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Jennifer Aniston News & Gossip
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Jennifer Aniston's Weed-Tossing "We're the Millers" Workday
Added 11 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Aniston's Weed-Tossing
Back for another long day in front of the cameras, Jennifer Aniston teamed up with co-star Kathryn Hahn on the set of "We're the Millers" in Wilmington, North Carolina on Tuesday (July 24).

The 43-year-old former "Friends" actress fully immersed herself in her role as she tightly held onto a big bag of fake pot wrapped in a yellow blanket before giving it a big heave as Miss Hahn tried to take it away from her.

As for Jen's movie, the Rawson Marshall Thurber directed comedy follows a dysfunctional faux-family through a trip across country while Sudeikis? character smuggles weed into the US from Mexico.

Due out in 2013, the motion picture also stars Ed Helms, Jason Sudeikis and Emma Roberts, who recently tweeted her excitement over being involved in a project with Aniston, writing, "SO happy to be a part of We're The Millers!! Dream come true to work with Jennifer Aniston!"

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27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston is 'cheating' on her hairdresser to please Justin Theroux
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston is 'cheating' on her hairdresser to please Justin Theroux
This Star Magazine article about Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux had me laughing from the very first sentence: ?Power couple Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux will do almost anything to please each other physically.? LMAO. First of all, ?power couple??!? How many times is Jennifer?s publicist going to try to make that stick? While Jennifer has her powerbase in Hollywood, let?s not act like JustJen are Hollywood?s latest ?power couple? when Justin barely brings anything to the table. Also, the ?almost anything to please each other physically? is actually about HER HAIR. For real. It?s not about dirty sex. Justin wanted Jennifer to braid her hair, and she did. TORRID.

Power couple Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux will do almost anything to please each other physically. For Jen?s longtime fans, that means the almost unthinkable.

?Justin made a comment recently about a girl?s braid being sexy, and Jen immediately found out where the girl had it done,? a source tells Star. ?She rushed out to get it done and got a great reaction from Justin. He went wild!?

But that means she?s had to do the unthinkable ? stray from her longtime hairdresser Chris McMillan, the man who created her iconic style, The Rachel.

?Jen has been going to Chris for years but has occasionally been sneaking off and hasn?t even had the manners to tell Chris,? says the pal. ?Chris has been with her for many years, so this obviously going to sting.? And that?s not the only change Jen?s making for Justin. ?Jen has been totally shaking things up lately ? and it?s all because of Justin. He is so unconventional and really does prefer Jen with a little more edge.?

But don?t feel too bad for her, because the desire to please works both ways: Justin, 40, has bent over backward to impress Jen, 43, since they began dating last year.

Case in point: Justin now regularly gets his body waxed for Jen, who prefers her naturally hairy man to have a smooth chest.

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

Yes, this ended up being a story about Jennifer ?cheating? on her hairdresser. I fully expect Chris McMillan to end up on the cover of Vanity Fair wearing next to nothing and crying about how he really did want babies. This might be my new favorite tabloid story, quite honestly. Is it just me, or is it completely weird and random that Star claims Jennifer feels she has to ?cheat? on her loyal hairdresser? to get her hair braided? Is ?braiding? really that much of a specialized task that Jennifer had to go to someone new to get it done?

As for Justin?s chest waxing? well, we already knew that Jennifer likes him super-groomed. I don?t get why some women don?t like a little chest fur, though. A man should have some hair and not be some completely waxed, sucked and plucked Ken Doll. I guess Jennifer likes a clean workspace. Ew.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston tells friends that 'sex saved her relationship with Justin'
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston tells friends that 'sex saved her relationship with Justin'
In case you missed it on this week?s Us Weekly cover, Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston were ?pap?d? while vacationing in Capri last week. Us Weekly and a few other publications bought the photos ? you can see one of them here at Us Weekly online, and the print edition has even more photos of Justin shirtless and Jennifer in a bikini. I?ll admit, both of them have great bodies. But the whole Us Weekly piece definitely has the feel of a PR plant, which OF COURSE Aniston would never do, of course. That?s why the piece is full of descriptions like ?his sexy six-pack abs? and ?Theroux’s stealthily chiseled body.? They were photographed on a yacht where Justin sunbathed but didn?t swim? is that weird? Because if I?m getting into a swimsuit, I?m going swimming. I don?t understand any other way. In addition to the photos, Star Magazine (who has previously claimed that JustJen are close to O-V-E-R) says that JustJen?s European vacation brought the spark back to their relationship. Because they boned in the middle of an Italian grotto. Or something.

After their sexy rendezvous in Paris and then a romp through Rome, Jennifer and Justin peeled off to the steamy Italian island of Capri. A bikini-clad Jen, 43, and her hunky beau, 40, were spotted cavorting aboard a yacht there, sunbathing intimately close to one another and snapping pictures in their skimpy swimwear.

The couple?s European escape ? which was prompted by a need to reignite the passion in their relationship following fights over where to live, whether to start a family and Justin?s friendliness with his ex ? turned into a nonstop lovefest.

In Paris, ?Jen and Justin stayed holed up in their suite for two days, doing nothering but making love,? an insider reveals. And in Capri ?they took a private tour to the famed Blue Grotto and asked their guide to give them some private time? After Jen and Justin disappeared, the guides heard suspicious sounds and yelled, ?Everything OK in there???

Seems like the duo are hot and heavy again! Says a friend: ?Jen is gushing that sex saved her relationship with Justin.?

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

I had to look up The Blue Grotto. It?s totally beautiful. I?m not sure if I want to have sex there, but whatever. I?m glad that JustJen are still making it work.

There?s also some weird news about Aniston maintaining a friendship with one of Brad Pitt?s buddies ? TMZ has photos of George Clooney and Stacy Keibler sharing a private plane with Jennifer and Justin last week. You can see the pics here. The day after that plane ride, Clooney met Pitt for a boozy boy?s night in London. I don?t know what it all means, I?m just passing on the information. I would imagine that Stacy and Jennifer would get along really well. I imagine they spent the whole flight talking about dogs and workouts while Justin and George tried to out-pretentious each other. Tell me I?m wrong.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston isn't engaged, she's just flashing non-engagement rings
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston isn't engaged, she's just flashing non-engagement rings
Well, Jennifer Aniston?s ring-flash at LAX did the trick. Meaning that wearing diamond rings on the ring fingers of both hands, then flashing said rings to the waiting paparazzi at LAX all while smiling slyly did the trick. Jennifer and Justin and ?engagement rumors? dominated a news cycle, and the denials didn?t come until 24 hours later. Yes, Jennifer has always worn rings on her ring fingers ? on both hands. She likes jewelry. And Justin hasn?t proposed. And we’re talking about it. Mission accomplished!

When Jennifer Aniston arrived at the Los Angeles International Airport after a romantic European getaway with Justin Theroux, buzz immediately built that she was sporting new bling on that finger.

So did she cap off her trip with an engagement?

Not quite … Aniston, 43, prominently wears two rings: The diamond ring on her right hand is a ring that she’s worn several times over the last year. The gold band that spells her name on her left ring finger is a ring she’s also had since she started dating Theroux, 40, who has a matching one!

While photos of the couple, who began dating last May, at LAX set off a fresh round of engagement rumors, “it’s the same ring she has worn forever on her right hand,” a source tells PEOPLE.

Potential wedding bells aside, Aniston seems to be enjoying life with Theroux. Her happiness level is at “10-plus,” she said earlier this year ? before this trip which included yachting in the Mediterranean and stops in Paris and in Rome.

[From People]

I always think The Ring Game packs a double-punch when it comes to Aniston. The first round of ?engagement? rumors comes with a general well-wishing, an ?Atta girl, good for you!? round of sympathetic, ?She deserves something good? reporting. Then when Aniston?s people deny the reports, there?s a round of sympathetic, POOR JENNIFER pity party reporting of why she hasn?t managed to ?settle down? post-Brad. I don?t know if Jennifer wants to get married again. I don?t know if Justin wants to get married ever. But I do think she plays The Ring Game on purpose. And I think it?s getting old.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston shows off a new 'ring' at LAX: did Justin Theroux propose'
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston shows off a new 'ring' at LAX: did Justin Theroux propose'
Here are some new photos of Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston arriving at LAX after they finished up their European ?summer vacation? (I?m assuming). JustJen were in Paris for a week (where Aniston drank Diet Coke and had a salad), then they went to Rome and Vatican City, where Aniston wore a minidress and the Pope still waved her through, because I hear he was a fan of Friends. I don?t really know where Justin and Jennifer were this past week, though ? I?m assuming they were still in Europe, somewhere, but we were no longer getting daily photo ops from the two of them. As for these photos ? could Aniston look happier at being pap?d? Look at that sly smile.

You know why she?s smiling? Because she pulled the same thing that she pulled on Vince Vaughn years ago ? she?s showing off a ?ring? in the hopes that we?ll assume that Justin/Vince ?proposed?.

Jennifer Aniston was rocking a diamond ring after an European getaway with beau Justin Therouux yesterday. The former “Friends” star was seen covering her face at LAX, and revealing what looked like an engagement ring. But, the diamond was worn on her right ring finger, not her left.

Still, the image sparked speculation, and Aniston and Theroux were rumored to be abroad “to scout potential wedding locations in France,” according to Web site X17online.

The couple have previously been photographed wearing matching rings with their names, “Jennifer” and “Justin,” in funky, scripted letters.

However, don’t get those wedding gifts just yet… the Daily Mail reports that “sources close to Justin spoke out to shoot down the claims, insisting their visit to [France] was simply a summer vacation.”

[From Page Six]

Isn?t she just so clever? It?s not like it?s her go-to move or anything. Before I noticed the sly smile and the ring issue, I was actually going to theorize that Justin and Jennifer were looking at potential wedding locales, but now that I see Jennifer?s Ring Game, I suspect that Justin hasn?t yet proposed. And maybe he never will?? He never married Heidi Bivens, even after 14 years together. Maybe he?s just not that into marriage. And maybe Jennifer is trying to push the issue with her Ring Game?

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Travel-Friendly Jennifer Aniston's LAX Landing with Justin THeroux
Added 11 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Travel-Friendly Jennifer Aniston's LAX Landing with Justin THeroux
Attempting to make their way through the hectic airport, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux were spotted arriving off of a flight at LAX in Los Angeles, CA on Monday (June 25).

The "Bounty Hunter" beauty donned skinny jeans, a navy blue blazer and wedges as lowered her head to avoid the shutterbugs while trailing behind her beau.

Speaking of the traveling Hollywood hottie, a recent survey shows that Aniston would be people's top pick to join them on a long distance road trip. The 43 year-old managed to pick up 13.5 percent of the votes ahead of her close second place competitor, Simon Pegg.

Other A-lister that made the list as a great travel buddy were funnyman Jim Carrey, who nabbed the third place spot while Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman followed in at fifth and sixth place.

More Photos Here

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston's '$ellebrity' Trailer: Watch Now!
Added 11 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Aniston's '$ellebrity' Trailer: Watch Now!
It?s no secret that she?s had her fair share of run-ins with the paparazzi, and Jennifer Aniston is featured in a new documentary called ?$ellebrity.?

According to the newly-released trailer, the ?Friends? actress and many of her celebrity contemporaries are tired of the constant badgering and false reports regarding their personal lives.

Aniston declares, ?When all of a sudden you are hearing rumors that are not true on the CNN crawl?you sort of go ?this is CNN!??

Directed by celebrity photographer Kevin Mazur, ?$ellebrity? also features Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kid Rock, and Salma Hayek.

More Photos Here

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston allegedly offered an 8-figure deal to become the face of Aveeno
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston allegedly offered an 8-figure deal to become the face of Aveeno
I?m not a big fan of Aveeno products. They just don?t agree with my skin at all, although I know some people who swear by Aveeno, and God bless. I will say this – Aveeno has a good reputation, and they?ve branded themselves well. When I think of Aveeno, I think of clean-living, well-made, uncomplicated skin and hair care products. So who should be ?the face? of such a brand? Someone with a reputation for clean living and an uncomplicated lifestyle? Perhaps. Page Six reports that Jennifer Aniston has been offered an eight-figure deal to represent Aveeno. Hm.

Jennifer Aniston has been offered an eight-figure deal to become the next face of Aveeno, a brand that sells natural-based skin- and hair-care products.

A source told us, ?Jennifer would be great for the brand because she appears to be very natural. The deal, still being negotiated, would be worth a lot of money, certainly eight figures.?

Aveeno?s current TV face is dark-haired, Dutch-born model-actress Daniella van Graas. Reps for Aniston and Aveeno didn?t get back to us.

[From Page Six]

It?s certainly an interesting development for Aniston, and I don?t think it would get in the way of her other endorsement deals – she?s one of the faces of SmartWater and?? Is that it? It?s sort of surprising to me that she doesn?t currently have any kind of beauty contract. No makeup deal? No hair care endorsement? She did have her perfume, Lolavie, which became ?Aniston by Jennifer Aniston? or whatever. And I never heard of her perfume after the initial buzz. Anyway, sure – it sounds like a good deal, and Aveeno products would line up perfectly with how Aniston has ?branded? herself. And an 8-figure deal would buy a lot of booze.

In other Aniston news, the host of The Bachelorette wants Aniston. This is such a dumb story:

Would Justin Theroux get the final rose? Chris Harrison, ABC host of The Bachelorette, has put Jennifer Aniston on his wish list for the next Bachelorette — even though she’s in a new relationship with Theroux.

“I’ve always said Jennifer Aniston would be good,” Harrison told Hollyscoop, “because she seems so unlucky in love.”

But a pal of the star told Us Weekly that the 43-year-old actress’ relationship with actor Theroux, 40, is a big change from her exes like Brad Pitt and John Mayer. “He makes her feel safe and secure when she’s with him. A lot of her insecurities melt away,” the pal told Us of the Wanderlust costars. “Their relationship is completely different than any of her other ones. Everything about Justin feels right.”

[From Us Weekly]

Yes, Jennifer and Justin are super-duper IN LURVE. It?s ?different?! Because it?s always ?different? whenever Jennifer gets a boyfriend. I believe JustJen are for real, but let?s face it – she?s the girl who cried (different) wolf.

PS? LOL, I just noticed that Justin is carrying a Louis Vuitton bag. OMG HE?S TEAM JOLIE.

Photos courtesy of WENN and Pacific Coast News.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston & Justin visited the Vatican, Aniston showed too much skin
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Aniston & Justin visited the Vatican, Aniston showed too much skin
After spending a surprisingly paparazzi-friendly week in France, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux flew to Rome last Thursday, where their European ?summer vacation? continued unabated. If they just stuck to Rome proper, I don?t think this leg of their holiday would be that big of a deal. But they also went to Vatican City, and controversy followed. Although Justin was dressed in his normal hipster duds (skinny jeans, a ?keeping it real? t-shirt), Aniston?s normal clothes were a problem – she wore a short gray-blue skirt and a tank (with no bra). That?s a lot of skin (and nip) for the Vatican. The Vatican has rules about dress code. Seriously!

They are well known for their strict rules on dress code and many a tourist has been turned away for not adhering to the easy to follow rules. However, it looks like the Vatican has become a little lenient with their policy when it comes to Hollywood superstar Jennifer Aniston.

The 43-year-old was pictured walking around St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City wearing an extremely short grey dress that would have clearly been too high for the sacred religious site.

The catholic state is very clear on what is and is not acceptable to wear but, it appears that Jennifer was given special treatment as she took in the sites. As a VIP visitor the former Friends star even had a special uniformed guard follow her around the area as she and boyfriend Justin Theroux walked around. The ruling on respectable clothing is applicable to both men and women with neither sex being allowed to show their knees when in the basilica.

On it states: ‘The Dress Code is strictly enforced at St. Peter’s Basilica. No shorts, bare shoulders or miniskirts. This applies to both men and women. Even if you get through security, you will be turned away by the attendants at the door.’

Although Miss Aniston did cover her shoulders in a matching grey cardigan, she was still massively in conflict with the straightforward regulations by wearing a dress that fell well above the knee. After a lovely week long break in Paris, France, Jennifer and Justin arrived in Rome yesterday and headed straight to see the world famous sights.

[From The Mail]

If I had my own city, I would have a dress code of ?No skinny jeans, no bangs and no pleats allowed.? But that would be FASHION not because I thought showing off your body is somehow gross or nasty. As for Aniston and her special treatment? eh. Maybe the Pope loves Friends? Probably not.

Photos courtesy of PCN and WENN.

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
15-Nov-2022 :Jennifer Aniston is ?really happy right now, she?s always been happy thou...
15-May-2022 :Jennifer Aniston discusses her decades-long struggles with insomnia & sle...
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Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux Push Forth with Parisian Getaway
Added 11 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux Push Forth with Parisian Getaway
Stepping out in the City of Light, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux were spotted leaving the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Paris, France today (June 14).

The ?Horrible Bosses? babe and her handsome boyfriend were both dressed casually and walked quickly so as to avoid prolonged exposure to the local shutterbugs.

On Wednesday night (June 13), Jen and Justin treated themselves to a romantic dinner date at the Le Jules Verne restaurant on the second level of the Eiffel Tower.

Earlier in the week they shopped at Colette boutique and did some sightseeing as part of their 10-day getaway.

More Photos Here

27-Feb-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore a silver Celine to the SAGs: surprisingly good?
15-Jan-2024 :Jennifer Aniston wore Dolce & Gabbana pants to the Critics Choice Awards
7-Aug-2023 :Jennifer Aniston got massively dragged after she called Jamie Foxx antise...
15-Jun-2023 :Jennifer Aniston believes ?in her gut? that ?she?ll eventually meet the r...
31-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston: Youths find ?Friends? offensive, people are more sensit...
30-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a Versace minidress for the LA ?Murder Mystery 2? p...
17-Mar-2023 :Jennifer Aniston wore a sparkly slipdress to the Paris ?Murder Mystery 2?...
15-Dec-2022 :Jennifer Aniston hosted a big holiday party full of Hollywood?s A-list ?o...
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