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| Cameron Diaz is banging everybody | Added 15 years ago | Source: The Blemish |
 The Sun reports that Cameron Diaz is caught in a “love triangle” with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jude Law. Mind you, they aren’t saying the love triangle is in her head either. This is apparently happening. Willingly.
“Leo is back on the pull after he split from his long term girlfriend BAR RAFAELI.
“Cameron has been showing a lot of interest while he is in London filming. She was back at his rented apartment in Knightsbridge, west London, a couple of times last week after a series of secret dates. They were joking with friends that they played chess together.
“Jude and Cameron have been good friends since they filmed The Holiday together a few years ago. Now they are both single, things are a bit different between them. Jude has been flirting with her and she has been playing along.”
That’s gross. Especially for Leonardo DiCaprio. He was with Bar Refaeli and now he’s trying to get into that fugly mess? You wouldn’t even be able to graph the rise and fall in the quality of DiCaprio’s girlfriends unless they invented something below the negative y-axis. This is about as believable as Victoria Beckham buying knock-off purses. If I was Leo, I’d beat up whoever started that rumor. Even if it is true because Cameron is more the girl you ask to meet in the back entrance where no one can see. And when she asks why, you tell her she’s a hidden gem that you don’t want anyone else to find.
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| Will Cameron Diaz Drew Barrymore ever be best buddies again? | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Cameron and Drew at Coachella in 2007. Credit: PRPhotos
Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz met for the first time when Drew was casting Charlie?s Angels, more than a decade ago. Almost instantly, Drew and Cameron became friends, vacationing together, hanging out endlessly, and in general, just being each other?s total BFF. But something happened last year. Drew broke off her relationship with Justin Long while Cameron was getting hot and heavy with British model Paul Sculfor. Second, Drew started working on Grey Gardens, which she has since admitted threw her for a loop emotionally. Drew told W Magazine that she cut a lot of people out of her life while she was making that film, and that it took her months to shake the character of Little Edie. One of those people who allegedly got cut out was Cameron.
Since then, the old Drew has returned. She seemed like her old self when she described herself as a ?good time gal? to David Letterman a few months ago. She got back together with Justin Long. But still, there have been persistent rumors that Drew and Cameron have failed to bury whatever hatchet ripped them apart. Until now!
Drew Barrymore recently rekindled her longtime friendship with Cameron Diaz, and it?s all thanks to her boyfriend, Justin Long.
Last summer, during ?Drew?s dark period,? as one friend describes it, after she broke up with Justin, she also distanced herself from Cameron.
?She was going through some personal issues, and her friendships and relationships just weren?t her priority,? the friend says.
But Drew?s back to her old happy self again, so Justin, 31, suggested she extend an olive branch to Cameron.
?They?re friends again, not BFFs yet, but friends,? the friend adds. ?It will take a while for things to get back to where they were, but it will happen.?
[From In Touch, print edition, July 27 2009]
I like Drew and Cameron as besties. They make sense together. To me, they both seem like ditzy, klutzy, giggly girly-girls. But I guess both of them are growing up, maturing, and maybe neither wants to have the same kind of friendship they used to have. I?m not sure if I buy that Justin Long is the one who convinced Drew to reconnect, but if he did, he?s a great guy. I hope they realize that they can go back to being best friends without being stuck each other?s backsides, you know? They don?t have to do everything together, but they can still be very close. Team Dremeron.
Cameron Diaz is shown outside The Daily Show on 6/25/09. Drew Barrymore is shown on the NY set of her film Going The Distance on 7/14/09. She is also shown filming with Justin Long, who co-stars, on 7/13/09. Credit: Fame Pictures
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| Cameron Diaz Credits Parents for Success | Added 15 years ago | Source: Celebrity Gossip |
 She’s one of the most successful ladies in Hollywood, and Cameron Diaz says it’s all thanks to her parents love for each other.
The “My Sister’s Keeper” actress lost her father last year when he died suddenly from pneumonia, but remembers the bond between her mother and father, telling, “It is the most beautiful and inspiring thing that I have ever witnessed — the eternal love that my mom and dad shared.”
Diaz continued, “It was what has given me the strength and courage to live this extraordinary life and it is what powers the light that burns inside of me.”
The 36-year-old’s latest success, “My Sister’s Keeper,” hit theatres in June.
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| Cameron Diaz channels old-school Madonna for V Magazine | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 I?m not sure what in the world is going on over at V Magazine. Their cover shot is of Cameron Diaz channeling ?Papa Don?t Preach?/?True Blue? era Madonna. And now I have that song stuck in my head. ?I?m gonna keep my baby? oh?? Anyway, a source close to the photo shoot (who I guess didn?t want their name mentioned with this strange cover) says that this shows how Cameron ?toughens up?. Uh? sure. Because Cameron’s image was so soft before? And I really hope that hair is a wig.
Cameron Diaz has gone from golden-girl Hollywood actress to teasing tough-girl in one sexy cover shoot which seems to completely overhaul her image.
With cone bra, thigh-high black leather Prada boots and tiny shorts, she looks like bad-girl Madonna from her controversial 1990 Blonde Ambition Tour.
And her hairstyle - in an Agyness Deyn-style peroxide crop - is the spitting image of Madonna’s in the 1986 True Blue cover shot.
If there was any doubt of the look Diaz is going for, the cover’s strapline ‘Get into the groove’ gives the game away - a chorus line from one of Madge’s most famous songs from that tour, ‘Into the groove’.
The 36-year-old actress was photographed by duo Mert Alas & Marcus Piggott in London for the cover of the V Magazine Beauty Issue 2009, set to hit stands on July 7. The bra was fashioned by the stylist and made from gaffer tape.
To complete the image she has even had a tattoo of a naked woman in a rose painted onto her arm by an on-set artist.
Cameron Diaz is certainly making a statement by following in Madonna’s rather lewd groove.
[From The Daily Mail]
My favorite part is this line: ?The bra was fashioned by the stylist and made from gaffer tape.? The magazine wouldn?t even buy or rent a true old-school Gautier cone bra. They made it from tape! Hilarious. And if Cameron pretending to be Madonna wasn?t rough enough, this month?s V Magazine also has a NSFW topless photo of Lady Gaga. I could have gone my whole life without knowing what Lady Gaga?s nipple looks like, but there you go. She?s wearing a ?a space orbit hat? and nothing else. Enjoy.
Here?s Cameron leaving a taping of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart in New York City on June 25th. Images thanks to Fame Pictures .
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 Here’s Cameron Diaz in V Magazine doing her best Madonna imitation with the boner busting pointed bra looking a little too frightening for my taste. I get that it’s supposed to be provocative and all that bullshit but she looks like an evil albino from the future here to destroy mankind. Where did
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| Doctor wants to give Cameron Diaz a 'Bad Skin Lifetime Achievement' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 One of my most well-documented peeves is any kind of doctor who will give named quotes ?diagnosing? a celebrity that the doctor has never met. I?ve said it before - I find the whole thing unethical and simply cheap. So I take this latest report with a certain amount of angst - and yet I find myself agreeing, at least partially, with the doctor who is giving Cameron Diaz an armchair-diagnosis.
Is it any secret that Cameron has had a prolonged battle with her skin? It?s not just the normal young-starlet excess-sunbathing sun damage, Cameron?s skin often looks totally wrecked. Adult acne, psoriasis, all of the bad stuff seems to effect Cameron. Well, there?s this random doctor (Dr. Reese) who has given a bunch of quotes about Cameron and her skin issues - Dr. Reese even gives out ?awards? to ?celebrities with bad pocks, pimples, zits and scars.? Dr. Reese has some unsolicited medical advice for Cameron - and if she doesn?t follow it, Dr. Reese will ?award? her the dishonor of a Bad Skin Lifetime Achievement.
Cameron Diaz is battling another skin condition - a top doctor has spotted a nasty case of psoriasis just below her right elbow. The itch is known as ‘heartbreak’ by dermatologists, because it doesn’t clear easily and can come back.
Diaz dared to bare her arms as she unveiled her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Monday and eagle-eyed bystanders could clearly see the actress isn’t all perfect.
In fact, celebrity skin expert Dr. Vail Reese has been scrutinising Cameron’s scabs and pimples for years and he insists the ringworm on her arm is just the latest in a long line of pigment problems for the actress.
He says, “After battling acne for years, yet another skin condition to deal with! She has also suffered with facial pigmentation issues and sun overexposure.”
But all is not lost - Dr. Reese, who serves up his Skinnies dishonours annually to celebrities with bad pocks, pimples, zits and scars, insists Cameron’s latest itch is easily treated. He adds, “Though she is not my patient, it looks she has a form of psoriasis, that’s showing some clearance in the center portion.?
Psoriasis is a pesky form of non contagious inflammation.
“Treatment for small areas involves prescription topical cortisone creams and vitamin D creams. Extensive psoriasis can be treated with injectable anti-inflammatory medicines called biologics. Since they suppress the immune system and can increase the risk of infections, those tend to be reserved for wider areas.”
But, if Diaz doesn’t get her latest skin issue cleared up quickly, she could land the ultimate dishonour on Dr. Reese’s Skinnies list: “With her history of acne and everything else and now this, this may be her year for a Lifetime Achievement award!”
[From Contact Music]
I remember an interview several years ago where Cameron said that she broke out the more stressed she was - I was like that in college, but thankfully, my skin got so much better in my twenties. However, I still battle mild psoriasis to this day. Even right now, I have a weird, itchy, dry, screwed-up patch of skin on my hip that just appeared a week ago. When I broke out in a really bad way several years ago, a doctor prescribed a course of oral anti-inflammatories that did nothing. I?ve always found that a rigorous course of Aloe-based products plus daily cortisone does wonders, but Dr. Reese?s injection suggestion intrigues me. Since I think Cameron is worse off than me, I?m thinking that she should listen to Dr. Reese?s armchair diagnosis - not that she should actually go to him. God, no. He sounds like a douche. But she should look into some of this stuff with a really good dermatologist. And she should stop spending so much time in the sun. Just my diagnosis, Cameron!
Cameron Diaz is shown last night at the NY premiere of My Sister’s Keeper. She is also shown earlier in the day outside MTV studios. Credit: RAM/Fame Pictures.
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| Cameron Diaz Gets Her Walk of Fame Star | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 Cameron Diaz is the latest celebrity to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.The actress - who’s in My Sister’s Keeper - celebrated her new-found status with former co-stars Lucy Liu, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes at the ceremony in front of the Egyptian Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard.She thanked her co-stars, directors and fans in her speech, saying: “I want to thank everyone who has supported me over the last 15 years.”She continued: “It has been such a privilege to make films for you, to share in the laughter and in tears - it’s because of all of you that I can say I have the best job in the world.”Cameron, who dedicated the star to her parents’ “eternal” love, added: “The camaraderie, the collaboration, the relationships are what I do this for. I’ve always been aware that I’m a person blessed with good fortune, mostly with the people in my life.”When people talk about a big star, what they may not realise is that no star stands alone. It is only one of many that exists in a universe. I come from a bright, beautiful universe of blaring stars.”The mayor later deemed June 22 as “Cameron Diaz Day” in Hollywood.
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| And Now For Your Daily Dose of Hypocrisy? | Added 15 years ago | Source: Yeeeah |
 Cameron Diaz is a rictus-faced jackhole with a long history of making asinine proclamations, but this is pretty ridiculous, even for her. In an interview with Cosmo, Diaz first says that people shouldn’t have kids anymore because there are already too many people on the planet, and THEN she says that she could end up being the next Octomom. From the Daily Mail:
Diaz told Cosmopolitan magazine: ‘I think women are afraid to say that they don’t want children because they’re going to get shunned.
‘But I think that’s changing too now. I have more girlfriends who don’t have kids than those that do.
‘And honestly? We don’t need any more kids. We have plenty of people on this planet.’
On whether she wants children of her own, Diaz said: ‘I never say never. I don’t know what’s going to happen.
‘I could end up adopting half a dozen kids, or I could end up being the next “octomum”.’
What a loudmouthed, entitled toolshed she is. I don’t even like children, but I’d sure as hell never demand that other people stop having them and then, moments later, say I want to keep my own options open just in case I ever change my mind. Honestly, at this point, probably the single best thing that Cameron Diaz could do for her public image would be to superglue her mouth shut.
At a screening of “Home” at the Stella McCartney store in West Hollywood:
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| Cameron Diaz: 'We don't need any more kids. We have plenty?' | Added 15 years ago | Source: CeleBitchy |
 Cameron Diaz is speaking out about motherhood, and whether she ever wants kids. This comes from a new Cosmopolitan interview (excerpts via The Daily Mail). Cameron seems relatively ambivalent about motherhood at this stage in her life - she says she doesn?t know ?what?s going to happen? I could end up adopting half a dozen kids, or I could end up being the next Octomom.? She also speaks out on the shifting societal standards set for women - whether women still feel like they can?t admit publicly that they have no interest in being a mother. Then Cameron says, ?We don’t need any more kids. We have plenty of people on this planet.? Yikes. I?m sure there will be people who violently agree or disagree with her, but if Cameron really feels that the planet is overpopulated, why is she leaving her options open to have biological children?
Hollywood star Cameron Diaz has spoken out in defense of women who don’t want children. The 36-year-old Hollywood actress said there were already enough people living on the planet.
But she also said she was not ruling out having children herself.
Diaz told Cosmopolitan magazine: ‘I think women are afraid to say that they don’t want children because they’re going to get shunned. But I think that’s changing too now. I have more girlfriends who don’t have kids than those that do. And honestly? We don’t need any more kids. We have plenty of people on this planet.’
On whether she wants children of her own, Diaz said: ‘I never say never. I don’t know what’s going to happen.?
‘I could end up adopting half a dozen kids, or I could end up being the next “octomum”.’
Speaking about potential boyfriends, she added: ‘What’s changed from 10 years ago is that now I want a man who knows who he is. Someone who understands himself, has already dealt with his issues and who can say: “I see where I’ve been foolish before and I’m not going to be like that again”.’
The full interview appears in the July issue of Cosmopolitan magazine, on sale tomorrow.
[From The Daily Mail]
I find myself slightly identifying with Cameron - at this stage in my life, I?m pretty ambivalent about motherhood too. But I know for sure that I don?t ever want to be another Octomom, and I don?t want to adopt a dozen kids. I think Cameron?s correct when she points out that many prominent women feel that they can?t admit that they don?t want to be mothers, or that taking time off from their career isn?t in the cards, et cetera. It doesn?t really matter to me, but it sure upsets a lot of people.
Here?s Cameron at the eco garden picnic and screening of ‘Home’ held at the Stella McCartney boutique in Los Angeles last Friday. Images thanks to WENN.com .
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| Cameron Diaz Hot Sideboob Action For Marie Claire Magazine | Added 15 years ago | Source: Feed Me Gossip |
 American beauty Cameron Diaz, 36, is looking young and fab on the cover of US Marie Claire July 2009, on stands June 9th.Blonde actress poses in jeans and danim jaket, on her neck you can see one of the popular jewelry trends - a lot of silver chains, small pendants, one of them is the Egg Tassle Necklace.
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