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Jennifer Lopez News & Gossip
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Us Weekly: Jennifer Lopez & Marc Anthony's custody war is getting 'vicious'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Us Weekly: Jennifer Lopez & Marc Anthony's custody war is getting 'vicious'
Jennifer Lopez and her facially-challenged boyfriend Casper Smart are loved up all over the world. The message is clear: J.Lo, true to form and true to her relationship history, has moved on from Marc Anthony and quickly jumped into a serious relationship? with a 24-year-old backup dancer. As you can imagine, the super-controlling Marc Anthony is NOT pleased. One of the biggest issues seems to be that Jennifer is letting Casper spend time with twins Max and Emme. Marc doesn?t like it, and he?s planning on fighting Jennifer over every little custodial issue, at least according to Us Weekly:

It’s war! After what appeared to be a fairly civilized July split following seven years of marriage, things between Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony are getting seriously ugly, multiple insiders tell the new Us Weekly, out now.

The catalyst? Lopez’s newfound love with Casper Smart, a 24-year-old backup dancer who’s already getting along swimmingly with Max and Emme, Lopez’s 3-year-old twins with Anthony, 43.

When the Latin crooner spotted photos of Lopez and Smart bonding with his son and daughter during a Thanksgiving vacation in Kauai, Hawaii, he “hit the roof,” one source says. “It caused a huge blowup.”

Anthony’s next move: Although he and Lopez, 42, already hammered out custody arrangements for the twins — ceding primary custody to the singer and American Idol judge — a close source tells Us he’s “going back on his word and saying his wants joint custody.”

His ultimate motive, says the source? “He wants to make Jennifer suffer because she’s having fun with someone new, and he knows this will hurt her on the deepest level.”

But Lopez, says another pal, is “ready to smash him if he tries anything?It’s getting vicious.”

[From Us Weekly]

This wouldn?t surprise me at all, actually. It?s all ?amicable? and ?look at us, we?re co-parenting!? until one of the parents gets a new partner, and then all hell breaks loose. Marc Anthony is rather douchey, that?s a given, and I believe he would make an issue out of the custody just as a way to ?control? Jennifer. But! Jennifer introduced Casper to her kids WAY too soon, and I kind of feel like Marc does have the right to be upset. Also: I appreciate anything that can be done to separate Jennifer and that completely FUBAR backup dancer.

Photos courtesy of Fame.

31-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck ?are still living separately? she seems okay...
31-May-2024 :Us Weekly: Jennifer Lopez doesn?t want a fourth divorce but Ben is ?check...
30-May-2024 :Sterling K. Brown is going viral for being pretty shady to Jennifer Lopez
29-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez?s $90 million Vegas residency might be in danger of being ...
24-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez shuts down a Mexican journalist when he asked about the ?r...
21-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez stepped out solo at the ?Atlas? premiere as her marriage f...
20-May-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez went to dinner & Emme?s school event on Sund...
16-May-2024 :In Touch: Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck are ?headed for a divorce? & Ben?s...
7-May-2024 :Met Gala co-chair Jennifer Lopez wore an icy Schiaparelli: love it or hat...
19-Apr-2024 :Jennifer Lopez is disappointed by ticket sales but ?doesn?t care what oth...
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J.Lo and her boy toy go jewelry shopping in the new Bentley she lent him
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
J.Lo and her boy toy go jewelry shopping in the new Bentley she lent him
We’ve seen J.Lo and her 24 year-old backup dancer boyfriend on vacation with her kids in Hawaii and we’ve seen them kissing in “candid” photos. Each of those photo ops were captured by just one photo agency, so now comes the big rollout. Lopez and Baby Doucheface were seen visiting a jewelry store in Calabasas, CA yesterday. It’s unknown what they purchased inside, but they exited separate and staged some evasive maneuvers while leaving in order to make it seem like they didn’t call the paps. It looks like Lopez just picked the perfect Christmas gifts for herself: a young piece of ass, a nice piece of jewelry and another public “f you” to her ex. Do you think this trip involves any sort of engagement ring? I’m hoping not. She already has a huge rock on her right hand that she wore into the store. Look, she’s holding it up for us.

At first I thought that Lopez had gifted this tricked-out white Bentley convertible to Smart, but a careful read of this TMZ article reveals that she’s just been letting him drive it without her. This of course pisses off her ex, Marc Anthony, who has told Lopez that Smart can’t drive with their three year-old twins in the car. Anthony is understandably protective of his children, especially since Smart has a criminal record after being arrested for speeding and driving on a suspended license. That doesn’t seem to bother Lopez, though, she’s thinking with her ego and making sure the public sees that she’s desirable to one of her young employees.

As Bedhead mentioned on Friday, Lopez allegedly got mistaken for Smart’s mother while ordering at McDonalds, which caused her to storm off without her Filet o’ Fish. The kid looks about 16 years old, it’s an honest mistake.

Speaking of kids, Lopez is part of the “Big Stars, Big Giving” special on CNN. She started a foundation in 2009 with her sister to provide medical services for needy children. It’s called the Maribel Foundation, and is named after of Marc Anthony’s sister who died at the age of 8 from brain cancer. Lopez told CNN that she was inspired to start the charity after experiencing a medical scare with her daughter Emmme. When Emme was a few days old, Lopez found a lump on the baby’s head. Everything turned out fine, but Lopez explains that freaked out about it and thought “What if I didn?t have access to great health care? What if I was a mom just sitting there and there was something wrong with my baby and there was nothing I could do about it?” That’s nice of her to start a charity, although the cynic in me thinks it’s for tax purposes. I’m honestly surprised this is the first I’m hearing of this charity. I tried to look it up on a few different charity review sites like Charity Navigator, The Better Business Bureau Charity Reviews and Give Well, and it’s not yet rated. Given the track record of other celebrity charities, I think it’s safe to take a wait and see approach.

Photo credit: Fame

31-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck ?are still living separately? she seems okay...
31-May-2024 :Us Weekly: Jennifer Lopez doesn?t want a fourth divorce but Ben is ?check...
30-May-2024 :Sterling K. Brown is going viral for being pretty shady to Jennifer Lopez
29-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez?s $90 million Vegas residency might be in danger of being ...
24-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez shuts down a Mexican journalist when he asked about the ?r...
21-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez stepped out solo at the ?Atlas? premiere as her marriage f...
20-May-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez went to dinner & Emme?s school event on Sund...
16-May-2024 :In Touch: Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck are ?headed for a divorce? & Ben?s...
7-May-2024 :Met Gala co-chair Jennifer Lopez wore an icy Schiaparelli: love it or hat...
19-Apr-2024 :Jennifer Lopez is disappointed by ticket sales but ?doesn?t care what oth...
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Jennifer Lopez is pissed because people think she's her boyfriend's mom
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Lopez is pissed because people think she's her boyfriend's mom
Here’s a photo of Jennifer Lopez a few day ago while en route to tape the eleventh season of “American Idol.” Business is going well for Ms. Lopez, but her private life may have hit (another) rocky patch. You see, people just won’t let her date 24-year-old Casper Smart (or as CB likes to call him, “Baby Doucheface”) in peace even though she was the one who wanted us all to know that she was banging a much younger dude. And Jennifer even took the dude on vacation to Hawaii along with her 3-year-old twins.

Then the trouble started. Jennifer’s mom stopped speaking to her, and Marc Anthony refused to work with her when Baby Doucheface was in tow. Also complicating matters is the fact that Jennifer really doesn’t think that she looks too much older than Casper. Why, they almost look the same age, right? Right?

Well, The Enquirer has heard from a few eyewitnesses who say that Jennifer is being mistaken for Casper’s mother while they’re out in public together. It’s kind of hilarious merely because Lopez always acts like an entitled brat, and now she’s actually dating a little brat herself. Naturally, the diva is pissed off and throwing tantrums as a result:

“I’m his girlfriend — not his mother!”

That’s what an irate Jennifer Lopez spat after the hot-blooded “American Idol” judge, 42, was mistaken for being the mama of her 24-year-old toyboy Casper Smart! The curvy diva is disgusted with strangers assuming she is Casper’s mother and it’s affecting her ego, sources say.

“Jennifer is tired of people making comments,” divulged a source close to the Latina bombshell, who is separated from her husband of seven years, salsa singer Marc Anthony. “She doesn’t know what’s worse — being mistaken for Casper’s mother or accused of being a cradle-robbing cougar!”

At 18 years Casper’s senior, the booty-ful star is technically old enough to be his mother. “But it kills Jennifer every time the age difference is brought to her attention,” noted an insider.

“The two of them stopped in a McDonald’s recently, and Jennifer was mortified when the cashier asked Casper if he wanted to have his mother’s order added to his or if they were going to pay separately. Jennifer shouted: “I’m his girlfriend — not his mother!” And then she grabbed Casper’s arm and marched out in a huff, the insider said. Added another source: “The cashier’s comment really bruised her ego.”

Now sources say that when J.Lo goes out with her tattooed toyboy, the image-conscious entertainer wears very little makeup and run-of-the-mill outfits so she doesn’t draw attention to the two of them. But she just can’t disguise the age difference. And during another outing, Jennifer blew up when a bartender asked to see Casper’s ID but not hers, the insider divulged.

“Jennifer just doesn’t think she looks that much older than Casper and took huge offense when the bartender carded Casper and not her,” the source said. “Jennifer enjoys spending time with Casper, but her ego is taking a solid beating. Friends predict the nonstop comments from strangers are the beginning of the end for the couple.”

[From Enquirer, print edition, December 26, 2011]

Aww man, you mean that Casper didn’t even get to eat his Happy Meal before Jennifer made him leave McDonald’s? That’s some unpalatable, bad mommy-like behavior right there. Can you imagine this poor little face right after it learned that there would be no McDonald’s that day?

Seriously though, if Jennifer has a problem with age difference, she shouldn’t have decided to date a guy who’s young enough to be her own son. If this story is true (and it likely is), then Jennifer either needs to dump the guy or make like Madonna and just ignore what everyone is saying. Barring her ability to tune out the opinions of others, Jennifer might want to go with someone a little more age appropriate. Or even just be single for awhile. Such a novel thought.

Photos courtesy of Fame and WENN

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31-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck ?are still living separately? she seems okay...
31-May-2024 :Us Weekly: Jennifer Lopez doesn?t want a fourth divorce but Ben is ?check...
30-May-2024 :Sterling K. Brown is going viral for being pretty shady to Jennifer Lopez
29-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez?s $90 million Vegas residency might be in danger of being ...
24-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez shuts down a Mexican journalist when he asked about the ?r...
21-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez stepped out solo at the ?Atlas? premiere as her marriage f...
20-May-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez went to dinner & Emme?s school event on Sund...
16-May-2024 :In Touch: Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck are ?headed for a divorce? & Ben?s...
7-May-2024 :Met Gala co-chair Jennifer Lopez wore an icy Schiaparelli: love it or hat...
19-Apr-2024 :Jennifer Lopez is disappointed by ticket sales but ?doesn?t care what oth...
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Jennifer Lopez: "American Idol" Goes to Pasadena
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Lopez:
ending to her latest ?American Idol? duties, Jennifer Lopez was spotted arriving to auditions in Pasadena, CA earlier today (December 13).

The ?On the Floor? songstress looked super snazzy in cream-colored slacks, a black top and yellow jacket as she made her way inside with the guiding of a bodyguard.

Aside from working on Season 11 of her hit FOX show, after being featured in a commercial for Fiat a few months back, Lopez is in a new ad for a fancy home-theater by Harman/Kardon.

The commercial (found below) opens with Jen turning on her sound system and enjoying the music while the room around her crumbles before eventually transforming into a beautiful new space.

More Photos Here

31-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck ?are still living separately? she seems okay...
31-May-2024 :Us Weekly: Jennifer Lopez doesn?t want a fourth divorce but Ben is ?check...
30-May-2024 :Sterling K. Brown is going viral for being pretty shady to Jennifer Lopez
29-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez?s $90 million Vegas residency might be in danger of being ...
24-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez shuts down a Mexican journalist when he asked about the ?r...
21-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez stepped out solo at the ?Atlas? premiere as her marriage f...
20-May-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez went to dinner & Emme?s school event on Sund...
16-May-2024 :In Touch: Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck are ?headed for a divorce? & Ben?s...
7-May-2024 :Met Gala co-chair Jennifer Lopez wore an icy Schiaparelli: love it or hat...
19-Apr-2024 :Jennifer Lopez is disappointed by ticket sales but ?doesn?t care what oth...
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Jennifer Lopez's Beach Martial Arts in Montevideo
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Lopez's Beach Martial Arts in Montevideo
Getting in some fun in the sun, Jennifer Lopez was spotted at the seashore in Montevideo, Uruguay earlier today (December 8).

The ?On the Floor? songstress was shooting scenes for her upcoming talent show ?Q?Viva? at the Playa de los Ingleses beach, including a dance routine with a group of Brazilian dance-fighting performers.

In personal news, J.Lo and her estranged husband Marc Anthony are still yet to file for divorce, despite splitting up back in July.

Regarding the delay in making things official, an insider shared, ?Their lawyers have been working out terms of a settlement before they officially file for divorce. There is no rush to do so because both sides agree on the formal date of separation.?

?Marc and Jennifer have homes, businesses, and are minority owners of the Miami Dolphins football team. It?s complicated and it could be at least several more months before final terms of the settlement are agreed upon. They will formally file in California because it?s a no fault state and the divorce will be legal six months from the time it?s filed.?

31-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck ?are still living separately? she seems okay...
31-May-2024 :Us Weekly: Jennifer Lopez doesn?t want a fourth divorce but Ben is ?check...
30-May-2024 :Sterling K. Brown is going viral for being pretty shady to Jennifer Lopez
29-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez?s $90 million Vegas residency might be in danger of being ...
24-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez shuts down a Mexican journalist when he asked about the ?r...
21-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez stepped out solo at the ?Atlas? premiere as her marriage f...
20-May-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez went to dinner & Emme?s school event on Sund...
16-May-2024 :In Touch: Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck are ?headed for a divorce? & Ben?s...
7-May-2024 :Met Gala co-chair Jennifer Lopez wore an icy Schiaparelli: love it or hat...
19-Apr-2024 :Jennifer Lopez is disappointed by ticket sales but ?doesn?t care what oth...
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Jennifer Lopez's mom won't speak to her now that she's dating baby doucheface
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Lopez's mom won't speak to her now that she's dating baby doucheface
You know how everyone is like “what is she thinking?” when they see photos of Jennifer Lopez with her new piece, 24 year-old backup dancer, Casper Smart? As Kaiser mentioned in an earlier story, it would make sense if the guy was attractive, but he just looks so… douchey. I know we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, etc., but come on. If you saw this guy in person would you assume that he had a ton of redeeming qualities beyond his physique? Anyway J.Lo’s mother, Guadalupe, apparently shares the public’s sentiment about her daughter’s new boyfriend. Guadalupe is close with her daughter and has lived with her on Long Island so she can watch her grandchildren, Lopez’s three year-old twins with her ex, Marc Anthony. Lopez’s mom is pissed that her daughter is exposing the kids to a new father figure so soon. Lopez went on a Hawaiian vacation with Smart and her twins over Thanksgiving, and outlets reported how great he was with her kids. This new romance does not sit well with Guadalupe, who won’t even speak with her daughter at this point. (If this Star story is accurate.)

A source close to the singer… tells Star that Guadalupe is “devastated” over Jen dating such a young man so soon after her split from Marc – and she’s cut off contact with her A-list daughter! “Guadalupe has become very upset with what she says is Jennifer’s poor judgment,” reveals an insider. “They’re not on speaking terms at the moment.”

More than anything, Guadalupe – who has been a caretaker for Jen’s 3 year-old twins… is upset about J.Lo flaunting the fling in front of her children. “The kids are struggling to understand what’s happened with their father and mother,” the source says. “Then, all of a sudden, there is a new father figure in their life.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, December 12, 2011]

It looks like Lopez got the message, sort of. She left her kids at home when she jetted to Morocco with Smart yesterday, where she’s performing at the opening of a mall for an undoubtedly hefty fee. People has this news along with a quote from an “insider” that “Casper is with her, but she left the kids in L.A. Jennifer is expected back in L.A. before she heads to Peru with her kids for work.” She won’t talk about her dating life “directly”, and told Ryan Secrest, that “Until I’m in a really serious relationship – because of the babies – I’m not really gonna be commenting on my personal life.” She has no problem posing for plenty of paparazzi pics with the guy and giving quotes to People off the record, though. I wouldn’t be surprised if her mom is fed up with it and worried about her grandbabies.

Header photo from 7-9-11. Other event photos from 11-20-11. Credit: WENN

31-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck ?are still living separately? she seems okay...
31-May-2024 :Us Weekly: Jennifer Lopez doesn?t want a fourth divorce but Ben is ?check...
30-May-2024 :Sterling K. Brown is going viral for being pretty shady to Jennifer Lopez
29-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez?s $90 million Vegas residency might be in danger of being ...
24-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez shuts down a Mexican journalist when he asked about the ?r...
21-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez stepped out solo at the ?Atlas? premiere as her marriage f...
20-May-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez went to dinner & Emme?s school event on Sund...
16-May-2024 :In Touch: Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck are ?headed for a divorce? & Ben?s...
7-May-2024 :Met Gala co-chair Jennifer Lopez wore an icy Schiaparelli: love it or hat...
19-Apr-2024 :Jennifer Lopez is disappointed by ticket sales but ?doesn?t care what oth...
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Jennifer Lopez took her kids and her boy-toy Casper Smart to Hawaii
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Lopez took her kids and her boy-toy Casper Smart to Hawaii
As I?ve said before, I don?t understand why Jennifer Lopez is slumming it with her 24-year-old backup dancer, Casper Smart. It would be one thing if he was really pretty – that, I might understand. Every girl likes to look at pretty things. But Casper is not pretty. He has a good body and he can dance and? that?s about it. Which means THAT is how low Jennifer has set the bar. Good body and a good dancer – what is this, ninth grade?! Anyway, Jennifer took her kids and her boy-toy to Hawaii for some rest and relaxation. We don?t have the photos – you can see some here and here. Casper is just? how could you want to hit that? I don?t understand!

Fashionista Jennifer Lopez didn’t go shopping on Black Friday. Instead, she feasted her eyes on Casper Smart, her 24-year-old dancer beau of just a few weeks, who doffed his top during a sexy Thanksgiving vacation in Kauai, Hawaii.

New photos from Friday reveal Lopez, 42, sipping a tropical cocktail and lounging in her bikini in a cabana alongside her topless, muscular new man. As previously reported by Us Weekly, Lopez, Smart and her 3-year-old twins Max and Emme spent the Thanksgiving holiday in Hawaii.

“Casper was great with the kids,” a source told Us. During a Thursday outing on the beach, Smart (who’s performed with Lopez onstage numerous times) “was twirling them around and doing flips with Emme and she seemed very comfortable with him.”

Two Sundays ago — following a hot performance at the American Music Awards — the new couple packed on the PDA at a post-AMAs bash in L.A.

No word yet on whether Lopez and Smart are exclusive. In early November, Lopez hooked up with ex Marc Anthony (they split in July after seven years of marriage) in Puerto Rico.

Cautions a friend of the former super-couple: “They may sleep together, but they’re over!”

[From Us Weekly]

It?s already been pointed out that Jennifer claimed she wasn?t going to introduce her kids to any boyfriends unless it got serious. Does this mean that it?s ?serious? with Casper and Jennifer? Have they even had time to get ?serious?? They?ve been dating for what? A month or two? So, basically, Max and Emme are going to have lots of ?uncles? for a while OR Jennifer is going to end up marrying another g–damn backup dancer. COME ON J.LO. You can do better than this, on all fronts.

Photos courtesy of Fame.

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31-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck ?are still living separately? she seems okay...
31-May-2024 :Us Weekly: Jennifer Lopez doesn?t want a fourth divorce but Ben is ?check...
30-May-2024 :Sterling K. Brown is going viral for being pretty shady to Jennifer Lopez
29-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez?s $90 million Vegas residency might be in danger of being ...
24-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez shuts down a Mexican journalist when he asked about the ?r...
21-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez stepped out solo at the ?Atlas? premiere as her marriage f...
20-May-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez went to dinner & Emme?s school event on Sund...
16-May-2024 :In Touch: Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck are ?headed for a divorce? & Ben?s...
7-May-2024 :Met Gala co-chair Jennifer Lopez wore an icy Schiaparelli: love it or hat...
19-Apr-2024 :Jennifer Lopez is disappointed by ticket sales but ?doesn?t care what oth...
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Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony Hooked Up
Added 12 years agoSource: The Blemish
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony Hooked Up
Someone better talk to Jennifer Lopez’s new boyfriend Casper Smart, who she was grinding on and kissing at an AMAs after-party, because a source tells Us Weekly that Jennifer hooked up with Marc Anthony while filming their talent competition Q’Viva! The Chosenin Puerto Rico on November 8 and may very well hook-up with him again in December.

Marc was seen picking up Jennifer at the airport and “Marc never stayed in his hotel room.” A friend says about the hook-ups, “It’s inevitable. March has this hold over her.” But another friend says, “They may sleep together, but they’re over!”

I’d like to think I have a hold over women too but I think that may just be the handcuffs.

31-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck ?are still living separately? she seems okay...
31-May-2024 :Us Weekly: Jennifer Lopez doesn?t want a fourth divorce but Ben is ?check...
30-May-2024 :Sterling K. Brown is going viral for being pretty shady to Jennifer Lopez
29-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez?s $90 million Vegas residency might be in danger of being ...
24-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez shuts down a Mexican journalist when he asked about the ?r...
21-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez stepped out solo at the ?Atlas? premiere as her marriage f...
20-May-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez went to dinner & Emme?s school event on Sund...
16-May-2024 :In Touch: Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck are ?headed for a divorce? & Ben?s...
7-May-2024 :Met Gala co-chair Jennifer Lopez wore an icy Schiaparelli: love it or hat...
19-Apr-2024 :Jennifer Lopez is disappointed by ticket sales but ?doesn?t care what oth...
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Jennifer Lopez 'copies' Britney Spears at the AMAs: crass or cute'
Added 12 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Jennifer Lopez 'copies' Britney Spears at the AMAs: crass or cute'
Jennifer Lopez made a ?triumphant return? to the American Music Awards last night – she performed a medley of her hits “Until It Beats No More,” “Papi” and “On the Floor.” We only have photos of Jennifer?s post-performance gown, though – it?s this interesting Zuhair Murad gown that? I kind of love. I would hate this gown on nearly anyone else, but Jennifer comes really close to pulling it off. It?s a weird effect, but it?s good on her. I just wish J.Lo hadn?t gone full Croydon Facelift.

Anyway, about the medley – Jennifer wore Giambattista Valli at first, and then everything came off in layers until she was ?performing? in a nude bodysuit with sparkles, much like Britney Spears?s infamous VMA performance more than a decade ago. Here?s a pretty good video of J.Lo?s performance – if the video gets deleted, I?ll try to find another one:

People are making a big deal about Jennifer ?copying? something so iconic from Britney, but as a casual follower of Jennifer?s hit-or-miss performances, I can say that this is not even the first time Jennifer has performed in a nude bodysuit with sparkles – bitch loves catsuits and bodysuits, and this is nothing new. Still, I guess it?s interesting to see a 42 year old woman do the sparkly bodysuit thing.

Jennifer also won favorite Latin Artist, AND she got a standing ovation for her performance. Oh, J. Lo. One last thing: did anyone else notice the crassness with which Jennifer shilled for Fiat during her performance? She has a contract with Fiat, she put Fiat in her music video for ?Papi? and she actually did a commercial for Fiat. And now she?s pulling Fiats into her live performances. I don?t begrudge an artist for ?selling out,? but Jesus, even I find this incredibly crass.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

31-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck ?are still living separately? she seems okay...
31-May-2024 :Us Weekly: Jennifer Lopez doesn?t want a fourth divorce but Ben is ?check...
30-May-2024 :Sterling K. Brown is going viral for being pretty shady to Jennifer Lopez
29-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez?s $90 million Vegas residency might be in danger of being ...
24-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez shuts down a Mexican journalist when he asked about the ?r...
21-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez stepped out solo at the ?Atlas? premiere as her marriage f...
20-May-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez went to dinner & Emme?s school event on Sund...
16-May-2024 :In Touch: Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck are ?headed for a divorce? & Ben?s...
7-May-2024 :Met Gala co-chair Jennifer Lopez wore an icy Schiaparelli: love it or hat...
19-Apr-2024 :Jennifer Lopez is disappointed by ticket sales but ?doesn?t care what oth...
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Jennifer Lopez: Twin Time in NYC!
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Lopez: Twin Time in NYC!
Causing a paparazzi frenzy in New York City, Jennifer Lopez and her twins, Max and Emme, were spotted leaving their Big Apple hotel on Tuesday (November 8).

With her luscious locks pulled back in a tight bun, the ?On the Floor? songstress held onto Emme?s hand as Max was carried by a bodyguard just behind them.

Last night, Ms Lopez attended the Glamour Magazine?s 21st Annual Women of the Year Awards and chatted with Access Hollywood about ending her seven-year marriage to Marc Anthony.

?I think I?ve learned in the past year or two is that I can stand on my own two feet, and to give myself credit for that,? Jen told.

?To really give myself a little bit of love, instead of always beating myself up for what I didn?t do or how I could have done something better or what else I?m going to do next,? she continued. ?Just take a minute and a beat to appreciate the things that I have accomplished. That?s something that I have to work on, but I?m working on it. I?m getting better at it, I think.?

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31-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck ?are still living separately? she seems okay...
31-May-2024 :Us Weekly: Jennifer Lopez doesn?t want a fourth divorce but Ben is ?check...
30-May-2024 :Sterling K. Brown is going viral for being pretty shady to Jennifer Lopez
29-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez?s $90 million Vegas residency might be in danger of being ...
24-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez shuts down a Mexican journalist when he asked about the ?r...
21-May-2024 :Jennifer Lopez stepped out solo at the ?Atlas? premiere as her marriage f...
20-May-2024 :Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez went to dinner & Emme?s school event on Sund...
16-May-2024 :In Touch: Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck are ?headed for a divorce? & Ben?s...
7-May-2024 :Met Gala co-chair Jennifer Lopez wore an icy Schiaparelli: love it or hat...
19-Apr-2024 :Jennifer Lopez is disappointed by ticket sales but ?doesn?t care what oth...
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