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| Drew Barrymore: 'I Want to Be The Griswolds' | Added 11 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 She?s always a welcome presence wherever she goes, and last night (October 7) Drew Barrymore paid a visit to ?The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.?
The ?Big Miracle? babe gushed about her baby girl Olive, and assured Leno that there will be more Barrymore babies in the future.
Drew noted, ?I would have another one right away if I could. I grew up as an only child, and although that really works for some people and for some parents that's the way they want to do it?I want to be the Griswolds.?
"I want the kids in the back rolling their eyes at mom and dad. I want Rusty and Audrey, theme parks and the whole nine."
As for her husband Will Kopelman and their whirlwind romance, Barrymore shared, "We got engaged and then I got pregnant. And it was like, ?Well, we could wait, or we could do this the old-fashioned way.'"
The blessed wedding occasion couldn?t have gone better, according to Drew. "It was really one of those perfect days. My husband, he works in art, and he has an incredible for design and detail, so we just thought to bring a silhouette artist. So everybody got a really cool silhouette of them and their partner or them and their kids. We had an old-fashioned real film photo booth, so everybody got to take home these old cool strips. We had food that we loved. Everybody was stuffed to the gills by the time they left, which is sort of key to a wedding."
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 Finally hopping aboard the social media bandwagon, Drew Barrymore joined Twitter on Tuesday (August 20).
With over 6,000 followers already, the "E.T." star's first tweet read, "Late to the party, but happy to be here! 140 characters should keep me from rambling...someone told me it doesn't all have to fit in 1 tweet."
However, her account will probably be used more for promotion than personal expression as the 38-year-old actress is already plugging her makeup line, Flower Beauty, and her background photo is her cover shot on the September issue of InStyle magazine.
In the latest issue, Drew shares that she is already thinking about a sibling for baby Olive, admitting, "I was an only child, and it was lonely. Some people love it and thrive on the independence, but I want my kids to have other kids around. Maybe two kids so they can run around life together, roll their eyes at their parents together like Rusty and Audrey Griswold from '[National Lampoon's] Vacation.' So however that?s going to come about, it?s gonna happen!?
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| Drew Barrymore: 'Nothing comes for free. Life does not provide you with an easy ride' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Drew Barrymore covers the September issue of InStyle. I guess the only thing more surprising than Drew capturing a fall fashion cover is that this is the seventh time Drew has covered this particular magazine. Really, Drew’s street style is kind of lazy and awful (not that I have room to talk while living in jeans and yoga pants), and she rarely even does her hair unless she’s on the red carpet. But she cleans up pretty well for this cover, and the stylists/photoshop artists have managed to tone down Drew’s newly fried and blonde hair quite a bit.
From what I can see of the shoot, it’s nothing special, but the interview is merely another opportunity for Drew to share that she’s the first parent ever in the entire universe. Of course, she is no stranger to uttering sweeping statements in interviews, including how females are inherently moody and that women can’t have it all when it comes to career and parenting. Drew’s feature is called “A Real-Life Fairy Tale,” so of course Drew is talking about her wonderful husband, Will Kopelman, and how she’s suffered so much to get to this point in her life. While it’s true that Drew has had some rough times (including a pretty awful childhood), I think she’s been pretty fortunate overall. Here are some excerpts:
On Olive at age 1: “Yesterday I took her to the Guggenheim Museum, and these two little girls were dancing in front of a light installation. They were about 7 years old, and Olive just loves kids. We put her on the floor, and you could see how much she wanted to play with them. I had this weird mix of emotions. I was so proud of my daughter that she was giving of herself, and I began remembering those moments when as a child, you?re like, ‘I wanna play! I wanna play!’ And the other kids are like, ‘Not now, kid. Beat it!’ I was like, ‘Oh my god, this what being a parent is.’ It?s a lot of pride and a lot of nervousness.”
Drew’s an anxious parent: “I love the person who said, ‘Parenting is like wearing your heart on the outside of your body.’ It?s the most beautiful, perfect analogy. I have anxieties about how much I?d like to get it right, making sure I provide her with an environment that?s safe, nurturing, and loving. And silly and free, also consistent and grounding. Then I just have the same typical fear every other parent has: Are they going to fall down?”
On Will’s parenting style: “Will and I are a nice balance of opposition and similarities. He always says, ‘being calm is so important.’ Because I tend to be not calm. I probably act more like a chicken with its head cut off! But I can also be very strong. I?m entering my 40s, and now I get to step back and take these incredible, extraordinary life experiences and life lesson and apply them to being a parent.”
Drew’s life lessons: “Nothing comes for free. Life does not provide you with an easy ride. You have to face really deep internal and sometimes external challenges. It’s so humbling. Not to take away from the really big obstacles everybody faces, but I’ve also learned you just have realize how ridiculous certain things can be.”
[From InStyle]
In the grand scheme of things, this isn’t a particularly loopy Drew interview. I mean, at least she’s not raving about her life’s mission of figuring out dining rooms, right? The thing that bugs about Drew is that she thinks every experience is so “incredible” and “extraordinary” just by virtue of them being her own experiences. Like, the rest of us have never had challenges or taken a kid to a museum. Maybe we’re just not as enthusiastic about Drew. She is a positive one.
Here’s Drew hitting up a yoga class in May in West Hollywood. She hardly ever gets papped anymore!
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and InStyle
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| Drew Barrymore Gets to Work on "Blended" | Added 11 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Beginning her work week with a new project, Drew Barrymore shot scenes for her upcoming movie, "Blended," in Atlanta, GA on Monday (July 29).
Looking casually cute, the "E.T." actress wore skinny jeans and a pattern top as she walked around set under an umbrella.
In the comedy, a man and woman find themselves stuck together at a resort for families after a blind date, where their attractions for one another grow as their respective kids benefit from the burgeoning relationship.
Also lending their star power to the Frank Coraci-directed movie are Adam Sandler, Bella Thorne, Chelsea Handler, Joel McHale, and more.
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| Drew Barrymore: 'Now it's my life mission to figure out' dining rooms | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Drew Barrymore covers the summer 2013 issue of California Style or C Magazine, and the publication chose the worst, most vanilla photo out of the whole shoot as the cover. The editorial is very gorgeous and features Drew in colorful botanical settings, and she’s styled beautifully, but the cover is so bland. Such a waste of an opportunity to sell copy.
In the interview, Drew gushes (like she is wont to do — it’s her default method of conversation) about her wonderful married life with Will Kopelman. Drew absolutely adores his (monied) family, which includes a philanthropist mom, Coco; a former Chanel CEO father, Arie; and a novelist sister, Jill Kargman. As a side note, I read one of Kargman’s books, The Rock Star in Seat 3A (which is totally about Trent Reznor, by the way), on an airplane a few years ago. Her writing is pure fluff but not as bad as a lot of chick lit. Well, Drew loves her new family, and she seems to particularly enjoy the fact that the Kopelmans actually sit down to dinner together, which is something she hadn’t really heard of as part of the dysfunctional Barrymore clan. Now Drew is all about sit-down meals, and she’s going to tell us all about it:
She’s so lucky: “I won the in-laws jackpot. It might be the best karma for having one of the wackiest upbringings. I never had dinner with my mom or dad, let alone together. It’s amazing to think that in life you can completely have a do-over.”
Kopelman enlightened her: “I told him, ‘Dining rooms are stupid. They shouldn’t exist. When was the last time we had a dinner party?’ Family dinners would never have occurred to me, and that’s what I want most. Now it’s my life mission to figure out this room.”
[From California Style mag]
Oh noooo. I just had a vision of Drew getting so excited about dining rooms that she gets the bright idea to start offering a designing service just for that room! That’s what she does, you know. She tie-dyes socks in her sink and decides to try and sell them. She puts on lipstick, and all of a sudden she’s got a make-up line at Wal-Mart. So get ready for wacky, Drew Barrymore-designed dining spaces coming to an Ikea near you.
Photos courtesy of C Mag
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| Drew Barrymore: 'women are inherently moody. I don't know how men deal with it' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Drew Barrymore was a guest on French chef Eric Ripert’s cooking show, On The Table. She was there to shill her new wine, Barrymore Pinto Grigio, which has received mixed reviews. (Some of the positive reviews on wine.com seem fake to me in that the reviewers have only commented on that one wine.) She also cooked “Clams Monetecito” and went on at length about herself and her career while chef Eric laughed and asked her questions. To be fair, it was an interview and that’s what these celebrities are expected to do. Some of the things she said were unintentionally hilarious, though. As we’ve heard, Drew is a new mom and she’s over-the-top. She wants to do everything all at once, she wants to be perfect at it, and she’ll tell you about it. She seems fun, but she strikes me as someone who is best taken in small doses. Here’s some of what she said, and she was drinking and getting a little loose so you may want to take that into account. (If you want to see the main part of the interview, fast forward to about 8:30 into the video above.)
On her childhood
It was really hard, I wasn’t popular in school either. I was in and out of school all the time because I’d be on a set. I think it didn’t help me bond with anybody.
On any “bad influences”
But I had fun. I got to go to Studio 54 and like, see the death of disco. It’s not how I would ever raise my kid but I’ll never regret the experiences I had.
On how she’s like a stay at home mom
I’ve had 17 different lives, I’m like a cat who has had several lives, and now I’m like a stay at home mom and you know, kind of subdued. But you kind of find yourself along the way, and I’ve had these incredible crash courses on radically different lives. I now know as like a 38 year-old woman, which one I would choose.
Everyday I ask myself “what did I learn today?”
Her “religion”
I’m obsessed with the Abe Lincoln quote. ‘If I do good, I feel good. If I do bad, I feel bad.’ That is my religion. I keep writing it down lately. It’s so succinct and perfect.
She was asked “are you moody sometimes on the set?”
I think I’m moody because I’m a woman. I can ask any man in this room, like women are just inherently like, moody or hormonal people. I don’t know how men deal with it. I praise them.
On if she would do reality TV
I would prefer to stay off reality TV, because a lot of it is really sensational. I want to share my life with people… I’ve always been an open book, but think there’s always a boundary.
On the turning point in her career
When I was about 18 I started my own production company called Flower Film. I love filmmaking. I love all the decisions that go into a making a film. I love directing. It was always my goal… I can’t wait to do it again.
On how she became a producer.
I started to produce. I started learning how I could be a director… I think life really just sort of took off from there… I really went to school to be a producer. I trained myself. I studied everything. I created like my own college… I put together writer’s lists… I’m like Tracey Flick in election. I’m pulling the buttons at night, I’m ripping the posters off the wall. I’ve got crazy African music in my head. I like studying.
[From "On The Table" YouTube video]
Drew was asked about the moody thing, so it’s not like she came up with it out of thin air. It was somewhat over the top, like she could have demurred and said “sometimes I am, that’s the nature of the work” instead of making a general statement about all women being inherently moody. That was short-sighted.
After that they got into cooking the clams, with chef Eric giving her cooking tips and adding some fish to make it a main course. It looked tasty and made me hungry. I would hang out with chef Eric and eat his cooking, but Drew isn’t my preferred dinner companion. She’s a trip, but she would get on my nerves after a while. 20 minutes was about all I could take of that interview.
Also, Drew talked about her work with the World Hunger Program and said she’s currently building a school in Africa. You can learn more about her charity work in this video.
These photos are from 3-21 and 3-22-13. Credit: FameFlynet
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| Drew Barrymore on the idea of women 'having it all?: I don't think you can' | Added 11 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Ever since Drew Barrymore gave birth six months ago to her first child, a daughter named Olive, she’s gone a little bit overboard in her enthusiasm like a lot of parents tend to do. Drew’s post-birth interviews with magazines were a little bit nauseating especially in her insistence that she’s a super hands-on mom and even tie-dyes yoga leggings while her kid naps in between her own granola-rolling sessions or something. I don’t know if Drew has a nanny — she must certainly have some help, but she’s putting it out there loud and clear that she is super involved in all aspects of parenting. Is that part of her future brand? Perhaps.
Now Drew is talking more about why she’s given up a chunk of her career to stay at home and raise Olive. This story spoke to me in a sharp contrast to last week’s story about Ivanka Trump and the 16-hour work day, which CB covered. I understand Ivanka’s point, which is that she feels more useful in the world if she’s working like crazy (and certainly, Ivanka is free to make her own parenting decisions), but I arrive at a different perspective. My own mother was a workaholic; she’d drop us off at school in the morning, and we’d be lucky if we saw her before going to bed every night. She rarely took a day off even on the weekends because work was her thing. My dad was (and still is) a teacher, so he was home with us after school and during the summers, but it sure would have been nice to see my mom sometimes too. I don’t say this to evoke pity, but kids really do need their moms to be around at least sometimes, and if one doesn’t have to work 16-hour days, I think cutting back to something more reasonable (10 or 12 even) is probably better for kids’ wellbeing. Anyway, here is Drew’s point of view on the topic:
On the great myth: “I was raised in that generation where it was all, ‘Women can have it all!’ and I don’t think you can. I think something falls off the table. The good thing is that the things that stay on the table become so much more important. You have to choose your battles. I can’t direct movies right now; I would miss out on my daughter (Olive, 6 months). And I worked so hard to get to that point in my life, but it was a clear choice. I just had to make it.”
Will she become a “lifestyle guru” someday? “Whatever it is – it could be a beauty line, a movie, a cookbook (I’ll get there one day, but not yet. No one wants to eat my food, trust me) – maintain a sense of humor! It gets so serious out there. I love a good fart joke!”
[From USA Today]
I totally get what Drew is saying here about the semi-backlash of the “have it all” myth — perhaps even moreso because the “generation” that Drew speaks of is my own (she’s only a few days younger than I am). We were the first official generation of latchkey kids, and I’ve made perhaps too much of a big deal about not letting my daughter go through the same experience. I’m extremely lucky to be able to work at home, and that’s how I deal with the balancing act of work and parenting. So even though Drew is hippie-hipster-love-child-ish, I think we’d get along over a few drinks and fart jokes.
As for Drew’s self-recognition that she’s not the lifestyle-guru type, I just have to acknowledge my gratefulness in advance. Now if only we could stop the Goop from spreading any further.
Photos courtesy of WENN
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| Drew Barrymore Gets Down to Some Weekend Work | Added 12 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Getting some work in before the holidays, Drew Barrymore stopped by a Los Angeles studio on Sunday afternoon (December 16).
Casually dressed in jeans and a tan coat, the new mom shared some laughs with those around her while she got down to business.
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| Drew Barrymore's Santa Monica Sweat Session | Added 12 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 Trying to keep in shape for her little one, new mom Drew Barrymore went to Pilates in Santa Monica, California on Friday (December 14).
The "50 First Dates" star wore a black sweater, blue jeans, and dark boots as she left the class.
Though she admits she gained "about 40 pounds" during her pregnancy, the 37-year-old actress isn't freaking out about shedding the baby weight.
She tells People magazine, "My new motto is: Impossible expectations are impossible. Look, with my luck, I will starve myself, work out and then the next day get hit by a bus. And think, ?Why did I waste my time doing that?? I?m the last person anyone should look at for workout tips. I don?t have them. I don?t care.?
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| Drew Barrymore Talks Daughter's Name on 'Ellen' | Added 12 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 She?s been enjoying her new role as mother to her daughter Olive, and Drew Barrymore dropped by the ? Ellen DeGeneres Show? to gush about her little girl.
The ?He?s Just Not That Into You? starlet looked lovely as she chatted with Ellen about where she got her baby?s unique moniker.
"I never would have guessed that would have been the name. But I was reading a book with my husband. I was three months pregnant and they said your baby is the size of an olive, and that was it. We never looked back."
Ellen shot back, "It could have been the size of a peanut or a grapefruit,? to which Drew replied, ?It could have been. It was a lot fruit and vegetables."
Barrymore added, ?Will and I were shopping a few [names] as all people do who are so blessed to get to do this. And then once the light was shed, there was just no turning back."
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