| | |  | Chelsea Handler News & Gossip
| Chelsea Handler made a video about her childfree life & conservatives are so mad | Added 750 days ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Do I want to write about or defend Chelsea Handler in any way? No, I don?t. I can?t stand the woman. She?s dreadfully unfunny and deeply hateful and bigoted. I clearly have a lot of reasons to dislike Handler. One of those reasons is NOT ?because she?s childfree.? Chelsea Handler, like many women, has chosen not to be a mother. It?s actually becoming something of a trend women in their 30s and 40s just opting out of the whole motherhood thing altogether. Especially after the Supreme Court?s Dobbs decision, I find ?the childfree option? to be completely reasonable in a society literally forcing women to carry unwanted or dangerous pregnancies. In any case, Chelsea Handler decided to make a video about her happy childfree life:
Just another day. pic.twitter.com/Bf4cdBqunG
Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) February 10, 2023
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| Chelsea Handler: 'sean Spicer is my favorite person on the planet' | Added 7 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Chelsea Handler?s Netflix talk show has a new season – go here to see the trailer. Basically, it just seems like her old E! show, but now she curses at minor political figures AND celebrities. I always believed that Handler would have loved a bigger platform and to be taken seriously as a political comedian, but no one was buying it except for Netflix. Like, she wanted to do something like The Daily Show but all she could get was a Netflix show that few people watch. So, keeping with her continued attempts to rebrand herself as a political comedian, Chelsea has been talking a lot about Emperor Bigly and his wife, Empress Bigly. Handler actually mocked Melania Trump for not being 100% fluent in English and for speaking with an accent which? is the least offensive thing about Melania Trump. Anyway, what else does Handler have to say?
She always watches Sean Spicer?s daily briefings: ?Sean Spicer is my favorite person on the planet. Every press briefing, I mean, I miss my morning meeting now because the press briefing?s at the same time. I?m like, ?You guys, I?m sorry ? I gotta be with my spicy baked potato and watch him have diarrhea as he mounts that dais. I mean, what a mess. He is a disaster! It?s like, what are you doing? This ship is sinking. You better jump off.?
She doesn?t watch Fox News: ?I don?t watch Fox News too often because sometimes it makes me really angry.?
She thinks we?re witnessing the last days of Bigly: ?Watching this administration go down and fall apart at the seams is one of the most enjoyable times of my life. Because he?s such a bad person and the people who are around him are so bad. To watch bad people get their comeuppance is a really, really satisfying feeling.?
She?s worried that Trump will be impeached before her season is over: ?I kind of don?t want it to end too quickly, do you know what I?m saying? Now I?m like, ?Wait, wait, wait, wait ? I don?t want it to be over so soon.? We?ve gotten so spoiled.?
[From EW]
Such a wit, right? I get that political comedy is difficult, but why would anyone look to Chelsea Handler for topical political humor when John Oliver, Seth Meyers and Samantha Bee are in the world? I also feel like she?s celebrating The Demise of Bigly way too early. Like, I don?t think he?s going to make it a full year in office, but I?m so focused on the daily rage of this administration to ever brush it off, like, ?Oh, I hope he doesn?t get impeached this summer, the comedy is so good!? I?ll take a functioning government over good political comedy any day.
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| Chelsea Handler mocked Melania Trump for 'barely speaking English' | Added 8 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 As we discussed last week. Chelsea Handler was one of the liberal-types on the cover of Variety. Handler spoke as if she was one of the few salient liberal voices in America, and that she?s doing the lord?s work on her Netflix show (that no one watches). While beggars can?t be choosers in Emperor Baby Fists? America, I?ve never believed in Chelsea Handler. She brings a lot of white privilege to the table, not to mention her history of racism and mockery of immigrants, children and more. So why is it hard to believe that Handler said something stupid during her video interview with Variety?
Handler, who has been openly critical of President Trump and helped lead a women?s march in Utah after his inauguration, made the remark during a recent interview with Variety. When asked if she would ever invite the new leader of the free world on her show, Handler said she wouldn?t. Asked whether she would ever interview his wife, the comedian said: ?To talk about what? She can barely speak English.?
?I don?t respect either one of those people,? Handler added.
The First Lady was born in Slovenia, according to her White House biography. She can speak five languages, including Slovenian, English, French, Serbian and German, CBS News has previously reported.Many Trump supporters on social media rushed to point out Melania Trump?s multi-lingual skills while slamming Handler.
[From Time Magazine]
As I?ve said before, my cup does not runeth over with sympathy for Melania Trump. I would go far as to say Melania is one of many enablers to a despotic tyrant. But literally the least offensive thing about Melania is that she?s an immigrant from Slovenia and that she speaks with an accent. Insult her for copying & pasting Michelle Obama?s speech. Insult her for being a vapid golddigger. Insult her for being an apologist for a misogynistic madman and sexual predator. But the fact that English is not her first language and that she speaks with an accent? Who cares? Which just goes to show you why Chelsea Handler should not be the face of anything having to do with the Resistance. It?s easy for the Deplorables to point to Handler and say ?See? That?s what they?re all like.?
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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| Chelsea Handler: 'Everyone should wait tables to learn how to treat people' | Added 8 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Chelsea Handler is trying to find her footing with her new Netflix talk show, Chelsea. Not only has the lack of format made the show messy, most critics say it’s “just like the talk shows it says it isn?t.” To help promote ratings, Chelsea sat down with Us Magazine for their 25 Things You Didn?t Know About questionnaire. There is nothing too earth-shattering in her answers but the title didn’t lie, there were a few things about Chelsea I didn’t know. For instance, she can’t drink anything room temperature and she is apparently a shoe person. Below are a few of her other answers but you can read all 25 here.
My first time getting intoxicated was at my sister?s wedding. I was 16 and had four Long Island iced teas. My dad sent me to my room.
If I could be any person, I?d be Adele.
My ideal date is having a drink in the afternoon and having it unexpectedly lead to a fun dinner.
I?ve bailed on hookups at the last minute based on a guy?s personality or body or small penis or weird walk.
All my cars are chocolate brown. 50 cent got me on that. I bought a Havana Chocolate Bentley when we dated.
In high school, I was very judge-y: ?Don?t do drugs, they?re bad.? Then I took a hit and was like, ?I love pot.?
I was a waitress for a long time. I think everyone should wait tables for six months of their lives to learn how to treat people and servers.
Nothing gets me more excited than a 12-hour flight. I?ll just take a Xanax. I love to read and sleep.
I don?t like water, so I have to put tons of lemon and cucumber in it.
The grossest thing I?ve ever had to do is change a diaper.
I?m messy, so I have a lot of help. If [my rescue dog] Chunk peed in the house, I won?t be cleaning it up.
[From Us Magazine]
Serious question, how do you not like water? Maybe you don?t crave it for taste but how can you openly dislike it? If she consumed four Long Island Ice Teas at 16, I suspect her father sent her to her room as a precaution before she passed out ? especially if she didn’t drink water because she hates it. I found the car answer funny because after we purchased my husband?s last car, it occurred to him that his last four cars have all been silver, completely unintentional.
Changing diapers is not my favorite pastime either but I think she gave that answer to play into the image she wants to project. Especially considering she doesn?t clean up after her dog because she is messy, not because it is also disgusting. Most of her answers are fine but as CB said, my reaction to them is different because they come from her. I completely agree about waiting tables being a pretty good life lesson but I wouldn?t hold her up as an example of a people person. The waiting tables thing goes both ways, in my opinion. I worked at a few higher end restaurants when I was in school and some of my co-waiters were horrible to prom kids because they knew they probably weren?t going to get a good tip. I felt like we received good tips the rest of the year, why not give back a little by adding to an important memory? I wouldn?t really peg Chelsea as a pay it forward kind of person, though.
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| Chelsea Handler's showrunner quits after 3 weeks, will Chelsea get canceled' | Added 8 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Chelsea Handler’s new talkshow on Netflix, Chelsea, is kind of a snooze. It’s barely been covered in the press and it’s what we’ve seen from her for years, nasally interviews interspersed with racist jokes and references to how much she drinks. There were some funny “inside Netflix” type video segments in the episode I saw, I’ll give her that. The show is said to represent a new direction for Netflix in that it’s their first serial talkshow. Only it’s unclear if Netflix’s original talkshow will be successful. The showrunner just quit after three weeks and word has it that he won’t be replaced.
Only three weeks and nine episodes into its run, executive producer Bill Wolff is leaving Chelsea, Netflix confirmed Friday. The series, which airs three nights a week on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, will continue with its regular production schedule, and will not find a replacement showrunner for Wolff. Though viewership figures will be kept tightly guarded, the show launched to weak reviews.
?I am excited for Chelsea as she continues to produce her singular vision for a television talk show,” Wolff said in a statement. “My friends at Netflix provide the foremost platform in developing ambitious and compelling creative content.”
Added Handler: “I?m grateful that Bill was part of the pioneering effort to get Netflix?s first talk show off the ground.?
Wolff, a veteran TV producer, was tapped as the showrunner of Chelsea just two days after his departure from ABC’s The View, where he spent a year helping to spearhead a rebrand of the tumultuous talker. Prior to that, Wolff had spent nearly 10 years at MSNBC, where he was an executive producer on cable news programs including The Rachel Maddow Show.
Chelsea marks Netflix’s foray into the talk show sphere, and is the streamer’s second collaboration with Handler following docuseries Chelsea Does, which launched to stronger reviews earlier this year. The streaming service is reportedly paying her $10 million for the cadre of projects. Handler famously parted ways with her former employer, E!, in 2014, after publicly blasting the network. In an interview on The Howard Stern Show, she said, “E! has just become a sad, sad place to live. They don’t know what they’re doing, they have no ideas … everything they do just is a failure.”
[From Hollywood Reporter]
I didn’t know that last bit about how Chelsea trashed E! on Howard Stern a couple of years ago. They’re printing Kardashian money over at E! and they have new scripted series which are doing well. It’s not true that everything that E! does is a failure, but of course Chelsea is just talking about her own exit and it’s sour grapes despite the millions they paid her.
In terms of the showrunner leaving, did this guy see the writing on the wall and/or was Chelsea a pain in the ass to work for? Probably a little of both. We’ve heard that Chelsea can be extremely difficult to work with, and I bet it’s scary to clash with her. She has her own ideas about what’s funny, which don’t always jibe with the majority. Again, the blogs are barely talking about her (this is an exception, but it’s a holiday) so while Netflix doesn’t release viewer numbers I would bet ratings are low. At least she had the sense to put her dog on the show. More talkshows should have pets to interact with guests.
Chelsea was on The Late Late Show along with Peter Krause a couple of weeks ago and I included some photos of him because I love him. He has that new show The Catch on ABC. Photos credit: WENN.com
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| Chelsea Handler now claims she never 'interested' in doing a network late show | Added 9 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 More than a year ago, Chelsea Handler?s E! contract was not renewed. It?s still up in the air as to whether Chelsea wanted to leave E! (which is what she always claimed) or if E! was really tired of her crap, especially since she only got the job in the first place because she was sleeping with the boss. Whatever happened, Chelsea was out of Chelsea Lately. This drama went down at the same time that Craig Ferguson and David Letterman announced they were quitting CBS, and CBS began to search for their replacements. What I believe: Chelsea went in to several meetings with CBS and made sure that her name was mentioned prominently as a potential replacement for both Ferguson and Letterman. All of the ?sources? talking about Chelsea going to CBS were from E! and allegedly close to Chelsea. She really did make a play for those jobs. And she didn?t get them. So now she?s playing it off like going to Netflix was her plan all along.
When David Letterman announced he was retiring from the Late Show, there was much speculation that Chelsea Handler might be his lucky replacement ? but the comedian actually wasn’t interested in the job.
“I was not interested in going to a network. I was never interested in taking somebody else’s job. That’s not an interesting job for me. I [had already done] something very similar,” the former Chelsea Lately host told reporters at a Television Critics Association panel on Tuesday. “It was never a very serious conversation.”
Since ending her E! talk show last August, Handler has partnered with Netflix and is in the planning stages of putting together a new talk show of sorts that will run “at least two” days a week. More immediately, Handler is producing Chelsea Does, a Netflix original film series consisting of four documentary-style projects starring Handler.
“It’s been a really transitional year for me. A lot of changes have happened and to have this come together in a way that I’m so proud of ? I don’t know that I’ve ever been able to say that about something that I’ve done before,” Handler said. “I’ve always thought, ‘Oh, that’s funny.’ But I’ve never been like, ‘Wow, that’s amazing.’ ”
[From People]
Is this the truth? I seriously doubt it. I think she tried and failed and now she?s saving face by claiming that of course she wasn?t interested in going to CBS. It would perhaps be more sympathetic for her to come out and say ?Yeah, I tried and I didn?t get it and it sucks.? I might respect her honesty.
Incidentally, what is funny to me is how quickly Chelsea has become utterly unimportant in gossip/celebrity culture. Like, I last wrote about her in February. It?s not that she?s ?gone away? either ? she?s been especially thirsty on social media, trying desperately to get press for anything and everything. As for her Netflix talk show? I thought the whole point of leaving E! was that she was tired of interviewing celebrities?
My family.
A photo posted by Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) on Jul 28, 2015 at 11:02am PDT
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| Chelsea Handler: Bill Cosby Tried to Lure Me In! | Added 9 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 She always has the craziest stories, and Chelsea Handler told Esquire magazine that more than a decade ago she almost fell victim to accused sex offender Bill Cosby.
The 40-year-old comedienne explained, "Oh, I was in Atlantic City playing, doing standup, and he was doing standup in Atlantic City in the same hotel, and at like three o'clock in the afternoon, someone from the hotel came down and said, 'Oh, you know, Mr. Cosby would really like to meet you up in his hotel suite.' And I thought, 'That's really weird.' This was like 10 years ago.?
She continued, "And I said, 'That's really weird. I don't want to go alone.' I go, 'I don't know him.' So the three guys I was with --thank God these guys were with me. One was filming and one was like a producer; we were filming something --I brought them up with me to his room and thank God I did, because now I know what would've happened if I went up there alone.? Handler?s friend recently texted her to ask, ?'Do you remember that night we went up to, or that afternoon we went up to Bill Cosby's and you were so freaked out you made us come with you?' And I said, 'Yeah,' and he said, 'Hello! You could've been one of his victims if we weren't there.' And I went, 'Oh my gosh ...' Yeah, so yeah, he's guilty."
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| Chelsea Handler on 'Chelsea Lately?: 'I?m so much smarter than that show was' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 We haven?t written about Chelsea Handler in months. Hasn?t that been such a relief? Chelsea said goodbye to her E! show, Chelsea Lately, late last summer. She had spent months bitching and moaning about the show was beneath her talents, and she was trying to hustle her way into some kind of ?smart? gig, openly talking about how she would love to do something like The Daily Show. She even tried to hustle her name onto the shortlist for David Letterman?s replacement. I can?t tell you how pleased I am that she failed at all of that. Nowadays she?s so desperate for attention, she keeps posting topless selfies on her social media. She allegedly has a Netflix talk show (or something) but that doesn?t start until 2016. And that?s about it. Still, she was invited to the Code/Media conference and she ended up biting the hand that fed her yet again. Unprofessional dumbass.
Onward and upward! Chelsea Handler spent seven years of her life hosting E!’s Chelsea Lately, and now that it’s over, she’s ready for something bigger and better — emphasis on the latter. Speaking at the Code/Media conference in California on Wednesday, Feb. 18, the comedienne couldn’t help taking a few shots at her former gig.
“The subject matter I was dealing with on E!, you know, it was a fun way to get started and kind of have a great time,” she told hosts Kara Swisher and Peter Kafka of the late-night program, which ran from 2007 to 2014. “And then after a while, I just was like, I’m so much smarter than that show was, and I wanted to be doing a show that was smarter than I was.”
That’s what she hopes to accomplish with her Netflix deal, which includes a new talk show in 2016. Handler said she chose the streaming service (now a major TV programmer thanks to hits like Orange Is the New Black and House of Cards) because she didn’t want to just “go fill in someone else’s shoes” at an already-established show on another network. “I wanted to create my surroundings,” she explained.
She’s still working out the specifics of what her new show will entail, but so far, at least, the Netflix partnership has been a success.
“It’s nice to be involved in a show where I do respect their opinions,” she said. “I respect Netflix. So it’s like going out with a guy that you’re proud to be seen with.”
The stand-up star also spoke at the conference about her recent streak of topless photos on Twitter and Instagram. “I’m not trying to look fantastic. That’s just a by-product,” she joked. “I’m also not trying to sexualize myself in any way.”
What she is trying to do is make a point about the nudity rules on various social media platforms. (Instagram, for example, does not allow nudity and will take down any photo it deems inappropriate.)
[From Us Weekly]
?I just was like, I’m so much smarter than that show was, and I wanted to be doing a show that was smarter than I was?? How many different times and ways can she complain about a show that she created out of thin air, by sleeping with (then married) boss? And I?ve heard Chelsea?s stand-up and I?ve read more interviews with her than I care to admit, and I?m here to tell her something. Dear Chelsea: you are not smarter than Chelsea Lately. Chelsea Lately was your cash cow and the best vehicle for your marginal talent. And you let your ego and your yes-men tell you that you could do better, and now you?re posting topless selfies for attention. Maybe it?s time to stop bitching?
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
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| Chelsea Handler had a star-studded send off for the last episode of 'Chelsea Lately' | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Satan?s human form, Chelsea Handler, has officially retired from her E! show, Chelsea Lately. Unfortunately for all, she?s going over to Netflix where she will reportedly be doing a similar kind of celebrities & gossip show, only for less money (apparently and fewer viewers). So, a demotion? That?s what I think, but other people act like Chelsea is finally moving into the big leagues, so what do I know? I?m just happy that she?s not going to be on a cable outlet anymore and that she didn?t get any of the open late-night gigs on network TV.
So, to send Chelsea off, all of her friends (?friends?) came out to celebrate her on her last show. Here?s one part where Mary Mccormack, Jennifer Aniston and Sandra Bullock do an ?intervention? for Chelsea. Who is the most Botoxed one in this segment?
Eh. I stopped watching halfway through Aniston?s thing.
And here?s Chelsea?s star-studded send-off. Avril?! Avril singing about Chelsea pretending to care about Kim and Kanye is pretty meta. RLY AVRIL?! And LeAnn is there too.
Oh, well. Good riddance, Chelsea.
PS? I don?t think any of us even talked about Chelsea?s awkwardness at the VMAs, right? I wanted to ignore it, but here you go. She thanked Taylor Swift for ?being so white?. Ugh.
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| Chelsea Handler possibly heading to Netflix after E!: step up or step down? | Added 10 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Ever since David Letterman announced his retirement a few weeks ago, Chelsea Handler has been in full-blown hustle mode. It would be amusing except for the fact that Chelsea is, in my view, delusional about her career prospects and where she ?belongs.? She is a cable personality ? she?s built herself a nice home at E!, and the only thing keeping her from being happy with her powerbase is the fact that Chelsea thinks she?s a network talent. Chelsea thinks she?s top-tier and that she should be ? no, she IS ? in line for all the top jobs. In Chelsea?s mind, she could be a news anchor. Or at the very least, Bill Maher.
So, the past few weeks have been funny, just because her hustle keeps getting sh-t on by reality. She wanted people to think she was in the running for The Late Show. Not so much. She wanted people to think that she was replacing Craig Ferguson. Not so much. She wanted people to believe that she was in discussions for her own daytime syndicated talk show. Not so much. So where else could she go? How about Netflix, eh?
Chelsea Handler could be headed to Neflix. The host of E!’s Chelsea Lately is in talks with the subscription-video service for a new show, sources told The Hollywood Reporter, emphasizing that a deal is nowhere close to being finalized. Netflix declined comment. THR broke the news last month that Handler plans to leave the E! channel when her contract expires at the end of the year. She’s been with the network for eight years.
“Chelsea intends to leave when her contract expires,” her manager, Irving Azoff, told THR. “She hired me to figure out her life after E! We have at least seven suitors and many ideas.?
At the time, he said that plans for Handler could include a radio presence and a possible nightly or weekly late-night show on another network or digital service.
Handler has long been vocal about her dissatisfaction with E!, accusing the network of incompetent programming and blaming weak lead-ins for ratings declines.
Earlier this month, she posted a photo on Instagram that showed her holding papers with the CBS logo and a caption that read, in part, “Business meeting.” But the network shot down speculation that she was being eyed to take over the 12:30 a.m. time period from Craig Ferguson.
“There are no discussions with Chelsea Handler regarding the network’s 12:30 late-night broadcast,” a CBS spokesperson said. “Her meeting with CBS yesterday was a general meeting with our syndication group.”
The New York Post was the first to report the news of Handler’s talks with Netflix.
[From THR]
Netflix has gotten way more prestigious over the past few years, with in-house production of House of Cards and Orange is the New Black. Plus, Netflix is doing a cable channel now, or they will be soon (sort of). So, what would this deal mean for Chelsea? I think it means that people would have to consciously seek her out, that it would no longer be a matter of ?let?s see what?s on TV, oh there?s Chelsea Lately, let?s fall asleep watching that.? While Netflix does have some prestige and they?re growing by leaps and bounds these days, I don?t really see this as a step up for Chelsea. It feels like a step sideways, a parallel track. Which is still better than she deserves, but hey, at least it?s not network TV.
PS… Craig Ferguson announced last night that he was leaving The Late Late Show in December. But Chelsea isn’t up for that gig, right?
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