 Currently there is a baby boom in The Hills. Heidi Montag, Lauren Conrad and Whitney Port are all pregnant. Has anyone worked in an office where it seems like everyone gets pregnant at once? And you start avoiding the water fountain because you don?t want to catch it? Whitney, who is a reality star, fashion designer and, of course, a *sigh* lifestyle blogger, is probably due late next month or early August and she?s kind of done with the whole pregnancy thing. But it isn?t just the heartburn, constant peeing, being woken up seven times a night with a solid kick or the sore everything thats he’s sick of, it?s the fact that she can?t bring herself to have sex with her husband Tim Rosenman. I imagine that makes two people in the Rosenman/Port household that can?t wait for the baby to arrive.
Whitney Port’s road to baby couldn’t end sooner. TheHillsreality star-turned-lifestyle guru told theLadyGang Podcastshe’s “soready for this pregnancyto be over,” partly because she hasn’t had sex with hubbyTim Rosenmaninsome time.
Port, who is currently in her third-trimester,revealed that intimacy while pregnant isn’t exactly her cup of tea. She revealed, “It is so not for me! It’s not.I feel so uncomfortable with my body that I can’t get into the mood. Like, I can’t feel sexy.”
The 32-year-old confessed her and Tim did “other things” in the bedroom, but “once the belly really started happening,” sex was out of the question. Apparently, Whitney’s man is also pretty hesitant about doing the deed.
“I think if I was one of those pregnant women that loved it and was confident, then he’d be into it,” she explained. “I think I’ve turned him off of it because I’m like, ?Don’t look!’ I’ll even not say anything and he’ll see me getting undressed and be like, ?I’m not looking, I’m not looking!’”
[From E! News]
Pregnancy is just as unique as the child it produces. I have friends I consider to be just like me and we all had wildly different experiences/feelings about our pregnancies. I have said before, I loved being pregnant. And I was about as horny as can be throughout. Whitney may have a point about Tim?s reluctance being due to her resistance to it. The Mister was cautious at first. He once admitted he was afraid he would ?poke the baby?s head? (love you, babe ? but don?t flatter yourself). However, once he saw my ?enthusiasm? he had no issue whatsoever carrying on as usual. I have a friend who had little sex drive when she was pregnant with her boys but her libido was off the hook when she was pregnant with her daughter. Another friend had no drive until her third trimester. No two are the same, really. Whitney might be into it if she gets pregnant again, who knows?
On the other hand, Whitney is talking quite a bit about her weight and body. I never watched The Hills so I don?t know if she?s always done this. She said, “I’m so excited to get back in shape. I love it. That was such a big part of my life. It made me feel so good.” She has a YouTube series called I Love My Baby, But I Hate My Pregnancy. She also wrote on Instagram, “At first, I must be honest, I had a very hard time coming to terms with my changing body. I had always prided myself on being healthy from the inside out and it was difficult not labeling my pregnant body ‘fat.’” Maybe her lack of desire is a combination of hormones and something else.
Whitney also runs a flower delivery service with her friend called bloom2bloom. I love flowers. I have a brown thumb so either someone else has to grow them for me or I have to buy them. Their bouquets are lovely. They have a ?I just gathered these wildflowers on my walk? feeling to them and I adore it. But, get this ? they donate to Wish on a Teen?s Design My Room program with every delivery. I just ordered the Berry Bunch as a treat for myself.
Photo credit: WENN Photos