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Cameron Diaz News & Gossip
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Cameron Diaz: 'I?m not a spinster who didn't have a kid'
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Cameron Diaz: 'I?m not a spinster who didn't have a kid'
Cameron Diaz is still with us. She is still promoting The Other Woman, which must come out soon. When? Oh good, this weekend. It’s about time. Cameron’s managed to saturate every bit of media with her thoughts on various girly topics. She’s hitting up the Telegraph for a new interview. She talks more about how everyone gets cheated on in a relationship, which is becoming a pet topic of Cami’s. I left that part out — ha! — she’s talked about cheating over and over, and I’m so tired of it. Here are some slightly juicy excerpts on other topics including why she hasn’t had kids. Did they really ask her that question? Wow:

On being 41: “It is the best time of my life. I love being this age, are you kidding? I can?t wait to be older. This is something we really need to reframe. The most interesting parts are for women who are over 40. We don?t see it that way, because they?re not the sexy parts. Look at the Oscar nominees in the last decade.” Diaz reels off a list that includes Meryl Streep, Helen Mirren and Dame Judi Dench. “We’re not giving those women enough credit for what they?re accomplishing, which is beautiful performances.”

On her girls: “The wonderful thing about female friendship is that we are always rooting for one another. We go to each other?s houses for dinner, hang out, watch movies…” She stops mid-sentence, distracted by the shimmering afternoon light pouring in through the window. “Oooh, look at the sun on the side of that building… So beautiful.”

Her high school: “It was stark and barren, but it was multicultural, and I think it gave me tools to relate to people and understand them. We had to learn to get along. Not that everybody did all of the time. There was violence. You have that many kids, there?s bound to be conflict. I learnt to be good at being friends with everyone. You have to be tough, especially when you?re a skinny white girl. Where I grew up, the options were slim to nothing [to become an actress]. In any given year there were at least seven to 10 girls walking around school pregnant. A lot dropped out. A lot ended going to jail, dying or falling victim to drug abuse. But there were also a lot who pulled themselves out of it — [like] Snoop and I. And some of them have a family and a nice job and live comfortably.”

Thoughts on fame? “The thing about fame is that it doesn’t change you — it actually makes you more of who you are. People who are famous are held more accountable than other human beings. You can?t go out into the world without somebody taking [a picture] and sharing it with everybody else. So you do your best to be the person that you want people to see you as. For me that means being as authentic as possible. I?m no different when I am with you than with anybody else.”

Her small house: “I come from a frugal upbringing so I?m not just going to throw my money away. I love to be close to my family and friends, so I spend money on plane tickets, having feasts, buying a ton of groceries and cooking, or going out for a beautiful meal, knowing I don’t worry about how much the bill cost. I did a little surprise party for my girl friend?s 40th birthday. We took her to the airport — she didn?t know where she was going — and we flew to Tuscany. [We went] truffle hunting, wine tasting and horse-riding.”

On Botox, etc.: “Life is long. There are things that you try that work for you and things that don?t work for you. I?m not going to say that I haven?t tried those things, because everybody has, all my girl friends have, things like Botox and fillers. It?s part of figuring things out, knowing yourself and going, ‘Oh right, this doesn?t work for me.’”

On the possibility of motherhood: “I?ve never said never to anything in life. If I wanted kids, at any point in life, I would have them. But I?m certain that if at any point I wanted a child, that child would find its way into my life, whether through adoption, or through being in a relationship with somebody who has a child. I can?t see the future, but one thing I do know is that I?m not childless. I have a ton of children in my life. I can have a kid any second, if I want. All my friends would be like, ‘Sure, come and get them.’ Also, by the way, have a lot of girl friends who don?t have children. It?s not like I?m the spinster who didn?t have a child. I just didn?t do that in life, and I?m OK with that. I know the choices I made. I know why I made them. I?m very much a person who lives in the moment. When you come from where I do, there are so many ways my life could have gone.”

[From Telegraph]

Cameron was losing me for a moment in this interview. When she started rambling about how “fame makes you more of who you are,” my thoughts floated towards her ex, Justin Timberlake. Fame must make him more of a douche than he really is! I don’t think that’s what Cami means. Or maybe that’s exactly what she means. Nah, she’s only telling us that she’s a nice person and feels obligated to be even nicer because we’re all watching her. Hmm.

Her thoughts on deciding not to have children DO make a ton of sense. Why does society feel the need to pressure women to get pregnant? Like Kaiser wrote last week, there’s nothing wrong with females who don’t plan their entire lives around procreation. A good friend of mine (who has three kids, including twins) once revealed that he pressures friends to have kids out of sadism. His theory is that parents secretly want non-parents to have kids so they can “share the pain.” I thought that was funny. He’s kidding, mostly.

Here are some photos of Cameron at last night’s LA premiere of The Other Woman. She’s wearing a Dolce & Gabbana dress that looks like a Playboy bunny.

Photos courtesy of Telegraph & WENN

21-Dec-2023 :Cameron Diaz: normalize married couples having separate bedrooms
10-Mar-2022 :Cameron Diaz?s beauty regime: ?I literally do nothing. I like never wash ...
1-Mar-2021 :Cameron Diaz can?t imagine spending 14 hours on a movie set now that she?...
28-Jul-2020 :Cameron Diaz has new ?clean? organic wine that?s supposed to give less he...
24-Apr-2020 :Cameron Diaz & Benji Madden have opposite sleep schedules to care for the...
21-Jan-2020 :Cameron Diaz?s daughter?s full name is Raddix Chloe Wildflower Madden
15-Aug-2019 :Cameron Diaz: ?The mid-1990s are an era that will never exist again?
18-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz believes in ?dressing your age,? won?t wear tube tops
6-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz: ?Marriage, when you can grow with someone, is important?
15-Jan-2016 :Cameron Diaz Debuts Cover of ?The Longevity Book?
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Cameron Diaz: Women should have 'lots of lovers' instead of 'one man'
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Cameron Diaz: Women should have 'lots of lovers' instead of 'one man'
These are photos of Cameron Diaz in Sydney with The Other Woman co-stars Kate Upton and Leslie Mann. All three women may be ripping through a press tour, but it’s Cameron’s mouth that gains most of the attention. Cami likes it that way. She’s outspoken and strong in her beliefs. That’s fine, but she’s coming off as a little overbearing lately. I was excited about watching this movie in the theater, but now Netflix will do. That’s a shame because I usually enjoy Cameron’s interviews, but she’s gone overboard on this tour.

If only Cameron would qualify her statements with an “in my experience,” I think her recent interviews would be more well received. Cameron keeps telling us that everyone gets cheated on. Every woman wants to sleep with other women. No person is really naturally monogamous. Now Cameron says women should have “lots of lovers” instead of hanging with just one guy. She doesn’t specify whether this rule should apply over a lifetime or one day. Just do it, ladies:

Actress Cameron Diaz has said having “lots of lovers” is better than trying to stick with one man.

The star of The Other Woman, a film about fidelity, claimed it was almost impossible for couples to stay married for life.

Cameron, 41, said: “We can have all of these girlfriends, all of these friendships. I know with my girlfriends I do totally different things with each one of them.

“I have different conversations. We like things that others don?t like There are different commonalities in each one of them and when I want to do those certain things, I can go to that girlfriend and we do those things together.

“That?s perfectly fine that she doesn?t like to do the thousands of other things that I like to do. I?m perfectly okay with that with her.

“For some reason, we get into relationships and we expect one man to understand ‘all’ the parts of us and meet all of those needs. “I think that?s where everything fails.”

Asked if having lots of partners was better, the single star added: “Why not? Why would that be so bad?”

In an interview promoting the new film, she also revealed she is writing another book that will follow up her women’s advice guide The Body Book.

She said: “These things evolve. You start off with one concept, do the research and the pieces fall into place.”

[From The Mirror]

Cameron makes sense in a meandering way in this interview. She has trouble getting to the point. She has a point about girlfriends. Some friends are better for dinner conversations, some are good for gym sessions, and some are good movie buddies. I can buy Cam’s logic that not every man can provide every thing that a woman desires in a relationship. It still sounds like she’s demanding that every woman MUST bang every dude with one or two decent qualities. Enough with the sweeping statements already.

One thing about Cameron that doesn’t bother me: At least she’s not telling us what to eat. Maybe she’ll save that for The Body Book II.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

21-Dec-2023 :Cameron Diaz: normalize married couples having separate bedrooms
10-Mar-2022 :Cameron Diaz?s beauty regime: ?I literally do nothing. I like never wash ...
1-Mar-2021 :Cameron Diaz can?t imagine spending 14 hours on a movie set now that she?...
28-Jul-2020 :Cameron Diaz has new ?clean? organic wine that?s supposed to give less he...
24-Apr-2020 :Cameron Diaz & Benji Madden have opposite sleep schedules to care for the...
21-Jan-2020 :Cameron Diaz?s daughter?s full name is Raddix Chloe Wildflower Madden
15-Aug-2019 :Cameron Diaz: ?The mid-1990s are an era that will never exist again?
18-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz believes in ?dressing your age,? won?t wear tube tops
6-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz: ?Marriage, when you can grow with someone, is important?
15-Jan-2016 :Cameron Diaz Debuts Cover of ?The Longevity Book?
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Cameron Diaz news

Cameron Diaz: 'I don't know if anyone is really naturally monogamous'
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Cameron Diaz: 'I don't know if anyone is really naturally monogamous'
Cameron Diaz covers the May issue of InStyle. This cover is the only preview image so far. I’ll probably cover the rest of the shoot later this week if Cami says some weird stuff, which she always does. InStyle’s released a few excerpts, and Cameron’s sticking with the cheating theme of The Other Woman. She’s already told the world how everyone has or will be cheated on and doubled down on the statement. She also thinks that women should ask why they’re in the position of having a man cheat on them. These first two quotes are from InStyle, and the other stuff is from an interview the Mail dug up:

More sweeping statements: “I don’t know if anyone is really naturally monogamous. We all have the same instincts as animals. But we live in a society where it’s been ingrained in us to do these things. A lot of people chase after it because they’ve been told, ‘This equals happiness. They chase it, they get it and then they find out, ‘Why did I think this was going to make me happy? I’m miserable.”‘

Does she regret any relationships? “I’m 41, I’ve been through everything, OK? I’m grateful for all of it — whether it was something quick and passing or something that lingered too long.”

Singletons make married people uncomfortable: “I think some people want other people to make the same choices in life that they have made so that they can feel good about their own choice. I think that some married people have made the choice to get married, but when they see a person who is living a different way, it makes them stop and think, ‘Wait a second — you mean you don?t need to get married after all? You mean that I felt I had to get married, but you don?t feel that you have to?’ And if they weren?t too sure about their choice in the first place, that can make them very uncomfortable.”

She still likes relationships: “I?m totally down for love. And I now know that what is most attractive in a man to me is authenticity. I am attracted to someone who knows who he is. And I think that when a man shows interest in me, then it?s because he sees that I know who I am, too.”

[From InStyle & Daily Mail]

With some of the winners that Cameron has dated (Justin Timberlake, Jared Leto, and A-Rod), her perspective may be skewed. She hasn’t stopped to think about that part of the equation. Celebrities do tend to exist in their own little bubbles and think the same rules apply to everyone else. A lot of people are “naturally monogamous,” but some people like to use “instincts as animals” as an excuse. I had a dude try and tell me once that I should say with him even though he wanted to sleep with other people too. Because nature told him to spread his seed! Women (and men) can choose whether ot put up with these excuses or not. Not everyone is like the guys Cameron has dated.

Photos courtesy of InStyle & WENN

21-Dec-2023 :Cameron Diaz: normalize married couples having separate bedrooms
10-Mar-2022 :Cameron Diaz?s beauty regime: ?I literally do nothing. I like never wash ...
1-Mar-2021 :Cameron Diaz can?t imagine spending 14 hours on a movie set now that she?...
28-Jul-2020 :Cameron Diaz has new ?clean? organic wine that?s supposed to give less he...
24-Apr-2020 :Cameron Diaz & Benji Madden have opposite sleep schedules to care for the...
21-Jan-2020 :Cameron Diaz?s daughter?s full name is Raddix Chloe Wildflower Madden
15-Aug-2019 :Cameron Diaz: ?The mid-1990s are an era that will never exist again?
18-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz believes in ?dressing your age,? won?t wear tube tops
6-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz: ?Marriage, when you can grow with someone, is important?
15-Jan-2016 :Cameron Diaz Debuts Cover of ?The Longevity Book?
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Cameron Diaz: If a man cheats, women should ask 'why am I in this position?'
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Cameron Diaz: If a man cheats, women should ask 'why am I in this position?'
No one can ever say that Cameron Diaz is lazy at promoting her work. I can’t remember the last time a romantic comedy was promoted as heavily as The Other Woman. Maybe that’s because I mostly cover celebrities who do sci-fi or action films. Cami’s last few interviews have clarified her thoughts on down-there hair and universal cheating. She’s also declined the “feminist” label. Cameron’s bringing the focus back to cheating, which is the subject of this movie. Cam talked with Redbook and says women shouldn’t blame other women for their men straying. They should look at themselves instead? Maybe not:

Dealing with cheaters: “The best revenge is to move past [the hurt] as quickly as possible and live your life. To do that, you can either take the high road or the low road. I’m not going to tell a woman to become best friends with the girl her boyfriend is cheating with, but I will say, don’t waste your energy focusing on who this woman is, what you think she has that you don’t, or how you can change the guy. If he’s a cheater, he’s a cheater. Just move on.”

Who is to blame with cheating? “We often hold the woman accountable for a guy’s actions. In reality, we need to ask ourselves, Why am I in this position? Did I learn something along the way and not listen to myself? When will I stop being scared to leave something that I know is not good for me?”

Girlfriends are the best: “What’s really valuable about a good friendship is how much you can want for the other person. Take my girlfriend Drew [Barrymore]. She has this beautiful baby and this wonderful husband and this life she’s really worked hard to build, and I’ve watched her through the whole journey. I’m so happy for her.”

[From Redbook]

I don’t think Cameron meant that women should blame themselves when their men cheat. At least I hope she didn’t mean that. It sounds like she poorly worded her reply. Perhaps she was talking about serial cheating. No one is to blame when their partner cheats the first time, but if they cheat again, don’t be surprised? In other words, I think Cameron is saying to get out of a bad relationship while the getting’s good. Help me out here, people.

Photos courtesy of WENN

21-Dec-2023 :Cameron Diaz: normalize married couples having separate bedrooms
10-Mar-2022 :Cameron Diaz?s beauty regime: ?I literally do nothing. I like never wash ...
1-Mar-2021 :Cameron Diaz can?t imagine spending 14 hours on a movie set now that she?...
28-Jul-2020 :Cameron Diaz has new ?clean? organic wine that?s supposed to give less he...
24-Apr-2020 :Cameron Diaz & Benji Madden have opposite sleep schedules to care for the...
21-Jan-2020 :Cameron Diaz?s daughter?s full name is Raddix Chloe Wildflower Madden
15-Aug-2019 :Cameron Diaz: ?The mid-1990s are an era that will never exist again?
18-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz believes in ?dressing your age,? won?t wear tube tops
6-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz: ?Marriage, when you can grow with someone, is important?
15-Jan-2016 :Cameron Diaz Debuts Cover of ?The Longevity Book?
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Cameron Diaz news

Cameron Diaz on feminism: 'I am not looking to have all the things men have'
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Cameron Diaz on feminism: 'I am not looking to have all the things men have'
These are some slightly dated photos of Cameron Diaz, Kate Upton, and Leslie Mann at the German premere of The Other Woman. I didn’t cover them until now because there was very little interest for either the London or Amsterdam fashion posts. In Munich, Cameron wore a tight little Emilio Pucci mini-dress that was too ornate. Kate went with a red Fendi number that was her best dress of the tour. Leslie looks absolutely amazing in an ivory, cowl-necked, satin dress by the row. With her glamorous waves, she scores my vote for the evening.

Cameron’s been doing most of the talking for this press tour. That’s not surprising. Cami loves to talk. She will talk about her vadge hair and theories of universal cheating until commercial break. Cami did a new interview with the Sydney Morning Herald. Her main topics of discussion were women supporting women and feminism, sort-of. Cameron seems really afraid of the f-word. She dances around her idea of feminism quite a bit:

About The Other Woman: “What women need are more women in their lives. We understand each other. It’s a film about a relationship between three women. [Revenge is] honestly not the focus of the movie. It’s a part of the movie, but the movie itself, I felt when we were making it, is really about these unlikely friendships.”

Does she enjoy revenge? “It’s a waste of energy and time. It’s one of those things that society gets caught up with. It’s instant gratification. We’re addicted to that, but it’s a waste. When you get cheated on, you have to move past it.”

Is she a feminist? “I am not great with labels. I am not a person who likes to put labels on anyone. But in terms of what you can have and what you can’t have, it’s all relative. So, what are we fighting for? What do we want more of? If we are fighting to have what men have, is that really what we want?”

More on labels: “There are certain things we should all have: male, female, straight, gay, whatever ethnicity. Basic civil rights we should all have, absolutely. And we should never stop fighting for that. But representation in film? [That's] not life or death. We can still live those stories, we can still keep building our own understanding of women and our relationships, and can still, in life, be engaged by those things and not see it on the screen for it to proliferate. There are certain things I’d concentrate on, as a human being, rather than a feminist. As a woman, I am not looking to have all the things men have. As human beings, we should all have what we all deserve. I will always fight for that. But whether I feel women are under-represented … I feel there are a lot of ways I can spread that message, and a lot of ways I can be engaged to help people understand that it’s something I think is important.”

On competitive females: “Women are taught that we’re supposed to be pitted against one another. I never grew up that way. I was not drawn to women who were competitive with me. Any time I did, I found myself broken-hearted. [So] I just decided that as soon as I felt that from another woman, I’d go the opposite way. We live in a society where women are self-sufficient, they can take care of themselves, and what they need are more women in their lives. We understand each other, we know each other, we can be compassionate towards one another, the same way guys are ‘bros’ and ‘buddies’ together.”

Staying real despite fame: “It’s all about who you bring into your life. There’s plenty of [false affection] out there. And I could be engaged with that if I wanted to. But I am just not drawn to that, I am drawn to authenticity and real people. I can sniff fakers out real quick and I have always been able to do that. In the past, whether or not they stayed in my life because I allowed them to, or for my own purposes, is one thing or another, but at this point in my life I am not interested in that and it’s not something I have to worry about.”

[From Sydney Morning Herald]

Cameron at least has a better grasp on the definition of feminism than Miley Cyrus (who thinks being able to degrade her dancers fits the definition). Cami’s fear of “labels” is a bit off-putting. What’s so wrong with calling oneself a feminist? Some people really are afraid of the word. I don’t know what she’s getting at by saying she doesn’t want everything that men have (beyond the obvious anatomical differences).

Cameron’s talked a lot on this tour about being a girl’s girl. I suspect much of that is to promote this movie. Cameron does have many female friends though, so she knows what she’s talking about.

Here’s some photos of Cami at LAX yesterday. She looks fresh and relaxed despite the transatlantic flight.

Photos courtesy of WENN

21-Dec-2023 :Cameron Diaz: normalize married couples having separate bedrooms
10-Mar-2022 :Cameron Diaz?s beauty regime: ?I literally do nothing. I like never wash ...
1-Mar-2021 :Cameron Diaz can?t imagine spending 14 hours on a movie set now that she?...
28-Jul-2020 :Cameron Diaz has new ?clean? organic wine that?s supposed to give less he...
24-Apr-2020 :Cameron Diaz & Benji Madden have opposite sleep schedules to care for the...
21-Jan-2020 :Cameron Diaz?s daughter?s full name is Raddix Chloe Wildflower Madden
15-Aug-2019 :Cameron Diaz: ?The mid-1990s are an era that will never exist again?
18-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz believes in ?dressing your age,? won?t wear tube tops
6-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz: ?Marriage, when you can grow with someone, is important?
15-Jan-2016 :Cameron Diaz Debuts Cover of ?The Longevity Book?
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Cameron Diaz news

Cameron Diaz reaffirms her belief in pubic hair: 'It is there for a reason!'
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Cameron Diaz reaffirms her belief in pubic hair: 'It is there for a reason!'
Cameron Diaz is on a publicity warpath (and she knows how to go on a bender) to promote The Other Woman. She stopped by “Wetten Dass” in Berlin while wearing an Elie Saab wrap dress with a pretty floral pattern. Cami looked good, but this story is about her Friday visit to the “Graham Norton Show” in London. That show is always fun because all the celebrities talk together as an ensemble.

Russell Brand, Kylie Minogue, and Richard Ayoade were all on hand. All three of them got an earful of Cami’s opinions on cheating and down-there hair. Cameron previously wrote in The Body Book that she sports a “fully dressed” vadge and encouraged others to do the same: “Twenty years from now, you will still want to be presenting it to someone special, and it would be nice to let him or her unwrap it like the gift that it is.” Graham asked her to clarify, and she obliged. Cameron also further elaborated on her sweeping statements about cheating. Cam still believes that everyone either has or will be cheated on by a partner:

Will she stand by the cheating comments? “Yeah … uh, YEAH. I’m not saying that cheaters are like the cheater in this movie. I’m not saying that it’s like a pathological situation. I’m just saying that there’s a moment in everybody’s time where they find that somebody has betrayed them at some level. Betrayal. Is that more comfortable for people? I see people when they say that. All of a sudden they get really nervous. They go through all of their boyfriends and girlfriends, and they’re like ‘OMG, did I?’ All of a sudden they’re questioning. It becomes like this complete existential, like, conundrum. They’re like, ‘Did I? Did I? Did I?’ I’m like, ‘Just relax. It’s okay if you did.’ Everybody gets cheated on.”

On down-there hair: “I would like to clear up what I said. I don’t care what women do with it, but we should be informed about how their bodies work. And I brought up the conversation about how young women, as a sort of trend, are lasering off all of it at once. Forevermore. And I just want to say to women who think at this moment for whatever reason — whether they’ve seen it and think that it’s sexy or that their man thinks that it’s sexy or whatever, they’re tired of dealing with “it” … I believe that if you’re doing something forever, you might change your mind. And the man who thinks it’s sexy now, you might change your mind about him too. And I just feel like you should consider what forever means. Because once it’s gone, you can’t get it back. That’s what forever means. That’s from my heart to yours. It is there for a reason and to laser it off is to lose it forever!”

[From The Graham Norton Show]

There’s actually a part in the conversation when Cameron bends over and starts talking to her crotch, “Why are you there?” She’s so candid and uncensored. I think poor Kylie and Richard were scarred by the conversation. Russell had a grand time and enjoyed the vadge talking. Cameron is correct about the hair being there for a reason, right? I can’t think about it as much as she has.

I do respect Cameron for not backing down on her statements, but the cheating thing? Not 100% of people cheat on their partners. Tons of people do, and the internet makes it so easy to make a “connection” behind an unsuspecting love interest’s back. Maybe most people have been cheated on, but not every single person in the world. I think Cami just dated a lot of dudes who have plenty of options and no self-control.

Photos courtesy of WENN

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21-Dec-2023 :Cameron Diaz: normalize married couples having separate bedrooms
10-Mar-2022 :Cameron Diaz?s beauty regime: ?I literally do nothing. I like never wash ...
1-Mar-2021 :Cameron Diaz can?t imagine spending 14 hours on a movie set now that she?...
28-Jul-2020 :Cameron Diaz has new ?clean? organic wine that?s supposed to give less he...
24-Apr-2020 :Cameron Diaz & Benji Madden have opposite sleep schedules to care for the...
21-Jan-2020 :Cameron Diaz?s daughter?s full name is Raddix Chloe Wildflower Madden
15-Aug-2019 :Cameron Diaz: ?The mid-1990s are an era that will never exist again?
18-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz believes in ?dressing your age,? won?t wear tube tops
6-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz: ?Marriage, when you can grow with someone, is important?
15-Jan-2016 :Cameron Diaz Debuts Cover of ?The Longevity Book?
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Cameron Diaz Delights on "Wetten, dass..?"
Added 10 years agoSource: Celebrity Gossip
Cameron Diaz Delights on
Boosting international box office numbers for her upcoming film, Cameron Diaz appeared on the German television show "Wetten, dass..?" on Saturday (April 5).

The "Other Woman" star stunned in a gorgeous long-sleeved floral wrap dress with nude heels as she charmed the Baden-Arena audience.

In the popular show, regular folks try to do a strange and difficult task while a celebrity contestant bets on the outcome.

Co-starring Leslie Mann, Kate Upton, and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, "The Other Woman" hits theaters on April 25th.

More Photos Here

21-Dec-2023 :Cameron Diaz: normalize married couples having separate bedrooms
10-Mar-2022 :Cameron Diaz?s beauty regime: ?I literally do nothing. I like never wash ...
1-Mar-2021 :Cameron Diaz can?t imagine spending 14 hours on a movie set now that she?...
28-Jul-2020 :Cameron Diaz has new ?clean? organic wine that?s supposed to give less he...
24-Apr-2020 :Cameron Diaz & Benji Madden have opposite sleep schedules to care for the...
21-Jan-2020 :Cameron Diaz?s daughter?s full name is Raddix Chloe Wildflower Madden
15-Aug-2019 :Cameron Diaz: ?The mid-1990s are an era that will never exist again?
18-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz believes in ?dressing your age,? won?t wear tube tops
6-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz: ?Marriage, when you can grow with someone, is important?
15-Jan-2016 :Cameron Diaz Debuts Cover of ?The Longevity Book?
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Cameron Diaz news

Cameron Diaz Smokin Hot at The Other Woman Premiere in London
Added 10 years agoSource: Dickism
Cameron Diaz Smokin Hot at The Other Woman Premiere in London
Here is Cameron Diaz wowing at The Other Woman UK Gala Premiere held at the Curzon Mayfair in London.

She turned heads dressed in a skintight leather dress? revealing her impressive figure that she works so hard for. Cameron is wearing a The Row dress, Manolo Blahnik shoes, Cartier and Michiko ring, and Ana Khouri earrings.

More Photos Here

21-Dec-2023 :Cameron Diaz: normalize married couples having separate bedrooms
10-Mar-2022 :Cameron Diaz?s beauty regime: ?I literally do nothing. I like never wash ...
1-Mar-2021 :Cameron Diaz can?t imagine spending 14 hours on a movie set now that she?...
28-Jul-2020 :Cameron Diaz has new ?clean? organic wine that?s supposed to give less he...
24-Apr-2020 :Cameron Diaz & Benji Madden have opposite sleep schedules to care for the...
21-Jan-2020 :Cameron Diaz?s daughter?s full name is Raddix Chloe Wildflower Madden
15-Aug-2019 :Cameron Diaz: ?The mid-1990s are an era that will never exist again?
18-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz believes in ?dressing your age,? won?t wear tube tops
6-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz: ?Marriage, when you can grow with someone, is important?
15-Jan-2016 :Cameron Diaz Debuts Cover of ?The Longevity Book?
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Cameron Diaz Is See-Through in Her Trailer
Added 10 years agoSource: The Blemish
Cameron Diaz Is See-Through in Her Trailer
From the people who brought youThe Back-Up Plan,Bad Teacher andWalk Hard comes Sex Tape starringCameron Diaz/Jason Segel. So we’re just not going to give up on this Cameron Diaz being a comedian thing, are we. Oh look, an attractive woman swears. So funny, you guys!

First of all, no one gives out iPads as gifts at a party. Second of all, who takes each iPad out of the box and preloads them with their account info? You’d have to think that at that point theywant people to see their sex tape. Third of all, who films a sex tape with an iPad? That’s on the same level as those people who take pictures with an iPad at an event.

The post Cameron Diaz Is See-Through in Her Trailer appeared first on The Blemish.

21-Dec-2023 :Cameron Diaz: normalize married couples having separate bedrooms
10-Mar-2022 :Cameron Diaz?s beauty regime: ?I literally do nothing. I like never wash ...
1-Mar-2021 :Cameron Diaz can?t imagine spending 14 hours on a movie set now that she?...
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21-Jan-2020 :Cameron Diaz?s daughter?s full name is Raddix Chloe Wildflower Madden
15-Aug-2019 :Cameron Diaz: ?The mid-1990s are an era that will never exist again?
18-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz believes in ?dressing your age,? won?t wear tube tops
6-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz: ?Marriage, when you can grow with someone, is important?
15-Jan-2016 :Cameron Diaz Debuts Cover of ?The Longevity Book?
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Cameron Diaz: 'All women have been sexually attracted to another woman'
Added 10 years agoSource: CeleBitchy
Cameron Diaz: 'All women have been sexually attracted to another woman'
Cameron Diaz covers the May issue of Glamour UK to promote The Other Woman. The movie is all about sisterhood and rallying against lying, cheating men. Cameron has made some huge statements about women over the past few months. She’s tired of society’s chauvinism and misogyny towards single women. Cameron’s a living example of her perspective. She’s not out chasing a ring. The men have chased her, but whenever she’s gone through a breakup, the media has covered it in terms of what she did wrong. As in, “Poor Cami can’t keep a man…” That’s so wrong.

I don’t agree with everything Cameron says about gender and romantic stereotypes. She said everyone will be cheated on at some point during their relationships. Sweeping statements will create trouble, but I do agree that most people will either cheat or be cheated on. That’s realistic without being all-inclusive. Now Cameron is saying that all women have been sexually attracted to other females. Here we go again:

She’s a girl’s girl: “I love women – and I don’t believe in female jealousy. I don’t feel like it’s a good feeling to have. My parents always told me that whatever someone else had – in all areas – it wasn’t mine to be entitled to. That all I can do is the best that I can do – and that what’s most important is whether I can do better at what I’m doing.”

The overreaching statement about women: “I think women are beautiful – absolutely beautiful. And I think that all women have been sexually attracted to another woman at some point. It’s natural to have a connectivity and an appreciation for the beauty of other women.”

On aging in Hollywood: “Now that I’m getting older, people have stopped asking me about proving myself and started asking me whether I’m worried that I won’t get any interesting roles any more – when, actually, older roles are the best roles for a woman. The ingenues are not getting the interesting roles now – they weren’t really ever. They were just being objectified.”

Is she vain? “I have very little vanity – but at the same time I’m incredibly vain. If I see a bad picture of myself in a magazine, I don’t give a shit. I’m, like, whatever. But it’s a funny thing being out in the world in the way that I am. You really have to keep yourself in check because it’s easy to lose your head.”

What she doesn’t like in a man: “Being rude, period. I don’t have any patience with that. Oh, and too much cologne. That’s something I can’t do. Hygiene’s not a bad thing, either, so that’s quite high on the list. But basically I love a sense of humour because that’s what tells you how smart a man is. I love British humour and British men.”

[From Glamour UK]

Have all women really been attracted to another woman? Maybe. I assume Cameron is talking about straight women, and she’s probably right about a lot of females. I would go there for Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson, but that’s not an unusual statement. More than considering them as women, I think they just ooze sensuality. Scarlett probably wouldn’t like to hear that since she’s such a serious actress now. Oh well.

One thing is certain: Cameron is very loyal to her female friends, and I can make that absolute statement. She’s even incredbly loyal to Goop, which I’d never be able to manage. Then again, Goop would never be friends with me.

Photos courtesy of Glamour UK

21-Dec-2023 :Cameron Diaz: normalize married couples having separate bedrooms
10-Mar-2022 :Cameron Diaz?s beauty regime: ?I literally do nothing. I like never wash ...
1-Mar-2021 :Cameron Diaz can?t imagine spending 14 hours on a movie set now that she?...
28-Jul-2020 :Cameron Diaz has new ?clean? organic wine that?s supposed to give less he...
24-Apr-2020 :Cameron Diaz & Benji Madden have opposite sleep schedules to care for the...
21-Jan-2020 :Cameron Diaz?s daughter?s full name is Raddix Chloe Wildflower Madden
15-Aug-2019 :Cameron Diaz: ?The mid-1990s are an era that will never exist again?
18-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz believes in ?dressing your age,? won?t wear tube tops
6-May-2016 :Cameron Diaz: ?Marriage, when you can grow with someone, is important?
15-Jan-2016 :Cameron Diaz Debuts Cover of ?The Longevity Book?
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