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Jennifer Garner News & Gossip
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Ben Affleck and his 3 girls!!!
Added 15 years agoSource: Seriously OMG WTF
Ben Affleck and his 3 girls!!!
Fame Pictures

For the first time, Ben Affleck was photographed with all three of his girls and all of their faces visible! Seriosuly how cute are The Afflecks!!! Violet and Seraphina are so mini-Jennifer Garners!!!

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Girlfriends Past premiere w/ Jennifer Garner & Matthew McConaughey
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Girlfriends Past premiere w/ Jennifer Garner & Matthew McConaughey
Mom of two Jennifer Garner made her first public appearance since the January birth of her second daughter, Seraphina, at the premiere of her new romantic comedy, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, co-starring Matthew McConaughey. She looks great and videos of the night show her being very friendly with fans as usual. The film is a modern take on A Christmas Carol, with a playboy bachelor re-living his promiscuous past and visiting the future to see what he missed by letting his childhood sweetheart get away. It probably won’t get glowing reviews, but the trailer makes it look like a fun mindless comedy and I would definitely go see it. In interviews Garner and McConaughey seem to have a kind of effortless camaraderie that looks like it translates well to the screen. There’s something fun and appealing about the two of them together.

The pair have had plenty of romps with romantic comedy, though few have caused them to reflect seriously on their past loves. There’s no escaping romantic history, however, with the Dickens-inspired Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, opening Friday. McConaughey stars as a heartless Casanova-type who gets his comeuppance when he is visited by spectral visions of his many flings. Garner is the long-ago love of his life, who may be about to find another soul mate…

McConaughey mentions a scene in which Garner’s character wakes up alone after spending the night with him. “He gets to go back and see what happened after she woke up. I’d be willing to say I’ve been there. I saw that and know I felt a little bit of that. I’ve had to end good relationships, and I know how we talked about them, and tried to be nice and everything, but I think … maybe that bruised a little bit more on the other side than I noticed, or than it did me.”

He leans in on his elbow and says, in a confidential tone: “Because when you flip it over, I know there were times when I was the dumpee or whatever, and I was like, ‘No way am I showing her how much this is hurtin’.’ ”

McConaughey’s cowboyish self-assurance fades as he considers the ramifications of being an invisible eyewitness to some of his own breakups: “There’s that old saying about three truths: what I say, what you say and what really happened. You never know how the other person really took it. You get behind the closed door, and you can see how your actions affected someone.”

During filming, the pair often talked about whether they would, if it were possible, go backward or forward in time to re-examine old or future relationships.

“Jennifer said, ‘Yeah, I would go forward, but not if I’m going to see a disaster that I can’t effect [sic] now,’ ” McConaughey says.

“Just to see it?” she adds, shaking her head. “No, I don’t want to see it.”

“The more interesting question is about going back,” he says. “Ghosts from your past or whatever …”

McConaughey goes back ? way back ? to some of his first experiences with romantic relationships.

“Those first times, though, I knew how to handle it,” McConaughey boasts with a grin. “We went to see a movie once, and slowly this right hand started moving.” Sitting beside Garner, he begins an infinitesimally slow drape across her shoulders. “It took me the entire movie to get there, and then the credits rolled. I was so concentrated on just getting there, I didn’t see one frame of the movie.”

“How far down did you get? Inside bra?” Garner says, calling him out on his vagueness.

“Yep,” he says, nodding. “And then the credits rolled.”

Garner laughs and says, “She probably spent the whole time thinking, ‘Am I going to brush that hand off? Am I going to move?’ She probably had to pee, but was like, ‘Well, no, because then he’d have to start from scratch.’ ”

“Girls just play defense,” Garner offers. “Guys are the chaser and pursuer.” Neither role is easier, she adds.

“I think it’s different now than it was when we were going through this,” she says. “It’s more equal. But when we were kids, you didn’t just call a guy. At least not a nice girl.”

“No, you didn’t call,” McConaughey agrees, like someone who remembers it well.

“There was no texting or IMing or anything. Your friends could go ask his friends if he was interested, but that was all,” she says. “You’d send your secretary of state out.”

“But the funnest and the hardest moments,” McConaughey says, “was the one where you go up and say, ‘Will you go with me?’ Just say those words, and then she says, ‘Yes.’ And I’d be like … ‘Great! Now what comes next?’ “

[From USA Today]

I kind of agree with Garner in that there’s nothing I’d like to see in the future if I can’t change it. There’s a little bit I’d like to visit from the past, but all of that is ancient history. McConaughey gets philosophical at the end of the interview and gives one of his common-sense but worthwhile quotes that reminds me why I’m such a fan. “I wouldn’t change any of the past - the victories, the glories or the pain. Cause they helped me get to where I am today.”

Here’s a pretty funny interview for Ghosts of Girlfriends Past with a journalist from National Lampoon who takes off his shirt to somehow better relate to often-shirtless McConaughey. Garner tries to get the guy to take off his pants too:

And here’s the trailer for Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. It’s out on this Friday, May 1.

Thanks to and O’Duran/Fame Pictures for these photos.

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Ghosts of Girlfriends Past premiere w/ Jennifer Garner & Matthew McConaughey
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past premiere w/ Jennifer Garner & Matthew McConaughey
Mom of two Jennifer Garner made her first public appearance since the January birth of her second daughter, Seraphina, at the premiere of her new romantic comedy, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, co-starring Matthew McConaughey. She looks great and videos of the night show her being very friendly with fans as usual. The film is a modern take on A Christmas Carol, with a playboy bachelor re-living his promiscuous past and visiting the future to see what he missed by letting his childhood sweetheart get away. It probably won’t get glowing reviews, but the trailer makes it look like a fun mindless comedy and I would definitely go see it. In interviews Garner and McConaughey seem to have a kind of effortless camaraderie that looks like it translates well to the screen. There’s something fun and appealing about the two of them together.

The pair have had plenty of romps with romantic comedy, though few have caused them to reflect seriously on their past loves. There’s no escaping romantic history, however, with the Dickens-inspired Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, opening Friday. McConaughey stars as a heartless Casanova-type who gets his comeuppance when he is visited by spectral visions of his many flings. Garner is the long-ago love of his life, who may be about to find another soul mate…

McConaughey mentions a scene in which Garner’s character wakes up alone after spending the night with him. “He gets to go back and see what happened after she woke up. I’d be willing to say I’ve been there. I saw that and know I felt a little bit of that. I’ve had to end good relationships, and I know how we talked about them, and tried to be nice and everything, but I think … maybe that bruised a little bit more on the other side than I noticed, or than it did me.”

He leans in on his elbow and says, in a confidential tone: “Because when you flip it over, I know there were times when I was the dumpee or whatever, and I was like, ‘No way am I showing her how much this is hurtin’.’ ”

McConaughey’s cowboyish self-assurance fades as he considers the ramifications of being an invisible eyewitness to some of his own breakups: “There’s that old saying about three truths: what I say, what you say and what really happened. You never know how the other person really took it. You get behind the closed door, and you can see how your actions affected someone.”

During filming, the pair often talked about whether they would, if it were possible, go backward or forward in time to re-examine old or future relationships.

“Jennifer said, ‘Yeah, I would go forward, but not if I’m going to see a disaster that I can’t effect [sic] now,’ ” McConaughey says.

“Just to see it?” she adds, shaking her head. “No, I don’t want to see it.”

“The more interesting question is about going back,” he says. “Ghosts from your past or whatever …”

McConaughey goes back ? way back ? to some of his first experiences with romantic relationships.

“Those first times, though, I knew how to handle it,” McConaughey boasts with a grin. “We went to see a movie once, and slowly this right hand started moving.” Sitting beside Garner, he begins an infinitesimally slow drape across her shoulders. “It took me the entire movie to get there, and then the credits rolled. I was so concentrated on just getting there, I didn’t see one frame of the movie.”

“How far down did you get? Inside bra?” Garner says, calling him out on his vagueness.

“Yep,” he says, nodding. “And then the credits rolled.”

Garner laughs and says, “She probably spent the whole time thinking, ‘Am I going to brush that hand off? Am I going to move?’ She probably had to pee, but was like, ‘Well, no, because then he’d have to start from scratch.’ ”

“Girls just play defense,” Garner offers. “Guys are the chaser and pursuer.” Neither role is easier, she adds.

“I think it’s different now than it was when we were going through this,” she says. “It’s more equal. But when we were kids, you didn’t just call a guy. At least not a nice girl.”

“No, you didn’t call,” McConaughey agrees, like someone who remembers it well.

“There was no texting or IMing or anything. Your friends could go ask his friends if he was interested, but that was all,” she says. “You’d send your secretary of state out.”

“But the funnest and the hardest moments,” McConaughey says, “was the one where you go up and say, ‘Will you go with me?’ Just say those words, and then she says, ‘Yes.’ And I’d be like … ‘Great! Now what comes next?’ “

[From USA Today]

I kind of agree with Garner in that there’s nothing I’d like to see in the future if I can’t change it. There’s a little bit I’d like to visit from the past, but all of that is ancient history. McConaughey gets philosophical at the end of the interview and gives one of his common-sense but worthwhile quotes that reminds me why I’m such a fan. “I wouldn’t change any of the past - the victories, the glories or the pain. Cause they helped me get to where I am today.”

Here’s a pretty funny interview for Ghosts of Girlfriends Past with a journalist from National Lampoon who takes off his shirt to somehow better relate to often-shirtless McConaughey. Garner tries to get the guy to take off his pants too:

And here’s the trailer for Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. It’s out on this Friday, May 1.

Thanks to and O’Duran/Fame Pictures for these photos.

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Jennifer Garner is Seeing a Sex Doctor
Added 15 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Jennifer Garner is Seeing a Sex Doctor
After four years of marriage and two kids, Jennifer Garner has resorted to weekly sessions with a sex therapist to keep the spark alive with husband Ben Affleck. Perhaps anal was out of the question. Star Magazine says

The 37-year-old actress has been spotted several times in recent weeks with noted author and therapist Dr. Holly Hein.

?Jennifer has had some ups and downs with Ben, and she likes to check in with Dr. Hein once in a while,? says a source.

They talk tips on keeping the romance alive and dealing with Ben?s need for attention.

?Jennifer doesn?t want to lose him,” [the source adds]. “She?s in this for the long haul.?

Look, you don’t need fancy therapy and self-help books to keep your marriage interesting. That’s what alcohol and video cameras are for.

Frumping it up over the last two months:

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Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck need a sex counselor
Added 15 years agoSource: The Blemish
Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck need a sex counselor
Star Magazine is great. Most of their stories don’t pan out and sometimes aren’t even remotely accurate, but they don’t care, they keep trudging along. Today’s story from Star says Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner have hired a sex counselor.

The 37-year-old actress has been spotted several times in recent weeks with noted author and therapist Dr. Holly Hein.

?Jennifer has had some ups and downs with Ben, and she likes to check in with Dr. Hein once in a while,? says a source.

They talk tips on keeping the romance alive and dealing with Ben?s need for attention.

?Ben?s great, but he can be very insecure. He likes Jen to play the devoted wife all the time,? the source explains.

Poor Ben. Not only does he suck in movies, but he also sucks in bed. He should try my patented bedroom move. It’s called “crying in the fetal position” and it’s done exactly how it sounds. You perform it before, during and after sex.

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Is Jennifer Garner seeing a sex therapist?
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Is Jennifer Garner seeing a sex therapist?
There are cracks in one of Hollywood?s seemingly strong marriages. Star Magazine is reporting that Jennifer Garner is seeking help from a noted sex counselor/therapist named Dr. Holly Hein. Jen apparently ?checks in? with Dr. Hein every so often because Ben Affleck is ?very insecure? and likes Jen to ?play the devoted wife?. Still, the Star report seems to take pains to say that Jen is only going to this sex therapist because she wants her marriage to last. Here?s a question - if they have marriage problems that stem from emotional and behavioral issues, why not a traditional therapist? Why a ?sex therapist?? And why is Jen going alone?

Four years into her relationship with Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner is seeing someone else: a sex counselor!

The 37-year-old actress has been spotted several times in recent weeks with noted author and therapist Dr. Holly Hein.

?Jennifer has had some ups and downs with Ben, and she likes to check in with Dr. Hein once in a while,? says a source.

They talk tips on keeping the romance alive and dealing with Ben?s need for attention.

?Ben?s great, but he can be very insecure. He likes Jen to play the devoted wife all the time,? the source explains.

Still, Jen?s more than willing to balance Ben, 36, two kids, a career and counseling. ?Jennifer doesn?t want to lose him. She?s in this for the long haul.?

From Star Magazine

I don?t believe the bulk of this. My guess is that someone, somewhere got a picture of Jennifer with Dr. Hein. And Star just made up a little story to go with a picture. Star is just looking to tarnish the image of a couple who is nearly universally liked. I do believe two pieces of the story though: I think Affleck is probably a bit insecure (and he may even have a wandering eye) and I think Garner is definitely ?in this for the long haul?. She?s vying to be the next ?America?s Sweetheart?, and sweethearts don?t have two divorces.

Note by Celebitchy: Garner was photographed out getting coffee with Hein on 12/30/08 (above) and outside her house on 3/31/09. Maybe they’re just friends.

Header photo credit: Bauergriffinonline. Jennifer Garner is also shown picking up Violet from school on 4/15/09. Credit: ODuran/Fame Pictures

30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner says Ben is bad with barrettes, good with chicken
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner says Ben is bad with barrettes, good with chicken
This is such a non-story, but it?s cute in any case. Jennifer Garner is talking about her life with Ben Affleck and their two little girls. Ben is one of those lazy dads who doesn?t really care about his daughter?s hair. Jen claims that when Ben does Violet?s hair, ?You can always tell when he has been at it, just two random barrettes hanging in there. It’s so sweet.? Can?t you just see that? Violet: ?Daddy, daddy, do my hair! With the pick barrettes, daddy!? Ben: ?Uh, okay, clip, clip. Is that good?? Violet: ?No!?

Jen is also talking about another one of my favorite subjects, food. Namely, chicken, the perfect food. Jen says her mother ?taught me how to stretch a roasted chicken to make three meals.? Three meals for a family of four (or three, since Seraphina is too little for solids)? Uh… neat trick. That must be one massive bird.

Jennifer Garner admits her 3-year-old daughter Violet’s hair sometimes looks messy. But it’s not her fault.

“Ben [Affleck] will do the school run. He dresses her and does her hair. It’s pretty funny,” she tells May’s InStyle (via Just Jared). “You can always tell when he has been at it, just two random barrettes hanging in there. It’s so sweet.”

As for herself, Garner, 37, says, “I never go nuts with my look. It’s easy to feel like you?ve gone into caricature territory when you do.”

These days, the actress adds, “I wear less makeup than earlier in my career, but I know a lot more about it now.”

She also says she’s learned a lot from her own mother, Patricia.

“She taught me to proof my yeast with a little bit of sugar ? which she learned from her mom, Violet,” she says. “And she also taught me how to stretch a roasted chicken to make three meals. Though Ben could eat an entire chicken in one sitting.”

[From US Magazine]

With one of those rotisserie chickens that you can get at the supermarket, I can maybe get it for four or five meals for myself, with the dog getting extras. I?m like Ben, though. If I?m hungry enough I could eat a lot of chicken.

Even though I usually don?t identify with Jennifer, I have to say that I?m with her on the make-up. When I was a teenager, and even into my early twenties, I used to wear a lot of make-up. But my skin changed in my mid-twenties, and now if I wear make-up I just feel greasy.

Here?s Jen and Violet on the way home from school on Monday. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .

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Jennifer Garner talks about why her marriage works; isn't sleeping
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Garner talks about why her marriage works; isn't sleeping
Here’s why I love Jennifer Garner: she’s beautiful, she’s talented, but she is also one of the most down to earth, real personalities in Hollywood. She seems like a great, hands-on mom, a devoted wife, and doesn’t let the Hollywood machine get to her. She goes out without makeup and wearing ratty underwear one day, then all made up and looking radiant on the red carpet the next. Jennifer says the reason why her marriage to Ben Affleck works is because she accepted him - faults and all - from day one, and never tried to “fix” him.

Second-time new mom Jennifer Garner returns to the big screen in the new romantic comedy Ghosts of Girlfriends Past with Matthew McConaughey. But in real life, her leading man is Ben Affleck, her husband of almost four years and dad to daughters Violet, 3, and Seraphina, 3 months.

“Ben is pretty ideal as far as I’m concerned,” says Jennifer. “I don’t think you could do any better. I don’t think there’s a lovelier person.”

And it’s a good thing Ben is so perfect to Jennifer, considering what she learned from her mother.

My mom’s solid piece of advice to my sisters was, ‘Never marry a guy thinking you can change him,’” says Jennifer, 37. “Don’t get in there and think you can start to tinker. So, I’m not a fixer.”

Q: How is it having two little girls in your household?

I’m certainly not sleeping. Violet was a good sleeper, typically. But now that there is a new baby, she wakes up when the baby wakes up. She wants me, too, so there are times when they are both up all the time.

Q: What do you do about it?

I go from one to the other all the time.

Q: What is the most appealing thing about the opposite sex?

As far as I’m concerned, the sexiest thing about a man is when he changes diapers. Maybe except for defusing a tantrum!

[From In Touch print version, April 20, 2009]

Can you imagine how different Ben Affleck’s life would be if he’d ended up marrying and having kids with Jennifer Lopez? Talk about a “fixer.” J.Lo tried to change Ben into a completely different person. I still remember that phase when he had the fake tan and the frosted tips and the Versace clothing. What a mess that was! Jennifer Garner is the anti J.Lo. And I have a lot of respect for that. And Violet just might be the cutest kid I’ve ever seen. Somehow, knowing that Jennifer is dealing with the same issues that all regular new moms face makes me like her even more.

Here’s Jennifer Garner giving Violet a piggy-back ride to the car after picking her up from school. I love her casual outfit, especially those comfy looking sneakers. Photo credits: Fame.

30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner news

Look its Seraphina Rose Elizabeth Affleck!!!
Added 15 years agoSource: Seriously OMG WTF
Look its Seraphina Rose Elizabeth Affleck!!!
Pacific Coast News Online

Jennifer Garner took her adorable 3 month old daughter Seraphina Rose Elizabeth Affleck out for a walk today! OMG! Her second little flower looks just like her first one, Violet, but with darker hair! Too cute!

30-Nov-2023 :Jennifer Garner has so many bags of nuts in her backpack it?s embarrassin...
14-Apr-2023 :Jennifer Garner: ?show me articles that prove social media is good for te...
11-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Garner on her 50th birthday: ?I basically had a wedding for myse...
3-Aug-2022 :Jennifer Garner: be cautious when it comes to injecting your face
14-Apr-2022 :Jennifer Garner ?knows that J. Lo has been a positive influence in certai...
2-Mar-2022 :Jennifer Garner in Vauthier at the NYC ?Adam Project? premiere: pretty an...
26-Jan-2022 :Jennifer Garner delivered homemade cookies to nurses and doctors
15-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner in Prada at the Baby2Baby gala: understated and pretty
5-Nov-2021 :Jennifer Garner may be wearing an engagement ring in an Instagram video
23-Aug-2021 :Jennifer Garner and her on-again ex, John Miller, spotted out in NYC toge...
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Jennifer Garner news

Ben Affleck & Matt Damon: life-long bromance
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Ben Affleck & Matt Damon: life-long bromance
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck have the never-ending bromance. Don?t even try to say that those boys are gay either, because that is so 1998. More than a decade after their Oscar win for best screenplay, Ben and Matt?s friendship is still really solid. They?ve weathered high-profile relationships, The Jason Bourne trilogy, rehab, J-Lo. And now both men are happily married with two daughters each (and Matt is stepfather to a third girl).

Ben is starting to gear up for the promotional tour of State of Play. The film looks really, really good, but Affleck is barely in the trailer, so I?ve got to wonder how much the studio is going to put him front and center to sell this movie. Perhaps it?s part of Ben?s multi-year public relations strategy to ?rebrand? himself from stripper-loving, J-Lo engagin? film poison to happy, well-adjusted, loving family man, actor-director and humanitarian. It seems to be working, so kudos to his publicist.

Affleck sat down with People to talk friendship, marriage and whether he and Matt will actually work together again:

They were close childhood friends, collaborated on the script for 1997’s Good Will Hunting and then won Oscars for it. And even after Hollywood success and “ballooning” families, Ben Affleck says his friendship with Matt Damon has not only gotten stronger, with shared vacations, but they’re planning another movie together.

“It’s cool,” Affleck, 36, told PEOPLE of his and Damon’s enduring bond, which includes mixing and mingling with their wives and kids. Affleck has two daughters with wife Jennifer Garner while Damon, also 36, has two daughters with wife Luciana Barroso.

“We went on vacation last summer,” says Affleck, who plays a congressman opposite Russell Crowe in the new thriller State of Play. “It’s nice. It always has been. He’s got his family ballooning, and we’re doing okay ? it’s nice.”

With the two having never veered from their shared Boston upbringing, Affleck observes, “I think it would be the same for anybody. You’re friends when you are young, you have a certain life. Then in your 20s you have a different life. In your 30s you get married and have families.”

Given such a perspective, Affleck adds, “It’s a different kind of satisfaction being around your friends, the friends you grew up with. They have kids, have barbecues and that kind of deal. That is really satisfying, too. It’s one of the nice things about having friends for a long time.”

Equally nice is that, with recent arrival Seraphina Rose joining daughter Violet, 3, at home, Affleck says, “I am very lucky. I feel blessed to look around and see that I’ve got a healthy family and a job. Especially nowadays, you really feel very good.”

When it comes to being a dad, he’s mastered many of the duties ? including how to mash bananas properly ? that his wife was once worried would require supervision.

“I’m in a pretty good zone right now,” says PEOPLE’s 2002 Sexiest Man Alive. “I say that, and I’ll go home to find everything exploded, [but] so far, so good.”

All in all, he says, “I really am happy with what I’m doing now. In fact, I’ve never been at a place where I’ve felt better about going to work every day. I’m more engaged and very, very happy ? I’ve really gotten comfortable with the things that are important to me.”

“Matt is always pretty busy but claiming that he’s going to try and slow it down a little bit,” says his buddy. “He doesn’t mind taking a year to wait. I would love to, it’s great, and we’re both busy. Matt lives in Miami, so it’s hard to get a chance to see him. If we work together it’s an excuse to hang out.”

[From People Magazine]

It?s nice that Ben and Matt are still friends, and I like how the relationship has evolved over the years. Part of the reason I think the gay rumor got some traction was because they were always together back in the day. As they?ve grown up, they?re more like college buddies who plan family vacations together once a year.

I totally forgot that People named Ben Affleck as the Sexiest Man Alive in 2002. What were they thinking? Ah, back when Affleck when hot stuff. The halcyon days of 2002. Brings a tear to my eye.

Here?s Jennifer Garner, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Luciana Barroso hosting an Obama fundraiser at SET in Miami on August 2nd. Images thanks to WENN .

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