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| Christian Bale Talks Tom Hardy in 'The Dark Knight Rises' | Added 14 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 There?s already all kinds of buzz about the third installment of Christopher Nolan?s ?Batman? films, ?The Dark Knight Rises,? and Christian Bale is excited about having Tom Hardy as a costar.
The ?Machinist? actor told press he?s impressed with Hardy and sees him as a worthy opponent in the upcoming film.
?I liked him in ?Inception? and I did see ?Bronson? as well. He seems like he?s a balls-out [guy],? said Bale in a recent interview.
When Christian was asked if he was looking forward to working with Hardy, he simply replied, ?Yeah.? There?s still no word on exactly which character Tom will portray.
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| Was Christian Bale a total jagoff in his Esquire profile? | Added 14 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I was fully prepared to ream Christina Bale for his Esquire Magazine cover interview after I had only read the first two pages - the first two pages is where he?s trying to come across like he?s this hardcore artiste too special and amazing and butch and tough to talk about ?process?. He and the interviewer get into a pissing contest (metaphorically) and the Esquire dude basically tells him to stop being such a f-cking jagoff. After that, the interview gets a lot better. But first, the douchey parts, where Bale comes across as a total bastard, and like he?s incredibly stuck up his own ass, which alone is? expected. It?s just that at first he refuses to talk about nearly anything which caused me to think, ?Just sit at home and be a misanthropic jackass and scream obscenities at your dog and don?t ever talk to the press.?
Anyway, it took about ten lines for Bale?s Esquire cover profile to get good and bitchy (full Esquire piece here). The Esquire interviewer (John H. Richardson) and Bale get into a fight about access what topics they can discuss, and what format the piece will be in, and although Bale does have a point (he really does), that point is drowned out by his narcissism and bullsh-t. The fight starts when Richardson is trying to ask Bale about process and how he works and finds a character, and Bale is only interested in talking about how much he hates talking about process. Like this: ?I find that with particular projects, I kinda know in the back of my head why I’m doing it and what I find interesting, but I never wanna bring it to the front and verbalize it. Because the minute I do that, I’m done. I’ve stuck a fork in that one! I’m bored! So you have to treat yourself like a mushroom to some degree, in order to keep on discovering things? It should just happen. It should just happen. If something’s true and sincere, it happens regardless of marketing. The more I talk about it, the more I’m telling people how they should react. And that is an asshole.? And that?s when the fight starts:
ESQUIRE: Not to argue, but that’s not really true.
BALE: Are you calling me a liar? Am I lying?
ESQUIRE: Sometimes the ground needs to be prepared. And you’ve laid down these onerous rules on me ? all I can do is a Q&A.
Actually, these are forbidden words that you are reading right now. Bale is in the habit of requesting that his media interviews be printed in a Q&A format. He also prefers to conduct them at the same five-star luxury hotel in Los Angeles, and makes it known that he dislikes personal questions.
BALE: You don’t like that?
ESQUIRE: No! I don’t like being told what to do.
BALE: I’ll tell you why. Basically, it’s somebody who got stuck having to interview me who really wants to be a novelist, so they’re writing these novellas and I was like, “It’s not true, that didn’t happen, they just made all that up! Why don’t they just go ahead and be a novelist instead of bothering with interviewing me?”
ESQUIRE: So you want to be perceived accurately, but you also don’t want to give any details. You realize that those two things contradict each other.
BALE: No, it’s simpler than that. I want to be able to just act and never do any interview, but I don’t have the balls to stand up to the studio and say, “I’m never doing another interview in my life!” So I tip my hat and go, “Okay mister! All right mister! I’ll go do the salesman job!”
ESQUIRE: And you don’t want to talk about your personal life or family background either.
BALE: Look, I’ve got incredible pride for my family. I’ve absolutely fallen into that clich of a dad who could just happily talk about my daughter endlessly. But it’s not what I’m about in terms of being an actor. I don’t want people to know about that.
ESQUIRE: Why not?
BALE: I don’t want people to know me.
ESQUIRE: Why not?
BALE: Because that buggers up my job.
ESQUIRE: How does it do that?
BALE: Because if you know something about somebody, it gets in the way of just watching the guy as the character.
ESQUIRE: But that’s not really true. If you really disappeared into your role, people wouldn’t realize it was the same guy from movie to movie.
BALE: No! It’s like painting behind the radiator ? I’d know about it even if nobody else does.
ESQUIRE: But for the audience, that’s part of the pleasure. “Wow! He’s a great actor! He’s so different than he was in Julius Caesar.”
BALE: Well, it’s also just I’m bored shitless with myself.
ESQUIRE: You don’t want to be a vain movie star, I totally get it, I respect it. But there’s nothing that’s more of a dick movie-star move than to say, “It has to be printed as a Q&A.” That’s movie star. You and Tom Cruise back in the day are the only people who do that shit.
BALE: That’s not true! [laughing] We’re not the only ones. And it was like I said yesterday, it came from a couple of interviews where they just made up a whole bunch of crap in their effort to practice writing their novel.
ESQUIRE: That’s very patronizing and insulting, you realize that?
BALE: What, that?
BALE: But these guys lied.
ESQUIRE: Has anybody in the movie business ever lied to you?
BALE: Oh man, listen, that’s not restricted to any one line of work, is it?
ESQUIRE: But you’re still in the movie business, right?
BALE: You really wanna be freed up from just doing the Q&A, don’t ya?
ESQUIRE: I went back to my hotel last night thinking, This guy’s very cool and he doesn’t wanna act like a poncy movie star, he wants to be a regular bloke, but he’s got instructions on what format the fucking story should take. He’s delusional!
Bale is laughing…
ESQUIRE: Poor guy! He actually thinks he’s normal!
BALE: I do love people ripping the shit out of me. I don’t know what that’s about, but I love it. The more crap you give me, the happier I get.
[From Esquire]
Yeah, and he?s also boring me sh-tless. For all of those people preparing to defend him, just pay attention to the mechanics of this: he agreed to do an interview with Esquire Magazine, and he somehow managed to get them to agree to his ?Q&A? terms, including no discussion of his family or anything personal. When he was asked a series of questions about his process, he has a meltdown and says that he doesn?t want to talk about process or the work. Anyway, after that, the piece gets a lot better - here are some other highlights:
Bale on promoting his work: ?Everybody talks about the process too much. The interesting thing about a movie is the movie. I don’t get it when you get so much openness about the way movies are made, and the special effects and the behind-the-scenes stuff and all of that. I can’t help but feel like this reduces it a little bit. It’s something that shouldn’t just be handed out as an extra on a DVD. It should be sought out by serious potential filmmakers who wanna learn how to do it.?
Bale on the word ?should?: ?Somebody tells me I “should read Dickens,” I’ll be fucked if I’m ever gonna pick up Dickens. That word should just kills it. I’ll never feel a personal connection to it.?
On cringing at his child actor past: ?I spent many years trying to pretend I wasn’t?. Because it’s embarrassing. Well, it’s embarrassing to be a star. Most people look at you like, “That’s not a fucking job, is it?” And then on top of that, you learn very quickly that you’re just a tool ? other people are manipulating everything you do, you’re at the mercy of editors, and there’s nothing you can do. But I learned that there’s a certain character that can be built from embarrassing yourself endlessly. If you can sit happy with embarrassment, there’s not much else that can really get to ya.
On his character in The Fighter: ?He’s a sweet crackhead, isn’t he? I’m so fond of Dickie. I was just talking with him today. He just loves people so much, and then he messes up.?
On losing 63 pounds for a role: ?That was just a kind of an asshole seeing if he could have the discipline to mentally control himself for an amount of time.?
On having a ?sissy job?: ?I have a very sissy job, where I go to work and get my hair done, and people do my makeup, and I go and say lines and people spoil me rotten. And everyone has that kind of curiosity of how far can you go, how far can you take it. I think it’s always good testing yourself. With various things that could be incredibly unimpressive to other people, but there’s some meaning to it within yourself ? and also stupid, which many people called me during that time [laughs].?
On whether he?s dark in real life: ?I’m still singing and dancing and happy. I just don’t like musicals, that’s all. [Or romantic comedies.] I just don’t find them very romantic or funny much of the time.?
On his favorite films: ?And Chris Farley was just phenomenal. Beverly Hills Ninja will always remain one of my tops. I have watched that movie. One time I sat down and watched it two nights in a row, and cried with laughter both times. The guy just was a phenomenon, and is missed dearly in my household.?
Bale on embarrassment, and yes, process: ?I primarily felt embarrassment through most of my performances. I’m not sure. I never put my finger on it. But there was a love for it at the same time ? and I don’t think it’s amazing to have those contradictions. None of us are sound bites, you know? Believe me, I have things I revel in without any hesitation. This is just not something to be quite as proud of as many people would have you believe? Art is something to be proud of. Art is no compromise. As an actor, you’re giving it up, you’re at the mercy of so many other people. So are you truly reaching the lofty goals? No, of course you’re not. And there are some movies where that was never the aim anyway? You know, I’ve been doing this quite a long time. It doesn’t make me feel special. But I actually love it more for the reality of how it is done, the sinew and the bone of how it’s really put together. One word: immersion. It doesn’t matter whether I would be acting or doing anything else. It’s about taking things a little too far. It’s about you don’t know the edge until you’ve gone over it. That fascinates me. I’m not on a couch having therapy. And it’s very limiting if I have to be able to relate every damn thing in somebody else’s life to something that’s happened in mine. At the end of the day, I’m faking it. Pure imagination, and it’s only phony if you don’t go far enough with it. You can become obsessive and it can get to the point where you’re almost losing yourself. You’ve become a vessel. And holy shit, things start happening. And I’m hating the way I’m sounding right now, because I sound like a tosser, but that’s my secret ambition.?
What would Bale do if he wasn?t acting? ?I think I probably would have tried to experience my own stories in the way my father did ? the sort of travel, the randomness of life, educating himself through experiences. [Bale's father was a swashbuckling figure who flew planes, sold jeans and skateboards, worked as an animal-rights activist, and married three women ? including, late in life, Gloria Steinem.] I think I get that partially through acting, but you have to make an effort to be in an unprotected environment because everyone thinks you’re a completely incapable idiot who couldn’t possibly brush his teeth without an assistant. You have to make an effort in order to be able to actually experience the country that you’re in.?
On his 5=year-old daughter: ?I spent most of the morning being the audience for my daughter’s singing and dancing today?. she just does her own thing. She just makes up her own stuff and performs for us. Yeah, it’s a whole different party circuit that you find yourself in. I love the bouncy-castle party circuit right now. The last few years of my life have been spent just watching animation ? for my daughter ? and getting a kick out of that. I love anything that she likes. If she’s getting a kick out of it, I love it. I find myself tearing up at the most ridiculous things now, sitting next to my daughter while she’s watching a movie. Me and my wife look across at each other like, “Oh my God! Are we really doing this? Yes we are! [An example]?Up.?
[From Esquire]
So, at the end of it, I kind of liked him after wanting to shoot him in the face for two pages. Bale: he?ll get you worked up.
Photos courtesy of Esquire.
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 He?s no doubt one of the most talented males in Hollywood, but Christian Bale says people stereotype him as an ?idiot? actor.
The ?Dark Knight? stud told Esquire Magazine, ?Well, it?s embarrassing to be a star. Most people look at you like, ?That?s not a f***ing job, is it?? And then on top of that, you learn very quickly that you?re just a tool ? other people are manipulating everything you do and there?s nothing you can do.?
Of the misconceptions people have about him, Bale continued, ?I think I get that partially through acting, but you have to make an effort to be in an unprotected environment because everyone thinks you?re a completely incapable idiot who couldn?t possibly brush his teeth without an assistant. You have to make an effort in order to be able to actually experience the country that you?re in.?
How does Christian stay sane? ?If you can sit happy with embarrassment, there?s not much else that can really get to you.?
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 Enjoying a beautiful afternoon together, Christian Bale and family were spotted strolling around Los Angeles yesterday (March 28).
The ?Dark Knight? stud along with wife Sandra Blazic and daughter Emmaline made the most of the springtime weather, stopping at a caf for drinks on their walk.
And though things are going well in his immediate family, Bale has reportedly baled on his mother and his folks back in the UK after the heated argument they had at his Dorchester Hotel room in July of 2008.
Christian?s mother Jenny told press, "He's not talking to us; it's not the other way round. He has changed his phone numbers, and he ignores the letters, emails and birthday cards I send. As awful as that night was, and although I rack my mind every day about what could have made him behave like that, I'd happily forget it happened, if we could go back to being a family. That's the most important thing. We miss Christian terribly. It's been more than 18 months now and it's hard to see how this will ever end."
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| Christian Bale and Sibi Blazic: Lunch Lovers | Added 15 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Out grabbing a bite to eat, Christian Bale and Sandra “Sibi” Blazic were spotted in Pacific Palisades, CA on Wednesday afternoon (March 3).
After enjoying a nice meal together, the “Public Enemies” actor and his model/make-up artist wife looked cute as they walked arm in arm passed the paparazzi.
In other news, Bale’s sister Sharon - who had him arrested back in July 2008 – has filed for bankruptcy due to poor decisions involving property investments.
Of the situation, Sharon says, “Christian doesn’t know about the bankruptcy. I wouldn’t expect him to help. We don’t speak anymore. It’s totally his decision and it makes us all very sad.”
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| Mark Wahlberg is worried costar Christian Bale has an eating disorder | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Over the past two months, we?ve seen a lot of pictures coming out from the set of The Fighter, the true story of boxer-turned-trainer-turned-crackhead Dicky Eklund. Christian Bale plays Eklund, and Mark Wahlberg costars as ?Irish? Micky Ward, Eklund?s half-brother. Apparently, Bale and Wahlberg have become quite close on the set - close enough that Mark is really, really worried about Christian Bale?s weight loss. The photos coming out of the set are not flattering for Bale - he is playing a crackhead, after all. Bale is rather famous for his extreme ?method? acting, and his habit of taking on extremes when preparing a character. His habit seems to be to take a role where he has to loose an extreme amount of weight, then he takes on a role where he has to really buff up. Mark Wahlberg is trying to convince Bale that he can?t keep doing this to his body:
?You gotta eat man. You?re messing with your health!? Mark Wahlberg made that desperate plea to co-star Christian Bale when Bale continued to starve himself after dropping more than 40 pounds for their film ?The Fighter? sources say.
?Christian is a method actor,? a Hollywood insider told the Enquirer. ?If a role calls for him to look like a drug dealer, or he has to play someone who hasn?t slept in a year, he?ll go without food to look the part.?
?But the danger comes after he takes off that weight, and then eats everything in sight to put it back on for the next role. That kind of yo-yo dieting can be deadly. Mark and Christian are friends, and Mark is concerned about him.?
[Christian] looks scarily skeletal for his role as a boxer-turned-trainer who?s nearly KO?s by drugs and crime in ?The Fighter?.
?It?s crazy. Christian has been living on fruit and water. He?s emaciated,? the source said. ?Besides eating practically nothing, he exercises a lot to keep the weight off.
Wahlberg - a health fanatic who worked himself into great shape to play a champion boxer in ?The Fighter? - has begged Bale to stop dieting, said the source.
?Mark feels Christian is taking the whole ?in character? thing too far. He?s afraid Christian is getting Karen Carpenter-thin, and he?s worried about his heart,? the source divulged.
?He wants Christian to realize that acting is a job, and it?s not worth risking your health.?
[From the National Enquirer, print edition, August 31 2009]
I totally agree with Mark ?Say Hello To Your Mutha? Wahlberg, if this report is true. I?m kind of beyond expressing my appreciation for Bale?s extreme physical transformations. If it was just once, for a role that was incredible and groundbreaking, and a story that needed to be told, perhaps I would appreciate it more. But Bale seems to consistently choose parts that allow him to engage in a eating disorder while calling it ?art?. It?s not healthy, physically or psychologically. And Bale is doing real, permanent damage to his body - I don?t buy that Bale keeps loosing this weight with the help and approval of nutritionists and doctors. I think he?s doing it without any advice at all. I hope film producers are taking note, and reconsidering Bale for certain roles that they know will only feed his eating disorder.
Christian Bale and Mark Wahlberg are shown on set in Boston on 7/27, 7/28 and 7/29/09. Credit: Fame Pictures
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| Will Christian Bale's crackhead performance win him an Oscar' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 A couple of weeks ago, CB showed us some pictures of the now manorexic-looking Christian Bale on the set of his new film, The Fighter. The film is based on the true story of boxer-turned-trainer-turned-crackhead Dicky Eklund. Mark Wahlberg and Amy Adams also star, but it?s Bale who keeps getting most of the attention. This is because Bale is some kind of extreme ?method? actor, and he?s determined to play a crackhead with as much authenticity as possible. Even if authenticity comes at the price of looking like this. If you hadn?t told me this was Christian Bale, I would have thought the paparazzi just took some photos of a random street addict. I guess I have to give it to Bale, he looks? authentic. Is that the right word? Is there a word for ?no thanks, I?m never going to be interested again, even if he gets hot again a year from now??
It seems even the paparazzi are getting a bit worried about Christian, because the photos included this note: ?The method actor has always been known to really dive into his roles headfirst, and take on all of the physical challenges called for, but these pictures makes one wonder if the actor is taking it too far to play the crack addled Dicky.? So here?s a question? just how ?method? is Bale? If he was playing a crack addict, I would think he?s ?method? enough to try, to experience, to use crack. Or is this all dieting and makeup?
Interestingly enough, Entertainment Weekly?s PopWatch is worried about Bale too - by their count, The Fight will be Bale third method-anorexia performance, and at this point, the Academy just needs to give him an Oscar already:
Poor Christian Bale. The guy has already gone super-method on us not once, but twice — when he essentially starved himself for roles in The Machinist and Rescue Dawn — but it looks like he’s ditched the hamburgers and Ensure once again based on photos from the set of The Fighter, his new movie about a drug-addled boxer.
Seriously, the Academy: How much weight does Bale have to lose before you finally award him an Oscar? What don’t you f–king understand? Nicole Kidman only had to don a fake nose to nab the prize! But let’s just go ahead and give him one before he slips through a crack on the street, ‘mkay?
Does Bale’s repeated attempts to become emaciated for the sake of his art freak you out as much as it does me?
Especially when actors like Matt Damon — who lost 40 pounds to play a heroin addict in Courage Under Fire — have been told their heart health could suffer from such a rapid diet?
[From Entertainment Weekly?s PopWatch]
One of the most under-reported ?method? weight loss/gain stories in film lore, for me, is the one of Vincent D?Onofrio in Full Metal Jacket. According to sources, Vincent put on 70 pounds to play Private Pyle, beating out Robert DeNiro?s Raging Bull 60-pound weight gain. Considering it was one of Vincent?s first roles, no one really recognized his extraordinary transformation, and Vincent wasn?t nominated for any acting awards for what should have been his breakthrough performance. Now that is a man I can get behind, forever and always. Team D?Onofrio.
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| Christian Bale is an actor | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Here’s Christian Bale emaciated again on the set of The Fighter getting ready to play a drug addicted boxer. This is the second time he’s lost a massive amount of weight for a role. The first being The Machinist.
That can’t be good for him. His hair is thinning and he’s dressing like a homeless guy. The good news is that he’ll probably be awesome in the movie. Not like that Paris Hilton. Her idea of acting is to look at the camera, giggle and try to lick her nipples. Except she can’t even do that right because she keeps tipping over.
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| Christian Bale looking manorexic again | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Christian Bale, 35, lost a third of his body weight for his role as a troubled industrial worker in 2004’s The Machinist. He dropped 63 pounds on a diet of just coffee, cigarettes and an apple a day. He said of his massive weight loss that it was a goal he was determined to meet. “I wouldn’t have done that amount of weight loss if I hadn’t thought the movie itself was worth seeing. It was kind of a goal that I wanted to achieve and prove to myself I could manage.”
Five years later and Bale looks super skinny again. He was photographed on the set of his film “The Fighter,” a true life tale about a boxer from Massachusetts who ended up addicted to crack cocaine. The film also stars Mark Wahlberg as his younger brother, boxer “Irish” Micky Ward, and Amy Adams:
Christian Bale has been a master of reinvention when it comes to transforming his body for his various roles, but the sight of the gaunt Welsh actor Monday afternoon on set of ?The Fighter? raises suspicions as to the nature of his health. Though Bale is playing boxer-turned trainer-turned-drug addict Dickie Eklund in the film, his hollowed features seem extreme for a man who bulked up to play the muscly caped crusader in last year?s Batman. Bale is a notorious method actor and lost a staggering 63 pounds for the film The Machinist only to regain it all back and then some for the first Batman installment. Is his metabolism and ultimately his health being adversely affected by the excessive weight fluctuation?
[From Fame Pictures' photo description]
Bale is clutching an apple in these pictures. Is that all he had to eat that day? The film is set in the early 80s and I love the outfits Bale and Wahlberg are wearing. As grumpy as Wahlberg is, he’s one of my favorite actors and I loved the tough but honest cop he played in The Departed. I’m kind of “meh” on Christian Bale, but he did make Batman watchable again. He’s definitely committed to his craft, you can say that for him.
It’s hard to tell if The Fighter will be a great film or not - it’s directed by David O. Russell (I Heart Huckabees, Three Kings) and written by Paul Attanasio (”Homicide: Life on the Street,” The Good German) and Lewis Colick (Beyond The Sea, Ladder 49). It’s not out until 2011, and Bale will surely be looking back to normal by then.
Thanks to Fame Pictures for these photos
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| Christian Bale says his Terminator character is the one with anger issues | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Christian Bale is still trying to explain that obscene four-minute tirade against the director of photography on Terminator: Salvation that was released this February. Bale went on Good Morning America yesterday to promote the film, and ended up getting several questions about the leaked audio where he is heard screaming at this crew member. Bale defended himself on Good Morning America by saying it was the character of John Connor who had the anger problem. Ah, yes. That?s a good one. Blame it on the character.
Of course, Bale actually does take ?full responsibility? for the incident, while carefully avoiding questions about whether he seriously does have larger anger management issues. Recently, Bale gave an interview where he took also ?full responsibility?, yet managed to give some of the blame to whoever released the audio of the rant, saying it was a breach of creative trust. And now he gets to pull out the ?privacy? card when asked about that incident where he, his mother and his sister got into some physical/verbal altercation. It doesn?t seem like full responsibility to me, but what do I know?
Christian Bale?s having a tough time shaking his hot-headed reputation after infamously berating a film crew member last summer.
On ?Good Morning America? Monday to promote his new film “Terminator Salvation,” out this Thursday, Bale was asked whether he has an anger management problem.
“Well, certainly John Connor has an anger problem, ” Bale demurred, referring to his “Terminator” alter ego.
Bale’s four-minute, profanity-laced tirade against director of photography Shane Hurlbut on the set of the film was leaked onto the Internet earlier this year, where it became the star of musical remixes and parodies. Bale issued a public apology on LA?s KROQ radio station in February.
“The whole incident was something which absolutely I regret, but we were resolved within 30 seconds on the film set,” Bale said on “GMA,” calling the blowup ?unfortunate” and “inexcusable.”
“I take full responsibility for it. Absolutely.”
Bale was also pressed about anger issues in his personal life. The actor was arrested last July in London after a heated argument with his mother and sister. He was released on bail and never charged.
“I maintain incredible privacy. I do believe it’s, you know, nothing but a family affair,” Bale said. “And obviously, I assume, we all understand things like that happen, and I don’t desire to go into more explanation because I think as an actor, I like just to act and have people believe the characters. So I appreciate people respecting my privacy on those issues.”
[From The New York Daily News]
I don?t doubt that Bale really is sorry for his verbal attack on Shane Hurlbut. I just think he?s equally sorry the tape saw the light of day. Bale?s a great actor, and he has a knack for playing characters that burn with intensity. Maybe it?s not so much the parts he?s offered, but the violent characters he?s drawn to. So, did Bale learn his lesson after this ordeal? Maybe, maybe not. My guess is that it will depend on how well Terminator: Salvation does at the box office. Hollywood has a habit of looking the other way when a guy?s an a–hole, but only if that a–hole makes them money.
Here?s Christian Bale with his wife Sibi Blazic at the Los Angeles premiere of ‘Terminator Salvation’ held at the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre on May 14th. Images thanks to WENN.com .
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