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Gwyneth Paltrow News & Gossip
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Did Blythe Danner teach Gwyneth Paltrow how to be so insufferable?
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Did Blythe Danner teach Gwyneth Paltrow how to be so insufferable?
Happy Chinese New Year! We are entering the Year of the Rabbit, for those who care. And Gwyneth Paltrow wants us to know that she?s down with the Chinese too - she probably refers to them as ?My dear friend, the Chinese people, who have always supported me?? Gwyneth?s Goop newsletter today is all about Hong Kong and how cool it is and what we should do when we visit. Hint: lots of shopping and luxury hotels and fine dining, of course. Which brings me to a question that CB and I were just debating: just how did Gwyneth become so insufferable? CB?s opinion is that her mother, Blythe Danner, must be insufferable too, or that Blythe is simple an insufferable-enabler. Blythe just gave an interview about her daughter too!

Is there anything that Gwyneth Paltrow doesn’t do these days? Probably not.

And that makes Blythe Danner sometimes worry about her overachieving daughter…

“She’s a multitasker,” Danner told me the other day at the Standard Hotel in West Hollywood, where she was promoting her new film, Waiting for Forever (in theaters tomorrow). “We had dinner last night and I said, ‘Honey, please, it’s great that you multitask, but it’s a lot of stress to do that, and I want you to take care of yourself. You’ve just got to.’”

One of Paltrow’s most recent accomplishments? Singing and playing guitar in County Strong. One of the movie’s songs, “Coming Home,” is up for an Oscar. In other words, Gwynnie will be performing the tune at the Academy Awards next month, Danner said.

“She was nervous when she performed at the Country Music Awards, but once she got into it, she was fine,” the proud mom boasted. “They stood up?these 2,500 professionals! She’s singing in front of the industry and she got a standing ovation. I was thrilled for her. She loved it.”

When asked if Paltrow and rocker hubby Chris Martin’s kids, Apple and Moses, have the show business gene, Danner smiled, “I think it’s inevitable.”

[From E! News]

It does seem like Blythe is enabling Gwyneth?s snotty behavior, because honestly, Gwyneth is not that frigging busy. Her ?Day In the Life? Goop proved that definitively. The bitch just wanders around for half the day, trying on clothes, working out, and ?working on a deadline? for her weekly Goop newsletter. Maybe all of this really is Blythe?s fault.

Going back to the Chinese New Year - CB and I were also comparing our Chinese zodiac signs. I?m a Horse, she?s an Ox. Oh, and Gwyneth is a Rat. According to Wikipedia, the Rat’s bad qualities can be: manipulative, vindictive, self-destructive, envious, mendacious, venal, obstinate, critical, over-ambitious, ruthless, intolerant, and scheming. Hmm… Goopy? What are you?

Photos courtesy of WENN.

14-Mar-2024 :Gwyneth Paltrow was ?so upset? when Kourtney K?s Poosh was called a Goop ...
9-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow wore Carolina Herrera at the Red Sea film festival: Big B...
6-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow in vintage Valentino at the British Fashion Awards: tomat...
17-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow?s ski trial inspired a musical opening in London next mon...
15-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow prefers the term ?free birds? to the ?sad & lonely empty-...
31-Oct-2023 :The ?Friends? cast issued a joint statement for Matthew Perry?s passing
20-Oct-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow on the ?nepo baby? term: ?I think it?s kind of an ugly mo...
2-Jun-2023 :Is Gwyneth Paltrow ?courting? the Sussexes to add to her royal-friend col...
25-Apr-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow showed off her abs at a fashion-awards show: cute or basi...
31-Mar-2023 :The Utah jury found Gwyneth Paltrow was not at fault for the 2016 ski cra...
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Gwyneth Paltrow is going to Goop up the Grammys with Cee Lo Green
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Gwyneth Paltrow is going to Goop up the Grammys with Cee Lo Green
As I?m sure you?ve already seen, Gwyneth Paltrow has been announced as a performer at this year?s Grammys. No joke. She?s going to perform ?F-ck You? (which will likely be the radio-friendly version, ?Forget You?) with Cee Lo Green. Gwyneth sang (via auto-tune) the same song when she first appeared on Glee, and this Grammy appearance comes on the heels of her CMA performance, where she got up on stage and twanged out a song from ?Country Strong?. Gwyneth is really serious about convincing us that she?s musically awesome. It?s like Duets never happened, in her mind.

Gwyneth Paltrow and Cee Lo Green are planning to make beautiful music together ? at the Grammys. The actress and the singer, who performed together on Saturday Night Live last month, will also be calling on some famous friends for help: the Jim Henson Company Puppets, PEOPLE has learned.

It’s not yet known what song they’ll perform, but what’s clear is the bond that Paltrow and Cee Lo formed when recording a new version of his Grammy-nominated hit “F— You.”

Cee Lo says Paltrow expressed “really feeling and appreciating what I had done artistically. That was awesome to come from her and feel her energy.”

Paltrow first performed a toned down version of the song on Glee. The 53rd Annual Grammy Awards will air on Feb. 13 at 8 p.m ET/PT on CBS.

[From People]

Can I just say something horrible? I never realized that Cee Lo Green was this big of a damn sellout. It?s one thing to change your song to more radio-friendly lyrics, and it?s one thing to be okay with some Goopy disaster performing your song on Glee. But to actually stand up on the Grammy stage with Goop and front like she?s a legitimate DUET partner?!? You suck, Cee Lo.

By the way, there were some additional quotes from Goopy?s interview in Harper?s Bazaar that I didn?t get to. In addition to whining about all of the lamers who hate on Goop, Gwyneth also talked about how she understands addiction: “I understand how you can do something bad for you because I smoked forever. I smoked even when my dad had throat cancer. I was like ‘I know this is probably going to kill me, but I’m going to smoke it anyway’. But I didn’t understand wrecking other people’s lives, and then kind of just waking up and tying your shoes. So Robert Downey Jr. helped me figure that out.? Eh. I?m not judging her for that one, I?m really not. I have a No Judgment Policy on smokers and reformed smokers.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

14-Mar-2024 :Gwyneth Paltrow was ?so upset? when Kourtney K?s Poosh was called a Goop ...
9-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow wore Carolina Herrera at the Red Sea film festival: Big B...
6-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow in vintage Valentino at the British Fashion Awards: tomat...
17-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow?s ski trial inspired a musical opening in London next mon...
15-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow prefers the term ?free birds? to the ?sad & lonely empty-...
31-Oct-2023 :The ?Friends? cast issued a joint statement for Matthew Perry?s passing
20-Oct-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow on the ?nepo baby? term: ?I think it?s kind of an ugly mo...
2-Jun-2023 :Is Gwyneth Paltrow ?courting? the Sussexes to add to her royal-friend col...
25-Apr-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow showed off her abs at a fashion-awards show: cute or basi...
31-Mar-2023 :The Utah jury found Gwyneth Paltrow was not at fault for the 2016 ski cra...
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Gwyneth Paltrow's Grammy Performance Plans
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Gwyneth Paltrow's Grammy Performance Plans
Surely delighting her many fans, Gwyneth Paltrow has agreed to take the stage once more at the 2011 Grammy Awards.

The Oscar winning actress will be teaming up with Cee Lo for a duet during the annual music extravaganza taking place on February 13th in Los Angeles.

While the pair have yet to reveal what they have in store for the audience, popular opinion believes that the duo will be breaking out their version of Cee Lo's hit tune "F*** You" - which they first broke out on "Saturday Night Live".

Clearly fond of Miss Paltrow, Cee Lo previously said that the "Country Strong" star expressed "really feeling and appreciating what I had done artistically. That was awesome to come from her and feel her energy."

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14-Mar-2024 :Gwyneth Paltrow was ?so upset? when Kourtney K?s Poosh was called a Goop ...
9-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow wore Carolina Herrera at the Red Sea film festival: Big B...
6-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow in vintage Valentino at the British Fashion Awards: tomat...
17-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow?s ski trial inspired a musical opening in London next mon...
15-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow prefers the term ?free birds? to the ?sad & lonely empty-...
31-Oct-2023 :The ?Friends? cast issued a joint statement for Matthew Perry?s passing
20-Oct-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow on the ?nepo baby? term: ?I think it?s kind of an ugly mo...
2-Jun-2023 :Is Gwyneth Paltrow ?courting? the Sussexes to add to her royal-friend col...
25-Apr-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow showed off her abs at a fashion-awards show: cute or basi...
31-Mar-2023 :The Utah jury found Gwyneth Paltrow was not at fault for the 2016 ski cra...
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Gwyneth Paltrow: "People Are So Mean to Me"
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Gwyneth Paltrow:
She launched a website hoping to share helpful hints for a healthy lifestyle, but Gwyneth Paltrow is getting more flack than she ever could?ve imagined.

Because of her site Goop, the ?Shallow Hal? actress has faced uber amounts of criticism, but that won?t stop her from carrying on.

"Any time you do anything with any degree of sincerity, people make fun of you," she tells Harper?s Bazaar. "That's totally fine. I don't care. I don't read any of it.

?My thing with Goop has always been, if you don't like it, then don't log onto it. There were a couple of times when I thought, 'I'm just gonna stop doing it. People are so mean to me. I don't want to do it.' But then I was like, 'Who cares what some lame person out there says?' I was in Italy once, and this old man came up to me and said, 'I had the best time in Nashville because of Goop.' And that is so worth it to me."

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14-Mar-2024 :Gwyneth Paltrow was ?so upset? when Kourtney K?s Poosh was called a Goop ...
9-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow wore Carolina Herrera at the Red Sea film festival: Big B...
6-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow in vintage Valentino at the British Fashion Awards: tomat...
17-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow?s ski trial inspired a musical opening in London next mon...
15-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow prefers the term ?free birds? to the ?sad & lonely empty-...
31-Oct-2023 :The ?Friends? cast issued a joint statement for Matthew Perry?s passing
20-Oct-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow on the ?nepo baby? term: ?I think it?s kind of an ugly mo...
2-Jun-2023 :Is Gwyneth Paltrow ?courting? the Sussexes to add to her royal-friend col...
25-Apr-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow showed off her abs at a fashion-awards show: cute or basi...
31-Mar-2023 :The Utah jury found Gwyneth Paltrow was not at fault for the 2016 ski cra...
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Gwyneth Paltrow: Bundled Up in the Big Apple
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Gwyneth Paltrow: Bundled Up in the Big Apple
Going about with her day?s duties, Gwyneth Paltrow was spotted leaving her New York City apartment on Thursday morning (January 27).

The ?Two Lovers? actress looked cute in jeans and gray ankle boots with a navy peacoat and scarf as she headed out into the streets of the Big Apple.

In other news, Paltrow and her two friends designer Stella McCartney and venture capitalist Juliet de Baubigny share helpful tips to moms via Gwyn?s blog.

Their most recent piece of advice? ?Get as much sleep as possible. Ask for help if you need it. Get some exercise. Do good things for yourself. Laugh with your friends. And never be ashamed of success.?

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14-Mar-2024 :Gwyneth Paltrow was ?so upset? when Kourtney K?s Poosh was called a Goop ...
9-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow wore Carolina Herrera at the Red Sea film festival: Big B...
6-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow in vintage Valentino at the British Fashion Awards: tomat...
17-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow?s ski trial inspired a musical opening in London next mon...
15-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow prefers the term ?free birds? to the ?sad & lonely empty-...
31-Oct-2023 :The ?Friends? cast issued a joint statement for Matthew Perry?s passing
20-Oct-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow on the ?nepo baby? term: ?I think it?s kind of an ugly mo...
2-Jun-2023 :Is Gwyneth Paltrow ?courting? the Sussexes to add to her royal-friend col...
25-Apr-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow showed off her abs at a fashion-awards show: cute or basi...
31-Mar-2023 :The Utah jury found Gwyneth Paltrow was not at fault for the 2016 ski cra...
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Gwyneth Paltrow flashes her Goop cooch: peasant move or not her fault?
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Gwyneth Paltrow flashes her Goop cooch: peasant move or not her fault?
These are photos of Gwyneth Paltrow entering and exiting the Mayfair Hotel (in London). Before I get to the good stuff, can we just have a word about the dress? This dress is horrible! The fit is off, but even if the fit was great, it would still be a very unflattering dress for Goopy?s body. Take this casual dinner appearance with Gwyneth?s formal appearance in Switzerland earlier this week, and I?m starting to wonder what?s going on with Dame Goop. Why is she so greasy and/or Real-Housewife-looking? Why are her clothes so ill-fitting? Why so peasanty?

If the ill-fitting dress wasn?t bad enough, Gwyneth had to flash her Goop cooch. Her Goop cooter? Her gooter? Here you go:

At least she was wearing panties, I guess. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. And don?t even start with ?The photographers shoved the camera at her crotch!? Gwyneth has been in the business long enough to know how to exit a car with her knees together, especially when she?s being photographed. She had the skirt of this ugly dress hiked up too - she wanted us to see her gooter.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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14-Mar-2024 :Gwyneth Paltrow was ?so upset? when Kourtney K?s Poosh was called a Goop ...
9-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow wore Carolina Herrera at the Red Sea film festival: Big B...
6-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow in vintage Valentino at the British Fashion Awards: tomat...
17-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow?s ski trial inspired a musical opening in London next mon...
15-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow prefers the term ?free birds? to the ?sad & lonely empty-...
31-Oct-2023 :The ?Friends? cast issued a joint statement for Matthew Perry?s passing
20-Oct-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow on the ?nepo baby? term: ?I think it?s kind of an ugly mo...
2-Jun-2023 :Is Gwyneth Paltrow ?courting? the Sussexes to add to her royal-friend col...
25-Apr-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow showed off her abs at a fashion-awards show: cute or basi...
31-Mar-2023 :The Utah jury found Gwyneth Paltrow was not at fault for the 2016 ski cra...
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Gwyneth Paltrow Needs A Little Work
Added 13 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Gwyneth Paltrow Needs A Little Work
I like to see that Gwyneth Paltrow is at least making an effort to get my attention, I bet she’s just been dying to get on this site for years now, but her tight dress needs a little work. It’s got some weird lumps and bumps in there, like a cat in a pillow case.

14-Mar-2024 :Gwyneth Paltrow was ?so upset? when Kourtney K?s Poosh was called a Goop ...
9-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow wore Carolina Herrera at the Red Sea film festival: Big B...
6-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow in vintage Valentino at the British Fashion Awards: tomat...
17-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow?s ski trial inspired a musical opening in London next mon...
15-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow prefers the term ?free birds? to the ?sad & lonely empty-...
31-Oct-2023 :The ?Friends? cast issued a joint statement for Matthew Perry?s passing
20-Oct-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow on the ?nepo baby? term: ?I think it?s kind of an ugly mo...
2-Jun-2023 :Is Gwyneth Paltrow ?courting? the Sussexes to add to her royal-friend col...
25-Apr-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow showed off her abs at a fashion-awards show: cute or basi...
31-Mar-2023 :The Utah jury found Gwyneth Paltrow was not at fault for the 2016 ski cra...
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Gwyneth Paltrow: May Fair Fabulous
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Gwyneth Paltrow: May Fair Fabulous
Having made her way back to London following a promotional trip to Switzerland, Gwyneth Paltrow was spotted leaving the May Fair hotel in London on Thursday night (January 20).

The "Country Strong" actress looked elegant in a clingy dress as she eased out to an awaiting chauffeured ride ahead of the evening's plans.

The sighting comes as Miss Paltrow recently confessed to allowing her 6-year-old daughter Apple skip school for a day of pampering in her latest GOOP newsletter.

Gwyn dished, ?I?ll probably get kicked out of our school for admitting this, but I let Apple stay home yesterday. I just needed to be with her."

As for what the mother/daughter duo did during Apple's day off from school, Paltrow told, ?We went out to lunch, we went to the beauty salon, we were together.?

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14-Mar-2024 :Gwyneth Paltrow was ?so upset? when Kourtney K?s Poosh was called a Goop ...
9-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow wore Carolina Herrera at the Red Sea film festival: Big B...
6-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow in vintage Valentino at the British Fashion Awards: tomat...
17-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow?s ski trial inspired a musical opening in London next mon...
15-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow prefers the term ?free birds? to the ?sad & lonely empty-...
31-Oct-2023 :The ?Friends? cast issued a joint statement for Matthew Perry?s passing
20-Oct-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow on the ?nepo baby? term: ?I think it?s kind of an ugly mo...
2-Jun-2023 :Is Gwyneth Paltrow ?courting? the Sussexes to add to her royal-friend col...
25-Apr-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow showed off her abs at a fashion-awards show: cute or basi...
31-Mar-2023 :The Utah jury found Gwyneth Paltrow was not at fault for the 2016 ski cra...
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Gwyneth Paltrow: marriage is hard, I have to coax Chris to talk
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Gwyneth Paltrow: marriage is hard, I have to coax Chris to talk
Good Housekeeping has put their entire interview with Gwyneth Paltrow, who graces the February cover, online. (Thank you, GH!). We’ve heard some advance quotes from the piece, but this is the first time I’ve had a chance to read the full interview. She was promoting that dud of a movie, Country Strong, and it’s a lot of what we’ve already heard from The Goopster. She talks about how she’s such a great do-it-all mother and how her life philosophy helps her excel in areas of life the rest of us just coast through. The cracks do show in her marriage, though, and for as much as she goes on at length about her kids she’ll only speak reluctantly about her husband, Coldplay singer Chris Martin.

On “mindful” parenting

I’ve learned so much from being a mom about the kind of person I want to be, the kind of woman I want to be. Motherhood has taught me mindfulness. If you just parent on instinct, you’ll screw your kid up for life. You have to be so mindful.

On teaching her kids responsibility

I’m in a battle right now because Apple doesn’t like to go to gymnastics. When she’s crying about it, I just want to scoop her up and say, ‘Forget it. Let’s go get an ice cream.’ But you can’t do that, of course. That’s something my father taught me. You need to be accountable, and you need to be responsible. You need to honor your commitments

On her marriage

Oh, Chris hates when I talk about him… If I’m looking grumpy in public or if Chris and I leave a restaurant separately, it’s only because we don’t want to encourage photographers.

Marriage is hard. Chris and I have had our ups and downs, big-time. Marriage is way more complicated than just ‘Who gets to control the remote?’ But hopefully we keep heading in the same direction and getting through the obstacles.

I’m a good talker… I definitely have to coax things out of him when we talk. You know, he’s British, so it’s a different lexicon totally. But you have to communicate. Otherwise there’s no relationship.

On how Chris helped her learn guitar

It was so much fun to pick up a new skill. I can be a perfectionist, so I really practiced. And between Chris’s help and the director needing me to be prepared, I was totally ready when the time came.

[From Good Housekeeping via Huffington Post]

These comments by Gwyneth about how Chris taught her to play the guitar completely contradict an earlier interview she gave (also after completing filming) about how Chris couldn’t be bothered.

There’s much more of Gwyneth’s interview on the Good Housekeeping site if you’re interested and have a strong stomach. She’s working so hard to convince us that everything is fine, and that her strong work ethic and spiritual ethos enable her to be this know-it-all supermom who powers through daily trials with two kids and a reluctant husband who require her prodding guidance to bring out their best. She’s just like us, only more enlightened. Only it’s clear that her constant editorializing of her life is a kind of coping mechanism for dealing with the same bullshit that most of us have come to terms with. Who is she trying to fool, herself or us?

Photos below are from 1/17/11 credit:

14-Mar-2024 :Gwyneth Paltrow was ?so upset? when Kourtney K?s Poosh was called a Goop ...
9-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow wore Carolina Herrera at the Red Sea film festival: Big B...
6-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow in vintage Valentino at the British Fashion Awards: tomat...
17-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow?s ski trial inspired a musical opening in London next mon...
15-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow prefers the term ?free birds? to the ?sad & lonely empty-...
31-Oct-2023 :The ?Friends? cast issued a joint statement for Matthew Perry?s passing
20-Oct-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow on the ?nepo baby? term: ?I think it?s kind of an ugly mo...
2-Jun-2023 :Is Gwyneth Paltrow ?courting? the Sussexes to add to her royal-friend col...
25-Apr-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow showed off her abs at a fashion-awards show: cute or basi...
31-Mar-2023 :The Utah jury found Gwyneth Paltrow was not at fault for the 2016 ski cra...
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Gwyneth Paltrow in pink Azzedine Alaïa: greasy mess or totally cute?
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Gwyneth Paltrow in pink Azzedine Alaïa: greasy mess   or totally cute?
These are photos of Gwyneth Paltrow in Switzerland yesterday. She was there because she?s the ?face? or ambassador (?) of Baume & Mercier. Of her new endorsement deal, Goopy said: “The motto of Baume & Mercier, ‘Life is about moments,’ very much reflects my personal philosophy of life. That’s why I said yes, responded positively, when the brand proposed that I represent it.? So special. Yes, Gwyneth. Life is about moments. I?m sure she went on to snot, ?I was just discussing this with Dalai Lama and he agreed with my supposition about this life-moment situation. He said it was such a groundbreaking, brilliant observation that he just needed to discuss it with Vladimir Putin. I told him, ?Dear Dolly? - because that?s what I call him, he?s my dearest friend - ?Dear Dolly, I already called my friend Putin and told him this. He?s going to stitch it on a pillow using radioactive gold thread!? Isn?t that hysterical??

Anyway, as you can see, Gwyneth looked like hell. Perhaps Switzerland doesn?t agree with her? She?s so British. And Spanish. And Switzerland was just too much for her. But couldn?t she even find the time to wash her hair? Or at the very least comb it? And why does she look greasy? At some point Gwyneth really did become ?one of us? didn?t she? She is no longer the aloof Mistress of Elitism, deigning to give some morsels of advice to the unwashed peasants. At some point, Goopy became a peasant, wandering around looking greasy and unkempt and Botoxy.

By the way, the dress is Azzedine Alaa. I think it looks cheap as hell, and Gwyneth is too old (and too greasy) to pull off such a ?young? frilly Pink thing.

Thanks to LaineyGossip for the lead!

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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14-Mar-2024 :Gwyneth Paltrow was ?so upset? when Kourtney K?s Poosh was called a Goop ...
9-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow wore Carolina Herrera at the Red Sea film festival: Big B...
6-Dec-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow in vintage Valentino at the British Fashion Awards: tomat...
17-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow?s ski trial inspired a musical opening in London next mon...
15-Nov-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow prefers the term ?free birds? to the ?sad & lonely empty-...
31-Oct-2023 :The ?Friends? cast issued a joint statement for Matthew Perry?s passing
20-Oct-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow on the ?nepo baby? term: ?I think it?s kind of an ugly mo...
2-Jun-2023 :Is Gwyneth Paltrow ?courting? the Sussexes to add to her royal-friend col...
25-Apr-2023 :Gwyneth Paltrow showed off her abs at a fashion-awards show: cute or basi...
31-Mar-2023 :The Utah jury found Gwyneth Paltrow was not at fault for the 2016 ski cra...
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