| | |  | Kate Winslet News & Gossip
| Kate Winslet never doing nudity again | Added 16 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Kate Winslet used to get naked at the drop of a hat, but now promises she will never do another nude scene again. The 33-year-old actress told Time magazine that she doesn’t want to be known as “that girl.”
“I think I won’t do it again: A. I can’t keep getting away with it, and B. I don’t want to become ‘that actress who always gets her kit off.’”
Whatever. Her tits were never that great to begin with. They look like the ears of a basset hound. If you ever wanted to watch her breasts heave, you could just go to a dog park. Megan Fox on the other hand. If she said this, I might have to kill myself because life would become meaningless.
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| Kate Winslet sort of rules out future on screen nudity | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Kate Winslet has appeared nude in 10 films, according to Mr. Skin. The nudity she displayed for her latest role, as a concentration camp guard in love with a barely post-adolescent teen in The Reader, has garnered both praise and extreme criticism. Some said the nudity was natural, lovely, and a necessary way of displaying her character’s vulnerability. Others found it an offensive means of humanizing a war criminal who committed horrific acts.
Winslet is considered the front runner for the best actress award at Sunday’s Oscars. She told Time that she won’t be doing nudity in the future - because she’s not sure she can “keep getting away with it” and doesn’t want to pigeonhole herself as the actress who is always nude:
When Daldry approached her about replacing Nicole Kidman, who had left the project in January 2008 after becoming pregnant, “I was concerned about whether I was skilled enough,” Winslet says. The nudity required for the film’s sex scenes didn’t unsettle her ? though she now says, “I think I won’t do it again: a) I can’t keep getting away with it, and b) I don’t want to become ‘that actress who always gets her kit off.’” But she wondered if she could handle a German accent, play Hanna convincingly into old age and find a foothold in a character who exemplifies the banality of evil. “You don’t have to make the audience like you. And not worrying about that makes the job much more interesting,” she says. “But I did say to myself, Come on, Kate. You don’t have to humanize her, but you do have to understand her.”
[From Time via People]
Time has a slideshow of Winslet’s “10 best roles” and when you remember the great films you’ve seen her in it’s easy to see why she deserves an Oscar. Movies like Sense and Sensibility, Iris, Holy Smoke, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Revolutionary Road had her playing complicated, nuanced characters of all kinds.
After six nominations and no wins it’s generally though that Winslet’s time for an Oscar has come. Whether she deserves an Oscar for this particular film, or if she’s receiving one as a kind of tribute to her incredible career doesn’t seem to matter despite all the debate. This is an actress who is willing to bare herself on many levels and who has the ability to use her body in a way that enhances a character and doesn’t detract from the story. I don’t see why she shouldn’t continue to do that if it’s called for.
Kate Winslet is shown at the “US Ireland Alliance Pre-Oscar Gala Awards Ceremony” on 2/19/09. Credit: WENN/Fayes Vision
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| Kate Winslet is not over-preparing for the Oscars | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Kate Winslet, up for Best Actress for her role in The Reader, was asked by People about her preparation plans for Oscar night. Her answer in a nutshell: none. She doesn’t have an acceptance speech prepared (though statisticians have predicted that she has an advantage over Meryl Streep), and in true Kate Winslet fashion, she doesn’t have any special diets or exercise planned before the big night. She is, however, very excited about getting “girlie,” and will be relieved when she is able to get off the red carpet to find the restroom.
Do you have an acceptance speech prepared?
I don’t at all. I’m just not thinking that far ahead. I just feel so happy to have had this nomination, that it’s for a film that was so challenging.
Any dresses in mind?
It’s such fun to work out what you’re going to wear. You become incredibly girlie. In England we don’t have the tradition of prom or anything like that. The closest we came was a tragic school disco where the lights would break and the music was awful. In the last few years ? maybe it’s age ? I feel very settled within myself. I don’t feel the red-carpet pressure. I don’t know what I’m going to be wearing yet. Hopefully it will be wonderful and relaxed.
Any crazy diets or detoxes?
N.O. [I] absolutely do not. I’m very sort of relaxed and vocal about these things. I have not done a stitch of exercise since October. I literally have not had the time. And I’m just going to eat normally, I’m not going to make cuts. If I’m keeping it together it’s by a wing and a prayer. I just want to enjoy this.”
What are looking forward to the most?
One of the great ‘Okay, you can breathe now moments’ is when you’ve gotten through the red carpet. ‘Oh god, what if I trip over, what if I say something stupid, I wonder if they can see the big zit on my chin?’ The relief moment is that moment when you get in the doors and there aren’t any cameras and you go, ‘Wheew! Where’s the bathroom?’ ”
[from People]
It’s kind of cute how she words her answer to the “diets or detox” question with a “haven’t we been over this?” response. Every actress is asked a similar question around the awards season, and inevitably it’s “lots of water and no carbs,” which personally wold make me cranky by the time awards night rolled around. And then there are the actresses who claim they don’t work out, but their biceps and abs would claim otherwise. Kate on the other hand has always been refreshingly real about her body, and I believe that she’s just been living her life and looking gorgeous naturally. I look forward to seeing her on the red carpet and seeing what she chooses to wear. It’s her time to shine, whether she wins the Oscar or not.
Kate Winslet is shown at the Oscar Nominees luncheon on 2/2/09. Credit: PRPhotos
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| Organized backlash against Kate Winslet for 'Holocaust denial' film | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Perhaps the backlash against The Reader started months ago, and I simply wasn?t paying attention. But in the past few weeks, The Reader backlash has reached a fever-pitch. The first major piece criticizing The Reader that I?ve seen came out last week on Slate.com. It was written by Ron Rosenbaum, a prominent scholar of such historical tombs as Explaining Hitler, a book about Adolf Hitler?s propaganda machine and why it worked on the German people.
Just a sidenote: I love Slate, but Rosenbaum is one of my least favorite columnists on that site. He?s very sanctimonious, he tends towards sweeping generalizations and factual discrepancies and at times he can seem like a raving wingnut. He?s brilliant, but he needs a really good editor and fact-checker.
Rosenbaum?s piece, called ?Don?t give an Oscar to The Reader? (a bit on the nose, Ron), is very long, so I?m just going to include some of the highlights. His basic argument is that The Reader glorifies the Nazis and the German people who stood by and did nothing, and that the character Kate Winslet plays never really repents for being a mass murderer. He sees the film as part of a new era of ?Nazi porn? (his words) and that the film represents the new era of Holocaust denial. One of Rosenbaum?s best points, in my opinion, is that the film tries too hard to create sympathy and empathy for Hanna (Winslet), and that the film should have stuck closer to the book in it?s portrayal of the complicated morality and guilt at play. Here are some of the highlights:
A deeply depressing indication of how the film misreads the Holocaust can be found in a recent New York Times report on the state of the Oscar race. The paper gave disproportionate attention to The Reader by featuring a wistful-looking still of Kate Winslet above the headline “Films About Personal Triumphs Resonate With Viewers During Awards Season.”
What, exactly, was the Kate Winslet character’s “personal triumph”? While in prison for participation in an act of mass murder that was particularly gruesome and personal, given the generally impersonal extermination process?as a death camp guard, she helped ensure 300 Jewish women locked in a burning church would die in the fire?she taught herself to read! What a heartwarming fable about the wonders of literacy and its ability to improve the life of an Auschwitz mass murderer!
I’ve argued that most of the fictionalized efforts [of Holocaust films] either exhibit a false redemptiveness or an offensive sexual exploitiveness?what some critics have called “Nazi porn.” But in recent years, a new mode of misconstrual has prevailed?the desire to exculpate the German people of guilt for the crimes of the Hitler era. I spoke recently with Mark Weitzman, the head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s New York office, who went so far as to say that The Reader was a symptom of a kind of “Holocaust revisionism,” which used to be the euphemistic term for Holocaust denial.
In this repellent form of revisionism, most Germans (you know, the ones who helped bring Hitler to power, who enthusiastically joined in his hysterical Jew-hatred and his pogroms, who supported his mass deportations “to the East”) were somehow ignorant of the extermination of the Jews going on “in the East.” They presumably noticed the disappearance of the Jews from their midst (since they eagerly stole their apartments and everything valuable the Jews were forced to leave behind). I once confronted a spokesman for the German Consulate on a panel in New York who was pushing a version of this line; he’d referred to a recent poll that purported to show that the majority of Germans alive at the time of the extermination had?surprise!?no knowledge of it.
“What did they think?” I asked him. “The Jews all decided to go on vacation and forgot to come home?”
[One] of the most damning documents I uncovered in researching my book Explaining Hitler was a revelation that appeared in a Munich anti-Hitler newspaper, the Mnchener Post, on Dec. 9, 1931. It had been lost to history until I found it in the basement of a state archive. The courageous reporters of the social-democratic paper had gotten hold of a secret Nazi Party plan for the disposition of the Jews that first used what was to become the widespread euphemism for extermination: “Final Solution” (Endlssung), a word that left little doubt over the mass murder it euphemized. [It?s] clear Germans could have known as early as 1931 (or 1926 if they’d bothered to read Mein Kampf).
They could have known if they’d read about the legal dehumanization of Jews in the Nuremberg laws of 1935 or the state-sponsored pogroms after Kristallnacht in 1938. And if they happened to be illiterate as in The Reader… they could have heard it from Hitler’s mouth in his infamous 1939 radio broadcast to Germany and the world, threatening extermination of the Jews if war started. You had to be deaf, dumb, and blind, not merely illiterate, to miss what Kate Winslet’s character seems to have missed (while serving as a guard at Auschwitz!). You’d have to be exceedingly stupid. As dumb as the Oscar voters who nominated The Reader because it was a “Holocaust film.”
But that’s what The Reader is about: the supposedly difficult struggle with this slowly dawning postwar awareness. As Cynthia Ozick put it in her essay: “After the war, when she is brought to trial, the narrator ['Michael Berg'] acknowledges that she is guilty of despicable crimes?but he also believes that her illiteracy must mitigate her guilt. Had she been able to read, she would have been a factory worker, not an agent of murder. Her crimes are illiteracy’s accident. Illiteracy is her exculpation.”
Lack of reading skills is more disgraceful than listening in bovine silence to the screams of 300 people as they are burned to death behind the locked doors of a church you’re guarding to prevent them from escaping the flames. Which is what Hanna did, although, of course, it’s not shown in the film. As I learned from the director at a screening of The Reader, the scene was omitted because it might have “unbalanced” our view of Hanna, given too much weight to the mass murder she committed, as opposed to her lack of reading skills. Made it more difficult to develop empathy for her, although it’s never explained why it’s important that we should.
That’s the metaphoric thrust of the Kate Winslet character’s “illiteracy”: She’s a stand-in for the German people and their supposed inability to “read” the signs that mass murder was being done in their name, by their fellow citizens. To which one can only say: What a crock! Or if Hollywood has its way: Here’s your Oscar.
The nudity…gives new meaning to the word gratuitous. [It] was a manipulative tool used to create intimacy with and thus empathy for an unrepentant mass murderer.
From Slate - Ron Rosenbaum?s ?Don?t give an Oscar to The Reader?
Even before this controversy, there was little chance that The Reader or director Stephen Daldry would win Oscars, but The Reader?s executive producer, Harvey Weinstein, has been waging a tough and expensive campaign for Kate Winslet as Best Actress. Ron Rosenbaum?s column is one piece of an organized backlash against the film, and the Rosenbaum piece is being distributed around Academy voters in the hopes of destroying Winslet?s chance at an Oscar. The Sunday Telegraph has a piece out about the backlash, and how Academy voters are being encouraged to vote for Meryl Streep in Doubt.
I adore Kate Winslet, and I tend to think she?s due an Oscar - this is her sixth nomination, with no wins. She?s one of the best actresses working today, but I have to admit, this might not be her year, again. Meryl Streep?s performance in Doubt was flawless and that film was much less controversial. Considering it?s been 25 years since Meryl last won an Oscar, I have to say that she?s due as well.
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 A top contender at this year’s ceremony, Kate Winslet braved the rain as she walked the red carpet at the 2009 Orange British Academy Film Awards on Sunday (February 8).
The “Revolutionary Road” actress finds herself nominated for two BAFTAs, including Best Supporting Actress and Best Lead Actress.
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| Kate Winslet's friends all check their butts before they leave the house | Added 16 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Kate Winslet had a new interview air on Dateline last night. She was typically outspoken and unapologetic about it, and that’s why we love her. Winslet has been looking amazing as she promotes her films and heads to the Oscars this year, but body image is still a big issue for her. As a mother, she thinks it’s important to get out the message to young girls that all the magazines are airbrushed and that women don’t really look that flawless. She also says that she doesn’t know a woman who doesn’t check their butt before they leave the house. I swear I don’t do this. I do put on makeup and do my hair and stuff, but have I lost the will to look good if I don’t check my ass? I think I’ll probably start doing it just to join Winslet’s club.
“I don’t know a single woman who doesn’t stand up and check the tushie before she walks out the door,” she said. “I’ve decided I am going to start loving my backside, really just saying, yes. Because I don’t know anyone who does that, you know? And for my daughter, I want to be able to say to her, I love this.
“[Young women] look at all of us, myself included, on these magazine covers and they think, ‘my God, how does she get skin like that?’ And I can tell you, I have so many blemishes under this makeup that have been so fabulously covered. I promise you. I promise you,” she said. “But I did realize a few years ago that no one actually talks about this retouching thing. It’s like a secret or something. I’m damned if it’s going to be a secret anymore. I really want these young women to know we don’t look like this.”
[From ABCNews]
Winslet also said that although she’s not going to get all outspoken about it of course she wants to win an Oscar this year. Six time nominated Kate phrased it very low-key, and said “It would be nice to know what it feels like in that situation to win sometime.”
As for criticism of her effusive Golden Globes speech, Winslet quipped “I thought that people just reviewed the films. I didn’t realize that they reviewed speeches, too.” She explained that the win was unexpected and “I was genuinely overwhelmed.”
Winslet said she hasn’t written an Oscar speech yet. She claimed she knew in the past she wasn’t going to win, “but this year I would say I can’t actually tell.”
It looks like it’s between Winslet and Streep for best actress, but it would also be wonderful if longshot Melissa Leo won for Frozen River. Marion Cotillard won last year unexpectedly and this category is kind of wide open again this year. There’s also Anne Hathaway, who took home the Critics Choice Award and gave a much worse speech than Winslet’s. It’s kind of doubtful that Angelina will win. I hope Winslet, Streep or Leo win the Oscar. Kate’s been nominated many times while Streep is a legend and Leo might not get this chance again.
Kate Winslet is shown in Berlin at a photocall, press conference and premiere of The Reader on 2/6/09 with co-stars Ralph Fiennes and David Kross. Credit: WENN
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| Kate Winslet Premieres The Reader, Talks Love Scenes | Added 16 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Gracing the red carpet for her highly praised film “The Reader,” Kate Winslet was beautiful in black at the Berlin Film Festival in Berlin, Germany on Friday (February 6).
Following a morning press conference, the Oscar-nominated actress joined co-stars Ralph Fiennes, David Dross, and director Stephen Daldry for the glitzy premiere of her new movie held at the Festival Palac.
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| Kate Winslet And Penelope Cruz's New Found Friendship | Added 16 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Kate Winslet and Penelope Cruz have struck up a surprisingly close friendship in the run-up to this year’s (09) Oscars - despite only having met three times. The unlikely pair, who are both competing for this year’s (09) Best Supporting Actress gong, have been offering each other phone support daily in the countdown to the prestigious show.And Cruz insists she and Winslet enjoy a far-from-bitter relationship, contrary to reports.She says, “Kate and I have become very close even though we have only met three times. Everyone likes to think there’s rivalry between us but that’s not true.”Penelope Cruz is nominated for her part in Vicky Cristina Barcelona, and Winslet received the nod for her role in The Reader.The Academy Awards ceremony will take place in Los Angeles on 22 February (09).
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| Kate Winslet's Fun-Filled SAG Award Night | Added 16 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 She’s a seasoned veteran when it comes to industry events, and at last night’s Screen Actors Guild Awards, Kate Winslet walked away a winner.
The “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” actress took home the SAG Award for Best Supporting Actress (The Reader), though she was beaten by Meryl Streep in the Best Actress Category.
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| Kate Winslet Wins SAG Best Supporting Actress | Added 16 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 She’s been a dominant player in this year’s awards show season, and Kate Winslet was geared up to take home a little more hardware at the 2009 Screen Actors Guild Awards.
The “Revolutionary Road” beauty took to the red carpet at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles on Sunday evening (January 25), looking fabulous in a lovely blue gown.
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