| | |  | Hugh Jackman News & Gossip
| Hugh Jackman is awesome | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 If the chance arose, I’d probably offer myself to Hugh Jackman (no homo). He’s a manly man, with a caring compassionate side. Case in point.
Jackman, star of Wolverine opening today, spent $4,308.87 on 800 Arizona fans who camped outside a theater waiting for Wolverine to premiere the next day. That chunk of change bought 67 breakfast trays of bagels and muffins and 80 gallons of coffee.
What the hell? No orange juice, scrambled eggs, bacon and pancakes? I take back everything I said. You are dead to me, Hugh Jackman.
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| Hugh Jackman Surprises Fans with Free Breakfast | Added 15 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 Hugh Jackman has once again proven himself the consummate celebrity, indulging hundreds of fanboys (and fangirls) with a complimentary breakfast after they camped out all night long to see his new X-Men movie. Sigh! Swoon! The NY Daily News says
The ?Wolverine? star dropped a grand total of $4,308.87 on breakfast for 800 fans who had camped outside a Tempe, Ariz., movie theater the night before the latest ?X-Men? flick premiered. The bill covered 67 breakfast trays worth of bagels and muffins, as well as 80 gallons of coffee.
In an industry rife with insufferable douchebags and self-important asswipes, it does my heart good to post a story like this one. It warms the heart and — okay, I’m not going to lie anymore. I mostly did it to put up more pictures of him without his shirt on. His gallantry was just icing on the sex cake, metaphorically speaking. Mmm… sex cake. I’ll take two, please!
Holy Mary Mother of God:
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| S.S. Double Your Pleasure | Added 15 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 You know I like to give you girls something nice to look at, but I didn’t want to leave the guys out of it either. Well, I have come across the perfect solution: Halle Berry and Hugh Jackman at the X-Men Origins: Wolverine premiere! Yes! I have found the perfect balance! Maybe I should move on to achieving world peace now. For now, we can all be at peace ogling these two.
Halle Berry:
Hugh Jackman, plus a little Ryan Reynolds:
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| Hugh Jackman wanted to adopt in Asia or Africa, but couldn't | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Hugh Jackman is speaking publicly about his family - specifically, the adoption of daughter Ava and son Oscar, through American adoption agencies. Hugh claims that in his native Australia, adoption laws and regulations are ?too restrictive?, almost as if Australian agencies are trying to discourage adoption from Asia or Africa. Perhaps Hugh and wife Deborra-Lee should become American citizens, then try adopting from Asia or Africa - America seems to have a system that works pretty well. Or at least better than Australia?s system.
Hugh also defends Madonna?s attempted adoption of Mercy James, saying that he?s sure Madonna was coming from ?a good place?. I?m not so sure, but I love that Hugh tries to defend Madonna - such a gentleman. Hugh also basically says that people who claim any celebrity is adopting for publicity is crazy.
Hugh Jackman has sent a message of support to Madonna after her failed bid to adopt a Malawian orphan while bitterly attacking Australia’s adoption laws.
The Aussie movie star and his wife, Deborra-Lee, have two kids who they adopted as babies from America - Oscar, eight, and three-year-old Ava.
But, like Madonna, their hopes of giving a home to a Third World child were crushed by rules that made it virtually impossible to adopt from Africa or Asia.
Speaking exclusively Britain’s The Sun, Hugh - who hit cinema screens this week as razor-clawed X-Men character Wolverine - said: ?The adoption laws in Australia are too restrictive. Of course, checks need to be made. But they had a very negative approach.?
?It was like they were trying to discourage you. There are 130 million orphans in the world - who is looking after them? If you are a citizen of the world, on some level they are all our responsibility.?
?And if you have got parents who want to adopt and there are children who need a home, it seems like a no-brainer.?
?There are not that many children in Australia who need adopting, so we looked internationally and that is what is difficult.?
The couple turned to adoption after actress Deborra-Lee, 53, suffered repeat miscarriages.
But they insist they would have done it regardless.
Hugh, 40, said: ?We tried and it just didn?t happen for us. There was no particular medical reason.?
?We had a few miscarriages, which was very upsetting. But we always planned on adopting anyway, even if we had our own biological children.?
He said he could understand Madonna?s desire to add to her brood - Lourdes, 12, Rocco, eight, and three-year-old David Banda, who she adopted from Malawi in 2006.
And he is sickened by cynics who applauded an African judge?s decision to reject her bid to become mum to baby girl Mercy James earlier this month.
Hugh said: ?I challenge anyone who thinks you adopt a kid for a publicity stunt. Anyone parent knows that would have to be the most intensive publicity stunt in the world. I am sure she is coming from a good place.?
[From Australia?s Daily Telegraph]
That?s sad that Deborra-Lee had miscarriages - I had never heard that. Poor Deborra-Lee. I?ve also never heard that Australia has such a difficult adoption system. If Hugh Jackman, one of Australia?s best exports, can?t get the system to work for him, there?s something wrong. It sucks - I?m sure there are so many Australian families who would like to adopt abroad, but can?t because of the restrictions.
Here?s are Hugh and Deborah-Lee with Ava and Oscar at his handprint ceremony at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles on April 21st. Images thanks to WENN.com .
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| Mexican Wolverine premiere canceled due to swine flu | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 You know it’s bad when Hollywood says “no” to more money. The Wolverine premiere in Mexico has been canceled because of the swine flu outbreak and the possible health risks to Hugh Jackman and other (American) studio attendees. The studio head said that they had an “office filled with people we care about,” and it would be best for everyone if they didn’t attend.
Twentieth Century Fox has decided to postpone the premiere of X-Men Origins: Wolverine set for Wednesday in Mexico City, as the city remains paralyzed by the virus that has killed over 100 people. Dozens of cases of swine flu have also been detected stateside.
“We were not only concerned about Hugh’s welfare ? and we would never send anyone into harm’s way ? but we also have an enormous office filled with people we care about,” says a rep for the studio. “There was no point in proceeding under the current conditions.”
The Mexico government has asked for residents to stay home, shutting down schools and even the nation’s top movie-theater chains have opted to shut down dozens of cinemas. Hugh Jackman was the only cast member from the film expected to attend the Mexico City premiere.
“There is a possibility it could be rescheduled,” the rep says of the premiere. “Hugh is obviously beloved [there] so we’ll see what happens. We’ll monitor the situation.”
[from People]
There’s a chance it may be rescheduled, but this health scare isn’t going to go away quickly and by that time the movie will already have been in theaters for some time, so it probably won’t be worth it.
In regards to the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie, it is now being reported that the leaked version is the same length as the edited one. There was a lot of flak about the quality of the bootleg, not only without the finishing touches like sound effects and such, but also the movie itself - plot, dialogue, etc. Fox head Tom Rothman denied that the bootleg version was a good representation of the finished product and that there were a lot of unedited scenes still in the bootleg copy. But it turns out that both versions have the running time of 107 minutes. In editing, cutting a few seconds here or there really adds up, so an edited version should theoretically be at least a minute different one way or the other.
Here are Hugh Jackman and the cast of X-Men: Wolverine including Will.i.am, Lynn Collins, Ryan Reynolds, Liev Schreiber and Taylor Kitsch at the film’s premiere in Arizona on 4/27/09. Credit: Nector Marmolejos / WENN.com
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| Pop That Ass! | Added 15 years ago | Source: dListed |
 Yesterday in Hollywood, Hugh Jackmeoff got on all fours for a quick minute and afterwards his precious paws were covered in a warm, sticky substance. Usually, Hugh just licks a little off and then jazz dances away into the night. But this time he was getting some kind of plaque he can hang in his walk-in panty closet, so he stuck around. Hugh popped his ass out during the handprint and footprint ceremony at Grauman's Chinese Theater.
You know, this handprint and footprint shit is so damn old-fashioned. Who really cares what these celebwhores' hands are like. The last time I was there, I walked around thinking only one thing, "I wonder how big their penises are?" For real. So they need to stop with this handprint shit and start giving us peenprints! That's what we're all thinking when we're standing over Richard Widmark's footprints. How big is yo dick?
All they had to do was pop in an old Beta video of Liza Minnelli doing jazz hands on Broadway back in the day, so Hugh Jackman could get hard. After that, plop his dick into the cement and let it rest for a bit. Yes, his dick would end up looking like a melted down Twix, but I'm sure he's used to that.
Eff handprints. Viva peenprints!
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 Hugh Jackman has joined Twitter and I am so glad he did because this picture that he posted of him at the Red Square in Russia is just hot hot hot!!! Seriously how amazing does he look?
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| Hugh Jackman is disappointed | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 Hugh Jackman is “heartbroken” by the leak of a work print of his upcoming movie Wolverine. The same work print that Roger Friedman of Fox 411 downloaded, partially reviewed and was terminated for. The FBI and the MPAA have vowed to apprehend whoever made it available online, but as of yet, have made no progress despite the identifiers inserted into the film.
Hugh says this is akin to a Ferrari without a paint job, but doesn’t think this will affect actual attendance. He said this after being lowered from a helicopter on an aerial wire.
Whatever. If Gore Verbinski has taught me anything, it’s that you can’t catch a pirate. Even if you are given three chances. Plus, the MPAA doesn’t even understand what a computer is. To them, it’s a magical box that steals their money. If you asked them how one works, they’ll tell you that about 30 gnomes cast under a spell are stuffed inside to do whatever you command them to do. They’re still cursing at the mailman because he hasn’t delivered the e-mail reply his son said he sent him last week.
[Header image via Splash News]
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| Hugh Jackman is 'heartbroken' by 'Wolverine' leak | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Hugh Jackman’s much-anticipated action film Wolverine is due for release on May 1. The film is still undergoing editing and isn’t ready yet for viewing, but someone managed to get their hands on a copy and put it online in unfinished condition. Fox News entertainment columnist Roger Friedman brought attention to this by positively reviewing the illegal version in his now-canceled column Fox411, saying how easy it was to obtain along with other pirated media online. Friedman’s review was swiftly removed and he was canned by Fox, which counts Wolverine’s distribution company, 20th Century Fox, among its sister companies.
Jackman has addressed the illegal distribution of his upcoming film and expresses remorse that people are seeing a version that’s not ready. He likens it to “a Ferrari without a paint job.”:
“It’s a serious crime and there’s no doubt it’s very disappointing ? I was heartbroken by it,” Hugh Jackman said Wednesday about last week’s Internet leak of a work print of his X-Men Origins: Wolverine. “Obviously people are seeing an unfinished film. It’s like a Ferrari without a paint job.”
While Wolverine is set for official release on May 1, its studio, 20th Century Fox, says the FBI and the Motion Picture Association of America were investigating who might have pirated it and have promised to prosecute the culprits.
As part of a world tour to promote the movie, Jackman, 40, previewed about 20 minutes to about 600 fans in Sydney, Australia, and said he didn’t think the Web leak would harm eventual cinema attendance, the Associated Press reports. The star made his entrance from a helicopter ? and then to the ground on an aerial wire.
[From People]
Jackman is probably right and this film is likely to be a blockbuster no matter what, but it’s got to be frustrating to all of the people involved to have their hard work put out there before it’s complete. You often hear about the monetary cost of pirating but there is also all that effort people put into it, which can seem in vain when a movie gets out before it’s complete. Still you understand the primal urge to see this film before it’s out - it has Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiber in it! That’s just too much hotness at once. The movie-going public is bound to agree.
Here’s the trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine:
Hugh Jackman is shown promoting Wolverine in Sydney today. Credit: Carlos Costas, PacificCoastNewsOnline.com
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| Hugh Jackman is 'heartbroken' by pirate release of unfinished 'Wolverine' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Hugh Jackman’s much-anticipated action film Wolverine is due for release on May 1. The film is still undergoing editing and isn’t ready yet for viewing, but someone managed to get their hands on a copy and put it online in unfinished condition. Fox News entertainment columnist Roger Friedman brought attention to this by positively reviewing the illegal version in his now-canceled column Fox411, saying how easy it was to obtain along with other pirated media online. Friedman’s review was swiftly removed and he was canned by Fox, which counts Wolverine’s distribution company, 20th Century Fox, among its sister companies.
Jackman has addressed the illegal distribution of his upcoming film and expresses remorse that people are seeing a version that’s not ready. He likens it to “a Ferrari without a paint job.”:
“It’s a serious crime and there’s no doubt it’s very disappointing ? I was heartbroken by it,” Hugh Jackman said Wednesday about last week’s Internet leak of a work print of his X-Men Origins: Wolverine. “Obviously people are seeing an unfinished film. It’s like a Ferrari without a paint job.”
While Wolverine is set for official release on May 1, its studio, 20th Century Fox, says the FBI and the Motion Picture Association of America were investigating who might have pirated it and have promised to prosecute the culprits.
As part of a world tour to promote the movie, Jackman, 40, previewed about 20 minutes to about 600 fans in Sydney, Australia, and said he didn’t think the Web leak would harm eventual cinema attendance, the Associated Press reports. The star made his entrance from a helicopter ? and then to the ground on an aerial wire.
[From People]
Jackman is probably right and this film is likely to be a blockbuster no matter what, but it’s got to be frustrating to all of the people involved to have their hard work put out there before it’s complete. You often hear about the monetary cost of pirating but there is also all that effort people put into it, which can seem in vain when a movie gets out before it’s complete. Still you understand the primal urge to see this film before it’s out - it has Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiber in it! That’s just too much hotness at once. The movie-going public is bound to agree.
Here’s the trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine:
Hugh Jackman is shown promoting Wolverine in Sydney today. Credit: Carlos Costas, PacificCoastNewsOnline.com
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