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Paula Abdul News & Gossip
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You Don't Say'
Added 15 years agoSource: dListed
You Don't Say'
Here comes a story from the Department of Obvious. Paula Abdul had an addiction to pain killers. *crickets* *crickets* *crickets*

The only shocking part is that Paula is actually admitting it. Miss "Ahs nevah been drunkz" and "Ahs nevah taken drugz" is actually confessing that she was forever lidocaine's girl. Every back alley pharmacist from here to Phuket is screaming, "Told you so."

Yes, Paula loved the p-killers. The sweet delicious p-killers. She'd eat them for brunch, lunch and dinner. She'd bathe in them before bedtime. She'd cuddle with them at night. And she probably let them kiss her cat a few times. Well, you know she did. Unfortunately, it became a problem and the little Pillhead had to be shuffled off to rehab last November.

In an interview with Ladies Home Journal (via UsWeekly), Paula said it all started years ago when she regularly stuck her ass with lidocaine shots. In 2005, she was diagnosed "reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome" and the pain was so bad that she had to wear a patch that was 80 times more potent than morphine. Paula also took a nerve medication. And a muscle relaxer.

When Paula realized what the world already knows (that she's out of her fucking head), she checked herself into the La Costa Resort in Carlsbad, CA. Paula says, "I could have killed myself. Withdrawal ? it's the worst thing. I was freezing cold, then sweating hot, then chattering and in so much pain. It was excruciating. At my very core, I did not like existing the way I had been."

That sounds like every Sunday morning for me. Get yourself some bacon grease and a Gatorade, Paula.

I will say that Paula doesn't seem like she's flying through the stars as much on Idol this year. So maybe she's off the good shit for now. Although, you know she licks that patch every now and again. For special occasions. Speaking of, where oh where can I get one of those patches?! What dealer do I have to call?! That patch sounds like a beautiful thing. I promise I'll be good to it. I'll sing to it. I'll open doors for it. I'll never leave it or do it wrong. GET ME THAT PATCH.

We all should be born with that patch already installed.

2-Jan-2024 :Paula Abdul is suing ?Idol? producer Nigel Lythgoe for two sexual assault...
23-Feb-2012 :Paula Abdul Paid $900,000 for Frivolous Lawsuit
20-Dec-2011 :"The X-Factor" Holds Season Finale Press Conference
13-Aug-2011 :Working for Paula Abdul Sounds Fun
12-Aug-2011 :Paula Abdul Demands Staff Call Her ?Warrior?
5-Aug-2011 :"The X-Factor" Stars' TCA Tour Stop
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul Will Judge ?X Factor?
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul joins X Factor as a judge alongside Simon Cowell
24-Mar-2011 :Paula Abdul: Still Up for "X Factor" Gig
15-Feb-2011 :Paula Abdul's "Live To Dance" Disappointment
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Paula Abdul news

Paula Abdul On Painkiller Addiction: 'I Could Have Killed Myself'
Added 15 years agoSource: MTV
Paula Abdul On Painkiller Addiction: 'I Could Have Killed Myself'
'I tried to keep everything hush-hush,' the 'American Idol' judge says of carrying on like nothing was wrong.By Eric Ditzian

Paula Abdul

Photo: Frank Micelotta/Getty Images

After years of public speculation, Paula Abdul has revealed that she suffered for years from a reliance on pain medication — a habit that left her close to death and in a rehabilitation facility.

The "American Idol" judge disclosed her ordeal in an interview with Ladies' Home Journal. "I could have killed myself," the 46-year-old Abdul told the magazine.

She has suffered from chronic pain since a high school cheerleading accident left her with an injured disc in her neck and has since experienced injuries like a broken leg, sustained while rehearsing in 1991; a neck injury in a 1992 car crash; and partial paralysis in a 1993 airplane crash that required 15 spinal surgeries. To continue performing through a hectic schedule, Abdul relied on prescription painkillers, injections of lidocaine and Chinese medicine.

"I couldn't cancel my tour. I didn't want anyone to count me out," she said. "I tried to keep everything hush-hush."

Several years ago, Abdul was diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome, a chronic neurological condition characterized by severe burning pain and tissue swelling. The disorder also caused teeth-chattering and skin lesions for Abdul.

The "Idol" judge wore a patch that delivered a dose of medication approximately 80 times more powerful than morphine, took a nerve medication to relieve her symptoms and occasionally used a muscle relaxer. But the pain became so severe that it disrupted her sleep and left her acting "weird," Abdul admitted, an acknowledgement of the sometimes-bizarre behavior she displayed on the "American Idol" set.

In a 2005 interview, Abdul claimed she was not hooked on pain medication. "Drugs?" she said to People magazine. "I'm not addicted to pills of any kind." But last fall, Abdul finally checked into the La Costa Resort & Spa, a rehab facility in Carlsbad, California.

"I could have killed myself," Abdul told Ladies' Home Journal. "Withdrawal — it's the worst thing. I was freezing cold, then sweating hot, then chattering and in so much pain. It was excruciating. But at my very core, I did not like existing the way I had been."

2-Jan-2024 :Paula Abdul is suing ?Idol? producer Nigel Lythgoe for two sexual assault...
23-Feb-2012 :Paula Abdul Paid $900,000 for Frivolous Lawsuit
20-Dec-2011 :"The X-Factor" Holds Season Finale Press Conference
13-Aug-2011 :Working for Paula Abdul Sounds Fun
12-Aug-2011 :Paula Abdul Demands Staff Call Her ?Warrior?
5-Aug-2011 :"The X-Factor" Stars' TCA Tour Stop
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul Will Judge ?X Factor?
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul joins X Factor as a judge alongside Simon Cowell
24-Mar-2011 :Paula Abdul: Still Up for "X Factor" Gig
15-Feb-2011 :Paula Abdul's "Live To Dance" Disappointment
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Paula Abdul news

Paula Abdul talks painkiller addiction & withdrawal
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Paula Abdul talks painkiller addiction & withdrawal
Paula Abdul is the cover girl for June?s Ladies? Home Journal (story via US Weekly), and she?s talking about her addiction to painkillers. If your first thought was ?so that?s what?s wrong with Paula?, tsk, tsk. Paula is only confirming her past drug addiction, not current. Currently, Paula is facing down a neurological condition called reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome. Paula?s treatment for this condition used to be ?a patch that delivered a pain medication about 80 times more potent than morphine and took a nerve medication to relieve her symptoms.? In addition to a muscle relaxer. But she?s off that treatment now because the side-effects (sleeplessness, acting crazy) were too much. However, Paula stops short of talking about what her current medication is, only saying that coming off the old stuff was a real harsh withdrawal.

In a shocking new interview, Paula Abdul reveals that her reliance on painkillers got so bad she could have died.

As a dancer, Abdul, 46, says she turned to a combination of painkillers — including regular shots of lidocaine — and Chinese medicine to get her through her grueling routines.

“I couldn’t cancel my tour. I didn’t want anyone to count me out,” she says in June’s Ladies? Home Journal. “I tried to keep everything hush-hush.”

Adds Abdul, “I’m an old school professional. Never let them see you sweat.”

But that became increasingly difficult for Abdul, who had suffered debilitating pain caused by an unusual series of accidents (including a cheerleading mishap at 17 that injured a disc in her neck).

By 2005, she was diagnosed with “reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome,” a chronic neurological disorder that causes severe pain. It resulted in teeth-chattering and shingles-like lesions.

Abdul says she wore a patch that delivered a pain medication about 80 times more potent than morphine and took a nerve medication to relieve her symptoms. Sometimes, she adds, she also took a muscle relaxer. But the pain got so bad it that it often left her sleepless and caused her to “get weird,” she says.

A combination of these factors prompted many fans to believe that the American Idol judge was high on the air.

Determined to overcome her habit, she checked into the La Costa Resort and Spa in Carlsbad, Calif., last Thanksgiving.

“I could have killed myself,” Abdul tells the magazine. “Withdrawal ? it’s the worst thing. I was freezing cold, then sweating hot, then chattering and in so much pain. It was excruciating.”

“At my very core,” she concludes, “I did not like existing the way I had been.”

These days, Abdul — who just dropped a new single, ” I’m Just Here for the Music” — is searching for love.

“I’m working on finding that guy,” she says. “I’m just like every other girl who wants to find a soul mate and live happily ever after.”

[From US Weekly]

Yes, it?s none of our business. But wouldn?t you like to know what goes on inside Paula?s head, just for a few minutes? I don?t even think she?s a bad person, and I believe her physical pain is very real. But there?s a little bit of humor in this too, because Paula, on or off the drugs, is a little crazy. It would be interesting to know what?s chemical and what?s just Paula.

Here?s Paula leaving the restaurant Koi with a friend after dinner on March 25th. While waiting for the valet to get their car, Paula was all smiles, signing autographs for fans and posing for photos. One fan gave her two roses, which she put between her teeth. Images thanks to Mavrix.

2-Jan-2024 :Paula Abdul is suing ?Idol? producer Nigel Lythgoe for two sexual assault...
23-Feb-2012 :Paula Abdul Paid $900,000 for Frivolous Lawsuit
20-Dec-2011 :"The X-Factor" Holds Season Finale Press Conference
13-Aug-2011 :Working for Paula Abdul Sounds Fun
12-Aug-2011 :Paula Abdul Demands Staff Call Her ?Warrior?
5-Aug-2011 :"The X-Factor" Stars' TCA Tour Stop
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul Will Judge ?X Factor?
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul joins X Factor as a judge alongside Simon Cowell
24-Mar-2011 :Paula Abdul: Still Up for "X Factor" Gig
15-Feb-2011 :Paula Abdul's "Live To Dance" Disappointment
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Paula Abdul news

Paula Abdul says 'Brüno' cameo left her 'scarred for life for a year'
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Paula Abdul says 'Brüno' cameo left her 'scarred for life for a year'
Yesterday we told you that Paula Abdul got tricked by Sacha Baron Cohen into doing an interview. The whole thing was presumably embarrassing as his stuff tends to be. But really, part of what?s so humiliating is not realizing it?s Cohen and falling for it. We presumed it was a bit wacky, not just because it?s Cohen but because it?s Paula Abdul, and she tends to be that way without provocation. Well now she?s given her version of events, and it sounds about as awkward and embarrassing as you?d expect. Though she certainly injects a healthy dose of drama into it, with lines like, I was scarred for life for a year? and ?at two o’clock in the morning that night I woke up in a cold sweat. I popped my body up out of bed and I went ?Holy crap! Oh my God!??

It is the most interesting, whacked-out situation that happened to me. I was scarred for life for a year. A year ago, my publicist said I’d won “Artist of the Year” in Germany. And I said, “Really? That’s interesting. Okay … ” They said they were going to film a Johnny Depp one for film, and a Scorsese one, I think …

It was on a day of Idol, so I could do it in the morning. It was in the Hollywood Hills. So I get there, and it’s this German crew. And I never signed a release, but I guess my publicist did. And I walk into the home and I’m greeted by this futuristic Captain Nemo?looking dude with a mohawk ? and he’s flaming. And I’m going, “Oh, this is going to be one of those fun Japanese game shows.” I’m like, okay, this is weird. Is this a variety show or something like that? So I walk in and there was no furniture except for a chair. And I’m waiting and waiting. And this guy Brno introduces himself and I said, “Hi.” And he said, “Here have some food.” And the food looked horrible. And I said “No, I’m fine.” And he said, “It’s very, very, very good.” I said, “That’s okay, I don’t want to have it.”

And he says, “Sorry there’s no furniture.” And he snaps his fingers and says “Gardeners!” And these two Mexican guys come in, and they drop down to all fours. I see him paying them like ten bucks. They drop down to all fours and he says [to me], “Sit down.” And I said, “I’m not doing that.” And he says don’t be like …

And I’m in a dress, so I’m tipping and holding my core muscles to not sit on them. And he pushes me down on them, and I’m like, “I’m sorry. And these two gardeners … Mexican gardeners don’t speak a word of English, and I’m like patting them and I’m like, “I’m so sorry.” And he kicked one of them, and we all fall. It was getting so uncomfortable and I’m throwing daggers with my eyes at my publicist. And they’re kicking my publicist out. And I said, “Get me out of here. This is crazy. This is not funny, this is discrimination. This is abusive stuff going on here.” And he says, “I need you to change your clothes,” and I said, “No, I won’t be doing that. I have to go to work … And by the way, where’s my award?”

I had to go to Idol and I couldn’t wait to get out of there. And as I’m going to my car, they’re chasing me with cameras, and I’m like, oh God this is so awkward. And I’m trying to hold a smile on my face and the guy Brno’s running down the street in front of the car. It was hysterical but it was so disturbing. I was so mad at my publicist at that point. I said, “I can’t believe you signed [the release].” And my manager and attorney were trying to call the production office ? and of course it doesn’t exist. So I was freaking out.

So a year goes by. And three weeks ago, my manager sends over something. He says “I have no idea what this is … ” People magazine wants to know how it feels to be totally punked by Sacha Baron Cohen, a.k.a. Brno. And I said, “I’ve never done anything with Sacha Cohen … They’re wrong.” So we respond ? “We have no idea what this is, but she’s never worked with Sacha Baron Cohen.” And at two o’clock in the morning that night I woke up in a cold sweat. I popped my body up out of bed and I went “Holy crap! Oh my God!” And that’s what happened. And I’m dying.

Cause you don’t expect it. You just don’t expect it. Like I said, I thought it was just one of those Japanese TV shows where they do crazy things. They wanted me to jump up against a Velcro wall.

[From New York Magazine]

I love this so much more than I should. I keep saying I don?t like Sacha Baron Cohen?s kind of comedy, but reading this? maybe I do. Anything that involves making Paula Abdul sit on a gardener can?t be all bad, right? I did feel a little badly for her, but she was so over-dramatic about it. And next time someone says, ?Oh Paula Abdul?s not really all that dumb,? I offer up the quote: ?I was scarred for life for a year.? Scarred for LIFE. For a YEAR. I can?t even respond to that. It?s just so dumb. In fact I really think this article could have rested entirely on tearing apart that comment. So I have a hard time being sympathetic towards the rest of the experience. But I?m sure Paula can get over the trauma by going to therapy for life for a year.

2-Jan-2024 :Paula Abdul is suing ?Idol? producer Nigel Lythgoe for two sexual assault...
23-Feb-2012 :Paula Abdul Paid $900,000 for Frivolous Lawsuit
20-Dec-2011 :"The X-Factor" Holds Season Finale Press Conference
13-Aug-2011 :Working for Paula Abdul Sounds Fun
12-Aug-2011 :Paula Abdul Demands Staff Call Her ?Warrior?
5-Aug-2011 :"The X-Factor" Stars' TCA Tour Stop
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul Will Judge ?X Factor?
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul joins X Factor as a judge alongside Simon Cowell
24-Mar-2011 :Paula Abdul: Still Up for "X Factor" Gig
15-Feb-2011 :Paula Abdul's "Live To Dance" Disappointment
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Paula Abdul news

Paula Abdul compares Bruno interview to a Japanese TV show
Added 15 years agoSource: The Blemish
Paula Abdul compares Bruno interview to a Japanese TV show
Paula Abdul admitted today that she was duped into believing a fake Bruno sit down she did was for real. In an interview with 104.7 FM, she recounts the experience.

It all started with a call that she won “Artist of the Year” in Germany. Because winning things is awesome, she agreed to an “interview.” Paula explains and Us transcribes:

“I’m greeted by this futuristic, Captain Nemo?looking dude with a mohawk — and he’s flaming,” recalls Abdul, who said she never signed a release (her publicist did). “I’m like, ‘OK, this is weird. Is this a variety show or something like that?’”

“So I walk in and there was no furniture except for a chair. And I’m waiting and waiting,” she continued. “And this guy Bruno introduces himself, and I said, ‘Hi.’ And he said, ‘Here, have some food.’ And the food looked horrible! And I said, ‘No, I’m fine.’ And he said, ‘It’s very, very, very good.’ I said, ‘That’s Ok, I don’t want to have it.’”

Abdul said Bruno then apologized for not having furniture for the interview.

“He snaps his fingers and says, ‘Gardeners!’” she recalled. “And these two Mexican guys come in, and they drop down to all fours. I see him paying them like 10 bucks. They drop down to all fours and he says [to me], ‘Sit down.’” And I said, ‘I’m not doing that!’”

“So I’m tipping and holding my core muscles to not sit on them. And he pushes me down on them, and I’m like, ‘I’m sorry!’” she said.

It got even more bizarre, Abdul said, when he kicked one of them and they all fell on the ground.

“It was getting so uncomfortable!” she said. “I’m throwing daggers with my eyes at my publicist. And they’re kicking my publicist out. And I said, ‘Get me out of here. This is crazy. This is not funny, this is discrimination. This is abusive stuff going on here!’”

“And he says, ‘I need you to change your clothes,’ and I said, ‘No, I won’t be doing that. I have to go to work … And by the way, where’s my award?”

Abdul - who had to go to an Idol taping - then dashed out.

“As I’m going to my car, they’re chasing me with cameras,” she said. “And I’m like, ‘Oh God, this is so awkward.’ And I’m trying to hold a smile on my face and the guy, Bruno, is running down the street in front of the car.”

“It was hysterical, but it was so disturbing,” added Abdul. “I was so mad at my publicist at that point. I said, ‘I can’t believe you signed [the release].’ And my manager and attorney were trying to call the production office — and, of course, it doesn’t exist. So I was freaking out.”

A year went by, she said.

Then, her manager got a call three weeks ago from a reporter who heard that she had fallen for one of Sacha Baron Cohen’s stunts.

“I said, ‘I’ve never done anything with Sacha Cohen … they’re wrong!’” she said. “At 2 o’clock in the morning that night, I woke up in a cold sweat. I popped my body up out of bed and I went, ‘Holy crap! Oh my God!’ And that’s what happened. And I’m dying. Cause you don’t expect it. You just don’t expect it.”

Added Abdul, “Like I said, I thought it was just one of those Japanese TV shows where they do crazy things.”

This movie is going to be great. There’s nothing more satisfying than watching a bunch of nitwits get thrown off their game. Especially when it’s Paula Abdul. She’s so easy to trick so you can get away with a lot of stuff. I put a cardboard cutout of Brad Pitt in her bed one time and she spent an hour trying to seduce it.

2-Jan-2024 :Paula Abdul is suing ?Idol? producer Nigel Lythgoe for two sexual assault...
23-Feb-2012 :Paula Abdul Paid $900,000 for Frivolous Lawsuit
20-Dec-2011 :"The X-Factor" Holds Season Finale Press Conference
13-Aug-2011 :Working for Paula Abdul Sounds Fun
12-Aug-2011 :Paula Abdul Demands Staff Call Her ?Warrior?
5-Aug-2011 :"The X-Factor" Stars' TCA Tour Stop
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul Will Judge ?X Factor?
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul joins X Factor as a judge alongside Simon Cowell
24-Mar-2011 :Paula Abdul: Still Up for "X Factor" Gig
15-Feb-2011 :Paula Abdul's "Live To Dance" Disappointment
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Paula Abdul news

Paula Abdul got duped too
Added 15 years agoSource: The Blemish
Paula Abdul got duped too
Sacha Baron Cohen’s latest film Bruno will be mocking your favorite drunken AI judge, Paula Abdul. Cohen, in character as Bruno, did a fake interview with Abdul who to this day doesn’t even know she was tricked.

“Paula was totally fooled. She bought into his character and to this day isn’t aware she was fooled,” the insider said. Abdul’s rep had no immediate comment. Universal, which releases the flick July 10, also had no comment. Texas Rep. Ron Paul has already admitted being tricked into a hotel room by Cohen’s character.

When do you think it’ll click that Paula was duped. The opening credits? Half-way through the film? Will she even remember she did this interview? Probably not. She’ll think that they used high tech witchery to transpose her into the film. If you were to ask Paula what she thought of the movie, she’d tell you she was not amused at the liberal use of CGI. This will of course be before she falls asleep standing up.

2-Jan-2024 :Paula Abdul is suing ?Idol? producer Nigel Lythgoe for two sexual assault...
23-Feb-2012 :Paula Abdul Paid $900,000 for Frivolous Lawsuit
20-Dec-2011 :"The X-Factor" Holds Season Finale Press Conference
13-Aug-2011 :Working for Paula Abdul Sounds Fun
12-Aug-2011 :Paula Abdul Demands Staff Call Her ?Warrior?
5-Aug-2011 :"The X-Factor" Stars' TCA Tour Stop
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul Will Judge ?X Factor?
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul joins X Factor as a judge alongside Simon Cowell
24-Mar-2011 :Paula Abdul: Still Up for "X Factor" Gig
15-Feb-2011 :Paula Abdul's "Live To Dance" Disappointment
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Paula Abdul news

Forever Your Pillhead
Added 15 years agoSource: dListed
Forever Your Pillhead
Being Paula Abdul's friend would be like the best thing ever! Not only do you get Xanax in your Cheerios when you have breakfast at her house, but she'd be so much fun to play pranks on. If you told her that she is the real Craigslist killer, she'd immediately turn herself in, because she'd totally believe you. If you told her she could grow a pill tree by planting an Adderall doll in the ground, she'd spend the whole night in her backyard with a shovel and some Miracle-Gro.

Because Paula has the common sense of a boiled avocado seed, she is the perfect person for Sacha Baron Cohen to fool!

Page Six says that for his movie, SBC interviewed Paula as Bruno. Paula had no idea she was being tricked. A source said, "Paula was totally fooled. She bought into his character and to this day isn't aware she was fooled."

To this day, I don't think she's aware that Skat Kat isn't real. NOBODY TELL HER. It would break her little lude-filled heart. It would be like her epic Bratz meltdown all over again! "Where's God when you need him?" Oh, Paula, he's sitting in that little Vicodin bottle waiting for you!

2-Jan-2024 :Paula Abdul is suing ?Idol? producer Nigel Lythgoe for two sexual assault...
23-Feb-2012 :Paula Abdul Paid $900,000 for Frivolous Lawsuit
20-Dec-2011 :"The X-Factor" Holds Season Finale Press Conference
13-Aug-2011 :Working for Paula Abdul Sounds Fun
12-Aug-2011 :Paula Abdul Demands Staff Call Her ?Warrior?
5-Aug-2011 :"The X-Factor" Stars' TCA Tour Stop
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul Will Judge ?X Factor?
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul joins X Factor as a judge alongside Simon Cowell
24-Mar-2011 :Paula Abdul: Still Up for "X Factor" Gig
15-Feb-2011 :Paula Abdul's "Live To Dance" Disappointment
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Paula Abdul news

Paula Abdul completely fooled by Sacha Baron Cohen's 'Bruno'
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Paula Abdul completely fooled by Sacha Baron Cohen's 'Bruno'
Sacha Baron Cohen?s thing is getting way too into character and tricking people into buying into his shtick. Personally I find this tiring, but everyone else on the planet seems to think it?s hysterical, so I?ll admit that the problem must be me. I got massively annoyed with ?Borat.? I think I just feel too badly for the people being tricked and don?t enjoy watching good people being made to feel dumb. Or I just have a giant stick up my ass in regards to this. Equally possible.

Baron Cohen has taken on more than a few celebrities, and in his upcoming film goes after Paula Abdul while in his Bruno character. And the sad thing was Paula had no clue then and no clue now ? though she presumably is in the know as of this morning, when Page Six let the cat out of the bag.

Paula Abdul is about to be ridiculed at a theater near you — and she doesn’t even know it. A source tells us Sacha Baron Cohen, playing a wildly gay Austrian TV reporter in “Bruno,” conducted a wacky interview with the “American Idol” judge. “Paula was totally fooled. She bought into his character and to this day isn’t aware she was fooled,” the insider said. Abdul’s rep had no immediate comment. Universal, which releases the flick July 10, also had no comment. Texas Rep. Ron Paul has already admitted being tricked into a hotel room by Cohen’s character.

[From Page Six]

I wouldn?t think it?d be all that hard to conduct a wacky interview with Paula Abdul. You wouldn?t even need to get into another character to fool her. While I feel badly for a lot of the people Sacha Baron Cohen deals with, Paula?s not really one of them. Not because I think she?s deserving of it or anything, but the woman has given so many insane interviews (many of them leading to her having to deny that she was inebriated at the time) that this couldn?t have seemed that different to her. That?s probably why Paula was fooled by the whole thing for so long. A Sacha Baron Cohen interview is mostly the same as the one she gave yesterday and the day before.

Nonetheless I actually do want to see this, and will probably manage to sit through the rest of the film to do it. Loudly complaining, mind you, but I?ll be there.

2-Jan-2024 :Paula Abdul is suing ?Idol? producer Nigel Lythgoe for two sexual assault...
23-Feb-2012 :Paula Abdul Paid $900,000 for Frivolous Lawsuit
20-Dec-2011 :"The X-Factor" Holds Season Finale Press Conference
13-Aug-2011 :Working for Paula Abdul Sounds Fun
12-Aug-2011 :Paula Abdul Demands Staff Call Her ?Warrior?
5-Aug-2011 :"The X-Factor" Stars' TCA Tour Stop
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul Will Judge ?X Factor?
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul joins X Factor as a judge alongside Simon Cowell
24-Mar-2011 :Paula Abdul: Still Up for "X Factor" Gig
15-Feb-2011 :Paula Abdul's "Live To Dance" Disappointment
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Paula Abdul news

Paula Abdul claims she's never been drunk; never addicted to pills
Added 15 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Paula Abdul claims she's never been drunk; never addicted to pills
Paula Abdul has had a rough go of it. Over the past four years she?s had some bouts of very erratic behavior, leading to gossip of drunkenness or a pill problem. Abdul has always denied this, and claimed it was the result of medication she?s taken for reflex sympathetic dystrophy, which is a type of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, along with the 15 surgeries she?s endured since an accident in 1992. She?s also claimed she?s never been addicted to any drug, but that?s a fuzzy line. A person can obviously be addicted but think they?re not.

Paula just gave a lengthy interview to Nightline, in which she repeated that she?s never been addicted to anything. She also says she?s never been drunk. All claims that are a little hard to believe.

“I’ve never been addicted to any prescription drugs. I’ve never been drunk. I’ve worked my whole life,” Abdul told “Nightline” in an exclusive interview. Despite undergoing 15 surgeries since a neck injury in 1992, Abdul said she has never taken addictive painkillers.

“I will not take those drugs,” Abdul said. “And you can check my medical records. There is nothing like that. I was never on Oxycontin or Vicodin or anything like that. I was on nerve medicine and anti-inflammatories.”

Last week ABC News followed up on Abdul’s offer to “check her medical records,” asking for her permission to speak to one of her doctors. She declined.

[From ABC News]

ABC?s article is incredibly long, and they go over much of Paula?s erratic behavior point by point. It all adds up to? well not making sense. At times, Paula has said she?s been on medication for pain, and that resulted in some odd behavior. I found that perfectly plausible and understandable. But now she?s saying she?s never been on anything? That doesn?t make sense.

Paula took it too far when she said she?s never taken any addictive painkillers. I find it hard to believe for someone who?s undergone 15 surgeries. We?re seriously supposed to believe she got through each one without potentially addictive painkillers? When I had surgery for a torn rotator cuff, my doctor had me on Oxycodone and Oxycontin for six weeks, and I was still in extraordinary pain for the first week. I can?t imagine how a person could have surgery with lesser, non-addictive painkillers.

And we?re really supposed to believe Paula?s never been drunk? Ever? It?s one thing if she meant she?s never been sloshed on American Idol. I don?t know that I?d believe it, but that?s a normal thing for her to say and want us to believe. But to expect the public to believe she?s never been drunk in her life? That?s nave.

I don?t blame her for refusing to let ABC look through her medical files. That?s the kind of thing you say to prove your point. No matter what came out of my mouth, I wouldn?t actually let an investigative news team leaf through my medical history. But come on Paula ? if nothing else, she stop talking about this. The more she talks, the further she digs the hole.

Here?s Paula at Koi on March 10th. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .

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Paula Abdul has never been drunk
Added 15 years agoSource: The Blemish
Paula Abdul has never been drunk
In an interview with Nightline’s Cynthia McFadden, Paula Abdul claims she’s never been drunk, has never abused prescription medication and is not feuding with fellow American Idol judge Kara DioGuardi. When asked why she always acts like she’s drunk or on drugs during her reality show and AI, she says that’s just how she is.

?No, no, no, no, no. Will not take those drugs,? she said referring to prescription pain medications. ?And you can check my medical records there is nothing like that. I was never on Oxycontin or Vicadin or anything like that. I was on nerve medicine and anti-inflammatories.?

McFadden asked about her behavior on her 2007 Bravo reality show, ?Hey Paula,? saying, ?There are so many times where you don?t look like you are really there. You?re eyes are closing, you?re head is falling back.?

?Because I?m falling asleep and a camera is on me,? Abdul explained. ?I don?t have anything that is shameful. I don?t have anything to be embarrassed about that was not accurate documentation of my life.?

Right. Because Bravo just loves filming people dozing off. I assume Bravo isn’t a stalker so it’s safe to say they weren’t filming her tucked away in bed. More like she was falling asleep during meetings, lunch and walking. Normal people don’t do that. Normal people on drugs, maybe. Look, no one cares if she gets drunk before every show. Anyone would if they had to sit through those two hours of boredom. But don’t deny it. It’s okay for her to admit she’s loopy because she’s intoxicated. It would actually be comforting to know that she wasn’t actually crazy and could one day get stabby on everyone with a knife.

2-Jan-2024 :Paula Abdul is suing ?Idol? producer Nigel Lythgoe for two sexual assault...
23-Feb-2012 :Paula Abdul Paid $900,000 for Frivolous Lawsuit
20-Dec-2011 :"The X-Factor" Holds Season Finale Press Conference
13-Aug-2011 :Working for Paula Abdul Sounds Fun
12-Aug-2011 :Paula Abdul Demands Staff Call Her ?Warrior?
5-Aug-2011 :"The X-Factor" Stars' TCA Tour Stop
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul Will Judge ?X Factor?
9-May-2011 :Paula Abdul joins X Factor as a judge alongside Simon Cowell
24-Mar-2011 :Paula Abdul: Still Up for "X Factor" Gig
15-Feb-2011 :Paula Abdul's "Live To Dance" Disappointment
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