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Britney Spears is in Harper's Bazaar
Added 13 years agoSource: The Blemish
Britney Spears is in Harper's Bazaar
Britney Spears is on the cover of the new Harper’s Bazaar. In the issue, she talks about her career, motherhood and more.

On her tour: ?I love to dance, so it?s very exciting. The tour rehearsals have been going really well. I think it will be my best show yet.?

On being a mom: ?I think things through a little bit more, and I worry a lot. I?m more straightforward, and I speak up more than I did before. When I was younger, I wouldn?t speak up as much, but now that I?m a mom, things have changed.?

On what people don’t know about her: ?I?m pretty normal, you know? Like I said, the type of day I love is just like everybody else?s. I?m like everybody else.?

Oh please. Not that “I’m just like you” quote again. When are celebrities going to realize they’re far from “pretty normal?” Just because they may enjoy lounging around their 10 million dollar Malibu mansion like a normal person doesn’t make them so. That’s like you saying you and that homeless guy down the street are a lot a like because you both enjoy sleeping. The difference is while you’re sleeping on a bed, he’s sleeping on a pile of garbage while another bum nonchalantly takes a dump on him.

3-May-2024 :Britney Spears was involved in an incident at the Chateau Marmont on Wedn...
3-May-2024 :Britney Spears & Sam Asghari finalized their divorce, did she cut him a c...
29-Apr-2024 :Britney Spears and her father reach a settlement agreement over her conse...
26-Oct-2023 :Michelle Williams? narration of Britney Spears? memoir is Oscar-worthy
18-Oct-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears reveals, in her memoir, that Justin Timberlake cheate...
18-Oct-2023 :Britney Spears drank daiquiris with her mom when she was in eighth grade
20-Aug-2023 :Britney Spears ?couldn?t take the pain anymore? of her marriage to Sam As...
18-Aug-2023 :Sam Asghari believes Britney Spears cheated on him with a staffer in her ...
18-Aug-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears physically assaulted Sam Asghari multiple times
27-Jul-2023 :Britney Spears? memoir could be delayed because of Justin Timberlake & Co...
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Britney Spears is 'shopped into oblivion on the June cover of Harper's Bazaar
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Britney Spears is 'shopped into oblivion on the June   cover of Harper's Bazaar
As Britney Spears promotes her new album, I?ve noted time and time again that she?s not really doing any of her interviews. Her PR team works it so that she answers questions ?via email? and God knows who writes the junk. But I will give her publicist credit - he or she really makes an effort to put in ?Britney-isms? into the interview so it sounds sort of like her. Anyway, Britney is the cover girl for the June issue of Harper?s Bazaar, although it might be difficult to tell because they Photoshopped the crap out of her face. However, it actually looks like she sat down and did the interview face-to-face, although it?s unclear how the piece was actually conducted. Some of the questions and answers do sound email-ish. But she doesn?t sound out of it, either. She sounds cognizant, reflective and nice. Good for her. The slideshow is here, and the full interview is here. Here are some highlights:

LAURA BROWN: What has been your best fashion look?

Britney Spears: I went to the Grammys in 2002, and I had really curly, curly hair. I had a red dress on. It wasn’t short and saucy; it was a long red dress. That dress was fun.

LB: What was your biggest fashion mistake?

BS: Ten years ago at the Billboard awards, I wore this orange hat and orange bra and orange booty pants and purple fishnets. Oh, and I had an orange jacket on.

LB: Was it Halloween?

BS [laughs]: No, it wasn’t Halloween. I actually thought I looked hot at the time. But, um, I definitely stood out. I thought it was just a marvelous idea to wear this purple and orange outfit; it was like high school colors. I was a cheerleader for a school I didn’t know. People were talking about it, but not in a good way.

LB: Your hair is looking long and lustrous. Are you whipping it back and forth?

BS: Yeah, I love ponytails. I’m a wash-and-go girl. But, oh yeah, I like to whip it.

LB: Are you enjoying dancing again?

BS: I love to dance, so it’s very exciting. The tour rehearsals have been going really well. I think it will be my best show yet.

LB: What songs get you moving?

BS: I love “S&M” and “Only Girl” by Rihanna; that’s why I jumped on the “S&M” remix. She’s really cool. I like her a lot.

LB: Everybody has Bieber fever. Have you met Justin? Would you ever want to work with him?

BS: I think he’s adorable. I just saw his movie, and I really didn’t realize how big he was. He’s enormous; he’s just Mr. Man. A lot of the movie is really similar to what I did when I was starting out. I did a promo tour for a year, going into radio stations and all that. It was so cool to see our similarities.

LB: “It’s Britney, bitch” is classic, but you say you’re less bitchy than impatient. What makes you impatient?

BS: When things take a long time, I just get really stubborn. When I know that things are supposed to go a certain way [laughs] and when it’s my time of the month.

LB: What makes you laugh uncontrollably?

BS: Usually when people trip or fall or run into something. Not to be mean, but I can’t help it. If they really hurt themselves, then I feel bad, but if they accidentally do it and they stand up and act cool like nobody saw them, I have to laugh.

LB: It’s been eight years since you kissed Madonna onstage at the MTV awards. What have you learned from her?

BS: I actually saw her a couple of weeks ago at a party. I guess she’s really taught me to stay true to myself. That seems like a simple thing to say, but she taught me through action, not just by saying it. There are so many people around you that have opinions, but you just have to listen to your instincts.

LB: You’ve said Jennifer Lopez inspires you professionally. Would you ever want to be a judge on American Idol?

BS: I would! That would be awesome. I wouldn’t be a tough judge, though.

LB: What do you think of Lady Gaga?

BS: She’s unique and extremely talented. I love her spin on everything.

LB: Would you like to get married again? More kids?

BS: I’ve thought about both, so if the timing was right …

LB: Could you see your sons performing?

BS: If they have a love and passion for the arts and that’s what they want to do, then so be it. They are both little actors and so charismatic, I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

LB: Which one of your hits made you realize you’d made it?

BS: From the beginning, probably “… Baby One More Time.” I haven’t seen that video in such a long time.

LB: What’s your favorite video?

BS: “Overprotected.” I just think it says a lot. It was directed so well, it was really colorful, and the dancing was amazing.

LB: Who is your greatest inspiration musically?

BS: Whitney Houston. I’ve loved her since I was a kid.

LB: What is your guilty pleasure?

BS: Bapchi’s caramel toffee from Vosges. They were in my hotel room, and I made everyone bring them from their rooms.

[From Harper?s Bazaar]

Yeah, it?s not a deep interview. Which makes me think Britney might have actually said this stuff. Does she sound mentally incapable in this piece?

Oh, and regarding the photo shoot - that wig. Yikes. I mean, I?m glad that we?re not seeing her busted weave of doom anymore, but JESUS. That is one tacky looking wig.

Photos courtesy of Harper?s Bazaar slideshow.

3-May-2024 :Britney Spears was involved in an incident at the Chateau Marmont on Wedn...
3-May-2024 :Britney Spears & Sam Asghari finalized their divorce, did she cut him a c...
29-Apr-2024 :Britney Spears and her father reach a settlement agreement over her conse...
26-Oct-2023 :Michelle Williams? narration of Britney Spears? memoir is Oscar-worthy
18-Oct-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears reveals, in her memoir, that Justin Timberlake cheate...
18-Oct-2023 :Britney Spears drank daiquiris with her mom when she was in eighth grade
20-Aug-2023 :Britney Spears ?couldn?t take the pain anymore? of her marriage to Sam As...
18-Aug-2023 :Sam Asghari believes Britney Spears cheated on him with a staffer in her ...
18-Aug-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears physically assaulted Sam Asghari multiple times
27-Jul-2023 :Britney Spears? memoir could be delayed because of Justin Timberlake & Co...
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Britney Spears' 2011 Wango Tango Evening
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Britney Spears' 2011 Wango Tango Evening
Stepping out for her guest co-host duties, Britney Spears was busy entertaining the audience at Staples Center in Los Angeles, California on Saturday night (May 14).

The "Hold It Against Me" singer teamed up with Ryan Seacrest to kick of KIIS FM's 2011 Wango Tango Concert - with the show's lineup including Selena Gomez, Ke$ha and Jennifer Lopez.

Tweeting about the busy day's plans, Brit wrote to her millions of followers, "Rehearsals all morning. Wango Tango all night.... -Britney"

Meanwhile, Miss Spears also recently tweeted her choice of "I Wanna Go" as the next single to be released from her Femme Fatale album, as she posted the following message: "So excited 2 announce that the fan favorite #IWannaGo is my next single from Femme Fatale! Shhh, it's my fav too!"

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3-May-2024 :Britney Spears was involved in an incident at the Chateau Marmont on Wedn...
3-May-2024 :Britney Spears & Sam Asghari finalized their divorce, did she cut him a c...
29-Apr-2024 :Britney Spears and her father reach a settlement agreement over her conse...
26-Oct-2023 :Michelle Williams? narration of Britney Spears? memoir is Oscar-worthy
18-Oct-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears reveals, in her memoir, that Justin Timberlake cheate...
18-Oct-2023 :Britney Spears drank daiquiris with her mom when she was in eighth grade
20-Aug-2023 :Britney Spears ?couldn?t take the pain anymore? of her marriage to Sam As...
18-Aug-2023 :Sam Asghari believes Britney Spears cheated on him with a staffer in her ...
18-Aug-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears physically assaulted Sam Asghari multiple times
27-Jul-2023 :Britney Spears? memoir could be delayed because of Justin Timberlake & Co...
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Britney Spears is still under lock and key, has a sober companion
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Britney Spears is still under lock and key, has a sober companion
This week’s In Touch has a kind of sad story about the state of Britney Spears’ day to day life. While many of us assumed that Britney’s dad has loosened his tight hold on her now that she’s in a stable relationship and is doing so much better, In Touch says that’s not the case at all. We just heard that Britney’s upcoming tour is banning not only drugs and alcohol for her dancers, but junk food like cookie dough and hot dogs too! Well, according to em>In Touch it goes much further than that. Britney is on a tight budget, she doesn’t have her own credit card or cell phone, and when she’s not with her boyfriend Jason Trawick she’s accompanied by a “sober companion” to babysit her.

Three years after the meltdown that landed her in a mental health facility, Britney lives like a prisoner in her own home, with virtually every aspect of her life under the control of her father/conservator, Jamie Spears.

“She isn’t allowed to have a cell phone, and she’s not allowed to take incoming calls to her home unless security screens them first,” reveals an insider. “If she wants to make outgoing calls, security has to dial the numbers for her. She still has an allowance, and if she wants extra cash, she must submit a formal request…

Allowed contact with few people other than Jamie, her sons Jayden, 4, and Sean, 5, and her boyfriend, talent agent Jason Trawick - with whom she frequently fights - the onetime party girl is “incredibly lonely,” says the insider.

She has no privacy and yet at the same time, she has no time to herself. “Most people don’t know this, but Britney has a sober companion who is with her constantly, whenever Jason isn’t,” shares another close source. “The companion follows her everywhere she goes - even to the bathroom in restaurants or other public places - to ensure there’s no way anyone can slip her drugs.”

[From In Touch, print edition, May 9, 2011]

It sounds pretty extreme, but I still remember that creepers that Britney was involved in before the conservatorship, like Sam Lutfi and Adnan Ghalib. She’s easily influenced. If you’re not familiar with this story about how Lutfi was drugging Britney’s food and controlling her, I would recommend you read it. Back in 2008, this nefarious character was running Britney’s life and she was involved with a paparazzo who was selling her out to the tabloids. When her parents stepped in and got restraining orders against Adnan and Sam, she got secret cell phones and contacted them anyway. We also heard back then that Britney spent $22 million in a year and a half. So while it may seem unfair that she so closely watched and controlled, you can see where her dad is coming from. Remember when she used to drive around aimlessly and talk in a British accent? Now she’s back to being Britney and she can see her boys again, but she needs a lot of supervision.

Britney and Jason are shown watching one of Sean Preston’s little league games on 4/17/11. Credit: Fame. K-Fed’s pregnant girlfriend, Victoria Prince, is shown on 4/17 and 4/30/11. Credit: WENN

3-May-2024 :Britney Spears was involved in an incident at the Chateau Marmont on Wedn...
3-May-2024 :Britney Spears & Sam Asghari finalized their divorce, did she cut him a c...
29-Apr-2024 :Britney Spears and her father reach a settlement agreement over her conse...
26-Oct-2023 :Michelle Williams? narration of Britney Spears? memoir is Oscar-worthy
18-Oct-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears reveals, in her memoir, that Justin Timberlake cheate...
18-Oct-2023 :Britney Spears drank daiquiris with her mom when she was in eighth grade
20-Aug-2023 :Britney Spears ?couldn?t take the pain anymore? of her marriage to Sam As...
18-Aug-2023 :Sam Asghari believes Britney Spears cheated on him with a staffer in her ...
18-Aug-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears physically assaulted Sam Asghari multiple times
27-Jul-2023 :Britney Spears? memoir could be delayed because of Justin Timberlake & Co...
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Britney Spears' Indian Remix
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Britney Spears' Indian Remix
Ever since her track ?Till The World Ends? released, people have been loving it, and Britney Spears is even getting props by a pair of composers in India.

According to a report, the Culture Shock production team remixed the song and put their own spin on it.

Britney tweeted, ?Check out this incredible Desihits remix of Till the World Ends. I LOVE it!!!? on her Twitter page yesterday.

One of the guys involved told press, "Our goal was to take Britney's smash hit single and give fans a total Desi adrenaline rush. The result is a Culture Shock musical Desi roller coaster that hopefully everyone around the world will want to join."

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3-May-2024 :Britney Spears was involved in an incident at the Chateau Marmont on Wedn...
3-May-2024 :Britney Spears & Sam Asghari finalized their divorce, did she cut him a c...
29-Apr-2024 :Britney Spears and her father reach a settlement agreement over her conse...
26-Oct-2023 :Michelle Williams? narration of Britney Spears? memoir is Oscar-worthy
18-Oct-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears reveals, in her memoir, that Justin Timberlake cheate...
18-Oct-2023 :Britney Spears drank daiquiris with her mom when she was in eighth grade
20-Aug-2023 :Britney Spears ?couldn?t take the pain anymore? of her marriage to Sam As...
18-Aug-2023 :Sam Asghari believes Britney Spears cheated on him with a staffer in her ...
18-Aug-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears physically assaulted Sam Asghari multiple times
27-Jul-2023 :Britney Spears? memoir could be delayed because of Justin Timberlake & Co...
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Britney Spears on US Weekly: real interview or written by her people?
Added 13 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Britney Spears on US Weekly: real interview or written by her people?
This week’s OK! Magazine has the news that Britney Spears’ turned down a live radio interview with Carson Daly and refused to do anything unless it was pre-recorded and pre-approved. This seems to be supported by her print “interviews” to date and her recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel, where she did two pretaped segments and no interview. She also made a quick appearance on the Kids’ Choice Awards where she got grossed out by Jack Black’s Kung Fu Panda character eating some noodles, but that was obviously also pretaped as I didn’t even see her in the audience or on the red carpet.

As we’ve seen from her stints on How I Met Your Mother and Will & Grace, Britney is a passable actress but we also know she has a hard time with live interviews. (Remember when she chomped gum, cried and got defensive with Matt Lauer in 2006?) Judging from her print interviews it’s doubtful that they’re conducted in person or that she even partially writes the answers herself. Kaiser covered her US Weekly “25 Things You Don’t Know About” article and noted that it was like someone was trying to sound like Britney but was just slightly off.

Her people are working hard to make us forget the past few years, and to present Britney as this devoted mom in a steady relationship. She’s on the cover of US Weekly (with a lovely photo, she’s so pretty when she’s styled) and an accompanying “interview.” It’s all so predictable and packaged. It also includes some adorable pictures of Britney with her boyfriend, Jason Trawick, and her boys. Here’s some of what Britney “said” and given her past interviews it’s clear she’s not actually saying this. They don’t even use the pretense of describing where they met her or what she’s wearing so I’m guessing this interview was conducted via e-mail, like some of her other recent interviews.

Congratulations on Femme Fatale! How did making this record compare to making your first, Baby One More Time?

I’m at such a different point in my life now than I was back then. I’m more mature and much more hands-on now. I know exactly what I like and what I don’t like. I guess that can make the recording process difficult, because I’m very particularl about songs I put my voice on.

You’re a parent now too. How has motherhood changed you?

It really puts life into perspective. You have to think about all your decisions so much more carefully, because they are affecting your kids too. My priorities have changed, and I do everything for [the boys]. They remind me what life is all about.

Tell us about Preston and Jayden

Jayden is the youngest, and he might be the mama’s boy. He’s very outgoing, always making us laugh, and he’s very creative. Preston is definitely the big brother. He’s very independent. He’s really, really smart and thinks everything through.

What are they into these days?

Their new favorite thing is dressing up as different superheroes, and they’re just so cute! They especially love Batman and Spiderman. We love watching Disney movies together. I also love reading them Fancy Nancy books [a children's series by Jane O'Connor and Robin Priess Glasser] before bed…

What’s your parenting style? And what about Jason’s?

With some things I’m strict, and with other things I’m easygoing. I guess I’m right in the middle. Jason is just amazing with the boys. They look up to him so much - they adore him. He’s their hero.

What else do you love about Jason?

We have such a great time together! He makes me laugh, and we are so comfortable being ourselves. We like to stay home, order in, watch movies, go to dinner with friends. And we love getting away for the weekend. Some of our favorite spots are Las Vegas, Hawaii or Mexico.

Do you see yourself getting married again?

Maybe. Never say never!

[From US Weekly, print edition, April 18, 2011]

Does that even sound like Britney? You would think they would make more of an effort to make it sound casual. I get that she needs to be rolled out as “Britney 2.0: sane and better than ever,” and she seems to have made a big improvement, but I don’t think these staged articles are fooling anyone. She’s still lip syncing and kind of strutting around the stage and she just doesn’t seem into it. We’ve seen her struggle with fame, the paparazzi and with bathing before she leaves the house. I really want Britney to be happy and content in her life. I just get the feeling that she’d rather be doing something else instead of touring and putting out another album. It’s all she knows though, and she has a lot of people on the payroll depending on her.

Here’s are photos of Britney performing on Jimmy Kimmel on 3/29/11. Credit:

3-May-2024 :Britney Spears was involved in an incident at the Chateau Marmont on Wedn...
3-May-2024 :Britney Spears & Sam Asghari finalized their divorce, did she cut him a c...
29-Apr-2024 :Britney Spears and her father reach a settlement agreement over her conse...
26-Oct-2023 :Michelle Williams? narration of Britney Spears? memoir is Oscar-worthy
18-Oct-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears reveals, in her memoir, that Justin Timberlake cheate...
18-Oct-2023 :Britney Spears drank daiquiris with her mom when she was in eighth grade
20-Aug-2023 :Britney Spears ?couldn?t take the pain anymore? of her marriage to Sam As...
18-Aug-2023 :Sam Asghari believes Britney Spears cheated on him with a staffer in her ...
18-Aug-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears physically assaulted Sam Asghari multiple times
27-Jul-2023 :Britney Spears? memoir could be delayed because of Justin Timberlake & Co...
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Britney Spears & the Boys: Lion King in Las Vegas
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Britney Spears & the Boys: Lion King in Las Vegas
Making the most of her time in Las Vegas, Britney Spears was spotted at a performance of ?The Lion King? yesterday (April 3).

The ?Hold It Against Me? songstress treated her two sons Jayden James and Sean Preston to the show, playing at Mandalay Bay.

After the final curtain, Britney and her boys posed for photographs with actors Kissy Simmons, Derrick Williams, and Ntsepa Pitjeng.

Always the smart cookie, Jayden exclaimed, ?Hey I saw you dead!? when he met Williams, who plays Mufasa in the production.

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3-May-2024 :Britney Spears was involved in an incident at the Chateau Marmont on Wedn...
3-May-2024 :Britney Spears & Sam Asghari finalized their divorce, did she cut him a c...
29-Apr-2024 :Britney Spears and her father reach a settlement agreement over her conse...
26-Oct-2023 :Michelle Williams? narration of Britney Spears? memoir is Oscar-worthy
18-Oct-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears reveals, in her memoir, that Justin Timberlake cheate...
18-Oct-2023 :Britney Spears drank daiquiris with her mom when she was in eighth grade
20-Aug-2023 :Britney Spears ?couldn?t take the pain anymore? of her marriage to Sam As...
18-Aug-2023 :Sam Asghari believes Britney Spears cheated on him with a staffer in her ...
18-Aug-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears physically assaulted Sam Asghari multiple times
27-Jul-2023 :Britney Spears? memoir could be delayed because of Justin Timberlake & Co...
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Britney Spears Does Kimmel
Added 13 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Britney Spears Does Kimmel
Apparently Britney Spears was on Jimmy Kimmel Live the other night, I must have been passed out on the couch already, but she did her thing where she struggles to dance and lip sync at the same time so I thought I’d share a few pictures with you. It’s alright I guess, a little too

3-May-2024 :Britney Spears was involved in an incident at the Chateau Marmont on Wedn...
3-May-2024 :Britney Spears & Sam Asghari finalized their divorce, did she cut him a c...
29-Apr-2024 :Britney Spears and her father reach a settlement agreement over her conse...
26-Oct-2023 :Michelle Williams? narration of Britney Spears? memoir is Oscar-worthy
18-Oct-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears reveals, in her memoir, that Justin Timberlake cheate...
18-Oct-2023 :Britney Spears drank daiquiris with her mom when she was in eighth grade
20-Aug-2023 :Britney Spears ?couldn?t take the pain anymore? of her marriage to Sam As...
18-Aug-2023 :Sam Asghari believes Britney Spears cheated on him with a staffer in her ...
18-Aug-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears physically assaulted Sam Asghari multiple times
27-Jul-2023 :Britney Spears? memoir could be delayed because of Justin Timberlake & Co...
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Britney Spears' Sweet Hillbilly Hotness
Added 13 years agoSource: HollywoodTuna
Britney Spears' Sweet Hillbilly Hotness
Here’s Britney Spears out the other day in her traditional hillbilly tank top and dungarees looking a little soft around the edges if you ask me. I don’t know why she’s wearing ski goggles, but I’m not one to question celebrities and their crazy fashion statements. Besides, I’m just happy to see that she finally

3-May-2024 :Britney Spears was involved in an incident at the Chateau Marmont on Wedn...
3-May-2024 :Britney Spears & Sam Asghari finalized their divorce, did she cut him a c...
29-Apr-2024 :Britney Spears and her father reach a settlement agreement over her conse...
26-Oct-2023 :Michelle Williams? narration of Britney Spears? memoir is Oscar-worthy
18-Oct-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears reveals, in her memoir, that Justin Timberlake cheate...
18-Oct-2023 :Britney Spears drank daiquiris with her mom when she was in eighth grade
20-Aug-2023 :Britney Spears ?couldn?t take the pain anymore? of her marriage to Sam As...
18-Aug-2023 :Sam Asghari believes Britney Spears cheated on him with a staffer in her ...
18-Aug-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears physically assaulted Sam Asghari multiple times
27-Jul-2023 :Britney Spears? memoir could be delayed because of Justin Timberlake & Co...
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Britney Spears Goggles Up on the Kimmel Set
Added 13 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Britney Spears Goggles Up on the Kimmel Set
Capping off a busy day in which her new album Femme Fatale finally saw release, Britney Spears was spotted shooting a segment for "Jimmy Kimmel Live" in Los Angeles on Tuesday afternoon (March 29).

The "Hold It Against Me" singer donned goggles to protect her eyes as she joined up with guest Johnny Knoxville and a few members from "Jackass" for the pre-taped comedy sketch.

Aside from the Kimmel efforts, Britney is also being featured in a new MTV documentary offering titled "Britney Spears: I Am the Femme Fatale".

With the trailer having just been released, the upcoming special will "take fans inside Britney's life to see what it's like to release a highly anticipated album."

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3-May-2024 :Britney Spears was involved in an incident at the Chateau Marmont on Wedn...
3-May-2024 :Britney Spears & Sam Asghari finalized their divorce, did she cut him a c...
29-Apr-2024 :Britney Spears and her father reach a settlement agreement over her conse...
26-Oct-2023 :Michelle Williams? narration of Britney Spears? memoir is Oscar-worthy
18-Oct-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears reveals, in her memoir, that Justin Timberlake cheate...
18-Oct-2023 :Britney Spears drank daiquiris with her mom when she was in eighth grade
20-Aug-2023 :Britney Spears ?couldn?t take the pain anymore? of her marriage to Sam As...
18-Aug-2023 :Sam Asghari believes Britney Spears cheated on him with a staffer in her ...
18-Aug-2023 :TMZ: Britney Spears physically assaulted Sam Asghari multiple times
27-Jul-2023 :Britney Spears? memoir could be delayed because of Justin Timberlake & Co...
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