 Rose McGowan is justifiably angry. For years, she?s been trying to get people to pay attention to her story, to take her seriously as a victim. This is an example of the power Harvey Weinstein wielded – her career has been stalled for years, more than a decade, because she dared to say no to him, dared to complain, dared to never forget. Rose?s Twitter feed is very interesting these days – she?s calling out the men who have enabled and continue to enable Harvey Weinstein and the other Harveys out there. She?s saying outright that The Weinstein Company?s board needs to resign. She?s saying outright that all of the men whose careers were nurtured by Weinstein – men like Colin Firth, Quentin Tarantino, Kevin Smith, Daniel Day Lewis, Ryan Coogler & more – need to step up and speak out against Weinstein. Here?s more, from an interview she did with The Hollywood Reporter:
Rose McGowan on Sunday night spoke about the entire “bro nature” of Hollywood hours after it was announced that Harvey Weinstein had been fired from his own company. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, McGowan said the old way Hollywood functioned in regard to the treatment of women is done.
“Men in Hollywood need to change ASAP,” McGowan told THR. “Hollywood?s power is dying because society has changed and grown, and yet Hollywood male behavior has not. It is so not a good look. In the way cooler than Hollywood world I live and work in, I am actually embarrassed to be associated with it. The men of Hollywood need to know they own no woman. The days of Entourage-like behavior and thinking is as dated as your largely bro nature.”
With Weinstein out, McGowan said the next step was crystal clear, in her mind.
“I?m calling on the board to resign effective immediately,” she said. “And for other men to stop other men when they are being disgusting.”
McGowan, who early Sunday night shared the painting St. Michael Trampling the Dragon by Raphael (St. Michael is the patron saint of the warrior and of chivalry) on Twitter, also told THR that she had a message for females in Hollywood.
“And for the women in Hollywood, free your minds,” she said. “There are no ‘rules’ you have to play by. We affect the world?s mind because we are creating and disseminating thought propaganda. There is a great responsibility to be better than you have to be. Stand for women. Stand for truth. Stop hurting us. Rise.”
[From The Hollywood Reporter]
You know what?s slightly painful? The realization that Rose would like to speak even more freely about Harvey Weinstein specifically, but she still can?t do it, probably because of a non-disclosure agreement as part of her settlement with him in the 1990s. She?s still afraid of being sued, and let?s face it: she has good reason to be scared. He would totally sue her. He?s keeping a list, I?m absolutely positive.
As for the idea of TWC?s board needing to resign – three board members (all men) did resign last Friday. The Wrap reported yesterday that now that TWC has officially pushed out Harvey Weinstein, they want to rename the company, something without ?Weinstein? in the name. Because sure, this is PURELY A BRANDING ISSUE. JFC, dudes. I get wanting to change the name of the company, but deal with the most immediate concerns, like the fact that you?re about to be sued by, like, half of your former female employees and probably dozens of actresses.
Photos courtesy of WENN.