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Leonardo DiCaprio News & Gossip
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Leonardo DiCaprio: Fame Can Drive You Nuts
Added 15 years agoSource: Feed Me Gossip
Leonardo DiCaprio: Fame Can Drive You Nuts
Leonardo DiCaprio has revealed that he understands why some actors go “nuts”.The Shutter Island star said that it is very important to keep grounded when you’re famous.DiCaprio told Parade magazine: “Just because you’ve done a good performance once, doesn’t mean you’re always going to be good. That’s why some of the greatest actors in the world have gone a little bit nuts.”They’re saying to themselves, ‘What happened? You used to love me?’ It’s an easy trap to fall into. You just have to realise that when you’re hot, you’re hot, and when you’re not, you’re not.”I know this is going to sound lame, but one of my favourite things is hanging out with my friends. They take me away from the world of showbusiness and keep me grounded. It brings me back to who I am.”

18-Feb-2023 :Leo DiCaprio ?looking for something more mature in the relationship dept?
4-Jan-2023 :Leonardo DiCaprio is on a party yacht in St. Barts, surrounded by young l...
16-Nov-2021 :Leo DiCaprio & Camila Morrone are ?closer than ever, they are really soli...
21-Oct-2021 :Leonardo DiCaprio joins Prince Harry?s fight to protect the Okavango delt...
28-Apr-2021 :Leonardo DiCaprio set to remake Oscar-winning Danish film ?Another Round?
26-Jun-2020 :Leo DiCaprio & Camila have spent 24/7 together in lockdown, he?s ?serious...
2-Mar-2020 :Leonardo DiCaprio & Camila Morrone looked coupled-up & happy in New York
17-Jan-2020 :Camila Morrone is ?frustrated? with only being known as ?Leo DiCaprio?s g...
3-Oct-2019 :Leo DiCaprio held hands with Camila Morrone during a lowkey NYC outing
17-May-2018 :Leo DiCaprio, 43, stepped out in NYC with his 20-year-old girlfriend Cami...
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Leonardo DiCaprio news

Leonardo DiCaprio: Busy Big Apple Morning
Added 15 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Leonardo DiCaprio: Busy Big Apple Morning
Taking care of some promotional duties, Leonardo DiCaprio was spotted out and about in Midtown Manhattan earlier today (February 17).

The “Catch Me if You Can” stud sported a University of Michigan ball cap as he paid visits to “Good Morning America” and “The Early Show.”

Leo is hot on the promotional trail to drum up interest in his soon-to-be-released, Martin Scorsese-directed thriller “Shutter Island.”

Of the filming process, DiCaprio told press, “There were moments on set where I definitely felt like we were going into uncharted territory. It was draining. It got to the point where it became more and more realistic the deeper it got — swerving away from anything stylistic and becoming more about human nature.”

18-Feb-2023 :Leo DiCaprio ?looking for something more mature in the relationship dept?
4-Jan-2023 :Leonardo DiCaprio is on a party yacht in St. Barts, surrounded by young l...
16-Nov-2021 :Leo DiCaprio & Camila Morrone are ?closer than ever, they are really soli...
21-Oct-2021 :Leonardo DiCaprio joins Prince Harry?s fight to protect the Okavango delt...
28-Apr-2021 :Leonardo DiCaprio set to remake Oscar-winning Danish film ?Another Round?
26-Jun-2020 :Leo DiCaprio & Camila have spent 24/7 together in lockdown, he?s ?serious...
2-Mar-2020 :Leonardo DiCaprio & Camila Morrone looked coupled-up & happy in New York
17-Jan-2020 :Camila Morrone is ?frustrated? with only being known as ?Leo DiCaprio?s g...
3-Oct-2019 :Leo DiCaprio held hands with Camila Morrone during a lowkey NYC outing
17-May-2018 :Leo DiCaprio, 43, stepped out in NYC with his 20-year-old girlfriend Cami...
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Leo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli: Valentine's Engagement'
Added 15 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Leo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli: Valentine's Engagement'
Sparking rumors of an engagement, Bar Refaeli was spotted wearing what looks to be a gold band on her left ring finger.

The supermodel and her “Body of Lies” beau attended the Cinema For Peace Gala in Berlin, Germany and while in route to the shindig a photo of Bar’s hand was snapped.

Rumor has it; the couple got engaged on Valentine’s Day at Hotel de Rome in Berlin before heading to a nice dinner out at Grill Royal.

DiCaprio and Refaeli are in Germany for the premier of Leo’s “Shutter Island” which debuted at the Berlin Film Festival on Saturday.

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Leonardo DiCaprio looks sounds amazing in Esquire
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Leonardo DiCaprio looks  sounds amazing in Esquire
Well, hello sailor. Hot damn. I?m not even some die-hard Leo-loonie, but Mr. DiCaprio is looking fine in these photos. His dirt-lip is under control, he?s rocking the George Clooney-esque ?Old Hollywood, In a New Way? vibe. I?ve never really felt this for Leo, unless you count my kind-of crush on him circa Romeo + Juliet, but I wasn?t so much attracted to him as I just liked the way he was growing up. I?m seriously going to consider putting this current ?hottie? Leo on my must-watch list, along with newly-added Jeremy Renner.

Anyway, the interview is pretty good too, just judging from the excerpts Esquire has released thus far (here for the Esquire piece, but I?m including all of the excerpts). Leo talks about everything from his love of Meryl Streep (?Meryl may be the greatest actor in the world.?) to River Phoenix?s death, to his fame post-Titanic (?I set up everything in my personal life to rebel against that image in order to strip it down.?). Here are the excerpts:

On the Night River Phoenix Died

When I was eighteen, River Phoenix was far and away my hero. Think of all those early great performances ? My Own Private Idaho. Stand by Me. I always wanted to meet him. One night, I was at this Halloween party, and he passed me. He was beyond pale ? he looked white. Before I got a chance to say hello, he was gone, driving off to the Viper Room, where he fell over and died.

That’s a lesson.

Working with James Cameron:

Jim knows exactly what he wants. Needless to say, when somebody felt a different way on the set of ‘Titanic,’ there was a confrontation. Jim had it out with them right there in front of everybody. He lets you know exactly how he feels. But he’s of the lineage of John Ford. He knows what he wants his film to be. I remember sitting in a theater after it was done and being in awe. He got what he wanted.”

A ‘Titanic’ rebellion:

It wasn’t the era of penetrating Internet paparazzi that we have now. But my name wasn’t me anymore. I was sort of this thing. Kate felt it, too. But a lot of the attention was on me because of the teenage girls who repeatedly went to see the movie. I had the blond hair, and I was Jack Dawson, this heroic figure.

So I set up everything in my personal life to rebel against that image in order to strip it down. I had a lot of fun stripping it down. But ultimately, that knocked me a few rungs down the ladder.

On Growing Up

The earliest memories I have are jumping up onstage before concerts in downtown L. A. and trying to get on the mic and break-dance, or do imitations of my mother’s friends or my father’s friends, or be a comic in class. I was the most insane child you can imagine, pretty intolerable to be around. High-octane energy all the time, never wanting to focus on schoolwork.

On Risks and Really Growing Up

What you risk just to have thrills when you’re in your twenties is absurd. It’s all part of that process of doing things that are daring to be accepted by your peers ? and it’s absolutely insane. You can enter a never-ending vapid hole trying to catch the next exciting moment without ever stopping to appreciate it. It can be a never-ending process of chasing something that isn’t there. I know it’s a clich, but I’m happy to be alive. I went skydiving and my chutes didn’t open. Two of them.

On Scorsese vs. Spielberg

The only other person who knows as much about film as Martin Scorsese is Steven Spielberg…. People would always ask me, What are the differences between Spielberg and Scorsese?

All I could find myself talking about was the similarities.

On That Nude Scene in Revolutionary Road

Kate Winslet is one of my dearest friends. We have the ultimate trust in each other and the best of intentions for what we want to do. I knew Kate before Sam [Mendes, her husband] even met her. So on the outside, it may seem strange to do a sex scene with a woman while her husband is directing. But it didn’t feel that way to me.

When the scene was about to start, Kate said, in front of the crew, “Wait, wait, this is totally weird.” She turned to both Sam and I and said, “Are you guys okay?”

We both looked at each other and said, Yeah, we’re totally fine.

She said, “It’s even weirder that you’re both totally fine.”

On That ‘Confrontation’ Scene in The Departed

I believe Jack went up to Marty afterward and said, “I don’t know if he necessarily believed me. I don’t know if he was sincerely threatened.”

Marty said, “Let’s do it again tomorrow.”

So I come on the set the next day and hear we’re doing the scene over for lighting reasons. Okay. But then a prop guy comes over to me and says, “Just to let you know, there were some props Jack asked for. I had to get him a fire extinguisher, a bottle of whiskey, a lighter, and a gun.”

On the Greatest Actor in the World

When I sat in the theater, it was, Oh, my God, she’s the only person who looks completely natural. She’s the only person who has actually made her character into a real human being who would have an erratic moment because those erratic moments are what make you more human. That was a huge moment of discovery. Meryl may be the greatest actor in the world.

On Proving Himself

Probably the only thing I knew with complete clarity was that I wanted to be an actor. But there was a lot of rejection early on, and so it never felt like, Hey, I’ve got something here. There was always an element of me that needed to prove something to myself. It’s something I don’t want to get rid of, because it’s what drives me. I’m never settled and I’m never satisfied.

[From Esquire]

Yeah, I?m kind of in love with him now. I?ve always thought that he was probably a pretty smart guy with some really great people around him. Even though it looked dumb at the time, I think taking several years off after Titanic was the smartest thing he ever did for himself and his career - it gave him distance, perspective and he certainly came back with a bang, didn?t he? You know what this reminds me of? Robert Pattinson. I think Sparkles would do well to examine the DiCaprio phenomenon, and try to base his career in a similar fashion.

Photos courtesy of Esquire online.

18-Feb-2023 :Leo DiCaprio ?looking for something more mature in the relationship dept?
4-Jan-2023 :Leonardo DiCaprio is on a party yacht in St. Barts, surrounded by young l...
16-Nov-2021 :Leo DiCaprio & Camila Morrone are ?closer than ever, they are really soli...
21-Oct-2021 :Leonardo DiCaprio joins Prince Harry?s fight to protect the Okavango delt...
28-Apr-2021 :Leonardo DiCaprio set to remake Oscar-winning Danish film ?Another Round?
26-Jun-2020 :Leo DiCaprio & Camila have spent 24/7 together in lockdown, he?s ?serious...
2-Mar-2020 :Leonardo DiCaprio & Camila Morrone looked coupled-up & happy in New York
17-Jan-2020 :Camila Morrone is ?frustrated? with only being known as ?Leo DiCaprio?s g...
3-Oct-2019 :Leo DiCaprio held hands with Camila Morrone during a lowkey NYC outing
17-May-2018 :Leo DiCaprio, 43, stepped out in NYC with his 20-year-old girlfriend Cami...
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Leonardo DiCaprio: Photo Call in Rome
Added 15 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Leonardo DiCaprio: Photo Call in Rome
Taking care of his promotional duties, Leonardo DiCaprio was spotted at a photo call for his new film “Shutter Island” in Rome, Italy today (February 8).

The “Catch Me if You Can” stud was joined by director Martin Scorsese as he chatted with the press in the garden at Hotel Hassler in Trinita dei Monti.

In a recent interview, Leo explained that working with Scorsese again has been a blessing, as the veteran director has given him guidance throughout his career.

“He saved me. I was headed down a path of being one kind of actor, and he helped me become another one. The one I wanted to be.”

18-Feb-2023 :Leo DiCaprio ?looking for something more mature in the relationship dept?
4-Jan-2023 :Leonardo DiCaprio is on a party yacht in St. Barts, surrounded by young l...
16-Nov-2021 :Leo DiCaprio & Camila Morrone are ?closer than ever, they are really soli...
21-Oct-2021 :Leonardo DiCaprio joins Prince Harry?s fight to protect the Okavango delt...
28-Apr-2021 :Leonardo DiCaprio set to remake Oscar-winning Danish film ?Another Round?
26-Jun-2020 :Leo DiCaprio & Camila have spent 24/7 together in lockdown, he?s ?serious...
2-Mar-2020 :Leonardo DiCaprio & Camila Morrone looked coupled-up & happy in New York
17-Jan-2020 :Camila Morrone is ?frustrated? with only being known as ?Leo DiCaprio?s g...
3-Oct-2019 :Leo DiCaprio held hands with Camila Morrone during a lowkey NYC outing
17-May-2018 :Leo DiCaprio, 43, stepped out in NYC with his 20-year-old girlfriend Cami...
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Leonardo DiCaprio: Environmentally Friendly
Added 15 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Leonardo DiCaprio: Environmentally Friendly
Out for a little bit of jewelry shopping, Leonardo DiCaprio was spotted making his exit from the OK store in Beverly Hills yesterday (January 27).

The “Catch Me If You Can” stud looked cool and casual as he strolled past the paparazzi, sporting a red and blue flannel shirt with jeans and sneakers.


18-Feb-2023 :Leo DiCaprio ?looking for something more mature in the relationship dept?
4-Jan-2023 :Leonardo DiCaprio is on a party yacht in St. Barts, surrounded by young l...
16-Nov-2021 :Leo DiCaprio & Camila Morrone are ?closer than ever, they are really soli...
21-Oct-2021 :Leonardo DiCaprio joins Prince Harry?s fight to protect the Okavango delt...
28-Apr-2021 :Leonardo DiCaprio set to remake Oscar-winning Danish film ?Another Round?
26-Jun-2020 :Leo DiCaprio & Camila have spent 24/7 together in lockdown, he?s ?serious...
2-Mar-2020 :Leonardo DiCaprio & Camila Morrone looked coupled-up & happy in New York
17-Jan-2020 :Camila Morrone is ?frustrated? with only being known as ?Leo DiCaprio?s g...
3-Oct-2019 :Leo DiCaprio held hands with Camila Morrone during a lowkey NYC outing
17-May-2018 :Leo DiCaprio, 43, stepped out in NYC with his 20-year-old girlfriend Cami...
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Leonardo DiCaprio news

Leonardo DiCaprio Donates $1 Million To Haiti Relief
Added 15 years agoSource: Feed Me Gossip
Leonardo DiCaprio Donates $1 Million To Haiti Relief
Leonardo DiCaprio has become the latest star to back the Haiti earthquake relief effort, donating one million dollars to help the shattered country, a statement said Thursday.DiCaprio’s donation was made to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. Former US presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush House have been named as special coordinators of aid to Haiti by President Barack Obama.The pair established their Haiti fund to respond to needs in the country and improve the quality of life for victims of the devastating earthquake.“I salute Leonardo DiCaprio for his extraordinary generosity,” president George W. Bush said. “This donation sends a clear message to the people of Haiti that America’s commitment to helping rebuild their country is strong.”I thank Leo for setting a wonderful example for all Americans of helping a neighbor in need.”

18-Feb-2023 :Leo DiCaprio ?looking for something more mature in the relationship dept?
4-Jan-2023 :Leonardo DiCaprio is on a party yacht in St. Barts, surrounded by young l...
16-Nov-2021 :Leo DiCaprio & Camila Morrone are ?closer than ever, they are really soli...
21-Oct-2021 :Leonardo DiCaprio joins Prince Harry?s fight to protect the Okavango delt...
28-Apr-2021 :Leonardo DiCaprio set to remake Oscar-winning Danish film ?Another Round?
26-Jun-2020 :Leo DiCaprio & Camila have spent 24/7 together in lockdown, he?s ?serious...
2-Mar-2020 :Leonardo DiCaprio & Camila Morrone looked coupled-up & happy in New York
17-Jan-2020 :Camila Morrone is ?frustrated? with only being known as ?Leo DiCaprio?s g...
3-Oct-2019 :Leo DiCaprio held hands with Camila Morrone during a lowkey NYC outing
17-May-2018 :Leo DiCaprio, 43, stepped out in NYC with his 20-year-old girlfriend Cami...
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Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli: Target Tryst
Added 15 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli: Target Tryst
Continuing to turn up together more and more often, Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Rafaeli braved the rainy weather to go shopping in Los Angeles on Wednesday (January 20).

Both dressed casually, the “Titanic” hunk and his supermodel lady visited the local Target store, with Leo carrying a basket while loading up on household needs.

The sighting comes amidst rumors that DiCaprio may be receiving a little pressure from his mother when it comes to settling down and starting a family.

“Leo’s mother never forgave Leo for missing the boat with his ex-girlfriend, Gisele Bundchen,” a source told American tabloid the National Enquirer. Iremelin was reported telling Leo before Christmas, “You had better not let this one get away!

Dicaprio’s mother told him the deciding factor of marriage would be how well the couple’s Christmas in Cabo went. “His mother called him on New Year’s morning and said, ‘Well?’ Leo told her, ‘You’re right, as usual. I don’t want to let her go.’”

The source from the tabloid also added, “Now that he’s decided to marry Bar, Leo is planning on buying a rare canary yellow diamond ring that caught his eye recently. Bar was hoping for a ring around the holidays, but Leo thought it would be a better idea to surprise her on Valentine’s Day.”

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Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli: Lakers Date
Added 15 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli: Lakers Date
Treating themselves to a sporty date night, Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli were spotted at the Los Angeles Lakers basketball game (January 18).

The “Catch Me If You Can” stud and his supermodel sweetheart looked to be having a marvelous time as they watched the game from their primo courtside seats.

And in the end, Leo and Bar helped cheer the home team on to victory over the visiting Orlando Magic with a final score of 98-92.

The night before, DiCaprio joined fellow actor Robert DeNiro in presenting the Cecil B. Demille award to Martin Scorsese at the 2010 Golden Globe Awards.

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Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refeali: Cabo Couple
Added 15 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refeali: Cabo Couple
Continuing their stay in Mexico, Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli were spotted emerging from their beachside villa on New Year’s Day (January 1).

The “Titanic” hottie and his supermodel gal have been vacationing together in Cabo San Lucas, making it seem as though they are officially a couple once again.

Leo and Bar called it quits earlier this year, but sparked speculation that they reunited after they were recently spotted together in the Bahamas.


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