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Duchess Kate was keen in green Catherine Walker at the Chelsea Flower Show
Added 8 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Duchess Kate was keen in green Catherine Walker at the Chelsea Flower Show
Big news! The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge made their first-ever visit to the Chelsea Flower Show on Monday. They attended this year because the National Chrysanthemum Society (which is really a thing that exists) named a new Pink and green flower the ?Charlotte.? And since Kate loves to theme-dress, she wore a coatdress in a bright green. For greenery and leaves and weeds and such. Flowers, etc. Her coatdress was by Catherine Walker and I actually think the cut is really nice. Kate often gets weird tailoring done to her coatdresses, but this looks sharp and smart.

Hilariously, the British papers are making a big deal about this being Will and Kate?s first time to the Chelsea Flower Show. The Queen goes most years, the Duke of Edinburgh has made it the show many, many times. The Prince of Wales, Prince Harry and more royal family members all make it to the annual event with some regularity. But not Will and Kate, before this year. So since the British papers were pressing poor Jason, he had to explain why Will and Kate have never been before: ?diary issues.?

A Kensington Palace spokesman said the couple’s previous non-attendance had largely been down to ‘diary issues’ but added: ‘This year the diary has worked out fine and especially in the Queen’s 90th year, Their Royal Highnesses were keen to join her.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Meaning, their schedules are just so jam-packed year after year that this is the FIRST TIME they?ve ever been free for the Chelsea Flower Show. And this year, they?re SO KEEN. Because the Queen was in attendance. And Harry too. So it probably would have looked bad if they didn?t go.

Two more pieces of information ? Kate ?wrote? a short ?message of support? for Children?s Hospice Week, which is this week. You can read her message here. I guess that?s all her patronages are going to get out of her? She won?t make a speech, nor will she record a video, nor will she? you know, visit a children?s hospice for Children?s Hospice Week. But she?ll have her people send a message. And here?s the last thing ? Tom Sykes at the Daily Beast had a really interesting piece about Will, Harry and Kate?s ?bloody-mindedness? when it comes to giving any kind of access to the press, and the press is starting to feel ?hacked off? at the younger royals. These was this interesting note from Penny Junor: ?When Kate gets out of a car she seems to deliberately turn in the opposite direction. It?s annoying the press, and that is a really dangerous situation.? Which goes a long way to explaining why there are so many crappy photos of Kate these days. She?s not even trying to give photographers good photos, and even if she did, the photographers are pissed off.

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Photos courtesy of Getty, Fame/Flynet.

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25-Mar-2025 :Quinn: Princess Kate often says that she has to treat William ?like her f...
24-Mar-2025 :Princess Kate wants to reconcile with Prince Harry to ?set a good example...
14-Mar-2025 :Eden: In 2007, Kate Middleton already had the discretion of a royal woman
17-Jan-2025 :Princess Kate told a cancer patient that ?she didn?t have to have? a cold...
10-Dec-2024 :Princess Kate?s Christmas event sort of got overshadowed this year, right...
18-Sep-2024 :Princess Kate ?held an Early Years meeting at Windsor? on Tuesday
16-Jul-2024 :VF: Princess Kate?s summer vacation began the second she left Wimbledon
14-Jul-2024 :Princess Kate skipped the Wimbledon women?s final, but will attend the me...
24-Apr-2024 :Princess Kate given a new appointment to the Order of the Companions of H...
27-Mar-2024 :Princess Kate?s ?close friends & confidants were unaware? of her diagnosi...
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Kate Middleton Spreads Christmas Cheer at Anna Freud Centre
Added 9 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Kate Middleton Spreads Christmas Cheer at Anna Freud Centre
Always a welcome sight to behold, Kate Middleton made her royal rounds at North London?s Anna Freud Centre on Tuesday morning (December 15).

Clad in a festive red Alexander McQueen dress, the Duchess of Cambridge was all smiles as she chatted with staff and families at the facility, a leading institution for children with mental health issues.

During her visit, Catherine helped out with a Christmas Tree collage and took in a musical performance given by the kiddos, who showcased what they?ve learned over the course of the term.

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25-Mar-2025 :Quinn: Princess Kate often says that she has to treat William ?like her f...
24-Mar-2025 :Princess Kate wants to reconcile with Prince Harry to ?set a good example...
14-Mar-2025 :Eden: In 2007, Kate Middleton already had the discretion of a royal woman
17-Jan-2025 :Princess Kate told a cancer patient that ?she didn?t have to have? a cold...
10-Dec-2024 :Princess Kate?s Christmas event sort of got overshadowed this year, right...
18-Sep-2024 :Princess Kate ?held an Early Years meeting at Windsor? on Tuesday
16-Jul-2024 :VF: Princess Kate?s summer vacation began the second she left Wimbledon
14-Jul-2024 :Princess Kate skipped the Wimbledon women?s final, but will attend the me...
24-Apr-2024 :Princess Kate given a new appointment to the Order of the Companions of H...
27-Mar-2024 :Princess Kate?s ?close friends & confidants were unaware? of her diagnosi...
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Prince William and Kate Middleton Attend 23rd ICAP Charity Day
Added 9 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Prince William and Kate Middleton Attend 23rd ICAP Charity Day
Always up for a good time, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge hung out at a London, England brokerage firm at One Broadgate on Wednesday afternoon (December 9).

As royal watchers and shutterbugs looked on, Prince William and Kate Middleton took part in the 23rd Annual ICAP Charity Day, helping to staff the phones and mingling with financial brokers, a few of whom wore denim hot pants and heels.

Dan Lebeau was selected to show William around- ?That was the first thing he asked me - where on earth did I get [my high heels] from. I'm a size ten and it wasn't easy. I told him we were quite enjoying it but I had new respect for women. I didn't have the guts to come in like this, though. We all changed when we got here.?

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25-Mar-2025 :Quinn: Princess Kate often says that she has to treat William ?like her f...
24-Mar-2025 :Princess Kate wants to reconcile with Prince Harry to ?set a good example...
14-Mar-2025 :Eden: In 2007, Kate Middleton already had the discretion of a royal woman
17-Jan-2025 :Princess Kate told a cancer patient that ?she didn?t have to have? a cold...
10-Dec-2024 :Princess Kate?s Christmas event sort of got overshadowed this year, right...
18-Sep-2024 :Princess Kate ?held an Early Years meeting at Windsor? on Tuesday
16-Jul-2024 :VF: Princess Kate?s summer vacation began the second she left Wimbledon
14-Jul-2024 :Princess Kate skipped the Wimbledon women?s final, but will attend the me...
24-Apr-2024 :Princess Kate given a new appointment to the Order of the Companions of H...
27-Mar-2024 :Princess Kate?s ?close friends & confidants were unaware? of her diagnosi...
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Duchess Kate attends a private party at BP, adds 2 more events to her schedule
Added 9 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Duchess Kate attends a private party at BP, adds 2 more events to her schedule
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Here ^^ is a photo of Duchess Kate last night, being driven to Buckingham Palace so she and William could attend a private dinner/party for various ambassadors. Kate looked like she was wearing the famous Lovers’ Knot Tiara, a tiara frequently worn by Princess Diana back in the day. These are likely the only photos we’ll get of the event, which People Magazine took pains to say is considered “private” and that no photographers would be allowed. My question? If there are no photos, does it still count towards Kate’s year-end royal-event numbers?

Yes, it’s that time of year? the time when Buckingham Palace and the British media count up the number of events each royal family member did over the course of a year. Ever since Kate Middleton became the Duchess of Cambridge, her numbers have always been at the bottom of the list for ?working royals.? She can literally go months without doing one event that ?counts? towards her year-in total, and even then? the events that do ?count? for Kate and Kate alone have been benefited by a bargain-basement threshold. Premieres, tennis-watching, rugby-game-attendance, a few handshakes on a rope line, all of those count towards her year-in numbers. And even then, some people even believe that Kate?s numbers have been padded the past few years with her very alleged ?private meetings? with various charities and scholars.

We still have a few weeks left in 2015, but Kate?s numbers are without a doubt going to be very low. We could give her a break because she spent half the year gestating Princess Charlotte, but honestly, Kate kept working through the last half of her pregnancy and she seemed to be pretty comfortable (?working throughout? = maybe two events a week). Then she took an extended maternity leave, then Poor Jason tried to convince everyone that Kate was feeling ?energized? about mental health issues enough to really hit the ground running this time and Poor Jason promises this time will be different! So Kate did a bunch of events all in a row in late October and throughout November. We all had high hopes. Maybe this time would be different. Maybe she really was committed this time, and it wasn?t just a commitment to looking busy before a lengthy vacation.

Before last night, her last public event was November 20th. She’s also doing a charity phone bank thing with William today, which I’ll cover in a moment. And this week, she did add two more events to her December schedule: she will making a trip to Action on Addiction in Wiltshire on Thursday. And she?ll be attending a Christmas party held at the Anna Freud Centre on December 15th. These are her only public events in a month and a half? (As I said, I’m hesitant to count last night’s event at BP because it was “private”.) Also note this: I?m pretty sure that Kate gets to ?count? going to church on Christmas day with the royal family as a royal event too. So? that makes three public events, one private tiara-event and one royal-family event in six weeks? time. Her last burst of energy for her year-end event numbers.

? And before everyone starts yelling about how unfair it is that I would expect Kate to be able to average, at best, two or three events a week, think about this: Kate and William?s event-numbers are consistently half, even a third, of the numbers from the 94-year-old Duke of Edinburgh. They are healthy, young, and perfectly capable of doing more. They just choose not to.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

25-Mar-2025 :Quinn: Princess Kate often says that she has to treat William ?like her f...
24-Mar-2025 :Princess Kate wants to reconcile with Prince Harry to ?set a good example...
14-Mar-2025 :Eden: In 2007, Kate Middleton already had the discretion of a royal woman
17-Jan-2025 :Princess Kate told a cancer patient that ?she didn?t have to have? a cold...
10-Dec-2024 :Princess Kate?s Christmas event sort of got overshadowed this year, right...
18-Sep-2024 :Princess Kate ?held an Early Years meeting at Windsor? on Tuesday
16-Jul-2024 :VF: Princess Kate?s summer vacation began the second she left Wimbledon
14-Jul-2024 :Princess Kate skipped the Wimbledon women?s final, but will attend the me...
24-Apr-2024 :Princess Kate given a new appointment to the Order of the Companions of H...
27-Mar-2024 :Princess Kate?s ?close friends & confidants were unaware? of her diagnosi...
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Duchess Kate 'has a fear of public speaking,' that's why she's so 'silent'
Added 9 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Duchess Kate 'has a fear of public speaking,' that's why she's so 'silent'
The Duchess of Cambridge isn?t much for public speaking. We learned that the hard way, because the very, very few public speeches she?s made have been? um, bad. Hair-tossing, fidgeting, staring blankly at her notes for seconds, no eye contact with the audience, awkward silences, etc. Not everyone is cut out for public speaking, but it?s the kind of thing you can practice and rehearse, especially if your job requires smart media relations and the ability to communicate, which is exactly what royals are supposed to do. Even if Kate still struggled with making public speeches, the answer would then be ?just do a few one-on-one TV interviews.? William and Harry do TV interviews several times a year, but not Kate. Well, anyway, The Daily Beast?s royal gossip guy has an interesting piece about Kate and how silent she is.

Kate Middleton has a fear of public speaking, sources say, which may go some way to explain why she has not made so much as a squeak in public since the birth of her baby daughter Charlotte in May this year. Despite being an excellent communicator in private, she is reluctant to put herself forward for more public speaking or interviews, and the palace, wisely knowing the game they are playing is very, very long, are not pushing her to do so.

Kate herself actually confessed, ?I find giving speeches nerve-wracking? to a guest who attended her first ever public speech, at a children?s hospice in 2012. That first speech of her princess-hood was not made for almost a year after her wedding, a delay that was widely attributed to her nerves. And it seems that the passage of time has not eased her anxiety, despite access to the finest media trainers money can buy.

Oddly, Prince Harry also shares Kate?s fear of public speaking, a secret he revealed in support of World AIDS Day last year. Kate was not always a shy and retiring type, and does not appear to have suffered stage fright as a kid. She starred in a prep school production of My Fair Lady when she was 12 and famously won the attentions of Prince William when she walked?in a negligee?in a University fashion show. But since becoming a princess of the United Kingdom, Kate has not engaged much with the media-facing side of the job.

Hard as it is may be to believe, given her media ubiquity, Kate has done just one in-depth television interview in her life?and that was shortly after she and William got engaged back in 2011. Watching this video four years later the first thing one notices is how remarkably posh Kate?s voice is. Weirdly, it?s slightly posher than William?s. But watching that cosy chat with the hindsight of a few years, it?s also noticeable how open Kate is. One might have expected, on the basis of that interview, that Kate would regularly be speaking to the media, but it?s been a long time now since we heard Kate talk in public at any length.

Even public speeches on behalf of her charitable causes have been few and far between–and have often seemed painful for her to deliver. There has been nothing from Kate compared to the kinds of interviews that William and Harry have done in recent years, being interviewed at length about their life and causes. Even the Queen has been more forthcoming than Kate on camera.

But who can blame her? Friends of Kate have always said that she is nervous about public speaking, notwithstanding her early dramatic career, and the truth is, she is not exactly a natural at it. After her visible nerves during the 2012 hospice speech, another public speech did not follow until almost a year later, when in April 2013, she recorded a message at Clarence House in support of Children?s Hospice Week. Her delivery was stilted and at times a little wooden.

However, her nerves were most evident when she made a brief speech at the National Portrait Gallery in 2014, and repeatedly stumbled on different words, before ending with a hastily garbled ?sorry about that? as she crumbled into embarrassed laughter and fled the podium.

Part of the problem is that Kensington Palace has a strict policy of not allowing anything other than broadcast interviews (to prevent misinterpretations). A few broadsheet interviews with friendly outlets might just go a long way to easing her nerves. In the meantime, we will just have to continue to wait, with baited breath, for the day when Kate actually speaks.

[From The Daily Beast]

The fact that she was happy enough to perform on stage as a kid, and model lingerie as a college student, and sit down for an engagement-announcement interview shows that she?s quite comfortable in the spotlight, I think. She fine with being photographed, she?s fine with being seen, she?s fine with being a public figure (perhaps there’s even an exhibitionist streak in Kate). It?s just the ?making speeches? part of her job (and actually showing up for work events, but that?s another discussion entirely). I still think it?s something she could easily master if only she put some effort into it. Practice, be familiar with the words of your speech, rehearse your speech in front of your communications people, and yes, maybe hire a professional to help. In the meantime, spare us the PR puff pieces about how Kate does “more” than just smile & nod at these events.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

25-Mar-2025 :Quinn: Princess Kate often says that she has to treat William ?like her f...
24-Mar-2025 :Princess Kate wants to reconcile with Prince Harry to ?set a good example...
14-Mar-2025 :Eden: In 2007, Kate Middleton already had the discretion of a royal woman
17-Jan-2025 :Princess Kate told a cancer patient that ?she didn?t have to have? a cold...
10-Dec-2024 :Princess Kate?s Christmas event sort of got overshadowed this year, right...
18-Sep-2024 :Princess Kate ?held an Early Years meeting at Windsor? on Tuesday
16-Jul-2024 :VF: Princess Kate?s summer vacation began the second she left Wimbledon
14-Jul-2024 :Princess Kate skipped the Wimbledon women?s final, but will attend the me...
24-Apr-2024 :Princess Kate given a new appointment to the Order of the Companions of H...
27-Mar-2024 :Princess Kate?s ?close friends & confidants were unaware? of her diagnosi...
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Duchess Kate repeats a grey Orla Kiely for charity visit: lovely or dull?
Added 9 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Duchess Kate repeats a grey Orla Kiely for charity visit: lovely or dull?
Here are some brand new photos of the Duchess of Cambridge actually making a charity visit. It?s sort of amazing how much she?s been working the past three weeks or so. We get next to nothing for months ? like, two ?fun? outings in three months? time ? and then BAM, she actually starts scheduling stuff back-to-back. For Kate (and William), ?back-to-back? engagements mean ?one appearance for an hour? once a day. But Kate has been doing so many events, it?s like someone (Poor Jason) put the fear of God into her. Did someone put their foot down about the much-anticipated Mustique vacation next month?

Anyway, Kate traveled to a Chance UK program in London to ?meet children and mentors? from the program that aims to improve the lives of kids in danger of falling through the cracks, or kids at an increased risk for developing criminal behavior. Kate and William recently did a joint appearance at another program similar to Chance UK.

Kate finally wore a repeat ? this dress is by Orla Kiely and we saw it on her for the first time in 2012, during an appearance with Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall. I kind of thought it was too fussy back then, but after three years, I like it a little bit more. Maybe that?s because she wore it today with a jaunty ponytail and it reads as ?cute.? She looks like a cute school teacher here, which is appropriate for the outing.

Kate?s also due to appear at the 100 Women In Hedge Funds dinner tonight. Back to back events for the second day in a row! SHOCKING! Seriously, I?m very surprised. Let?s give Kate a slow clap (before she heads off for a three-week vacation in Mustique!).

Photos courtesy of WENN.

25-Mar-2025 :Quinn: Princess Kate often says that she has to treat William ?like her f...
24-Mar-2025 :Princess Kate wants to reconcile with Prince Harry to ?set a good example...
14-Mar-2025 :Eden: In 2007, Kate Middleton already had the discretion of a royal woman
17-Jan-2025 :Princess Kate told a cancer patient that ?she didn?t have to have? a cold...
10-Dec-2024 :Princess Kate?s Christmas event sort of got overshadowed this year, right...
18-Sep-2024 :Princess Kate ?held an Early Years meeting at Windsor? on Tuesday
16-Jul-2024 :VF: Princess Kate?s summer vacation began the second she left Wimbledon
14-Jul-2024 :Princess Kate skipped the Wimbledon women?s final, but will attend the me...
24-Apr-2024 :Princess Kate given a new appointment to the Order of the Companions of H...
27-Mar-2024 :Princess Kate?s ?close friends & confidants were unaware? of her diagnosi...
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Prince William, Kate Middleton & Prince Harry: 'spectre' Premiere Pals
Added 9 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Prince William, Kate Middleton & Prince Harry: 'spectre' Premiere Pals
Kicking off the week with an action/adventure flick, Kate Middleton accompanied her husband Prince William and his brother Prince Harry to the World Premiere of the brand new James Bond 007 film ?Spectre? in London last night (October 27).

The beautiful Duchess selected a sheer, light blue gown by Jenny Packham featuring an open back as she strolled around outside Royal Albert Hall escorted by the Duke of Cambridge in a snazzy tuxedo.

?Spectre? is slated to hit theaters November 6th. Per the synopsis, ?A cryptic message from Bond's past sends him on a trail to uncover a sinister organization. While M battles political forces to keep the secret service alive, Bond peels back the layers of deceit to reveal the terrible truth behind SPECTRE.?

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25-Mar-2025 :Quinn: Princess Kate often says that she has to treat William ?like her f...
24-Mar-2025 :Princess Kate wants to reconcile with Prince Harry to ?set a good example...
14-Mar-2025 :Eden: In 2007, Kate Middleton already had the discretion of a royal woman
17-Jan-2025 :Princess Kate told a cancer patient that ?she didn?t have to have? a cold...
10-Dec-2024 :Princess Kate?s Christmas event sort of got overshadowed this year, right...
18-Sep-2024 :Princess Kate ?held an Early Years meeting at Windsor? on Tuesday
16-Jul-2024 :VF: Princess Kate?s summer vacation began the second she left Wimbledon
14-Jul-2024 :Princess Kate skipped the Wimbledon women?s final, but will attend the me...
24-Apr-2024 :Princess Kate given a new appointment to the Order of the Companions of H...
27-Mar-2024 :Princess Kate?s ?close friends & confidants were unaware? of her diagnosi...
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Prince William, Prince Harry and Kate Middleton Converge at BAFTA
Added 9 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Prince William, Prince Harry and Kate Middleton Converge at BAFTA
It was a royal circus on Picadilly in London today (October 26) as Prince William and Kate Middleton paid a visit to BAFTA along with Prince Harry for a charity screening of ?Shaun the Sheep.?

The Duchess of Cambridge attracted plenty of attention in her gorgeous printed Tabitha Webb dress paired with back suede pumps and a square clutch.

Meanwhile, William and Harry complemented Mrs. Middleton quite nicely in their tailored suits. All three royal stunners are also expected to take in a screening of the latest James Bond film ?Spectre? at Royal Albert Hall this evening.

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25-Mar-2025 :Quinn: Princess Kate often says that she has to treat William ?like her f...
24-Mar-2025 :Princess Kate wants to reconcile with Prince Harry to ?set a good example...
14-Mar-2025 :Eden: In 2007, Kate Middleton already had the discretion of a royal woman
17-Jan-2025 :Princess Kate told a cancer patient that ?she didn?t have to have? a cold...
10-Dec-2024 :Princess Kate?s Christmas event sort of got overshadowed this year, right...
18-Sep-2024 :Princess Kate ?held an Early Years meeting at Windsor? on Tuesday
16-Jul-2024 :VF: Princess Kate?s summer vacation began the second she left Wimbledon
14-Jul-2024 :Princess Kate skipped the Wimbledon women?s final, but will attend the me...
24-Apr-2024 :Princess Kate given a new appointment to the Order of the Companions of H...
27-Mar-2024 :Princess Kate?s ?close friends & confidants were unaware? of her diagnosi...
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Duchess Kate's 'aura reminds me of Princess Diana very much' says one mom
Added 9 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Duchess Kate's 'aura reminds me of Princess Diana very much' says one mom
I saw some comments about Duchess Kate?s royal work yesterday, something about how she showed up late to the Anna Freud Centre? I haven?t seen any report corroborating that though. If she showed up later than expected, it probably wasn?t by that much time? Like, some people said she was an hour late, but I suspect that would have made it into the British media reports.

Which isn?t to say Kate?s royal work was completely without fault. Almost immediately, people noted Kate?s inability to avoid exposing various body parts, this time with a seemingly altered Ralph Lauren shirtdress that seemed to have some buttons removed so Kate could flash some thigh? for the children. The hair was also a mess, because it was flying everywhere and there always seems to be so much of it (I?m providing a photo of the back of her head for those of you on Wiglet Watch). All in all, I?m guessing that #PoorJason the press secretary was putting out PR fires for hours. Which might explain this People Magazine story, in which someone says that Kate is basically the second coming of Princess Diana because she awkwardly shook hands with a few kids before escaping after an hour for some much needed retail therapy.

Kate Middleton high-fived youngsters, wore 3-D goggles, played a motion game in heels and called to mind another princess who had a special way with children during a visit on Thursday to a school for kids with mental health issues. Diving into FitLights, part of a Smart Gym “brain-training system” with 12-year-old Kai, who copes with ADHD and an emotional disorder, she tested her reactions and impressed his watching mother, Chantel. (The center preferred that last names remain private.)

“She’s a fantastic woman,” Chantel tells PEOPLE of meeting Kate, 33. “Her aura reminds me of Princess Diana very much, which to me is a very warm feeling.”

After the game, Kate jokingly told Kai, “I’ve pulled down your average! Well done. It was very well explained. Thank you very much for looking after me.”

Chantel was also impressed with Kate’s well-proven agility in heels. “Considering she’s in high heels, she did extremely well,” she says. “She’s a very active, fit young mother and hands up to her. She’s very warming. It’s just in her nature. Its not someone who’s high up there, as the children said, she’s very welcoming.”

One of those, Capone, 12, who worked on the neuro-tracker with Kate, says, “She was really good. She wasn’t that competitive because I’m a little boy. But she was working with me, rather than try to beat me. She is a very nice woman, gentle with her words but down to earth. She spoke nice and calm.

Charity CEO Peter Fonagy told PEOPLE that Kate was “extremely knowledgeable” about children’s mental health. “She was a delight to speak to and spoke delightfully.”

[From People]

There are more quotes from other people in that article, but it was pretty sugary. In my mind, Poor Jason is handing out pre-written scripts for people to read out to the journalists. ?Oh, Princess Kate?s hair was so shiny, my favorite part of the visit was when she leaned over and her skirt blew up, I mean, she

25-Mar-2025 :Quinn: Princess Kate often says that she has to treat William ?like her f...
24-Mar-2025 :Princess Kate wants to reconcile with Prince Harry to ?set a good example...
14-Mar-2025 :Eden: In 2007, Kate Middleton already had the discretion of a royal woman
17-Jan-2025 :Princess Kate told a cancer patient that ?she didn?t have to have? a cold...
10-Dec-2024 :Princess Kate?s Christmas event sort of got overshadowed this year, right...
18-Sep-2024 :Princess Kate ?held an Early Years meeting at Windsor? on Tuesday
16-Jul-2024 :VF: Princess Kate?s summer vacation began the second she left Wimbledon
14-Jul-2024 :Princess Kate skipped the Wimbledon women?s final, but will attend the me...
24-Apr-2024 :Princess Kate given a new appointment to the Order of the Companions of H...
27-Mar-2024 :Princess Kate?s ?close friends & confidants were unaware? of her diagnosi...
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Duchess Kate & Prince George come out to watch a charity polo match
Added 9 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Duchess Kate & Prince George come out to watch a charity polo match
Prince William and Prince Harry played a charity polo match on Sunday at the Beaufort Polo Club in Tetbury. It was the Gigaset Charity Polo Match. Surprisingly, Duchess Kate and Prince George made an appearance! I wonder if this counts as a royal event? Hm. Anyway, this was a pretty great ?just like us? moment for the Cambridges, reminiscent of giving an expensive toy to a child and they just want to play with the box. George was surrounded by family, horses and tons of other kids to play with and all he wanted to do was slide down a grassy hill repeatedly. Classic! To her credit, Kate just let George be George, and she played with him on the hill and let him have fun.

It really was a big royal showing at this event too ? Harry and Will were playing, as I said, and Prince Charles came out to see his sons. Zara Phillips and her daughter Mia Tindall were there. Zara?s brother Peter Phillips was there with his wife Autumn and their two kids, Savannah and Isla. According to one photographer, George saw his second cousins playing on that grassy hill and he wanted to do it too.

Photographer James Whatling says, “[George] was playing on the bank. He was walking up the steps and then tried sliding down the bank. The older ones like Savannah was doing it so he wanted to do it too. He was sliding down and Kate joined him, trying to support him as he did.”

The lively toddler also tried his hand at picking up a polo mallet and trying to hit a polo ball, and when he spotted a white ball, he kicked it. At one point, as he dashed out to the ball, Kate ran after him as he was getting close to the polo ground.

[From People]

Do you think someone finally got through to Kate that people really want to see George and not just every nine months during a tour in another country? I mean, I get that Will and Kate don?t want their children front and center all the time and that?s fine. But George and Charlotte ARE royal children, supported by taxpayers. While I hope that we?ll be seeing more of George now that he?s getting older, I do worry that this weekend will be the last we see of him in, like, eight months? time.

Also: George was thankfully not dressed as Little Lord Fauntleroy in knee-high socks and ruffles. Kate must have put him in his play clothes, which consisted of shorts, a sassy cardigan and CROCS!!

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Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Getty.

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25-Mar-2025 :Quinn: Princess Kate often says that she has to treat William ?like her f...
24-Mar-2025 :Princess Kate wants to reconcile with Prince Harry to ?set a good example...
14-Mar-2025 :Eden: In 2007, Kate Middleton already had the discretion of a royal woman
17-Jan-2025 :Princess Kate told a cancer patient that ?she didn?t have to have? a cold...
10-Dec-2024 :Princess Kate?s Christmas event sort of got overshadowed this year, right...
18-Sep-2024 :Princess Kate ?held an Early Years meeting at Windsor? on Tuesday
16-Jul-2024 :VF: Princess Kate?s summer vacation began the second she left Wimbledon
14-Jul-2024 :Princess Kate skipped the Wimbledon women?s final, but will attend the me...
24-Apr-2024 :Princess Kate given a new appointment to the Order of the Companions of H...
27-Mar-2024 :Princess Kate?s ?close friends & confidants were unaware? of her diagnosi...
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