| | |  | Christian Bale News & Gossip
| Christian Bale: releasing obscene rant audio was a breech of creative trust | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Christian Bale is still talking about his obscenity-filled rant at a crew member. The incident happened last year, during filming of Terminator: Salvation, but the audio of the rant didn?t come out until February of this year. Bale apologized for the incident, and for the most part kept his head down as everyone from film producers to Bale?s family freaked out. It was pretty good crisis-management on Bale?s part, but it seems like his apology tour isn?t over.
Bale sat down for an interview with Total Film, and his comments about the incident are revealing. First, he takes full responsibility for what happened, saying that he went ?overboard?. I think ?overboard? might be too light of a sentence, Bale - I would say ?massive hissy fit? or ?childish, unprofessional temper tantrum?, but those are just semantics. Then Bale blames the sound people on Terminator for releasing the audio - a bold move.
Christian Bale has claimed that the sound engineers who secretly recorded his Terminator Salvation rant betrayed his “magic circle” of trust.
The audio clip of Bale screaming abuse at the film’s director of photography became a YouTube hit when it was leaked online in February. It featured 39 F-words and Bale threatening to quit the film after the hapless Shane Hurlbut accidentally wandered into shot. Bale’s rant inspired a number of online spoofs and mash-ups with the actor’s expletive-laden tirade put to music.
Breaking his silence about the incident in an interview with Total Film, Bale, 35, said: “Hey, I did what I did. I’m not hiding from that. I went overboard. But there is an essential trust and it’s not a tacit one, it’s a verbal one, a spoken one, which is [that] every sound guy says, ‘We are not only not recording, we’re not even listening.??
“So, well, there goes that. I do stress, though, it’s not in any way a trust that’s there to cover up bad behaviour. It’s not about that. It’s an essential trust that’s needed for creativity.”
Asked if he was worried that the story would affect audiences’ enjoyment of Termination Salvation, the Batman star replied: “Yeah. It’s not in anyone’s interest to know that much. I understand people are interested, I get that they want to hear about it, but to me I look at it as old-school movie magic and with magic you do not reveal your secrets.?
“You really make people work to find those secrets and generally you just reveal it to people who are going to join your f***ing magic circle and then you know about it. And you know, for me, I’ve never been comfortable with the revealing of those mysteries which I think are wonderful mysteries.”
Bale added: “I’m not making any excuses, I’m not whining, I’m not going, ‘Oh well, if it hadn’t have been for that…’ Hey, listen, I did it, it’s in the public space. Hey, I take the consequences for it. But it’s that. It’s a creative trust.”
Terminator Salvation is the fourth instalment in the franchise, although Bale would prefer people to call it the Terminator “mythology” because “franchise just sounds so money-minded. McDonalds is a franchise”. It opens on June 3.
[From The Telegraph]
Ordinarily, I would think Bale is trying to blame the sound guys for the whole of the controversy, but I tend to think he has a point. He?s taken his knocks, and now he?s not saying it?s the sound guys? fault for the incident, just the way the incident became public. It is about trust, and most actors need to trust a film?s crew with a lot of personal stuff. As overwhelmingly unprofessional as Bale was in that audio, it was also unprofessional, and a breech of professional trust, to release the tape.
In any case, I doubt Bale was hurt by the incident in the long run. He?s still an in-demand actor, and now members of the crew know better than to walk into his shot. The trailers for Terminator: Salvation makes the film look really good, although it?s probably a bit too reliant on special effects rather than story.
Here?s Christian Bale taking his 4 year old daughter Emmaline to gymnastics in Los Angeles on April 15th. Images thanks to Pacific Coast News.
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| Christian Bale being replaced as Batman by Terminator co-star? | Added 16 years ago | Source: Seriously OMG WTF |
 Is Christian Bale out as Batman for the third installment of the new franchise? Well according to The Herald Sun his Terminator Salvation co-star Sam Worthington is being tipped to replace him in the third Batman prequel?
Am I the only one who hadn't heard that Bale was considering not returning as the caped crusader or that they didn't even want to bring him back? One exposed bad day on a set is not a reason to replace someone, especially someone as talented as Christian Bale.
Personally I wonder if Worthington's people leaked this story in order to get some press for their star? He is Australian and the paper that broke it is down under?
Do you want see Bale back as Batman or would you like someone new in the suit?
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| Christian Bale's sister says he needs a 'time out' | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Even after Christian Bale?s seemingly earnest apology for his profanity-filled rant, the rant is still being discussed, both good and bad. Bale?s Terminator Salvation director McG told fans at Comic Con that he understood Bale?s blow-up. However, Bale?s sister is taking the same ?oh, I?m so worried about him? passive-aggressive route her mother took.
McG told fans that Bale?s tirade was ?just one of those moments?. I tend to think of a bad moment as yelling ?Up yours!? at another driver, not a five-minute long, profanity-filled freak-out, but that?s apparently just me. McG claims that Bale and Shane Hurlbut (the lighting guy) are friends now, having buried the hatchet months ago. People has more:
Though Christian Bale himself called his F-bomb outburst on the Terminator Salvation set “inexcusable,” the film’s director is coming to the star’s defense.
“The film set is a passionate place, and it happens,” McG told fans at a Warner Bros. preview panel at New York Comic Con on Saturday. “There was no version of, ‘Oh, Christian is going to whip his ass.’ It was just sort of a blowup,”
“We let it run its course, and it did. You obviously only get to hear the explicit parts,” he said.
Bale verbally bashed the film’s director of photography, Shane Hurlbut, after he accidentally entered the actor’s sight lines during filming.
The audiotape quickly went viral, sparking mixed reactions, but the on-set drama ended that day, McG insists.
“Christian has taken responsibility for the way he acted. It’s a matter of fact that he and Shane are buddies. We finished the movie together. We did some additional photography about a month ago,” he told the packed auditorium at Manhattan’s Jacob Javits Center.
“It was just one of those moments. I think I can speak on all of our behalf that we’ve all gotten a little fired up. And if anybody would take that moment and take it out of context, it would seem very, very strange.”
The director is getting a bit of a chuckle out of it, though, admitting he’s seen some of the online fodder. “That remix is pretty hot,” McG said to uproarious applause.
From People Magazine
The remix is pretty good. I?m a bigger fan of the Christian Bale-screams-at-Bill-O?Reilly (link leads to video) version, where they mix together Bale?s tirade with O?Reilly?s ?we?ll do it live!? nonsense.
A few days after the Bale tape was released, his mother spoke out. Many commenters found her ?he?s so angry, now you understand? stuff a little bit much. It would have been classier if his mother hadn?t commented on it, I agree. Even if he had a world-class freak-out that had the potential to do serious damage to his career, it would have been nice if every one of his family members had decided that this would be the week they would not pile on. However, his sister Sharon was not content to allow just Christian and their mother get attention - she had to chime in and diagnose him too.
“It’s terribly sad,” [Sharon Bale] says from her house in Dorset. “I feel for him. He seems to be incredibly stressed and angry at the moment. This sort of behaviour is totally out of character and I think he might need help.” Last summer, Bale, who starred as Batman in The Dark Knight, was arrested and questioned for several hours after an alleged assault on Sharon and their mother, Jenny. The Crown Prosecution Service subsequently announced that he would not face any charges due to insufficient evidence.
His mother says: “People might now realise that is his temper: they might understand a bit more. I wish he hadn’t carried this on so long or so fiercely. It was upsetting to hear him.” Sharon adds: “He’s normally a placid guy, but he has done film after film. He just needs time out.”
From The Sunday Telegraph
I actually agree that Christian might benefit from an anger management class, or perhaps some… water therapy, maybe? But it really does seem like even Bale?s family is piling on, kicking him when he?s down. And the whole idea of a sister telling her adult brother that needs a ?time out? reeks of sanctimony. Even if Bale?s freak-out reminded some of a childish temper tantrum, for God?s sake, don?t wake the beast!
Christian Bale is shown outside of the Dorchester hotel in London on 7/22/08. Credit: WENN
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| Christian Bale apologizes for tirade | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Christian Bale went on KROQ’s Kevin & Bean show this morning (audio below) to apologize for the outburst on the Terminator: Salvation set and to assure everyone that he and Shane Hurlbut squared it away that day. They even spent the next month working together in perfect harmony.
“The thing that I really want to stress is I have no confusion whatsoever. I was out of order beyond belief. I was way out of order. I acted like a punk. I regret that.
“There is nobody that has heard that tape that is hit harder by it than me. I make no excuses for it. It is inexcusable. I hope that that is absolutely clear.”
Christian even welcomed people to mock and remix his rant to their hearts content. So suck it Harry Knowles, you ass kisser. Even Christian Bale is sorry and has a sense of humor about it.
“Feel free to make fun of me at my expense; I deserve it completely.”
As far as apologies go, this was far better than the one I gave my date. Probably because I didn’t mean it. Look, is it my fault that the safe word was “cake”? You try and remember that.
[See post to listen to audio]
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| Christian Bale earnestly apologizes for rant | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Christian Bale’s on-set rant against a technician working on Terminator: Salvation has only been out a week and is already the stuff of legend. It’s been parodied unmercifully in the media, and an amusing remix (link leads to video) has received over 1.6 million views on YouTube.
People are divided over whether it should have been leaked or not, and if Bale was clearly in the wrong or if he had an understandable fit of anger during the most intense scene in the film in which a lighting technician with whom he’d had the same issue with in the past was interfering. His own mother publicly commented on the rant, saying that she understood why he was upset but implying that he shouldn’t have carried on so long with it.
Christian Bale himself has decided to talk about the controversy. He called in to an LA radio station this morning and said that he’s had “a miserable week,” that the issue over the tape has affected him deeply, and that he knows he was in the wrong and has no excuse for it.
One thing that E! didn’t include in their coverage of this below is that Bale said “I’m not comfortable with this notion of being a movie star. I’m an actor… I don’t quite know how to handle the movie star thing. The thing that disturbs me is that I’ve a lot of people saying that I seem to think I’m better than anybody else. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I am a lucky SOB. I never forget that, and that is why I put so much into what I do, and why I care so much about it and sometimes that enthusiasm just goes awry. If anyone ever sees me thinking that I’m better than anybody else… stick a fork in me, turn me over, I’m done.”
The radio station that Bale called into has been mocking him on the air this week, and he said it was fine and that he deserved it:
After a week of unrelenting press coverage in the wake of his leaked onset rant, Bale unexpectedly chose to break his silence over the incident on KROQ radio’s popular morning show, taking full responsibility for his Terminator: Salvation explosion.
“It’s been a miserable week for me,” Bale told hosts Kevin Ryder and Gene “Bean” Baxter. “Listen, I know I have a potty mouth; everybody knows this now.
“The thing that I really want to stress is I have no confusion whatsoever. I was out of order beyond belief. I was way out of order. I acted like a punk. I regret that.
“There is nobody that has heard that tape that’s been hit harder by it than me. I make no excuses for it. It is unexcusable. I hope that that is absolutely clear.”
As for what brought on the much-played rant, Bale said the day’s shooting was particularly intense: “I put so much into what I do and care so much about it and sometimes the enthusiasm just goes awry.
“I’m embarrassed by it. I ask everybody to sit down and ask themselves, have they ever had a bad day and have they ever lost their temper and really regretted it immensely.”
Not that he doesn’t understand the public’s insatiable desire to hear?and mock and remix?the audio.
“Feel free to make fun of me at my expense; I deserve it completely.”
Bale, who could easily have chosen any worldwide media to deliver his mea culpa, said he selected KROQ because had been listening to the morning show’s mockery and incessant playing of his rant all week.
“I spoke with you guys a few years back; you seem like good guys and I wanted to talk with you about it,” he said, before adding that the DJs’ take on his rant made him laugh. “Believe me, this is no punk…”
(For those doubting the validity of the scoop, Bale’s rep Jennifer Allen has confirmed that it was the actor, and not the station’s dead-on Bale impersonator, Ralph Garman.)
As for any residual hard feelings between Bale and D.P. Shane Hurlbut, the object of his on-set rant, the actor said it ceased being an issue shortly after the outburst.
“We have resolved this completely…I have no intention of getting anyone fired. There is no problem whatsoever.”
[From E! Online]
He also explained the rant very well, and said that he was filming a rough scene “mixed up fact and fiction” and was “half John Connor,” when he flipped out. Bale was incredibly genuine and upfront in the interview and I got the impression that he would have felt bad about the rant even if the footage hadn’t been released. He said he worked out the issue with that guy he was yelling at that very day, worked with him for hours more that day, and for a month afterwards. He pleaded to the audience not to let his rant interfere with their impression of the movie, and said it’s a great film that everyone should go see.
Bale also had a message he wanted to give to Michael Phelps before he got off the phone, he said “Please, Michael Phelps, swim in the next Olympics… sure he smoked a bit of weed, plenty of our Presidents have, do not waste that God-like talent, swim in the next Olympic games.”
It’s also to Bale’s credit that he called into a radio station to give his first post rant interview and didn’t go the talkshow route. I would encourage everyone to listen to the tape of Christian Bale’s apology, it’s not on YouTube yet, but you can hear it on KROQ’s website (left side) and on E! Online.
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| Christian Bale Apologizes for 'Potty Mouth' | Added 16 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Trying to smooth things over following the release of his now-notorious on-set blowup, Christian Bale has offered up an apology.
The “Dark Knight” actor phoned into KROQ’s Kevin & Bean show earlier today, explaining all of the expletives thrown about while filming “Terminator Salvation.”
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| Christian Bale's mom reacts to his on-set tirade | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 People are still talking about Christian Bale expletive-ridden rant on the set of Terminator: Salvation. The audio was recorded off of Christian?s mic during last year?s production, but only released this week. A producer stepped up to defend Christian, but other than that, most of the feedback has been condemnation for Bale.
Now Christian?s mom is speaking up. She says that she understands why Christian was angry that the lighting guy messed up Christian?s scene, but ?not the length of the tirade.? She makes a few pointed remarks about the timeline of the incident - Christian?s on-set rant was around the same time he was in the incident with his mother and sister at a London hotel. The Daily Telegraph has more:
The actor lost his temper with a lighting engineer and let rip on the set of the Terminator film, admonishing the crew member with a foul mouthed tirade.
His mother Jenny Bale, 61, said that she now hopes this will help the public understand the incident last summer when she reported her son after he allegedly assaulted her.
The 35-year-old heart-throb was arrested after the incident at London’s Dorchester Hotel, but no action was taken.
After hearing her son’s recently broadcast outburst she said she understood why he was angry, but was unhappy that he had been so “fierce”.
Speaking from her home in Bournemouth, Dorset, Mrs Bale said: “I haven’t spoken to Christian about it, but I have listened to most of it and he was clearly very angry. He is a perfectionist and if you are doing an intense scene and someone is spoiling a shot, it takes time to get it back.?
“It sounds as if a lighting engineer got in the shot so I can understand his anger but not the length of the tirade. It happened in July when he was filming the Terminator and was before the incident with him and myself at the Batman premiere with all the publicity.?
“People might now realise that that is his temper, they might understand a bit more. I wish he hadn’t carried this on so long or so fiercely, it was upsetting to hear him.”
The rant, which has been defended by the film’s assistant editor Bruce Franklin, has now been turned into a dance tune by DJ Revolution and can be heard on the internet.
Bale began his career at the age of 12 when he took the lead in Steven Spielberg’s Empire of the Sun
His parents, Jenny and David, split up when he was 13. Four years later, Bale joined his father in America.
His mother, and sisters Sharon and Louise, remained in the UK. His mother works as a therapist and lives in the Southbourne area of Bournemouth.
From The Daily Telegraph
Oh, Lord, his mother is a therapist? That does not bode well for either Christian?s anger issues or his mother?s quality as a therapist. If his mother is taking the long view, I suppose she has been vindicated. Now everyone knows exactly how intemperate Bale is, and people are going back to last year?s incident with new eyes. There?s a rumor that the audio was released to pre-emptively take down Terminator: Salvation in the hopes of boosting up Transformers 2, but I doubt it. Someone was probably saving it just to publicly shame Christian Bale, no matter the timing.
Christian Bale is shown outside a restaurant on 7/29/08. Credit: WENN
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| Producer defends Christian Bale's tirade on Terminator: Salvation set | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Over the weekend, an audio clip was leaked that featured Christian Bale laying into a cinematographer on the set of Terminator: Salvation last summer. The guy who drew Bale’s ire had apparently interfered with a scene he was shooting. Bale dropped the F bomb 40 times in nearly four minutes. He was clearly angry, and he did threaten the guy once, saying “I’m going to kick your ass.” Bale then tried to temper it by saying “you’re a nice guy” and generally focused his ire on his scene being ruined, saying he had never worked with someone so unprofessional.
Now people close to Bale who knew the details of that moment are speaking out. They say that Bale was filming an incredibly intense scene, the most emotionally draining and powerful moment of the film, and that the cinematographer was screwing with the lights right when Bale was working. This is definitely unprofessional and the guy needed to be called on it. To take this moment out of context and air it repeatedly is not fair to Bale, according to some who were there:
Terminator producer: Bale got interrupted during the most intense scene in the film
Bruce Franklin, an assistant director and associate producer on the film, told E! News that Bale is a “consummate professional,” adding, “If you are working in a very intense scene and someone takes you out of your groove … It was the most emotional scene in the movie and for him to get stopped in the middle of it … He is very intensely involved in his character. He didn’t walk around like that all day long. It was just a moment and it passed.
“This was my second movie with Christian, and it has always been a good experience with him,” Franklin, who also worked with the actor on “Shaft,” added. “He is so dedicated to the craft. I think someone is begging to make some noise about this, but I don’t think it’s fair. The art of acting is not paint-by-numbers, it’s an art form.”
Franklin also spoke with TMZ, calling the blowup a “non-event” and saying, “Christian is a method actor and was completely immersed in his scene … his reaction was from the heat of the moment.”
He also told the site that despite Bale’s threats to have him fired from the film, Hurlbert was not fired and he said that Bale was under a lot of pressure due to his intense promotion schedule for “Dark Knight.”
[From MTV, thanks Dizzy!]
Ain’t it Cool News: The guy was messing with the lights during the hardest moment to film, Bale had warned him about this before (mild spoilers)
The scene in question, was a very emotional and tough scene between Christian Bale and Bryce Howard. A scene that required soul bearing and a deep level of immersive concentration. The sort of scene where everyone on set knows not to get in anyone’s eye lines, and definitely not to move lights around while FILMING. You lock that shit down before the scene starts.
Bale had indeed warned the DP on multiple occasions about messing with lights while the cameras were rolling, and Bale was in the midst of a painful scene with Bryce, what was described to me as being the emotional center of the film and his character for the film.
Now, the reason I know all of this is because the person that was there, felt that it should be made perfectly clear that Christian Bale was the utmost gentleman and cool guy on set. And the DP really was doing something that professional DPs with experience just don’t do. Not during a performance.
You don’t need me to give you a link, it’s all over the internet, I just felt that you should know what really went down - and that this particular outburst did indeed modify the DP’s behavior - and for future DPs. F*ck with the lights before and after your actors are acting. Not during.
[From Ain't It Cool News]
When this clip first came out many people thought it might be the evidence that Bale was verbally abusive to his mother and sister. He was alleged to have lashed out at them verbally in late July in London, around the time of the blowup on set. Bale was charged under a law in Britain that It’s hard to know what happened, or who was at fault, but the truth is often more nuanced than you can tell from a single audio clip. You wonder though, as Kaiser mentioned, if people would be so quick to forgive an actress for an angry tirade as they are an actor.
Christian Bale is shown out in Brentwood on 12/27/08. Credit: Fame
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| Christian Bale's Terminator Temper Tantrum | Added 16 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 We all remember when he was arrested just prior to the London premiere of “Dark Knight” for losing his temper with his mother and sister. And it sounds like Christian Bale has made a habit of having hissies.
The “Machinist” actor was audio taped giving crew member Shane Hurlbut the verbal beating of his life on the set of his new movie “Terminator Salvation” when he accidentally stepped into Bale’s line of sight during a scene.
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| Christian Bale is an Asshole | Added 16 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 Remember that little story about Christian Bale going berserk on the “Terminator Salvation” photography director for inadvertently walking on the set in the middle of his scene? Well, the audio of the event has made its way online, and it’s even worse than you imagined:
Bale says ?I want you off the fucking set, you prick.”
?I?m sorry,? [the director of photography] replies.
?No, don?t just be sorry. Think for one fucking second,? Bale shouts. ?What the fuck are you doing? Are you a professional or not??
?Yes, I am.?
?No, no. Am I gonna fucking rip your lights down in the middle of the scene? What the fuck is it with you? What the fuck don?t you understand? You got any fucking idea about? Hey, it?s fucking distracting having somebody walking up behind Bryce [Dallas Howard] in the middle of the fucking scene. Give me a fucking answer. What don?t you get about it??
Oh, and that’s just a little taste. It goes on and on for about four minutes, with Bale threatening to quit the movie unless the director of photography is fired. It’s awful. Really, the only way he could seem like more of an asshole is if he ended it by kicking a puppy and telling an orphan with Downs Syndrome to go fuck himself.
Click here to listen to the audio
At the Dark Knight premiere in Japan with his wife Sibi:
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