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Emilia Clarke News & Gossip
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Emilia Clarke: 'If you look emaciated & full of self-loathing you don't look beautiful'
Added 5 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emilia Clarke: 'If you look emaciated & full of self-loathing you don't look beautiful'
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A post shared by Stylist Magazine (@stylistmagazine) on May 8, 2019 at 8:37am PDT

22-Apr-2021 :Emilia Clarke joins Marvel?s ?Secret Invasion,? coming to Disney+
14-Sep-2020 :It looks like Matt Smith went on a date with Emilia Clarke & they?re both...
20-Mar-2020 :Emilia Clarke is still talking about GoT: Jon Snow ?got away with murder ...
3-Feb-2020 :Emilia Clarke in Schiaparelli at the BAFTAs: bizarre or pretty?
5-Dec-2019 :Emilia Clarke: ?We don?t look at grief properly, your perspective on life...
20-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke: Game of Thrones producers manipulated me into doing more n...
11-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke wishes people would stop spoiling the big ?twist? of ?Last ...
7-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke on recovering from brain hemorrhages: ?every single nurse w...
23-Sep-2019 :Emilia Clarke in a rich, jewel-tone Valentino at the Emmys: gorgeous or b...
27-May-2019 :Emilia Clarke said no to ?Fifty Shades? because she didn?t want to do mor...
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Emilia Clarke on her brain hemorrhage: I knew right away it meant brain damage
Added 5 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emilia Clarke on her brain hemorrhage: I knew right away it meant brain damage
Two weeks ago, Emilia Clarke penned an incredibly well written essay for the New Yorker in which she revealed that she?d suffered two brain hemorrhages, two years apart, in between filming seasons of Game of Thrones. Her essay was masterful in that she managed to convey how painful and scary it was but she never sounded self-pitying and she didn?t even use flowery language. In an appearance on The Late Show this week, Emilia gave an extra detail about her hemorrhage which was not in her article. She said that she realized as it was happening that she was suffering brain damage and that she actively worked to try to counteract that. She was just as matter-of-fact in her description of that as she was in her writing. I am so impressed with her.

On her brain hemorrhages

I suffered two brain hemorrhages while we were filming. Right after we shot season one and right after we shot season three. The best way to describe it is it?s the worst headache a human could manage to experience.

What did you think was going on [as you experienced that]?

I genuinely knew I was being brain damaged. You?re incredibly ill and you?ve got this horrific headache. I knew that meant brain damage. I tried to keep as active as possible, move my fingers, toes, hands, ask myself questions. Really trying to force my memory to work to stay conscious.

How did you know that would help you?

The mind is an extraordinary thing. I just knew. Not today.

People die frequently from this. Did it change your attitude to life?

It made me petrified most of the time. At some point you start to realize how lucky you are. The perspective that gives you is enormous and that is for the rest of your life.

[From The Late Show]

Emilia is getting the most headlines for admitting she told her mom how Game of Thrones ended. Her mom has already forgotten though! My mom is like that, she would forget, and I would have told her too. Emilia said that after she read the final season she went for a walk for two hours because it was hard to take. She said it was really hard not to spoil the ending because she so wants to talk about it. (That must be what happened to Maisie Williams, although I heard that was an April Fool?s joke.) She also made fun of Kit Harrington because he always complains about his heavy cloak and the cold weather for when he films. She said she has to film in the heat all day and it?s way harder.

As for Emilia?s brain hemorrhages and realizing that she needed to keep active, I heard a fascinating story from Jill Bolte Taylor, a brain scientist who had a stroke and realized as it was happening. She had the background to recognize and observe how she was processing information differently. Taylor wrote the book My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientists Personal Journey (I have not read it) where she describes having a stroke and her recovery. Emilia could easily write a book about everything she?s gone through and I?m sure it would be a bestseller.

Heres Emilias interview!

Emilia has also started a charity called to help young adults recover from brain injuries. Shes asking other people to share their recovery stories.

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?? A million million thank you?s to everyone who has read shared and sent love for my story, it?s a beautiful thing to behold and I can?t quite believe how many of you this has affected! #??@sameyouorg is ready to hear your stories, how you recovered and what could have made that recovery experience better. By hearing your stories we can build a case for an improved aftercare experience for all in the futurewho wouldn?t want that! #sameyoucharity #love #sometimestheworldshowsyouwhatkindesslookslike #thankyou #?? #?? #?

A post shared by @ emilia_clarke on Mar 22, 2019 at 9:13am PDT

22-Apr-2021 :Emilia Clarke joins Marvel?s ?Secret Invasion,? coming to Disney+
14-Sep-2020 :It looks like Matt Smith went on a date with Emilia Clarke & they?re both...
20-Mar-2020 :Emilia Clarke is still talking about GoT: Jon Snow ?got away with murder ...
3-Feb-2020 :Emilia Clarke in Schiaparelli at the BAFTAs: bizarre or pretty?
5-Dec-2019 :Emilia Clarke: ?We don?t look at grief properly, your perspective on life...
20-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke: Game of Thrones producers manipulated me into doing more n...
11-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke wishes people would stop spoiling the big ?twist? of ?Last ...
7-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke on recovering from brain hemorrhages: ?every single nurse w...
23-Sep-2019 :Emilia Clarke in a rich, jewel-tone Valentino at the Emmys: gorgeous or b...
27-May-2019 :Emilia Clarke said no to ?Fifty Shades? because she didn?t want to do mor...
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Emilia Clarke suffered two burst brain aneurysms in between seasons of 'GoT'
Added 5 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emilia Clarke suffered two burst brain aneurysms in between seasons of 'GoT'
Emilia Clarke, 32, has always come across as friendly and sweet. Shes mesmerizing as badass Daenerys on Game of Thrones but I also enjoyed her performance as a cutesy goof in Me Before You, and she was similarly great in Solo: A Star Wars Story, although the movie was a bit lacking. Shes an excellent actress who always comes across as gracious. Early in her career she was secretly dealing with a horrific medical condition. Emilia has revealed that she suffered a burst brain aneurysm right after filming for the first season of Game of Thrones wrapped. She has published an essay in The New Yorker describing what happened to her.

In 2011, at the age of 24, she had successful brain surgery through her groin and recovered. She suffered complications from a second surgery in 2013, for another aneurysm which burst on the operating table. Doctors had to go in through her skull that time and repair it with titanium. Her prognosis was bleak and she felt hopeless. Luckily she had SAG insurance for her second surgery (in the US, her first was in London) and time off from filming. She recovered and only one outlet, The National Enquirer, reported it. She denied that story but as Game of Thrones is about to air their eighth and final season she wanted to disclose it. I came away from this so impressed with her. Even as shes describing awful conditions where she could have died, shes careful to say her situation isnt any worse than someone elses. Shes also an excellent writer.

The recovery from her first brain surgery in 2011 was tough

That first surgery was what is known as ?minimally invasive,? meaning that they did not open up my skull. Rather, using a technique called endovascular coiling, the surgeon introduced a wire into one of the femoral arteries, in the groin; the wire made its way north, around the heart, and to the brain, where they sealed off the aneurysm.

The operation lasted three hours. When I woke, the pain was unbearable. I had no idea where I was. My field of vision was constricted. There was a tube down my throat and I was parched and nauseated. They moved me out of the I.C.U. after four days and told me that the great hurdle was to make it to the two-week mark. If I made it that long with minimal complications, my chances of a good recovery were high.

She couldnt remember her name

One night, after I?d passed that crucial mark, a nurse woke me and, as part of a series of cognitive exercises, she said, ?What?s your name?? My full name is Emilia Isobel Euphemia Rose Clarke. But now I couldn?t remember it. Instead, nonsense words tumbled out of my mouth and I went into a blind panic. I?d never experienced fear like that?a sense of doom closing in. I could see my life ahead, and it wasn?t worth living. I am an actor; I need to remember my lines. Now I couldn?t recall my name.

I was suffering from a condition called aphasia, a consequence of the trauma my brain had suffered. Even as I was muttering nonsense, my mum did me the great kindness of ignoring it and trying to convince me that I was perfectly lucid. But I knew I was faltering. In my worst moments, I wanted to pull the plug. I asked the medical staff to let me die. My job?my entire dream of what my life would be?centered on language, on communication. Without that, I was lost.

I was sent back to the I.C.U. and, after about a week, the aphasia passed. I was able to speak. I knew my name?all five bits. But I was also aware that there were people in the beds around me who didn?t make it out of the I.C.U. I was continually reminded of just how fortunate I was. One month after being admitted, I left the hospital, longing for a bath and fresh air. I had press interviews to do and, in a matter of weeks, I was scheduled to be back on the set of ?Game of Thrones.?

Doctors found a second aneurysm

I went back to my life, but, while I was in the hospital, I was told that I had a smaller aneurysm on the other side of my brain, and it could ?pop? at any time. The doctors said, though, that it was small and it was possible it would remain dormant and harmless indefinitely. We would just keep a careful watch.

The second brain surgery in 2013 had complications

While I was still in New York for the play, with five days left on my sag insurance, I went in for a brain scan?something I now had to do regularly. The growth on the other side of my brain had doubled in size, and the doctor said we should ?take care of it.? I was promised a relatively simple operation, easier than last time. Not long after, I found myself in a fancy-pants private room at a Manhattan hospital. My parents were there. ?See you in two hours,? my mum said, and off I went for surgery, another trip up the femoral artery to my brain. No problem.

Except there was. When they woke me, I was screaming in pain. The procedure had failed. I had a massive bleed and the doctors made it plain that my chances of surviving were precarious if they didn?t operate again. This time they needed to access my brain in the old-fashioned way?through my skull. And the operation had to happen immediately.

The recovery was even more painful than it had been after the first surgery. I looked as though I had been through a war more gruesome than any that Daenerys experienced. I emerged from the operation with a drain coming out of my head. Bits of my skull had been replaced by titanium. These days, you can?t see the scar that curves from my scalp to my ear, but I didn?t know at first that it wouldn?t be visible. And there was, above all, the constant worry about cognitive or sensory losses. Would it be concentration? Memory? Peripheral vision? Now I tell people that what it robbed me of is good taste in men. But, of course, none of this seemed remotely funny at the time.

I spent a month in the hospital again and, at certain points, I lost all hope. I couldn?t look anyone in the eye. There was terrible anxiety, panic attacks. I was raised never to say, ?It?s not fair?; I was taught to remember that there is always someone who is worse off than you. But, going through this experience for the second time, all hope receded. I felt like a shell of myself. So much so that I now have a hard time remembering those dark days in much detail. My mind has blocked them out. But I do remember being convinced that I wasn?t going to live. And, what?s more, I was sure that the news of my illness would get out. And it did?for a fleeting moment. Six weeks after the surgery, the National Enquirer ran a short story. A reporter asked me about it and I denied it.

But now, after keeping quiet all these years, I?m telling you the truth in full. Please believe me: I know that I am hardly unique, hardly alone. Countless people have suffered far worse, and with nothing like the care I was so lucky to receive.

[From The New Yorker]

I remember when Sharon Stone revealed that shed suffered a stroke in 2001 and had to take two years just to relearn how to speak and walk. Everyones brain injury is different, but I get the impression that Emilias recovery was tougher than she explained. Thats just her style though, she realizes shes lucky to be alive and is grateful for that and for her treatment. I love the joke she cracked about her surgery robbing her of her taste in men! I want to see great things for her after Game of Thrones, and Im sure we will.

22-Apr-2021 :Emilia Clarke joins Marvel?s ?Secret Invasion,? coming to Disney+
14-Sep-2020 :It looks like Matt Smith went on a date with Emilia Clarke & they?re both...
20-Mar-2020 :Emilia Clarke is still talking about GoT: Jon Snow ?got away with murder ...
3-Feb-2020 :Emilia Clarke in Schiaparelli at the BAFTAs: bizarre or pretty?
5-Dec-2019 :Emilia Clarke: ?We don?t look at grief properly, your perspective on life...
20-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke: Game of Thrones producers manipulated me into doing more n...
11-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke wishes people would stop spoiling the big ?twist? of ?Last ...
7-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke on recovering from brain hemorrhages: ?every single nurse w...
23-Sep-2019 :Emilia Clarke in a rich, jewel-tone Valentino at the Emmys: gorgeous or b...
27-May-2019 :Emilia Clarke said no to ?Fifty Shades? because she didn?t want to do mor...
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Emilia Clarke in pink Balmain at the Oscars: so pretty and perfect
Added 6 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emilia Clarke in pink Balmain at the Oscars: so pretty and perfect
Emilia Clarke presented the RBG song Ill Fight performed by Jennifer Hudson. She was in a a striking lilac column gown by Balmain with lines of tiny sequins all over and an asymmetric neckline. This looked amazing on camera I love the way it folded and shimmered. When I see such intricate tiny work like this I wonder if its handmade or if the sequins are machined on. I always like seeing Emilia, she has such a great attitude and it shows.

Sarah Paulson was in a crazy Pink Brandon Maxwell cinched sack gown with side cutouts. This is bad but it looked kind of interesting on screen, from the back, as it was drama. The back is open and the top was like a cape. It was definitely weird though.

Melissa McCarthy was also in Brandon Maxwell, in an expertly fitted black and white gown with a full on long cape. This wasnt Melissas year to win an Oscar but shell get another shot at it.

Presenter Amandla Stenberg was in a flapper-like Miu Miu gown featuring tiny rows of sequin chains draped from the bodice and layers of fringe at the bottom. This was fun and I liked it on her.

photos credit: WENN and

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22-Apr-2021 :Emilia Clarke joins Marvel?s ?Secret Invasion,? coming to Disney+
14-Sep-2020 :It looks like Matt Smith went on a date with Emilia Clarke & they?re both...
20-Mar-2020 :Emilia Clarke is still talking about GoT: Jon Snow ?got away with murder ...
3-Feb-2020 :Emilia Clarke in Schiaparelli at the BAFTAs: bizarre or pretty?
5-Dec-2019 :Emilia Clarke: ?We don?t look at grief properly, your perspective on life...
20-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke: Game of Thrones producers manipulated me into doing more n...
11-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke wishes people would stop spoiling the big ?twist? of ?Last ...
7-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke on recovering from brain hemorrhages: ?every single nurse w...
23-Sep-2019 :Emilia Clarke in a rich, jewel-tone Valentino at the Emmys: gorgeous or b...
27-May-2019 :Emilia Clarke said no to ?Fifty Shades? because she didn?t want to do mor...
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Emilia Clarke wore antebellum Valentino at the 'solo: A Star Wars Story' premiere
Added 6 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emilia Clarke wore antebellum Valentino at the 'solo: A Star Wars Story' premiere
Here are some photos from the giant LA premiere for Solo: A Star Wars Story. This film will probably make a billion dollars without breaking a sweat, but I still hope the shambolic energy around these Star Wars spinoffs gets tamped down in the future. The producers need to start planning sh-t out better so these films won?t need to replace the directors in the middle of production. They also need to figure out a way to make these movies without needing six weeks of reshoots at a cost of $100 million or whatever.

Anyway, enjoy the fashion and the men. Emilia Clarke has blonde hair right now because I guess she?s currently filming the last season of Game of Thrones, wherein the Mother of Dragons is banging her nephew. Emilia wore Valentino to this premiere and? how do you feel about this? The rich color would have looked better if Emilia was back to brunette. I don?t hate the fabric. I do dislike the Scarlett O?Hara vibes though. She looks like she?s about to argue against tearing down a Robert E. Lee statue.

Poor Alden Ehrenreich. They should have just made Lando: A Star Wars Story.

Speaking of Lando, here?s Donald Glover. He is a vision in red.

Thandie Newton in Dior Spring 2018. I don?t know how to feel about this? I think I might feel like I really hate it.

Sofia Vergara in Oscar de la Renta Spring 2018. Eh. This is not good on her, but props to Sofia for changing it up a bit.

Alexandra Daddario in Giambattista Valli Resort 2018. I have mixed feelings about this the fabric could have looked amazing if this was a simpler gown, but the high neck makes it seem so fussy and grandmotherly.

Hey, Woody Harrelson. I still would, btw.

Hey, Ewan Mcgregor. I don?t think I would anymore? Not even as Obi-Wan.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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22-Apr-2021 :Emilia Clarke joins Marvel?s ?Secret Invasion,? coming to Disney+
14-Sep-2020 :It looks like Matt Smith went on a date with Emilia Clarke & they?re both...
20-Mar-2020 :Emilia Clarke is still talking about GoT: Jon Snow ?got away with murder ...
3-Feb-2020 :Emilia Clarke in Schiaparelli at the BAFTAs: bizarre or pretty?
5-Dec-2019 :Emilia Clarke: ?We don?t look at grief properly, your perspective on life...
20-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke: Game of Thrones producers manipulated me into doing more n...
11-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke wishes people would stop spoiling the big ?twist? of ?Last ...
7-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke on recovering from brain hemorrhages: ?every single nurse w...
23-Sep-2019 :Emilia Clarke in a rich, jewel-tone Valentino at the Emmys: gorgeous or b...
27-May-2019 :Emilia Clarke said no to ?Fifty Shades? because she didn?t want to do mor...
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Emilia Clarke in Miu Miu at the Golden Globes: poorly styled or classic?
Added 7 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emilia Clarke in Miu Miu at the Golden Globes: poorly styled or classic?
I wouldn?t say that last year?s season of Game of Thrones fell off a cliff, but it definitely wasn?t as high-quality as previous seasons. Still, I was somewhat disappointed that GoT was completely shut out of the Golden Globes. I mean, it?s still a massive f–king show! It deserves something? Anyway, here are some photos of some of the cast at the Globes and Globe parties. Emilia Clarke wore this simple MiuMiu gown – I like this, but she should have taken a page out of Zoe Kravitz?s book and accessorized the sh-t out of her simple column dress. This is crying out for big statement earrings!

Emilia also presented at the Globes with Kit Harington, who was probably nursing a monstrous hangover. On Friday, Kit was in a New York bar and he was so smashed that he was trying to start a fight over a pool game or something – go here to read the story and see the video. Little dude was blitzed. On Saturday night, Emilia and Kit attended Sean Penn?s Haiti fundraiser, which is where Brad Pitt bid $120,000 to spend the evening with them (or just Emilia).

Winter is officially here for Brad Pitt. Pitt offered to pay $120,000 to watch an episode of ?Game of Thrones? with Emilia Clarke ? but he was outbid. Pitt bid six figures to watch a ?Game of Thrones? episode with Clarke on Saturday night during a silent auction at Sean Penn?s annual gala for Haiti, held at Milk Studios in Los Angeles, California.

During the charity gala, the auctioneer announced the opportunity to watch an episode with Clarke, who was in attendance at the A-list event, along with her ?Game of Thrones? co-star Kit Harington, though the cast members were seated at separate tables. The auction to watch the episode with Clarke started at $20,000, but the race quickly escalated. At one point, the auctioneer yelled out ?Is the King of the North here?!? But as it turned out, Harington had stepped out of the gala to go to the restroom.

Meanwhile, Pitt bid $80,000 to watch an episode of ?GOT? with Clarke. Then he outbid himself to $90,000. When Harington came back into the room, the actor offered to also sit in on the episode viewing. And that?s when Pitt raised his own bid to $120,000. In the end, Pitt was outbid by a gala-goer who ended the auction at $160,000.

[From Variety]

Hm? do you think Brad Pitt is just obsessed with dragons, or is there something else going on? He?s rich, for sure, so blowing that kind of money isn?t a huge deal. But still – that?s a lot of money just to spend an hour with the Mother of Dragons.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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22-Apr-2021 :Emilia Clarke joins Marvel?s ?Secret Invasion,? coming to Disney+
14-Sep-2020 :It looks like Matt Smith went on a date with Emilia Clarke & they?re both...
20-Mar-2020 :Emilia Clarke is still talking about GoT: Jon Snow ?got away with murder ...
3-Feb-2020 :Emilia Clarke in Schiaparelli at the BAFTAs: bizarre or pretty?
5-Dec-2019 :Emilia Clarke: ?We don?t look at grief properly, your perspective on life...
20-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke: Game of Thrones producers manipulated me into doing more n...
11-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke wishes people would stop spoiling the big ?twist? of ?Last ...
7-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke on recovering from brain hemorrhages: ?every single nurse w...
23-Sep-2019 :Emilia Clarke in a rich, jewel-tone Valentino at the Emmys: gorgeous or b...
27-May-2019 :Emilia Clarke said no to ?Fifty Shades? because she didn?t want to do mor...
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Emilia Clarke Sexy Violet Grey Photo Shoot
Added 8 years agoSource: Dickism
Emilia Clarke Sexy Violet Grey Photo Shoot
Here is Emilia Clarke featuring on the cover of the magazine Violet Grey and in an accompanying pictorial, in which she appears topless with wet hair and also strikes more sultry poses in a slew of sexy outfits.

Among them are a long sleeve, sapphire sequined wrap gown with a plunging neckline and thigh-high split, as well as a long sleeve maize silk dress with dark, leaf-shaped beading.

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22-Apr-2021 :Emilia Clarke joins Marvel?s ?Secret Invasion,? coming to Disney+
14-Sep-2020 :It looks like Matt Smith went on a date with Emilia Clarke & they?re both...
20-Mar-2020 :Emilia Clarke is still talking about GoT: Jon Snow ?got away with murder ...
3-Feb-2020 :Emilia Clarke in Schiaparelli at the BAFTAs: bizarre or pretty?
5-Dec-2019 :Emilia Clarke: ?We don?t look at grief properly, your perspective on life...
20-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke: Game of Thrones producers manipulated me into doing more n...
11-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke wishes people would stop spoiling the big ?twist? of ?Last ...
7-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke on recovering from brain hemorrhages: ?every single nurse w...
23-Sep-2019 :Emilia Clarke in a rich, jewel-tone Valentino at the Emmys: gorgeous or b...
27-May-2019 :Emilia Clarke said no to ?Fifty Shades? because she didn?t want to do mor...
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Emilia Clarke on advocating for male nudity on GOT: 'I think they heard me'
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Emilia Clarke on advocating for male nudity on GOT: 'I think they heard me'
Emilia Clark is currently promoting her new film, Me Before You, in which she plays opposite a paralyzed Sam Clafin. I don?t generally do these types of romantic movies (I like more ?com? with my ?rom?) but I have a friend angling for me to go to this one. Based on the trailer, I might cave; Sam is just that hot to me in it. The header photo is Emilia at the premiere in a Chloe gown. It certainly is in keeping with the romantic theme for the movie. There is a lot going on with that dress. I like it on the runway but I think it is too waifish for Emilia ? and that neckline belongs on someone under the age of ten.

However, Emilia wore a much prettier green Dolce and Gabbana dress (pictured below) to visit with The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Before they spoke about Me Before You, Colbert asked her about the fire scene in Game of Thrones in which she once again emerged from the flames naked. Naturally, the discussion led to the male full frontal from Sunday?s episode. SPOILERS in the excerpt, btw.

Emilia Clarke, who plays Daenerys Targaryen on Game of Thrones, popped by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on Monday night to touch on the second-most-talked-about thing from Sunday?s episode: the brief moment of male full-frontal nudity.

?I think they heard me,? Clarke said, referring to her demand last month that the show should ?free the penis.?

?Junk equality,? she called it.

The scene on Sunday night?s episode was quick ? and certainly eclipsed in post-show dialogue by the death of Hodor ? and ultimately inconsequential to the storyline. Arya Stark was watching a company of actors, one of whom brandished his penis worrying that he had genital warts.

Still, Clarke seemed satisfied.

[From Time]

Emilia explained that she didn?t use a body double for the flames scene in GoT because she wanted to support Daenerys being shown in a powerful way; she may have been nude but it wasn?t sexual, it was empowering. I really do think Emilia is committed to Daenerys being portrayed as strongly as possible on the show.

Later in the show, Emilia and Stephen had an ?eyebrow-off?, reminiscent of her eyebrow-off with Cara Delevingne on Graham Norton. The eyebrow acting discussion led to talking about her years in drama school where she honed her accent skills. I like Emilia but, well? hmm. I?ll let you decide. By the way, she is doing a ?Jewish Granny? and a ?Southern? accent, bless her heart:

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Photo credit: Fame/Flynet, WENN Photos and Getty Images

22-Apr-2021 :Emilia Clarke joins Marvel?s ?Secret Invasion,? coming to Disney+
14-Sep-2020 :It looks like Matt Smith went on a date with Emilia Clarke & they?re both...
20-Mar-2020 :Emilia Clarke is still talking about GoT: Jon Snow ?got away with murder ...
3-Feb-2020 :Emilia Clarke in Schiaparelli at the BAFTAs: bizarre or pretty?
5-Dec-2019 :Emilia Clarke: ?We don?t look at grief properly, your perspective on life...
20-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke: Game of Thrones producers manipulated me into doing more n...
11-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke wishes people would stop spoiling the big ?twist? of ?Last ...
7-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke on recovering from brain hemorrhages: ?every single nurse w...
23-Sep-2019 :Emilia Clarke in a rich, jewel-tone Valentino at the Emmys: gorgeous or b...
27-May-2019 :Emilia Clarke said no to ?Fifty Shades? because she didn?t want to do mor...
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Emilia Clarke Dazzles on Dior Magazine Cover
Added 9 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Emilia Clarke Dazzles on Dior Magazine Cover
Stepping into the spotlight, Emilia Clarke poses pretty for the cover of the quarterly publication from French label Dior.

The ?Game of Thrones? gal, who recently became the face of Dior?s jewelry line, worked with stylist Geraldine Saglio and shot the spread in various outdoor settings.

As the new face of Dior, Ms. Clarke joins the ranks of Charlize Theron, Natalie Portman, Marion Cotillard and Rihanna- not too shabby!

22-Apr-2021 :Emilia Clarke joins Marvel?s ?Secret Invasion,? coming to Disney+
14-Sep-2020 :It looks like Matt Smith went on a date with Emilia Clarke & they?re both...
20-Mar-2020 :Emilia Clarke is still talking about GoT: Jon Snow ?got away with murder ...
3-Feb-2020 :Emilia Clarke in Schiaparelli at the BAFTAs: bizarre or pretty?
5-Dec-2019 :Emilia Clarke: ?We don?t look at grief properly, your perspective on life...
20-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke: Game of Thrones producers manipulated me into doing more n...
11-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke wishes people would stop spoiling the big ?twist? of ?Last ...
7-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke on recovering from brain hemorrhages: ?every single nurse w...
23-Sep-2019 :Emilia Clarke in a rich, jewel-tone Valentino at the Emmys: gorgeous or b...
27-May-2019 :Emilia Clarke said no to ?Fifty Shades? because she didn?t want to do mor...
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Emilia Clarke Named Sexiest Woman Alive By Esquire 2015
Added 9 years agoSource: Dickism
Emilia Clarke Named Sexiest Woman Alive By Esquire 2015
Here is Emilia Clarke baring her body while being named Sexiest Woman Alive by Esquire magazine for their November 2015 issue, on newsstands October 20.

Esquire’s editorial projects director, Lisa Hintelmann, revealed why Clarke was first choice for the title. “Emilia Clarke is unforgettable in Game of Thrones and was hands down the number one choice of Esquire’s staff, friends and family,” Hintelmann told the Associated Press, adding that the star encompasses everything from sultriness to cuteness, or what Esquire describes as “the gorgeous balance of Emilia Clarke.”

22-Apr-2021 :Emilia Clarke joins Marvel?s ?Secret Invasion,? coming to Disney+
14-Sep-2020 :It looks like Matt Smith went on a date with Emilia Clarke & they?re both...
20-Mar-2020 :Emilia Clarke is still talking about GoT: Jon Snow ?got away with murder ...
3-Feb-2020 :Emilia Clarke in Schiaparelli at the BAFTAs: bizarre or pretty?
5-Dec-2019 :Emilia Clarke: ?We don?t look at grief properly, your perspective on life...
20-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke: Game of Thrones producers manipulated me into doing more n...
11-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke wishes people would stop spoiling the big ?twist? of ?Last ...
7-Nov-2019 :Emilia Clarke on recovering from brain hemorrhages: ?every single nurse w...
23-Sep-2019 :Emilia Clarke in a rich, jewel-tone Valentino at the Emmys: gorgeous or b...
27-May-2019 :Emilia Clarke said no to ?Fifty Shades? because she didn?t want to do mor...
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