| | |  | Sandra Bullock News & Gossip
| Sandra Bullock tries to save Ryan Reynolds Scarlett's marriage | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 It?s no secret that Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds are friends. The two have apparently known each other for years - but they also starred together in this year?s hit film The Proposal. I know some people just adore both of them, or just Sandra, or whatever, but I didn?t care for that particular publicity tour. It sometimes seemed like Sandra and Ryan were trying to out-smug each other during joint interviews - and I know Sandra isn?t really like that, so I?ll just blame Ryan. In one particular interview, Ryan and Sandra praised each other?s marriage, with Ryan telling Sandra ?I love that your marriage ? and forgive the ineloquence here ? is not for sale.? To which Sandra replied, ?We?re very similar in that way.?
Sandra?s marriage might be in good standing - but there have been quite a few rumors about Ryan and his wife Scarlett Johansson the past few months. They?ve allegedly been fighting about everything from her career (something about how she works too much) to all of the fanboys falling all over themselves for her, to babies, to Ryan?s ex-girlfriend Alanis Morissette?s tell-all book, to all of those rumors that Ryan is really, really unpleasant in person. According to multiple reports, ScarJo and Ryan got into some kind of huge screaming fight just before Comic Con, which ?caused such a rift between them that Ryan refused to attend the conference and he told Scarlett she could go alone. She got so angry she threatened to take off her wedding band.? After the drama settled, it seemed Ryan turned to his good friend Sandy for some marriage counseling:
Sandra Bullock has gone from ?Miss Congeniality? to marriage counselor.,, she is helping Ryan Reynolds save his rocky marriage to Scarlett Johansson, say sources.
?Ryan and Scarlett have been going through a rough patch,? revealed an insider. ?Sandra is helping them weather it. She told them that every marriage has its problems - hers included. But she says they can get through it if they?re willing to put the time and effort into making things work, even if it means going to couples counseling.?
Scarlett, 24, was upset because of Ryan?s motorcycle riding, which she considers too risky. Then his former fiance, singer Alanis Morissette, threatened to write a tell-all book.
The couple, who were married in Vancouver last September, reportedly had a major blowup in San Diego.
Sandra - an old friend of Ryan?s - saw what happening and stepped in to provide some wise relationship advice.
?No one knows better than Sandra how to juggle marriage with a Hollywood career,? said the insider. ?Her relationship with Jesse James has been solid since they got hitched more than four years ago.?
?Because Sandra and Jesse seemed so different, no one gave their union much hope for lasting as long as it has. Sandra told Ryan the most important thing is that he and Scarlett need to make time for one another, even though they both have busy schedules.?
?She told him, ?There is no substitute for togetherness.? Sandra pointed out that she and Jesse take quick vacations together - just hopping on the back of his bike and hitting the road.?
Ryan listens to Sandra, says the insider, because ?he has tremendous respect for her as a person and an actress.?
[From the National Enquirer, print edition, September 14 2009]
I know a lot of people like Scarlett and Ryan as a couple - even my mom likes them, for goodness sake - but I really don?t think it?s going to last. Maybe I?m way off-base, and I totally admit I?ve read some relationships incorrectly in the past. But I just don?t get a happy vibe off Ryan and ScarJo. I think he seems like he would be a massive pain in the ass as a husband, and ScarJo seems like her top priority is her career (which is fine, in my book - she?s 24 years old, if she wants to work, she should work). It won?t really matter if Sandra brings her magic touch - not even The Bullock can save this union.
Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds are shown at a photocall for The Proposal in Madrid on 6/26/09 and at the movie’s premiere on 6/1/09. Credit: WENN.com
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| Sandra Bullock is a hot mess at 'All About Steve' premiere | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Sandra Bullock has never been any kind of fashion icon. I think that?s part of the reason women love her - she usually gets something wrong on the red carpet. She?ll put on a beautiful dress, and her hair will be crazy. Or she?ll pair some low-key, romantic dress with rocker-chick, too-heavy makeup. Or she tries to be ?high-fashion? and she just looks ridiculous. Which is what happened at last night?s All About Steve premiere in Hollywood. Take a good look at everything that?s going wrong with Sandra. It?s not just a horrible-looking (and what seems to be a horribly-constructed) dress. It?s the ankle booties that cut off the line of her beautiful, toned legs. It?s the screwed up, too-messy-to-be-classy/not-messy-enough-to-be-high-fashion hair. The topping on the cupcake is that in most of the pictures from last night, Sandra Bullock is posing like a truck driver. She?s such a hot mess, I can?t stop giggling. Bless her heart. She?s one of us.
Of course Bradley Cooper was at the premiere too - but he didn?t bring his new (squinty) girlfriend Renee Zellweger. He walked the carpet solo, when he wasn?t posing with his truck-driver-stanced costar Sandy. He looked incredibly dashing in a dark charcoal three-piece suit with no tie, working slicked-back (greasy?) hair and a little stubble on his face. His look is actually doing it for me, even if he looks more ?stock broker? than ?Hollywood?. Bullock told Radar Online at the premiere that as a producer on the film, she hand-picked Bradley to star with her, saying ?It was important for me to get the actor that I wanted, which was Bradley, which was before The Hangover. So I wanted Bradley the actor who I loved from Wedding Crashers.? She also joked that she kept her figure looking so good with ?Lipo - lots of it - tons of liposuction!?
I keep seeing the ads for this movie, but Bradley and Sandra haven?t been promoting the hell out it with tons of interviews. The only big one I could find from Bullock was this one from Parade. Here are some of the highlights:
On Stalking: “How else do you get dates? I learned that you have to stalk and then make it look very innocent. Then once you get them you sort of shred receipts and you do things that sort of cover the paper trail of your stalking. I think it’s a necessary evil to sort of lure in your prey.”
On the sexism of labeling women ?weird?: “I didn’t want [my All About Steve character] Mary to change. I wanted her to continue being who she was and being okay with it. She didn’t think she was flawed. Society made her feel flawed and question how she lived her life. And let’s not ignore sexism. Why is it that men are called ‘unique’ and ‘eccentric’ and ‘mavericks’ when they’re different, but women are labeled as ‘odd’ or just plain ‘weird?’ It’s about being unconventional and being true to who you are. Not fitting in often means you’re really standing out.”
On the message of rom-coms, and reflections on her career: “If I can do anything in this time of my career, it’s to make it easier for girls who are growing up not to feel they have to wind up with someone to complete them. You know, I complete me. I’m just lucky that after I completed myself, I met someone who could tolerate me. I love good romantic comedies, but there’s more to life than just looking for the right guy.”
[From Parade]
There is more to life that looking for the right guy. So why keep making movie after movie about that very thing? Although I will Bullock credit - she infuses many of her romantic comedies with a heavy vein of genuine feminism. Unfortunately, most romantic comedies aren?t produced by Sandy.
Photo credit: Juan Rico/Fame Pictures
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| Sandra Bullock Premieres 'All About Steve' | Added 15 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 She’s no stranger to big movie events and last night (August 26) Sandra Bullock was all smiles at the premiere of “All About Steve.”
The “Miss Congeniality” actress looked lovely as she arrived at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood sporting a red and purple top with a black skirt and black heels.
And there wasn’t any shortage of man candy either- costars Bradley Cooper and Thomas Hayden Church were both in the house for the big shindig as well.
“All About Steve” is about a woman who is convinced that a CNN cameraman is her true love. An eccentric crossword puzzler, she trails him as he travels all over the country, hoping to convince him that they belong together. It hits theaters September 4th.
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 She’s absolutely thrilled at the overwhelming success of her latest movie “The Proposal,” and Sandra Bullock is convinced her nude scene in the film had something to do with it.
In a recent interview the “Miss Congeniality” actress revealed that she’s willing to go sans clothes in all of her upcoming films if it means posting big numbers at the box office.
She explained, “Box office like this — I’m going to be naked in every single film!… I’m going to be 70 years old — everything like hanging down, and I’m just going to walk by in random people’s films.”
Sandra continued, “Come on, can you imagine me at 70, walking naked in whose film? Zac Efron! Zac Efron doing a big film –there I am, running naked in the background. Just back and forth until someone notices. Big box office – they’re all going to want me in their film!”
Continuing on, Bullock said that the key is to be “naked and funny” rather than trying to be seductive. “If you’re naked and you’re trying to be sexy, you don’t really make as much money as if you’re naked and you’re funny. And Will Ferrell has been onto that for quite some time. Have you noticed how he drops his trousers in every single film? I’m going to do that from now on. Action film — all naked!”
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| Sandra Bullock wants to get naked again | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Sandra Bullock is so happy that The Proposal is at the top of the box office (currently at #5, an all time high for Bullock!) that she’s promised to get naked in every movie from now on. She says Will Ferrell does it all the time and look at how bright his star is. Ugh to everything she said.
“Box office like this – I’m going to be naked in every single film!… I’m going to be 70 years old – everything like hanging down, and I’m just going to walk by in random people’s films,” she told GMTV’s BEN SHEPHARD.
“Come on, can you imagine me at 70, walking naked in whose film? Zac Efron! Zac Efron doing a big film – there I am, running naked in the background. Just back and forth until someone notices. Big box office – they’re all going to want me in their film!”
“If you’re naked and you’re trying to be sexy, you don’t really make as much money as if you’re naked and you’re funny,” she said.
Yes, I can imagine that. I can also imagine Zac shrieking like a girl and putting his hands over his eyes not just because he recoils at the sight of tits, but also because naked 70-year-old are saggy and scary. Great. Now there’s no way for me to un-imagine it.
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 Sandra Bullock is on the cover girl of fashion magazine InStyle Czech for the month of July 2009.
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| Sandra Bullock Ryan Reynolds: our marriages are not for sale, they tell People | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I wasn?t even going to report on any of the press Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds are doing for their film The Proposal. The film looks terrible, it will probably crash and burn, and Ryan and Sandra are out there saying whatever they can to get press for it. But this interview they did with People Magazine was just annoying.
Apparently, Sandra and her husband Jesse James are very close to Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson. Which is fine. I now know this because Sandra and Ryan talked about their marriages and how close they are? to People Magazine. But then there was this little piece of cognitive dissonance. Ryan is trying to praise Sandra for keeping stuff about her marriage out of the press, and he says ?I love that your marriage ? and forgive the ineloquence here ? is not for sale.? And then Sandra replies, ?We’re very similar in that way.? They say to People Magazine. If it?s not for sale, why are you talking about your marriage to promote your film?
You’ve known each other for a while. How has fame changed Ryan?
Bullock: The person I met years ago [through a friend] is the same person sitting next to me now. No change in the humility, talent, kindness. He could’ve become an ass—-. But not a damn thing has changed, other than that his bikes get more expensive.
Reynolds: I think you have to start that way. Fame only amplifies a certain disposition.
Bullock: I agree. Unless you’re a child in the industry and that’s all you know. That’s a sad, sad thing.
Reynolds: There’s nothing worse than hearing a 6-year-old demand Voss water. I’ve seen it.
You and Jesse and Scarlett are all close. Why do you get along so well?
Reynolds: [To Bullock] I love that your marriage ? and forgive the ineloquence here ? is not for sale.
Bullock: We’re very similar in that way. There’s an honor and a level of integrity that exists in their home that I really admire … [To Reynolds] I’m just happy you found a good human being. They both take excellent care of each other and they’re honorable, beautiful people.
Speaking of beauty, you two are quite naked in that one scene. How was it to film?
Bullock: I’d never done one before. [To Reynolds] You?
Reynolds: I’ve done a couple where I’ve … yeah, a little bit.
Bullock: Were they like sex scenes?
Reynolds: I don’t think I’ve ever done one that wasn’t supposed to be funny.
It’s not just a nude scene. You’re literally smushed up against each other.
Reynolds: Yeah ? nudity and stunts. Not usually synonymous.
Comfort level aside, you’d cover up between takes, right?
Reynolds: I wasn’t grazing at the snack bar without pants.
Bullock: Next to [costar] Betty White.
Reynolds: Yeah, I didn’t go have lunch with Betty.
[From People]
Personally, I don?t really care who talks about their marriage or their kids in the press. There?s a ?too much information? line that can be crossed, for sure, but most of the time I get more enjoyment out of hearing about someone?s marriage or their family than whatever boring story about making the film. Here?s what I can?t stand - when someone smugly proclaims that they won?t talk about their marriage or family when there?s a mountain of evidence of the celebrity doing just that. Remember Sandra Bullock?s 2006 Vanity Fair interview where she talked about Jesse? Or how about every time she?s promoted a film since she?s been married? Once again, that?s fine. It?s the smug ?my marriage is not for sale? line that annoys me.
Here are Sandra and Ryan at the premiere of ‘The Proposal’ at The El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood on June 1st. Images thanks to WENN.com .
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| Sandra Bullock isn't sure if she?ll have babies | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Sandra Bullock, 44, is gearing up for her promotional tour of that horrible-looking romantic-comedy The Proposal, costarring Ryan Reynolds. The Proposal is out in June, so obviously Sandra is the June cover girl for Harper?s Bazaar (story via US Weekly). The cover is actually lovely - Sandra looks about fifteen years younger, and her hair is styled beautifully.
The interview is pretty much the same interview Sandra has given for the past three years. A little about how surprised she is to find herself settled down with husband Jesse James, stuff about how she?s not sure if she?ll ever have children, blah, blah. She doesn?t talk about her stepchildren (Jesse has two daughters and a son from previous relationships), which I totally understand. But still, I feel like I?ve read this stuff a million times from her. I think that Sandra is trying to be boring, a.k.a. ?pull a Jennifer Garner?. Like, Sandra doesn?t want publicity for anything other her films, so when she has to put herself out there on promotional duties, she just says the same stuff over and over:
Sandra Bullock isn’t sure she and husband Jesse James will have kids.
“You don’t have to give birth to someone to have a family. I’m not going to spend two seconds of my life wishing I had something I don’t,” The Proposal (out June 19) actress, 44, tells the June issue of Harper?s Bazaar.
“It’s hard to do it your way when you hear everyone else telling you to do it their way,” she continues. “I just want people to admit that there’s no one way to live your life.
But that doesn’t mean she won’t change her mind later.
“Of course, I don’t know what’s going to happen,” she says.
Bullock married James, the CEO of West Coast Choppers and host of Motorcycle Mania, in July 2005. She’s had to adjust to letting him take care of her.
“I’ve had to learn a hard lesson in that I’m not allowed to open car doors anymore,” she says. “It was so hard for me to allow someone to take care of me. It’s not because I can’t take care of myself. But Jesse was like, ‘Just let me do this.’”
Ever since entering her 40s, she’s let go of a lot of hangups.
“I didn’t have a teenage or early-20s experience that was free and without worry. I missed the screw-everything, have-a-good-time phase,” she says. “I was worried that if I didn’t stay on track and work, work, work, I was never going to accomplish anything.
“Now I’m trying to have fun and have the freedom to do nothing,” she goes on.
[From US Weekly]
I used to be a huge Sandra Bullock fan, back in the day. She just seemed so funny and real, truly like someone who could be your funny, crazy neighbor. Not so much any more, at least to me. Part of it is probably that Sandra has grown up a lot over the past few years, after losing her mother and marrying Jesse James. I totally understand that - she?s not so ?girlish? any more, she?s a woman. But why is this new Sandra Bullock still making the same crappy romantic comedies? And don?t say that she?s an actress and she?s just going where the work is… Sandra is a powerful producer who can greenlight a film. She can pick and choose her projects, and it just seems like she?s chosen to do the same old crap that got me disliking her in the first place.
Here?s Sandra filming ‘The Proposal’ in New York City on June 6th. Images thanks to WENN.com .
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| Sandra Bullock Fuels Up, Goes Off Roading | Added 16 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Out for a leisurely Sunday drive, Sandra Bullock was spotted gassing up her Audi A6 near her home in Seal Beach yesterday (March 1).
The “Miss Congeniality” hottie looked a bit annoyed with the paparazzi as she pumped gas, sporting a black top and a pair of worn-in jeans.
Sandra was also spotted fulfilling her need for speed with her husband Jesse James as they headed off to ride their dirt bikes on some off-road trails.
The two lovebirds packed up their truck and bid Jesse’s children farewell as they headed off to Starbucks before their extreme sporting adventure.
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| Sandra Bullock To Star in 'Blindside' | Added 16 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Sandra Bullock is set to star in ?The Blindside,? a sports drama based on the best-selling novel by Michael Lewis.The film tells the true story of football player Michael Oher, who is projected to be one of the first players selected in this year?s NFL draft.Bullock’s film credits include “Speed,” “Hope Floats,” “Miss Congeniality,” “The Lake House,” “Crash” and “Infamous.”
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