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Katy Perry Seeks New Manmeat
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Katy Perry Seeks New Manmeat
Looks like Katy Perry’s gotten over the whole marriage to Russell Brand thing. According to US Weekly, Perry is “all about moving on now”.

How polite of US Weekly. They should’ve just said she’s ready to bang. Brand and Perry’s marriage lasted 14 months, which appears to be the time for the novelty of double D’s to wear off.

19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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In Touch: Katy Perry turns to prayer to save her marriage to Russell Brand
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
In Touch: Katy Perry turns to prayer to save her marriage to Russell Brand
It’s the divorce that just won’t die, y’all. Until Katy Perry and Russell Brand both make comprehensive and unequivocal statements about their split (and who could honestly expect them to do so?), the rumors will only continue despite the fact that Katy herself has recently insisted to everyone that no one speaks for her (not even her family). Nice try, but people will talk, including her family.

So let’s do a quick recap of the latest updates. Moving vans have been spotted toting Russell’s belongings from he and Katy’s home to a very large house in Beverly Hills that is understood to be his new home. Likewise, Katy is said to have moved from the couple’s house as well into a new $1.9 million pad in the Los Feliz area. Katy has also reportedly been hiding out in Santa Barbara at her grandmother’s house because “Katy always runs to her granny when she’s in trouble. She’s been giving Katy a real dose of family love and strong advice about how to heal a broken heart.” Presumably, Katy also chose grandma because she won’t be running to the press like a certain set of parents.

In addition, a story that originated with Bang Showbiz reports that Katy knew nothing of Russell’s plans before he filed for divorce and thought their issues were down to “normal couple problems.” You know, normal stuff that isn’t wheelchair pr0n or strategic wedding ring removal. Now, In Touch is reporting that Katy has found her way back to the power of prayer, and she’s asking God to bring back Russell. Are the tabloids just getting lazy?

Katy prays for Russell to come back!

She turns to God in a last-ditch effort to save her marriage.

The family that prays together stays together — at least that’s what singer Katy Perry and her evangelical minister parents, Keith and Mary Hudson, are hoping. While many jilted brides would just tell their husbands to go to hell, Katy, who grew up in a devout Christian household, believes divine intervention could save her 14-month marriage to Russell Brand, 36. “Katy has said that she will do anything for a second shot,” reveals an insider close to the Hudsons.

All this despite the fact that over the course of their relationship, Katy, 27, grew increasingly frustrated by Russell’s wandering eye. Still, she’s willing to overlook her hubby’s major shortcomings. “You’ve got to be loving, bcause it is the love of God that draws anybody to change their mind,” Katy’s mom insists of her son-in-law’s decision to file for divorce. Although Russell was [the one who filed] for divorce, the insider says Katy’s family “isn’t blaming him.” And if there’s no last-minute miracle? “I’m going to be there for Katy no matter what, just like Jesus is there for us, no matter what,” reassures her dad.

[From In Touch, print edition, January 23, 2012]

Yeah, this story is crap and probably planted by Katy’s parents just like the hopeful Tim Tebow romance. If Katy’s smart, she’ll take awhile to get over the shock and hurt of divorce before pulling a JLo and hopping immediately back into a relationship. When Katy’s ready, there’ll no doubt be very little shortage of waiting candidates for their turn on the Perry Pony Ride. Even Daniel Radcliffe has revealed that he’s got a major crush on Katy, but I don’t think he’s really her type. Daniel is far too nice.

By the way, these aren’t new photos of Katy. I just wanted to dig up some 2010 award show pictures to mix things up a bit since she’s been out of the public eye since the split.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN

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19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Is Katy Perry getting over Russell Brand by hooking up with Tim Tebow?
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Is Katy Perry getting over Russell Brand by hooking up with Tim Tebow?
Anyone ready for a new rumor about Katy Perry getting a new quickie boyfriend to get over her divorce Russell Brand? Well, here’s a really random one. Of course, it’s not entirely random because it would make total sense for Katy to date the dude in question — if it wasn’t merely two weeks after Russell filed divorce papers. Not even I can believe that Katy would move that fast.

Regardless of common sense, a new story (which originated in OK! Magazine) pushes the theory that Katy is now looking to get busy with Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow. Like I said before, this match would ordinarily make a lot of sense. Both Katy and Tim both grew up in a very controlled religious environment (beyond football, Tebow’s also famous for being the inspiration behind the Tebow Bill, which is still pending but would allow homeschooled athletes to play for their district teams) and find themselves in the midst of inexplicable fame (yeah, I went there). Yes, this story is probably absolute nonsense, but it makes some sense in theory, so that’s probably why OK! is probably running with it. Naturally, Katy’s sketchy parents are said to approve of this newfound match as well.

Katy and Tim are scheduled to meet at her hometown church where she used to sing! Will it be love at first sight?

Katy Perry’s split from Russell Brand, 36, may still Sting for the 27-year-old, but she’s wasting no time moving on and her parents – Keith and Mary Hudson – are 100 percent on her side. They’re even going as far as trying to set their daughter up with the Denver Broncos starting quarterback, Tim Tebow!

“[Katy's] mentioned on more than one occasion how much she likes Tim,” a source tells OK! magazine.”Katy’s mom firmly believes the best cure for heartache is to quickly fall in love again … In her mind, Tebow is the perfect guy for her daughter. He’s handsome, charming, intelligent and above all, a good Christian.”

Katy’s parents have gone as far as inviting Tim to speak at the church Katy used to sing at in Huntington Beach, Calif. Of course – when Katy will be there!

[From Hollywood Life]

Sure, I’ll believe that Katy will be the first one to move on, publicly at least. Who knows, Russell might already be shagging random babes, but he probably has at least enough decency to keep things under wraps for the immediate future. If and when Katy starts getting hot and heavy with a new guy, she’ll be shoving it down our collective throats.

However (and I could be wrong), I just cannot buy that Katy is moving on already. If she’s thinking about hooking up with Tebow to make Russell jealous, well, that won’t work at all. Look at what happened the last time she tried to call Russell’s bluff. He filed for divorce. And since Katy’s still reportedly looking to patch things up (she’s even supposedly called off her latest public appearance to that effect), this story just doesn’t wash … if for no other reason than that Tebow would (theoretically) be quite keen to start a family with any future lady love. And Katy don’t play that game, right?

Still, Tim Tebow is kind of cute. I’d probably go there.

Photos courtesy of Fame

19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Katy Perry on divorce gossip: 'No one speaks for me,' not even 'my family'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Katy Perry on divorce gossip: 'No one speaks for me,' not even 'my family'
When Russell Brand filed for divorce from Katy Perry on Dec. 30, many people assumed that the long pop cultural nightmare was over. No such luck. Instead, we’ve had to endure an endless dissection of their presumed relationship issues, which include Katy allegedly eschewing motherhood, Russell’s alleged wheelchair fetish, and a bunch of crap from last week’s tabloids. Now the blame game seems to have slowed to a dribble, and the pair are looking towards their own respective separate futures. On an immediate note, the Mail is reporting that organizers of this week’s People Choice Awards have “unceremoniously uninvited” Russell from the ceremony so as to avoid a potential showdown (as if) on the red carpet and not disturb “Katy’s big night” in her lead up to the Grammys. Something tells me that Russell (a.k.a., “Lonely in London“) isn’t too terribly torn up about this turn of events. Hell, this awards show probably wasn’t even on his radar.

In other Katy news, I’m actually starting to feel a bit of pity for her in one regard, which is that her parents are clearly using this divorce (just like the rest of Katy’s career) for their own financial advantage:

Katy Perry’s religious parents have managed to see something positive in the breakdown of their daughter’s one year marriage. The pair spoke about their daughter’s divorce for the first time – from the pulpit of their evangelical church, which was unusually packed it seems.

Pastors Keith and Mary Hudson were seen taking to the stage to speak out about their famous daughter and the audience appeared captivated. The ministers suggested her split with Russell Brand was a gift sent by God – to help them fill churches.

Mary, 63, preached to the Church on the Rise congregation in Westlake, Ohio: “I’m sure that Katy’s trending on the Internet was to get you here to church tonight. I mean all over the world, who knows how God is bringing them in? The most important thing is you are here and God wants to put the fire in you in 2012.”

Mary was dressed in an all black ensemble with over the knee bots and a black jumper which she accessorised with a chunky silver necklace. She and husband Keith, 63, billed themselves as “Katy Perry’s parents” in marketing materials for the event, reported CNN. They spoke for about 90 minutes to 300 worshippers in the first service since Katy’s split with the comedian on Friday. A video was shown before the Hudsons took the stage in Ohio showed them at award shows with Katy.

Keith told the crowd he converted from a drug user to a Christian when he was 24 years old. He added that his daughter’s success had helped the couple share their beliefs with Hollywood superstars. “What has taken place in my daughter’s life has opened many opportunities to go in and be with guarded and gated people. God has given us a platform to go in and meet people — and they like us because we are cool. We are not threatening.

“I love my daughter and I will always love her. Stop being judgmental and critical. Do not close the doors to your loved ones, especially your children. Just because they do not like what you do or what you are, they are still praying that you stay in the race. They are counting on you. I believe in God, for every one of my children.”

[From Daily Mail]

In response, Katy has taken to her Twitter account not only thank her fans for their support but also to dress down her family for talking out of school without permission:

I certainly can’t blame Katy for being so irritated with her parents, who have seen their own fortunes rise along with Katy’s career. It’s rather sickening that they have no problem exploiting their daughter’s personal life for their own financial gains, but this has been an ongoing problem with Katy’s family. Will they actually listen to their daughter this time? Probably not.

Photos courtesy of Fame and WENN

More Photos Here

19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Katy Perry Wanted Russell Brand to File
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Katy Perry Wanted Russell Brand to File
Katy Perry was not blindsided by Russell Brand’s divorce filing as TMZ previously assumed. Sources now say Katy and Russell knew this was coming a couple months ago but didn’t want to end the marriage without seeing if they could work things out. Clearly, that failed.

Katy and Russell decided on the divorce a few weeks ago but didn’t want to be in town when the papers were filed so they booked separate vacations. And since Katy’s parents are evangelical Christians, she didn’t want to be the one to file because she was taught divorce is wrong. Much like championing two chicks making out is wrong. Oh… wait.

19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Katy Perry 'was raised to believe divorce is wrong,' so Brand was the one to file
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Katy Perry 'was raised to believe divorce is wrong,' so Brand was the one to file
Late Friday afternoon (here on the East Coast), People Magazine broke the news that Russell Brand had filed for divorce from his wife of 14 months, Katy Perry. This news was not shocking to most of us. Personally, the only shocking thing was that they made it past a year. They were rarely together – Katy was always on tour, Russell was always?? Hanging out with his sober friends, I suppose, and working on movies. Russell and Katy spent the last months of their marriage claiming that they were fine, that they were fully committed to each other, that everything was rosy. Katy even said she was taking a year off, and some thought she was going to try to have a ?band-aid baby? to fix the marriage. In the end though, it played out just as expected. And now comes the post-game analysis, the ?WHY? of the breakup, as explained by various sources.

Sources close to Katy Perry and Russell Brand tell TMZ … the couple was infatuated with each other when they tied the knot, but the honeymoon ended very quickly. According to our sources, Katy and Russell were initially head over heels for each other ? each fascinated to be with someone who was an extreme opposite.

But we’re told the two began a regime of constant bickering after they got married — often in front of people at clubs and awards shows. They’re both very stubborn and neither would easily back down.

Our sources tell us … because of the friction and their schedules …they never spent long periods of time with each other.

One big bone of contention … Russell was much more of a homebody than Katy. Katy loved going out and partying, while Russell (who is sober) didn’t enjoy the scene at all. We’re told he would often insist on leaving places early and asking her to come with … which would trigger an argument.

But we’re told … as the dust settles, neither hates the other — far from it. There’s no bad blood between them, and neither of them believes the other cheated.

As one person put it, “It was just a bad pairing.”

[From TMZ]

I believe that Russell?s sobriety and more low-key lifestyle definitely played a part, especially compared to Katy?s rock star lifestyle. But I think I?d also attribute some of that to Katy?s youth too – she?s 27 years old? 27 going on 14, it seems. And Russell is nearly a decade older, but he?s already lived a full life of addiction and sexual escapades, and he?s done with it? sort of. But I really do wonder if he was screwing around on Katy. I think he probably was. Old dogs, etc.

Anyway, TMZ had another story about why Russell was the one to file for divorce – something about Katy?s parents and religion? blah:

Katy Perry WANTED Russell Brand to file the court papers in their divorce … because she didn’t want to upset her religious parents … sources connected to the former couple tell TMZ.

We’re told … Katy and Russell knew the relationship was on the rocks a couple of months ago — but didn’t want to give up on the marriage without making a concerted effort to work things out. But the effort fell flat … with both sides feeling “it just wasn’t there.”

We’re told both Katy and Russell were on board with the divorce a few weeks ago — but they didn’t want to be in town when the papers were filed … so he went back to England and she booked it to Hawaii.

Since Katy’s parents are evangelical Christians, we’re told she didn’t want to be the one to “officially” end the marriage by filing the docs … since she was raised to believe divorce is wrong.

After he filed the docs, Russell released a statement Friday insisting the two will “remain friends.”

[From TMZ]

So, Katy was raised to believe that ?divorce is wrong,? but her super-religious parents won?t mind because their daughter wasn?t the one to file? What kind of BS technicality is that?

Oh, and Russell could make tens of millions of dollars off of the divorce too – half of Katy?s earnings, because there was no prenup. Sigh? I hope they don?t fight about money. I doubt they will.

Photos courtesy of Fame.

19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Russell Brand Files for Divorce from Katy Perry, World Shocked
Added 12 years agoSource: Yeeeah
Russell Brand Files for Divorce from Katy Perry, World Shocked
Well, I totally didn’t see this coming. Russell Brand and Katy Perry are calling it quits after a little more than one year together. Granted, in Hollywood years, that’s like the equivalent to at least 5. Says TMZ,

Russell Brand has filed for divorce from Katy Perry … TMZ has learned.

In the docs, filed in L.A., Brand cites “irreconcilable differences.” The two were married Oct. 23, 2010 in India. They have no kids.

The divorce docs say there are “community property assets” — it’s a sign there might not be a prenup, or if there is one it doesn’t cover all of the earnings and other assets they accumulated.

The docs do not give a date the couple separated.

Russell has released a statement, claiming, “Sadly, Katy and I are ending our marriage. I’ll always adore her and I know we’ll remain friends.”

Russell proposed to Katy in India on New Year’s Eve 2009 — nearly two years ago … to the day.

Sources had told TMZ the couple was having problems, evidenced by the fact that they spent Christmas apart and neither was wearing a wedding ring.

Although it’s not 100%, based on what we now know it appears Brand may have blindsided Perry by filing the divorce petition.

Russell appeared on “Ellen” just this month, slamming divorce rumors — claiming, “I’m really happily married … I?m married to Katy. Perpetually, until death do us part was the pledge. I?m still alive.”

So judging from what he said, Russell Brand is now a walker, and the zombie apocalypse is upon us. That’s okay, I’ve been stockpiling rations and guns in my mom’s basement for the past 5 years. I’m good to go.

Kate Moss looking a lot better than she has in a long time:

19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Russell Brand files for divorce from Katy Perry, how shocking (not really)
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Russell Brand files for divorce from Katy Perry, how shocking (not really)
Opposite of shocking, party of two. After a lot of reports about their crumbling marriage, it looks like Katy Perry and Russell Brand are over. Who would have thought? Oh, right. Everyone. The only thing that is somewhat shocking is that it looks like Rusty is the one who is pulling the plug.

A year after their fairy-tale wedding in India, it seems Katy Perry and Russell Brand won’t be living happily ever after.

Brand, 36, filed for divorce in Los Angeles on Friday, citing irreconcilable differences.

“Sadly, Katy and I are ending our marriage,” he said in a statement to PEOPLE. “I’ll always adore her and I know we’ll remain friends.”

The Superior Court filing, which lists Perry by her given name of Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, does not list a date of separation.

The pair have been spotted without their wedding rings in recent days amid reports they spent the holidays apart, with Perry in Hawaii and Brand in the U.K.

The California-born pop star, 27, and the British comedian-turned-actor began dating in 2009. Brand popped the question four months later, and they were married in October 2010 in a lavish ceremony ? that included two elephants as well as acrobats and jugglers ? at a luxury resort in northern India.

In the early months of their marriage, the two were giddy in their compliments to each other.

Perry called Brand her great man of God, while Brand said his spiritual and emotional connection to his bride made him “love everyone.”

In Redbook’s April issue, Brand said he had been more than happy to give up his partying ways to settle down.

“I think I was ready for it,” he said. “If you’re wild, like a wild animal, marriage won’t contain you. I think that’s how a lot of people get into trouble.”

But in recent weeks, they faced a drumbeat of rumors of trouble in their marriage. Both laughed off the reports, with Brand telling Ellen DeGeneres earlier this month, “I am really happily married.”

[From People Magazine]

Look, I’m not one of the people who is going to pretend to get all sad about this. This union had “disaster” written all over it. The single biggest signal for me was that Rusty & Katy got married on literally their only free week in a year full of competing schedules. Just after their wedding, Katy was promoting her album and on tour, and Russell was promoting and shooting films. And when they were together, it was constant fighting and bickering, despite the denials and photo ops. The writing was on the wall during the VMAs in September, when Katy was wasted (and talking about how wasted she was) and Russell was only there to discuss Amy Winehouse and sobriety. Disaster. Oh, and I totally think Russell was screwing around too. He and that blonde were looking very friendly.

Oh, and they can both eat a bag of dicks for announcing this late on a Friday before a holiday.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Katy Perry and Russell Brand May Split Soon
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Katy Perry and Russell Brand May Split Soon
Good news everyone who thinks they have a chance with Katy Perry. Katy Perry and Russell Brand had a fight over the holidays which resulted in them spending Christmas thousands of miles apart. A source says they haven’t split just yet but the fights are getting worse.

“They had a massive fight,” an insider tells Us Weekly. “She was like, ‘F–k you. I’m going to do my own thing.’ Russell replied, ‘Fine, f–k you too.’” Us Weekly

Katy was originally planning to fly her family to London for the holidays, but after the fight, Perry went to Hawaii instead with some friends.

One of the main issues says a source, “Katy doesn’t think Russell respects her parents’ Christian beliefs or her friends.”

Which is surprising because anyone could have figured this out beforehand. Russell Brand is an ex-drug addict and controversial comedian who banged a lot of women. “Christian beliefs” ranks right under “bums taking a dump in the street” on Brand’s list of things he respects

19-Sep-2023 :Katy Perry sold her entire five-album catalog for $225 million: too low??
31-Mar-2023 :Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom made a pact not to drink for three months
17-Mar-2023 :Orlando Bloom tries not to be shady about Katy Perry: ?We recognize each ...
6-Jul-2022 :Katy Perry said words about abortion while supporting an anti-choice cand...
29-Oct-2021 :Katy Perry is saving her crazy outfits for her daughter, Daisy, to wear s...
10-Feb-2021 :Katy Perry: ?Nobody talks about the first six weeks after you have the ba...
9-Feb-2021 :Scorpio mom Katy Perry: ?My daughter is a Virgo and she thrives in routin...
30-Jun-2020 :Katy Perry was ?broken? after 2017 split with Orlando, ?gratitude saved m...
6-May-2020 :Katy Perry misses booze: ?I?m not complaining, but I can?t drink, because...
5-Apr-2020 :Katy Perry reveals she?s expecting a girl by smearing pink icing on Orlan...
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Katy Perry and Russell Brand had a 'massive fight' that ruined Christmas
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Katy Perry and Russell Brand had a 'massive fight' that ruined Christmas
Yesterday, we discussed Katy Perry and Russell Brand’s respective solo Christmas celebrations 7000 miles apart from each other. It seemed like a bizarre move since Katy is no longer on tour and also quite suspicious from a couple who has invested so much energy running their mouths to talk show hosts and People about how their union is both so marvelous and enlightened that we couldn’t possibly understand. Yet the couple spent one of the most important (from either a secular or religious standpoint) days of the year with one of them in Hawaii and the other in Cornwall. So what gives?

As a side note, some of you took slight offense yesterday at my description of Katy as “too selfish” to have a baby, so I’d like to stress that I don’t believe that all childless women are inherently “selfish.” It’s just that Katy herself has pulled such a huge bait and switch by her own admissions, and I think that Russell was really looking forward to settling down. When they married, she acted like she was game for starting a family, but now she’s all about loving alcohol instead. Obviously, she’s not ready for kids and would rather please herself, and that’s her prerogative, but no one can blame Russell (a recovering addict) if he’s disappointed as a result. Also, I will gladly point out that I’m a mother and still consider myself to be a pretty “selfish” human being, and I continually struggle to beat that aspect of my own personality into submission. Being a mother is a huge adjustment is all I’m saying, and that doesn’t make it any more lofty than a childless state. It’s just a huge undertaking and signals the virtual end of “me time,” and Katy obviously isn’t into going there at this point and possibly never.

At any rate, Us Weekly has dug a bit deeper into the Christmas mystery and has unearthed an exclusive on Katy and Russell’s “massive fight” that resulted in very separate holidays for the couple:

It was Christmastime fireworks for Katy Perry and Russell Brand this year — but not the good kind!

After planning to whisk her family via private jet to husband Brand’s London hometown for the holidays, Perry, 27, changed course, opting to fly to Hawaii with friends.

“They had a massive fight,” an insider tells Us Weekly. “She was like, ‘F–k you. I’m going to do my own thing.’ Russell replied, ‘Fine, f–k you too.’”

Which explains why, come Dec. 25, the multi-platinum singer was snapped splashing in the Pacific Ocean off Kauai — sans wedding ring. Meanwhile, British comic Brand, 36, was catching up with a pal in a pub in chilly Coverack, Cornwall.

Though the pair denied divorce rumors in November, sources say trouble is brewing. “They haven’t split up just yet, but things are not good,” says the first source. “The fighting is getting worse.”

At issue? Among other things, explains another source: “Katy doesn’t think Russell respects her parents’ Christian beliefs or her friends.”

So will the couple — who wed in October 2010 after a whirlwind courtship — make it through 2012? Says the first source, “The split may come soon, but they are both so dramatic and volatile, the relationship could become great again.”

Honestly? It sounds like Russell woke up one day and figured out that Katy wasn’t nearly as “endlessly fascinating” as he’d believed. Of course, everyone else knew it all along. Poor guy. I’m not sure whether Russell and Katy would actually fight over her parents’ religion, since they have famously declared that Katy herself is destined to go to hell. Besides, Russell hangs with Katy’s dad in public and probably has grown quite accustomed to brushing off all offers of being saved. However and as to the notion of Russell disliking Katy’s friends, if they’re as immature as she portrays herself to be, then I can see why Russell wouldn’t be crazy about spending Christmas with the lot of them.

Overall, I think the most telling aspect of this current round of rumors is the Twitter silence of both Katy and Russell, who have both taken time out to tweet about other things, in regard to their relationship. Neither one of them has run to the media with a denial either. Maybe they’re both finally tired of faking it.

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News, Fame, and WENN

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