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Beyonce Knowles News & Gossip
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Beyonce launches a 22-day 'vegan challenge' food service for the peasants
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Beyonce launches a 22-day 'vegan challenge' food service for the peasants
Back in 2013, Beyonce and Jay-Z went on a 22-day ?Vegan Challenge.? They basically went completely vegan for three weeks and they enjoyed it. It didn?t seem like Bey and Jay did it out of any kind of animal-rights belief ? Beyonce wore leather and cowhide to a vegan restaurant, after all ? but it felt like they were experimenting with something for their health. Well, two years later, Beyonce is endorsing/launching a 22-day vegan challenge program for the peasants. I?m sure Gwyneth Paltrow is so proud of her!

Today Beyonce and exercise physiologist Marco Borges announce their business partnership in 22 Days Nutrition and launches the 22 Days Nutrition plant-based home delivery meal service. Beyonce, who trains with Borges, took the 22 Days Nutrition challenge in the winter of 2013 with her husband, JAY Z, and has since made an effort to include more plant-based foods in her everyday diet. The program’s philosophy is based on the concept that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit and on the 22nd day you are well on your way to forming new habits.

The home delivery service was born out of a demand from Borges’ friends, colleagues and clients who enjoyed his delicious meals that were naturally low in fat, sugar and salt and filled with flavor from whole-foods such as vegetables, beans, grains, herbs and spices. The home delivery program takes away all the guesswork and makes it easy to adopt the plan.

“I am so grateful that I took the challenge and credit Marco with leading by example,” says Beyonce. “He is the most energetic person I know and it’s all because of his decision to live a healthy lifestyle. He came up with a great program to get people motivated to make better nutritional choices. All you have to do is try. If I can do it, anyone can. I am excited to partner with him.”

[From PR News Wire]

I never really think of Beyonce keeping to one specific diet though, you know? She?s like Gwyneth that way ? Gwyneth?s diets change every month, and Gwyneth will literally try anything with ?cleanse? or ?elimination? in the description. I guess this 22-day thing is less of a lifestyle change and more like a fancy vegan cleanse. Once the 22 days are over, you can go back to eating whatever you want. The point of it is that after 22 days, you won?t want to stop, I guess. So, what do you think? Is Beyonce encroaching on Goop and Tracy Anderson?s turf? Or is this a totally different thing?

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

27-Oct-2024 :Beyonce & Kelly Rowland endorsed Kamala Harris at a spectacular Houston r...
20-Mar-2024 :Beyonce developed ?Cowboy Carter? after she did not feel ?welcome? at the...
10-Sep-2021 :Beyonce & Jay-Z?s Tiffany?s campaign has riled Jean-Michel Basquiat?s fri...
14-Mar-2021 :Beyonce won?t attend this year?s Struggle Grammys despite her ten nominat...
10-Mar-2021 :Beyonce & Serena Williams send their support to the Duchess of Sussex
3-Aug-2020 :Beyonce?s fashion in Black is King was amazing and she wore so many Black...
23-Jul-2020 :Taylor Swift will release her new album ?folklore? tonight at midnight
22-Jun-2020 :Beyonce released ?Black Parade? for Juneteenth: ?Being Black is your acti...
29-Jan-2020 :Beyonce finally sent the Ivy Park/Adidas collection to Kim Kardashian, lo...
7-Jan-2020 :Beyonce & Jay-Z arrived late to the Globes, but they brought their own bo...
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Beyonce shows off a lack of baby bump, talks feminism & fame in a new video
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Beyonce shows off a lack of baby bump, talks feminism & fame in a new video
Here are some photos of Beyonce at the Billboard Women of the Year luncheon on Friday. Surprisingly enough, Queen B was not named THE Woman of the Year. That honor went to Taylor Swift. Which? we can debate. I tend to think Bey and Swifty are both sort of overrated, but I would argue that Beyonce is more deserving of a Woman of the Year title. Still, there were no hard feelings between Bey and Tay. Later on Friday, Beyonce attended Taylor?s star-studded birthday party, along with Jay-Z, Sam Smith, Justin Timberlake and more.

Incidentally, there has been some theorizing that Beyonce might be hiding a pillowy bump as of late. Gawker did a big write-up about it earlier last week, before these Billboard photos came out. To be fair to Gawker, Beyonce was looking different and possibly pregnant-ish for a few weeks, but in these photos? no bump. If anything, I would be more inclined to theorize about a secret boob job more than anything else.

And finally, here?s the 11-minute long Beyonce By Beyonce On Beyonce?s Feminism and Fame video. Bey posted this last Friday as well. I?m not sure why, except that Beyonce likes to control the conversation about Beyonce, so what better way than a Beyonce-produced video about Beyonce? The Daily Beast wrote a teasing article about the Beyonce-isms in this video, stuff like ?I can?t put my finger on who I am? and ?I have dreams.?

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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27-Oct-2024 :Beyonce & Kelly Rowland endorsed Kamala Harris at a spectacular Houston r...
20-Mar-2024 :Beyonce developed ?Cowboy Carter? after she did not feel ?welcome? at the...
10-Sep-2021 :Beyonce & Jay-Z?s Tiffany?s campaign has riled Jean-Michel Basquiat?s fri...
14-Mar-2021 :Beyonce won?t attend this year?s Struggle Grammys despite her ten nominat...
10-Mar-2021 :Beyonce & Serena Williams send their support to the Duchess of Sussex
3-Aug-2020 :Beyonce?s fashion in Black is King was amazing and she wore so many Black...
23-Jul-2020 :Taylor Swift will release her new album ?folklore? tonight at midnight
22-Jun-2020 :Beyonce released ?Black Parade? for Juneteenth: ?Being Black is your acti...
29-Jan-2020 :Beyonce finally sent the Ivy Park/Adidas collection to Kim Kardashian, lo...
7-Jan-2020 :Beyonce & Jay-Z arrived late to the Globes, but they brought their own bo...
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Beyonce Knowles Shines at 2014 Billboard Women in Music Luncheon
Added 10 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Beyonce Knowles Shines at 2014 Billboard Women in Music Luncheon
Stepping out for some industry fun, Beyonce Knowles headed over to Cipriani Wall Street in New York City on Friday afternoon (December 12). The ?Single Ladies? singer smiled for the shutterbugs as she attended the 2014 Billboard Women in Music Luncheon with Parkwood Entertainment?s General Manager Lee Anne Callahan-Longo, who also happened to be #12 on the Billboard Top 50 Women in Music list.

Earlier this week, Beyonce and her husband Jay Z had a chance to meet Prince William and Kate Middleton and now Ms. Knowles is looking to score a playdate for her daughter Blue Ivy and Prince George.

An insider revealed, ?Bey was in awe of Kate and William and they found common ground talking about their babies. Now they?ve pledged to introduce Blue Ivy to Prince George when they come to England in the New Year. They?ve already made a play date at George?s nursery.?

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27-Oct-2024 :Beyonce & Kelly Rowland endorsed Kamala Harris at a spectacular Houston r...
20-Mar-2024 :Beyonce developed ?Cowboy Carter? after she did not feel ?welcome? at the...
10-Sep-2021 :Beyonce & Jay-Z?s Tiffany?s campaign has riled Jean-Michel Basquiat?s fri...
14-Mar-2021 :Beyonce won?t attend this year?s Struggle Grammys despite her ten nominat...
10-Mar-2021 :Beyonce & Serena Williams send their support to the Duchess of Sussex
3-Aug-2020 :Beyonce?s fashion in Black is King was amazing and she wore so many Black...
23-Jul-2020 :Taylor Swift will release her new album ?folklore? tonight at midnight
22-Jun-2020 :Beyonce released ?Black Parade? for Juneteenth: ?Being Black is your acti...
29-Jan-2020 :Beyonce finally sent the Ivy Park/Adidas collection to Kim Kardashian, lo...
7-Jan-2020 :Beyonce & Jay-Z arrived late to the Globes, but they brought their own bo...
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Beyonce & Jay-Z brought Blue Ivy to the NYC 'Annie' premiere: cute'
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Beyonce & Jay-Z brought Blue Ivy to the NYC 'Annie' premiere: cute'
Duchess Kate and Prince William weren?t the only royals out and about in NYC last night! Queen B was out too! Beyonce, Jay-Z and little Blue Ivy went to the NYC premiere of Annie. They didn?t walk the red carpet with the stars of the film, but they still got photographed entering and leaving the premiere. Jay is a producer on the remake and I think he had a hand in the soundtrack too.

It should be noted ? it?s more than possible that the Carter family will be hanging out with the Cambridges tonight at the Nets game in Brooklyn. Kate and Will are scheduled to attend (at a cost of $1 million to get them there), but sources have stressed the idea that Kate and Will would not sit courtside. Bey and Jay always sit courtside. So maybe the meeting won?t happen? I still think there will be some kind of photo-op though.

What else? Let?s see? Bey and Jay went to Iceland last week for Jay?s 45th birthday. E! News says they chartered a helicopter and took in some of the sites that way (they flew over a volcano!) and they even visited a famous geothermal spa. I always like that about Beyonce and Jay-Z ? they really do travel to new places and they?re curious about the world.

Oh, and Beyonce is now the most nominated woman in Grammy history. Because of Bey’s multiple nominations this year for her self-titled album, she now has more nominations than Dolly Parton.

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News and Fame/Flynet.

27-Oct-2024 :Beyonce & Kelly Rowland endorsed Kamala Harris at a spectacular Houston r...
20-Mar-2024 :Beyonce developed ?Cowboy Carter? after she did not feel ?welcome? at the...
10-Sep-2021 :Beyonce & Jay-Z?s Tiffany?s campaign has riled Jean-Michel Basquiat?s fri...
14-Mar-2021 :Beyonce won?t attend this year?s Struggle Grammys despite her ten nominat...
10-Mar-2021 :Beyonce & Serena Williams send their support to the Duchess of Sussex
3-Aug-2020 :Beyonce?s fashion in Black is King was amazing and she wore so many Black...
23-Jul-2020 :Taylor Swift will release her new album ?folklore? tonight at midnight
22-Jun-2020 :Beyonce released ?Black Parade? for Juneteenth: ?Being Black is your acti...
29-Jan-2020 :Beyonce finally sent the Ivy Park/Adidas collection to Kim Kardashian, lo...
7-Jan-2020 :Beyonce & Jay-Z arrived late to the Globes, but they brought their own bo...
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Beyonce releases new track & video for '7/11?: funny, charming & silly'
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Beyonce releases new track & video for '7/11?: funny, charming & silly'
Last week, two new Beyonce songs started leaking all over the internet. The songs are part of her platinum collection/box set or whatever. I thought about writing about it, but I figured as soon as I sat down to write something, the tracks would probably be pulled and no one would even care. One track got a lot of gossip-y attention ? it?s called ?Ring Off? and it?s about a woman who finally had enough of her dog of a husband and finally took the ring off. People were like ?OMG, Beyonce is singing about Jay-Z.? But once the Hive had a chance to really analyze the lyrics, most thought it was probably a song about Beyonce?s mom Tina and how Tina finally left Mathew Knowles (because he was fooling around A LOT).

Then, late Friday, Beyonce dropped the video for the second song, ?7/11?. This video is so? FUN. It?s silly and funny and actually pretty cool. You know me ? I like Beyonce AND I like to poke the Hive a bit, so I?ll just say that I never really gave a crap about all of Beyonce?s music videos for her last album. She dropped those videos almost a year ago, and none of them really stood out as being fun or interesting or anything. The ?Partition? video especially seemed? um, kind of ridiculous. But I really love this video, mostly because Bey is just dancing and acting silly with her girls. Here you go ? I think this video is pretty SFW?? There?s no real nudity, just some girls dancing in their bras at various points.

I love it when Beyonce falls! My favorite part is when she uses the hair dryer for a wind machine though. Who knew Beyonce had a sense of humor? Also: Bey looks SO small these days. This is like the smallest she?s ever been.

Here are some pics of Bey & Jay out on Friday night, just after she dropped the

27-Oct-2024 :Beyonce & Kelly Rowland endorsed Kamala Harris at a spectacular Houston r...
20-Mar-2024 :Beyonce developed ?Cowboy Carter? after she did not feel ?welcome? at the...
10-Sep-2021 :Beyonce & Jay-Z?s Tiffany?s campaign has riled Jean-Michel Basquiat?s fri...
14-Mar-2021 :Beyonce won?t attend this year?s Struggle Grammys despite her ten nominat...
10-Mar-2021 :Beyonce & Serena Williams send their support to the Duchess of Sussex
3-Aug-2020 :Beyonce?s fashion in Black is King was amazing and she wore so many Black...
23-Jul-2020 :Taylor Swift will release her new album ?folklore? tonight at midnight
22-Jun-2020 :Beyonce released ?Black Parade? for Juneteenth: ?Being Black is your acti...
29-Jan-2020 :Beyonce finally sent the Ivy Park/Adidas collection to Kim Kardashian, lo...
7-Jan-2020 :Beyonce & Jay-Z arrived late to the Globes, but they brought their own bo...
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Beyonce Knowles Shows Off Killer Curves in New Bathing Suit Snapshot
Added 10 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Beyonce Knowles Shows Off Killer Curves in New Bathing Suit Snapshot
She?s never been shy about her lady assets, and Beyonce gave fans an eyeful of sexy in her latest website post.

The ?Bootylicious? singer threw on a form-fitting one-piece bathing suit and strutted her stuff in front of the camera.

And of course, the swimsuit makes reference to her rap mogul husband Jay Z by displaying the words ?99 Problems? across her midsection.

Check out the new photograph of Beyonce in her swimwear and be reminded why Jay is one lucky guy!

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27-Oct-2024 :Beyonce & Kelly Rowland endorsed Kamala Harris at a spectacular Houston r...
20-Mar-2024 :Beyonce developed ?Cowboy Carter? after she did not feel ?welcome? at the...
10-Sep-2021 :Beyonce & Jay-Z?s Tiffany?s campaign has riled Jean-Michel Basquiat?s fri...
14-Mar-2021 :Beyonce won?t attend this year?s Struggle Grammys despite her ten nominat...
10-Mar-2021 :Beyonce & Serena Williams send their support to the Duchess of Sussex
3-Aug-2020 :Beyonce?s fashion in Black is King was amazing and she wore so many Black...
23-Jul-2020 :Taylor Swift will release her new album ?folklore? tonight at midnight
22-Jun-2020 :Beyonce released ?Black Parade? for Juneteenth: ?Being Black is your acti...
29-Jan-2020 :Beyonce finally sent the Ivy Park/Adidas collection to Kim Kardashian, lo...
7-Jan-2020 :Beyonce & Jay-Z arrived late to the Globes, but they brought their own bo...
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Beyonce's international baby-bangs crisis is over after ten days: yay or nay'
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Beyonce's international baby-bangs crisis is over after ten days: yay or nay'
#457940384 /

Beyonce was in New Orleans this weekend, hanging out with her sister Solange. This ^^ photo is from last night?s ‘Amen Amen! The 17 Wards of Wonder’ art experience cocktail reception. Notice anything different about Bey? That?s right, she?s lost the bangs. They lasted all of TEN DAYS. That?s how long a Beyonce hair trend takes to catch on, I guess, or maybe that’s how long it takes for Lady Gaga to copy it. Or maybe Beyonce was sad that her baby bangs were so soundly criticized? Don?t you know that everything Beyonce does is brilliant?!

You can see some better photos of Beyonce?s new bangs-less look here. People Magazine published some theories as to how Beyonce lost the bangs so quickly. Basically, she either had extensions put in to ?grow? the bangs trauma or she never had bangs in the first place because they were just some ugly clip-in pieces. I tend to think they were clip-in bangs or a completely different wig.

Here?s what?s fascinating to me ? after posting so many new photos of her bangs on her Tumblr, Beyonce went dark as soon as The Bangs Moment was over. Hm.

Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN & Beyonce?s IG.

27-Oct-2024 :Beyonce & Kelly Rowland endorsed Kamala Harris at a spectacular Houston r...
20-Mar-2024 :Beyonce developed ?Cowboy Carter? after she did not feel ?welcome? at the...
10-Sep-2021 :Beyonce & Jay-Z?s Tiffany?s campaign has riled Jean-Michel Basquiat?s fri...
14-Mar-2021 :Beyonce won?t attend this year?s Struggle Grammys despite her ten nominat...
10-Mar-2021 :Beyonce & Serena Williams send their support to the Duchess of Sussex
3-Aug-2020 :Beyonce?s fashion in Black is King was amazing and she wore so many Black...
23-Jul-2020 :Taylor Swift will release her new album ?folklore? tonight at midnight
22-Jun-2020 :Beyonce released ?Black Parade? for Juneteenth: ?Being Black is your acti...
29-Jan-2020 :Beyonce finally sent the Ivy Park/Adidas collection to Kim Kardashian, lo...
7-Jan-2020 :Beyonce & Jay-Z arrived late to the Globes, but they brought their own bo...
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Beyonce & Jay-Z went out to dinner with Adele, Beyonce forgot her pants
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Beyonce & Jay-Z went out to dinner with Adele, Beyonce forgot her pants
I?m enjoying the fact that Beyonce is really trying to convince people that she really has bangs these days. Like, she heard that most of us were like ?Eh, give it a week and she?ll have a completely new hairstyle,? and she took that as a Bangs Challenge. These are photos of Beyonce, Jay-Z and Adele out to dinner at Harry?s Bar in London on Friday night. Adele wore her most comfortable poncho, leggings and flats. Meanwhile, Beyonce wore a peasant blouse and heels and that?s about it. I can?t tell if she has anything on under that very short blouse. She must, right? Like, booty shorts or something.

Beyonce and Adele have been friends/friendly for years now. Adele has gone to Beyonce?s shows in London and they occasionally meet up for dinner or drinks every so often. I?d like to think that Beyonce appreciates the fact that Adele is off doing her own thing and it?s not a competition. Adele is pretty funny too, and she seems like a fun person to party with. I can only imagine what Adele thought of the bangs.

In other Bey-news, Page Six says that Bey and Jay are getting all kinds of arty up in here.

After checking out Paris? Louvre, Jay Z and Beyonc headed to London to shop at the Frieze art fair. Jeanne Greenberg-Rohatyn of New York?s Salon 94 gallery was seen squiring the hip-hop royals around town, including a stop at the London outpost of New York gallery David Zwirner, where Jay and Bey were led on a private tour by artist Kerry James Marshall of his work.

They were also spotted at sculptor Anish Kapoor?s studio and gallery White Cube ? which sold a Damien Hirst shark at the fair for $6.5 million ? where they viewed works by David Hammons. During Frieze, which wrapped on Saturday, Greenberg-Rohatyn also hosted rapper A$AP Rocky, Brooklyn artist KAWS, auctioneer Simon de Pury and others for lunch aboard a barge.

The boat trip was the brainchild of Michle Lamy, the wife and muse of designer Rick Owens. Meanwhile, a 7-foot KAWS sculpture sold for $300,000 at Galerie Perrotin?s booth at the fair, where up to $2.2 billion in work was up for grabs. Salon 94?s booth had art with a smiley face theme.

[From Page Six]

I would love to know if Bey and Jay are buying and what they?re buying. We know they have more money than God at this point and I?d be interested in discovering if they, like, exclusively purchased modern art or whatever. Do they own any Banksy?

PS? Beyonce?s bodyguard is HOT.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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27-Oct-2024 :Beyonce & Kelly Rowland endorsed Kamala Harris at a spectacular Houston r...
20-Mar-2024 :Beyonce developed ?Cowboy Carter? after she did not feel ?welcome? at the...
10-Sep-2021 :Beyonce & Jay-Z?s Tiffany?s campaign has riled Jean-Michel Basquiat?s fri...
14-Mar-2021 :Beyonce won?t attend this year?s Struggle Grammys despite her ten nominat...
10-Mar-2021 :Beyonce & Serena Williams send their support to the Duchess of Sussex
3-Aug-2020 :Beyonce?s fashion in Black is King was amazing and she wore so many Black...
23-Jul-2020 :Taylor Swift will release her new album ?folklore? tonight at midnight
22-Jun-2020 :Beyonce released ?Black Parade? for Juneteenth: ?Being Black is your acti...
29-Jan-2020 :Beyonce finally sent the Ivy Park/Adidas collection to Kim Kardashian, lo...
7-Jan-2020 :Beyonce & Jay-Z arrived late to the Globes, but they brought their own bo...
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Beyonce Knowles & Jay Z Visit Community Arts Project & Shop in Mayfair
Added 10 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Beyonce Knowles & Jay Z Visit Community Arts Project & Shop in Mayfair
Taking care of a few items on their to-do list, Beyonce Knowles and Jay Z checked in at a local community arts project on Wednesday afternoon (October 13).

The famous duo checked out a few sculptures and mingled with fellow attendees before scooting off to the Mayfair neighborhood for some retail therapy.

Last night, Bey and Jay took advantage of the scene at The Arts Club on Mayfair?s Dover Street where they stayed for several hours on a romantic date.

According to the venue?s website, ?The Club has provided this hospitality and friendship ever since, having survived two world wars including a direct hit on the building during the Blitz in 1940, as well as political and economic anomalies over the years. It relocated to its present elegant 18th Century town house at 40 Dover Street in 1896, affording its members a comfortable and impressive base in Mayfair. In September 2011 the Club re-launched after under-going a complete renovation, overseen by David D?Almada, transforming it into a truly venerable institution.?

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27-Oct-2024 :Beyonce & Kelly Rowland endorsed Kamala Harris at a spectacular Houston r...
20-Mar-2024 :Beyonce developed ?Cowboy Carter? after she did not feel ?welcome? at the...
10-Sep-2021 :Beyonce & Jay-Z?s Tiffany?s campaign has riled Jean-Michel Basquiat?s fri...
14-Mar-2021 :Beyonce won?t attend this year?s Struggle Grammys despite her ten nominat...
10-Mar-2021 :Beyonce & Serena Williams send their support to the Duchess of Sussex
3-Aug-2020 :Beyonce?s fashion in Black is King was amazing and she wore so many Black...
23-Jul-2020 :Taylor Swift will release her new album ?folklore? tonight at midnight
22-Jun-2020 :Beyonce released ?Black Parade? for Juneteenth: ?Being Black is your acti...
29-Jan-2020 :Beyonce finally sent the Ivy Park/Adidas collection to Kim Kardashian, lo...
7-Jan-2020 :Beyonce & Jay-Z arrived late to the Globes, but they brought their own bo...
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Beyonce shows off her new itty-bitty bangs in Paris: cute or unflattering?
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Beyonce shows off her new itty-bitty bangs in Paris: cute or unflattering?
Here are some photos of Beyonce, Jay-Z and Blue Ivy leaving Paris after a lengthy hiatus. I mean, they were working too, but it was mostly relaxation and sight-seeing. They left out of Gare du Nord and Beyonce debuted her new bangs for all of the weary travelers.

Sigh? of all of the different kinds of bangs to get, I find the itty-bitty baby bangs trauma (Bettie Page bangs) the most heinous. Unless you?re Bettie Page or you work that kind of consistent vintage vibe, these bangs are not for you. But? I?m not going to get too mad about Beyonce?s bangs, mostly because I?m not even sure that?s her real hair. A few years ago, a lot of girls were doing those clip-in bangs, and that?s what this fringe look like. Either that or she?s just wearing a full-on wig, because her hair in these photos looks very unnatural.

I have a personal bangs trauma story for all of you, especially the people who always yell at me about how some bangs are okay. Over the weekend, I was dyeing my hair and I didn?t have my contacts in, nor was I wearing my glasses, so I completely missed this spot of dye that got on my forehead, right by my left temple. Long story short, I gave myself a minor chemical burn and I?m sure the discoloration will only last a few days/a week, but in the meantime? I totally gave myself some bangs to cover the burn. Isn?t that a delicious turn of events, bangs-defenders? The #1 Bangs Enemy got bangs to cover something unsightly. By the way, I still hate them even though I am now one of you. As I was cutting, I was cursing them the entire time.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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27-Oct-2024 :Beyonce & Kelly Rowland endorsed Kamala Harris at a spectacular Houston r...
20-Mar-2024 :Beyonce developed ?Cowboy Carter? after she did not feel ?welcome? at the...
10-Sep-2021 :Beyonce & Jay-Z?s Tiffany?s campaign has riled Jean-Michel Basquiat?s fri...
14-Mar-2021 :Beyonce won?t attend this year?s Struggle Grammys despite her ten nominat...
10-Mar-2021 :Beyonce & Serena Williams send their support to the Duchess of Sussex
3-Aug-2020 :Beyonce?s fashion in Black is King was amazing and she wore so many Black...
23-Jul-2020 :Taylor Swift will release her new album ?folklore? tonight at midnight
22-Jun-2020 :Beyonce released ?Black Parade? for Juneteenth: ?Being Black is your acti...
29-Jan-2020 :Beyonce finally sent the Ivy Park/Adidas collection to Kim Kardashian, lo...
7-Jan-2020 :Beyonce & Jay-Z arrived late to the Globes, but they brought their own bo...
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