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Jessica Simpson News & Gossip
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Jessica Simpson's Bridal Collection Effort
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Simpson's Bridal Collection Effort
She certainly knows her way around the fashion world, and now Jessica Simpson is offering up her designs in a different field.

Aside from her clothing and accessory lines, the ?Come On Over? singer recently released a range of special occasion and prom dresses for David?s Bridal.

The frocks will range in price from $139-$229 and feature a collection of silhouettes including short, slim, A-line and ballgown dresses.

In a statement, Ms Simpson said, ?Inspired by the fabulous designer gowns I?ve worn to red carpet events, my affordable collection is designed to fit and flatter a variety of body types and help girls achieve their own red carpet style for Prom.?

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30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Enquirer: Jessica Simpson's fiance told her to lose weight or the wedding is off
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Enquirer: Jessica Simpson's fiance told her to lose weight or the wedding is off
Here’s a story I’m hoping is made up. The National Enquirer is reporting that Jessica Simpson’s fiance is telling her that she needs to lose weight or he’s breaking up with her. That’s really harsh, and considering how impressionable and willing to please she is, if this happened I bet it was more of a suggestion than an ultimatum. Here’s the Enquirer’s report, which seems based on known details about Jessica’s diet and weight.

“Diet or we’re done!” Jessica Simpson’s expanding waistline prompted an ugly ultimatum like that from her fiance Eric Johnson - and pals say the blonde beauty is heartsick over vicious weight-

30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Jessica Simpson Is A Phat Hot Mess
Added 13 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Jessica Simpson Is A Phat Hot Mess
It looks like Jessica Simpson may have had a few too many the other night. I’m not talking about chilly cheese dogs either, I mean a few too many adult beverages. Don’t get me wrong, I like my women liquored up, but I need them to at least be able to make it to the

30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Jessica Simpson: Worse for Wear
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Simpson: Worse for Wear
Looking a bit rough, Jessica Simpson was spotted stumbling around West Hollywood last night (January 24).

The ?Come On Over? babe required the aid of her fiance Eric Johnson as she exited Katsuya restaurant after what appeared to be a few too many cocktails.

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30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Jessica Simpson praises Jesus for Eric Johnson's sweet 'tush'
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jessica Simpson praises Jesus for Eric Johnson's sweet 'tush'
Jessica Simpson?s Twitter-gushing about Eric Johnson is nothing new. It seems like once a month, Jessica tweets a photo of Eric with some kind of dumbass comment about how happy she is to be with a ?Yalie? K-Fed or to simply declare that she ?has a major crush? on him. Now Jessica has gotten on Twitter to thank her Lord (Lord Nachos, Bourbon Christ, Jesus H. Oreo) for Eric?s sweet ass. Literally, she?s thanking God for Eric?s ?tush?. Girl, get it together. We know you?re happy and we?re happy for you too. But enough. He?s a K-Fed and he?s going to divorce you and take your money and it?s going to be a mess. Enough with the cyber-gushing.

Eric Johnson is in Jessica Simpson’s bedtime prayers ? or at least part of him.

“Thank you Lord for blessing me with a Man that has the perfect Tush,” Simpson Tweeted on Saturday night. “Laying my hands upon it with peace :)”

Simpson, 30, has been gushing on Twitter about her fianc since they met last spring, posting a picture of a steamy kiss they shared in August, saying, ?YUM!? and later calling him a stud.

It’s the not the first time the Push Your Tush singer has rhapsodized about a man’s backside. Even after breaking up with NFL quarterback Tony Romo, she said, “I still look at his cute butt in the outfit ? uniform.”

[From People]

Do you like how she capitalized ?Tush?? Like it?s a formal noun. Like God. Or Dong. She really is praising it. She should start a church for Golddigging K-Feds with cute butts. Natalie Portman?s fianc could join!

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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OK! Mag: Eric Johnson's K-Fed-ness embarrasses Jessica Simpson
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
OK! Mag: Eric Johnson's K-Fed-ness embarrasses Jessica Simpson
OK! Magazine has an absolutely hilarious story in this week?s print edition. It?s all about how Jessica Simpson is embarrassed by Eric Johnson! Not the other way around - Farty McCorndog isn?t embarrassing Eric, HE is embarrassing HER. Because he?s like K-Fed. Or the ?ballet K-Fed?. Eric needs a catch-phrase too? ?the football K-Fed?. Something like that. Anyway, apparently Jessica is coming to the slow realization (her only kind of realization) that Eric is jobless and that she pays for everything, and that if they get married, it will probably only get worse. What?s especially funny is the story about how Eric got all judgy about Jessica wanting to buy a $4000 Fendi bag. It?s her money, bitch. She can spend it how she wants!

If Eric Johnson is going to marry Jessica Simpson, he?d better learn the importance of an ?It? bag. The couple went shopping in the Fendi store in Aspen over New year?s, and a fellow shopper spotted them looking at several $4,000 bags.

?Her fianc made a comment that he didn?t get what made the bag so expensive - it was just a name - and why did she need it?? the eyewitness says. ?Jess rolled her eyes and gave him a dirty look. She tried to laugh it off in front of the salesperson, but you could tell she was mortified.?

It wasn?t the first time Eric embarrassed her. In fact, Eric got so drunk at one of Aspen?s trendiest restaurants, he literally fell to the street as he stumbled out. And even after that, much to Jessica?s chagrin, Eric went on to drink at another restaurant.

And while the couple seems to be in love, his lack of sophistication, style and funds seems to put up a barrier between them. While Eric was once an NFL football player, his career was plagued with injuries and short-lived. Now he?s jobless and Jessica?s fashion business made almost a billion dollars last year.

Jessica is beginning to grow concerned because she pays for everything in the relationship. A source even says: ?Jessica wants a super huge wedding, so that means it will be up to her to put up the cash.?

But other friends are concerned that Jess may be realizing she?s made a mistake with Eric.

?The thing is, as much as Jess could not wait to get engaged, she hasn?t actually set a date yet, not has she begun to make plans,? says the source. ?It makes you wonder if the wedding will actually come off, or if Jess will get tired of paying the bills and look for a man who is more of a financial equal.?

[From OK Magazine, print edition]

I have two big reasons why I think this report isn?t the whole truth. First, the story about Eric being drunk off his ass. If that happened (probably), it was likely because he was trying to keep up with Jessica and her extremely high tolerance for liquor. Secondly, Jessica isn?t going to call off the wedding. She just isn?t. Let?s be honest, here. She isn?t.

Photos courtesy of Fame.

30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Jessica Simpson Debuts a Hair Raising New Look
Added 13 years agoSource: Feed Me Gossip
Jessica Simpson Debuts a Hair Raising New Look
Someone has teased Jessica Simpson’s hair to dizzying new heights!

Over the weekend, the singer’s publicist posted a startling TwitPic of Simpson with her blonde locks fluffed up in the style of an 18th century noblewoman.

Reportedly prepping for a magazine photo shoot, Simpson — currently engaged to ex-NFL pro Eric Johnson — wore a white robe and a sultry expression in the pic.

“Hey Jessica Simpson,” the caption red, “Nice new ‘do for 2011.”

30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Jessica Simpson Gets A New Hairdo
Added 13 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Jessica Simpson Gets A New Hairdo
I thought Twitter was supposed to be a safe haven for attention seeking chicks who want to show off their boobs on the internet without doing porn, I guess it’s broken today because I don’t know what the hell is going on with this picture. Here’s Jessica Simpson getting some rotten clown hairdo I don’t

30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Jessica Simpson: A Waitress' Dream
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Simpson: A Waitress' Dream
Breaking her diva reputation, Jessica Simpson recently showed some serious love to her waitress while dining out at Lavo.

This past Thursday (January 6), the ?Come On Over? babe was joined by her mother Tina, her assistant and two other friends for a delicious meal.

And when the $500 check came, Ms. Simpson left her waitress a $300 tip- that?s a 60% bonus!

Additionally, Jessica left a note to encourage the worker, saying, ?You were amazing and make this world a better place. Love, Jess.?

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30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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Jessica Simpson is a really good tipper, and she's really nice to waitresses
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jessica Simpson is a really good tipper, and she's really nice to waitresses
Above is a very interesting Twit-pic photo of Jessica Simpson, courtesy of her publicist?s Twitter account. Apparently, Jessica was taking part of some kind of ?top secret? magazine photo shoot? and if it?s ?top secret? I?ve got to wonder if Jess is maybe getting another Vanity Fair cover? God, I hope not. She didn?t deserve the first one. Maybe the photo shoot is just for a fashion magazine or something. Hopefully.

Jessica also flew into New York over the weekend. ALONE! Her official purse-holder/fianc wasn?t around, or at least he wasn?t photographed with her at all. Why is that, I wonder? Perhaps because Jessica actually had to take care of some work for her clothing line. The photos (below) from Jessica?s arrival at JFK are especially hilarious - she?s laughing/guffawing at something or someone. Ridiculous. One last thing - Jessica is a good tipper! According to a recent report, while she was dining with her mom, her assistant and two friends at New York restaurant Lavo, Jessica tipped 60% on a $500 bill. She also left an inspiration message for her waitress: ?You were amazing and make this world a better place, Love Jess.” Guess what she had at Lavo? ?She ordered Macallan 18-year-old single-malt Scotch whisky, which she drank with ice and paired with an unusual dish of fried Oreo cookies as well as a veal parmigiano.? Oh, Jessica. Never change.

Photos courtesy of Bauer-Griffin. Twit-pic courtesy of Lauren Auslander?s Twitter.

30-Nov-2023 :A barely-recognizable Jessica Simpson stepped out in NYC to receive an Ic...
23-Apr-2022 :Jessica Simpson is just like us, her credit card was declined at Taco Bel...
2-Nov-2021 :Jessica Simpson celebrated her four-year sober anniversary: ?I didn?t lov...
19-Oct-2021 :Jessica Simpson is about to buy the majority stake in her billion-dollar ...
20-May-2021 :Jessica Simpson threw out her scale: ?I have no idea how much I weigh?
28-Mar-2021 :Jessica Simpson spent ?years beating myself up for an unrealistic body st...
27-Aug-2020 :Jessica Simpson hasn?t wanted to drink at all during the pandemic: ?That?...
6-May-2020 :Jessica Simpson hits back on ?body-shaming? & ?nauseating? Vogue oral his...
1-Oct-2019 :Jessica Simpson?s trainer describes Jess?s 100-pound weight loss program
12-Jul-2019 :Jessica Simpson is writing a memoir about pain, struggles and faith? hmm
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