| | |  | Ewan Mcgregor News & Gossip
| Ewan McGregor stopped smoking by visualizing worst cancer fears | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 We can?t expect all of Ewan Mcgregor?s interviews to have the simple beauty of ?Who?s Megan Fox?? But Ewan still gives a great interview, and his cover piece for June?s Men?s Health magazine (story via People) is pretty decent. Famously private about his marriage, Ewan even opens up about his wife of fourteen years, Eve. He?s a little smug about his marriage, actually, kind of giving the impression of ?We don?t have to work at our marriage, it just comes naturally.? But I forgive him - if I was married to him, I wouldn?t be complaining, so well done Eve. He also talks a lot about all of the bad habits that his given up over the years, including smoking and drinking. Apparently, he had problems with doing either in moderation, and he says that visualizing the worst the could happen helped him quit.
Angels & Demons costar Ewan Mcgregor has demons ? and angels ? of his own.
“It’s interesting that people used to think that smoking was glamorous,” the Scotsman, 38, speaking to Men?s Health for its June issue (on sale next Tuesday), said of one of his demons, that of his addiction to lighting up. “I used to think it was pretty cool.”
Then he realized that smoking is lethal, and he kicked the habit. As he did drinking. How? “What matters most with any regimen, whether it’s to lose weight or stop drinking or smoking, is your willingness to seek help and your desire to say no more. The voice in your head that says ‘I chose not to’ is what ultimately makes the difference between not changing and making changes that last.”
He admits breaking the habit wasn’t easy. “I wasn’t someone who could smoke or drink in moderation, and I recognized that those things would kill me. I started visualizing the doctor telling me that I had cancer from smoking or that I was extremely ill because of how much I’d been drinking. What kind of regret would I have if I had to tell my children or my wife that I was dying because of something I could have done something about? I didn’t want to be that kind of man.”
Enter the angels. Of his happy, 14-year marriage to the former Eve Mavrakis, a French production designer with whom he has three daughters (ages 13, 8 and 7), McGregor says, “From the moment Eve and I met it was right, and I hesitate to explain the reasons behind that.”
Pressed for pointers, he responds, “If you spend too much time ‘working’ on your relationship, I don’t think it’s a relationship worth being in. With Eve, I’ve never had to work. We just have it. I’m in it, she’s in it, and that’s that ? If you’re attracted to someone, you’re comfortable with them and have mutual respect, the rest will take care of itself.”
[From People]
Sometimes I think everything must be magical around him. He just seems so effortlessly cool, like he?s always the best place to be. I know I sound like a total fangirl (and I am), but perhaps the reason his marriage is so easy is because his wife looks over every morning and thinks ?Hell yes!?
As for the drinking and smoking part, I?d read before that Ewan had stopped drinking many years ago. He?s one of those people who don?t like to use the word ?alcoholic?, but instead describes his drinking problems as something like ?it was getting out of hand?. Gerard Butler is the same way in the few interviews where he describes his drinking problems.
Ewan Mcgregor is shown outside the studios at ABC on 5/13/09. Credit: DISCIULLO/bauergriffinonline.com
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| Ewan McGregor: 'Who's Megan Fox?' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Moviefone has a beautiful, hilarious, amazing interview with Ewan Mcgregor. Ewan is still promoting Angels & Demons, but that part of the interview is pretty boring, so I?m putting it at the end. The interview is long, and they covered a lot of subjects, from George Clooney (?I admire him very much.?) to Jim Carrey (?Full oral penetration with Jim, yeah … Jim’s a very sensitive but firm lover?) to Megan Fox (?Who?s Megan Fox??). He?s talking about the films he?s got coming out this year and next, like I Love You Phillip Morris, where he and Jim Carrey play lovers, and Men Who Stare At Goats, with George Clooney. They also cover musicals, tattoos, getting naked, Danny Boyle and that alleged Trainspotting sequel:
In one of your smaller movies, I Love You Phillip Morris, you kiss Jim Carrey. How does he rate as an on-screen kisser?
Full oral penetration with Jim, yeah … Jim’s a very sensitive but firm lover, you know? And I think that’s what makes him such a great actor and such a great man [laughs].
There’s been more talk of a ‘Trainspotting’ sequel — would you be interested in participating in it?
I don’t think I would, for several reasons. The first one is that I didn’t think the book was very good. The novel of ‘Trainspotting’ was quite fantastic, it was beautiful, quite moving and disturbing writing, and then I find that the sequel … the book that Irvine Welsh wrote was called ‘Porno,’ and … it didn’t move me as much … He’d written a good sequel to the film as opposed to a sequel to his book. It’s also a similar story, you know, the betrayal of trust … Renton walks away with all the money at the end again. And I thought I don’t want to make the same story again. And, also, I think just the idea of getting the cast together again 10 to 15 years later isn’t good enough, you need more than that. I wouldn’t want to damage ‘Trainspotting’’s reputation, because it was an amazing film and a very important film of its time, a very important film for me and … a very important film for British cinema. I wouldn’t want to leave people remembering a poor sequel rather than leaving its reputation where it sits at the moment, which is kind of a phenomenal film.
Have you been in touch with Danny Boyle since he won the Oscar for Slumdog Millionaire?
No, I haven’t spoken to Danny for years, I’m afraid. But I thought it was very well deserved; I liked ‘Slumdog’ very much. I thought it was an excellent film, and it was nice to see him getting all those accolades; it was great.
Would you do another musical, like Moulin Rouge? Or might you ever release an album?
No … I think it’s quite tricky for actors to release albums. It’s difficult, because I’m an actor, you know, I’m not a musician. I love singing, but I don’t have a big repertoire of songs that I’ve written; I mean, I’ve got a few, but nothing that I could fill an album with, and I don’t want to do it just for the sake of it. I don’t know, we’ll see. I certainly would be very happy to do another musical; I loved it. It would just have to be the right thing.
You did a film with George Clooney, Men Who Stare At Goats. How was that experience?
I loved working with him, and he made me laugh a lot … I admire him very much, because I think he’s a great man, he’s a great actor — and I admire his commitment to his work that he does in the Sudan; he really puts his money where his mouth is, and he goes and he takes himself to the Sudan and Darfur, and I admire him for that. He doesn’t do the lip service to it, he really is quite instrumental, going to meet high-powered figures around the world, using his status as an actor to get access to presidents and prime ministers to try and get them to help as well, which is really admirable.
You play Gene Vidal in the upcoming Amelia — because he’s a real person, did that affect how you played him or how you prepped for the role?
It does in a way … I’ve found a great many photographs of him and read about him … but I [had to] trust that he was in the script. Whenever I’ve played somebody that’s real, I find that photographs … are really telling to me. When I played James Joyce [in Nora] the pictures of him were very important to the way I acted physically, and I suppose with Gene Vidal it’s the same.
Megan Fox reportedly said that you have a tattoo sleeve, is that true?
No. I have a tattoo … but who’s Megan Fox?
She’s an actress who’s in ‘Transformers.’ She supposedly was talking about getting a tattoo sleeve herself and she said that you had one.
I have a really large tattoo on my right arm … It’s about my family and where I come from in Scotland … but it’s not a sleeve, no … not quite a sleeve, but maybe half of one.
You are known for your propensity for on-screen nudity, but it seems like maybe you’re stepping back from that …
[Laughs] It’s extraordinary how it comes up. No, not at all, I mean … I’ve done nudity when it’s been relevant in the films I’ve been making, you know? I’ve made films about sexuality, and the sex in the films has been very instrumental to explaining or showing where a character’s at … In films like Young Adam the sex scenes are really sort of instructive of this young man’s moral demise. I’m interested in sexuality and sex as much as anybody else and I find it a part of art, as part of filmmaking and acting because it’s a part of life — a big part of life, I suppose. I’ve never had a problem with nudity in that it’s been relevant to the work that I’ve done, but I’ve never gone out of my way to do films with nudity, nor certainly haven’t decided not to, or stepped away from it in any way. I mean, I haven’t made a film for a while, you know, as centrally focused on sex as I have done in the past, but not for any reason. It just hasn’t cropped up, I guess.
[From Moviefone]
God, I just love him. Why hasn?t he been on every magazine cover and every television show promoting the hell out of Angels & Demons? He gives a great interview, always so funny. Oh, right. They probably don?t let him promote Angels & Demons because when he talks about it, it?s a total snoozefest. Plus, he already said some of this stuff earlier this week.
There?s only one part I found interesting about the Angels & Demons discussion. Ewan says, ?[When] I read the script… there’s nothing that’s anti-Catholic. If there had been anything that I felt kind of dissed someone else’s religion, I wouldn’t have been involved in it. The people in the Catholic church in the movie who are the evildoers get their comeuppance in the end, and it’s quite clear that the Catholic church shuns them and punishes them and isn’t condoning their behavior in any way. In any walk of life there are people that are good people and there are occasionally people that do crazy things for whatever reason, you know?? Amen to that.
Here?s Ewan Mcgregor on Good Morning America on Wednesday to promote ‘Angels & Demons’ and playing horseshoe. Naturally. Images thanks to INF Photo.
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| Ewan McGregor says 'Angels & Demons' shoot was 'nasty' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Anything for a hook! For full disclosure, Ewan Mcgregor isn?t really saying the Angels & Demons shoot was nasty, he?s saying that the suburb of Naples, Italy, where he shot his scenes for Angels & Demons was ?nasty?. This comes from a nice little interview from the Angels & Demons press tour, and it seems to be one of the few Ewan Mcgregor has done. Apparently, while Tom Hanks got to run around Rome, Ewan was stuck in some ?dump? in one of the worst, least scenic areas in Italy. He even invited his wife for a getaway because he thought it would be romantic, but it wasn?t:
While sitting atop the Castel Saint Angelo in Rome waiting to interview Angels & Demons star Ewan Mcgregor, I had a panoramic view of the city and the beautiful chaos that makes life in the Eternal City tick.
The traffic is crazy and there are people everywhere. It?s an intense place, even more so, I imagined, if you were shooting a big budget Hollywood picture that takes place in some of the city?s busiest spots.
?The funny thing is I didn?t shoot any of it in Rome,? McGregor said when asked. ?I shot in this place called Caserta. There?s a palace in Caserta that I thought it sounded really romantic, so I arranged for my wife to come over and spend a weekend with me, but it?s a dump, a horrible place. I?m sorry but it?s just a suburb of Naples that?s exploded around this old palace. It?s really nasty. Not a good place.
?Apart from that I did most of my stuff in L.A. because my character is mainly inside the Vatican and of course, the Vatican didn?t want us to shoot inside their buildings so they built the Sistine Chapel on the Sony soundstages in L.A. They also built the exterior of St. Peter?s Square, this huge, huge set, in the parking lot of Hollywood Park Racetrack in south L.A. That was cool. I saw it from an airplane. I was landing at LAX and I looked down and thought, ?God, that?s a big set? look at that.? Then I realized it was ours.?
Despite never having stepped foot in an actual church during the shoot, McGregor convincingly pulls off the roll of Camerlengo Patrick McKenna, a priest who acts as the pope?s right hand man in the film adaptation of Dan Brown?s novel.
?We had a priest from New Jersey who came over and was our religious advisor for any of the technical things,? McGregor said, ?the ceremonies and the ritual stuff. But he also gave us a kind of idea of what would be going on behind the scenes during those ceremonies and humanized it for us.
?It looks so precise from the congregation?s point of view but in actual fact behind the table there is a guy with matches trying to light the incense. He put that into it for me which was great.?
The training paid off, he says, at least superficially.
?I didn?t get to understand the meaning of all the ceremonies; why everything is in a certain order, but I did learn enough to look like I knew what I was doing, hopefully.?
[From Canada?s Metro News]
Last week, the Vatican released their review of Angels & Demons, and it wasn?t so bad. They stopped short of recommending it, and they pointed out several technical problems, but they claim the film is basically ?harmless? and ?fun?. I tend to think the Vatican learned their lesson from the promotion of The DaVinci Code, when Vatican officials tried to orchestrate a campaign to discredit the film, and ended up basically pouring millions of dollars to promote it. Better to let Angels & Demons pass by without too much fuss - it?s not going to do as well as DaVinci anyway.
Ewan Mcgregor is shown at a photocall for Angels & Demons in Rome on 5/4/09. Credit: OLYCOM/bbauergriffinonline.com
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| Graphic gay sex scene a big problem for Ewan McGregor/Jim Carrey film | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Ewan Mcgregor and Jim Carrey made a movie together called I Love You Phillip Morris. It?s a true story about two prisoners who fall in love. It?s called a comedy, but there are supposed to be some very ?Brokeback Mountain only in prison? parts to it.
Jim and Ewan were promoting the film in Sundance earlier this year, but the film still lacks a distributor. Some are pointing out the ?graphic? gay sex scene ten minutes into the film. Apparently it’s a real problem, and the film may go straight to DVD.
Jim Carrey black comedy I Love You Phillip Morris may not get a US cinema release because it contains an explicit gay sex scene.
Despite securing distribution deals in the UK and Europe, US firms are uneasy with a love scene between Carrey and Ewan Mcgregor’s character Phillip Morris, reports The Times.
“The depiction of the sexual activity was far more than I’ve ever seen in a mainstream film with a mainstream celebrity,” said Lewis Tice, director of publicity and marketing for TLA Releasing. “There’s a graphic sex scene in the first 10 minutes that I was surprised to see.”
Filmmakers are re-cutting the movie for US distribution companies in an attempt to secure a theatrical release. If no agreement is reached, the movie will go straight to DVD.
“Mostly straight, multiplex-going audiences don’t want to see a romantic comedy in which two dudes get it on; unless it is meant as a joke,” commented Scott Stiffler, author of Why Hollywood Avoids Gay Movies.
I Love You Phillip Morris focuses on real-life con artist Steven Marshall (Carrey), who falls in love with his cellmate (McGregor).
[From Digital Spy]
As far as the comments made by ?Scott Stiffler? (do you think that?s his real name?), I would love to see a movie where Ewan and Jim get it on. Jim Carrey is just incidental for me, just point me in the direction of Ewan dropping his clothes, and I?m there.
I don?t know if this film lacking a distribution deal is somehow part of a larger problem with how ?gay issues? are treated in film, television and the media as a whole. Was Brokeback Mountain really the larger gay rights/gays-in-media success that it was billed as? Was Milk more about Sean Penn being a great actor rather than some bigger gay rights agenda? Or is I Love You Phillip Morris just a bad movie, and that?s why it probably won?t be released? I have no idea.
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| Ewan McGregor has a Twitter-happy imposter | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 There?s a fake Ewan Mcgregor out there. Fake Ewan has been updating his MySpace page and Twittering like mad. Fake Ewan concludes his updates with jaunty little expressions like ?Cheers, mate!? But Real Ewan wants you to know, that?s not him, mate.
Nearly 20,000 people subscribed to the Fake Ewan?s Twitter feed. They got to know this Fake Ewan, who told fans that his Fake Nephew called him ?Obi-Wan?. This has been going on for four months, and I guess Real Ewan has just figured out that there was an imposter around. The Guardian has more:
Spare a thought for the 19,639 subscribers to Ewan Mcgregor?s Twitter feed. For the past four months they have been treated to regular updates of the actor’s daily routine. When McGregor was “about to enjoy banana pancakes”, they were kept informed. When he “needed some Tylenol extra strength”, they were told about that too.
Now comes the most alarming revelation of all: representatives of the actor claim that the Twitter site and its related MySpace profile are actually run by impostors. “Ewan Mcgregor does not have a Twitter site or one on MySpace either,” insisted a spokesperson for the Trainspotting star. “Someone is just making it all up.”
Launched last November, the false website purported to offer fans a window into McGregor’s life. In one update, the phoney McGregor reported that he had just “worked with actress Uma Thurman, for Unicef”, while another confessed that “my little nephew calls me Obi-Wan” ? a reference to his role in George Lucas’s Star Wars prequels. Most of these missives concluded with a breezy, “Cheers, mate!”
“People monitor his movements and then copy them down,” the spokesperson explained. “We are looking into taking action to have the Twitter site removed.”
For good measure, the phoney Twitter site offers a link to a phoney MySpace profile. “I love motorbikes, my home Scotland, doing charity work for Unicef. Of coarse [sic] my wife and my wee little girls,” enthuses the false McGregor. “If offered I’d be quite happy to make Moulin Rouge Two.”
Ironically, it then signs off with a stern note of warning. “I am very particular about my children being photographed or seen on television,” it reads. “I believe that just because I am famous that does not mean you may invade my privacy.”
McGregor is only the latest in a slew of celebrities to find themselves dogged by an online impostor. Recent months have seen a rash of counterfeit profiles purporting to represent an eclectic range of household names, from David Tennant and Eddie Izzard to Keith Chegwin and Leonard Nimoy. Earlier this month, Harry Potter star Emma Watson was forced to deny rumours posted on a phoney Twitter site that she was about to enroll at Yale University.
From The Guardian
A lot of those posts could totally be real. But here?s the clue that they?re not: Ewan Mcgregor is too cool to Twitter about Tylenol. Ewan Mcgregor is too busy actually riding his motorcycle around the world to blog about riding his motorcycle. I do admire the Fake Ewan?s attempt at credibility, though. You can tell the guy did his research. I?d imagine most imposters would mess up with something completely out of character, but Fake Ewan kept it pretty simple. I feel bad for the fans, though. All this time, they thought the Real Ewan was updating them about his life!
Ewan Mcgregor is shown on the set the film adaptation of Robert Harris’ book ‘The Ghost’ in Sylt, Germany on 2/23/09. Credit: WENN
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| Jim Carrey says kissing Ewan McGregor was 'a dream come true' | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Ewan Mcgregor is making a rare film festival appearance. He?s in Sundance, to promote his film I Love You Phillip Morris, also starring Jim Carrey. It?s based on a true story of a convict (Carrey) who, while in prison, falls in love with a fellow inmate (played by McGregor), and they try to escape. In addition to his film promotion duties, McGregor also picked up the Ray-ban award, presented to him by Alan Cummings. I have no idea what the Ray-ban Award is, and I really don?t care. Did I mention that Ewan Mcgregor looks incredible?
Jim Carrey and Ewan Mcgregor were an item at the Sundance Film Festival, where their gay romance “I Love You Phillip Morris” premiered.
Carrey and McGregor steam up the screen with some hot and heavy necking.
What was it like for Carrey to lock lips with McGregor?
“A dream come true. I mean, look at the guy,” Carrey said, gesturing at McGregor during a question-and-answer session with the audience after the film’s Sundance premiere Sunday night.
Directed by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa, “I Love You Phillip Morris” is based on the true story of a con man (Carrey) who meets the love of his life (McGregor) in prison, then concocts elaborate escapes and masquerades to free himself and his man.
Carrey and McGregor make a nice couple, their characters’ love story playing out with sweetness, passion and devotion.
The actors said playing gay was all in a day’s work.
“It’s the same as playing any other kind of man, any other kind of character,” said McGregor, saying there was nothing awkward in their kissing and cuddling scenes.
The Associated Press Hosted by Google
Jim Carrey and I are on the same page. It would be a dream come true to make out with McGregor. I mean, look at the guy! McGregor has been in Sundance for the past few days, and from what I?ve seen, he seems to be very gracious with all of the press and photographers. And I?ve yet to see him at the same place as Paris Hilton, so that?s something.
Jim Carrey and Ewan Mcgregor are shown at a press conference at Sundance on 1/19/09. Credit: Splash News
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