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Katy Perry News & Gossip
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Katy Perry Does That Thing With Her Breasts
Added 13 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Katy Perry Does That Thing With Her Breasts
I’m getting kind of sick of all these concert pictures of Katy Perry, I mean, I don’t need to see post after post of this chick in stupid hipster candy cane outfits jumping around on stage. Especially considering I can’t stand any of her music. Anyhow, at least her big old hipster breasts are still

19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Katy Perry Performs in Scotland
Added 13 years agoSource: The Blemish
Katy Perry Performs in Scotland
Half the time Katy Perry looks hot with her big chest bouncing around in her retarded outfits and the other half the time she looks like she does in the picture above. Like a real doll you had shipped to your house and stolen by the neighbor. Give it back, you jerk!

19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Katy Perry Talks Music Videos
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Katy Perry Talks Music Videos
She?s gearing up to premiere her new video for ?E.T.? and Katy Perry told MTV that she pays particular attention to how her songs are fleshed out visually.

The ?I Kissed a Girl? songstress explained, "With Teenage Dream, the record in whole, I knew I wanted to give so many different flavors, so many different ideas, and just make a different 'movie' for each song. I feel like I've done that."

And now that she has some experience under her belt, Katy says she loves seeing that those who were once naysayers are now cheering for her.

"It's interesting to see a lot of the commentary that goes along with growth. People are like, 'OK, I like her,' finally, or like, 'Damn, I hate to admit it, but we're on the Katy Perry train,' which is really exciting, and i feel like I worked really hard for that.?

"I knew starting with 'I Kissed a Girl' that it might have taken a little bit longer to get everybody just onboard the Katy Perry train, I guess. But now, I'm having so much fun and I get to be so creative and try different things and expand, and I never play it safe ? in any way, really."

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19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Katy Perry and Calvin Harris' Twitter Feud
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Katy Perry and Calvin Harris' Twitter Feud
Talk about a public bust-up! Katy Perry and Calvin Anderson are embroiled in a seriously overt Twitter feud after Harris pulled out of her UK shows.

The "Flashback" star was scheduled to open for Katy?s gigs but canceled at the last minute after being angered over set arrangements, causing the "I Kissed a Girl" singer to tweet this: "Calvin Harris will NOT be joining in on the fun and has CANCELED last minute."

To this, Calvin fired back by posting, "Sorry to all who wanted to see me with Katy ? her team suddenly moved the goalposts and I was to appear on stage with no production. It would have looked s***, sounded s*** - trust me you would have been more disappointed SEEING the show than u are with me cancelling."

The music producer finally tried to tame the attacks, tweeting:"I?m really sorry @katyperry I?m just upset because I really wanted to play but ur team made it impossible. We tried really hard to sort it out, but playing side of stage for 30 mins, it seemed pointless me even being there. Didn?t intend to cause offence or upset anybody."

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19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Katy Perry & Russell Brand's LAX Arrival
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Katy Perry & Russell Brand's LAX Arrival
They?ve both been busy with career obligations, but last night (March 23) Katy Perry and Russell Brand were spotted arriving at LAX International Airport together.

The ?Hot N Cold? songstress looked a bit camera shy as she hid behind her ?Forgetting Sarah Marshall? hubby all the way to the car.

In career news, Katy has released a new 20-second clip to promote her new video for her single ?E.T? featuring Kanye West.

The teaser has already garnered 100,000+ views since it debuted on Monday- the video premieres March 31st.

More Photos Here

19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Katy Perry: Lowry Lady
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Katy Perry: Lowry Lady
Still in the UK on her European Tour, Katy Perry was spotted leaving the Lowry Hotel in Manchester, England today (March 22).

The ?California Gurls? songstress looked flirty in a pastel-colored dress with a powder blue cardigan and plastic-rimmed glasses.

And though she hasn?t received in invitation to the big Prince William & Kate Middleton wedding next month, Katy is still hoping to attend.

Ms. Perry told press, "I?m not invited but am I going to be there? Yes! I?m definitely gate crashing that wedding.?

Katy also confessed to loving English cuisine. "I love the food here. I get really fat here because what I eat is baked beans and spuds and roast dinners. I had a shepherd's pie. I like that. That was delicious."

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19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Katy Perry Hides Her Sad Hipster Boobs
Added 13 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Katy Perry Hides Her Sad Hipster Boobs
I don’t really care if a celebrity chick is all bummed out or what not, her life is still better than mine, but when it affects the way I stare at her breasts it starts to get me a little concerned. Here’s hipster princess Katy Perry out the other day in London looking a little

19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Katy Perry Is Supportive
Added 13 years agoSource: The Blemish
Katy Perry Is Supportive
Katy Perry put on a red nose in support of Comic Relief in London. Note that I have no idea what that is. Every search I make for it says it’s a fundraiser or charity for good causes and girls raise money for it by getting half-naked like they did in Zoo Today. A fact Katy Perry wasn’t aware of apparently. Someone inform her and get her into a bikini stat. For charity!

19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Katy Perry Needs To Work On Her Disguise
Added 13 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Katy Perry Needs To Work On Her Disguise
Why would any woman ruin a perfectly hot little outfit with a stupid clown nose? Oh that’s right, it’s Katy Perry trying to be hilarious. Hipsters are the worst. Luckily she’s only doing it in a few shots and the rest of them are still pretty hot. I love those big hipster sweater muffins, they

19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Katy Perry Celebrates Red Nose Day at Radio One
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Katy Perry Celebrates Red Nose Day at Radio One
Finishing up her gig at the Hammersmith Apollo, Katy Perry was spotted hitting up BBC Radio One Studios in the wee hours last night (March 17).

The ?Teenage Dream? songstress looked lovely in a slim-fitting silver dress with yellow heels and a red nose as she made her exit from the building.

Katy had participated in the longest ever show in aid of Comic Relief in which Chris Moyles was on the air for 37 straight hours.

As for her conservative Christian mother, Mary Perry Hudson is looking for a book deal so she can tell her side of the story regarding Katy?s crazy career. "It is the story of Mary Perry Hudson," said Mama Hudson.

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19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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