| | |  | Nicole Kidman News & Gossip
| Nicole Kidman in Antonio Berardi at the Emmys: lovely or OMG Botox? | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Believe it or not, I really liked Nicole Kidman?s dress when I first saw it on the red carpet. But now that I?m looking at it in photos, I?m not so sure. I think some of the magic, some of the detailing of the gown might be lost in photos. The gown was by Antonio Berardi, which is surprising to me because Nicole usually chooses more ?classic designers? for the major red carpets, like Dior or Valentino, etc. It?s nice that she?s mixing it up. As for Nicole?s loss for Hemingway & Gellhorn? I was thrilled that she lost to Julianne Moore (Moore won for Game Change). I had a feeling that was going to happen, and I wonder if Nicole was pissed about it. Nicole and Julianne know each other, they worked together on The Hours, etc. I think Nicole is a professional, and she probably wasn?t too pissed off.
Should we talk about Nicole?s face? Seriously, you guys, it?s WORSE THAN EVER. You know why? Nicole said why during her interview with Ryan Seacrest ? she?ll be in France playing Grace Kelly. A 45-year-old playing the 33-year-old Princess Grace. Buy stock in Botox!
And here?s Lena Dunham in Prada. I don?t watch Girls, which I hope isn?t an anti-woman admission. I just don?t have HBO, and so I don?t really understand why Lena is a big deal. So I?m only judging her on fashion and styling, both of which are not great. I will say that her dress looks a lot prettier when you can see all of it ? when the camera cut her off at the hip, it was awful. I basically think she looks like a little girl who is wearing her first ?big girl? dress and everything just seems uncomfortable. There?s too much lace ? everything seems stiff and bridesmaid-y.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Nicole Kidman's revealing V Mag photo shoot: crazy-sexy or kind of trashy' | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I know, I know. You really wanted to start your Thursday with some Nicole Kidman biscuits. Such is life! Nicole is promoting her cray, urinating-on-Zac-Efron performance in The Paperboy, so she seems to have done a photo shoot ?in character? as her trashy, sexy character. I guess. Either that, or this is the New Nicole. The cover of V Mag ? which I cropped, I apologize ? features Nicole?s butt crack. And in one of the inside photos, you can see her nips. In all of the other photos, we?re being gifted with crotch shots and cleavage. To which I say? sure. Why not? I?m honestly pleased that I?m not looking at yet another Nicole Kidman photo shoot in which she wears immaculate, icy gowns and stares icily at the camera in an austere drawing room. I?m happy that she?s mixing it up.
Another great thing about this shoot? It?s nice to be reminded that Nicole can still do the sexpot thing. She didn?t do the sexpot thing enough when she was younger, and while I do think there?s a ?mutton dressed as lamb? thing going on here, it kind of works. Nicole is genuinely beautiful, and she genuinely has an incredible body. But with the good comes the bad ? I?m now convinced that Nicole has totally got bolt-ons. And her face is like f?king marble at this point. Anyway, here are some highlights from the V Mag interview:
Nicole goes with the flow: ?I don?t really make decisions. I go with the flow. If I were a strategically minded person, I think I would have a far different career. But I would be more outlandish if I could. A lot of times you just don?t get the chance.?
Peeing on Zac Efron: ?The peeing thing, I didn?t think was that weird, because I was in character? That was for the jellyfish. And for me it said so much about Charlotte. One, she?s protecting him. Two, she?s tough as nails and no one else is going to pee on this guy. All of that made total sense to me. I just went for it and didn?t overthink it.?
Being a kid who never got to play in the sun, so she would pour through Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Flaubert: ?At the time I thought it was the cruelest thing, and now I know it was the greatest gift,? she says. ?I probably had a strong sexuality as a child, so that informs all that yearning and wanting things, and the hormones that are running through you at a really early age?they all started to surge because of the things I was reading.?
Working on her Oscar-winning role in The Hours: ?If you?re being completely drained in your personal life and you?re never being nourished there, it?s very hard to make it work,? she says. ?But sometimes, if you meet the right person who will mine it, and you?re open to being mined, it can really work. Stephen was able to mine me. I was crazy in love with him, and so I was like, I?ll do whatever, because I love you. I gave him every part of me that I could give him.?
Parenthood and romance with Keith: ?I rented this beautiful house on the beach. I thought, We?ll go and swim in the ocean and just get lost in each other. So we go down, just us, and I?m like, ?We really should bring the kids.? And then the kids come down and the whole dynamic changes. Another time, we got one night, and then we were both in tears. It was ridiculous. But time is so precious and I love the sound of them and the feel of them. I just don?t want to miss anything, and I don?t want them to go ?Where?s my mom?? So I?m working through that.?
She?ll be working on Lars Von Trier again, and she defends him: ?He?s going to do another thing that is going to shock the world,? she says with a laugh. ?Charlotte Gainsbourg is doing the lead, but Lars sent me the piece and said, ?I wrote a part for you.? He?s done that before and I?ve gone, ?No you didn?t, Lars, and I?m not playing it.? But this time I really liked the character, and I like Lars. I think he has made some terrible, terrible statements and mistakes, but I don?t think he really meant what he said. If he did, then I would not be friends with him. You know, he does strange stuff. He tried to get me to come out in a dog collar. And sometimes you just say, ?Shut up, Lars,? ?Put your clothes on, Lars,? I swear, you do say that to him. But there?s different philosophers in the world, and some of them are going to be extreme and controversial and some of them aren?t. And we need both.?
[From V Magazine]
First, a word about The Hours ? I was re-watching it recently, and I didn?t love the same parts of that film as when I watched it originally years ago. When I first saw it, I really did love Nicole?s portrayal of Virginia Woolf? and yes, I still think her performance holds up. But really, Meryl Streep gives the best performance in the film. She holds it all together, she grounds the stories so magnificently. It?s a shame that Meryl didn?t win another Oscar for that role.
Also ? the author of the V Mag piece mentions in passing that the topic of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes is ?completely off-limits for Kidman?. Which doesn?t really go with her ?I go with the flow? statement, you know?
Photos courtesy of V Magazine.
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| Nicole Kidman Topless in V Magazine's Travel Issue | Added 12 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Nicole Kidman went topless with her ass hanging out on the cover of V Magazine’s Travel Issue. Inside, she hasa spread featuring her laying around in a bra. She’s in there to promote that movie where she pees on Zac Efron.
She actually looks sort of good. Nothing like that botoxed mess from a couple years back.
Also, that skirt she’s wearing can only be called a skirt in the loosest sense. It’s like if I wore shorts so short my scrotum hung halfway out.
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| Nicole Kidman's casual- business ensemble in Paris: refreshingly pretty' | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 These are new photos of Nicole Kidman in Paris yesterday. Is there an age cut-off for when we stop doing Bump Watch on women? Nicole is 45 years old ? isn?t it possible that she?s merely clutching her abdomen because she?s hungry, or because she?s full, or because she doesn?t like her outfit or something? At this point, can?t we stop with the ?OMG, Nicole is trying to tell us something!? headlines? Sorry, that was just bothering me.
Anyway, I do kind of like Nicole?s outfit. It?s a nice mixture of styles and vibes ? great purse, nice pants, too-frilly shirt, and she?s using a giant hair clip, just like me! I would wear this whole outfit, only exchanging the ruffled blouse for a something crisper. I love the cardigan in particular, and I like that I wasn’t immediately assaulted by Nicole’s lips.
In other Kidman news, she?s been making headlines recently because she?s been wheeling and dealing in international real estate. Nicole just picked up her second apartment in Sydney ? she bought the apartment adjacent to the penthouse she already owned in a building by the Sydney Harbor. According to The Mail, Nicole and Keith ?are consolidating the two by knocking down an interior wall and expanding one of the kitchens. And as well a purchasing the property next door, the actress has also splashed out $2.68 million on a 19th floor apartment, which she will use as her home office.” You can see photos of her penthouse here ? it?s really beautiful.
And just last week, Nicole unloaded one of her Manhattan properties for $16 million. Nicole had owned a West Village apartment for nine years ? the place only had three bedrooms, which probably made it much too small for Nicole and her family. There?s Keith, their two girls, plus an assortment of nannies and assistants and such. They would obviously need a bigger place. You know what struck me? Nicole owned two apartments in New York? and she didn?t lend out either of them to Tom Cruise OR Katie Holmes when Tom and Katie were going through their thing. Which just proves to me that Nicole seriously did NOT want to get involved.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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| Nicole Kidman goes trashy, crazy in 'The Paperboy?: deliciously awful' | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 What happened to Nicole Kidman?s career? Did it start to fade when she began to Botox so heavily? Or did she begin to ?Tox when her career began to fade? Unknown. What I do know is that Nicole used to be one of the most interesting actresses out there, and nowadays she?s just? I don?t know. In need of better representation? In need of a reality check about what kind of roles she should be playing now? Something like that. Anyway, Nicole?s latest movie is The Paperboy. The film premiered in Cannes to nearly universal scorn. Nicole?s performance was panned. The casting overall was panned. The story, the script and the direction were all heavily criticized. Almost as soon as the film was screened for critics in Cannes, certain plot details became public. Like the hilarious/awful scene in which Nicole hunkers down and pees on poor Zac Efron. That sentence says all I need to know about this movie.
Still, the movie is going to be released, and so they needed to put out a trailer. This should be fun? I only watched a few seconds before I turned it off to begin writing. I want to live-blog my reaction to the trailer! Here we go:
*Ugh, bad Southern accents. At first I was all, ?Maybe Zac Efron?s Southern twang isn?t that bad.? But no, it?s BAD. He sounds like he?s doing a one-man Gone With the Wind revival. Nicole?s twang isn?t great, either, but it?s better than Zac?s.
*Decent wig work with Nicole. She?s supposed to look really trashy and crazy. Are her boobs supposed to look that big? Because they look huge.
*Matthew McConaughey stepped out of a pit of grease for this role, I guess.
*OH. MY. GOD. We have story breaks for a girl group to sing ?That man is dangerous!!!? The Greek chorus, by way of Destiny?s Child.
*This mess seems like it was cast by picking names out of a hat. John Cusack as the psycho killer? Nicole Kidman as the trashy, crazy woman? Zac Efron as a reporter? Jesus.
*Zac dancing in his underwear with crazy Nicole. Crazy. Zac?s got a cute butt though.
*They?re showing a lot of the story, right? I think this is pretty much the whole movie.
*The swamp = vagina. That is all.
Promotional images from ?The Paperboy?.
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| Nicole Kidman reemerges in London in navy Azzedine Alaia: lovely or strained? | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Ever since The Great Escape of Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise?s second wife, Nicole Kidman, has been keeping a much, much lower profile. Sources claimed that Nicole was pretty much ?in hiding? for weeks after Katie Holmes filed for divorce, and Nicole purposefully did NOT issue any kind of direct statements either way, in support of Tom or in support of Katie. Of course, some sources claimed that Nicole was definitely Team Holmes, and even offering Kate some support (via phone calls). Some other sources claimed that Nicole couldn?t publicly take sides against Tom, and that if she was forced to come out and say anything, she would have to support Tom ? because otherwise Isabella and Connor would be sent to Sea Org or something. Anyway, Tom and Katie settled everything very quickly and thus, Nicole did not have to take sides or issue any kind of statements. She still kept her head down? until now!
These are photos of Nicole over the weekend in London. She?s one of the faces of Omega, and she attended an Omega event, and then saw some of the Olympic events. For the Omega event, Nicole wore this navy blue Azzedine Alaia dress and Manolo Blahnik shoes. Some sites are claiming the dress is black, but I?m pretty sure it?s navy, right? Right. Alaia does a lot of narrow, close-cut dresses and gowns for tall Amazon women, so I?m kind of surprised to see this silhouette from the label, especially with the fuller skirt. It?s okay on Nicole ? I don?t know, though. I think it?s a bit cutesy for her, honestly. That skirt flounce screams ?Zooey Deschanel? to me.
HER LIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Photos courtesy of WENN, Pacific Coast News and OMEGA.
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| Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban: Back In LA | Added 12 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 After a low-key birthday celebration, Nicole Kidman arrived at the LAX airport with her husband Keith Urban and their two kids in Los Angeles, California on Friday (June 22).
Carrying her youngest daughter, the "Trespass" actress made her way through the terminal looking professional in grey skinny jeans, a striped top and a black blazer while walking alongside her country singing husband who held the couple's other little one's hand.
The family jetted back to LA after enjoying a trip to Australia where Nicole celebrated her 45th birthday by dining at a Greek-Australian restaurant, The Apollo in Potts Point, in Sydney before heading to the Lady Gaga on on Thursday night.
The Kidman-Urban clan have a lot to celebrate this summer, as June 25th marks their sixth wedding anniversary, and their older daughter, Sunday, turns 4 on July 7th.
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| Nicole Kidman tells Kelly Preston to GTFO of her marriage & come to Nashville | Added 12 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Oh, the stories that Nicole Kidman could tell. It?s amazing that Nicole has never really sat down and done an extensive interview about her years spent with Tom Cruise, within (or adjacent to) the Church of Scientology. I imagine she was just happy to get out relatively unscathed, and she doesn?t want to even think about those mostly unhappy years? Does Nicole ever speak to anyone from her old Xenu-tastic life? Star Magazine claims she does. They say that Nicole still talks to Kelly Preston occasionally, and Nicole has reached out to Kelly in the wake of Masseur-gate. Allegedly, Nicole is encouraging Kelly to leave John Travolta and come to Nashville for some rest & relaxation (from Xenu).
In recent weeks, Kelly Preston has found an ally in Nicole Kidman. The two women have been close since the early ?90s when both were married to high-profile Scientologists.
?Nicole called Kelly as soon as she heard about John?s issues,? a friend says. ?She is urging Kelly to come to her ranch in Tennessee for a month with her kids, Ella and Benjamin. Nic thinks her friend needs time away from John, so she can get counseling from non-Scientologists.?
While Kelly and John have endured rumors about his sexuality for years, Kelly has always stood by her man. But this time, friends fear the scandal may be too much for the 49-year-old actress.
?Nicole is worried that Kelly is going to become dependent on alcohol again,? the source explains. ?Kelly?s been sober recently, but this is a full-scale crisis. At Nicole?s house there is no alcohol, because Keith Urban is sober. So it would be a good retreat for Kelly.?
For her part, Kelly seems open to the idea. ?She has said she is going to Tennessee after she wraps up a few things – legal things,? the insider reveals. Unfortunately, divorce may not be a real option for the couple, as it?s frowned upon by the Church of Scientology.
?John is doing everything he can to keep Kelly,? the friend says. ?He?s a wreck though, and Kelly feels sorry for him – sorry enough to not just totally walk out on him. But she may be considering her options and talking to lawyers.?
[From Star Magazine, print edition]
As if you needed any more evidence that Nicole Kidman is a Suppressive Person, right? That?s how Scientologists see it, and trust me, Kelly Preston isn?t going to give up her beliefs in CoS just because her husband loves dong (allegedly.). So while I could see Nicole calling Kelly to gloat about how she (Nicole) got out of her ?Boys Only? marriage, I don?t see Kelly and Nicole really reaching out to each other in times of crisis.
In any case, Gossip Cop has a very specific denial – from Nicole Kidman?s rep. Not Kelly?s. Not John?s. So? maybe only the Nicole Kidman part of this story is false? I could buy that.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Nicole Kidman Won't Win an Oscar for Peeing on Zac Efron | Added 12 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Michelle Rodriguez says Nicole Kidman peeing on Zac Efron and having a loud orgasm in The Paperboy won’t get her an Oscar nomination.But not for a lack of talent. Rather, it’s because Nicole Kidman isn’t black.
“I fucking loved it,” Rodriguez enthused. “One of my friends said, ‘She?s going to get nominated for an Oscar for that.’ I was like, ‘Nah, man. She?s not black!’ I laugh, but it?s also very sad. It makes me want to cry. But I really believe. You have to be trashy and black to get nominated. You can?t just be trashy.” Vulture
According to Michelle Rodriguez, the Academy gets off on black people doing weird sh*t. White people just don’t do it for them anymore.
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| "The Paperboy" Stars Continue Cannes Promotions | Added 12 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Pulling together to promote their latest film, Nicole Kidman, Zac Efron, Matthew McConaughey and Lee Daniels were spotted sitting down for an interview during the 65th Annual Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France on Friday (May 25).
At the press table, the four talented actors made an appearance on the French channel Canal+ "Le Grand Journal" to talk about their film, "The Paperboy", which follows a reporter who returns to his hometown in Florida to investigate a case involving a death row inmate.
Kidman, who had her husband Keith Urban at her side for the event, admitted that due to budget issues she helped create the image of her character, Charlotte Bless.
"I actually went into my own bathroom -- this is so true - - and I got out the fake tan and put on lashes that were old," said Kidman, wearing a sleeveless orange dress and diamante hairpins. "And then I got out a hairpiece thing, and it was platinum."
Kidman added, "I threw it all on, and I took a photo and texted it to Lee, all different provocative positions".
The film is expected to hit theaters on November 14, 2012.
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