| | |  | Johnny Depp News & Gossip
| Johnny Depp Premiere's 'The Lone Ranger' in Berlin | Added 11 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Giving his German fans an extra-special thrill, Johnny Depp showed up at the Berlin premiere of his new film ?The Lone Ranger? on Friday night (July 19).
The ?Pirates of the Caribbean? star wore a grey pinstripe suit and black button-up shirt as he chatted with member of the local press outside the Sony Centre prior to the screening.
In a recent interview, Johnny talked about his split with longtime partner Vanessa Paradis, as well as his concern for the well-being of their two children.
"At times, [it was] certainly unpleasant, but that's the nature of breakups, I guess, especially when there are kiddies involved. It doesn't stop the fact that you care for that person, and they're the mother of your kids. You'll always know each other, and you're always gonna be in each other's lives because of those kids. You might as well make the best of it."
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| Johnny Depp & Armie Hammer in Japan: who would you rather? | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some new (?) photos of Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp shilling, shilling, shilling away for The Lone Ranger in Toyko. Have we even discussed how badly The Lone Ranger bombed in the domestic box office? It bombed. Without question. On opening weekend, it made less than $30 million. You know how much it cost to MAKE? $250,000,000. Yes. $250 million for Johnny Depp to stick a dead crow on his head and play cowboys & Indians. So, even I have to admit that I was wrong about it ? I thought for sure it would be a hit movie, and that little kids would be imitating Tonto all summer. Thankfully, little kids are more interested in the Minions in Despicable Me 2. Those minions are super-cute.
Anyway, that was just a long way of saying that Johnny Depp really needs the Asian markets to really bring in the dough. So Johnny, Armie Hammer, Armie?s wife Elizabeth and Johnny?s lovah Amber Heard (sidenote: I seriously almost typed ?Amber Rose? and how great would that be?!) are all in Japan. Amber did not walk the red carpet with Depp, but I know she?s there because there were photos of her in Japan with Johnny?s children yesterday. You can see those pics here.
So Depp only had his necklaces, scarves and vest for the premiere and photocall. And Armie, of course. So, who would I rather? Imagine trying to get past the scarves, the necklaces, the rings, the sunglasses, the VEST and the cigarette smoke…? I?m sorry, I?d rather bang Armie, even though he?s a gigantic puppy-like dork.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Johnny Depp wants to buy Wounded Knee for $3.9 million & give it back to the Sioux | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 By now, we’re all quite aware that The Lone Ranger did not take last holiday weekend’s box office by storm, but I’ve sort of been ignoring this news because it seems unnecessary to drag Disney’s latest over-budgeted monstrosity through the mud. And it’s not necessarily Johnny Depp’s fault that this film was a failure … even though I suspect that audiences are getting really tired of seeing him in makeup. I think Johnny could actually use a vacation from Hollywood. Just a year, you know? He should take some time off and come back strong. Make some indies and stop obsessing over the “stupid money“ because he already has plenty, and Hollywood will always want him if he stays fresh. Right now though, he’s just coming off the financial failures of Dark Shadows, The Rum Diary, and this Lone Ranger debacle, and that will take some recovery time.
I actually do feel badly for Johnny at the moment because he seemed very focused upon using his version of Tonto as a “small contribution to righting the wrongs” in regard to the Comanche tribe and the Indian as a whole. He took care to visit the Comanche headquarters in Lawton not once but twice while promoting this latest film. Now here’s a bit of a sobering interview with (of all places) the Mail, which buried the lede of course. This portion of the interview discusses Johnny’s desire to make (for lack of a better word) reparations towards the Sioux tribe for what happened at Wounded Knee. Johnny doesn’t understand why the government won’t give this land back, but he says he’s fully prepared to put down the cash for the land himself and give it back to the Sioux:
“What they teach you, certainly in American schools, is mostly a lie. Look at Andrew Jackson, who is celebrated as one of the great soldiers and presidents.
“His face is on the $20 bill, and that p-ssed me off because he was a cold-blooded, killing machine who murdered countless Indians. Abraham Lincoln?s face is on the penny, the smallest denomination of money you can have in the States.
“So the Great Emancipator was put on the least amount of money and Andrew Jackson?s face is on the $20 bill. What does that say?
“History is in the hands of those who get to write the books, as they say. And until you grow up and read about the true facts that’s the stuff they teach you in school.”
Such is Depp?s commitment to the Native American cause, he is planning to spend millions of his own money to return land, Wounded Knee, in South Dakota, to their ownership.
The site, the scene of an 1890 massacre, is up for sale for $3.9?million. Local Native Americans say they cannot afford to buy it. Depp is outraged.
“It’s very sacred ground and many atrocities were committed against the Sioux there. And in the 1970s there was a stand-off between the Feds (Federal government) and the people who should own that land. This historical land is so important to the Sioux culture and all I want to do is buy it and give it back. Why doesn’t the government do that?”
Is he really prepared to pay for the land?
“I am doing my best to make that happen. It’s land they were pushed on to and then they were massacred there. It really saddens me.”
[From Daily Mail]
Sigh. And just like that, I’m loving Johnny again. I hope he’s really going to do follow through on his word and perform this good deed for the Sioux. There’s nothing quite like a “feel good Friday” story.
Photos courtesy of WENN
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| Johnny Depp: 'At 50 you can really start to look forward to total irresponsibility' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here’s Johnny Depp outside Jimmy Kimmel’s show yesterday afternoon. He’s entering the final stretch of Lone Ranger promotion — the Disney movie cost so much to make and opens tomorrow against Despicable Me and holdover release Monsters University, so it will be interesting to see whether Johnny’s star power can recoup the film’s mammoth budget of around $250 million plus all the costs involved with promotion and distribution. Johnny’s international fans are going to have to pull some major ticket sales for this movie to make a profit, and that might be more difficult than usual when he’s playing a Native American rather than a swashbuckling, global-trotting pirate. Who knows what will happen?
Anyway, Jimmy Kimmel and Johnny got a little fresh together with Jimmy commenting on Johnny’s “beautiful face” and Johnny skipping a beat before laying a few kisses on him. One on the lips! I’ve included those videos at the bottom of this post, but first, here are some excerpts from Johnny’s interview with Charlie Rose. He admits that Disney was nervous when they saw him in Tonto makeup for the first time, but he talks about all sorts of other stuff too:
On his split with Vanessa: “When you have children, there is no room for lies, no room for anything but the truth. Anything other than that is a bad example, I believe. We were just very truthful with them and they were just incredibly understanding, incredibly accepting. I was extremely proud of them, the way they dealt with it.”
On playing The Lone Ranger sidekick: “I would rather be a Keith than a Mick.”
Aging gives him more freedom: “I suppose the only thing at 50 you can really start to look forward to is just total irresponsibility. As you get older you can just sit in a chair, wear anything you want, you know you can walk down; old people dress cool. You know they wear sweatpants. The elderly have it down.”
Having children made him grow up. “You know you start getting hit with some very interesting situation in life, you as a parent when they approach that teenage area, which is frightening because you still have memories of that age and they things you were doing at that age…. Please don’t do what I did.”
[From CBS]
This is the point where I could make a snide comment about the freedom associated with Johnny’s aging leading into the arms of a busty blonde, but I think that point is probably dead by now. Here are those video clips of Johnny’s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel. I think Amber needs to worry about Johnny’s wandering eye here! Ahem.
Photos courtesy of WENN
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| Johnny Depp on his Tonto: 'It's my small contribution to righting the wrongs' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Can I start out this post with a declaration that I’m so excited about the fact that The Lone Ranger is entering its premiere phase? Finally, we’re getting some photos of Johnny looking relatively lovely and groomed while not wearing torn-up hats. Even though the dude is 50 years old, he’s actually starting to look like the old, swoonworthy dreamboat Johnny from the early aughts, but Johnny would probably hate to hear that, so I’ll stop being nice right now. Maybe.
Johnny has been all over the place in the past week. In addition to the official premiere in Los Angeles, Depp also touched down in Lawton, Oklahoma (home of the Comanche tribe) last Friday with producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Gore Verbinski in tow. Since I’m not the nicest person, I’ve been making jokes about smelling Johnny’s special blend of patchouli and ciggies (downwind) via I-44 for days now. Johnny attended a special screening for the Comanches and took some photos with fans while declaring, “I’m proud to show [this film] to the Comanche Nation and members of the Indian Nations first.” If you’ll recall, Johnny also visited Lawton last October while serving as Grand Marshal of the Comanche nation parade. I have to admit that Johnny seems incredibly sincere in his reasons for accepting the role of Tonto. Dude wanted to right a historical wrong or two, and I’m not sure he succeeds at doing so in this movie, but we’ll see. In that accord, here are some excerpts from Johnny’s new interview with the Daily Mirror:
On turning 50: “We kept it simple and we just went to dinner. I find the whole idea of celebrating one’s birthday is like clinging to vanity in a way, which is something I?d rather not cling to. It?s one of those things. It?s another decade… Cool. I didn?t suddenly wake up and go, ?God my back is killing me!’”
On hiding from the paps: “There?s no disguise I?ve ever been able to get away with, so I have to live my life like a fugitive, like a recluse. But I?m OK with that because I always felt like an outcast. I never felt like I fitted in anywhere.”
His midlife crisis happened at age 19? “I was asking myself, ?What is life? What am I here for? What shall I do? Does anything matter?? I chose to, let?s say, soften the process by self-medication.”
He makes Tonto a hero: “I wouldn’t take anything away from Clayton Moore, who played the Lone Ranger, but even when I was five or six I thought there was something wrong. I identified with Tonto and wondered why the Indian was the sidekick. I thought, ‘Why isn’t he the hero?’ I wanted to play him not as a sidekick, but as a warrior and a man with great dignity and integrity. It’s my small contribution to righting the wrongs committed in the past. It was very important to me to represent the American Indians and it’s really the only reason I made the movie.”
On his honorary Comanche name, Mah-Woo-Meh (shapeshifer): “It was quite apt and I take great pride in that choice. The name hadn’t been used for years and they had to get permission from the elders. I?m very proud of it. It?s possibly my greatest memento from anywhere.”
Where do he and Vanessa stand now? I wouldn’t see any weirdness at all in making a film with Vanessa now, whereas before I might have done. We’re on great terms and there’s nothing weird or strange. It’s very normal. She?s a great mommy and a great woman.”
He still loves Vanessa: “If you love, you have to love beyond what you think is love. When the s*** hits the fan you have to keep loving. I know it sounds like some sort of Hallmark card, and I don?t mean it to, but you cannot abandon ship, you know. You’ve got a couple of kids and a woman who?s been good to you. So keep loving, no matter what.”
[From Daily Mirror]
It must be noted that the journo makes specific mention that Johnny is guzzing non-alcoholic beer during this interview. While I have already called him out for using his breakup with Vanessa to promote Lone Ranger in his Rolling Stone interview, perhaps I should just give Johnny a break. I admit that I loved him and Vanessa together — not as much as Johnny and Winona or Johnny and Kate Moss, but yes, there’s a little bit of bias on my end. Johnny seems to have come to terms with this most recent breakup, and yeah, he’s probably going through a second “midlife crisis” with Amber Heard, but that relationship has many tests yet to endure.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN
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| Johnny Depp's Hair = NO | Added 11 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 What is happening with Johnny Depp’s hair at the Lone Ranger premiere? He looks like Richard Greico during his Detective Dennis Booker days. Adam Lambert better bring his A-game and his extra hold gel next time he comes around. That kind of height at the crown and overall volume is practically unheard of outside of the pageant circuit.
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| Johnny Depp v. Armie Hammer at 'The Lone Ranger' premiere: who looked better' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Here are some photos from this weekend?s LA premiere of The Lone Ranger. I imagine this movie is going to make a crazy amount of money. I imagine that there will be little boys imitating Johnny Depp?s Tonto all summer. And I?m not sure how to feel about that.
Anyway, I didn?t think any of these people looked really good or really bad at the premiere. Johnny seems to have lost weight, and his face has thinned out a bit. He looks good, I guess, and he?s got those genes where he still looks much younger than he actually is. I?m pretty much over him as a person though. I don?t actively dislike him or anything, I just don?t feel much of anything looking at him. The jewelry is too much. It feels like his crotch is wearing a charm bracelet.
But I think Johnny is dressed better than Armie Hammer. Armie?s pants are too tight! You can get away with that kind of fit if you?re wearing jeans, but not suit trousers. And the fabric has a pinkish sheen, right? Or am I just imagining that? That?s a bold choice, wearing what amounts to a Pink suit on the carpet for The Lone Ranger. Also: he should have shaved. He?s a good-looking guy (kind of goofy, but handsome), but he should be ?the groomed one? to Johnny Depp?s charm-bracelet crotch.
I?m also including photos of Johnny and Armie?s costars Ruth Wilson and Barry Pepper. YES, that is Barry Pepper. I?m hoping whatever is happening there is for a role and not how he looks now. As for Ruth, I think she?s immensely talented but she can?t dress. At all. Last thing: HELENA BONHAM CARTER wasn?t there! BOO.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Johnny Depp Joins Comanche Nation at "The Lone Ranger" Screening | Added 11 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Making a surprise visit to the inspiration for his character, Johnny Depp joined Comanche Nation at a screening of "The Lone Ranger" at Carmike Cinemas in Lawton, Oklahoma on Friday (June 21).
The 50-year-old actor wore all black with a vest and a necklace featuring his character Tont,o as he joined his adopted tribe for the showing.
Sporting a shorter haircut, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" star told the audience, "I'm so proud to be here and so proud to be a part of this. If I can help in any way to pass the message along to the children, to understand that where they come from, they are warriors and nothing less.".
Explaining his goals in portraying Tonto, Johnny continued, "It was with great respect for the native people. That was first and foremost on the agenda.?
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| Johnny Depp Is Blind in One Eye | Added 11 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 In a big reveal during a Rolling Stoneinterview(viaNYDN), Johnny Depp admits to being blind in one eye since birth. Not only that, but he’s also near-sighted in his right eye.
?Everything is just very, very blurry,? he told the magazine of his impaired vision since birth. ?I?ve never had proper vision.?
If Depp isn?t wearing glasses while acting he can only see a few inches in front of him. Something fans may have never realized until now.
This explains a lot. Like why when I was standing outside a hotel he was staying at and waving my hands around going, “Yoo hoo. Johnny. Helllooooo,” he pretended not to see me. It’s because he COULDN’T see me. Of course!
The post Johnny Depp Is Blind in One Eye appeared first on The Blemish.
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| Johnny Depp quit the Whitey Bulger biopic after demanding a $23 million salary | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I think there will be few protests over my editorial decision not to recycle the recent scarfy and grungy looking photos of Johnny Depp that we’ve been rehashing over the past few months. Since we’ve been covering Johnny so much lately, I’ve grown super tired of the carefully planned and meticulously orchestrated “undone” look that Johnny has favored for a couple of years now, so I went back in time and fetched some pictures of Johnny circa 2005 and 2006. Doesn’t he look fantastic in these shots? You’re welcome.
There’s some new stuff going on with Johnny in both his personal and professional lives, and I’ll get to the former in a moment. First, there’s an exclusive report coming down from Deadline about the upcoming Whitey Bulger-based movie (Black Mass) that says Johnny has uncermoniously pulled out of the production. The movie was originally going to be directed by Ben Affleck and would have starred Matt Damon, but that deal fell apart, and then Barry Levinson was slated to direct with Johnny on board as lead. What went wrong? Johnny wanted a $23 million salary, and the financiers couldn’t justify that exorbitant expense. Who can blame them? This isn’t a huge Disney picture or anything, and even Johnny isn’t a guarantee that the movie will cash in big time. Look at what happened last year with The Rum Diary, for which Johnny was paid $15 million on a budget of $45 million, and the movie only grossed $24 million worldwide.
Good god, Johnny.
I guess he’s willing to score extra gigs for homeless guys, but Johnny himself has to make bank at all costs. Perhaps Johnny is not only used to the “stupid money” for his Pirates movies, but he’s also got a new lady to impress. Of course, I’m referring to Johnny’s new girlfriend, Amber Heard. They’ve been together for awhile but went public a month ago, and they might be secretly engaged. Yet according to Star, there’s a bit of drama that involves Johnny demanding that Amber “stop being bisexual!” LOL:
Johnny Depp may be one of the world’s sexiest men, but when it comes to girlfriend Amber Heard, the 49-year-old actor feels threatened — by other women! In a bid to get the openly bisexual actress to settle down, Johnny ahs been showering Amber, 27, with over-the-top gestures. After purchasing a sprawling $16 million estate in Nashville to cater to Amber’s love of horses, naming a beach on his private island after her and building a bar in her honor, Johnny gave Amber an ultimatum: Top seeing other women, or it’s over. “Amber agreed that Johnny’s the only one for her,” says a pal. The two were even spotted holding hands at a Roling Stones concert on April 28. After swinging both ways, Amber appears to have hit a home run!
[From Star, print ediiton, June 10, 2013]
Isn’t that hilarious? You can take the girl out bisexual-land, but you can’t take the bisexual out of … oh, nevermind. I’m not really buying this story as it’s printed; that is, I don’t think that Johnny demanded that Amber “stop being bisexual,” but it makes sense that he’d be nervous about his lady love being attracted to both sexes. I would think that would be hell to not only worry about losing one’s woman to a man but also quite possibly to another woman as well. Johnny might have his hands full with this one.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet
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