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Colin Farrell News & Gossip
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Colin Farrell's man-cleavage will seduce and impregnate us all
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Colin Farrell's man-cleavage will seduce and impregnate us all
I honestly feel like I could get pregnant just from looking at photos of Colin Farrell. It?s different with other dudes that I like - say, Gerard Butler. I?ll look at a photo of Gerard, and I?ll stare at for a while, analyzing his hair or his clothes, checking to see if I can make out a glorious bulge. With Colin, I feel like I have to look away. Like, I can?t stare too hard or else I?ll get pregnant, or worse. If anyone is capable of inseminating a woman without being in the room, it?s Colin. He?s just that virile.

Anyway, these are photos of Colin and his man-cleavage at the MMVAs last night. I don?t know why his shirt is unbuttoned so far, especially considering the night was pretty heavy on the tweens. Most of the people there were underage? And here?s Dirty Uncle Colin, getting 13-year-olds pregnant with a piercing gaze and half a pec.

Colin was in Toronto for the MMVAs because he?s filming Total Recall in town. He arrived there a while back, but Jessica Biel (his costar) just came to town last week. Now we can look forward to many, many, MANY stories pushed by Biel?s rep about how Colin is getting Jessica pregnant with his cupcakes or whatever. According to a ?preview? of Biel?s agenda, an insider told The Mail last week that Biel ?loves Colin?s accent and personality. She?s completely over Justin, she?s having fun being single and thinks Colin is a blast. They?ve been hanging out between takes and Colin?s suggested they go out after work.? Biel better watch out. Colin isn?t going to be down with some PR-friendly thing. He?ll just get her pregnant and dump her.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

9-Jul-2021 :Colin Farrell on LA: ?The homelessness here, it?s pretty tough to see?
13-Oct-2020 :Robert Pattinson?s Bruce Wayne looks so ?90s emo as ?The Batman? films in...
14-Mar-2019 :Colin Farrell on St. Patrick?s Day: I never saw green beer until I came t...
4-Apr-2018 :Colin Farrell checked himself into rehab, more than a decade since gettin...
30-Nov-2015 :Colin Farrell has gray temples now: still really hot or losing it?
22-Jun-2015 :Colin Farrell on fatherhood: you understand ?what it is to love unconditi...
16-May-2015 :Rachel Weisz in Louis Vuitton at ?The Lobster? Cannes premiere: gorgeous?
15-May-2015 :Colin Farrell looked really amazing at a Cannes photocall: would you hit ...
27-Apr-2015 :Rachel McAdams & Colin Farrell are getting flirty on the ?True Detective?...
17-Nov-2014 :Colin Farrell pens open letter supporting gay marriage in Ireland
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Colin Farrell news

Colin Farrell is made of lies, claims he's all about 'monogamy'
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Colin Farrell is made of lies, claims he's all about 'monogamy'
Yesterday, somebody was trying to tweet me suggestions for Hot Guy Friday, and she listed ?Jude Law, Colin Barrel?? Which really should be Colin Farrell?s handle, right? We could call him Colin ?Double Barrel? Farrell. It?s kind of perfect. Anyway, Colin is on today?s Ellen DeGeneres show, and he?s really trying to win us over. Like, he doesn?t want us to think that he?s out there, boning randoms whenever the urge strikes. Oh, Colin. I don?t believe you.

Despite his playboy reputation, Colin Farrell is a one-woman kind of guy. During a Friday appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, the 34-year-old Horrible Bosses actor says he’s single — and he’s not exactly on the prowl, either.

“I was never much for dating,” he explains. “I was much for a few things, but I kind of usually went decent-ish amount of time.”

“So you’re a monogamous person?” host Ellen DeGeneres asks.

“Yeah?” Farrell, who has two sons from two different relationships, responds.

“That was a question,” DeGeneres, 53, laughs. “That was not an answer.”

“No, I think when I answer yes to something like that, I’m kind of shocked myself that I’m answering yes,” Farrell explains. “That’s why it was a question. I’m kind of like, ‘Colin do you really believe yourself?’”

[From Us Weekly]

The subtext: Colin isn?t even a good enough actor to pull off the monogamy line. I think Colin wants to believe it of himself: that he?s the kind of guy who is looking for a stable, monogamous relationship. And hey, maybe he is. Maybe he?s a serial monogamist who goes from one stable relationship to another. But I doubt it. I think that even though he?s sober and his life is on a much healthier track, Colin will still bone pretty much any girl, at any time. By the way, that?s why I?ve always kind of loved him too: realistically, I have a shot. He will bone anything, ergo, he will bone me. I have a shot with him for one night (or one hour, whatever).

In other Colin news, he?s signed on to work with his In Bruges director again, in the film Seven Psychopaths (horrible title, I hope they change it). He?ll be working with Sam Rockwell (yes!) and Christopher Walken. Also, you know how Colin is doing the Total Recall remake? Ethan Hawke just signed on too. Yay!

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame & Pacific Coast News.

9-Jul-2021 :Colin Farrell on LA: ?The homelessness here, it?s pretty tough to see?
13-Oct-2020 :Robert Pattinson?s Bruce Wayne looks so ?90s emo as ?The Batman? films in...
14-Mar-2019 :Colin Farrell on St. Patrick?s Day: I never saw green beer until I came t...
4-Apr-2018 :Colin Farrell checked himself into rehab, more than a decade since gettin...
30-Nov-2015 :Colin Farrell has gray temples now: still really hot or losing it?
22-Jun-2015 :Colin Farrell on fatherhood: you understand ?what it is to love unconditi...
16-May-2015 :Rachel Weisz in Louis Vuitton at ?The Lobster? Cannes premiere: gorgeous?
15-May-2015 :Colin Farrell looked really amazing at a Cannes photocall: would you hit ...
27-Apr-2015 :Rachel McAdams & Colin Farrell are getting flirty on the ?True Detective?...
17-Nov-2014 :Colin Farrell pens open letter supporting gay marriage in Ireland
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Colin Farrell news

Colin Farrell is ready to get you pregnant now
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Colin Farrell is ready to get you pregnant now
These are photos of Colin Farrell and his tight little ass and his even tighter little black t-shirt getting organic juice in Hollywood on Friday. This is maybe the best Colin has looked in years, right? I?m not loving the facial hair stuff, nor the fact that in recent public outings, Colin has used a pair of reading glasses as a de facto headband, but all in all, I would hit this Irish bastard like he was made of fire. Look at his arms and tell me you wouldn?t hit that. Damn.

Speaking of letting Colin get me (and you) pregnant, there has been a lot of quiet, disturbing buzz about a book written by one of Colin?s exes. Not the Alicja Bachleda chick, who actually had his baby. No, this was one of Colin?s girlfriends before Alicia - a British journalist named Emma Forrest, whom Colin dated for about a year circa 2008. Emma wrote a memoir called Your Voice In My Head, all about her bulimia, her breakdown, her broken heart, etc. In the memoir, she doesn?t call Colin out directly, but most think her reference to ?Gypsy Husband? is definitely Colin. A long excerpt of the book is here, at The Guardian, but here are some excerpts about Colin:

It has been five years since I’ve self-harmed when, at a dinner in LA, I am introduced to a man with long, flowing hair who is wearing a keffiyeh. He looks like the world’s campest terrorist, but he’s actually a movie star with a storied reputation. In the candle-lit garden, we sit next to each other and talk, and he admits later that every single thing he tells me is intended to translate as, “I’m not like you’ve heard I am.” It works.


He worries a lot. He doesn’t like it that my front gate doesn’t close properly, so, though he is on a film set thousands of miles away, he sends builders to fix it and make me a bolt lock for my front door. He doesn’t like the way I can’t open my windows at night because I don’t have screens to stop the cats getting out. He sends the builders to make screens.

Whenever he comes home from making a movie, he brings me back strange things. He FedExes, from Spain to LA, a single Werther’s toffee. My LA girlfriends, the ones who have been here too long, snipe, “No diamonds?” and I explain I wouldn’t wear diamonds, never have. “Yes, but he doesn’t need to know that.”

“He knows that,” I say, and understand, myself, the answer to the question all the gossips are asking: “Why is he with her?”

An hour into a late-night phone call, he broaches a new topic. “When I get back from this film, let’s have a miniature human, that grows.”

I freeze, look around my bedroom for witnesses.

“A baby?”

“Yeah, one of them.”


Yet I am happy. We are happy, and we’ve been this way for six months now. It’s the longest I can remember. It’s not mania. We don’t need each other. We just really, really enjoy each other. And we’re good people together. I love him and, for the first time in a relationship, I also like me.

We agree to a road trip across America when he gets back. He asks me to book out Christmas and my birthday for a trip to Istanbul. He’s decided that we should definitely start trying for a baby in January. I want everything he wants.

“The only thing I know for certain,” he writes, “is that I want us to be family.”

He texts me from the plane to say he’ll be in my arms in a few hours and our life together will begin in earnest. Then he turns off his phone and the plane takes off.

When he arrives at my door, he is trembling. “I think I need space,” he says.

It takes me a while to understand this is him leaving our relationship. A thought occurs. “Did you think that if we had a baby, you wouldn’t be able to leave? Is that why you wanted me to get pregnant?”

“Maybe. That might be true.” He can’t look at me because he is crying so hard.

I lock myself in the bathroom. I call from under the door: “You can go now.”

“Em. Please let me in! Em!”

“I’m fine. Please leave now.”

“Have you cut yourself?”


“Are you going to?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Promise me!”

“I can’t.”

But I don’t cut. I don’t do that any more.

[Excerpts From Your Voice In My Head, via The Guardian]

So? now we know what Colin is like as a boyfriend. It?s all pickup lines and poetry and hot sex and ?let?s have a baby together? until one day he comes home and announces that he needs space. I hate to admit it, but I am so one of those women who would have fallen for that kind of line. It?s a good thing I?ve never met him, right?

Photos courtesy of Fame.

9-Jul-2021 :Colin Farrell on LA: ?The homelessness here, it?s pretty tough to see?
13-Oct-2020 :Robert Pattinson?s Bruce Wayne looks so ?90s emo as ?The Batman? films in...
14-Mar-2019 :Colin Farrell on St. Patrick?s Day: I never saw green beer until I came t...
4-Apr-2018 :Colin Farrell checked himself into rehab, more than a decade since gettin...
30-Nov-2015 :Colin Farrell has gray temples now: still really hot or losing it?
22-Jun-2015 :Colin Farrell on fatherhood: you understand ?what it is to love unconditi...
16-May-2015 :Rachel Weisz in Louis Vuitton at ?The Lobster? Cannes premiere: gorgeous?
15-May-2015 :Colin Farrell looked really amazing at a Cannes photocall: would you hit ...
27-Apr-2015 :Rachel McAdams & Colin Farrell are getting flirty on the ?True Detective?...
17-Nov-2014 :Colin Farrell pens open letter supporting gay marriage in Ireland
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Colin Farrell news

Colin Farrell Talks Ditching Booze
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Colin Farrell Talks Ditching Booze
He used to be known for his penchant for partying but Colin Farrell says he?s glad he reformed his ways.

The ?Phone Booth? actor says he?s happy to sit back and watch his friends drink and smoke while he abstains.

?I didn?t lose any friends because of it because it doesn?t bother me watching my mates getting drunk when we go out.?

?But it was the best decision I ever made in my whole life. Now I go home at 1am instead of four in the morning.?

9-Jul-2021 :Colin Farrell on LA: ?The homelessness here, it?s pretty tough to see?
13-Oct-2020 :Robert Pattinson?s Bruce Wayne looks so ?90s emo as ?The Batman? films in...
14-Mar-2019 :Colin Farrell on St. Patrick?s Day: I never saw green beer until I came t...
4-Apr-2018 :Colin Farrell checked himself into rehab, more than a decade since gettin...
30-Nov-2015 :Colin Farrell has gray temples now: still really hot or losing it?
22-Jun-2015 :Colin Farrell on fatherhood: you understand ?what it is to love unconditi...
16-May-2015 :Rachel Weisz in Louis Vuitton at ?The Lobster? Cannes premiere: gorgeous?
15-May-2015 :Colin Farrell looked really amazing at a Cannes photocall: would you hit ...
27-Apr-2015 :Rachel McAdams & Colin Farrell are getting flirty on the ?True Detective?...
17-Nov-2014 :Colin Farrell pens open letter supporting gay marriage in Ireland
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Colin Farrell news

Colin Farrell: "In Conversation" at the Dubai Film Festival
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Colin Farrell:
Still situated in the Middle East for promotional efforts, Colin Farrell was the main attraction during day eight of the 7th Annual Dubai International Film Festival in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on Sunday (December 19).

With the festivities being held at the Madinat Jumeriah Complex, the Irish actor posed for a photo call session before speaking onstage during an 'In Conversation' event to boost interest in his latest project "The Way Back".

As for Colin's new movie, "The Way Back" is described as "a fact-based story centered on soldiers who escaped from a Siberian gulag in 1940."

Directed by Peter Weir, the film co-stars Jim Sturgess and Ed Harris while slated for release in Los Angeles on December 29th with limited nationwide screenings to begin on January 21st.

9-Jul-2021 :Colin Farrell on LA: ?The homelessness here, it?s pretty tough to see?
13-Oct-2020 :Robert Pattinson?s Bruce Wayne looks so ?90s emo as ?The Batman? films in...
14-Mar-2019 :Colin Farrell on St. Patrick?s Day: I never saw green beer until I came t...
4-Apr-2018 :Colin Farrell checked himself into rehab, more than a decade since gettin...
30-Nov-2015 :Colin Farrell has gray temples now: still really hot or losing it?
22-Jun-2015 :Colin Farrell on fatherhood: you understand ?what it is to love unconditi...
16-May-2015 :Rachel Weisz in Louis Vuitton at ?The Lobster? Cannes premiere: gorgeous?
15-May-2015 :Colin Farrell looked really amazing at a Cannes photocall: would you hit ...
27-Apr-2015 :Rachel McAdams & Colin Farrell are getting flirty on the ?True Detective?...
17-Nov-2014 :Colin Farrell pens open letter supporting gay marriage in Ireland
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Colin Farrell news

Colin Farrell calls rehab 'lovely,' tells us to take sex tapes with us after a breakup
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Colin Farrell calls rehab 'lovely,' tells us to take sex tapes with us after a breakup

I really wanted to cover this interview with Colin Farrell and Jim Sturgess on British talkshow Chatty Man. I’ve never been a huge Colin Farrell fan, as I saw an interview with him in the DVD extras for In Bruges and he pretty much chain smoked the entire time. Yes that’s a very superficial reason not to like an otherwise gorgeous ruddy guy with a dreamy accent, and after watching this latest interview I think I’m willing to get over it. Lainey at Lainey Gossip found this gem, and as she points out Colin is in fine form, making sex jokes constantly and pretty much making us melt. These two were promoting The Way Back, based on the true story of soldiers who escaped from a Siberian prison camp in WWII. Strugess was cute but not that interesting to me. It was Colin who really stuck out, with his bawdy humor and the way he opened up about his stint in rehab. (Lainey says he’s always been candid about rehab, but it’s somewhat new to me.)

On what advice he would give to Jim Sturgess [7:10 in the video above]

I’m not the person… I could give you a list of rehabs which are the nice places to go.

The benefits of going to the rehab in the Caribbean as opposed to the more frigid northern reaches…

Take the sex tape with you

A way to… decent angle when you’re making a sex tape.

Here’s one… Jim is in a stable relationship with a beautiful woman, but if you find yourself making a sex tape, take the tape with you.

I wouldn’t be the man to be giving advice.

On rehab

Nice people, no lights, no cameras, you spend some time on a couch. It was lovely, I really thought it was lovely… it’s seldom that you find yourselves in an environment where there are a bunch of people who are trying to make their lives better, consciously… It was 20 of us, and it went in a rotation… it was really, really cool.

Initially I woke up going I didn’t even know where I was. Rehab - oh no! It’s like the ultimate cliche… Then you start to come out of the funk that got you in there and the world takes a bit of a different sheen and when you come out it’s terrifying… the noise and everything is in sharp focus. It was an interesting time.

[From Chatty Man interview, video above]

That was one of the nicest interviews I’ve seen in a long time. Farrell was naughty, but self deprecating, genuine and so open. The guy could blow smoke in my face all night and I’d sit there and take it. He could do a lot more to me too. (Again, I blame Kaiser for getting me to think this way. As if Farrell doesn’t do a good enough job of that on his own.)

Colin is shown on 12/8 and 12/13/10. Credit:

9-Jul-2021 :Colin Farrell on LA: ?The homelessness here, it?s pretty tough to see?
13-Oct-2020 :Robert Pattinson?s Bruce Wayne looks so ?90s emo as ?The Batman? films in...
14-Mar-2019 :Colin Farrell on St. Patrick?s Day: I never saw green beer until I came t...
4-Apr-2018 :Colin Farrell checked himself into rehab, more than a decade since gettin...
30-Nov-2015 :Colin Farrell has gray temples now: still really hot or losing it?
22-Jun-2015 :Colin Farrell on fatherhood: you understand ?what it is to love unconditi...
16-May-2015 :Rachel Weisz in Louis Vuitton at ?The Lobster? Cannes premiere: gorgeous?
15-May-2015 :Colin Farrell looked really amazing at a Cannes photocall: would you hit ...
27-Apr-2015 :Rachel McAdams & Colin Farrell are getting flirty on the ?True Detective?...
17-Nov-2014 :Colin Farrell pens open letter supporting gay marriage in Ireland
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Colin Farrell news

Colin Farrell Premieres 'The Way Back' in Dubai
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Colin Farrell Premieres 'The Way Back' in Dubai
Enjoying his time overseas, Colin Farrell was spotted at the premiere of his new film ?The Way Back? at the Dubai International Film Festival today (December 15).

The ?Recruit? stud posed alongside costars Jim Sturgess and Ed Harris at the Madinat Jumeriah Complex before heading inside for the screening.

And though he split up with babymama Alicja Bachleda back in October, Colin just plunked down $1.2 million for a new house for her to live in.

The 2,736-square-foot Hollywood Hills pad boasts some beautiful woodwork and stunning character in which their son Henry Tadeusz can grow up.

9-Jul-2021 :Colin Farrell on LA: ?The homelessness here, it?s pretty tough to see?
13-Oct-2020 :Robert Pattinson?s Bruce Wayne looks so ?90s emo as ?The Batman? films in...
14-Mar-2019 :Colin Farrell on St. Patrick?s Day: I never saw green beer until I came t...
4-Apr-2018 :Colin Farrell checked himself into rehab, more than a decade since gettin...
30-Nov-2015 :Colin Farrell has gray temples now: still really hot or losing it?
22-Jun-2015 :Colin Farrell on fatherhood: you understand ?what it is to love unconditi...
16-May-2015 :Rachel Weisz in Louis Vuitton at ?The Lobster? Cannes premiere: gorgeous?
15-May-2015 :Colin Farrell looked really amazing at a Cannes photocall: would you hit ...
27-Apr-2015 :Rachel McAdams & Colin Farrell are getting flirty on the ?True Detective?...
17-Nov-2014 :Colin Farrell pens open letter supporting gay marriage in Ireland
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Colin Farrell news

Colin Farrell in an ascot: dashingly sexy or much too fancy?
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Colin Farrell in an ascot: dashingly sexy or much too fancy?
We saw the photo call for The Way Back yesterday - the set of photos were amazing, just for Colin Farrell?s sheer hotness, little Saoirse?s stunning beauty, and Jim Sturgess?s incessant pillow-weeping. Last night was the London premiere for the film - and Colin showed up in what I can only identify as an ?ascot?. Is that right? At first I thought it was a clown tie that Colin was wearing for fun, but Colin is really trying to bring the ?Brad Pitt in Tom Ford? ascot vibe, isn?t he? Thoughts? Can Colin pull this off? He?s always been an eccentric dresser, almost a mini-Johnny Depp. When someone like Pitt wears an ascot, it seems like an aspect of his dandiness, his fussy dressing. On Colin it seems like a way to pick up women, right? Like, ?Baby, do you like my ascot? It?s the perfect length to tie your wrists together while I?m boning you like there?s no tomorrow, love.? Verdict: Colin can pull off the ascot. And I would pull it off? with my teeth.

The rest of them? here?s Jim Sturgess. I actually felt kind of bad yesterday when I claimed that Sturgess looked like the kind of guy who would pump for a minute and then burst into tears. So I looked up some videos of him singing. Um? okay, he was totally the kind of guy I would have been in love with when I was 18 years old. He?s also a pillow-weeper, for the love of GOD. There?s a reason you fall for guys like that when you?re 18 years old - you don?t know any better. You think when a guy pumps for a minute and bursts into tears, it?s because of his sensitive soul. It?s not. It?s because he sucks. Also: the boy has bangs trauma. Like, Peggy Olsen-in-Mad-Men level of bangs trauma.

Saoirse! She?s so pretty. I really, really hope that Colin isn’t tying her up with his ascot.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

9-Jul-2021 :Colin Farrell on LA: ?The homelessness here, it?s pretty tough to see?
13-Oct-2020 :Robert Pattinson?s Bruce Wayne looks so ?90s emo as ?The Batman? films in...
14-Mar-2019 :Colin Farrell on St. Patrick?s Day: I never saw green beer until I came t...
4-Apr-2018 :Colin Farrell checked himself into rehab, more than a decade since gettin...
30-Nov-2015 :Colin Farrell has gray temples now: still really hot or losing it?
22-Jun-2015 :Colin Farrell on fatherhood: you understand ?what it is to love unconditi...
16-May-2015 :Rachel Weisz in Louis Vuitton at ?The Lobster? Cannes premiere: gorgeous?
15-May-2015 :Colin Farrell looked really amazing at a Cannes photocall: would you hit ...
27-Apr-2015 :Rachel McAdams & Colin Farrell are getting flirty on the ?True Detective?...
17-Nov-2014 :Colin Farrell pens open letter supporting gay marriage in Ireland
Colin Farrell photos
Colin Farrell news

Colin Farrell Premieres "The Way Back"
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Colin Farrell Premieres
After stopping by a photo call earlier today (December 8), Colin Farrell got suited up before hitting the premiere of ?The Way Back? in London, England.

The ?Crazy Heart? actor was looking mighty fine as he posed for several pictures with co-stars Ed Harris, Saoirse Ronan, Jim Sturgess, and Peter Wier before heading inside for their film?s UK debut.

?The Way Back? is a fact-based story centered on soldiers who escaped from a Siberian gulag back in 1940.

On the career front, Mr Farrell has one more film hitting theaters this year and three more set to be released in 2011.

9-Jul-2021 :Colin Farrell on LA: ?The homelessness here, it?s pretty tough to see?
13-Oct-2020 :Robert Pattinson?s Bruce Wayne looks so ?90s emo as ?The Batman? films in...
14-Mar-2019 :Colin Farrell on St. Patrick?s Day: I never saw green beer until I came t...
4-Apr-2018 :Colin Farrell checked himself into rehab, more than a decade since gettin...
30-Nov-2015 :Colin Farrell has gray temples now: still really hot or losing it?
22-Jun-2015 :Colin Farrell on fatherhood: you understand ?what it is to love unconditi...
16-May-2015 :Rachel Weisz in Louis Vuitton at ?The Lobster? Cannes premiere: gorgeous?
15-May-2015 :Colin Farrell looked really amazing at a Cannes photocall: would you hit ...
27-Apr-2015 :Rachel McAdams & Colin Farrell are getting flirty on the ?True Detective?...
17-Nov-2014 :Colin Farrell pens open letter supporting gay marriage in Ireland
Colin Farrell photos
Colin Farrell news

Colin Farrell looks suspiciously hot & Jim Sturgess is weepy, as usual
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Colin Farrell looks suspiciously hot & Jim Sturgess is weepy, as usual
Today was the first photo call for The Way Back, that crapfest-looking ?wandering around the snow and desert, because we?re Jews? film. I would have saved this one for the links, but the photos were just too, too perfect to not write about. First of all, Colin Farrell, ladies and gentlemen. He looks good, doesn?t he? Like, he?s healthy and he?s sleeping and eating properly, and he?s not running around partying and making mischief with every trollop out there. My Spidey sense tells me that he?s already got another girlfriend, honestly. It?s his air of containment? it says to me that he?s got a regular partner. Just a theory.

Also in the film: Jim Sturgess. I know some of you like him. I think I understand it - he?s one of those femme boys with their emotions and he?s all artsy and ?deep? right? That?s why you like him? Well, he could very well be all of those things, but the boy is also a pillow-weeper. Just my opinion, but I stand by it: Jim Sturgess weeps after orgasm. His, not yours. He has to be ?sensitive?. He has to hold your hand and talk about his ?sadness?. That?s how he gets you into bed, where he pumps for a full minute, then bursts into tears. Trust me.

Ed Harris - I love him, but the man looks like death. Are we sure that he hasn?t already passed?

Little Saoirse Ronan! God, she?s growing up and she?s becoming ridiculously beautiful. God, I hope Colin isn?t nailing her.

Here?s the trailer for The Way Back. It really looks so dumb.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

9-Jul-2021 :Colin Farrell on LA: ?The homelessness here, it?s pretty tough to see?
13-Oct-2020 :Robert Pattinson?s Bruce Wayne looks so ?90s emo as ?The Batman? films in...
14-Mar-2019 :Colin Farrell on St. Patrick?s Day: I never saw green beer until I came t...
4-Apr-2018 :Colin Farrell checked himself into rehab, more than a decade since gettin...
30-Nov-2015 :Colin Farrell has gray temples now: still really hot or losing it?
22-Jun-2015 :Colin Farrell on fatherhood: you understand ?what it is to love unconditi...
16-May-2015 :Rachel Weisz in Louis Vuitton at ?The Lobster? Cannes premiere: gorgeous?
15-May-2015 :Colin Farrell looked really amazing at a Cannes photocall: would you hit ...
27-Apr-2015 :Rachel McAdams & Colin Farrell are getting flirty on the ?True Detective?...
17-Nov-2014 :Colin Farrell pens open letter supporting gay marriage in Ireland
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