguard. Kate Gosselin has a bodyguard for no apparent reason. It’s not like there are tons of fans trying to get a piece of that beaver hair. The Afflecks have a very good excuse and a pretty scary situation to deal with.

Image above is from 12/10/09. Credit: Fame Pictures

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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner: Hollywood Mommy On-The-Go
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Garner: Hollywood Mommy On-The-Go
Tending to those all-important motherly duties, Jennifer Garner was spotted running around Santa Monica with Violet and Seraphina on Friday morning (December 11).

The “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” actress happened to be dropping Violet of for her day at school, leaving with Seraphina in her arms after seeing her eldest girl into the classroom.

Of trying to juggle her Hollywood work duties and parental obligations, Jen recently told WWD, “There’s an internal battle. I need to work, I need to work, I need to work and I need to be home with my kids and the kids win.”

Miss Garner adds, “It’s about getting the kids up and fed, getting one to school, getting the other down for a nap, going to the grocery store, picking one up from school, getting the other one down for another nap, cooking dinner? I live my life at these two extremes. I’m either a full-time stay-at-home mom or a full-time actress.”

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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner: breastfeeding is 'the coziest feeling in the world'
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner: breastfeeding is 'the coziest feeling in the world'
Earlier today, we covered some early excerpts from Jennifer Garner?s W Magazine interview (here for the earlier coverage). Jennifer spoke about how she and husband Ben Affleck decided early on in their relationship to ?start breeding?. She also talked about how she couldn?t live without her girlfriends, because they?re the ones who listen to her bitch. W Magazine just put the full interview online (here), with a slideshow (here). Jennifer was photographed by Craig McDean for the magazine, and he does great work here. I love these photos. As for the complete interview? well?. Jennifer has never been my cup of tea. I find her a little cloying and goody-two-shoes. Which is fine, it takes all kinds. I don?t hate her, I can just take her in small doses. She works very, very hard at coming across as this wholesome, I think:

Jennifer on her Ina ?The Barefoot Contessa? Garten obsession: ?I know somebody who is a friend of hers, and she says she?s going to get us together? I tried to get on Ina?s [Food Channel] show. I tried to use my, well, you know?I say, use what you have to make the world better or for yourself! But eventually she just said, ?I?m sorry, I only use my real friends on the show.? I felt like, What are you saying? That we?re not friends? I know everything about you!?

On being a working mom: ?I live my life at these two extremes. I?m either a full-time stay-at-home mom or a full-time actress.?

On possibly working with husband Ben Affleck: ?I think he?s brilliant at what he does, but why rock the boat? It works between us pretty well the way it is. I don?t know if I want to go to work with him. I?d be like, ?Okay already, you got the shot. Let?s go home!??

The paparazzi situation: The situation is somewhat better in Boston, where ?there are fewer of them, and they hide behind things, so my kids aren?t aware of them, which makes all the difference in the world,? Garner says. But in L.A., ?if I try to go to the supermarket, the police come. We talked forever about leaving Los Angeles, but anywhere you go some dodo is going to buy a camera and start following you.?

On being a mom to her two daughters: She calls breast-feeding ?the coziest feeling in the whole world? and has bonded with the other moms at Violet?s school. ?You feel so close to them so quickly because you?re going through the same thing,? she says. And then there?s the homemade baby food. ?It?s a little over the top,? she admits. ?And I tell myself, Just give her a jar of food and forget about it! Don?t be so precious! But it?s so easy?I just puree and freeze.?

On traveling with her kids: Garner is the first to point out that she has help?though she follows the admission with ?Does that sound snotty, to say I have help?? But most working mothers aren?t required to relocate for months at a time whenever they land a job. That?s getting harder, now that Violet is in school. As they prepare to head home to Los Angeles in November, her elder daughter is ?a little nervous about whether the girls at school will already have friends,? Garner says. ?We thought we could take them anywhere until they were six, but I don?t know if that?s going to work out that way.?

On her new film, Valentine?s Day: ?I got to work at home in L.A., which never happens, and it was a fun job that wasn?t all on me. There are a lot of things that made it an easy yes,? Garner says of her reasons for signing on to the movie, which she describes as ?similar in feel and design to He?s Just Not That Into You. There?s nothing that?s not satisfying about it.?

On her struggles with being a working mom and a working actress: ?It?s hard because I?ve taken so much time off already. But I have this internal battle between, I need to work, I need to work, I need to work and I need to be home with my kids. And the kids win.?

On this year?s Halloween costumes: Violet will be Ariel from The Little Mermaid; Seraphina, whom everyone calls Sera (pronounced like Sarah, not as in ?Que Sera, Sera?), will be her friend Flounder; and Ben will be playing the role of Triton, King of the Sea. Last year the family was in New York for Halloween, and Garner, seven months pregnant, let Violet talk her into a mother-daughter costume: Fred and Ted, the dogs from a children?s book series of the same name. ?I just was so fat and huge and ugly and in a furry dog costume. And of course there were tons of paparazzi outside and I couldn?t escape them!? she says, laughing. ?So I feel like that bought me a pass this year. I?ll take pictures.?

[From W Magazine]

See, she?s not a bad person, she?s not nasty or mean or anything like that. She?s actually very professional, and she?s someone my mother would love to adopt. Maybe that?s why Jennifer grates on me a little. A little surrogate sibling rivalry.

In any case, I?m sure Valentine?s Day will be a big hit for Jennifer and everyone else in the film. It seriously has half of Hollywood in it, so if this film goes down, there?s a lot of people to spread the blame to. Here?s the trailer? surprisingly, Jennifer is not featured that much in it (her love story is with Patrick Dempsey). But Jennifer Biel?s bad acting made me laugh out loud:

W Magazine photos courtesy of W online, photographs by Craig McDean.

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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner Does W magazine January 2010
Added 14 years agoSource: Feed Me Gossip
Jennifer Garner Does W magazine January 2010
Jennifer Garner has the honors of being W’s January cover girl. The issue, which hits newsstands on Dec. 22, features a few close and personal shots of the star.Jennifer opened up to the magazine ahead of the release ofValentine’s Day, chatting about her career and life as Mrs. Affleck.On deciding to have kids with Ben: “We were together a year, and we just started breeding. We were like, ‘Let?s have a baby!’ And eight days later?”On her mentioning Ben in interviews and his not mentioning her: “Ben asks me, ‘How come when I do an interview I manage to keep you out of it completely?’ And I?m like, ‘Either because you don?t think about me or because boy magazines don?t care about what I make you for dinner. But they should!’”On being away from loved ones while working: “That?s the hardest thing about being on location when it?s not for your own project. When it?s for you, you?re on set with everybody you know, but if not, it?s lonely. I can live with Ben working crazy hours. But I can?t live without girlfriends around to talk about men with! . . . It?s fine if he?s not there; I just need someone to bitch about it to!”

30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner on Ben Affleck: 'we just started breeding'
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner on Ben Affleck: 'we just started breeding'
Jennifer Garner is the cover girl for the January 2010 issue of W Magazine. The full interview hasn?t been released yet, but there are some pretty good excerpts floating around. First: the cover image. It?s okay. I tend to think Jennifer?s hair is too dark, and that she would benefit from some highlights. Other than that, she looks great. She?s lost the weight from her second pregnancy, and the girl is one of the few who can pull off orange. I do prefer the second image from W Magazine, though, the black and white one (below). It?s sultry and sexy, and it?s nice to see Jennifer still has that part of herself.

Anyway, Jennifer is doing the cover interview as part of her advanced promotion for Valentine?s Day, which comes out? yes, you guessed it. In the excerpts I?ve found, Jennifer isn?t talking too much about the film, though. Instead, she?s talking about her life with Ben and their two girls:

On deciding to have kids with Ben: “We were together a year, and we just started breeding. We were like, ‘Let?s have a baby!’ And eight days later?”

On her mentioning Ben in interviews and his not mentioning her: “Ben asks me, ‘How come when I do an interview I manage to keep you out of it completely?’ And I?m like, ‘Either because you don?t think about me or because boy magazines don?t care about what I make you for dinner. But they should!’”

On being away from loved ones while working: “That?s the hardest thing about being on location when it?s not for your own project. When it?s for you, you?re on set with everybody you know, but if not, it?s lonely. I can live with Ben working crazy hours. But I can?t live without girlfriends around to talk about men with! . . . It?s fine if he?s not there; I just need someone to bitch about it to!”

[From Pop Sugar, excerpts from W Magazine]

I don?t blame Jennifer for talking about Ben in this interview or any interview. People want to know, so many mothers look up to her as their sweatpant-clad patron saint, and people love looking at photos of her family. There?s interest there, and Jennifer usually doesn?t give too much away. Plus, she probably wants to do a little damage control after that little rumor blip about Ben and his costar Blake Lively. For the record - I don?t think Ben cheated on Jennifer with Blake. But I also don?t think Ben and Jennifer?s relationship is as solid as some people think. We?ll see.

W Magazine cover and additional image courtesy of Pop Sugar.

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Jennifer Garner: Rainy Day Shopper
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Garner: Rainy Day Shopper
Gearing up for the holiday gift-giving season, Jennifer Garner was spotted out and about in Santa Monica yesterday (December 7) getting some shopping done.

The “Catch and Release” actress looked a bit soggy as she braved the rainy weather sporting some Christmas-colored red fingernails.

And it’s no wonder Ms. Garner is a bit behind on her holiday shopping as she was quite busy over the weekend.

Jen and her husband Ben Affleck were spotted in San Francisco on Sunday and prior to that she was in Los Angeles working on her current project “Valentine’s Day.”

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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner and George Lopez: Valentine's Day Mates
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Garner and George Lopez: Valentine's Day Mates
Hard at work on her new movie, Jennifer Garner was busy on the set of “Valentine’s Day” in Los Angeles on Friday afternoon (December 4).

The former “Alias” actress teamed up with George Lopez for the day’s shoot, running through scenes as Lopez was arrested during the course of the action.

Always keeping a busy schedule, Jen spent the previous night at the Children’s Defense Fund’s 19th Annual Beat the Odds Awards Dinner at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

The charitable fete was held to honor a few noteworthy individuals who play a key role in the non-profit organization’s mission to help needy children.

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30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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