| | |  | Katy Perry News & Gossip
| Katy Perry's Fun-Filled Trip to the Taronga Zoo | Added 13 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Taking full advantage of her time in Sydney, Australia, Katy Perry was spotted at the Taronga Zoo earlier today (May 12).
The ?Hot N Cold? songstress looked retro-hip in a 1950s-style Wheels and Doll Baby top teamed with some slim fit jeans.
In a recent interview, Katy shared that having a husband like Russell Brand helps keep her on track.
"Sometimes I can be distracted by the glamour and the fabulousness. But my husband always reminds me to keep the core intact, because that's what matters.?
"I just think I have to appreciate every day, every opportunity, work hard, and continue to evolve as an artist. I already know my future evolution, where I'm going to go."
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| Is Katy Perry stealing her whole look from Dita Von Teese? | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Much like Lady Gaga, Katy Perry?s style influences become apparent very quickly. Katy seems to mostly jack from Betty Page and Dita Von Teese, then add a dash of Japanese cartoons. Now, I?m not really claiming that Dita Von Teese is the first person in modern fashion history to ever do this vintagey-pinup thing, but Dita does it really, really well, she?s super-committed to the look, and she?s actually a student of the 1940s-1950s fashion era, to the point where she?s likely an expert at this point. Anyway, Page Six has an interesting story about people calling Katy out on her blatant theft of Dita?s look, in general and specifically on the cover of Vanity Fair:
Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery — but Katy Perry’s new Vanity Fair cover appears to be an almost exact copy of a 2008 Dita Von Teese pose.
Perry’s provocative pose on the cover of the June issue, shot by famed photographer Annie Liebovitz and styled by the magazine’s fashion and style director Jessica Diehl, has sparked whispers that the pop star is ripping off burlesque star von Teese’s style.
Perry is also quoted in the magazine as saying: “I looked into what was out there and I didn’t see anyone like me . . . my style, my opinion.”
Yes, apart from von Teese’s almost identical pose, hair and outfit at a 2008 Wonderbra Lingerie Collection launch in London. Photos can still be seen on fan Web sites for the sultry star.
A source said: “Images in this shoot appear to be a direct homage to Dita Von Teese. It is surprising that Katy claims to be such an original in the interview.”
Von Teese herself appears to take the imitation as flattery. She told us at the party she hosted at Los Feliz to launch her Cointreau cocktail: “People have always copied my style. I used to have friends who would dye their hair exactly the same shade as mine. I see it as a compliment.” Of Perry, she added: “Katy and I are friends. She comes to a lot of my shows, but she [recently] came backstage and said: ‘I am taking all of this (gesturing at her hair and costume).’ ”
This isn’t the first time Liebovitz has been accused of borrowing iconic images for inspiration. Her 2008 Vogue cover featuring LeBron James and Gisele Bundchen was said to be an homage to a World War I Army recruitment poster. Liebovitz argued she hadn’t seen the poster.
Reps for Vanity Fair and Perry didn’t get back to us. Leibovitz responded: “I’d never seen the Wonderbra ad. Katy’s is a classic pose as old as the hills.”
[From Page Six]
I went back and found the old 2008 images of Dita, and while I wouldn?t say Katy and Annie Liebovtiz jacked the entire look and style, the similarities are certainly striking, especially when you?re looking at hair, makeup and the color of the bustier.
It also sounds like Dita?s not offended - but that she wants to make sure that people know Katy is copying her. Dita is so classy. I love her so much.
Photos courtesy of WENN, VF.
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| Katy Perry is in Vanity Fair | Added 13 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Katy Perry is on the cover of the new Vanity Fair and if you’re curious, yes, all the Katy Perry cover criteria was met. Stupid outfit. Check. Display as much boobs as possible. Check. Photoshop. Check. Confusing interview. Check. Speaking of, here are a few choice quotes.
Her artichoke career: ?My career is like an artichoke. People might think that the leaves are tasty and buttered up and delicious, and they don?t even know that there?s something magical hidden at the base of it. There?s a whole other side [of me] that people didn?t know existed.? — And much like the artichoke, no one cares.
On not having much of a religion: ?I come from a very non-accepting family, but I?m very accepting,? Perry says of her religious beliefs as an adult. ?Russell is into Hinduism, and I?m not [really] involved in it. He meditates in the morning and the evening; I?m starting to do it more because it really centers me. [But] I just let him be him, and he lets me be me.? Perry says she didn?t stick with the mold growing up. ?I have always been the kid who?s asked ?Why?? In my faith, you?re just supposed to have faith. But I was always like?why?? she says. ?At this point, I?m just kind of a drifter. I?m open to possibility?. My sponge is so big and wide and I?m soaking everything up and my mind has been radically expanded. Just being around different cultures and people and their opinions and perspectives. Just looking into the sky.? — People! Her sponge is so big and wide!
On her fame: ?I don?t care what people say about my relationship; I don?t care what they say about my boobs. People are buying my songs; I have a sold-out tour. I?m getting incredible feedback from my music.? But despite her immense fame, Perry never forgets what it took to get to where she is. ?I don?t take anything for granted,? she says. ?There are 500 other girls right behind me. And I know that, because I was one of them. I remember what it?s like to be someone who?s always trying to get there?sending out tons of e-mails ? trying to connect with some person who could connect me with some other person. And I wouldn?t be working at this pace now if I didn?t truly know that fame is fleeting.? — Don’t ever change, Katy Perry’s boobs.
How many years has it been since Katy Perry blew up? Can someone let me know how many emails it’s going to take to get this chick naked? Because I’ve been sending out a couple hundred a week and the only replies I’ve gotten are “how did you get my email address?” and “please stop sending me hand drawn pictures of naked Katy Perry.”
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| Katy Perry on the Cover of Vanity Fair | Added 13 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 I can’t stand Katy Perry, but I have to admit she looks damn sexy in that corset on the cover of Vanity Fair. Funny how men seem so much more threatening when they aren’t wearing pants.
At the Arthur premiere with her douche of a husband:
PHOTO SOURCE: Fame Pictures
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| Katy Perry Covers Vanity Fair June 2011 | Added 13 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Finding herself chosen to grace the well-known magazine's latest issue, Katy Perry is featured on the front page of Vanity Fair's June 2011 issue.
The "Firework" singer, who's currently on her California Dreams tour in Australia, spoke with VF about a number of topics ranging from the entertainment industry to married life with actor husband, Russell Brand.
Highlights from Miss Perry's interview from Vanity Fair are as follows:
On the cut-throat entertainment industry: ?I don?t take anything for granted. There are 500 other girls right behind me. And I know that, because I was one of them. I remember what it?s like to be someone who?s always trying to get there?sending out tons of e-mails ? trying to connect with some person who could connect me with some other person. And I wouldn?t be working at this pace now if I didn?t truly know that fame is fleeting.?
On married life with Russell Brand: ?[There is] never a dull moment. [He has] never lied to me once. I trust him; there?s just a level of trust that we?ve built up.?
On her music career: ?[It's] like an artichoke. People might think that the leaves are tasty and buttered up and delicious, and they don?t even know that there?s something magical hidden at the base of it. There?s a whole other side [of me] that people didn?t know existed.?
On her and Russell's opposing views of religion: ?I come from a very non-accepting family, but I?m very accepting. Russell is into Hinduism, and I?m not [really] involved in it. He meditates in the morning and the evening; I?m starting to do it more because it really centers me. [But] I just let him be him, and he lets me be me.?
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| Katy Perry's boobs made the June cover of Vanity Fair: tacky, meh or cute' | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 First it was Rihanna and Lady Gaga infecting my Vogue. And now Katy Perry is on the cover of Vanity Fair. I feel like screaming ?FOR WHY?? into a strong wind. But seriously, for why? Katy is a pop artist, and a middling one at that. She has boobs. She?s married to Russell Brand (where?s HIS Vanity Fair cover?!?), and did I mention, she has boobs? She also had a screwed up childhood. That?s about it. Ugh. Stupid Vanity Fair.
You can read the whole VF excerpt of Katy?s interview here. Here are some highlights:
On her multi-layered career: ?My career is like an artichoke. People might think that the leaves are tasty and buttered up and delicious, and they don?t even know that there?s something magical hidden at the base of it. There?s a whole other side [of me] that people didn?t know existed.?
On her childhood: ?I didn?t have a childhood,? she says, adding that her mother never read her any books except the Bible, and that she wasn?t allowed to say ?deviled eggs? or ?Dirt Devil.? Perry wasn?t even allowed to listen to secular music and relied on friends to sneak her CDs. ?Growing up, seeing Planned Parenthood, it was considered like the abortion clinic,? she tells Robinson. ?I was always scared I was going to get bombed when I was there?. I didn?t know it was more than that, that it was for women and their needs. I didn?t have insurance, so I went there and I learned about birth control.?
On her parents: ?I think sometimes when children grow up, their parents grow up,? Perry says of her evangelical-minister parents. ?Mine grew up with me. We coexist. I don?t try to change them anymore, and I don?t think they try to change me. We agree to disagree. They?re excited about [my success]. They?re happy that things are going well for their three children and that they?re not on drugs. Or in prison.? Perry?s mother confirms that she is proud of her daughter?s success, telling Robinson, ?The Lord told us when I was pregnant with her that she would do this.?
On religion: ?I come from a very non-accepting family, but I?m very accepting,? Perry says of her religious beliefs as an adult. ?Russell is into Hinduism, and I?m not [really] involved in it. He meditates in the morning and the evening; I?m starting to do it more because it really centers me. [But] I just let him be him, and he lets me be me.? Perry says she didn?t stick with the mold growing up. ?I have always been the kid who?s asked ?Why?? In my faith, you?re just supposed to have faith. But I was always like?why?? she says. ?At this point, I?m just kind of a drifter. I?m open to possibility?. My sponge is so big and wide and I?m soaking everything up and my mind has been radically expanded. Just being around different cultures and people and their opinions and perspectives. Just looking into the sky.?
Of her marriage to Russell Brand: Perry says that there is ?never a dull moment? and that Brand has ?never lied to me once. I trust him; there?s just a level of trust that we?ve built up.? When asked about the infamous photo Brand tweeted of her without makeup in the middle of the night, Perry laughs it off. ?We were just messing around,? she says, ?I didn?t really care. I mean, when I go to rehearsals I look like that. I?m every woman. It takes a village to make me who I am?. You don?t have to wake up looking like, you know, Gisele.?
On marriage and the press: ?The press is just not your friend when it comes to a marriage,? Perry explains of her need for privacy in her relationship with Brand. ?That?s why we didn?t sell the pictures of our wedding, and we got offered millions of dollars for them, millions.? Why not take the money and give it to charity? Robinson asks. ?Well, I can always do that later for something else; maybe if I have a child,? Perry says. ?But I?ve seen too much of it with other people?it?s the wrong kind of attention. It detracts from the reason why you exist. We wanted that moment to ourselves.? After ultimately showing a clip of her wedding video at the Grammys, Perry tells Robinson she did it ?because I felt the moment was right and not forced. Russell and I had time to savor our moment privately first and then share it with people when we were ready, and not for a paycheck. I loved the idea, because I thought it was beautiful and artistically accompanied the song I wrote for him. Plus, it was Valentine?s eve!?
On the music, and her boobs: ?I don?t care what people say about my relationship; I don?t care what they say about my boobs. People are buying my songs; I have a sold-out tour. I?m getting incredible feedback from my music.? But despite her immense fame, Perry never forgets what it took to get to where she is. ?I don?t take anything for granted,? she says. ?There are 500 other girls right behind me. And I know that, because I was one of them. I remember what it?s like to be someone who?s always trying to get there?sending out tons of e-mails ? trying to connect with some person who could connect me with some other person. And I wouldn?t be working at this pace now if I didn?t truly know that fame is fleeting.?
On working and touring: ?If the core, the honesty, my story, isn?t working, then all those bells and whistles aren?t going to work, either,? Perry says of staying focused on her music. ?Sometimes I can be distracted by the glamour and the fabulousness. But my husband always reminds me to keep the core intact?. I just think I have to appreciate every day, every opportunity, work hard, and continue to evolve as an artist. I already know my future evolution, where I?m going to go. I mean, I?m touring in f-cking Indonesia, for crying out loud.?
[From Vanity Fair]
So, basically, this interview is for people who didn?t have the energy to read her interview in Rolling Stone last year, where she basically said all of the same stuff, only in a more interesting way.
Oh, and every time I hear about how much Russell Brand meditates, it kind of cracks me up. He has such an addictive personality - his addictions used to be drugs, alcohol and a daily multitude of random biscuits, and now he?s addicted to meditation. What happens when meditation won?t cure his itch?
VF cover courtesy of Vanity Fair online, additional photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Katy Perry's Perfect Cleavage For Vanity Fair | Added 13 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 Here’s hipster hottie Katy Perry on the June 2011 cover of Vanity Fair magazine. Obviously I’m not going to buy the magazine, I don’t know anyone who reads magazines anymore, but I am going to make this my laptop wall paper for at least thirteen minutes or so. Her music isn’t really my kind of
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| Katy Perry's Sexy Silly Hipster Cleavage | Added 13 years ago | Source: HollywoodTuna |
 Here are Katy Perry’s sweet hipster breasts bouncing around on stage again in her silly little outfit. I hate the costumes, but I love the resulting cleavage. Actually that’s not fair, I don’t completely hate the costumes. In fact, I wouldn’t mind lying on a trampoline eating Jello-O while Katy bounces around me in a
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| Katy Perry wears a classic Man Ray image: tacky or cute? | Added 13 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 These are some new photos of Katy Perry at last night?s Logie Awards in Australia. She wore this odd green dress with some kind of screenprint of Man Ray?s photograph ?Le Violon d?Ingres? (Ingres?s Violin). The combo of the green puffy sleeves, the screenprint and the bright blue shoes is all rather? eh. Katy thinks that this her signature, wearing bright colors and this kind of junk. It gets kind of boring to me.
In other Katy news, she?s suing an Australian tabloid who recently claimed that she was screwing around on husband Russell Brand. The alleged other man? Producer Benny Blanco. According to the Australian tabloid NW, Katy was having an ?intimate relationship? with Benny. Katy is suing the NW?s publisher, AP, with a statement saying: “By reason of the publication of the article, the plaintiff (Perry) has been gravely injured in her reputation and feelings (and) has suffered distress, embarrassment and humiliation.” Katy also says that NW has refused to apologize for the story “although it was clearly inaccurate”. She could win six figures! Yeah, which publication has Katy screwing around on Russell? I thought most people had money on Russell screwing around on Katy??
Below are photos from Katy?s recent perfume launch. I don?t care for this dress either. Bitch needs a new look.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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| Katy Perry Lights Up the 2011 Logie Awards | Added 13 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Bringing her always-unique style to the red carpet, Katy Perry was among the stars partaking in the 2011 Logie Awards in Melbourne, Australia on Sunday (May 1).
The "Hot N Cold" singer eased through the Crown Palladium entrance while clad in an emerald green dress featuring the backside of a grey and black nude woman running down the center of the interesting frock.
Talking to press covering the Land Down Under celebration, Miss Perry enthusiastically told, "I love being in Australia - I really wanted to play something special tonight. There is always fire wherever I go. We're gonna light this s**t up!"
Doing just that, Katy delivered a show opening rendition of her hit single "Firework" to the crowd's delight, while now readying to head off to Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane as she continues forth with her California Dreams tour.
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