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Ashton Kutcher: Influential Worker
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Ashton Kutcher: Influential Worker
Joining up with a sizable film crew, Ashton Kutcher was busy filming scenes for a new project in Beverly Hills, California on Thursday (April 29).

Getting a late start to the day, the "Punk'd" hunk tweeted of the convenient work hours, "Wearing bedroom slippers at noon does not necessarily mean you overslept..."

Meanwhile, Ashton recently was among the select few being to Time's 100 Most Influential People list.

Getting a writeup in the magazine via Sean "Diddy" Combs, the rap star told off Kutcher, "He is a sounding board for me. Like me, he's a mogul ? a new-media mogul. But we are yin and yang: I am in your face, but he is understated, cool, suave."

10-Sep-2023 :Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis wrote letters of support for rapist Danny Mas...
13-Sep-2021 :Ashton Kutcher greeted with a ?take a shower? chant on a live ESPN appear...
3-Jun-2020 :Ashton Kutcher: All Lives Matter people shouldn?t be cancelled, should be...
6-May-2020 :Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher get their single friends to teach their kids ...
3-Oct-2019 :Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis ?are very much in love? & have a ?strong? rel...
30-Sep-2019 :Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis did a super-obvious photo-op at Disneyland
4-Dec-2017 :Mila Kunis in Dolce & Gabbana at the Breakthrough Awards: stunning or meh...
2-Dec-2016 :Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher welcome their second child, a baby boy
16-Jun-2016 :Mila Kunis & Ashton are expecting their second kid, Wyatt is 20 months ol...
2-Mar-2016 :Ashton Kutcher Gushes Over Mila Kunis and Daughter Wyatt on ?Ellen?
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Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore: Yankees Lovers
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore: Yankees Lovers
Treating themselves to a sporty evening, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore were spotted at Yankee Stadium in New York City last night (April 15).

The ?Punk?d? hunk and his ?Ghost? gal looked intense as they watched the Yankees defeat the California Angels with a final score of 6-3.

In a recent interview, Demi sang the praises of her hubby. "My husband is an amazing human being and I'm really almost speechless when I try to describe him. There aren't words to wrap up the amazing gift we've found in each other. ... the best thing is that he loves me at my most vulnerable, at my most unglamorous and at my least attractive in always, not just physically."

As for how she stays in such great shape and maintains her vibrant look, Demi simply answered, ?Lots of sex!?

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Demi, Ashton, and Rumer Check Out 'The Joneses'
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Demi, Ashton, and Rumer Check Out 'The Joneses'
Stepping out for a swanky evening, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, and Rumer Willis were spotted at the premiere of Demi?s new movie ?The Joneses? last night (April 8).

The ?Charlie?s Angels? chick looked lovely as she posed alongside her hunky ?Punk?d? hubby and sexy ?Sorority Row? daughter outside the ArcLight Cinemas in Hollywood.

And though she already has kids with her ex-husband Bruce Willis, Demi told press she?d like to make some babies with Ashton.

?We talk about it and it?s something that we would like. He?s an amazing father to my daughters already, so I have no doubt that if it?s in our future, it would be another incredible part of our journey together.?

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Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher: 'Happy Tears' Pals
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher: 'Happy Tears' Pals
Always up for a good flick, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher were spotted at the premiere of “Happy Tears” in New York City last night (February 16).

The “Butterfly Effect” stud supported his “Charlie’s Angels” wife as she promoted her new film at the Museum of Modern Art, sponsored by The Cinema Society and Donna Karan.

When asked if she’d talked to costar Rip Torn since his arrest last month, Demi quickly answered, “No, I haven’t. But he’s wonderful in the movie.”

“Happy Tears” is about sisters who return home to their ailing father and face new family challenges while trying to juggle their own, very different lives.

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Ashton Kutcher: 90% of guys don't walk the walk in relationships
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Ashton Kutcher: 90% of guys don't walk the walk in relationships
Every time I start to hate Ashton Kutcher, he gives an interview where he sounds almost? dare I say it? cool. Like, he?s a good guy, and he loves his wife, and he thinks about people and the world and his life in a really interesting way. And then, you know, he does something douchey and I start to hate him again, rinse and repeat. Ashton?s new interview in Parade is one of those good times though - Ashton talks about how much he hates Valentine?s Day (the holiday, not his new movie) because ?you should celebrate love 364 days out of the year.? He also said this awesome thing: ?It’s not how much you love someone when you love them, but it’s how much you love them when you hate them.? Truth.

The terrible truth.

“I hate Valentine’s Day. I can’t stand it. I think that every day should be a day of romance. I think you should celebrate love 364 days out of the year. Then, on Valentine’s Day, you should get to tell whoever you hate that you cannot stand them. There would be one day of hating, and 364 days of love”

Remembering young love on the big day.

“I was in third grade and there was this girl who sat in front of me who had the prettiest super long hair. I was absolutely infatuated with her. On February 14th you had to hand out Valentines to everybody in the class. We had these little hearts with messages on them, and I would give the slightly more ambiguous ones, like ‘Hugs,’ to people that I wasn’t interested in and I gave this girl the heart that said, ‘Kiss me!’ I was trying to be a little provocative and get her attention. The tragedy was that she didn’t get the point and I never got kissed.”

But it’s still easier for guys.

“We don’t really have bad Valentine’s Days. The thing is, guys have pretty much zero expectations, and when you don’t have any expectations, you can’t really be disappointed. So I don’t think I’ve ever had like a bad Valentine’s Day.”

OK, maybe there was one.

“Demi and I decided that we were going to spend Valentine’s Day with Bruce and Emma. So it was me, Demi, Bruce and Emma, which is great because we’re all best friends and we all hang out. I got to be in charge of booking the restaurant. It was February 14th and we weren’t in Hollywood, where I have a little clout making reservations. So I’m like calling around, trying to pull any kind of juice that I can to get a table. But, I hate dropping my own name, so I’m like, ‘Yes, I’m calling from Mr. Kutcher’s office, he would like a reservation.’ And literally every place was booked and so we ended up sitting at the bar some place.”

How far he’ll go for love.

“I think the most romantic thing that I’ve done is travel a long way to another country for like an hour to see someone I loved and then turn around and go back because I had a commitment I couldn’t cancel. So it was literally not sleeping for two days, going through hell, just to see somebody for an hour.”

Learning how to treat a woman.

“My brother had a heart transplant when he was 13, and my parents were at the hospital a lot so I went and I stayed at a friend’s house. And his mother was this really wonderful, wonderful woman that sort of taught me a bunch of things like table manners and how to treat a woman — pulling out her chair, opening the door for her. So while my brother was in the hospital, I basically learned etiquette and how to use it when you’re dating a woman.”

The secret to a lasting relationship.

“I think one thing sort of defines it which is, it’s not how much you love someone when you love them, but it’s how much you love them when you hate them. It’s when you’re in that moment where you cannot stand what the person you’re with is doing, but you still love them. That’s when you need to show it — not just say it, but show it. You need to take some action. The biggest mistake that most of the women that I know make in relationships is listening to what the guys says. Guys talk the talk, but 90 percent of guys don’t walk the walk. When things get tough it’s not what you say, it’s about what you do.”

You want an example?

“There are certain other things like I can’t handle, but there are certain things that Demi doesn’t do well with. It’s like the gun is on my side of the bed. If somebody breaks into the house, it’s my job to get the gun loaded. She wouldn’t do it.”

[From Parade]

What?s with all of the gun-in-the-bedroom talk lately? It?s like there was a meeting in Hollywood where it was decided that every star needed a gun in their bedroom, and they needed to talk about guns in interviews. Is everyone in Hollywood afraid of being robbed?

Beyond that, I really liked what Ashton said about learning etiquette from a friend?s mom. Do you think that?s when his mother issues started? I?m not being judgy, and there are much, much worse ?issues? to have than ?falling in love with slightly older moms? (I call it “the MotherLover Syndrome”). But it had to start somewhere for Ashton, and I think that incident may have been the catalyst, right?

Ashton Kutcher?s Parade photos courtesy of Parade online, slideshow here.

10-Sep-2023 :Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis wrote letters of support for rapist Danny Mas...
13-Sep-2021 :Ashton Kutcher greeted with a ?take a shower? chant on a live ESPN appear...
3-Jun-2020 :Ashton Kutcher: All Lives Matter people shouldn?t be cancelled, should be...
6-May-2020 :Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher get their single friends to teach their kids ...
3-Oct-2019 :Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis ?are very much in love? & have a ?strong? rel...
30-Sep-2019 :Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis did a super-obvious photo-op at Disneyland
4-Dec-2017 :Mila Kunis in Dolce & Gabbana at the Breakthrough Awards: stunning or meh...
2-Dec-2016 :Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher welcome their second child, a baby boy
16-Jun-2016 :Mila Kunis & Ashton are expecting their second kid, Wyatt is 20 months ol...
2-Mar-2016 :Ashton Kutcher Gushes Over Mila Kunis and Daughter Wyatt on ?Ellen?
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Ashton Kutcher gets in 'massive verbal fight' to defend Demi Moore
Added 14 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Ashton Kutcher gets in 'massive verbal fight' to defend Demi Moore
Sometimes, I?m not quite sure what to think of Ashton Kutcher. There are days when he seems like a major-league a-hole, and yet there are other days when he seems like a really decent guy. I?m not sure where this story falls, but I will give Ashton credit for stepping up and being chivalrous, even if he made a scene. Here was the situation: Ashton and Demi (and their ?date? Jennifer Aniston) all participated in the ?24 Hour Plays? on Broadway Monday night. The event was a success, and Demi, Ashton and Jennifer were all enjoying the afterparty. Until a dude started talking smack about Demi, apparently making some rude remarks about her being a cougar (or ?puma?). Ashton got in the guy?s face and ?a massive verbal fight then ensued?. Here?s more:

Ashton Kutcher was all smiles in NYC on Monday night following his successful Broadway debut in which he made the audience roar with laughter while playing the boyfriend of a hilariously neurotic Eva Mendes in Montblanc?s 9th Annual ?24 Hour Plays.?

However that smile was wiped away about half-an-hour into the after-party at Crest Lounge’s Opera Ballroom.

According to an eyewitness, Kutcher?s co-star and wife Demi Moore was mocked by another party guest, sending her 31-year-old husband into an angry rage.

?Demi and Jennifer Aniston were happily sitting together in the VIP when this guy starting really obviously making fun of Demi and things like her relationship with a younger man,? an insider said. ?It went on for quite a while. Ashton heard it and approached him. At first he thought the guy wasn?t serious and was like ?what the?? He then realized he was serious. Ashton lost it.?

We?re told a massive verbal fight then ensued between Ashton and the guest, as Demi, 47, looked very embarrassed over the whole situation.

?It got pretty heated, nobody knew what to do,? added the source.

The Hollywood duo stormed out via the back entrance along with friend Jen Aniston. Reps for Kutcher and Moore did not respond for comment.

[From Fox News]

Well? at least it didn?t get physical? That?s the best I?ve got. If it?s just two dudes screaming at each other, it?s not some huge deal. This guy who was making fun of Demi sounds like a douche, and he probably didn?t figure Ashton would have the stones to stand up to him. That being said, whenever I?m at a bar or a party and I see two guys screaming at each other, I always get embarrassed for them. I always think, ?Drunken a-holes, much?? Maybe it would have been classier to have words with the guy and just walk away the bigger man. But I?m not judging! I?m sure Demi got turned on seeing Ashton defend her honor.

Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore and Jennifer Aniston are shown on the red carpet for the ?9th Annual 24 Hour Plays on Broadway? afterparty in New York on November 9, 2009. Credit: WENN. Additional photos by Getty/PicApp.

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Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore: 24 Hour Plays Lovers
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore: 24 Hour Plays Lovers
It was quite an evening in New York City’s Broadway Theatre District as the 24 Hour Plays took over. And Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore were in the house for all the action.

The “Butterfly Effect” actor and his “Ghost” gal looked to be having a marvelous time as they partook in the thespian scene, heading out afterwards to the Opera Ballroom for a swanky after party.

And in a recent interview, Demi declared that she’s not too keen on being called a cougar, being that there have been plenty of other women who have gone after younger men.

“I’m certainly not the first person to be in a relationship with a younger man, but somehow I was plucked out as a bit of a poster girl. I don’t know why that is. But I just kind of step back sometimes and say, ‘There is some reason, and what is it that I have to share in a positive way?...I’d prefer to be called a Puma.”

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Jennifer Aniston: 24-Hour Play Pal
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Jennifer Aniston: 24-Hour Play Pal
She’s always up for a good time, and last night (November 9) Jennifer Aniston was spotted basking in the glory of her 24-Hour Play performance in New York City.

The “Management” actress made her exit from the American Airlines Theatre in the Broadway district and headed off to an after party as the paparazzi looked on.

Jen joined Brooke Shields, Rosie Perez, Naomi Watts, Ashton Kutcher , and Demi Moore in the 24-Hour Plays gig, described as “a series of six 10-minute works in which the actors don’t get to see the scripts until 12 hours before the curtain.”


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Ashton Kutcher Wants to Make Movie About Himself
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Ashton Kutcher Wants to Make Movie About Himself
Stepping out over the holiday weekend, Ashton Kutcher was spotted making is way around Beverly Hills, California on Saturday afternoon (October 31).

The “Punk’d” hunk was dressed casually in shorts, a white sweater and a white Chicago Bears beanie as he popped into Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf to pick up a few morning beverages.

The sighting comes amidst reports the Kutcher is in the midst of planning to production of a film based on his relationship with Demi Moore.

The 31-year-old is said to be trying to pitch the idea at the moment, with the Daily Star telling that the film “would be about a woman who ties the knot with a much younger man - and claims Ashton hopes the similarities between his movie and his own romance would be a ‘PR bonanza’ that would create publicity for his directorial debut.”

10-Sep-2023 :Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis wrote letters of support for rapist Danny Mas...
13-Sep-2021 :Ashton Kutcher greeted with a ?take a shower? chant on a live ESPN appear...
3-Jun-2020 :Ashton Kutcher: All Lives Matter people shouldn?t be cancelled, should be...
6-May-2020 :Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher get their single friends to teach their kids ...
3-Oct-2019 :Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis ?are very much in love? & have a ?strong? rel...
30-Sep-2019 :Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis did a super-obvious photo-op at Disneyland
4-Dec-2017 :Mila Kunis in Dolce & Gabbana at the Breakthrough Awards: stunning or meh...
2-Dec-2016 :Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher welcome their second child, a baby boy
16-Jun-2016 :Mila Kunis & Ashton are expecting their second kid, Wyatt is 20 months ol...
2-Mar-2016 :Ashton Kutcher Gushes Over Mila Kunis and Daughter Wyatt on ?Ellen?
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Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore: Gentlemen's Ball Lovers
Added 14 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore: Gentlemen's Ball Lovers
They’re always up for a swanky industry event, and last night (October 28) Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore were spotted at the 2009 Gentlemen’s Ball in New York City.

The “Butterfly Effect” stud and his “Ghost” gal looked so happy together as they arrived at the Edison Ballroom and posed for pictures before heading inside.


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