| | |  | Mark Wahlberg News & Gossip
| Mark Wahlberg: Transformers is 'the most iconic franchise in movie history' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Nobody ever accused Mark Wahlberg of modesty. Mark appeared at CinemaCon to help promote the Tranformers: Age of Extinction movie. This is yet another Michael Bay-directed movie full of explosions and empty of wit or common sense. Mark ran his mouth onstage. He’s prone to pompous statements that exaggerate his importance in the world. Remember how Mark could have killed the 9/11 terrorists? Mark says that Transformers is the most iconic movie franchise ever.
This guy. Hasn’t Mark ever heard of, say, Star Wars, James Bond, or The Godfather? Even Twilight qualifies as more iconic than Transformers. Talking robots, yo:
Mark Wahlberg is excited to be in the Transformers family.
“This will be the biggest movie of 2014,” the actor beamed at CinemaCon on Monday night.
Wahlberg, 42, was on hand for Paramount’s presentation of upcoming films, which included Transformers: Age of Extinction as well as the Michael Bay-produced Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.
“I thought I was here for the grand opening of Wahlburgers Las Vegas,” he joked to the crowd.
Co-starring Stanley Tucci and Kelsey Grammer, the fourth installment in the Transformers saga hits theaters June 24. Paramount teased a few minutes from the project, but Bay, who notoriously flubbed a bigscreen presentation earlier this year, was nowhere to be found.
“I feel like it’s the most iconic franchise in movie history,” Wahlberg said of the films.
He also confirmed that Age of Extinction stands alone from the previous three Transformers movies which starred Shia Labeouf.
[From Variety]
Whatever keeps Mark Wahlberg sleeping at night. His ego is bursting at the seems, but that’s standard for Hollywood actors. If Mark wants to think that Michael Bay’s forgettable movies are iconic, so be it. BOOM. So little substance, so much popcorn crunching.
Here are some pictures of Mark doing the family thing (and destroying some nachos) at the Lakers vs. Knicks game on Tuesday.
Photos courtesy of WENN
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| Mark Wahlberg on his faith: 'I don't try to push it on anybody & I don't try to hide it' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Mark Wahlberg is promoting his new movie, Lone Survivor, a true story about a group of Navy SEALs in Afghanistan. The story is crushing and the film looks good, but it also looks like the kind of film that will make you hate your life. It always surprises me when Mark mixes in these surprisingly gifted dramatic performances ? even though I think Mark is probably a toolbox, I have to say, he has dramatic chops. He?s a gifted actor who just chooses to do crap most of the time. Anyway, Mark has a new interview with Parade, which you can read here. Some highlights:
He?s a high school-graduate now: [He called] dropping out in ninth grade ?one of my biggest regrets,? and he got his diploma over the summer. ?I didn?t want my kids saying, ?You didn?t finish school?why do we need to???? he says.
His takeaway from Lone Survivor: ?It takes a very special individual to become a SEAL. I felt it was so important to give the guys who never came down off that mountain their due. My wife couldn?t talk for 45 minutes after she saw the movie. All she kept thinking about were the sons and fathers and mothers and daughters out there fighting for our freedom. You take it for granted.?
His hometown, Boston: ?It?s a great blue-collar town. Just look at what happened with the marathon bombings and how people rallied together. When I was watching the World Series, I told my wife and kids how important it was for the city, how much it would mean to people.?
His Sunday routine: ?If the kids are good, I?ll have doughnuts for them at 6:30 in the morning, and I?ll say, ?You guys gotta let Mommy sleep in!? I?ll go to church at 7:30 and everybody will be eating breakfast when I come home. Then we?ll go to church again at 10:30, if things aren?t too hectic. Or if one of the kids has a game we?ll watch them play. It?s a nice family day.?
His faith: ?It?s the most important part of my life. I don?t try to push it on anybody and I don?t try to hide it.?
He loves Legos: ?My sons and I thoroughly enjoy Legos. We go to the toy store every week for more. I never want to take what we build apart; I want to put it on a shelf. My wife is starting to get a little annoyed with the Legos lying around.?
His entourage: ?My wife, the kids, and a wonderful nanny. When I?m filming, all the guys are with me; but if I?m not at work, I?m with my family.?
Feeling like he has something to prove: ?Certainly. I don?t think it was customary for people from a music background to be accepted in film in a serious way. Considering what I had to overcome, I?ve had plenty to motivate me. Even more so today?I?m passionate about what I do. I?m a little older, but I?m not getting lazy!?
[From Parade]
He goes to church twice on Sundays? That?s what I?m getting. Explain it to me, Catholics. He goes to an early mass by himself and then he takes his family with him later? Is that common? I think Mark is probably like many religious people these days ? a misspent youth, years spent chasing the superficial things, then parenthood and adulthood and you go back to your faith. His faith just seems more important to him because he?s a father, I think ? he wants to raise his kids with a set of values and he probably hopes that they aren?t going to have the same kind of misspent youth he had.
Also ? I kind of love that he gives a shout-out to his kids? nanny. In The Mother Wars, it does seem like only the women get asked about nannies and such, so it?s great to see an actor acknowledge that he couldn?t do what he does without a support system that includes his kids? nanny.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Mark Wahlberg graduated from high school at 42: admirable or self serving? | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I harbor mixed feelings for Mark Wahlberg. On one hand, he’s a messy and cringeworthy drunk who can’t hold his liquor on a UK talk show. His huge ego doesn’t earn him any points either. Remember how Mark beat his chest and claimed that only he would have been able to kill all the 9/11 terrorists if given the opportunity? Not too likeable.
Then there’s the Mark Wahlberg of recent years. He’s given some damn amusing interviews lately. Mark’s pontificated about the state of Justin Bieber to great effect. Mark has also expressed startling lucidity about exactly why The Lone Ranger failed. I’m begrudgingly starting to appreciate Marky Mark. Now he’s revealed his newfound success at graduating from high school at age 42. Damn. This story provides a nice counterpoint to certain other celebrity families who place a negative value upon education. What was Mark’s motivation? His family:
I never made it past the ninth grade. My circumstances were not unlike millions of other teens today, who live in tough working class neighborhoods surrounded by drugs, violence and crime, and who struggle to stay on the right path without positive influences.
Most high school dropouts don’t end up with successful careers in Hollywood. I was lucky. Compared with high school graduates, dropouts are more likely to be unemployed, in poor health, living in poverty or on public assistance.
And this doesn’t just affect an unlucky few. Every day, 7,000 students drop out of high school – more than 1.2 million a year. More than 40 million adults nationwide lack a high school diploma. These high school dropouts typically earn $200,000 less than high school graduates over their lifetime.
For me, this crisis isn’t just a national problem. It’s entirely personal.
I was fortunate to find out I could attend high school online. For almost a year, I’ve been taking classes and studying any chance I could get – on the set, traveling for work and at home. It has been both humbling and challenging, but I’m happy to report that I am officially a high school graduate, having received my diploma this summer.
It shouldn’t take luck for people to be able to access the education they need to help overcome life’s obstacles. Investment in education is a no-brainer in promoting personal and career growth and supporting our economic recovery.
We need everyone — families, leaders, and organizations — to step up and take responsibility for their communities’ educational futures.
I was able to do it because I knew I wasn’t alone, that other teens and adults were going through the same thing I was in balancing work and family in order to better themselves. To those students struggling every day and – most importantly — to those who are looking for a second chance, I have a message for you: never give up. Keep believing in yourselves and don’t make small plans.
You are not alone. I can now look at my kids every day knowing that I didn’t just do this for me — I did it for them, and I did it for all the other teens and adults who have inspired me by their commitment to graduate.
If we don’t live by example, then what do we live by? I am proud to re-introduce myself to you today as:
Mark Wahlberg – High School Graduating Class of 2013.
[From HuffPo]
At the above link, Mark provides links to several foundations who help dropouts get back in the graduation game. Sure he’s looking at the big picture, but I like how he was primarily motivated to set a good example for his own kids.
Mark also revealed how Denzel Washington was super curious about what Mark was doing in his trailer during their Two Guns downtime. Mark says he didn’t tell Denzel what was up because he didn’t want to face the humiliation if he didn’t end up graduating this year. Yeah I know Wahlberg can be a d-bag, but I’m proud of ol’ Marky Mark. Katy Perry also urged her Twitter followers to “Stay in school!” I sense a turn in the celebrity tide. Say hi to your mom for me.
Here’s some more pics of Marky Mark while he was promoting Pain and Gain earlier this year. You know I couldn’t resist posting a photo of Mark with Dwayne Johnson at the premiere. Apologies for the douchey Michael Bay.
Photos courtesy of WENN
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| Mark Wahlberg on 'Lone Ranger?: 'Why spend $250mil for 2 dudes on a horse?' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 These are photos of Mark Wahlberg (and Stanley Tucci!) last week on the set of Transformers 4. I would cry some tears for Tucci, but after realizing that John Freaking Malkovich appeared in Transformers 3, I have realized that no actor is above a quick money grab. Meanwhile, Mark is still promoting 2 Guns (his buddy movie with Denzel Washington). Just yesterday, we touched upon two issues of this story. I discussed how Mark told Justin Bieber to pull up his pants and stop acting like a little “b—–“, and Kaiser covered Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp blaming the critics for the abysmal failure of The Lone Ranger.
Now Wahlberg has spoken with the LA Times about the apocalyptic (in industry terms) flop of The Lone Ranger, which has caused Depp to threaten to retire from his rather prolific acting career. As I said a few weeks ago, the problem with Lone Ranger was not only Tonto’s bird-head but the Ranger‘s massive, $250 million (plus publicity) budget. Surprisingly, Mark Wahlberg is of a similar mind:
On The Lone Ranger problem: “First and foremost, the media is targeting all these movies. There’s intense scrutiny on us, way more than before. They are spending so much money to pull the wool over the audience?s eyes with these effects-driven movies. It’s not like Jurassic Park, where you saw something groundbreaking and innovative and said ‘Holy … I gotta see that. Every end-of-the-Earth movie kind of feels the same.’ They?re spending $250 million for two dudes on a horse? Where?s the money going?”
But Wahlberg don’t play that game: “Transformers is a different thing. What Michael’s been able to do is elevate the material and take the human element to a whole other place. Having the father-daughter relationship [that Wahlberg?s character figures into] is so much more interesting. Michael Bay isn’t going to be in a situation where a movie is $100 million over budget. I’ve never seen anyone that can manage the entire thing so single-handedly and seamlessly.”
[From LA Times]
As annoying as Mark Wahlberg usually presents himself to be — remember, he would have killed all the 9/11 terrorists, given the chance — I have to agree. Why did Disney spend $250 million other than to secure Johnny Depp? Sure, they spent several million on special effects and threw a few million the way of an unproven Armie Hammer, but an unjustifiable amount went to Depp. And yes, this was for a Western, and these sorts of movies historically hold absolutely no international appeal. As much as it pains me to admit, at least we know that Wahlberg and Michael Bay’s phallic robots will make enough money to justify their own overblown budget. And Johnny Depp can throw all the tantrums that he desires, but at least he received his salary. This time, anyway.
Photos courtesty of Fame/Flynet
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| Mark Wahlberg Has Advice for Justin Bieber | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Because Mark Wahlberg was once too a little shit, The Sun asked if he had any advice for Justin Bieber. Sadly, it wasn’t, “Say ‘hi’ to your mother for me.”
“Justin, are you listening? Don’t be so naughty, yeah?”
“Be a nice boy, pull your trousers up, make your mom proud and stop smoking weed, you little b**tard.
“He’s a teenager living in a different day and age. I was in prison before I got a record out and I don’t think he’s been to prison.
“He’s a nice enough kid and you’re going to be a teenager, but if you’re being a teen in the spotlight you’re going to be criticized for it. This career can be short-lived – you might as well be the best you can while you’re doing it.”
Marky Mark also said there’s a possibility of them starring in a movie together which could be the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. Not.
“Justin and I were talking about doing a movie, which could still happen,” he said.
“We have a great script that could be a vehicle for him to make his debut in movies, then maybe we could do something for the soundtrack.”
I hope this is a joke because the only way I’d see Justin on the big screen if it was footage of him being pelted with rocks. Not in a Sharia Law sort of way, but, wait, no. Exactly in that sort of way.
The post Mark Wahlberg Has Advice for Justin Bieber appeared first on The Blemish.
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| Mark Wahlberg Drops By 'Late Night with Jimmy Fallon' | Added 11 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Taking care of some media duties, Mark Wahlberg headed over to Rockefeller Plaza in New York City for an appearance on ?Late Night with Jimmy Fallon? last night (July 29).
The ?Planet of the Apes? hunk looked handsome in a dark suit as he talked about his current project, ?Transformers 4.?
Mark began,?We?re shooting ?Transformers? right now in Detroit. And Detroit is not what people think. My wife was terrified to come to Detroit. She was like, ?We just heard they went bankrupt. I don?t want to go to Detroit to vacation for two weeks with the kids in the middle of the summer.??
?And I said, ?Actually it?s really nice.? And they came and they had a blast. Detroit is a great, great city. And hopefully people continue to bring more business there and help the economy there.?
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| Mark Wahlberg & Denzel Washington: '2 Guns' Reshoots in LA | Added 11 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Taking care of some last-minute details, Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington were busy on the set of their new flick ?2 Guns? in Los Angeles last night (May 16).
The ?Boogie Nights? hunk and his ?American Gangster? partner-in-crime looked intense as they filmed some re-shoots at an outdoor location while shutterbugs looked on.
During a recent interview, Mark confessed that in spite of his massive success he still wishes he would?ve graduated high school. Last month he visited TC Williams School to offer guidance.
Wahlberg shared, "One of the big regrets in my life is that I didn't finish school. I quit when I was in the ninth grade... I didn't have too many people to look up to so the key for me to really make an impact was just to speak to [high schoolers] directly ? tell them about my story."
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| Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington Bring "2 Guns" to the Summer of Sony | Added 11 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Posing with a truckload of cash, Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington attended the "2 Guns" photo call at the 5th Annual Summer Of Sony at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Cancun, Mexico on Saturday (April 20).
The "Boogie Nights" star wore a blue polo shirt and dark jeans while he struck some tough poses alongside the "Flight" stud, who chose a simple black T-shirt and jeans.
Directed by Baltasar Kormkur, the action flick follows a DEA agent and an undercover Naval Intelligence officer who have been tasked with investigating one another, and find they have been set up by the mob -- the very organization the two men believe they have been stealing money from.
Joining the handsome pair in the film are Paula Patton, James Marsden, Bill Paxton, and Edward James Olmos. "2 Guns" hits theaters on August 2nd.
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| Mark Wahlberg and Diddy Join Forces for AQUAhydrate | Added 12 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Teaming up to venture into the water biz, Sean "Diddy" Combs and Mark Wahlberg launched AQUAhydrate in Los Angeles on Wednesday (February 27).
According to the "Ted" star, the water combines performance grade electrolytes "without sugar and calories found in traditional sports drinks."
Doing his best to push his new product, Diddy tweeted all day on Wednesday about the brand, saying, "Who would have thought two men from the inner city would have the audacity to change the water industry! Hard work pays off #AQUAHYDRATEDAY."
In a statement, Mark added, "This is a truly innovative company, and I?m thrilled to be part of it. We all strive to do the best we can for our bodies but sometimes schedules, stress and other factors get in the way. AQUAhydrate helps me achieve the balance my body needs, no matter what."
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| Mark Wahlberg Does the Weather | Added 12 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Mark Wahlberg was in Philly this morning to promote Broken Cityand because he has nothing better to do, he did the weather on Fox 29?sGood Day Philadelphia. These actors are taking our jobs!
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