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Mel B went blind from herpes as she was training for Spice Girls reunion tour
Added 5 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Mel B went blind from herpes as she was training for Spice Girls reunion tour
I saw this headline and thought you can go blind from herpes? Thats absolutely crazy. Also, the google suggestions for things people search after can you go blind from? are what you might expect. Herpes is not one of the suggestions. You can definitely get herpes in your eye Im really sorry to say, and its the HSV-1 virus that causes cold sores and which 50-90% of people are estimated to have. Heres a description of how that happens, from The Atlantic:

In some cases, HSV-1 can run through that bundles of nerves in the face and erupt in the eye. Or maybe it gets into the eye from the outside. No one is really sure. In any case, HSV-1 can definitely infect the eye. (In case you?re wondering: HSV-1 can also cause genital infections, though it?s herpes simplex virus type 2 that is more commonly associated with genital herpes.)

Herpes in the eye is as bad as it sounds. The virus infects the cornea, forming tree-like branching ulcers across the eye. It can cause irritation, pain, sensitivity to light, and ultimately blindness if untreated. Herpes in the eye is a leading cause of blindness in the world.

[From The Atlantic]

Holy crap I never knew that! The treatment for this is antiviral drugs like Zovirax, but the herpes viruses are becoming increasingly resistant to these drugs. The good news is that theres a promising new treatment that can clear this in animals, but its far from clinical trials.

Anyway Mel B had this issue when she was training for the Spice World tour (sans Posh) which kicks off at the end of the week in Dublin. She went blind in one eye but got the treatment and is said to be fine now.

Melanie ?Mel B? Brown?s vision has been restored after she was temporarily blinded last week.

According to U.K. outlet The Sun, [Mel] went to the hospital on Friday, complaining of being blinded in her right eye. (Her left was permanently damaged following a laser eye surgery gone wrong in the ?90s.)

After her vision returned, the singer reportedly left the hospital and returned to rehearsals for the upcoming Spice Girls tour.

?She?s doing fine now, she?s not blind,? a source tells PEOPLE. ?This has happened before. She has herpes in her eye, so this can happen.?

?She told the doctor she was blind because she couldn?t see but her eye is OK,? the source says. ?They gave her some drops and she?s good now. It was nothing major.?

[From People]

The good news is that the rehearsals for the tour are said to have gone well and Mel is fine now. As the article mentioned you can get recurrent herpes eye infections just like cold sores! Ahhh. The next time I get a cold sore Im just going to be grateful as hell its not in my goddamn eye.

Despite the story that this has happened to her before, Mel says it hasnt and she wasnt ok! She wrote on Instagram that she had inflammation in both eyes. She didnt deny that it was caused by herpes, but she said its new for her. Shes going to have to wear an eye patch for a while. It does sound like shes better from the treatment and will be able to tour as planned.

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Thank you so much for all the lovely support and messages I?ve had about my eye. Just so you know the real truth. I had an awful experience last week when I went blind in my right eye and my left eye went blurry. Even though the stupid press said I?m ok and this has happened to me many times before, just to be clear I was NOT ok and this has NEVER EVER happened to me before,so who every is selling this story ?a close reliable source? is full of BS and needs to get there silly facts right big time,I was actually in a lot of pain and very very scared but thanks to the incredible eye specialists in A&E at London?s Moorfields Hospital and after at Luton and Dunstable University Hospital I was diagnosed by and eye specialist with severe IRITIS in my right eye and UVEITIS in my left eye.I?m taking multiple prescription heavy duty eye drops and other medication the dr gave me that I have to take every day to keep the inflammation under control,Also I?m being so well looked after by Team Spice special thanks to our paramedics too!!im still dealing with it and will be fir the next 3/4 months to fully get it under control but I?m no longer worried that my condition will get worse. My only problem now is I have to find a very cool Scary eye patch. Does anyone apart from Madonna know where I can get one ?? #eyepatch Pls #takingcareofme thank you #nhs ??

A post shared by Scary Spice Mel b (@officialmelb) on May 21, 2019 at 4:43am PDT

13-Sep-2017 :Mel B under felony investigation after allegedly intimidating divorce wit...
6-Jul-2017 :Mel B looks incredible in a pink skintight latex dress
11-Nov-2014 :Melanie Brown dated women for ?a few years? but doesn?t call herself a le...
25-Jun-2014 :Melanie Brown?s Booty Is The X Factor!
22-Apr-2014 :Melanie Brown Picks A Wedgie
1-Nov-2012 :Mel B?s Down Under Halloween Family Fun
5-Jan-2011 :Melanie Brown?s Tight Booty Pants
9-Dec-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Best Days Are Behind Her
3-Nov-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Old Lady Latex Pants
12-Oct-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Cleavage Spilleth Over
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Mel B under felony investigation after allegedly intimidating divorce witness
Added 7 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Mel B under felony investigation after allegedly intimidating divorce witness
Mel B is having a hard time with her divorce, you can just see it in her hair. Whenever we see her at an event, her hair looks like a different melted crayola retrieved from a box under a minivan seat. She just escaped from an abusive ten year marriage and then almost immediately took up with a married Beverly Hills cop, whom she reportedly didn’t know was still living with his wife. The guy’s wife trolled Mel on Instagram, alerting Mel to the fact that he wasn’t actually separated. Mel ended up breaking up with the rebound guy, which is a good thing, but she’s got to be stressed out now that she doesn’t have that distraction. I’m being sympathetic to Mel because I read her request for a restraining order against her ex, she went through hell. That doesn’t mean she’s a perfect person, that she wasn’t sleeping with her family’s nanny, or that she didn’t use drugs. That’s all background to this story that Mel is under investigation, according to TMZ, for trying to influence a witness in her divorce proceedings not to testify against her.

Rapper Siya, who starred in “Sisterhood of Hip Hop,” filed a police report Monday, claiming Mel B sent her texts last Saturday threatening her if Siya dared testify against her … this according to law enforcement sources.

Our sources say Siya showed police the text messages and a felony witness intimidation case was opened.

We’re told Siya was prepared to contradict Mel B and testify Belafonte never physically abused his wife. Siya claims she was a close friend of both Mel B and Belafonte. Sources connected with Mel B dispute that, saying Mel B only met Siya a couple of times.

We’re told in addition to disputing Mel B’s claims of abuse, Siya is prepared to testify Mel B frequently used illegal drugs. She’s also prepared to testify about the 3-ways between Mel B, Belafonte and their nanny, Lorraine Gilles. Siya claims Mel B was the one who called the shots in the 3-ways.

[From TMZ]

None of these things mean that Mel wasn’t abused. The fact that she’s not a perfect victim doesn’t nullify her story. She could have simultaneously been manipulative to the young nanny she was sleeping with AND been physically and emotionally abused by her ex during their marriage. Also, I think this woman Mel allegedly texted is one of the people Stephen pulled into his orbit. (See: Flying Monkeys.) In no way does that make it OK if Mel tried to intimidate her into not testifying, but it gives it context. Stephen is a charming POS and I’m sure he convinced a lot of people that Mel was the one who was crazy and that she was calling the shots. That’s what narcissists and abusers do.

The Daily Mail has an exclusive interview with a 22 year-old Swedish student who claims that she had a threesome with Mel and Stephen back when they were married. The woman tells the DM that Mel contacted her to say she would pay for a flight so that she could testify on Mel’s behalf. In her recounting of her conversation with Mel, she states that Mel encouraged her to say that Stephen forced her to have sex with him, but that wasn’t the case. I think this is Stephen’s team trying to smear Mel and get ahead of this story. I could be wrong but that seems to be his MO. There’s also an Australian stripper who had a threesome with them who is prepared to testify on Stephen’s behalf that “Belafonte was a ’gentle giant’ while Mel was the boss in the relationship.” This guy is overplaying his hand.

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21-May-2019 :Mel B went blind from herpes as she was training for Spice Girls reunion ...
6-Jul-2017 :Mel B looks incredible in a pink skintight latex dress
11-Nov-2014 :Melanie Brown dated women for ?a few years? but doesn?t call herself a le...
25-Jun-2014 :Melanie Brown?s Booty Is The X Factor!
22-Apr-2014 :Melanie Brown Picks A Wedgie
1-Nov-2012 :Mel B?s Down Under Halloween Family Fun
5-Jan-2011 :Melanie Brown?s Tight Booty Pants
9-Dec-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Best Days Are Behind Her
3-Nov-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Old Lady Latex Pants
12-Oct-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Cleavage Spilleth Over
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Mel B looks incredible in a pink skintight latex dress
Added 7 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Mel B looks incredible in a pink skintight latex dress
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You know how they say the best revenge is looking good and/or massive success? Mel B has both in the wake of her very difficult split from her abusive ex, Stephen Belafonte. Mel’s divorce, court case and custody battle are raging on. The last we heard she was contesting Stephen’s request for over $18,000 a month in spousal support. She’s also fighting a defamation lawsuit brought against her by a former nanny whom she accuses of colluding with Stephen against her, although she’s achieved some minor victories, like a restraining order against Stephen to prevent him from contacting her. The court has granted Stephen supervised visits with their daughter Madison, five.

People Magazine points out that Mel is looking slim and that it’s obvious in this crazy formfitting Pink latex dress she wore to an America’s Got Talent event. She looks like a Barbie in that dress! In no way did she need to lose weight, she looked amazing before, and she still does. She may have been on the divorce diet where you lose a bit of weight without trying. I find that if something devastating happens in my life, like a major breakup with a significant other, I can’t eat. It doesn’t make me happy to lose the weight though because I have to be distraught to lose all interest in food. If it’s a typical breakup with an a-hole I realize I didn’t want in my life, I stress eat. I’m not crying into a pint of Talenti I’m just shrugging into one and saying f-k it.

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Embed from Getty Images

Another thing I do when I’m going through a breakup is shop, and my weakness is shoes. Mel’s Pink lace up pumps with eyes, hearts and crosses are DSquared2 Fall 2017, according to FootwearNews. Given the prices on the DSquared2 website I would assume that they retail for at least a thousand. That’s way out of my price range but damn, I get it. Plus Mel may have been gifted these shoes, and if not she can write them off as a business expense.

Embed from Getty Images

Anyway I’m so happy to see Mel rocking that dress and doing well. She deserves good things in her life and she’s well rid of that horrible excuse for a man.

Embed from Getty Images

This is Mel in March in a silver pantsuit. Living well is also the best revenge.

photos credit: Getty and WENN

21-May-2019 :Mel B went blind from herpes as she was training for Spice Girls reunion ...
13-Sep-2017 :Mel B under felony investigation after allegedly intimidating divorce wit...
11-Nov-2014 :Melanie Brown dated women for ?a few years? but doesn?t call herself a le...
25-Jun-2014 :Melanie Brown?s Booty Is The X Factor!
22-Apr-2014 :Melanie Brown Picks A Wedgie
1-Nov-2012 :Mel B?s Down Under Halloween Family Fun
5-Jan-2011 :Melanie Brown?s Tight Booty Pants
9-Dec-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Best Days Are Behind Her
3-Nov-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Old Lady Latex Pants
12-Oct-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Cleavage Spilleth Over
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Melanie Brown dated women for 'a few years' but doesn't call herself a lesbian
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Melanie Brown dated women for 'a few years' but doesn't call herself a lesbian
I?ll admit it, of all of the Spice Girls, I only really pay attention to Posh. But ?Scary? Spice ? otherwise known as Mel B or Melanie Brown ? does some stuff too. She had that thing with Eddie Murphy and now she?s married to Stephen Belafonte (no relation to Harry). She also appears on The X-Factor (UK) and her comings and goings are always news in the UK papers. I don?t know why I was drawn to this story, but I thought it was interesting. Probably because I vividly remember the ?90s, when the Spice Girls were a thing. That was also back in the day when some girls experimented with their sexuality for, like, a semester in college. And Mel did that too – she says she had relationships with women. But she stops short of identifying herself as a lesbian or bisexual. Hm.

Mel B may be happily married to husband Stephen Belafonte?but that doesn’t mean the former Spice Girl hasn’t sexually experimented in her past. During a recent appearance on Alan’s Carr: Chatty Man, the America’s Got Talent and X-Factor U.K. judge revealed that she has previously had romantic relationships with women, although she insisted she is not a lesbian.

Speaking about straight women who have also had same-sex relationships, Mel B (via Daily Mail) said, “Yeah. I was one of those for a few years.”

Asked by Carr if she would consider herself a lesbian, the singer replied, “I would not call it that. I was just one of those ladies. Now I’m happily married.”

Mel also told Carr about the time when she had an impromptu business meeting with a half-naked Simon Cowell.

“His dressing room is stunning,” she said of the X Factor boss. “It is like what Liberace would have. He has got a bath, it is gorgeous. I was sitting there with a cup of tea and he walked out of his bathroom with his towel on and he said, ‘Oh, hello darling, I have just come out of the bath,’” she continued. “I said, ‘Can we talk about the show please?’ He just sat there in his towel.”

Last year, during an appearance on Howard Stern, Mel B?after admitting she has kissed all of her Spice Girls bandmates?was asked whether she considers herself to be a role model for gays and lesbians. The question prompted Eddie Murphy’s ex rip off her mic and storm out of her interview.

[From E! News]

First, in any other line of work, Simon?s actions would be considered sexual harassment. And he probably was hitting on Mel ? she seems like his type. As for the ?I was a lesbian for a few years? thing? I remember back in the day when it really was a TREND. I?m being serious. Back in the ?90s, some girls followed the ?trend? and tried out lesbianism for a short time. I would guess that most of those women do not consider themselves lesbians now. But the current thinking on LGBTQ issues is that sexuality is not a trend, that if you?ve had a woman-on-woman relationship for a few years, you are at the very least bisexual. So, did Mel offend anyone?

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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21-May-2019 :Mel B went blind from herpes as she was training for Spice Girls reunion ...
13-Sep-2017 :Mel B under felony investigation after allegedly intimidating divorce wit...
6-Jul-2017 :Mel B looks incredible in a pink skintight latex dress
25-Jun-2014 :Melanie Brown?s Booty Is The X Factor!
22-Apr-2014 :Melanie Brown Picks A Wedgie
1-Nov-2012 :Mel B?s Down Under Halloween Family Fun
5-Jan-2011 :Melanie Brown?s Tight Booty Pants
9-Dec-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Best Days Are Behind Her
3-Nov-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Old Lady Latex Pants
12-Oct-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Cleavage Spilleth Over
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Melanie Brown's Booty Is The X Factor!
Added 10 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Melanie Brown's Booty Is The X Factor!
Here’s Melanie Brown aka the hottie formerly known as Scary Spice looking anything but scary on her way into the X Factor auditions in London. I’m assuming she’s one of their new judges this year or something, which I could probably look up if I wasn’t so lazy. Also, if I wasn’t currently busy trying […]

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21-May-2019 :Mel B went blind from herpes as she was training for Spice Girls reunion ...
13-Sep-2017 :Mel B under felony investigation after allegedly intimidating divorce wit...
6-Jul-2017 :Mel B looks incredible in a pink skintight latex dress
11-Nov-2014 :Melanie Brown dated women for ?a few years? but doesn?t call herself a le...
22-Apr-2014 :Melanie Brown Picks A Wedgie
1-Nov-2012 :Mel B?s Down Under Halloween Family Fun
5-Jan-2011 :Melanie Brown?s Tight Booty Pants
9-Dec-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Best Days Are Behind Her
3-Nov-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Old Lady Latex Pants
12-Oct-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Cleavage Spilleth Over
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Melanie Brown Picks A Wedgie
Added 10 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Melanie Brown Picks A Wedgie
I have no clue what former Spice Girl Melanie Brown aka Mel B is up to these days, but whatever it is, it looks like she could definitely use an extra hand or two. And I’d be willing to volunteer my services, obviously, because this has been a dream job of mine ever since the […]

21-May-2019 :Mel B went blind from herpes as she was training for Spice Girls reunion ...
13-Sep-2017 :Mel B under felony investigation after allegedly intimidating divorce wit...
6-Jul-2017 :Mel B looks incredible in a pink skintight latex dress
11-Nov-2014 :Melanie Brown dated women for ?a few years? but doesn?t call herself a le...
25-Jun-2014 :Melanie Brown?s Booty Is The X Factor!
1-Nov-2012 :Mel B?s Down Under Halloween Family Fun
5-Jan-2011 :Melanie Brown?s Tight Booty Pants
9-Dec-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Best Days Are Behind Her
3-Nov-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Old Lady Latex Pants
12-Oct-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Cleavage Spilleth Over
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Mel B's Down Under Halloween Family Fun
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Mel B's Down Under Halloween Family Fun
Getting into the Halloween spirit, Melanie Brown showed up in Sydney, Australia with her family earlier today (October 31).

The Spice Girls singer brought husband Stephen Belafonte and their two youngest daughters to Hugh Jackman?s Halloween Party, though she opted not to dress up.

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21-May-2019 :Mel B went blind from herpes as she was training for Spice Girls reunion ...
13-Sep-2017 :Mel B under felony investigation after allegedly intimidating divorce wit...
6-Jul-2017 :Mel B looks incredible in a pink skintight latex dress
11-Nov-2014 :Melanie Brown dated women for ?a few years? but doesn?t call herself a le...
25-Jun-2014 :Melanie Brown?s Booty Is The X Factor!
22-Apr-2014 :Melanie Brown Picks A Wedgie
5-Jan-2011 :Melanie Brown?s Tight Booty Pants
9-Dec-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Best Days Are Behind Her
3-Nov-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Old Lady Latex Pants
12-Oct-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Cleavage Spilleth Over
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Melanie Brown's Tight Booty Pants
Added 14 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Melanie Brown's Tight Booty Pants
As you can probably see, it’s been a pretty slow day so far here at Hollywoodtuna, that’s why I brought you so many pictures of half decent looking chicks in tight pants. Believe me, if I had bikini pictures I’d be sharing them with you, sadly this is all I’ve got. I know it’s lame,

21-May-2019 :Mel B went blind from herpes as she was training for Spice Girls reunion ...
13-Sep-2017 :Mel B under felony investigation after allegedly intimidating divorce wit...
6-Jul-2017 :Mel B looks incredible in a pink skintight latex dress
11-Nov-2014 :Melanie Brown dated women for ?a few years? but doesn?t call herself a le...
25-Jun-2014 :Melanie Brown?s Booty Is The X Factor!
22-Apr-2014 :Melanie Brown Picks A Wedgie
1-Nov-2012 :Mel B?s Down Under Halloween Family Fun
9-Dec-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Best Days Are Behind Her
3-Nov-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Old Lady Latex Pants
12-Oct-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Cleavage Spilleth Over
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Melanie Brown's Best Days Are Behind Her
Added 14 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Melanie Brown's Best Days Are Behind Her
I want to be excited about these pictures of Spice Lady Melanie Brown with her big old boobs hanging out, but her face has really not aged well at all and it’s kinda putting a damper on my cleavage party. What a shame. It seems like such a waste when there are young attractive women

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21-May-2019 :Mel B went blind from herpes as she was training for Spice Girls reunion ...
13-Sep-2017 :Mel B under felony investigation after allegedly intimidating divorce wit...
6-Jul-2017 :Mel B looks incredible in a pink skintight latex dress
11-Nov-2014 :Melanie Brown dated women for ?a few years? but doesn?t call herself a le...
25-Jun-2014 :Melanie Brown?s Booty Is The X Factor!
22-Apr-2014 :Melanie Brown Picks A Wedgie
1-Nov-2012 :Mel B?s Down Under Halloween Family Fun
5-Jan-2011 :Melanie Brown?s Tight Booty Pants
3-Nov-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Old Lady Latex Pants
12-Oct-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Cleavage Spilleth Over
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Melanie Brown's Old Lady Latex Pants
Added 14 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Melanie Brown's Old Lady Latex Pants
It looks like Spice Lady Melanie Brown is getting to that age where tight latex pants aren’t exactly working for her. Sorry princess, time to hang them up with the rest of your trashy outfits and slip into something a little more age appropriate, like some khaki lady golfer pants or a reality TV show

21-May-2019 :Mel B went blind from herpes as she was training for Spice Girls reunion ...
13-Sep-2017 :Mel B under felony investigation after allegedly intimidating divorce wit...
6-Jul-2017 :Mel B looks incredible in a pink skintight latex dress
11-Nov-2014 :Melanie Brown dated women for ?a few years? but doesn?t call herself a le...
25-Jun-2014 :Melanie Brown?s Booty Is The X Factor!
22-Apr-2014 :Melanie Brown Picks A Wedgie
1-Nov-2012 :Mel B?s Down Under Halloween Family Fun
5-Jan-2011 :Melanie Brown?s Tight Booty Pants
9-Dec-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Best Days Are Behind Her
12-Oct-2010 :Melanie Brown?s Cleavage Spilleth Over
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