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Jessica Biel never believes any of the Justin Timberlake cheating stories
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jessica Biel never believes any of the Justin Timberlake cheating stories
Yesterday, Us Weekly released part of their cover story, all about Justin Timberlake cheating on Jessica Biel with Olivia Munn. Allegedly, Olivia and JT spent three days in NYC, blissfully shagging, until JT was all ?You know how I said me and Biel were over? I totally lied about that.? And Olivia was all ?I can?t believe I?m dumb enough to go for your stupid line. Oh, wait. I can believe it.? Anyway, People Magazine has the official denials from Camp Timberlake and Camp Munn, although I don?t know who they think they?re fooling. Camp Munn?s source says:“Justin and Jessica are doing fine.” and ?There is no truth to the reports. Olivia Munn is not that type of girl.” Camp Timberlake/Biel sources say things like ?They are really affectionate and really seemed to be happy.? It?s rote at this point. JT needs to keep his junk more down-low to avoid these kinds of complications. But I?m not going to let it ruin my fun. I?m reading the full print copy of Us Weekly, and there are some interesting pieces of gossip that we haven?t covered yet.

How JT pursued Munn: JT immediately started chasing her, and ?talking about how she was really smart and he wanted to be with her.? When Munn said no, ?JT pulled out all the stops. He was texting her A LOT? Olivia believed their relationship might develop into something serious. I think she thought he was single.?

On the sex: ?They had amazing sex. He was enamored of her.?

When Jessica Biel is away ?they see each other when their schedules permit? JT has told people that he and Jess barely communicate when she is away, and texting had been their main form of communication.?

Back to Munn: ?It became increasingly obvious that Justin might be using her.? When Olivia confronted him, the lies continued: ?JT said he wants to be sure to let Jessica down gently.? He also implied that some Biel family drama made it an inopportune time to split.

JT?s player game: ?He plays girls and tells them things are over with Jessica to get them hooked. But as soon as they put the pressure on, he has to admit that he?s still with her.?

The Mila Kunis incident: JT and Mila worked together over the summer, and sources say he tried to seduce her, ?but she wasn?t interested in someone who was already attached?she knew he had a girlfriend, and she made it clear that it was not going to happen.?

JT?s friends call him ?Trousersnake?. Ugh.

The Cameron Diaz incident: ?Jessica wasn?t very happy about the Cameron Diaz costar thing.? Biels visits were scheduled to avoid a run-in with Diaz, says the industry source.

Why doesn?t JT just dump Biel? ?He loves her. He doesn?t want to hurt her.? But another source says ?I wouldn?t be surprised if they broke up. I got the impression it?s headed in that direction. I think he?s just bored.?

Why doesn?t Biel just dump JT? ?She is totally in the dark [about his flirtations].? But sources say she isn?t desperate. ?The second she has undeniable proof, she?ll breka up with him. But Jess doesn?t believe Justin has cheated on her.? Also, Biel is currectly filming in Canada, and a source says ?As far as we know Justin is not going to be visiting.? But a Biel source says ?She?s a tough girl. She doesn?t need him.?

Back to Olivia Munn: ?He lied to Olivia and was not single. Olivia feels used. She?s a good girl and wasn?t expecting someone to openly lie like that, especially when it was so easy for her to find out the truth.?

About that Oscar nomination for The Social Network: JT ?really wants that nomination? he?s using his press tour as a platform to make a push for it. He?s desperate to be taken seriously as an actor.? His costars are pissed about it too: ?JT is annoying them. Everyone else is so grateful for the opportunities coming to the, but Justin is cocky.?

[From Us Weekly, print edition]

So? I?m going to go out on a limb and say that Olivia Munn was dumb to believe JT?s dumb line, and then the dumb girl decided to get revenge, and she leaked this story herself. Too many of these quotes are WAY too pro-Munn, and some of them don?t even make any sense! ?She?s a good girl and wasn?t expecting someone to openly lie like that, especially when it was so easy for her to find out the truth.? Um, really? Because she didn?t bother finding out ?the truth? before she spent three days boning the guy. Also - I love that Mila Kunis didn?t fall for his line. LOVE. And I don?t think Biel will ever dump JT. Ever.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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Jessica Biel at Glamour Reel Moments Premiere in LA
Added 14 years agoSource: Feed Me Gossip
Jessica Biel at Glamour Reel Moments Premiere in LA
Jessica Biel looks stylish at the Glamour Reel Moments event on Monday (October 25) in Los Angeles. Jessica wore Oscar de la Renta with Tiffany & Co. jewels

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29-Jan-2024 :Jessica Biel finds it ?deeply satisfying? to eat & drink in the shower
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24-Feb-2020 :Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel step out with son Silas in New York
6-Dec-2019 :Justin Timberlake knows Jessica Biel ?doesn?t deserve any of this & that ...
5-Dec-2019 :Justin Timberlake apologizes to Jessica Biel after his ?strong lapse in j...
25-Oct-2019 :Jessica Biel wants to work in a morgue, finds dead bodies fascinating
14-Jun-2019 :Jessica Biel spouted anti-Vaxx talking points in meetings with CA legisla...
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Jessica Biel And Eva Mendes Make A Great Pair
Added 14 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Jessica Biel And Eva Mendes Make A Great Pair
Saying that Jessica Biel and Eva Mendes make a great pair is like saying that gin & tonic are delicious or that Hall & Oates suck donkey balls, It’s just common sense. It doesn’t hurt that Jessica is wearing a nice see through top and Eva is showing off some decent cleavage. I want to

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Jessica, Eva & Demi: Glamour Girls
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica, Eva & Demi: Glamour Girls
Hollywood hotties and big name events go hand-in-hand, and last night (October 25) Jessica Biel, Eva Mendes, and Demi Moore all showed up at the 5th Anniversary of Glamour Reel Moments in Los Angeles.

The ?7th Heaven? actress looked lovely in a lacy black dress teamed with a pair of matching peep-toe heels as she arrived at the Director?s Guild of America.

Meanwhile, Miss Mendes provided plenty of eye candy as well, sporting a sexy strapless white dress as she worked her magic.

And Demi Moore added some spice to the recipe with a black leather jacket/trousers combo along with a half-buttoned oversized blouse.

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Are Jessica Biel's extreme, 6-days-a-week workouts unhealthy'
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Are Jessica Biel's extreme, 6-days-a-week workouts unhealthy'
Jessica Biel recently appeared on the cover of Glamour UK, and in the interview she discussed what I thought of as her extreme diet. According to Biel, when she?s working (ha), she doesn?t eat any bread, dairy, sugar, salt or meat. She also works out six times a week, doing a combination of running, biking, ballet, and what I think is probably standard weight training, only fancy, just for celebrities. All of this has caused Jessica to lose weight, that?s been no secret. She?s been looking noticeably trimmer all year, even drawn and underweight at times. Anyway, In Touch Weekly is trying to make it into a thing:

Jessica Biel has made her name in Hollywood with her amazing body, but friends are wondering if she?s taking her fitness too far. Jessica, 28, has told pals that she?s prepping to compete in the Nautica Malibu Triathalon in September, and has even been obsessing with training for the event.

Jessica dropped from 130 pounds to 115 in recent months, thanks to six-day-a-week workouts with personal trainer Jason Walsh. She hikes 25 miles and bikes 15-30 miles a week, and she even recently took up ballet lessons.

?Her diet includes occasional six-day liquid fasts, allowing herself just one pig-out day on day seven,? says a friend.

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition]

Over-exercising can be another form of eating/weight disorder, plus, when you?re working out that heavily, it?s not even about weight loss and being toned anymore. If you want real results for your body, you have to spread out your workouts to allow your muscles to rest in-between. As far as Jessica being too thin or whatever? eh. Yes, she looks like she?s lost weight - even her famous booty is looking much smaller these days, which might hurt business (The Business of Being The Next Meryl Streep). But I think Jessica?s body looks fine, very fit and toned. Sure, I wish she wasn?t so neurotic about all of it. But really, what else does she have going on?

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21-May-2024 :Jessica Biel got her long hair cut into a bob for summer: cute?
29-Jan-2024 :Jessica Biel finds it ?deeply satisfying? to eat & drink in the shower
8-Aug-2023 :Jessica Biel: The first two weeks of school are so chaotic and stressful
15-Jul-2021 :Jessica Biel has a new side-hustle: an ?organic? wellness brand for child...
19-Jul-2020 :Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake have welcomed their second child, a baby...
24-Feb-2020 :Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel step out with son Silas in New York
6-Dec-2019 :Justin Timberlake knows Jessica Biel ?doesn?t deserve any of this & that ...
5-Dec-2019 :Justin Timberlake apologizes to Jessica Biel after his ?strong lapse in j...
25-Oct-2019 :Jessica Biel wants to work in a morgue, finds dead bodies fascinating
14-Jun-2019 :Jessica Biel spouted anti-Vaxx talking points in meetings with CA legisla...
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Jessica Biel's Hot Little Side Booty
Added 14 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Jessica Biel's Hot Little Side Booty
Just the thought of Jessica Biel in some tight little spandex leggings is enough to launch a prepubescent boy into manhood, so these pictures should come with a warning label. Here she is leaving the gym or going to the gym, it doesn’t matter, either way she’s showing off her sexy

21-May-2024 :Jessica Biel got her long hair cut into a bob for summer: cute?
29-Jan-2024 :Jessica Biel finds it ?deeply satisfying? to eat & drink in the shower
8-Aug-2023 :Jessica Biel: The first two weeks of school are so chaotic and stressful
15-Jul-2021 :Jessica Biel has a new side-hustle: an ?organic? wellness brand for child...
19-Jul-2020 :Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake have welcomed their second child, a baby...
24-Feb-2020 :Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel step out with son Silas in New York
6-Dec-2019 :Justin Timberlake knows Jessica Biel ?doesn?t deserve any of this & that ...
5-Dec-2019 :Justin Timberlake apologizes to Jessica Biel after his ?strong lapse in j...
25-Oct-2019 :Jessica Biel wants to work in a morgue, finds dead bodies fascinating
14-Jun-2019 :Jessica Biel spouted anti-Vaxx talking points in meetings with CA legisla...
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Is Jessica Biel wearing a shoulder-padded pastel power suit from the 1980s?
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Is Jessica Biel wearing a shoulder-padded pastel power suit from the 1980s?
Seriously, people. What is wrong with Jessica Biel? I?m totally with everyone who says that she?s a pretty girl, but not as pretty as she thinks she is. And I?m totally with everyone who says that her styling is for sh-t, and that she is somehow incapable of pulling off the looks that she seems to be drawn too. I think Jessica is under the impression that she can pull off anything and she just can?t. Take this horrible suit. What kind of budget 1980s crap is this? Are we on a sailboat in 1985? Oh, but it?s even worse full-length:

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21-May-2024 :Jessica Biel got her long hair cut into a bob for summer: cute?
29-Jan-2024 :Jessica Biel finds it ?deeply satisfying? to eat & drink in the shower
8-Aug-2023 :Jessica Biel: The first two weeks of school are so chaotic and stressful
15-Jul-2021 :Jessica Biel has a new side-hustle: an ?organic? wellness brand for child...
19-Jul-2020 :Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake have welcomed their second child, a baby...
24-Feb-2020 :Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel step out with son Silas in New York
6-Dec-2019 :Justin Timberlake knows Jessica Biel ?doesn?t deserve any of this & that ...
5-Dec-2019 :Justin Timberlake apologizes to Jessica Biel after his ?strong lapse in j...
25-Oct-2019 :Jessica Biel wants to work in a morgue, finds dead bodies fascinating
14-Jun-2019 :Jessica Biel spouted anti-Vaxx talking points in meetings with CA legisla...
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Jessica Biel Worries About Money
Added 14 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Jessica Biel Worries About Money
Poor little Jessica Biel worries about where her next paycheck will come from. Shh! Do you hear that? I think it’s the Waaahmbulance! Digital Spy tells us the sad, sad story:

Jessica Biel has revealed that money is a ‘huge worry’, saying the issue is a ‘question mark’ in her life.

The A-Team star, who has also appeared in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake and The Illusionist, said that she ‘sometimes doesn’t know when the next cheque’ will arrive.

Biel told Radio 1: “Since I was so young when I started I didn?t think about it. I just liked it, it was fun. But as I got older and started to become an adult and then had to get a car and have to pay for insurance and all those things? it?s a huge worry.”

The 28-year-old added: “For example, I haven’t worked at all this year. I haven?t made a film so I haven?t had a pay cheque and I won?t do anything until September and I don?t know if I?ll do anything after.

“It’s always up in the air constantly. My life is very much a question mark when the next pay cheque is coming in and even when it seems like you make enough money, you sometimes don?t know when the next cheque is coming in.”

Boo-fucking-hoo. These celebrities are so out of touch with reality. Millions of people, like myself, have been out of work and are living on pathetic unemployment checks, and here she is crying about money when she probably spends on a dress what I spend on my mortgage payment? I don’t know how accurate it is, but one website says her net worth is $18 million. It’s your own damn fault if you’re living beyond your means. You know, YOUR MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR MEANS, so shut your trap and go work out.

At The A-Team photocall in Germany:

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21-May-2024 :Jessica Biel got her long hair cut into a bob for summer: cute?
29-Jan-2024 :Jessica Biel finds it ?deeply satisfying? to eat & drink in the shower
8-Aug-2023 :Jessica Biel: The first two weeks of school are so chaotic and stressful
15-Jul-2021 :Jessica Biel has a new side-hustle: an ?organic? wellness brand for child...
19-Jul-2020 :Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake have welcomed their second child, a baby...
24-Feb-2020 :Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel step out with son Silas in New York
6-Dec-2019 :Justin Timberlake knows Jessica Biel ?doesn?t deserve any of this & that ...
5-Dec-2019 :Justin Timberlake apologizes to Jessica Biel after his ?strong lapse in j...
25-Oct-2019 :Jessica Biel wants to work in a morgue, finds dead bodies fascinating
14-Jun-2019 :Jessica Biel spouted anti-Vaxx talking points in meetings with CA legisla...
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Jessica Biel: A-Team Goes to Berlin
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jessica Biel: A-Team Goes to Berlin
Making her next stop on the ?A-Team? promotional schedule, Jessica Biel was spotted at a photo call in Berlin, Germany today (July 30).

The ?7th Heaven? hottie looked lovely as she posed outside the Hotel de Rome along with costars Liam Neeson, and Quinton ?Rampage? Jackson.

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21-May-2024 :Jessica Biel got her long hair cut into a bob for summer: cute?
29-Jan-2024 :Jessica Biel finds it ?deeply satisfying? to eat & drink in the shower
8-Aug-2023 :Jessica Biel: The first two weeks of school are so chaotic and stressful
15-Jul-2021 :Jessica Biel has a new side-hustle: an ?organic? wellness brand for child...
19-Jul-2020 :Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake have welcomed their second child, a baby...
24-Feb-2020 :Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel step out with son Silas in New York
6-Dec-2019 :Justin Timberlake knows Jessica Biel ?doesn?t deserve any of this & that ...
5-Dec-2019 :Justin Timberlake apologizes to Jessica Biel after his ?strong lapse in j...
25-Oct-2019 :Jessica Biel wants to work in a morgue, finds dead bodies fascinating
14-Jun-2019 :Jessica Biel spouted anti-Vaxx talking points in meetings with CA legisla...
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Jessica Biel's pale blue-silver lacy dress: too fussy or gorgeous'
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jessica Biel's pale blue-silver lacy dress: too fussy or gorgeous'
Here is Jessica Biel (and her newish nose) at The A-Team premiere in Berlin, Germany. Now, as we?ve already seen this week, Jessica Biel?s style is hit-or-miss. I gave her a pass on her strange diaphanous red gown, with what appeared to be a black swimsuit underneath - I actually thought Biel pulled the look off. I did not, however, give her a pass on that one-armed beige monstrosity she wore at the beginning of the European tour. So now we have this - what seems to be a very pretty, somewhat fussy pale blue and silver strapless dress:

Now, I?m actually with the idea of this dress from the hips up. If this was one of Angelina?s black strapless tube dresses (only in blue and silver), I would be totally in love with it. You have to fight off the fussiness of what appears to be metallic Chantilly lace with a modern, simple silhouette. But the bottom of the dress is not modern. It just looks dumb, in my opinion.

Also, once again: Nose-job deniers, really? Look at the bridge of her nose! Look at the tip! Her nose DID NOT look like that before. She?s had it narrowed. I?m totally in love with her earrings though.

Jessica Biel in Berlin on July 29, 2010. Credit: WENN.

21-May-2024 :Jessica Biel got her long hair cut into a bob for summer: cute?
29-Jan-2024 :Jessica Biel finds it ?deeply satisfying? to eat & drink in the shower
8-Aug-2023 :Jessica Biel: The first two weeks of school are so chaotic and stressful
15-Jul-2021 :Jessica Biel has a new side-hustle: an ?organic? wellness brand for child...
19-Jul-2020 :Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake have welcomed their second child, a baby...
24-Feb-2020 :Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel step out with son Silas in New York
6-Dec-2019 :Justin Timberlake knows Jessica Biel ?doesn?t deserve any of this & that ...
5-Dec-2019 :Justin Timberlake apologizes to Jessica Biel after his ?strong lapse in j...
25-Oct-2019 :Jessica Biel wants to work in a morgue, finds dead bodies fascinating
14-Jun-2019 :Jessica Biel spouted anti-Vaxx talking points in meetings with CA legisla...
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