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Kristin Chenoweth News & Gossip
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Drinking coffee in the morning may lower your chance of premature death
Added 70 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Drinking coffee in the morning may lower your chance of premature death
I swear, I need a chart to keep track of all the latest things ?experts? tell us about coffee drinking. Typically the bulletins feel very coffee negative, with warnings to reduce, delay, or eliminate consumption altogether. But now at last, praise the percolator, a study published this week in the European Heart Journal is finally serving us pro-coffee news! The study focused on the time of day people were drinking coffee, and after poring over results taken from 40,000 adults between 1999 to 2018, researchers say that drinking your cup of joe in the morning can lower your risk of premature death by 16% and lower your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 31%. That?s enough to keep me on a steady drip!

All in the timing: The study shows consuming coffee only in the morning was linked to a 16% lower risk of premature death and a 31% reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease compared to non-coffee drinkers. ?This is the first study testing coffee drinking timing patterns and health outcomes,? lead study author Dr. Lu Qi, a professor of public health at Tulane University, said in a news release. ?We don?t typically give advice about timing in our dietary guidance, but perhaps we should be thinking about this in the future.?

Study notes: Researchers analyzed data from over 40,000 adults aged 18 and up using dietary records collected between 1999 and 2018. Coffee consumption was divided into three timeframes: morning (from 4 a.m. to 11:59 a.m.), afternoon (from noon to 4:59 p.m.), and evening (from 5 p.m. to 3:59 a.m.) Results show that those who drank coffee exclusively in the morning benefited the most in terms of longevity and heart health. Meanwhile, folks who drank coffee throughout the day saw no significant reduction in risk. The findings held true regardless of whether participants drank caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee, and the amount consumed ? whether they drank less than one cup or more than three ? didn?t impact the benefits.

Some theories on why time of day matters: Experts agree that the timing of coffee intake may influence your circadian rhythm and hormone levels. Drinking coffee later in the day, even if we feel like we need it, may disrupt melatonin production, a hormone that regulates sleep and influences heart health. According to study authors, some inflammatory markers in the blood have their own clocks. And the anti-inflammatory effects of coffee may be more effective when consumed in the morning, when these markers peak.

A disclaimer: However, the study was observational and cannot prove causation, noted Vanessa King, a registered dietitian nutritionist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics who wasn?t involved in the study, told CNN.

[From HealthDay News via Yahoo]

Ok, what?s this business about ?no significant reduction in risk? if you drink coffee throughout the day? For instance, say you start your coffee in the morning, and have the bulk of it then, but are still sipping some in the early to mid afternoon ? do the afternoon sips completely wash out the benefits of having started imbibing in the morning? If I finish my last half a cup around 1pm, have I completely blown my 16% risk reduction, or can I still claim 10%? Furthermore, how are the time frames ? 4am to 12pm morning, 12 to 5pm afternoon, 5pm to 4am evening ? relative to a person?s typical operating hours? I?m thinking of us night owls! Like Kristin Chenoweth, who prefers getting up at 11am at the earliest. Could Kristin?s morning be a few hours later, and still effective for reducing risk of premature death? And finally, did the study keep track of what kinds of coffee people were drinking? I know it said there was no difference between caffeine and decaf, but there are a lot more variables when it comes to coffee these days! How much do the percentages change between latte and macchiato, almond or whole milk, sugar or sweetener, Dunkin? or Starbucks? I hate to pour a wet filter on these promising results, but lives are at stake! Or at least risk of ending prematurely.

photos credit: Angela Lo on Unsplash, Jack Sparrow and Matilda Wormwood on Pexels

26-Nov-2024 :Kristin Chenoweth: I don?t like to get up before 11 & I don?t like to spe...
20-Jan-2023 :Kristin Chenoweth regrets not suing CBS for injury on Good Wife set
27-Mar-2019 :Kristin Chenoweth reduced her migraines by cutting back on caffeine and s...
19-Oct-2017 :Kristin Chenoweth pressured on talk show to say if she had a problem with...
8-Apr-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth to Be Inducted into Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame
2-Apr-2014 :Kristen Chenoweth Stops by the "Late Show with David Letterman"
3-Mar-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth in Roberto Cavalli at the Oscars: budget Oscar statuett...
11-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth: American Country Awards Hostess Hottie
4-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth & Jake Pavelka: A Happy Pair
16-Oct-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth 'Toasts to Survivors' in New York City
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Kristin Chenoweth: I don't like to get up before 11 & I don't like to speak before 12
Added 118 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Kristin Chenoweth: I don't like to get up before 11 & I don't like to speak before 12
It was a sweet moment when Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth ? Broadway?s original Elphaba and Glinda, respectively ? walked the red carpet together at the LA premiere of Wicked. But then I fell in love with Kristin even more when I saw that she had showed up earlier at the NY premiere, and posed for photos standing smack between new stars Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande at a separate NY screening. Do you get it?? They wouldn?t be there without her, LOL!! I?m not even being sarcastic when I say I love Kristin for it; she is the OG, after all, with classically trained pipes that have always been a) seemingly destined to voice Glinda, and b) kind of incomprehensible to come out of such a pint-sized frame. Anyway, I say get it, girl! But Kristin hasn?t only been stalking haunting following the yellow-bricked Wicked promo trail; she also has a new holiday partnership with HomeGoods. She helped the retailer launch their ?Deck the Everything Day? on November 1, and just spoke to Us Weekly about her holiday (and other) rituals:

Not normally one to decorate before Thanksgiving, Chenoweth tells Us she made an exception this year. ?I want a reason to smile. So, I will be getting out my tree November 1 and start decorating it and make myself feel better and I?m not going to feel bad about it,? she shares. ?And I want to encourage [fans], don?t feel guilty. Get out there, go to HomeGoods, get all your crap and come home and decorate.?

Us: When was the last time you did laundry?

Chenoweth: A few days ago? [Laughs] Maybe a couple months ago!

Us: What time do you wake up in the morning?

Chenoweth: I don?t like to get up before 11, and I don?t like to speak before noon. I?m a night owl. I entertain at night.

Us: What?s your favorite song to sing in the shower?

Chenoweth: Bette Midler?s ?The Rose.? [Singing] ?Some say love, it is a river ?? It?s not that challenging. It?s, like, five notes.

Us: What was the last show you streamed?

Chenoweth: Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story. I?ve binged the whole thing. I met Chloe [Sevigny] one time. She?s amazing. Javier Bardem is amazing, and the two boys [Cooper Koch and Nicholas Alexander Chavez] are amazing. I don?t even know who they are.

Us: What?s your go-to DoorDash order?

Chenoweth: Olive Garden. Stars are just like us in this instance! I had it two nights ago. I had the endless salad and the spaghetti.

Us: What?s one task that you keep putting off?

Chenoweth: Getting my nails done. I hate it. It?s so time-consuming. But look at these nubs. I got to go.

[From Us Weekly]

Preferring not to wake up before 11am? Oh, bless you Kristin! And #JusticeForNightOwls! Seriously, we night owls can get such a bad rap, but it?s just sliding the hours of operation until later. And of course Kristin adds an extra layer with the not-talking until 12pm. I?m sure she?s arrived at that rule after decades of working as a professional singer (and yes, I am now imagining Kristin in the shower belting out ?The Rose.?). It reminds me of Bryan Cranston when he was playing LBJ in All The Way on Broadway; the show was so demanding vocally that he didn?t speak at all on Mondays, his one day off a week. Though I may not be an artist of the vocal arts like Kristin or Bryan, I?m still planning on adopting a practice of not speaking for at least an hour after getting up. But mainly because I?m a night owl operating in an early bird world and am perennially startled/disgruntled/bitter when the alarm goes off in the morning. It?s best for everyone if I refrain from verbalizing any thoughts in those deeply emotional first moments of alertness.

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A post shared by Kristin Chenoweth (@kchenoweth)

13-Jan-2025 :Drinking coffee in the morning may lower your chance of premature death
20-Jan-2023 :Kristin Chenoweth regrets not suing CBS for injury on Good Wife set
27-Mar-2019 :Kristin Chenoweth reduced her migraines by cutting back on caffeine and s...
19-Oct-2017 :Kristin Chenoweth pressured on talk show to say if she had a problem with...
8-Apr-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth to Be Inducted into Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame
2-Apr-2014 :Kristen Chenoweth Stops by the "Late Show with David Letterman"
3-Mar-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth in Roberto Cavalli at the Oscars: budget Oscar statuett...
11-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth: American Country Awards Hostess Hottie
4-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth & Jake Pavelka: A Happy Pair
16-Oct-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth 'Toasts to Survivors' in New York City
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Kristin Chenoweth regrets not suing CBS for injury on Good Wife set
Added 794 days agoSource: CeleBitchy
Kristin Chenoweth regrets not suing CBS for injury on Good Wife set
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A post shared by Kristin Chenoweth (@kchenoweth)

13-Jan-2025 :Drinking coffee in the morning may lower your chance of premature death
26-Nov-2024 :Kristin Chenoweth: I don?t like to get up before 11 & I don?t like to spe...
27-Mar-2019 :Kristin Chenoweth reduced her migraines by cutting back on caffeine and s...
19-Oct-2017 :Kristin Chenoweth pressured on talk show to say if she had a problem with...
8-Apr-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth to Be Inducted into Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame
2-Apr-2014 :Kristen Chenoweth Stops by the "Late Show with David Letterman"
3-Mar-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth in Roberto Cavalli at the Oscars: budget Oscar statuett...
11-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth: American Country Awards Hostess Hottie
4-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth & Jake Pavelka: A Happy Pair
16-Oct-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth 'Toasts to Survivors' in New York City
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Kristin Chenoweth reduced her migraines by cutting back on caffeine and sugar
Added 6 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Kristin Chenoweth reduced her migraines by cutting back on caffeine and sugar
Kristin Chenoweth and NFL Hall of Famer Terrell Davis took place in a conference called the Migraine World Summit. It?s an online summit sponsored by several pharmaceutical companies and other companies treating migraines meant to raise awareness. Both Kristen and Terrell are migraine sufferers, and they described how debilitating and awful it can be. I thankfully don?t get migraines but I have friends who do and it sounds like the worst. Kristin described her first migraine, at the age of 25, and Terrell said that the migraines were so painful when he was a child that he considered suicide. At times he had several migraines a week but hes been careful and hasn?t had a migraine in a year. Kristen said that she?s also been able to reduce the frequency of her migraines but cutting back on sugar and caffeine. A lack of sleep can still trigger them for her.

When she was 25 years old, Chenoweth experienced her first migraine while rehearsing for a show in a room with fluorescent lights in New York.

?I started getting what I call ?kaleidoscope eyes,? ? Chenoweth said during her presentation to the crowd. ?Then, I started getting really nauseous and a pounding headache.?

Four months after her first migraine, Chenoweth was diagnosed. Though she admits migraines have caused her ?to lose some time? in her life, dealing with them now has become easier as she has learned what triggers her.

?[Doctors] told me to avoid sugar and caffeine,? she said. ?The past two years, I really have cut way, way back in that department and I have noticed a difference. The dragon that I keep chasing is sleep. I?m always in a different time zone or on a plane. None of these things are conducive to a person who has a migraine. That?s been my biggest challenge, sleep.?

On top of avoiding sugar and caffeine, Chenoweth says her faith helps.

?Everybody has their own belief, and I encourage and want that,? she said. ?I do take pause and I say, ?Dear God, help me get through this.?

Davis got his first migraine when he was only 9 years old. After finishing football practice, he realized he was having trouble seeing.

?It was staring into the sun and then trying to focus on something,? he explained during the event. ?I remember my heart started pounding because I thought, at the time, I was going to go blind.?

Davis? mom picked him up from practice and as soon as he got home, he started getting a pounding headache.

That headache was so different than any headache I?ve ever had at the time,? he said. ?It was so debilitating, so intense. I didn?t know what had happened at the time or if we would come back or if that was a one time deal.?

The pain at the time was so bad that Davis, 46, remembers having suicidal thoughts.

?I didn?t want to live through that period,? he said. ?Suicide crossed my mind. I didn?t plan it but the only thing I could think of was just ending it. That was my first experience and, subsequently, after that it came back a few weeks later. Sometimes it was weekly, sometimes it was two times a week, three times a week. It was tough to deal with.?

Davis told PEOPLE that he hasn?t had a migraine in the past year.

?Over the years, we started to dial things in and tried to really hone in and we started to be really efficient in how we dealt with this thing,? he said.

[From People]

I can?t imagine what that?s like to randomly have a splitting migraine and not be able to function. One of my friends gets them and all she can do it lay down in a dark room until it passes. Also I?m not a believer but I?ve still prayed like that in dark times for help. Kristin has been open about her faith and that must be a comfort to her. It seems like a lot of things would be helped by cutting out caffeine and sugar. My mom is always telling me to do that but I feel like I have to have some vices. Im so sorry to those of you who have migraines and hope you can get some relief.

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Honored to speak at @migrainesummit with @kchenoweth to #raiseacurtain on migraine. It takes true grit to live with this monster, and I give a #milehighsalute to those who do. __________________________________________ #migraine #migraineawareness #nfl #health #wellness #migraines

A post shared by Terrell Davis (@therealterrelldavis) on Mar 21, 2019 at 2:45pm PDT

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13-Jan-2025 :Drinking coffee in the morning may lower your chance of premature death
26-Nov-2024 :Kristin Chenoweth: I don?t like to get up before 11 & I don?t like to spe...
20-Jan-2023 :Kristin Chenoweth regrets not suing CBS for injury on Good Wife set
19-Oct-2017 :Kristin Chenoweth pressured on talk show to say if she had a problem with...
8-Apr-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth to Be Inducted into Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame
2-Apr-2014 :Kristen Chenoweth Stops by the "Late Show with David Letterman"
3-Mar-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth in Roberto Cavalli at the Oscars: budget Oscar statuett...
11-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth: American Country Awards Hostess Hottie
4-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth & Jake Pavelka: A Happy Pair
16-Oct-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth 'Toasts to Survivors' in New York City
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Kristin Chenoweth pressured on talk show to say if she had a problem with Weinstein
Added 7 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Kristin Chenoweth pressured on talk show to say if she had a problem with Weinstein
Reading the articles about the all women attacked, harassed, threatened and stalked by Harvey Weinstein has been difficult. I don’t have a story that’s any worse than anyone else’s but like so many other women it’s brought up some painful truths about my past. I don’t want to talk or think about it and have been eating my feelings. So that’s why I have as much respect for the women who chose to stay silent as I do for the women who speak out. We all have our own journey and way of dealing with things.

Given my own level of secrecy around this, I would never presume to even ask even my best friend why she’s using the #metoo tag. That is something that is highly personal and it’s hers to tell when and if she’s ready. That’s why it’s incredibly galling to hear that an obnoxious talk show host, a guy named Richard Madeley, asked Kristin Chenoweth point blank during an interview on Good Morning Britain if she’d ever had a problem with Weinstein. They were discussing the issue in general and somehow, in his ineptitude as a person and interviewer, Madeley thought that was appropriate question. Then, when Kristin said “I really don’t want to comment on that at this point” he said “It sounds like a yes.” THE NERVE! To her credit she recovered like a champ (although yelling and walking out would have been completely understandable) and talked about the issue of sexual harassment in so many industries. Then Madeley pressured her further. I don’t know much about this guy but he seems to have a reputation as a giant ass. Here’s some of what they said. The questions attributed to SR are from Susanna Reid, the cohost, and you can watch the video below.

SR: We?re talking to you on a day when there are more allegations of sexual harassment coming out over in Hollywood. You?ve been in a Harvey Weinstein musical. You were in a position where you had to serenade him at the Tonys a couple of years ago. What would you like to say in the wake of these allegations?

KC: First of all I?m deeply hurt for the women. I like to see them coming out strong and not being victims. I hate for any woman or man this has ever happened to. I don?t know of somebody who hasn?t had situations they?ve had to get out of. I find myself doing like a weird arm fart noise and a booger. I just try to be funny but the truth is we shouldn?t have to do that stuff.

RM: Did you have a problem with him?

KC: You know what, I really don?t want to comment on that at this point. I see that [interrupted]

RM: It sounds like a yes.

KC: What I would like to say is that there can be good that comes from it. I think this is the beginning? I think we’ll see it in music and fashion and all kinds of things. Sometimes chaos happens before order.

RM: Why do you think everybody connives(?) at it though. I?m not in any way casting aspersions or blame, but why do you think this was an open secret in Hollywood?

KC: I?m not sure. I?d like to know that of myself in many other situations with many other people. Why do I shy away from it?

RM: Is it embarrassment?

KC: Maybe it?s a little bit of shame. We?re not just talking about women. There?s men who have had this too. I think this is the beginning. Let?s look at good men like you [points to RM] in the business who have given us good behavior and respect towards women. JJ Abrams I was in a play with him yesterday. Respectful. Bryan Fuller, respectful. There?s lots of men in our industry who are not that. That?s what I?m going to try to focus on.

[From video of Good Morning Britain]

British Celebitches, is this guy the budget Piers Morgan? (Incidentally Piers Morgan is on that show too.) I would cancel him based on this alone and he seems to do this kind of thing frequently. He’s a neo-con who complains that not enough is being done with Brexit and he recently made a bad Weinstein “joke.” All love and respect to Kristin for dealing with this asshat.

This is Kristin’s face right after this douchebag questioned her again, the part where he asked why it was an open secret. She just did this for a second and then regained composure immediately like a pro. I really like how she changed focus to the fact that there are good men in Hollywood, she even pointed to Madeley to appeal to his narcissism. She didn’t want to talk in depth about this and the interviewer treated it like an interrogation.

Here’s the video. I’m definitely a fan of Chenoweth’s now.

Kristin Chenoweth handling all Harvey Weinstein questions with class and tact.??? #GMB

— Jenna Pedder (@JNAPDR) October 18, 2017

13-Jan-2025 :Drinking coffee in the morning may lower your chance of premature death
26-Nov-2024 :Kristin Chenoweth: I don?t like to get up before 11 & I don?t like to spe...
20-Jan-2023 :Kristin Chenoweth regrets not suing CBS for injury on Good Wife set
27-Mar-2019 :Kristin Chenoweth reduced her migraines by cutting back on caffeine and s...
8-Apr-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth to Be Inducted into Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame
2-Apr-2014 :Kristen Chenoweth Stops by the "Late Show with David Letterman"
3-Mar-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth in Roberto Cavalli at the Oscars: budget Oscar statuett...
11-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth: American Country Awards Hostess Hottie
4-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth & Jake Pavelka: A Happy Pair
16-Oct-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth 'Toasts to Survivors' in New York City
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Kristin Chenoweth news

Kristin Chenoweth to Be Inducted into Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame
Added 10 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Kristin Chenoweth to Be Inducted into Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame
Honored for her talent and body of work, Kristin Chenoweth will be inducted into the Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame this year.

The star of stage and screen will perform with the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra with fellow inductees and special guests and be inducted on June 21st at 8:00pm.

According to the organization, "[T]he Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame celebrates those consummate creators and performers, who, through their talent and effort, have established themselves as true superstars - with appearances on screen, stage, recordings, and at the Bowl - whose contributions to the arts have made them part of the fabric of American culture."

Later this week, fans can hear the vocal talents of Ms. Chenoweth as Gabi in "Rio 2," which hits theaters on April 11th.

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13-Jan-2025 :Drinking coffee in the morning may lower your chance of premature death
26-Nov-2024 :Kristin Chenoweth: I don?t like to get up before 11 & I don?t like to spe...
20-Jan-2023 :Kristin Chenoweth regrets not suing CBS for injury on Good Wife set
27-Mar-2019 :Kristin Chenoweth reduced her migraines by cutting back on caffeine and s...
19-Oct-2017 :Kristin Chenoweth pressured on talk show to say if she had a problem with...
2-Apr-2014 :Kristen Chenoweth Stops by the "Late Show with David Letterman"
3-Mar-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth in Roberto Cavalli at the Oscars: budget Oscar statuett...
11-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth: American Country Awards Hostess Hottie
4-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth & Jake Pavelka: A Happy Pair
16-Oct-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth 'Toasts to Survivors' in New York City
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Kristin Chenoweth news

Kristen Chenoweth Stops by the "Late Show with David Letterman"
Added 10 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Kristen Chenoweth Stops by the
Stopping by for a chat, a tanned and toned Kristin Chenoweth arrived at the "Late Show with David Letterman" in New York City on Tuesday (April 1).

The "Rio 2" star wore a gray, black, and white patterned one piece, showing off her long legs with some black pumps.

Promoting her new animated family flick, the 45-year-old actress tweeted afterwards, "Just finished letterman. So fun."

Hitting theaters on April 11th, "Rio 2" follows Blu, Jewel, and their kids as they head to the Amazon where Blu faces off against the vengeful Nigel.

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13-Jan-2025 :Drinking coffee in the morning may lower your chance of premature death
26-Nov-2024 :Kristin Chenoweth: I don?t like to get up before 11 & I don?t like to spe...
20-Jan-2023 :Kristin Chenoweth regrets not suing CBS for injury on Good Wife set
27-Mar-2019 :Kristin Chenoweth reduced her migraines by cutting back on caffeine and s...
19-Oct-2017 :Kristin Chenoweth pressured on talk show to say if she had a problem with...
8-Apr-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth to Be Inducted into Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame
3-Mar-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth in Roberto Cavalli at the Oscars: budget Oscar statuett...
11-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth: American Country Awards Hostess Hottie
4-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth & Jake Pavelka: A Happy Pair
16-Oct-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth 'Toasts to Survivors' in New York City
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Kristin Chenoweth news

Kristin Chenoweth in Roberto Cavalli at the Oscars: budget Oscar statuette?
Added 11 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Kristin Chenoweth in Roberto Cavalli at the Oscars: budget Oscar statuette?
Kristin Chenowith attended the Oscars in Roberto Cavalli last night. I was hesitant to make her a headliner in a post, but Kristen clearly wanted to be noticed. She’s dressed as an Oscar statuette. Was this intentional theming, or did Kristen simply like the dress? We’ll never know. The dress is — to be perfectly blunt — tacky and overdone. I think some sleeker details could have been used instead of layers of lattice work. The tulle fabric of the train softens the look a little bit, but it’s not enough to redeem the dress.

Kristen recently went for her new pixie cut to varied reactions. I think if her hair was still long, she could have softened up her look with some retro curls. She’s so cute that I hate to rip her apart for anything, but this dress is a disaster.

Camila Alves wore a soft Pink Gabriela Cadena gown with a side of Best Actor Matthew McConaughey. Camila is a model by trade, so she knows how to work this dress without letting herself be swallowed up. There is a lot of fabric here! I’m curious to see how the dress would have looked without sleeves.

Jada Pinkett Smith wore a Pink Atelier Versace gown with tons of details. The dress featured a halter neck, a high thigh slit, a train, and many folds of drapey fabric. The look is overwhelming, which is complicated by Jada getting matchy-matchy with her eyeshadow and lipstick. Her flat-ironed hair with a center part is a very severe look, and I already think of Jada as being a “severe” person. Jada switched up her outfit for the Vanity Fair party. This is Roberto Cavalli dress, and it is so “Joan Collins in Dynasty.”

Photos courtesy of WENN

13-Jan-2025 :Drinking coffee in the morning may lower your chance of premature death
26-Nov-2024 :Kristin Chenoweth: I don?t like to get up before 11 & I don?t like to spe...
20-Jan-2023 :Kristin Chenoweth regrets not suing CBS for injury on Good Wife set
27-Mar-2019 :Kristin Chenoweth reduced her migraines by cutting back on caffeine and s...
19-Oct-2017 :Kristin Chenoweth pressured on talk show to say if she had a problem with...
8-Apr-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth to Be Inducted into Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame
2-Apr-2014 :Kristen Chenoweth Stops by the "Late Show with David Letterman"
11-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth: American Country Awards Hostess Hottie
4-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth & Jake Pavelka: A Happy Pair
16-Oct-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth 'Toasts to Survivors' in New York City
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Kristin Chenoweth news

Kristin Chenoweth: American Country Awards Hostess Hottie
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Kristin Chenoweth: American Country Awards Hostess Hottie
Getting ready for her second round of hosting duties, Kristin Chenoweth arrived at the Kristin Chenoweth in Las Vegas, NV on Monday (December 10).

The pint-sized blonde beauty looked stunning in a chic floor-length blue dress as she worked The Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino red carpet before heading in to take the stage with her co-host Trace Adkins.

Expressing her excitement for tonight?s main event, Chenoweth said, ?I'm excited to return to the ACA stage with Trace and his big personality and even bigger boots," adding, "We had a blast last year and I plan to pull out all the stops to make sure everyone has a good time!"

The two-hour special will feature performances from some of the biggest names in country music including Keith Urban, Jason Aldean, Luke Bryan and Lady Antebellum.

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13-Jan-2025 :Drinking coffee in the morning may lower your chance of premature death
26-Nov-2024 :Kristin Chenoweth: I don?t like to get up before 11 & I don?t like to spe...
20-Jan-2023 :Kristin Chenoweth regrets not suing CBS for injury on Good Wife set
27-Mar-2019 :Kristin Chenoweth reduced her migraines by cutting back on caffeine and s...
19-Oct-2017 :Kristin Chenoweth pressured on talk show to say if she had a problem with...
8-Apr-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth to Be Inducted into Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame
2-Apr-2014 :Kristen Chenoweth Stops by the "Late Show with David Letterman"
3-Mar-2014 :Kristin Chenoweth in Roberto Cavalli at the Oscars: budget Oscar statuett...
4-Dec-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth & Jake Pavelka: A Happy Pair
16-Oct-2012 :Kristin Chenoweth 'Toasts to Survivors' in New York City
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Kristin Chenoweth & Jake Pavelka: A Happy Pair
Added 12 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Kristin Chenoweth & Jake Pavelka: A Happy Pair
Making for a surprising Hollywood pair, it looks like Kristin Chenoweth and former ?Bachelor? Jake Pavelka are now an official item.

Coyly speaking about their fairly new romance, ?The Good Wife? actress told People mag, ?We have been spending a little time together.?

Although Kristin admits fitting dates into her schedule can sometimes be difficult, she explained that after suffering a head injury on set earlier this year, she is more focused on her happiness.

"A lot of people know that I got hurt in July," Chenoweth said, adding, "I am doing so much better but I think it slowed me down and I've realized life is short. I want to do things that make me happy."

The 44 year-old Hollywood beauty, and Pavelka, 34, reportedly met back at an event in October and have since been spotted out together, most recently a local caf near Jake?s Texas home.

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